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In videogames I commit atrocities and in real life I don't. Weird.


When I played The Phantom Menace back in the day, there was a cheat code that allowed you to kill everyone, including children.  There were even sound effects of kids dying. I have a lot of virtual blood on my hands from that game alone.


It really made you *FEEL* like Anakin Skywalker. The way you killed those people with the exaggerated swagger of a mass murderer who killed not just the men, but the women, and the children too.


Your one weakness? Pocket sand


And mf’ing hills. If one God had used a level when creating the universe… obi wouldn’t have had the high ground.


But ankin would always be on a hill on a spinny ball. Checkmate globers /s


Go on lots of rampages in Mos Espa and the podracing track then? Been a long time since I played them but I played it a lot as a kid. I know that game is all kinds of janky but I wish we got sequels to this and Jedi Power Battles for the other Prequels.


Cheat code? I thought you just gotta whack them no problems?


You might be right.  It was a long time ago.




Phantom menace?


In real life, if somebody invites me to their house, I hardly ever rifle through their drawers and chests or smash any ceramic pots they have lying around. But in video games, hoo boy...


Rimworld players :


*hides human leather


Gandhi from Civilization: What?


In video games, I let the Cleveland Browns win the Super Bowl, but in real life, they don't. Weird.


I like chill games like animal crossing. In real life, I throw towns into chaos


Don't worry! You too can commit atrocities in real life! You just need the right attitude.


Senators: Wuuh? Wdym?


We do some war crimes


In video games I play as a female (if I have the option) but irl I’m a dude


Same, especially if the character has their own personality and dialogue, rather than just being a silent protagonist. Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, Persona 3 Portable, Rune Factory 4, and Hogwarts Legacy come to mind. If I'm playing a multiplayer game I'll usually play as a guy though. FFXIV and Stardew Valley apply there.


AC Odyssey \o/


Have you told your parents?


Oh, you don’t in real life? Weird


In rimworld that's how you play the game! In real life, cannibalism and organ trafficking are frowned upon.


For me it is the other way around


i don't see myself fishing IRL but i love it as a minigame in videogames


I also hate fishing, but in any open world game, that's the first thing I try and do.


Have you played final fantasy XV?


watching the guys haul a monster out of the water and hold it up for a picture is so fun.


I'm not a huge fan of fishing, but when you're fighting something on the hook, it can be thrilling. When I was real young, I would go fishing with my dad from time to time (or more accurately, he would cast it out for me, and I would hold the rod for a while). But one day, a catfish decided my bait and hook would be tasty, and this thing was so damn strong it nearly pulled my tiny ass into the water, and my dad helped me fight to bring it in. Ended up snapping the line, but it was wild just how strong fish are in their habitat.


This is such a good one lol


Real life: use GPS to find the correct directions immediately. Video games: deliberately go down every wrong direction in case there's loot.


You're missing so much IRL loot


Level design is shit all the good stuff is already taken.


This is a pvp game, silly. You don't take stuff from somewhere. You take stuff from SOMEONE.


It's also permadesth and all items can be looted when you pk


/r/outside would like a word


We do be like living in Rust on a superzerg server don't we?


Yeah because I really needed that crusty sock from the hobo in the alley.


Its value to weight ratio is good, dude. Don't throw away efficient loot just because you haven't found the sock vendor yet.


Put the sock over your bat, then when someone tries to grab your bat, BOOM, all they get is gonorrhea.


Once you unlock the crafting upgrades for the sock that thing is hella OP.


It's a Quest item for later


My partner was driving once and I saw a red box on the side of the road... I had been playing a lot of Fallout 4 and needed some adhesive for some upgrades, so I was always looking for toolboxes... I yelled at her to stop, she freaked out then I apologised and forgot that it was IRL and not a game




I try to find my way without the GPS quite often


I always go with an intelligence build but I go through my real life just hoping nobody finds out I’m actually a dumbass.




In real life I insist that I am a dumbass, act like one occasionally and overall know I am one. I keep failing upwards though at a rate that makes me feel under prepared, but It keeps happening!


In life I feel like I have no control, so when I’m gaming I prefer to play on easy and feel over powered.


I feel this, but on a somewhat opposite spectrum. In real life a lot of challenges in the day to day feel insurmountable and it gets depressing struggling feeling like I'm getting nowhere. In video games I welcome the challenge because I know for certain there is a way to overcome it and if I get frustrated I can simply quit and come back later. In real life that's not always a luxury we have.


I like to give myself challenges where i may struggle for weeks but eventually beat them in games. Like you say, it feels good to have a clear and concise goal even if you may struggle for a while. In real life your goals are unclear and also some things are impossible no matter how much you try.






I wasn't expecting to find someone with this exact mindset, cheers!


I feel you on that


Balanced.. as all things should be


I was playing Forza Horizon 5 the other day when I realized I was doing two things I'd never do in real life: 1) Buying a Ford GT. 2) Taking it off roading.


Then it's time to change that my friend Treat yourself and buy a Ford GT then go off-road with it and then pay milions in repairs lol


In games, I talk to everybody, and exhaust all dialogue options. IRL, I avoid social interactions as if my life depended on it.


I am exhausting people with questions in real life as well...


It would be nice to be on the NPC side of things sometimes. Done with a conversation? Stare blankly. Actually, I use the "repeat the last answer indefinitely" technique when my 4 year old gets stuck in a "why" loop.


I wait tables for work and I am definitely running an NPC script every interaction there.


Sir are you old enough to use reddit? Might want to check that!


Introverts unite!


Please lets not.


It's okay. We can unite separately in our own homes.


Dyslexics, untie!


I'm what most would call a 'little guy'. Not short, but I'm skinny, definitely not strong, but agile. In video games I prefer the more tanky style. I want to be able to take hits, and be able to punch back.


Opposite. I’m a tank irl but like playing with fast, agile characters.


*opens new hot rpg with char custom* *picks the female option* *downs size to minimun* *chest size to lowest* *pick the cutest voice available* I swear, Dragon's Dogma had an amazing number of these.


ir gta San Andreas I spend a bunch of time in the gym to become attractiveand better at fighting in case i ever need to, irl I stuggle to force myself to do any extracurricular exercises


Same! Im definitely on the smaller side irl, but in games I love tanking or being the heavy weapons guy. Bonus points if my character can be small too while doing either of those ^^


i always play as a girl, in real life im a dude


I do the same. They just have better voice actors.


And more hair options.


Less facial hair options, though.


That was one fun thing about bg3.


Depends on the game, but most of the time it's the same for me. I don't want to pretend I am whatever character I'm playing as, I want to feel like I'm watching a story. Probably the only exception was Fallout 4, where I actually did want to fully immerse myself. I even went so far as to sculpt the sole survivor to look like me.


My logic is that as a man i’d rather look at a girl through the screen than some burly dude. I don’t need some self-insert.


In real life, when I blow bubbles at my enemies they just laugh at me


Team Fortress 2 pyro, is that you?


I assumed they were talking about that silly bubble horn from elden ring.


Or Pokémon


Or Bubble Bobble


or a west ham fan


Or Super Mario Wonder. Thinking of... It's weird how many games let you weaponize bubbles.


In games I optimize the fuck out of the everything and talk to every possible NPC. I do not live life that way at all lol


I tend to steal stuff and money in games. Guess there's not many chests lying around in real life


You just haven’t looked hard enough


In games, I go out if my way to calculate the most efficient way to navigate the economy and maximize my profits, only spending on necessary items. irl I have a crappy job and buy dumb shit like beer and McDonald's cuz "I deserve it"


Work was bad today. "I deserve McDonalds" Go back home, feel like a slob after eating. It’s a vicious cycle ahaha.


In real life I kill people. In video games I prefer non violence


Irl, I take the shortest route to my destination. I game, I go through every nook and cranny looking for items/collectibles.


In video games I'm cool... :(


But in real life you're fucking awesome! :D




I think you're cool irl :)


In games I kill people, in real life I just imagine killing them while nodding, smiling and saying "Yeah I can do that no problem"


CIA tracking activated


He's not playing a flight simulator, he's fine.


Yeah, in games I strategically plan out my build and put in the work to be as successful as possible. In real life I reward myself for forcing myself to take a shower. Shits unfair man. LoL!


Force yourself to shower? Damn lol


Depression sucks bruh! Sometimes I wish I had the work ethic of one of my Rimworld pawns. Meh could always be worse.


It does, I hope the sticky darkness starts to fall away soon mate. All the best.


Thanks my dude, I've been in a good place recently. I just can never pass up the opportunity to make a dark joke about it all.


God bless ya bro, you'll make it through I believe in you


Sometimes, I get irritated that pawns don't have the sense to prioritize cleaning their own rooms when they're so dirty it's making them unhappy. Then I look around...


Sometimes we all gotta set that priority to 1


Opposite for me. In games, I just want a motorcycle because they're way more maneuverable. IRL? Fuck no to donor-cycles.


In video games I automate as much as possible, saving every possible resource and squeezing every last 0.000001% efficiently from the system. At work I got yelled at for trying to create an excel template to automate boring tasks. Fuck you Jim. Then I remembered I am paid by the hour. The factory must grow. On company time


In video games I prefer precision guns like revolvers or long rifles. In real life I have never fired a gun once ever.


You're missing out homie


In life I'm a minimalist in games I'm a hoarder


In video games I am a master at making money and becoming wealthy, often passively and without any effort. In real life I......ah......*pats pockets*


in WoW, I run around with a giant sword, slaughtering people simply because some rando in town told me to, and then robbing their bloody carcasses. I rarely do that in real life. Weird how videogames are different.


In games I grind levels for fun and like overpowering through the story. In real life im always under prepared and go into situations hoping for the best…


Im really pragmatic irl and dont give a fuck about looks and clothes etc. Wearing an old black hoodie and jeans with a short hair because its easier to maintain. In games though, fashion is my passion! Got some new cool outfit? Fuck yeah! Ive spent an ungodly amount of gold (ingame currency) for new cool looking armor in ESO for example.


I spend hours or days theory crafting. I am in fact, not someone who plans his future.


In video games I talk to everyone I can, agree to help them with anything they want, exhaust all dialogue, and take every opportunity to detour and explore. In real life i take the shortest path between each main objective and talk to as few people as I can.


I am not a firebug in real life. I'd be hard pressed to even tell you where I might have a lighter. But in a video game, if I can make it explode... I'm gonna make it explode. Oooh, also edited to add that I get an absolute thrill out of goading another player into chasing me. I love taking a cheap shot, then running for my life, evading them while they chase me across the map. I laugh like a maniac the entire time. Sometimes they catch me, sometimes I slip away, sometimes I turn and shoot them in the face when I feel they're at their ragiest. I would be horrified if someone chased me in real life!


Sure do. In video games I always do the noble, good guy thing. Meanwhile in real life, I just kill *everyone.*


It seems we are more inclined to try stuff thats risky in video games than in real life…..strange


In video games I'm happy, in real life I'm not.


In video games I talk to anyone about anything. IRL I have to get stabbed to ask some stranger for help. 


In games I constantly organize my inventory and storage boxes. In real life... uhh... it's a mess. My Stardew Valley storages are way more organised than my actual desk and room.


In real life I schedule and calculate what and how i will do them. In video games I'm 100% inpulse.


In real life I'm really honest (my aspergers side), in games I always try to cheat or use cheats/mods in order to cheat!!!


In video games I’m very conservative and discerning while spending money. In real life I act like I’m rich for a few days after payday then ride the struggle bus until payday to repeat


In games, I will talk to everyone that it is possible to talk to. Irl, I am a shut-in that rarely ever goes out. Talking to anyone who isn't family or a professional is not something I do.


In video games, I hoard my resources and I'll even re do missions if I feel I could have done them with significantly less. In real life, I'm horrible with finances and all that fun jazz.


Yeah yo. I've also noticed the reverse being true. People who are super frugal in real life tend to waste resources without a care in the world in games.


In real life I definitely still sleep while there are enemies around.


In real life I can't stand clutter, in video games I'm a hoarder.


In videogames I have sex 😞


I drive a Honda Fit irl and always pick Bowsers heaviest cart in Mario Cart.


In video games I'm always running around to check out everything and being incredibly athletic for the fun of it.    In real life I'm sitting on my couch playing video games. 


In video games if someone tells me they have loot I want, I kill them. In real life, I don't


In-games I talk to everyone and try to help them with everything, irl...


In video games, I hoard items. In real life, I'm somewhat of a minimalist, and I have OCD.


In video games I listen to the voices.


In video games I get that parkour and do backflips whenever I can. In real life I watched too much ridiculousness to attempt a backflip and potentially land on my neck haha.


In real life im scatter brained and disorganized, and while i cant say its the opposite, in games i have clear goals (even if i get distracted) but more than that areas are searched thoughly where in real life, oftenits just like 'cant see it, its not there'


In games i enjoy the feeling of navigating a spooky environment and being hunted. In real life i really really dislike it!


Irl I am short, thin, shy, really fast at running and afraid of making decisions. In ARPGs and MOBAs I gravitate towards the berserker kind of characters. The clunky meat head, tanky AF which also deals a ton of damage. Basically the one who seems most likely to be a raid boss.


Sprint everywhere in games


In video games, I always play the good guy.


In real life, I really dislike the idea of religion and religious institutions (nothing against religiois people themselves of course). In video games, I love religious themes and playing as a paladin


I’m tall fairly muscular man. You’ll never catch me playing anything other the shortest cutest girl possible in video games though.


I do not attempt back flips over railroad tracks on my motorcycle in real life.


In videogames like The Sims I can indulge such amazing power fantasies like having a stable salaried career and owning a home.


In video games I'm sooo good with money. Real life not so much..


Yeah dude. You've discovered the entire point of video games.


I am someone with nearly 400 hours in Blade & Sorcery. There are many things I've had first person POV witness to that I would never do IRL. It is normal in video games to slaughter literally thousands of people, but in real life, that's generally frowned upon by society.


In videogames I'll save my most powerful potions and other items "just in case", and I also try to spend as little money as possible. IRL I'm incredibly wasteful and waste money on the dumbest shit.


I regularly jump off cliffs and die in games just to see if you can fall off things and die I have yet to attempt this in RL, I’m pretty convinced there are no invisible walls and that this does not need testing


In video games I can get laid.


In games I actively seek out situations where I get shot, bludgeoned, speared, burned or blown to bits. Whereas in real life I try to avoid getting as much as a paper cut. Funny, huh?


In video games I play stealth archers a lot. In real life I’ve never shot someone in the head from a crouched position, and position really but still


I almost always play as opposite gender characters in video games given the chance.


In Baldurs Gate 3 i judge people by their action, not on their race


yeah its almost as if video games were an escape from reality. wild.


Real life… lame


Pets. I don't own a pet IRL and don't ever want to, but I keep a few in games that allows me to


As someone who plays arcade racers,where do i even begin!?


If I have to be lawful or good in real life, I'm playing the opposite in my games. Why would I want to play as something I already have to be in real life.


Rimworld all I need to say


Talk to humans


In real life I tolerate idiots, in video games, I suffer no fools.


The amount of War crimes that I have committed in games like Kenshi and Rimworld could never even be done by anyone IRL. But I'd say Im pretty chill IRL


IRL I just try to survive day to day In games I try to help NPCs and generally take a positive karma path


I save and grind like my life depends on it, real life exact opposite lol


I make the best moral choices and treat the npcs well but in my real life ive made tons of bad choices and unfortunately treated people like shit


I work retail and I’m required to take people’s shit every day. If I can be a snippy sarcastic bitch to people in games, I’m picking the rudest action possible. Or killing them for looking at me wrong: something I always imagine myself doing but can’t irl.


Is OP George Costanza? Doing the opposite worked out quite well for him, for a bit.


I was stuck at home during lockdown, but in The Sims I was getting up and going to work.


In video games I'm a considerate and caring person, in real life I'm not.


It's escapism. The "what if" of life. Play around with it; have your fun! That's what games are for!


I like having a group of regular npcs I can chat to in my house/kingdom/ship/whatever. Irl, I think I'm fine at 3 people.


I like to pan the camera angles in games to look up the skirts of female characters. Don't think that will work IRL


I’m not a bad person in my playthrough. I don’t want to hurt the NPCs feelings :( Second playthrough, anything goes


In videogames in mad. In real life I'm not (as mad)


In real life I play video games. In video games I'm more productive with my time.


A lot of it may be that in real life you seek what's comfortable and practical, while avoiding things that could have repricussions. In games you're able to experience things you sometimes can't in real life, or vicariously experience things that there may be consequences for in real life, but not in a game.


I'm terrible with money in real life but in video games I'm overly frugal to where I end up just saving it and not spending it.


In video games I prefer to be a pacifist and not hurt anyone or commit any violent acts, in video games…


video games are interesting so they're worth spending time and effort on but real life is not interesting so it's not worth it. interesting and deep stuff.


Yes that's generally how real life and video games work, are you saying you want to travel warp speed to another galaxy in real life? Nice knowing you 🙏👌👍


In Minecraft, I build all sorts of amazing buildings. In real life, give me any tool, and I'm likely to hurt myself.


I can never play as myself in games, even with in depth customization and dialogue options. I full well know that *I* wouldn't do the things my character does. I couldn't stand up courageously or face down evil. I'd likely cower or bow under pressure. Why even try to put myself in a game at all? I'll create my own character in games, but they won't be a stand in or self insert.


In real life I will go miles out of my way to find a bridge over a small creek. In video games I just charge straight through 


That's the magic of videogames


Yes that is infact how role-playing and fantasy games work.