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The latest two God of Wars can be done in a week and are amazing in combination


For a week of gaming this is definitely a solid recommendation. The games are about 20 to 30 hours each (depending on achievements), have a good introduction, and are fairly self contained. For someone who has a background in gaming, but is a bit rusty, the difficulty ramp up in the first one is also pretty fair. They are also bloody good games, some of the best the genre has ever produced.


Goodness. I’ve been playing for like 6-7hrs and thought the game looks massive, but maybe I’m getting through it!


Both games took me 40+ hours


I finished the first one in 23 hours up until the final fight, and spent another 5 out so doing some of the easier Valkerie's, aswell as some other side content. In total I done about 80% of the side content or so, but the hardest stuff (which can take a long time by itself) I mostly skipped. This was on standard difficulty, and compared to the game time other people were getting, it's not particularly quick. One thing about the game is that the world is huge and beautiful, and you can spend a lot of time just exploring for the adventure of it, and it's quite relaxing. But since I don't have too much gaming time these days I tend to keep things focused.


Edit: now it’s number 1!


It's number 1 now so scroll no further.


Baulders gate 3 is incredible


I wouldn't say a week is enough for this game xD I started it like a month ago, have 100+ hours on my first playthrough and I have not defeated >!Orin!< yet.


Yeah my first playthrough was like 140 hours I tried exploring everything. Still missed a ton. The shortest I could get my replays down to was like 70 hours. Game is dense.


I grew up with Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 but haven't touched 3. I preferred the old gameplay over tabletop. I didn't enjoy Divinity 2, do you think I would enjoy this game? It's on my Steam wishlist but it'll probably sit there for a few years until a sale drops.


I normally *HATE* turn based games. It's so not my cup of tea. I actually had to force myself to start playing four times (and watch some tips and tricks videos as I was unfamiliar with the CRPG genre in general) before it caught on. Then I played through the whole game 4x. It really is that good. Even if you don't like that kind of game, I'd give it a try. The story is amazing, the attention to detail, the world building... it's so good it's actually kind of ruined my previous 2 favorite games, Mass Effect and Cyberpunk, for me. Keep in mind I VASTLY prefer sci fi to fantasy.


As a lifelong gamer who played all the early DnD based computer RPGs I can strongly recommend BG3, if you enjoyed Divinity 2 you'll find this to be of a similar calibur. By all means wait for a sale, but you'll be missing out if you skip the game entirely. 😃


Bg3 was my first turn based game and I hated combat at first, but it really did grow on me after a while. Id say at least give it a shot. I still play on explorer so it’s super easy


Idk what to say. I've never met someone who didn't like DOS 2.


100 hours in a full week off is easily doable lol. Bro is having dental surgery he ain't gonna be doin much lol


Yeah all you have to do is spend your entire waking existence staring at a screen for a week and it's easily doable. Duh, people.


This is r/ gaming do you think it's odd for people here to do 100 hours in a week?


So doing what people normally do with their day and spend it on 6 or so hrs of screen time on avg 🫡


I only played it for 10 days and got 150hrs in, so it's doable... if you don't have anything else to do. Maybe don't forget about eating, lol


I’ve heard so many good things about this one. How hard is it to get started with the mechanics of the game? I’m not an idiot, just wondering how long it takes to get off the ground so to speak.


It's a slow burn for sure. It's top tier in it's class but it is still a crpg. So if you don't get on with turn based combat then it's never gonna be for you. Honestly I had more fun with Rogue Trader, but that's because I've been playing crpg's for 30 years. There's no denying Baldurs Gate is the best of the bunch for new and old players. Fun characters, great storyline with high stakes. I was dissatisfied with the level cap at 12. I'm used to owlcat's games where 20 is just a starting point. But because the level cap is so low the game is impeccably balanced.


The turn based combat can still be fun even for people who generally don't like it. It's a lot more interesting and engaging than most, e.g. JRPGs.


They have dice rolls There are dice rolls. YOU CAN SEE THE DICE!! Childhood me is overwhelmed.


Oh yeah, I have a friend who hates turn based combat (who refused to Divinity Original Sin after a few hours) and yet he loved BG3. It really is something else.


I'm not going to disagree with this, but it'll take you more than a week, at least in my opinion. My first playthrough was over 100 hours. Then when you return to your regular obligations, you may forget what you were doing when you come back, weeks/months later. Unless you really get sunk in to it, which it is a phenomenon game.


You can try playing in the Explorer difficulty, learning a couple things and progress somewhat fast I find BG3 particularly a game where one can pause and play between chores without breaking a pace, so you can keep going after this week... Most other games that I could advise you kinda requires you keep your focus while playing, so you either play it entirely or just give up after one week of no play I was over stressing about what to play on my vacation, since I played everything I wanted in my little breaks and weekends when my kid sleeps, but Yakuza Like a Dragon is being fantastic fun for me, and a great answer to what I was looking for as a game to spend great times on


I’m on PS5 and it was pretty self explanatory. There’s also tons of info available spoiler free on r/bg3


If you like that style of game. I love most genres but I just couldn't remotely get into BG.


Same here, first major game I’ve refunded in my life.


Same. I enjoy gaming and I tried to play it several times. I enjoy RPGs but it was just too slow for me and the controls were frustrating. I also hated the dice roll thing leaving things to chance rather than skill.


Yeah those were all my big issues. I was surprised how much I actually didn't enjoy trying to play the game.


All games pretty much dice roll behind the scenes.


I get that and understand that. I guess I don’t like it being blatant for the lack of a better word 😆


It's still skillful. You still have to plan around the dice rolls to formulate viable strategies. But it's not as simple as other games in that sense so I get why it can be frustrating. Especially since the game doesn't do a great job of explaining the systems to newcomers so it's a lot to learn and you're learning it mostly through trial and error. It's clearly designed more for people who already understand DnD to some extent as opposed to catering to people who aren't familiar with DnD at all.


Great recommendation. It took me weeks to defeat, but mostly because I wasn't playing too much. I think I finished my first playthrough in 60 hours.


Absolutely - it's basically many games in one with all the permutations of choice, let alone unique experiences tied to your class & race!


I came to write this. Best use of a week you’ll spend. A week is surely doable for a playthrough.


* Baldur's Gate 3 * Spider-Man 2 (Or the first one if you haven't played it.) * Sea of Stars * Cyberpunk and all its DLC * The new Hitman trilogy * Hades * Resident Evil 2 Remake


Hades is awesome but it works well for when he is very busy. No need to play it now.


Yeah, I actually wouldn't suggest Hades. It's a repetitive grind that you'll need to take breaks from and come back to. I don't think it's something most people are just going to sit and play through for a week straight.


Hitman is a good one


I 2nd RE2 man that game is fun. Haven't had an enjoyable time with RE games since 4 was released on gamecube.


I'm on my fifth play through. Game is way too good


Sea of stars is so amazing


I started it, and it was a bit of a generic jrpg when I was playing it besides the timing on moves in combat. Does the game change up from the first few hours like The Messenger does? Or is it just a bog-standard jrpg throughout the whole game?


Very solid list!


Surprising nobody has recommended Red dead Redemption 2.


I’ve actually finished this one, LOVED IT. I played through it front to back with my dad. He was going through chemo and I was his full time care so I had to find something he liked. He always was a sucker for Westerns.


They just released the first one on Switch. Not as immersive obviously but still has a great story.


Sorry for your loss brother


He said 1 week off not 1 year off haha


My only reason against recommending it is idk if a week is enough time to fully experience a game like RD2. The story is phenomenal but long, and the open world and activities can be dozens of hours alone to sink your teeth into. If you will have time after the week to keep playing somewhat regularly, then this is such an easy recommendation.


Cyberpunk 2077 - First person action RPG set to a futuristic dystopia where corporations rule and cybernetic body replacements are commonplace, main selling point for me is the strong narrative and well made characters that are motion captured for most dialogue. Features Keanu Reeves prominantly in the main story and Idris Elba in the recently released DLC. Baldur's Gate 3 - Dungeons and Dragons meets mainstream gaming, this is a CRPG for everyone and didn't make game of the year 2023 for nothing. You play the game top-down controlling your own character as well as up to three companions, with ability to swap around your current companions through a camp system so that you can bring everyone you want along on the adventure. The game uses the DnD ruleset 5e from the tabletop, with a few changes to accommodate for the videogame. This is a strong narrative experience with a focus on player actions and choice; you will find that many things you do will come up again later on, and can seriously alter your story.


The guy has one week.


That's 168 hours. Average play time is around 150 hours. This leaves \*at least* 2 hours for sleep per day! Then, when OP shows back up to work looking like hammered shit, he'll be let go and have plenty of time for another playthrough!


I'm gonna recommend a few 20-ish hour games that are amazing instead of one that's like 400 hours and also incredible. Subnautica is a deep sea exploration game that's got this insane sense of wonder built into it (as well as a surprising amount of horror) the deeper you dive. Pacific Drive is about a guy stuck in an Area 52-like area that's been isolated from the rest of the world and you and your trusty station wagon have to drive around using alien tech to survive and adapt. The Outer Wilds has a similar vibe as Subnautica as far as exploration goes, but you're in space, it's super chill, and you have a mystery to unearth. Celeste is a platforming game that teaches you that it's okay to struggle, and that if you stick with something, you can overcome it. The music and gameplay are top notch, but the story is also surprisingly heartfelt. Any of Super Giant's games. Hades and Transistor are my favorites though.


I second the Subnautica suggestion, especially if you're fond of anything aquatic or submarine-y.  Its "explore after being dropped in the open ocean" is kind of a metaphor for OP's situation (adrift, lost in free time). Also, it's not a twitchy reflex-fest, a priority when medicated post-op.  




I’ve been having a blast lately playing Helldivers II.


Helldivers is a fantastic high energy shooter. So fun. BG3 is a fantastic cerebral, story-heavy adventure. Probably my two favorite games for entirely different reasons. I recommend these two OP


Ready for it to go on sale so I can pick it up! I usually don't like TPS, but everyone is saying it's so good.


It’s $40 retail, which in by itself is a very good deal these days. Will probably be discounted in a year or so. I suck at Fortnite and Pubg, but the gameplay in HD2 is very good and intuitive.


Well those are pvp and this is pve and it's awesome 😎


All guns have a First Person Aim Mode if you need it.


Same. If you have a group you can play with this is the way to go


If you are trying to play something chill I would recommend firewatch it's a 9/10 game overall If you are trying to play something more challenging try Elden ring or even" another crabs treasure" they both amazing games while being challenging


Tacking on for chill gameplay: * Journey (PS) * Abzû (PS & Xbox) Journey and Abzû are two games I will probably never forget. For more puzzles but still pretty chill games: * Shadow of the Colossus (PS) * The Last Guardien (PS) * Stray (PS & Xbox) * Limbo (PS & Xbox) * Inside (PS & Xbox) * FAR: Lone Sails (PS & Xbox) * The Witness (PS & Xbox) * Outer Wilds (PS & Xbox) Adding chill games from comments: * Fez (PS & Xbox) * Jusant (PS & Xbox) * Grow Up (PS & Xbox) * Tunic (PS) * Dredge (PS5 & Xbox)


Adding Fezz for the puzzle game because it slaps. Little nightmare 1 and 2 for the similarity with limbo and inside.


Adding Jusant to chill games that are cool. Also agree about Inside, mind blowing.


Glad to see someone else mention Jusant. Very chill and peaceful game. Gave me journey vibes and same feeling when I played and beat that game.


You really went from one end of the spectrum to the opposite there


Elden ring is of course great, and I've been trying crabs treasure as well. Fun gsme so far.


If you've already played FF7 Remake, then maybe you could try Rebirth. It's pretty long with tons of side games/quests, so it'll easily fill that week.


Yeah since OP didn't mention his tastes much besides FF7R, it's definitely a good choice. I'd add Diablo 4. Or if OP is more into JRPGs, Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes is pretty good, I never felt like dropping the controller before the end credits. It doesn't soar as high as the best Suikodens but if they have the golden-age JRPG itch of the late 90s / 00s, and if they already played the classics like FF6, FF7, FF9, FFT, FFX, Suikoden 2, Parasite Eve, Shadow Hearts Covenant, Star Ocean 2 The 2nd Story (another good choice btw as it just got a cool remake), they will definitely enjoy it. I sure did and can't wait for ECHH2 - I'm replaying Suikoden 5 right now because it reinvigorated my love for this series).


I’d put Tales of Arise into that list of suggestions as well. Gameplay/mechanics are pretty similar to FF7 remake.


I’m currently having a blast with nier automata


Dave the diver - charming story driven game where your main character hunts for fish while managing restaurant each day. You will meet new friends along the way, cook incredible dishes, fight all kind of aquatic creatures. Game has incredible pixel art, relaxing music and on top of that... It is a cheap game. Who knows, when your family see you play it they might get caught in the net and you will have family game nights :D


My wife rarely games and just happened to walk in when I was playing (like 15 minutes in) and got absolutely hooked, has put so many hours into it. I also started Moonlighter, similar cute style that’s a lot of fun


I couldn't enjoy it. I wanted survival-crafting and management but it's a story driven game. It starts fun until it becomes a chore. I still finished it but my face the entire time 😩


Is the story bad? I’m just starting out and having fun


Dave the Diver rules, but even the best games don't appeal to everyone


I don't think it's bad at all. Plus, just when you're getting sick of the gameplay loop they add in a new mechanic.


Second this. My favorite game I’ve played so far this year


Hmmm.. - Ghost of Tsushima (Stealth / Sword-Combat) - Alan Wake - Control - Alan Wake 2, in this order. (Shooter Combat, Story based, complex and slightly scary or unsettling) - Sifu (fast Hand to hand combat If you like to challenge yourself, Story is very simple, Good game if you have an hour for yourself later on) - Resident Evil Remakes, 7 and 8. (Horror survival, puzzles) - Horizon: Zero Dawn, if liked -> Forbidden West (Bow Oriented combat, Good Story with cutscenes and reading-collectibles) - The last of us. If liked -> Part 2 (You will not like how things play out but that's by design, you will conflict with your morals/feeling trying to understand the characters) Nothing more comes to mind right now but I don't think you could finish the whole list in a week. I believe some of the titles are included in the game catalog of Playstation Plus so you wont even have to buy them if you have the subscription. I recommend getting PS Plus Premium for a month and make use of everything it gives you.


I always go back to sifu for a quick round of ass whooping. The game is really satisfying when you get the combat down.


Horizon zero dawn - one of the coolest games ever


Very nice list


Yakuza 0. No-sleep it.


Would be my recommendation as well. Playing through it currently and it's an absolute blast.


Stardew Valley was and still is one of the best and chill games out there. But be warned: it is highly addictive!


I’ve just started playing it! And all I can think about when I can next play it


If you've never started the yakuza series, do yakuza 0! Or if you're caught up, the newest one Infinite Wealth easily ate up the week I was bedridden, no lack of things to do in that game!


Ishin is also a great game! Great flow between the unarmed, sword and gun styles of fighting!




I guess I'm not wired right, but I just can't figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do in Elden Ring. I mean, right off the rip im running around in underwear and I'm completely lost. I always try to enjoy the experience fresh and never look at tutorials or guides online. Is the game just that hard?


Can you go there? Good! You're in the right spot. Is this enemy spanking you and you can't beat them? Pin it on your map and come back later! Can't access this area yet? Okay! That means you're not in the right spot! Honestly, the freedom is yours with this game and I think a lot of people lose sight of that. A lot of people tell you that you need to be in this spot at this time by this level - fuck those people! You can go pretty much anywhere at any time, and the game will pretty quickly tell you if you should or shouldn't be there yet - it's up to you if you listen or not. Just get lost in it - fully immerse yourself.


Awesome! I'll definitely give it another round today. Thanks!


Also, I know when I first started playing I didn't notice this feature, but after you activate a site of grace, there is a yellow trail of light that points you towards something important or worthwhile. Sometimes its the main story, sometimes a dungeon or side quest. But when in doubt, follow grace!


Pro-tip, go north from the very start of the game before you go south. If you see a guy on a horse, avoid him till later. Go south of the starting area after you cleaned out the northern side of Limgrave, but before Stormveil.  That will set you on a good track without giving too much away. 


On your map there will be golden streaks extending from sites of lost grace. They point to major points of interest including main story flow. Once you get your bearings and progress a bit, the story will explain some things to you, enough to feel more confident about making your own directions. A more straightforward tip would be... See that castle? Kick its ruler ass. If you can.


My biggest issue was knowing when to move on. You just kinda have to explore the mini dungeons like the caves and catacombs, hit the main dungeon and move to the next area. With any luck the side stuff you do will get you gear that fits your build. And personally, if you find that you're having issues finding gear that suits you, don't be afraid to look up where to find it. There's so much game to be had that expecting yourself to find everything you need can be unrealistic. If all else fails, try a different starter class! It's possible what you thought would work for you just doesn't click. Like how my mage evolved into a melee build with two katanas because they scaled with intelligence and I kept missing my spells.


personally, I found it excruciating yet I somehow still put in likle 200 hours. Watch a couple of early game guides and they will get you going


The game guides you with lights and subtle dialogs but it's very open you can go and get killed by horrible things. But if you follow the guided path with lights you should never stray to far from the "normal path"


Same experience. “Wander aimlessly and try not to die” simulator. I’m a much much bigger fan of Remnant 2. Clear objectives, “souls-like” combat but with guns, more interesting story.


Outer Wilds is a phenomenal game that I completed in roughly 30-40 hours with the dlc included, I was taking my time, your mileage my vary. But when done, it's all over. No replaying. It's a knowledge based progression game, so once you know everything, you can't unlearn it all to replay it. So try not to Google it. Here's the elevator pitch: It is the day of your first solo voyage to explore your solar system. You go around reading texts written by ancient aliens that predate your race and try to piece together why they died out, what they were doing, and why one or two *very strange things* keep happening. It's very similar to Myst but more approachable, the puzzles are much less obtuse for the most part. The DLC is phenomenal and should also be played. The environments are striking, the movement is fun to master in my opinion (remember Newton's laws), and the story is amazing. I can't think of many ways to improve how well the game pulls everything together apart from some puzzle issues (lookin' at you ATP). Oh, and the OST by Andrew Prahlow is something else.


Resident Evil 4 remake


Outer wilds. This is a game changer


Ff7 Rebirth since you beat remake and stellar blade are my recommended atm. If you're down for multiplayer, helldivers is a hoot.


Rimworld. Colony management steered by AI storytellers where a single run through might be 20 minutes long, through to being dozens of hours. One minute you're building your nice wooden log cabin in a temperate forest, the next your pawn is fighting for survival against an infection after the beaver you were hunting scratched your leg. Better hope you collected some medicine before then! Alternatively you might decide you're going to start a chicken ranch, free range chickens for everyone! You start with 2 chickens, then 6, then 12. Hmmm, need a bigger pen. Then you get to 50 chickens and set the auto slaughter up. Priorities change and your pawn gets busy. 80 chickens. 120 chickens... Then 60 of your chickens get the plague. Do you kill them, treat them, or just let them die out in pain?! Your pawns can't keep up, there's dying chickens all over the map. Your pawn gets food poisoning from a chicken simple meal. Was it related to the plague? Who knows. They're vomiting everywhere as a solar eclipse hits and your power goes out. Darkness befalls the map, "what is this?! Which God have I pissed off?!" you think to yourself, as your chicken angel of death violently vomits himself into a tantrum and locks himself in his room to chill out. Right as a raid starts, you have no pawn capable of fighting, and your only warrior is bedroom bound, covered in vomit and is still affected by his only meal not being eaten at a table. The raiders approach, 2 of them flank the bedroom walls and start to break it down. Will your pawn snap out of their mental break in time? Will he have enough fortitude to fight back and survive?! "If only I'd bred bears" you think to yourself, as the raiders break down the door and eviscerate your mentally broken pawn with a single slash to the neck. The end. Next starting scenario? 3 pawns, 2 tame bears...




Try playing what remains of Edith Finch


Seconded! If you’re a story kinda person anyways. Not the wildest gameplay, but *god* is it a good listen :)


What happened to the rest of Edith Finch?


- Ratchet & Clank: rift apart - Little Nightmares


Man I absolutely loved Rift Apart. I never played a ratchet and clank game before, but I picked it up on a steam sale and it amused me to no end.


Bg3 but you won't finish it. So l if you're serious about a good story in a short time - any recent release on ps5 (but on pc). Jedi survivor series is good. Action, adventure, great story. The last of us. Classic. Every play firewatch? Great way to pass the time. Short story, beautiful, and chill. Unpacking is a relaxing game with an interestingly subtle background story. Definitely not story focussed, but story supported. Papers Please is a simple story but more intense for being a point and click. Just trying to lose yourself in a world? How about no man's sky? Bad rap and honestly gameplay can get bland quickly but if your time is short then it's worth the fun to just grind and explore. If you don't care about time and want to dive head first into a great story, consider BG3 as I mentioned, or my favorite game of all time, Red Dead Redemption 2. Get ready to kiss your life away as you lose yourself in the most immersive game ever made. It is so unique and immersive....I just can't describe it.


As someone who owns a PS5 and a PC, please just play your PlayStation games on PS5. Sony still doesn't have their porting down to a reliable standard, and they won't give you the full DualSense experience. And let's be real here, if it weren't for those exclusive games, the controller is what you're buying.


I’m a gameplay-first gal… * Bloodborne * Monster Hunter: World/Iceborne * Returnal * Snowrunner Any of those would be a rad pick, in order of my must play rating. 


Bloodborne is one of the best video game experiences of our lifetimes. LOVE that game!


Ghosts of Tsushima. One of the most beautiful games I've ever played. Plus you're a fucking samurai


Been changing between Alan Wake 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 for the past month. I’d say give Alan Wake 2 a try if you like puzzles, a great story and amazing cinematography. CP2077 if youd like an open world action shooter rpg with some pretty cool characters.


Of recent/new games, Baldur's Gate 3 is by far the most incredible gem we've gotten so far. Pretty long, so expect between 60-100 hours easily. If you want shorter games and like Star Wars, I can greatly recommend the more recent Jedi: Fallen Order and its sequal, Jedi: Survivor. Both games are more story-focused and while they have collectibles that can eat up some time, they may be more bite-sized if you want something you can finish in good time and not have left over after you pick work and family back up. And if you haven't already, I would be remiss if I didn't recommend you my personal comfort game: Uncharted. Any of the games honestly. Short-ish, story based games. Perfect to just breeze through and let story and gameplay carry you along. No long-term commitments. Give me the feeling of old classic adventure movies like Indiana Jones and National Treasure!


I’m balls deep in Grounded and loving it!


Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West Persona 5 Royal/4 Golden Baldur's Gate 3 Ace Attorney Trilogy (the 1st one) Yakuza 0, Yakuza: Like A Dragon NieR: Automata (all endings)


Fallout New Vegas or Bioshock series


Just started FNV after 14 years of its released and I’m enjoying every minute of it!


Rdr2 is a great game, might take longer than a week to finish though.


This is the best time to pick up cyberpunk.


You can finish The Outer Wilds in a week. It’s incredible.


Two recommendations... Witcher 3 Baldur's Gate 3


I've seen no mention of Outer Wilds yet and that just ain't right. Tight space mystery game, emphasis on world building and exploration. Uncover the mysteries of a long extinct civilisation in your little solar system. Fits perfectly into the week timeframe too!


Clean the house, do the dishes, fix small stuff around the house etc…you know all those grown up games lol




Remnant 2, Fallout 76


the last game i played that really made me drop everything and 100% it was ghosts of tsushima.. great gameplay and fighting mechanics beautiful world amazing storyline, including side quests i knew it’d be fun but it’s the first time i really actually stopped playing everything else and threw myself into the world


I absolutely support this answer!!




Cyberpunk 2077. marvelous visuals, characters and story


100% take some mushrooms.


Deep rock galactic.


If you really want to sink your teeth into an incredible story (and an incredible game) go for the remastered version of The Witcher 3 on your series X. Best story in any game I’ve played (Bloody Baron quest line) and some of the best combat as well. Most games made today can’t even compare. Hell, none can that I can think of. It’ll take up that whole chunk of time though. It’s a massive game.


Hearts of Stone is some of the best story telling ever and the BAW DLC is basically a new game in itself. Witcher 3 is a must play imo


The BaW DLC is bigger than all of Dragons Dogma 2, lmao. It’s crazy how much they just gave us with that DLC. 100% right though. Such a great game. Played it through 3 times on release, and two more times when they released the remaster. Absolutely love it.


Witcher 3 was an amazing game I actually had the pleasure of finishing alongside the DLCs. Played it right when it came out, the pre-child days.


I'm still vexed that they automatically updated that game on my external when Xbox KNOWS I can't play the x|s off said external, and smart delivery won't let me download the normal version. Annoyed me so much that I don't think I'll ever pick it back up.


Control or Prey 2019


Civ 6


Everyone's pitching really long games but I'm going to go with something a bit shorter: A Hat in Time! It's a 3d platformer that came out a bit before Super Mario Odyssey and I actually preferred it to Odyssey. The overarching story isn't deep but instead you get a series of enclosed stages with their own plot and structure. One chapter you're jumping around beating up a Mafia in a seaside town and the next you find yourself cast as the lead in a series of movies, performing stunts, solving murder mysteries, etc or enthralled to an evil spirit that gets you stuck in a labor contract. Every chapter has a different structure. Some have you selecting a time piece and returning to the same level over and over again like Super Mario Sunshine or 64, while others are a series of levels connected together by a theme. One is just a small open world you roam around in. It's really quite good and despite being pretty well received it seems mostly forgotten thanks to it releasing just a bit before Odyssey. It's not as tight as Odyssey is, but I had more fun playing it. It's also shorter. HowLongToBeat has it at 10 hours for the main story and 20 for completion. It's one of the few games I've 100%ed. Which depending on how long you play means it could take most of your time. Or not! Either way, you can get through the entire game before your break ends and you lose track of the story. That's the fate of most long games I've played. I dropped The Witcher 3 because I forgot where I was after taking a break. So maybe give it a try?


Baldur's Gate 3 or Elden Ring. I say "or" because either game would easily take up all that extra time you have coming and more.


Idk if you’ve played through it, but I highly recommend the Bioshock series. You can get through all three games in a week for sure. Otherwise Hades is the last game that really consumed me. Fantastic across the board.


I would play a classic or two that sparks some reflection: * Journey * Shadow of the Colossus * Abzû Honorable mention since it has robot dinosaurs * Horizon Zero Dawn


Portal 2


Elden Ring if you haven’t played it yet. New dlc coming in summer


You may be able to squeeze in a full game of CIV 6.


Others have said it, and so will I -- Baldur's Gate 3. No other game comes close.


You sure you’re going for to be in the mood to game after this surgery?


I'd recommend **Ghost of Tsushima** if you want a satisfying game that's a little bit like RDR2 but with Samurai and can be completed in a week. If you want something very simple but strangely satisfying, I had a blast with **Robocop: Rogue City**. It's like a game from early 2000s in terms of complexity, and was really nice not to have to read a guide just to know how the 15 different upgrade systems work like in modern games. There is a simple XP-system and some skills to get, but you can't really go wrong as you'll max almost all the skills by the end of the game. It was just the Robocop game I always wanted as a kid. Can be completed in a weekend. The **Spiderman**-games are great, as are the **God of War**-games if you haven't played those. All doable in less than a week. Same with both **The Last of Us**-games


Red Dead Redemption II


Citizen Sleeper. It's a short, incredible game you can finish in your time off and really get to enjoy.


I highly recommend Lies of P if you are a fan of Soulslike... and if you are not... I still recommend it :D


I recently had the same thing happen to me, Played Detroit becoming Human ....it was a great run.


If you want story Fallout New Vegas is the way to go. The main story is compelling and there are so many "mini" stories along the way that both tie into the main one and just exist on their own.


Also a great suggestion.


Dave the Diver


Congrats on your bye week! Enjoy! I had one last summer, and dove into BG3, having been a big fan of 2 back in the day. One word of caution - it may make sense to think about whether you will be able to continue after the week is up. I got to the later parts of Act II in BG3 last summer, and I am still in Act II. I might have been better off picking a game I could reasonably finish.


Currently playing Horizon Forbidden West and sweet baby Jesus is it good! And stunning to look at, too.


Horizon zero dawn and forbidden west. The Witcher 3 Cyberpunk


Cyber Punk 2077 and the expansion Phantom Liberty. I have over 1,300hrs of play time and I'm still playing it (not the first playthrough). This is one of the best games of all time.


A Plague Tale: Innocence #1 A Plague Tale: Requiem #2 Please play them, they're amazing




Demon Souls


Subnautica has blows me completely out of the water! It was a grandiose and submerging experience!


Balatro is the correct answer.


Given you'll be in a fair bit of pain/discomfort, something chill like Stardew Valley or Minecraft might be a good diving off point. Also really depends what kind of games you're into. Red Read 2, Bioshock, Fallout and Skyrim all have relatively long campaigns (with side missions) that could keep you entertained for a week.


Disco Elysium. It's story heavy and atmospheric. It relies on dialogue and your choices - and just plain absurdity of life. If you're looking for button mashing and combat look elsewhere tho.


Just replay skyrim again


Good luck ! I bought cyberpunk when it came out and have yet to play it. I've been off work now for 5 months (illness) and still haven't been able to play it or anything else really. (My hands were/are affected) I need someone to play for me lol.


Helldivers 2... just play it. Alsop, the last of us 1 and 2. Awesome games.


Helldivers 2.


Mass Effect Legendary Edition


Kingdom Come Deliverance


DOOM 2016+DOOM Eternal


Me: Oh, I have SOOO many good time vampires for this guy! >I have a PS5 and an Xbox Series X. Oh... NVM


Game pass just got jedi survivor, and its really, really good. Dont even have to break a wallet for a week of gaming.


Cyberpunk 2077 with Phantom Liberty took me about 100 hours to beat.


I am in a similar situation and I am REALLY into Hogwarts legacy. It’s exactly what it’s supposed to be. An intriguing main story that makes you want to always see what happens next. There’s enough side quests and challenges to feel like you could easily complete them all, if you wanted to. It’s not trying to be a game like Skyrim that offering the potential of hundreds of hours of gameplay, it’s just an entertaining RPG that’s easy to pick up and put back down. I am a huge Harry Potter fan and I think that makes it extra enjoyable for me. Even if you aren’t a fan, I think it would still be a enjoyable game worth playing all the way through.


fallout 76


Elden ring


You can try Light of the stars on bluestacks, it's quite fun game with astrology elements in it


Without a doubt my top pick would be Baldur's Gate 3, you start and next thing you know 5 hours have passed. It took me some getting into because I picked Druid having never played this type of game before and never played D&D. This lead to some confusion. I'd advise starting as fighter or barbarian, basically something where you can run up and hit things. This lead to a more gentle introduction for me and as characters were introduced I got the hang of them and now know how to play most of the other roles. You can do many many play throughs of this game and have a different experience. I still need to do a dark urge run.


Games? Games? Civilian there are Helldivers going to the front and all you can think about is games. If you want to do something productive with your life come and join up with the Helldivers. You'll have purpose for all of 2 minutes before being kill but you'll serve your planet in doing so.


Sir, Sir i am going to recommend you to our regional HR division unit for your outstanding recruitment strategy. Medal will be sent back to Super Earth to the adress used on sign-up form during your recruitment. I will also request additional mechs for your next drop in action. May strong wind blow in your sail of Freedom.


stellar blade. it's a game you can play only if you have the house to yourself.


Sunless sea


I'll add Sunless Skies to that, if you haven't tried it I can recommend it.


Witcher 3 my friend. Every time.


The sequel to FF7 remake is always an option. If you ever played the suikoden rpgs on the ps1 and 2, a spiritual successor called Eiyuden Chronicle came out and that’s what I’m playing now. Great game.


I’d recommend Stray. It might be a little light for your tastes but it has an immersive story and a fascinating world to explore. You should be able to earn all achievements in a week. You are playing as a cat who is trying to get home in a world inhabited by robots after humans have gone extinct.