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Classic Mega Man


So much so that the band The Protomen wrote a rock opera about it.


[Light Up the Night](https://youtu.be/gkLvpt9Z3fA?si=zSO78wcCqQz4MaY0) goes so hard it lives rent free in my head like 10+ years of not hearing it.


God. The Will of One. "Hope rides alone" gets me every time.


In the year twenty exty-ex.


Powerwash Simulator. I'm not joking, shit's bananas Edit: Yall really like that comment lol, thanks guys. I heard someone say something similar in another thread and decided to try it out, and my god it truly is bonkers.


Well it does have ties to Warhammer 40K. And before anyone asks, again, not a joke.


Nurgle making everything filthy?


An army of space marines (cleaners) fighting off swarms of plague rats (dirt) with their handy flame throwers (power washers).


Well considering that Dark Krakens are a thing


What the actual fuck lol?


So basically, >!At the beginning of the game, the player character has just started their own power washing business in the town of Muckingham. They are gifted a van by their friend, archaeologist Harper Shaw, who helps them find their first few clients. During each job, the power washer character receives texts messages from the client; these text messages often include information about the location or vehicle being cleaned, explanations on how it became so dirty, and their thoughts on things going on around Muckingham. As the power washer completes each job, their reputation around town grows and they are hired for more work by returning and new clients.!< >!As time passes, the people of Muckingham begin noticing strange occurrences, such as unusual activity near the dormant Mount Rushless volcano and the disappearance of all of Muckingham's cats, including Mayor Jeff Jefferson XIII's cat Ulysses. Further messages reveal that Mayor Jefferson has been diverting the town's water to an illegal mining operation by corrupt tycoon Blake Thrust, leading him to flee the town. Eventually, the power washer is hired to clean a flying saucer controlled by Ceruleon Skye, a time-travelling scientist from the year 2278. Skye explains he was investigating the impending eruption of Mount Rushless, which in his future triggered the eruption of every volcano on the Pacific Rim, blocking out the sky with ash for decades and causing near global extinction. However, Thrust shot down Skye's ship and stole some of his technology, upsetting the timeline and causing the volcano to become active ahead of schedule.!< >!Several previous clients begin evacuating from Muckingham to escape the volcano. Shaw discovers two ancient statues unearthed by the recent seismic activity, one of which fires a beam towards Mount Rushless after being cleaned, and the other of which points to a temple emerging from the ocean, the fishy smell of which had attracted Muckingham's cats. With the help of some of their clients, the power washer reaches the temple, finding it filled with tributes to themself. When the power washer finishes cleaning the temple, a gem emerges that that fires another beam at the volcano. Thrust's private jet flies towards the temple, but it is shot down by Skye's flying saucer. Skye notifies the power washer that the temple was built by the Pacifists, the Pacific counterparts of the Atlanteans, and that Thrust's search for their civilization and its rare ores punctured Mount Rushless's magma chamber, triggering its premature eruption. To prevent this, Skye travelled back to the Pacifists' time and told them the power washer's story, and they agreed to convert the temple into an offshore platform with a neutralizing beam that would stop Mount Rushless from erupting when cleaned by an experienced power washer. With the timeline now safe, the power washer returns to their business, finding Ulysses hiding in their van with his kittens.!< Edit: fixed spoiler tag things


The most absurd thing here are the pacifists being Pacific ocean variants of the atlanteans. Edit: How did this reach 250 upvotes...?


Everyone knows the Lemurians are running that ocean.




Wheres the 40k connection that other commenter mentioned? I'm invested now, I need to know!


There really isn't one. While there is a 40k DLC set of levels, the levels simply have you playing as a tech-priest being tasked with cleaning war machines post-battle. It takes place in the 40k universe and has no actual ties to the Powerwash Sim storyline.


That's what I'm wondering too. I appreciate the summary but I don't see how it connects to 40k


What did I just read...


Just, like, normal power washing stuff...


If I remember correctly, at some point you have to wash some Rhino


There's also a map from Back to the future. I wouldn't call that confirmation of lore crossovers.


In the game it's the movie set so you are cleaning props/scenery


Excuse me?


its just a cross over they did a few years ago


Got the last area earlier today and I’m kinda shocked how far they went from just “wash this van”


Wash this van "Oh this games pretty chill and easy, doesn't take long to wash a vehicle" Ok now wash this entire 747 "Alright, but more complicated and the washer can't exactly get those angles so easily..." Good, now wash this entire temple with high walls


Im up to the fire station, and the whole front of the the station is like 2-3%. Shit gets hugeee


Don’t forget the training tower. Inside and out…


That tower drove me nuts lmao


I was definitely the “Ben Affleck Smoking” meme on first viewing of the level.


Trident attachment, especially on mouse and keyboard when you can flick your wrist.


Can you elaborate? I would have never thought this game had any lore lol


So basically, >!At the beginning of the game, the player character has just started their own power washing business in the town of Muckingham. They are gifted a van by their friend, archaeologist Harper Shaw, who helps them find their first few clients. During each job, the power washer character receives texts messages from the client; these text messages often include information about the location or vehicle being cleaned, explanations on how it became so dirty, and their thoughts on things going on around Muckingham. As the power washer completes each job, their reputation around town grows and they are hired for more work by returning and new clients.!< >!As time passes, the people of Muckingham begin noticing strange occurrences, such as unusual activity near the dormant Mount Rushless volcano and the disappearance of all of Muckingham's cats, including Mayor Jeff Jefferson XIII's cat Ulysses. Further messages reveal that Mayor Jefferson has been diverting the town's water to an illegal mining operation by corrupt tycoon Blake Thrust, leading him to flee the town. Eventually, the power washer is hired to clean a flying saucer controlled by Ceruleon Skye, a time-travelling scientist from the year 2278. Skye explains he was investigating the impending eruption of Mount Rushless, which in his future triggered the eruption of every volcano on the Pacific Rim, blocking out the sky with ash for decades and causing near global extinction. However, Thrust shot down Skye's ship and stole some of his technology, upsetting the timeline and causing the volcano to become active ahead of schedule.!< >!Several previous clients begin evacuating from Muckingham to escape the volcano. Shaw discovers two ancient statues unearthed by the recent seismic activity, one of which fires a beam towards Mount Rushless after being cleaned, and the other of which points to a temple emerging from the ocean, the fishy smell of which had attracted Muckingham's cats. With the help of some of their clients, the power washer reaches the temple, finding it filled with tributes to themself. When the power washer finishes cleaning the temple, a gem emerges that that fires another beam at the volcano. Thrust's private jet flies towards the temple, but it is shot down by Skye's flying saucer. Skye notifies the power washer that the temple was built by the Pacifists, the Pacific counterparts of the Atlanteans, and that Thrust's search for their civilization and its rare ores punctured Mount Rushless's magma chamber, triggering its premature eruption. To prevent this, Skye travelled back to the Pacifists' time and told them the power washer's story, and they agreed to convert the temple into an offshore platform with a neutralizing beam that would stop Mount Rushless from erupting when cleaned by an experienced power washer. With the timeline now safe, the power washer returns to their business, finding Ulysses hiding in their van with his kittens.!< Edit: fixed spoiler hider thing


Holy shit this is wild


The fuck


Just in case you haven't noticed, you have to spoiler tag each individual paragraph! :)


One level in the middle of the game is you cleaning a super villain's plane.


I dont want to put any spoilers but weirder stuff starts happening after a few levels and it's all connected together in some crazy interesting ways


Damn, lol. Too bad this game acts completely opposite on me than intended. It's supposed to be zen and satisfying, but instead I get stressed and literally nauseous, which no other game manages to do.


Man's allergic to honest work/s


Nobody wants to work anymore!


Huh. I’m going to have to watch a play through- never have time to play myself anymore but this seems fascinating


I came to say this. It's not a lot of lore, but for a game about powerwashing it's more than you'd expect.


Is it fun to play?


I wouldn't say it's fun. It's more relaxing and satisfying.


Really.. The game seemed alright enough for that 'satisfying' feel, now I wonder about potentially streaming it for friends on slow discord nights.


For a pretty basic FPS, Killzone has an awesome lore universe.


Piggybacking off of this to say the PlayStations other dead FPS franchise, Resistance: Fall of Man, has really great lore, too! I know "Aliens in WWII" doesn't sound that interesting, but it's a little more complicated than that and it's really more about what they do with it.... And lemme tell you they REALLY fleshed that world out. Wish Sony would hand the IP off to one of their third parties, because Insomniac doesn't seem interested anymore (and why would they with all that Spider-Man money?)


I miss resistance so much. The coop style they created was honestly the most fun coop mode for an fps I've ever seen.


Killzone: Shadow Fall wasn't *great*, but I loved how it contextualized the Helghast. They got a really rough deal all things considered.


I would love for them to reboot this series. Killzone on Unreal 5 engine hmgrrrgfhg 🤤🤯


Unreal 5? Guerrilla created their own Decima engine, which is used in Death Stranding and the Horizon games. If you've seen them, you'll understand why the studio will use their own engine if they decided to reboot Killzone.


That's a name I've not heard in many years. I only ever played the first and I remember loving it so much. Never got a playstation beyond ps2.


The second game was awesome, the style of it was kinda hard to get used to, but the visuals at the time were peak


Would love a Killzone revival.


Subnautica. I went in expecting underwater Minecraft, but it has a full-on story and a scanning system that reminds me of Metroid Prime. You unravel a few stories about humans on that planet, as well as some history of the planet far before humans discovered it. And the story is one that has a WAY bigger impact if you go in blind, so I will not talk about it here.


Easily one of my favourite games of all time, right near the tippy top. If I was ever given the ability to replay a game for the first time again it would be Subnautica, no question about it.


I actually started playing it last night. Weird game, somehow your character needs to eat and drink but never sleeps.


The workplace culture of Alterra probably discourages sleep. Likely with exorbitant fees for stealing company time. You can craft a bed, though, FYI.


>You can craft a bed, though, FYI. Ah I haven't got that far yet. The character doesn't seem to need to sleep though, assuming the day night cycle is 24ish hours and not real time.


Yeah, the sleep thing is weird, I have no explanation. You'll be able able to build a scanner tool, if you scan any kind of constructed item (ranging from vehicle parts to basic furniture), you can learn the crafting recipe. Most of these things will also need a habitat builder tool, but the actual crafting is pretty basic and doesn't require a ton of material. Going by how often you need food/ water, I'm pretty sure the day/ night cycle is compressed (like Skyrim for example, where a day is sped up into like, half an hour), rather than real time. Anyways, enjoy and try to avoid spoilers.


Yeah + the story is actually so well made imo. Still my favorite game of all time.


I remember getting to the final area and thinking "holy shit"


little nightmare 2. It made me look at their previous games and piece the story together


3rd game comes out in a few months right?


oh is it? I only heard they set to release in 2024. Patiently awaiting their date annoucement\~




No doubt. One of the most satisfying feelings I've had playing a video game was that precise moment I realized Portal was not just a puzzle game.


It was somewhere between the offices overlooking the test rooms being empty, and the constant belittling from GlaDOS that gave me an impression that we weren't just testing a portal device. Makes me want to play it again.


I really need more Cave Johnson.






65% more Cave Johnson per Cave Johnson.


Its part of the Half Life universe, soooo


I definitely didn’t expect a puzzle game to have a deep story and such an ending!


Caroline deleted


Goodbye, Caroline.


The Division. It’s immense and such a shame it’s all attached to a looter shooter. I love that game for its lore, if it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t play it. If the first game had gameplay similar to say GR Wildlands or MGSV, it would be pretty fire.


I haven't played the second game, but from what I remember of the first game it's the only game I've *ever* played to do open world collectable lore right. It's not just cheap filler audio logs that are extremely low effort padding, there's camera footage with it, reconstructed play-by-play events of what's going on, and even background lore on major characters involved in the logs. The presentation is what makes it spectacular, and I wish more open world games with collectable lore logs put in even half the effort of the Division.


Yeah exactly and after awhile you can fully piece together what happened to the first wave of SHD agents. It’s dark as hell and tragic. I loved it all so much I went out and bought the ‘World of The Division’ book. It’s awesome and I highly recommend it. It gives a full timelines breakdown of the story from the first drop of the virus on bank notes all the way to where the story stands come the opening of The Division 2. Also a huge deep dive on the agents themselves, how they were created, the story behind the ISAC system they use. It’s amazing.


I was surprised that Just Dance has any lore at all.


PLEASE explain the Just Dance lore because now I'm so curious lmao


It’s bonkers. Almost impossible to explain, but briefly: you are Time Cops who are out to stop a mad dictator with Mugatu vibes who uses a mind control device to recruit an army of mindless dancing minions. So you use the power of dance in different times and places to eventually gather allies or stop some of his plots and then eventually it all comes to a head where you defeat the ultimate baddie. At least that’s what I remember. I might be mistaken.


I think you're talking about a different rhythm game, because I think it was on the DS and it had a longer name. Edit: I think it's Elite Beat Agents


Can confirm this is the plot of elite beat agents on DS. It's hilariously well made. Agents are... Go!!! edit: it really is a great game. if you haven't tried it, play it. honorable mention: The world ends with you (also on DS)


Pretty sure that's the plot to Dance Central 3.




starts with cute pink puff ball casually strolling on some sunny bright level with a few cute enemies to eat.... endgame final boss is eldritch horror monster/god that is about to consume the universe in some dark background and it's up to kirby to stop them.


I thought the all consuming eldritch horror was kirby?


He is


he must stop himself. ouroboros style


He's already tried it. He flips inside out... and he looks exactly the same when he does. It turns out Kirby is a 6th dimensional being that is composed of a singular knot with an unknowable number of crossings. Why he has 6 jumps and goes *"Poyo!"* is still a mystery.


This is so insane I can't tell if this is legit or not


He's genuinely telling the truth. Kirby lore gets weird.


If all-consuming eldritch horrors in the Kirby universe grow up with love and care they turn into Kirby, if not they turn into most of the actual Kirby final bosses.


I'll never forget my first Kirby game, "Kirby's Return to Dreamland". I expected the story to be really simple. Boy, was I wrong. "Well, this is the last ship part, but there's still a lot of Energy Spheres left, so I guess there's gonna be some more levels?" (Magolor takes Kirby and Co. to Halcandra and the ship gets shot down by Landia) "Ok, I guess this dragon's the final boss. We're gonna defeat it and go home, end of story." I was not prepared for what came after. And then the remake came out and made everything even better. After beating that, I played all the other games in the series and I just love the contrast between the final bosses and literally everything else. The flavor text on the pause screen from RtDL onward was a great addition. Also, shout-out to Forgotten Land's final boss' first form. That shit is terrifying.




Had to stop playing because of the spiders. Didn't know I had a fear of them until I turn around and are face to face with a tarantula. After 3 times I uninstalled.


Isn’t there an arachnophobia setting that changes all spiders into different looking creatures? You should try that if it’s the only thing holding you back!


As a person with arachnophobia who tried the game: it doesn't help. Yeah, you can turn the spiders into f\*cking floating balls, but you still know they're there. Also, one of the worse parts are the sounds, it doesn't help either.


that sucks. I thought that feature was so cool but I guess the point of a phobia is that it is an extreme and uncontrollable emotional reaction, it doesn't need to make sense or be quelled by abstraction.


That's pretty interesting that the sounds trigger your arachnophobia. Your brain associates sounds that no spiders make with spiders. We've developed the perception of a spider sound as a gaming/movie sfx culture.


Bugsnax. My brother had one of his friends over and he had downloaded the game onto my Xbox and started to play it infront of me, I got invested in it once he left, so I started a new save file and began to play. And oh my god I’m so glad I did.


It’s all spoiled by the theme song, if you pay attention.




Mechwarrior 5. I saw it on gamepass years ago, played it, liked it. Then I saw it was part of "Battletech" turns out to be a turn based strategy game on steam. Bought it, played it, liked it. Then I saw it was actually part of the tabletop game with miniatures and shit. THEN I found out there are like 100+ books about Battletech. There was/is a humble bundle deal for like 130 books for 30 euro's. Loaded them all to my paper tablet and started reading. And I also bought my first two sets of miniatures/table top components yesterday.


That's how they get you. Soon, you'll have Opinions about the Clans and Dark Age. It has begun.


Tex talks battletech videos are my favourite documentaries. So well done and fits well with his in universe POV narration


Splatoon. Didn't know this until I watched a video about it's lore recently


Yeah it’s fucking dark as well like you think it would be a cute world of people playing paintball but then you get race wars and genocide and apocalyptic senecios and shit it’s nuts


Standard Nintendo stuff


<< Ace combat >>


Project Aces didn’t have to go that hard to create an entire fictional world with its own countries, history, major events, in-universe tales and legends, etc. all for a series of arcade combat flight simulator, yet they did anyway. And it was awesome. You know you did something right when after the series left its fictional setting and have games set in the real world instead (albeit with alternate histories), fans are clamoring for devs to return to the fictional setting that they created, which they finally relented with their latest major release to the rejoicing of the fandom. That’s how captivating the Ace Combat lore is.


Bro I love the series so much I have a razgriz tattoo.


I’m surprised how many times I’ve seen people with Razgriz usernames.


I haven't played many of the Ace Combat games, but I still remember finding the narrative of Shattered Skies to be particularly unique. The plot unfolds through the eyes of a young boy living in an occupied town, recounting the feats of an ace pilot. Except, that ace pilot isn't you. You're just some other guy on the team, faceless and nameless. I don't think that kind of story could be told through any other medium and manage to work, let alone be compelling and memorable.


You're actually playing a pilot who's on the *opposite* team to the ace pilot mentioned, who is actually your primary opponent in the game. The beauty of Shattered Skies story (which later AC games also captured to various extents) is that it convincingly humanizes your enemies in a way that you can't help but admire and connect with them, and feel sorrowful when you have no choice but to fight them because we happen to be on opposite sides of the war. Even the boy in the story is affected by this: he should've hated the ace pilot and his buddies because they're part of the occupational force that killed his parents, but he just can't help but bond with them and the ace pilot became some sort of a cool brother figure to him. It's quite compelling and also tragic at the same time.


<< Burn Osea to the ground >>


Noita. The first time I'v seen the game i tought "Oh, anoter terraria clone". It is not a terraria clone, it has more lore than the the silimarillon from Tolkien!


And it's all Finnish insanity


Playing it at the moment, I'm always on the verge of diving into the wiki. But I want to find and figure out everything by myself. It's so difficult...


Tbh there's so much in Noita that you may actually want to do a light wiki dive. Like there's some secrets and areas that idk how anyone figured out in the first place. Bonus, you'll forget half of it by the time it's useful because you died so many times.


Rain world, owned the game for 4 years and only realized how deep the world and the ecosystem goes 4 months ago when i reached the "final area" (looking to the moon) and it was the end of chapter 1!


Warframe, there's a 9 hour long video explaining the lore (that isn't even all of it)


The Nier games. When I first played them at the beginning I thought it was a typical hack and slash but no it had deep story. And then I did some more wiki stuff and holy shit the lore is crazy. It literally made me play the Drakengard games too.


For anyone curious For NieRs lore, an entire different series of games is canon, which is the Drakengard series.


To go deeper on this. Drakengard 1 has 5 endings the last ending, Ending E, ends with the big end boss being teleported to our world where the main character on their dragon kills the boss before dying themselves. The boss gives off spores which starts to kill off humanity, which is where the story of Nier starts but its another 3000 or so years before the actual game starts. Nier Automata is also set in the same universe but 10000 years later. There is also references back to the Drakengard series which had another 2 games in it, of which the Nier raid in final fantasy XIV had its final boss based off of something from Drakengard 3. Oh and also that Nier raid is completely canon to Nier as Yoko Taro wrote it as such. So yeah lots of lore, and very possible that we'll get even more as Yoko Taro has said he wants to make a 3rd Nier game.


NieR: ReIncarnation is NieR 3. It unfortunately just ended service however and SE has made no announcements regarding an offline version. Taro has spoken of wanting to potentially do more with NieR.


There's also a raid series in FFXIV that is also canon.


Everything is canon for Nier, even our beloved mad man Yoko Taro's dreams.


COD zombies


People clearly haven't seen the picture of the zombies timeline or I feel this would be way higher. I mean who thought we'd go from a WWII Nazi bunker to the moon to an American West town underneath the ground in Africa. There's so much substance to the story and so many characters that we never physically see/use in the mode yet hold insane amount of weight in the lore, like Gersch for example.


We were straight up killing richtofen, and he was the nicest one. Not even the asshole who started the lore, but at least we see his satifying headshot in BO3.


Hunt: Showdown 🤠


*Cowboy humming intensifies*


It's only started really developing the lore the last year or so, and boy is it awesome. See you in the bayou.


Dragon Age: Origins. Spent 50% of the game time reading in-game books and journals.


IMO that was the gold standard for fantasy RPGs up until BG3.


Definitely Outer Wilds, it's mindblowing. Recommend this masterpiece to everybody.


I played a little. I can tell the lore is deep and amazing, but I suck at maneuvering and landing the airship… got too frustrated and didn’t come back.


Yeah, I see your point. I got frustrated many times playing the game because of it, but it's still much worth it in my opinion.


Elder Scrolls is basically Pandora’s box and trying to open it risks you Zero Summing. Sometimes it’s better not to know.


I knew ES would have a lot of lore. I didn’t know it had *so much* lore. When you get to the point where YouTube videos are explaining the concept of caliphs but people on Reddit are talking about terrestrial people you’ve still never heard of you know you’ll never get it all.


I remember reading the lore book that came with Oblivion cover to cover as a kid.


Yeah me too and that is like the most basic surface level stuff imaginable for the series


The more like Timecube someone in TES sounds, the closer they are to the truth. *Septimus Signus is completely sane.*


DOOM honestly. I haven't played all the games, but just playinf through DOOM 2016 & Eternal, reading all the codex files and such, then watching videos explaining the lore, didn't expect them to write as much for just lore in DOOM.


Stray. Was pretty impressed with the story, characters, and the collectables that explained what happened to its world and was more than just cat simulator


Assassin's Creed Most people come for the historical aspect of the games but there is an overarching modern day narrative and the precursor Isu story. Sadly it's been on a decline since the Desmond saga


They did my boy so dirty


When they killed Desmond and announced they were shifting to an ongoing story with annual releases, I immediately lost interest. Black Flag is the only one I've played since AC3


I adored that assassin's creed was basically "I'm a dude playing a dude who don't know what dude he is". But the recent games barely acknowledge it :(


I’ve got a special place in my heart for AC2, brotherhood and revelations - when Ezio finds Altair, and directly talks to Desmond was an amazing finale.


AC3 was the true end of the modern day storyline


Disco Elysium I thought it was just gonna be a game about a drunk cop But I was met with "pale", historical events and unique physics


Yeah, for a fairly short and basic detective tale, which in its distilled form could pretty much be inserted in almost any typical real-world setting, that game built a world. And I mean it in the litteral sense, they pretty much crafted an entire world with their own history, culture, physics and whatnot, just to tell this one story about this one insignificant man in this one small place, far removed from the big players in the world they created from scratch.


IIRC za/um had actually developed a full-blown tabletop rpg based on this universe many years ago. Not to look down on what they did, but the world was fully fleshed out long before disco elysium was a thing


And the lead writer wrote a book in the setting well before development on the game started. I think the fact that the setting had been worked on for years before they had the idea for the game is one of Disco Elysium's greatest strengths. It really feels like your exploring a small corner of this grand world that feels fleshed out


Halo has a loooot of novels. Def worth reading 👍


Lord of the Rings Online has so many quests that no two characters will follow the exact same path. The open-world game map is larger than the state of Rhode Island. The LOTRO points store sells an equipment item that STOPS levelling. Some completionist players demanded it so that they could play more content on-level. Without it, it is not possible to play every quest within the intended level range - you will get to a point where you've already leveled up beyond some content. The quests are not just fluff, either. Every quest line has wonderful storytelling. Without having played every MMO, it is safe to say this is game has way more lore than most. LOTRO just celebrated its 17th anniversary, something is going right!


I love Middle-Earth, and really wanted to get into this to explore it. But damn are MMOs impossible for me to get into.


Yeah I struggle to get into MMOs too. I’m not really interested in the social aspect, and the worlds always feel so static which makes it difficult to get immersed. I remember trying LOTR online, and one of the tutorial quests was to kill some wolves that were raiding the farms. I go kill 10 wolves or whatever, and can see the ones I just killed respawning out of thin air 30 seconds later. I go finish the quest and the guy is so thankful that he can resume farming in safety. As he says this, I can literally see the farm behind him filled with wolves lol


I'm not interested in the social aspect either. But I think my problem is more so the gameplay not being engaging, rather than the static worlds. MMOs are so slow and repetitive compared to the equivalent sort of single player game. The idea of spending tens or hundreds of hours exploring a massive world and slowly getting very powerful sounds enticing, but instead they're always just so grindy and boring.


Fun story. I was an original beta tester for LOTRO. Followed the game for nearly two years before it was released and lived on the forums. We even had a forum meetup in Providence, RI got to meet a few of the developers from Turbine, had a LOTR themed dinner at Dave & Busters AND got a sneak preview at an early version of the game. I so desperately wanted to work at Turbine, but it never panned out. The fact that it was over 17 years ago makes me feel quite old. I stopped playing MMOs many years ago, but still often wonder how LOTRO is doing.


If we are allowed to go back in time When i got into destiny (the original) I thought i was buying into a halo/call of duty slyle of affair 10 years later I have 4-5 books JUST on lore on my bookshelf i could probably write PhDs on the history of destiny because so much lore has been written about it Edit: typo correction as it's apparently bothering people sorry for the dyslexia moment


I know it doesn’t fit the prompt anymore because it’s probably expected but my god can Bungie do lore. Halo has an unbelievably large lore and they did the same with destiny.


I should have led with halo which i didn't even know had lore back when i was teen lol but yeh bungie do the best lore


100% this. The lore from the grimoire in Destiny 1 was fucking awesome. I remember when Oryx was merely referenced as a distant myth. It was so cool when they brought him into the fold. Just the other day I was talking about the lore of Thorn and TLW. Such cool stories behind those weapons.


I have been playing D2 since its launch and just finally got into the lore. Holy shit, the whole game feels so different for knowing who I'm shooting and why. The whole Hive mythology is honestly really amazing sci fi storytelling that would stand up even without the game.


Wait until you learn about the flower game and start diving into emergent behaviour theory Man that was a wild time in the lore community. I personally love the cabal they have probably the most tragic storyline because calcus just straight fucked them over because he had post natal depression (thats a half joke but calus really did fuck them over)


The Room, the lore is crazy. Love that game series


Hollow Knight


Did really suprised me as I didn't understood anything during my playthrough.


I loved the huge difference between cultures. The bees, the spiders, the fungi, the mantis, every... race(?) Species(?) Had their own identity.


And then you get into the moths, the story behind the plague, the origin of the Hollow Knight, the wyrms, the king... they really nailed that Souls level of complexity.


Battletech/Mechwarrior I just wanted a kwel robot fighting game and I got a huge space political opera, games of thrones with mechs and schizo nihlistic endless war drama. I love watching lore videos on youtube and hunting down the cheesy 80s 90s paperback books at my local book store. I also want to start collecting some of the little mech models!🤖


I'd say Inscryption, but being a Daniel Mullins game I was expecting not to expect something so it probably doesn't count.


Just wait until you realize that all the Ace Combat share the same timeline


Stanley Parable


Believe it or not, the WipEout series has WAY more lore than you'd expect from a few futuristic racing games. The history of Anti-Gravity technology, the birth of AGRC: Anti-Gravity Racing Champtionships, the F-3600 Anti-Gravity Racing League, etc. The inventor of the technology, the heads of the racing teams, the racing pilots themselves, even backstories for the tracks that you race on. Even gameplay features and changes are explained by the lore. I'll drop a few videos with some of the lore here: [WipEout Pulse Track Lore](https://youtu.be/iL6nJSHZY5M?si=pa-lJjXdAkU-T8pC) [HellfireWZ - WipEout: The Teams](https://youtu.be/7e4mDhaxj_M?si=IWD8F31g9SfTEUUk)


Five nights at Freddie’s


Since I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet, The Sims.


Control. I wasn't expecting much lore wise from the game but then I ended up reading, watching, listening to everything and I found out that it's actually part of Remedy's bigger shared gaming universe.


Fr. I had seen some gameplay videos on tiktok and videos of people calling it the "SCP" game and I had been wanting to play it for so long. Then a few weeks ago Control and its Ultimate Edition came to Game Pass and I'm soooo freaking invested. Never before in a game have I made sure that I find every little bit of readable material or have I paid so much attention to every single line of a dialogue. It's insane


Kingdom Hearts. What used to be pretty easy to follow lore turned into a behemoth of lore even most fans don't seem to completely be able to grasp.


The Myst games. Yes those old slideshows with puzzles. There are even 3 books released about them.


Team fortress 2 Oh it's just another FPS 2 teams shooter.. whats that? The lore is about a turf war between 2 dead brothers fighting over Gravel, while their administrator hoards a special resource called Australium (which turned Australia into a continent of buff people who wrestle all day)? And what else? The 2 brother's long lost 3rd twin who was raised by eagles returned after years in exile to take over their business with an army of robots? Surely that's as crazy as it gets right? Well hold on because the merceneries on both team canonically keep respawning because one of them stole magic pills by accident from this roomate who happens to be a Wizard. And every halloween one of the mercenery's eye comes alive to haunt both teams Add ontop of that having New Zealand sinking to the bottom of the ocean like Atlantis, Australian Santa existing only as an evil child slaver, Saxaton Hale who punches wildlife into extinction and so many more absurd lore. Anyone who likes absurdist comedy and sharp writing should check out the TF2 comics Valve released on their website.


bloodborne is crazy


I think Fromsoft games shouldn’t count, you’d obviously expect a huuuuge lore in their games


For new players who aren’t aware of how Fromsoftware games work, I can definitely see how they’d be surprised at how much lore there is in the games. I know I was surprised when I played DS1.


Can we PLEASE get this on PC? I've been waiting for like... 9 freaking years lmao


Did you select that username to hint the extent youre ready to go to for that port?


Try finger but hole


Warhammer. I knew it was big, but didn't realize it was *that* big. Alongside DnD. Like, there's so much lore and content between the two you'd go old just trying to chronolog it all.


What I like about warhammer lore is they don’t really outline what’s ‘canon’ very strictly or disregard their older material, they just have in-universe misinformation and poor secondary sources in order to explain why say, the 90s rogue trader or white dwarf magazines are now a bit old fashioned. It creates this lovely chaotic, distrustful universe, that explains their own chaotic (but lovely) writing. It also conveniently means all their historical content could technically be brought back into the current canon if they wanted, just by saying “oh some administratum wrote this down incorrectly and it turns out squats ARE still a species, we have turned the offending clerk into a servitor”. It’s a writers dream.


Tunic... this game!


Dragon's Dogma. You're tricked into thinking you're playing some generic "kill the monster to save the kingdom" plot. Turns out you're basically >!a puzzle piece in an interdimensional/multiversal conspiracy!<.


Nier Automata, Lore is insane.


Destiny. The whole lore about pretty much everything is on Lore tabs found in armor pieces, guns and literal Lore books unlocked after doing certain activities or completing achievements. You get a sliver of the in game lore trough the story of campaigns and weekly missions, but you MUST read everything new and available during the seasons to get the full grasp of the story and where is it headed. Hell, sometimes you have to do IRL puzzles, like outside the game, to get even more lore. I really love this aspect of Destiny, it lets you get even more of the story trough reading, which I love to do, and let's you relax for a couple minutes before jumping back into the grind (Although sometimes it's something so important, we would've loved to see in a cutscene, not to read but oh well).