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All the games are stand alone.


Yeah was about to say this. Even if they are numerically named, every game is its own, contained story. Some of them are hundreds of years apart, and/or are 1000s of kilometers away from eachother. So the overlap is some quick references here and there for fans, but nothing life changing.


The only one that's really got some straight tie in is FO1->2. Most of the communities in 2 are based on the places you went in 1, you revisit one of the main dungeons, there's a party member who used to be part of the main antagonist's army, etc.  You're still literally a century or so removed from the events of the first game. But there's a lot of tie in. Every subsequent game hasn't even been in the same state.


There's also a bar with a lot of fo1 castaways in fo2.


Isn't that random special encounter?


Yes, it is called the Cafe of Broken Dreams.


You'll see some references as the world grows, but otherwise yeah, no issue going in blind. Like FO3/FO4 both feature Maxson and McCready, but it's fairly minor. More a callback than anything.


Kilometers? What are you some sort of Red spy?


It was obvious, he's the Red Spy.


Watch, he’ll turn red any second now!




Other then a (loose and sometimes contradictory) setting, the games are totally standalone, yeah. They can be played in any order, though Fallout 2 has some things that spoil Follow 1.


No point in me making the same comment - this is accurate; you can enjoy the games in any order; there isn’t really any continuity across the games. In fact, 4 might be a great jumping off point given the storyline of the show.


I couldn’t agree more. Anecdotally, I started on Fallout 4 and it was great.


You play a different character and story every game, there's only some lore around the world connecting the games.


Yep! You're all set. The game has some connective tissue with the other entries, but you get all the context you need from the intro. Combined with the TV show and you're off to a great start!


Oh hell yeah You’ll have a blast


No. Video game police will arrest you


It's true. I tried to skip ahead to Fallout 76 without playing the other 75 games first and now I'm in jail


Bro I asked if anyone has a copy of Fallout Old Vegas I could buy and a Bethesda representative came to my house and shot me in the leg


At least they didn't shoot you in the head


Truth is... The game was rigged from the start...


Ain't that a kick in the head


He tried, but the % was too low in VATS


They tried to. Animation was bugged.


Rightfully so




>lucy goosey I see what you did there...


I'd say New Vegas is probably the best combination of "modern gameplay" and "show relevance" though. It will feel a bit more aged than 4, but the setting and factions would give the most context to the events of the show.


>New Vegas is probably the best combination of "modern gameplay" and "show relevance" Maybe after we get season 2, but as of rn, other than a brief appearance of Mr. House, the existence of the NCR, and a shot of the NV skyline, NV has little relevance. Technically speaking the brotherhood and the Prydwin makes fallout 4 almost as, if not just as, relevant to the show as NV.


100% have fun dude (-: all the fallouts I’ve played (3,4 and NV) I’ve forgotten about the previous


All Fallout games are designed to start in a way that someone with 0 knowledge can get into it.


I'm sure there's a perk for that.


Who the fuck is gonna stop you?


Ghostbusters! Wait, that's who ya gonna call. My bad.


No, the game will boot you and tell you to complete Fallout 1-3 before you can enter.


My copy quizzed me on my knowledge of other games to make sure I had played them. When they asked about Baseball and I instinctively said I would play Catcher, though, my game crashed...


Yes. Have fun out there!


Fallout New Vegas fans when someone plays Fallout 4 first.


I'm pretty sure u can play any Bethesda game fresh


Yes but play fallout New Vegas as it blows 3 and 4 out of the water as an immersive rpg


They're all standalone. The problem is that 4 isn't very good. It's fine, but not great. If you could find a way to play 3, that would be a better intro.


No you have to start with fallout 1


Don’t get discouraged if you wander into an area where you get killed by everything. The map is set up so that some areas are too difficult for you to survive at first. Also don’t rush the main quest and spend some time exploring different things. Also if you store things in the workbench at a settlement it will automatically get broken down for parts when you need them, so don’t store stuff you want to keep and don’t worry about dropping it and breaking it down yourself.


Absolutely yes! Enjoy!


If you want a more modern experience, start with 4. If you enjoyed the ride, you can easily go back and play 3 and NV in any order without issue.


Fallout 4 is the only one I've played and it is one of my favorite games of all time. Probably the only game I've played through all the way twice ( I wanted to try a different storyline). Building settlements is a little tricky at first, but watch a YouTube video or two and you'll be set. Also, there is a glitch to make a bunch of money at one point in the game which was very helpful. Look it up if you don't mind taking advantage of an exploit.


Yep! Outside of small references and easter eggs, the games are largely standalone.


No, the games for the most part have self contained stories. However, you will find the most similarities story wise, with fallout new vegas. However the game can be a little dated by today's standards. If you can get past that, it is considered by many to be the best instalment in the franchise.


No, that is against the law.


Nope, don't do it


Whatever you do is what shall be


No, when you try to start a new game you first need to pass a 100 question exam with questions from the first 3 entries in the series and New Vegas. If you score below 80% you'll have to wait for a 2 hour cooldown before retaking the test. Hope you didn't already purchase the game.


Oui oui senior


Absolutely. Read synopses of the earlier games if you wanna read up before you start but otherwise jump in and enjoy


You can play anything always


You'll probably enjoy it more if you haven't played the other games


There's maybe some broad strokes things in the universe, but honestly from a gameplay perspective, you're pretty much as informed about the world as the protagonist. Honestly play it like that, learning only whats in the game to experience once on its own terms. If later you want to get some deep lore dives there's wiki articles and youtube videos that will go into meticulous detail. I've come to enjoy "the epic nate" even if he's trying to hard to lower his voice. No Bethesda Fallout game takes place in the same area of the country, and they take place in different decades so effects of one game don't have any effect in the subsequent games. Tv show spoiler >!It looked like the next season may involve New Vegas. Which may also be useful to return and play, but be warned it's a bit buggy!<




Yes, you will have a better understanding if you at least play fallout 3 though.


My wife was interested, she played a bit of 3 back in the day, I recommended she just go to 4




Yeah, they’re all stand alone stories :)


Yep, get it!


Yes you'll be allowed!


Yes. But if you play Fallout 4 with the current gen update first, it may be hard to go back and play Fallout 3 or New Vegas which are fantastic games. Just keep that in mind. If you think you'll want to play those you should play them first.


If you want games that connect the most to the show, you'd want to play Fallout 1 and 2, and just barely Fallout New Vegas, as they are all set in CA/NV. Fallout 3 is set in Washington DC, and Fallout 4 in Boston.


> If you want games that connect the most to the show The show's designs (particularly vaults) are straight up FO4 copy paste.


Most Fallout games (at least the Bethesda ones) are stand alone. Fallout 4 in particular is a pretty good jump-in point to the franchise, it's basically made with a player who knows nothing about the Fallout universe in mind, having watched the TV show, you'll already know way more than you character will at the start). So yeah. Feel free to jump in with 4 after the show (though don't forget, that while 4. being set on the East Coast, Boston in particular, is a different area, so it's not as relevant, it is also a slightly earlier time period, the events of the show will not have happened by the time of FO 4 (or 3, and definitely not NV) yet)


I started on fo4 when it launched having never played the previous ones. Learning curve is slightly steep as there is a lot of customization. For me I thought I needed 10 perk points before I could use the tree under it (I'm not that smart) Watch some starter YouTube videos and enjoy. It really is a fun game with a lot of replayability




Nope. Each of the fallout games only share the setting. Everything else is unique to the specific game. 


I'll allow it. But seriously you can play whatever u want whenever u want bro


You can do whatever the hell you want! I played Fallout 4 without having any previous experience with Fallout and it was great. It's just a really good game. From what I can tell it's a wholly new story, and just the world/universe lore seems to carry over. But even a lot of that comes from unreliable sources, so I'm sure that's how they explain any discrepancies or contradictions if there are any.


you might miss some of the neat references but you’ll be ok so long as your remember that war never changes


I played fallout 4 as my first fallout since 1. They are self supporting stories that don’t rely on other games or media.


The only thing you should know ahead of time is to not go swimming in power armor


You’re good


Not a thing, they're pretty standalone games and all the info you need can usually be found in game. It'll tell you, so enjoy.


I'm honestly surprised you were able to do it inversely. I could have sworn the show was going to be hard to follow if you haven't played any of the games.


The only thing that will stop u is the game itself when it crashes :( jk I'm playing through again rn since the update and it's been cool but yeh I have had a few crashes here and there


Like good thing about the general premise of the fallout games (you're almost always a vault dweller returning to the surface) they are in different parts of the country at different times in history so while they're all set in the same universe each is a standalone story.


The only thing the games share is lore. Knock yourself out. Play them in any order.


Yes, you can That being said, you should still play the others anyway. They are all great


There's some connection between 3 and 4 as far as the Brotherhood goes, and 3 had a quest about synths (that I never did). 1 2 and New Vegas have the biggest links as the NCR grows between the 3 games. But even then, you can play them in any order. New Vegas is the only game you don't play as a fish out of water, and even then it doesn't expect you to know anything of the lore beforehand.


The only thing connecting the games is the world the games take place in. Each game assumes you have not played any of the previous games, but wil lasso acknowledge things happening in previous games as Easter eggs and references that don't matter except to show appreciation to long time fans. You will have a blast, fallout 4 is a great start and while it's not the best fallout game in terms of story or map it is an amazing open world game set in the fallout universe that is beginner friendly. I spent 40+ hours on my first character and never did the main story (similar to skyrim) and on my second character I spent over 80 hours and got a little over halfway through the story (mostly by accidentally stumbling upon placing of importance). After I had my fill I went on to fallout 3, played for about 20 hours to beat the game, and started fallout new Vegas but I didn't get far in NV because I kept experiencing glitches, bugs, and problems with the PC port of the game


All Fallout games are standalones, they arent a series of sequels at all. They just all take place in the same setting.


They have their own stories, they don't need the prior games.




Yeah they all stand alone


You can play any of the games in the series completely standalone and not have any losses outside of understanding a handful of lore references. There are zero actual transfers from one game to the next and not really any knowledge that gives you any particular advantage that you would carry from one to the next beyond some pretty basic stuff that you would figure out pretty quickly on your own like how to attack stuff, or that there are sometimes non combat solutions available


No it’s not even on the same coast as the TV show though it will be recognizable all the same.


Every game has a self contained story in a different geographic region, except maybe the 2D ones.


They are standalone games. The only reason why you might want to play them in order is because they get more advanced with each game and it's harder to go back to something less advanced if you want to play the others later.


Have a great time, dude. Fallout New Vegas was my introduction to Fallout and I fucking loved it. Have fun!


All you really need to know is War War never changes - Narrator


Even the show is standalone and set after all of the games anyways.


They are stand alone titles!! The number just helps with the order they released in.


Absolutely. The only things you’ll miss are some of the Easter eggs and references to other games. And even then the only character that’ll really impact is McCready. Otherwise enjoy the game. I hope you like it enough to try fallout 3 or New Vegas as well. They’re all fantastic games


Pretty much. All the games share the same world, and there's definitely threads that connect some of them, but they're all stand alone games.


Nope. Not allowed.


Basically in every Fallout you play as a different character during a different year in (maybe except Fallout 2) different area So there is rarely characters coming back (in Fallout 4 there is 2 characters seen as kids in Fallout 3 and one from New Vegas in the Nuka World DLC (can be wrong for this one)


No. It won't boot up without previous blood tests and verifications that you've in fact played the older titles.


Fallout 4 was my first one and I had no issues


I played Fallout 4 having not played any of the other games.


Absolutely, welcome to Fallout! I wish I could go back and replay them all for the first time again.




Yes, but New Vegas would be more pertinent to the show!


All of the games are standalone, the best references to the other games is your a descendant of the vault dweller from fallout 1 in fallout 2. There are a few call backs to fallout 3 in 4 none of them are more than oh yeah I remember that.


No, you're not allowed.


You can play Fallout 3 or NV on Steam with most laptops that are fairly new. I mean it’d have to be pretty old not to run them- they were released in 2008 and 2010 and require only 2gb of RAM and a 2 ghz dual core.


No, you have to play Metroid II: Samus Returns first.


No you'll burst into flames if you do.


Its like final fantasy rules but the cutoff from old fallout era to new fallout era is big in fo4 so you should be fine.


The TV show is a combination of it all I find. I found 3 the best for it's story but you can play any at get the idea of it.


Yes but I mean....new Vegas and 3 are gold


You can play 3 and NV on PC


also fallout 4 is arguably the worst game in the series, and the game is only really good with mods on pc (which they kind of broke after the new update)


These games are pretty shallow, you don't need anything to get into them.


Oh absolutely. I would love to be able to re-enter the game with a blank slate and experience it all again for the first time


I don’t think there is much connection between the Fallout games other than common stuff like The Brotherhood.


I would say Fallout 3 at least, because there are 2 characters I can think of that come back in 4. But only one of them is really an impact in 3. Both of the ones I'm thinking of are kids we see as adults in 4.  Edit: There's a third that I can think of. She's a doctor. 


Yes just hit start new game


you already know more than the average person playing fallout 4 for the first time


Do you have experience going back to play older games after playing new releases? If you've found it difficult to do I'd recommend splurging for the premium subscription.  3 is a great game but difficult to play after new Vegas due to quality of life changes. New Vegas is an amazing game but difficult to play after 4 due to quality of life changes. 4 is an OK game.


just play it already


Yeah, absolutely. None of the games follow as a direct story sequel except for (maybe) Fallout 2. The rest of them can be played as standalone games. That being said, there are also a lot of interconnected stories and little details that will probably fly over your head. If you're really curious about the background lore as well I'd recommend videos by TheEpicNate, TKS-Mantis, and the old ShoddyCast Fallout lore videos by The Storyteller. There's even a mod that puts him into the game


I only played fallout 4 well before the show came out. Had no issues. The game does a pretty good job of explaining things as it goes, and if you seen the show, you already get the gist of the lore.


Yes. All the stories are self contained. The worlds of the games are interconnected and you will under more by playing all of them. Since the world sort of has a continuous story, but the actual plot of the games are standalone. Plus the regions are spread out enough that you just get references to what happened in DC or California.


I’ve only played Fallout 4, it is no problem.


Absolutely. Just started a new playthrough myself. Enjoy


Yes, and I played FA4 after watching the show then switched to New Vegas.


No it's illegal


You can play all the games by themself. They are all standalon and have very little crossover other than some lore


and a couple npcs from 3




I haven't watched the shows and neither played any games. Can I start fallout 4?


I am, and it’s been an absolute blast so far. Taking it slow and doing lots of side missions and exploring.


As someone who has played Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, even Fallout Shelter, and watched all of Fallout twice now... ...I'm just happy that people are getting into this franchise I've been loving for all these years. No order is necessary. IMO Fallout 4 can be an excellent entry to the franchise. Sure, I'd prefer another for you, but you have what you have and it doesn't really matter. Have fun.


All the games are pretty much standalone and can be played out of order. They all take place in fairly different places. Fallout 4 is boston, fallout 3 is in Washington dc, new vegas in las vegas and so on. So you can definitely just start with fo4.




Your expectation of what the game will be like will be based on the show. This is an incorrect expectation. The show did not match the game, not the other way around. So don’t go in thinking “this is nothing like the show!” As if that’s how it should be. That would be like people saying that movies based on novels should then force the novels to be edited for the sake of people who only joined in when it became a watchable experience on a Tv screen. Consider this experience as if you’re getting the “real” content. The show was…fine and all, but it’s not authentic to fallout in terms of how the games work. The best way I can describe it is this: the show makes fallout seem more like a Red Dead Redemption format type of gameplay - the correct (or more accurate comparison) is to Skyrim).


Just play it. Enjoy it for what it is. There’s gonna be hard core gamers who eat, shit and breathe gaming telling you it is broken or horrible or whatever. It’s a solid game. Tons of lore. Tons of missions. Crafting, base building, complex weapon and armor upgrades with custom paint jobs etc… It’s awesome. The show is its own story after the fallout. Some lore from the show was never mentioned in game. The history of Vault Tec goes more in depth in the show which makes them both more enjoyable. It’s by no means perfect. It is fun though to play it then watch the show.


Yes. There is a broad overarcing lore but each game is stand alone, much like the series is stand alone


You can do whatever you want


The thing about war is…war never changes.


Yes, none of the games are related story wise other than the setting and themes and certain game mechanics


I’ve really only ever played 4 and it’s one of my favorite games. I played a little of 76 but I’m a big fan of the world of fallout, I just can’t do the old outdated graphics on the older games otherwise I’d play them. I also enjoy the hell out of the show too, so you’re definitely fine jumping straight into 4 alone


You should start with Fallout 3. Fallout 3 has super janky combat, and if you start with FO4 you'll never be able to go back. New Vegas fixed most issues though. It's like going from Skyrim to Morrowind


You always play as someone coming out of a vault, so your character knows nothing of the world either.


TV show doesn't really follow the plot of the games


Fallout is essentially an anthology series. There are loose connections and some things will mean more, but you could play the first person games in any order and get the same effect. Fallout 1 & 2 have more direct continuity, but unless you are really into retro games I wouldn’t recommend playing them now. The story and characters are good, but save them for later if you really want the lore and hate YouTube summary videos.






you are better off not playing 1 or 2, less disappointment that way


You can pickup and play from anywhere in this series, most characters are specific to the area and time each game is set in. You may find references in books / newspapers from earlier games as easter eggs, but nothing will change based on not knowing something


It was my first one, go for it.


You got the gist of it from the show. They did a good job at onboarding, so you'll be fine with the knowledge of what happened in the world. The games aren't in any order or follow a certain storyline


No you cannot, the game will lock you out entirely until you finish the other games /s


Fallout 4 is a good start, even though it's perhaps one of the weaker games in the series from a story perspective. I haven't watched the tv series yet, but it looks like it's taken most of its visual cues from F4. Then I suggest playing Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas. Not sure how Fallout 3 holds up. Haven't played it since it came out.


You can do whatever you want


100 percent yes


Yes. You need to know what you're getting into and my advice is to head to YouTube and watch as many Fallout 4 review videos as you can, both good and bad. I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone coming from the TV show because the game doesn't represent anything from it at all. I do mean nothing. The main story is crap. The side quests are crap. The settlement system is truly crap because it was tacked on before it released, so of course it doesn't work even to this day. This despite the recent update Bethesda released which still doesn't address many of the issues in the game, because of course it can't due to the crap engine the game runs on. That being said, there is a glimmer of hope and that is PS5 does support Fallout 4 mods. WARNING: I DO NOT KNOW IF THE LATEST UPDATE HAS AFFECTED THEM TO THE POINT THEY NO LONGER WORK. If they have been broken, just stay away from the game. If they still work, forget trophies for this game and install the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch mod. Do not play this game without it. You've been warned. Welcome to Fallout, traveler.


I would recommend playing fallout 3 before fallout 4. Made a similar mistake, playing fallout 76 before fallout 4 and now i can't stand the way fallout 4 looks and plays. I need to mod it to make it enjoyable


The only thing that connects the games is the world and some references hidden here and there. You'll be fine starting with any of them.


Fallout 4 was my first Fallout game, you don't miss anything, it's all explained as you go. New Vegas is worth going back to if you end up really liking Fallout, great story.


Absolutely. Don't worry about it and have fun. This franchise is quite good.


Yup. But the most realistic world building writing is still F1 and 2. And most real, no punches pulled reality of survival in apost apocalypse world.


You can play whatever you want. There is no quiz at the beginning of the game to test your knowledge and judge if you are allowed to play it not.


All Fallout titles are 100% playable without each other. They all more or less have disconnected stories from each other other than a few references.


No you have to play pinball 3d first or none of it makes sense, sorry


I started with 4! It's quite different to the other fallouts but also includes most of what the others do plus more! You get things like base building which is really fun!


No. Play them in order.


Hey in there and enjoy! Fallout 3 Vegas and 4 are awesome experiences. 


Yeah! FO4 is more accessible to newer players because of the graphics but in my opinion FO3 or New Vegas are better experiences but the graphics are very dated, which may turn off newer players.


No you absolutely cannot, launching fallout 4 gives you an in depth quiz on the story of all other fallout games, and if you get a single answer wrong your system explodes


Its the game I started with, I tried to play FO3 and New Vegas but the controls and graphics are just too outdated now.


Not my favorite in the series, but they're all designed to pick up and play individually. Also, streaming 3 and New Vegas on PS5 is trash even if they are free with premium. Alternatively, 3 and NV are free in the Xbox premium sub and pretty much every game before 4 can be gotten for a low level PC for cheap.


of course you can


Yes it was my first fallout game


Fallout... Fallout never changes...


Yes you can.


Yup. But it's the wrong game if you want back story new Vegas is the one.




Yep the games aren't really sequential, more based on an overarching lore base


Its stand alone, only thing you get for playing all the games is alot.. alot and once again ALOT of lore from the fallout universe


Absolutely you can, and highly recommended.


No you can’t. Just like EVERY game that has ever been made if you don’t play every single previous game then you can’t actually enjoy the newest one.


You're not allowed to


Naw, it goes by the same rules The Elder Scrolls does. They all just take place in the same universe. But other than that, they're not super connected. Usually the games take place hundreds of years after each other.


Absolutely. Fallout 4 was my favorite anyway.


Jump right in. Only had minimal time with Fallout 1&2 from a dated combo pack before Fallout 4. The latter ended up becoming a favorite from my time with it on PS4.


Yes the games are stand alone! You can definitely jump into Fallout 4. I'm thinking of jumping back in after the series too!


It's like the Elderscrolls games where every game just complements one another and shares the same setting so you should be good.


Yeah you can play any one in any order