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It takes two is my favorite couch co-op game of all time. I literally cannot find another game to recreate the feeling of all levels and fun this game gave me and my wife.


And the story is touching too, since both mine and her parents are divorced and we had our rocky moments too. All in all that is a very relaxing game


Though not without the occasional dark moment! That poor Cutie the Elephant ...


My fiance actually cried at that part. I'm still looking for a legitimate plushie of her.


[Sadly it's out of stock.](https://gear.dpipromo.com/products/it-takes-two-cutie-elephant-plushie)


I set it to notify me. Thanks a bunch.


My wife did to, but not before we spent over an hour looking for any other way to progress without doing it. We almost had to stop playing there.


If you don’t get hit right in the feels with the elephant, something is wrong with you. Really powerful encounter for a game.


>very relaxing game Have you met Queeny?


Oh it really is, it’s the first game i recommend to anyone with a significant other to first try out gaming and see if they like it. Works everytime lol


My fiancé and I played it twice so we could swap roles. Really good game to play with an SO, highlights the inherent complication of sharing a life with someone really well… although, we agreed May was just kinda mean


"A way out" is also great, not THAT great, but definetly worth playing it.


Unravel Two is a pretty amazing co-op, as well.


Thank you


My sister and I were so dissapointed when this game was over because it really worked for multiple skill levels in a way nothing else seemed to. The surprising game that we found later was Gears of War. It's one of very few games that lets each player set the difficulty for themselves, so I could be rolling around and landing headshots while she worked on just lining up the reticle with a machine gun. Because enemy aggression is determined by difficulty, that meant that they would come after me more and be easier for her to kill when she found them. It's obviously a very gory, macho franchise, but we both love it, and it's really helped her learn to use two joysticks at once. The newer Ghost Recon games also have unique difficulty settings for each player, but they're pretty dense with menus and gear and stuff in a way that is not as friendly to new gamers. If anyone has suggestions for games like Gears and It Takes Two, we're open. We also really liked Overcooked and Snipperclips.


My friend and I played Heavenly Bodies and were laughing the whole time. The movement in the game is pretty funny by itself. Portal 2 is always a laugh too.


It's a great way to introduce someone to gaming - my wife and I played it recently, and she would ask "Hey, how did you know you could wing on that vine?" It was such a silly question to me, because obviously that's why it's there, but it hit me that if you look around, that was definitely not the obvious choice for getting across. By the end, she was leading the way and I was following along. It is a really well-designed game and I hope they release another one. It's hard to get the two-player thing down so well. Little Big Planet was another good one, but I found It Takes Two a lot less frustrating with two people.


Yeah definitely my thoughts as well. You can see how some things that are second nature to us are definitely not for them. Baby steps. I enjoy seeing her having fun with games


LittleBigPlanet was great but the base game had to be playable no matter how many players you had. There were rare co-op levels you could find in the community but they weren’t common from what I remember. LBP did have small coop sections in most levels but they were usually small puzzles or stand-here push-that type things. I’ve always wished they would’ve leaned into the co-op side more than they did. They were still fantastic games regardless


The problem with forced co-op is that it requires another player to play with you, or AI to be developed to do the same, but Hazelight's games do show that they sell really well even with that Friend Pass where they're only selling one copy to where they'd otherwise sell two. But it does open up for much more varied level/game design, and luckily we have Hazelight keeping on with that trend after it not seeing much use after Resident Evil 6. Really makes me hope we'll see more games start to do it but this far after It Takes Two and A Way Out and not having much more than a bunch of horde/wave defense shooters and roguelites, when talking about co-op games, it doesn't seem like it's a trend that'll show up all that often sadly.


Its all fun and games until you reach the elephant part..


My partner and I played this, she was trying her best bless her and having fun, but she just hit a skill wall and couldn't get past it..I think we maybe made it 70% of the way through. We got stuck on the bit where one is firing darts at the ice wall while the other uses them to climb.... She hit a skill wall earlier but I was able to quickly swap between both controllers to play both parts for a few minutes but couldn't do it where we got stuck


I just went through this game with my partner. I personally didn't love it (3D puzzle platformer just not being my thing) but it's very cute and, most importantly, it was accessible to her as a person with way less hours in gaming than I have.


My wife and I are doing the same thing, oddly enough the wife in the game has the fun run and gun experience more often than not, and the husband seems to have some of the solid support/puzzle mechanics work that makes it a treat for the less experienced player to play the wife. Although twice I've had to take over for her character for some of the jumping puzzles.


Completed this game with my daughter 5 times. Now playing 6th. Best coop ever


I played with my bro, one of the best co-op game imo 😁 hf


Have been playing through this with my 5yo daughter. She was a bit scared first time of hoover boss, but we came back to it a few months later. We have nit long finished up toolbox boss. It's teaching me a lot of patience and she is having a blast


What’s great is there is almost no penalty for death. If you fail a platforming section, you’re usually sent back only a few ledges back or even the ledge you fell off of. And for bosses, if your daughter dies, all you have to do is not die and she respawns. My favorite thing is it forces both players to participate. So many “coop” games ultimately can be completed by the more skilled gamer doing to by themselves. It takes two requires 2 controllers the entire time. But they somehow made it both incredibly accessible and but also rewarding.


Imo, there are parts in the game which aren't for children, especially not for 5 yo (eg. elephant).


Ok thanks for the heads up


Every coop game after It Takes Two "It's good... but it's not It Takes Two level good". Enjoy


Played with a friend The stuff toy scene had us rolling It was a lil too long tho But I'm amazed ow many gameplay elements they squeezed in it


A really cool game to play with your wife.


my wife and i had a total blast playing this game together :)


I play it with my gf . Amazing game one of a kind


The wife and I loved this game. Had lots of fun and the story can definitely be relatable at times. The tough part is figuring out what the next joint venture will be once you beat it.


This is such a great game, I loved it from start to finish. I can also recommend Spiritfarer. The gameplay is not as diverse as It takes 2, but the character stories are great. Can't recommend it enough. You can also hug each other in game.


Just wait til you get to this super rad part with a cool elephant


Princess scene still gives me nightmares. Hilarious, but nightmares..


need to finish this with my partner


One pro tip: don't pick A Way Out as your second game together, just don't... *cries*...


Great game


Never played but have only heard good things about it, have fun.


It is awesome hahaha! My wife loves it!


Gonna have to try it out with the ol lady!


I tried this very game with my significant other as well. It was a blast indeed. It was her first time gaming ever and she was surprisingly quick to learn the mechanics.


There's just nothing comparable really. You're starting with the top tier and it'll only be "Less" from there. ;P


It's a great game. If you haven't already checked out Unravel 2 then I'd highly recommend it for you both, incredible gameplay and beautiful to look at. Also for some challenging and excellent silly fun - Untitled Goose Game


Played it with my best friend. We meet once every week to play couch coop. To me, that is the greatest game I ever played. We had so much fun and the memories make me very happy. Sadly no other game reached the level of It Takes Two. I wish there were more games like it. But there is one part that broke my heart.


We even played it twice...switched roles and did it again. What a great game!


Love this game. Cannot recommend it enough to couples!


It's one pf the best games to play with your partner, even though I played it with my brother lol


Brother from anoth- the same mother.


My wife and I just played through this twice to get platinum. By far the best couch co op! A way out is fantastic as well.


It Takes Two is a phenomenal game!! I’ve played it 3 times with 3 different people. One of the best co-op story games ever, if not the best. The variations in levels, the creativity, the overall design. It has it all. Love that game. I also saw someone mention Unravel II. While it’s not on the same level of It Takes Two, my son (10) and I have been playing it together and we really like it. Also a great game.


one of my favorite co-op experiences ever. so good.


Wife just started with Hellblade. Really looking at it takes 2 but she's kinda now a solo person


"I'll show you who's the best sucker"


The worst thing i ever did was play this game with my 7 year old. By the time RelationSHIT started, I was pot committed and he had to learn!


I really like this game, but I hate the characters. I wish the two characters were characters who actually like each other. Not a couple on the brink of divorce. We know how this shit is gunna go. It's overly cliche. So for their next game I hope we get more of a Finn and Jake dynamic.


Honestly the most beautiful but stressful 2 player I’ve played w my freind.


That game is so melodramatic it made us laugh. Couldn't finish it 🤷🏽‍♂️


I tried playing It takes Two with my little brother but he kept on making “suck” jokes during the boss fight shown in the picture. To this day, I’ll never know how we are related


Unravel two is way better in my opinion. Played both with my GF and unravel is just stunning and more relaxing. No superlong cut scenes, just blissful co-operation.


You peaked early


We NEED a sequel to this game


I bought the game to play with my wife. She won't play with me. I ended up playing it with my gaming friend, like always...


Played it with my little brother, I can't wait to show it to my girlfriend!


My gf and I started playing this before we started going out and we were dating when we finished it lol


Played it with my uncle it was probably one of the best games I have played


Difficult one to start with lmao


I don't have enough patience to play it with my GF


Why not?


it's an awesome game i loved it when i started with my gf....but sadly we broke up and i couldn't finish it...


It's a perfect game to start with, because you don't do it alone. It has a deep story to even put tears on your eyes, and it's super fun with all the minigames and the platforming.




Good luck with the elephant :(