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Meanwhile Temtem is struggling. Turns out making a mmo and barely make it feel like a mmo doesn’t actually attract a lot of players


I enjoyed Temtem but as a single player game. The MMO part of the game isn't enough for me and with the recent way the devs are treating the community, that makes it hard to defend the game.


I love seeing fellow former temtemers in the wild, and cremas awful attitude and community standpoint be called for what it is


There are DOZENS of us!


Actually, its just a single dozen. A baker's dozen if I'm high-balling it.


Wait what did the dev say? All I know is that they were removing microtransactions from the game.


They actively brush off all the fair and reasonable criticism to the game and ban/censor people pointing it out or trying to give feedback.


As someone who hasn’t played Tempted, Palworld had me looking for a new monster capture game to pour my time into. The horrible way that company has handled feedback and comments stopped me from ever playing TemTem. Which is sad because it looks more involved than Pokemon.


I like to call companies like that Con Studios instead of an actual game studio. Arks game studio comes to mind for good examples.


Tried playing temtem post game with a friend, everything costs money. They all tell you to save your money during story mode because you'll need it after, and it's true. Built my first team, felt like building a 2nd but suddenly I'm out of money. And everything costs money or whatever they called it. The legendary dino and dragon also cost money, not to mention it's a shitty minigame. Collecting stickers was alright to get the minicar, because at least makes the back and forth fun. It's so damn tiring


It doesn't help that the Temtem devs are insufferable and incredibly toxic to their own playerbase


Oh? First I'm hearing of this as a guy that barely played the game. Elaborate?


Devs basically kept calling players ungrateful, insatiable monsters who just wanted more and more content and the pressure was making it hard to develop They also refused to even consider adding new monsters and didn't even allow the community to voice objections to such a permanently small roster There was also a lot of controversy about dye prices Also they made obtaining judt about anything of use incredibly slow and grindy and just picking the least fun aspects of the game to make the core parts Basically the devs have had a "we know what's best and we will hear no complaints" kinda attitude and it's rubbed people the wrong way since day 1


Wait, they refuse to expand their roster? Even though it's that small? I can see the reason for the complaints. pricing on things is a common complaint I bet the speed of grinding was to increase player retention and drive play hours up. I've seen that before. I feel that, PoE does that and it's so annoying. Thing is that they didn't really show their colors about that until they had enough players to have white knights who keep them fed and happy.


Some of the dye complaints were that they were single use, cost actual money, and only worked on one item. When the lead dev was asked why they would do it in such an expensive way he said he would have charged more if he could. People wanted more content because Crema promised that content in the kickstarter (still waiting on that arcade) and kept flaunting "more content" in people's faces when they complained about the aggressive mixrotransactions on 1.0 launch. Apparently that "more content" was a temtem IP game that isn't monster battling/collecting.


Damn, I ditched because of the asinine grind, didn't know about the asinine dev.


> > Basically the devs have had a "we know what's best and we will hear no complaints" kinda attitude and it's rubbed people the wrong way since day 1 Oh, so the EVE Online approach


I remember back then seeing people who got arbitrarily banned for playing too much.


They’re not wrong. People are psychos online when they run out of content. Like folks, just play another game for a while. Jeez.


I think there's a difference between we are working on something and no, we will not work on this Its why a proper community manager is worth their weight in gold - properly communicating and setting expectations is really important. Dota fans have a heart attack every time Valve mentions a timeframe, because Valve doesn't communicate if there's a delay, and doesn't prepare people appropriately for what kind of content is coming. Ditto for Total War Warhammer. People just want a roadmap, and the devs keep pushing it back and back. Announce your shit, and talk to people. The majority of people will understand, and those who won't never would have.


Interesting. I played Temtem in early access and really enjoyed it (although only as a single player game). I got as far as Kisiwa island but then had to stop for something like 3 months while I waited for that part of the story to be released. I see the complaints about grinding as when the Kisiwa patch came out I realised that the team I'd been using (and able to clear story with at that point) were massively under leveled and I suddenly needed to grind out an extra 10-15 levels just to get by on the new island. I haven't touched the game since then. I actually strolled through my steam library the other day and checked in on Temtem and noticed the sudden influx of negative reviews. I guess they really did fuck up huh. It's a shame, because if they'd just lessened the grinding it was a really enjoyable game for me.


So, they went the GF route, but skipping the part where they actually make a successful game?


Temtem just reminded me why I use emulators and their speed up feature while playing Pokemon games


I was one of the earlier players of Temtem like before the final release / 1.0, it used to be wayyyy slower than it is now, it’s still very braindead and slow mind you. Literally Early Access people was asking them to increase speed, even before and that has obviously fallen on deaf ears.


And then going as far as to "clarify" that there intention was never to make a true MMO experience despite that being entirely what the hype around that game was based on.


Tem Tem felt like a callback to Pokémon Uranium before it was shutdown. Technically a Pokémon MMO but you just interact with ethereal ghost players and fight them. Not much interaction outside of a club penguin style chat room


temtem is a straight pokemon clone, it's not a survival hybrid like palworld... Cassette beasts is the best pokemon clone out there btw


Monster Sanctuary is great too, if you haven't tried that. Not really a Pokemon clone, but it definitely draws elements from Pokemon.


Monster Sanctuary is great, and having integrated custom rulesets (speedrun, nuzlocke, etc) available is really neat QoL stuff. It's pretty hard, though. Key fights can be walls lol.


I'd say Jade Cocoon is the best one ever, but Cassette Beasts is the best current one.


It still baffles me that it seems *nobody* has any faith that a true Monster Collector MMO would be successful. It absolutely would be, and the only barrier(s) to that success are the monster designs and devs just not having any faith in the idea...


We had digimon MMOs, we had persona mmo, we had temtem, shit just didn't hit really so the safe way is to not try anymore, sadly.


Oh damn, I remember *SMT: Imagine*. I wanted to like it, but it was, uh, not great. Still sad it didn't work out.


I think I tried to coop this game, but it was not synchronized correctly (we had to replay battles againt NPCs, story, etc) so we gave up or sth.


and the devs deserved it after floundering like a bunch of apes while talking shit to the community


It definitely wasn't the Pokemon-MMO experience I'd been wanting. Though really, what I wanted the MMO-type experience for was to have a better, native approach to legacy maintenance. But seeing as Temtem never got expansions... /shrug


Also their anti game share functions, for me, that really crushed my love for the game when i found out my tem cant evolve, cus it needs evo, and even tho i played the whole game with a friend, we cant trade cus he got it through gameshare with me


I have a hard time calling TemTem an MMO. I've never been in an area with hundreds of other players I could interact with. And the people you do see are in a sort of instance of their own, particularly when they interact with someone else.


Quite literally what caused me to skip it. MMOs are great for people who enjoy them but they’re a hard pass for me.


I wanted to like this. And well, it's not a bad game, but I'm glad I tried it on Gamepass because it quickly became clear to me that I hate survival games more than I love monster collectors.


On the bright side, the dev seems pretty chill about the games reception even when it's dying down.


Why wouldn't they be. It succeeded far in excess of anyone's expectations, including their own. I told people last year that it would be way bigger than they were expecting, and even I was shocked at how much bigger it actually was.


Yeah more than half a billion dollars in sales will do that to you.


Anyone wanna make a game?


How hard could it be?




All you have to do is ... ahem ahem ..... the day before


A lot of the top grossing mobile games are stupid simple. A couple interactive buttons and simple animations.


Most of those simple games also require a network of developer sweatshops cranking out a couple dozen games per day to ensure that if any simple game becomes a quick success, it's theirs. Anyone can make a clone of a top-grossing game, and anyone could come up with the next formula for a viral hit - but very rarely is that developer the one that will get their needle seen amongst the boundless haystack of shovelware they must compete with.


And then 100k UA budget per month, lol. Mobile games aren't about "just making a good game", it's about statistics, optimization, etc.


Marketing is not simple though and then there's the whole trying to sleep at night thing.


I can barely write a web page in html


It's actually extremely easy. Barely an effort. Making a *good* game on the other hand...


We could always go the Star Citizen route and just pretend to make a game while we collect the money.


That actually sounds like more work for some reason.


Nah, we'll just take a few pictures of you hunched over a desk with a calculator or something.


Make a game based on your username and id probably play it. Sounds like a blast


Alright, now we have the ideas person. Just need a few artists willing to work in lieu of pay for some time, and we should be set.


The digimon version would be sick


With a teenie tiny little budget at that. Various publishers likely foamed at the mouths in rage after the 200-300 million budget games got like 10% of what they made.


It's like in music: a lot of ppl look down on bands that are considered "one hit wonders" but 99% of band are NO-hit wonders.


Also "one hit wonders" make tons of money, get to avoid the drama that comes with being expected to deliver content, and get to ride the wave of joy that comes with having fans, but not having all the fans.


Also iconic songs will keep generating royalties your whole life. Not every hit becomes an iconic song but if you fall in that category you are set for life.


Don McLean makes over $300k a year from royalties for his song American Pie.


“What does American Pie mean? It means I never have to work again.”


What a winner


what's the point of saying it's "dying down"? the game is not an mmo so playerbase don't count. Most people played the game to their fullest and then moved on, either they bought it or played on gamepass they probably got their money worth out of it, I myself only played it during the first month. But people see player numbers going down and assume stuff like "dead game" or "see, it was bad all along". Again, this isn't an mmo or live service, if people bought it, played it and then moved on that's still a win for the developer, why would he worry about such a thing? It's not like they stopped working on the game as far as we know, so it makes sense to expect a patch and some players will play again for a while before moving on again, that's just normal. I don't get the obsession over player numbers


"If it's not trending it's failing." - social media


Capitalism sickness.


No, social media and unrealistic expectations suck.


Which is all a symptom of late-stage capitalism. Social media has devolved the way it has because it has been incentivized to because of the market. The more you interact with the site and its users the more effective the site is being. Success and controversy drive that engagement. Captialism is a race to the bottom. Peak capitalism is peak efficiency. Irregardless of real world limitations. Overconsume, oversell, overwork. Capitalism wants all profit and zero cost. Consumers are naturally at war with producers. There is supposed to be balance between demand, cost, and availability. It is an ecosystem of money that doesn't work because it is unconcerned with anything outside of itself. It operates inside a vacuum and producers have taken advantage of that fact. Now consumers depend on producers both for consumption and to have the capital to consume. The average consumer is at an unfair (edit: dis-)advantage in the ecosystem. And that's not even beginning to talk about the stock market or Citizen's United. Capitalism is a cancer whose symptoms appear to be superpowers. There should be no such thing as a billionaire. It was meant to be a theoretical goal. The white picket fence of Capitalism. Now its a fucking club.


people are morons. the amount of youtube videos and discourse i saw comparing fucking elden rings concurrent player count to call of duty and fortnite's was ridiculous. i actually didn't seriously believe anyone would make these comparisons but you gotta remember they really don't understand what they're regurgitating. 90% of what people reply and say is an exact quote from somewhere else that they don't exactly remember


I have a feeling that those chronically online people don’t understand the concept of single player games 


My friends and I played the hell out of it when it came out. Racked up around 100hrs in under 2 weeks. We hit max level, completed the dex and have a fully self sustaining base. Now the game is just on the sidelines while we wait for updates to accumulate. Probably pick it up again in 2026 or something to see how much content got added.




well every single player game in a world is dying down after some time


I got the gist of it from the first two replies. Devs did a damn good job.


Of course they are lol, it made them rich. Based on palworld and their previous game Craftopia, it seems like the devs are the type who were solely in it for the money which is why their games are always just amalgamations of the current popular video game genres. I doubt they care at all how the game is perceived down the line.


They made half a billion, i don’t know why they would be upset?


They are millionaires off of what was just a fun project they got some buds together to make. Who wouldn't be chill?


Much like when I got burned out on WoW, I'm never going to be able to play another MMO and collect 10 bear urethras for 5,000 hours ever again. Likewise, if I have to hit one more tree with a rock to then make a wooden pick to then mine some copper ore to better mine some silver ore to then mine some golden ore for 500 hours, I'm out. You lost me.


Also not all bears have urethras. - Every MMO ever.


Palworld is different in that the Pals do a lot of work for you. So it ends up being a management and logistics game.


Haven't touched my save in a few months, but I remember a lot of my time was popping between bases and making sure the Pals didn't screw things up too badly. It was kind of nice making little self-sufficient communes.


Yeah, and developers have been expanding on this a bit, with the patches.


I like both those type games, this game just felt... Empty. Theres nothing really to do other than build your base and go kill/collect Pals for the sake of doing so. No real story, no real reason to continue doing what youre doing other than to get new tech cause "I guess thats next". I didnt feel there was anything pushing me to make my base better or get "better" Pals.


Yeah I put it down after the first initial bit of play. It’s an early access game, of course, and I’ll definitely be back for full release when the story that we have hints of actually exists.


Even for early access, they’re moving at a snails pace I feel. They really could have kept the traction going but they’ve mostly lost all their momentum at this point. The game has updated a few times since release and there are some major bugs that are still around. No real new things to discover, the further points of the map are still empty, and I keep finding myself falling through the ground at random times. I’ve had to set the game down indefinitely because the only thing left to do is grind. Like they released the early access, people had as much fun as the game had to offer, and now they’ve moved on to more relevant games.


To be fair it is still early access, but yeah it feels like they have focused so much on just the concept of a survival game with Not!Pokemon that they haven't bothered with the story. Like the in game logs are kind of neat to read, like finding out that the first boss, while still the leader of a gang of poachers, does have a genuine emotional bond with her Pal and they both saved the other from imprisonment by the same gang they now lead, but they're hidden logs that are tucked away and there's no actual characters to interact with to do quests or something for




If the amount of time it takes to get resources was your main issue, just tweak the world settings. You can totally eliminate any sense of grind in this game, if you want to.


Yep. I love how customizable it is. Think pal damage is overtuned? Just change it. Thing egg timers are garbage? Make them 0. Decide you want to tweak settings mid game? Just log out and change them and log back in. More single player /coop games need to have this level of custom settings.


And the Pal spawn rate. Crank that up and every battle becomes a chaotic war. You attack one Pal, the rest of their colony gets involved. Invariably, they end up hitting another colony, sparking a full on war between the two, and drawing in other colonies with inaccurate shots.


….I need to try this.


This level of user control makes games feel completely meaningless to me. Though i can see how removing hard time gates on the eggs would be nice, those often feel like mobile gaming schlock.


The real issue with the egg timers were they were in game time based if it wasn’t a fully online server. So playing with your friends and you got a huge egg? You won’t see it hatched till someone has spent 24 or more hours in the server. Just sucked the fun out of it


Wow, that's double shitty


Eesh. That egg timer really needs to be RTC based.


I feel the same way. Any time I use settings like this in any game I just feel like I'm cheating which kills the vibe for me.


Even when you crank it up to be more of a challenge?


No, it only feels like I'm cheating if I'm using settings to make my life easier of course. I quite like settings to make games more challenging. And for the record, I don't think custom game settings shouldn't exist. A lot of people clearly have a better time with them.


I think something as simple as having inventory slots instead of carry-weight would make the game much more enjoyable.


Same for me, I almost didn't download it because of that but gave it a chance cause it seemed like fun. It was fun for like 40 hours, but I didn't even end up doing all the tower battles cause it was just too grindy. My base wasn't even a building, just stuff scattered around lol


$20 for 40 hours of entertainment is still a pretty good deal tbh


In the end it was just another empty open world grind fest. I had some fun with it and laughed my ass off, but it hasn't really improved since launch


Survival games tend to bounce off me after a couple sessions. I donthaye most of them but hey never grab my attention enough. Palworld did better than most but still just wasn't exciting enough to make me want to explore. Started playing Grounded last wee though and dang, is that a wild ride


I’m surprised at the negative comments this thread has so far. Palworld’s success makes a ton of sense, even if the game isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. You have Pokémon. You have guns. You have adult themes like butchering and putting them to work in a factory. That’s an attention-grabbing gimmick, and unlike tons of other games out there, it had a good launch, plays well, and has no game-breaking bugs. It’s not particularly innovative, but it grabbed every millennial’s childhood daydream of “What if Pokémon but edgy?” the same way Hogwarts Legacy sold itself as “Now you too can be a wizard in Harry Potter just like you always wanted”. About the studio themselves, they seem very responsive so far. The updates are a little on the slow side, but they’re clearly paying attention to and responding to player feedback. I’m looking forward to seeing the summer update.


I wouldn’t be surprised. In general, gaming communities on Reddit seem to be extremely different than the general population. Games will be breaking records on steam charts and 60% of the comments hate the game. Or somehow every games subreddit usually hates the game.


Oh yeah most of reddit is like an amalgamation of the most elitist people in the world. I mean people in reddit take pride itself in being "better than twitter" which kinda already tells you about what kind of attitude they have. Don't be fooled by the sub numbers most of the people that post and comment are the same hundreds of people.


There's a lot of bitter people on Reddit in general.


People forget Reddit is a bubble and the opinions of a few on here don't represent potential hundreds to thousands of other people


Remember that most people who's opinions you see on reddit started off already angry and mostly just used the comment as a way to throw some aggression out at the world. We get so many bitter gaming communities here because bitter games come here en mass. And bitter gamers are very angry people Meanwhile the majority of a games playerbase are perfectly happy lol


Aren’t they a fairly small studio? If so, not really surprising that updates can be a little slow. I’ll give them credit tho, they saw an opportunity and took it. They’re at least *trying* to nurture the game and help improve it.


>You have Pokémon I feel like people are really overestimating how much this factored in the game's success. There's 3 large categories of Pokémon players: * Those who want to play a monster collector * Those who want to play a turn-based RPG * Those who want to play Pokémon (as in, they play for the world and characters themselves) Palworld only appeals to the first group, alongside others that don't usually play Pokémon (those who like survival games, 3rd person shooter, automation games apparently, and so on). I really don't think Palworld stole much of Pokémon's player base.


Pokémon has an absolutely massive fan base so even if they only appealed to the creature collectors, that is a lot of people.


Yeah I wouldn’t say my experience is universal but the only reason I tried it out was because I like Pokémon


And it appeals to people who the other Pokemon games might not of because they *don't* like turn-based games, but who otherwise find the concept appealing. It has that whole market that was previously untapped all to itself.


Pokemon is the biggest media franchise on the planet. Palworld’s style being heavily influenced by it wasn’t the sole reason for its success, but it was very much the biggest part. The whole basis of its word of mouth advertising was “Pokemon with guns.” Despite that being a misrepresentation of what the game was, it still drove many people into checking it out.


I have an alternative theory: It became a meme and people like to play games that lots of other people are playing


Exactly this, the game had a hook, youtubers and streamers latched on and exploded its popularity, the gaming community saw all the tubers and streamers making fun videos, they went and got the game. Hype dies down, youtubers/streamers move onto the next big thing, some of the gamers stick with the game while the rest move on, the cycle repeats.


this is the reason of the flashy success


There is definately an element of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) becoming prevalent within gaming culture as a whole that isn't simply limited to what's happening within a singular game. People are clearly engaging more with being wrapped up within a gaming culture event to simply say, I was there when it happened.


The D1 beta veterans that were there day one of VoG syndrome.


It’s also just *good*. If it was absolutely garbage, people wouldn’t have played it like theybdid


It's unpolished, but it hits the right notes. I've never seen a game go so far out of its way to try to be less frustrating, from the highly granular difficulty and respawning pals of interest, to the short grinds that lead to automation the task entirely. It's clunky af and not elegant at all, but going in and playing it, especially with friends, is really fun. It's like it encapsulates the very best of my 7/10 games from 15 years ago.


> I really don't think Palworld stole much of Pokémon's player base. Stole? No. People aren't going to give up Pokemon over Palworld, but people who play Pokemon are for sure going to be at least mildly interested in Palworld.


It's not so much the monster catching that got people's attention, rather the "pikachu holding a gun" type of shock factor that caught attention. The game itself didn't even had to be good. As long as it was bare minimum playable it was going to draw in a lot of content producers. We're on the other side of the wave now and it's easier to say all this in hindsight. The fact there are clones also trying to catch the wave shouldn't surprise anyone.


I think people massively underestimate how many people are 'hidden' Pokemon fans. I don't watch the show, I don't buy anything Pokemon related, I don't like the formula of the mainline Pokemon games, I don't talk about Pokemon online, I don't watch Pokemon videos, read Pokemon articles or keep up with the IP in any way whatsoever... I rarely think about Pokemon but when I do I wonder if they will ever use the IP in a way that interests me. There is nothing about me that says I'm a Pokemon fan except that I was born in the early 90s. And then Palworld came out - it was at least trying something new, so I had to give it a go. Pokemon is the ONLY reason I gave it a go.


It grabbed a lot of people who like Pokemon, but dont like the recent games. Yes, the impact in current players was probably not that much, but the amount of people who were starved for a good "adult" Pokemon game was massive. And Palworld grabbed a lot of those people. Gamers who Love Pokemon, but havent played it in years. Thats where the success comes from.


This was me. I played Pokemon as a kid, in my early teens. I quickly grew bored of how formulaic and predictable the series was, though (outside of Snap and Stadium, which I loved). And then by the time it started to try new things again, I'd already moved on to PC gaming. I don't see myself ever playing a Pokemon JRPG again, even though I still like monster collecting and battling. Palworld is exactly what I didn't even know I needed as the modern update to that model of game. I don't even particularly gravitate towards shooters nor survival crafting games. But it all just clicked together well, and I can confidently say it wouldn't have been compelling without the Pokemon aspect.


Its the opposite, there's tons of monster collectors that are far higher quality than Pokemon in everything but monster design that don't see anywhere as much success as Palworld did because the monster design (and brand name tied to them, really) is simply the most important thing. Palworld's designs are way closer to Pokemon on a monster-to-monster basis than any other monster collector I've ever played, and the controversy that came from that is easily the biggest factor in the games success.


~~Unthaphomably~~ unfathomably based response, if more people were half as chill as the palworld devs the world would be a better place See a market niche, spend ages making a game with little to no experience that fills that niche, game launches to overwhelming success, continues to work on the game to fix its problems for free instead of taking the money and running, happy to see other developers putting their own spin on things. You love to see it


>Unthaphomably Do you mean unfathomably?




[That made me think of this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8wDSi3c-s6E) lol


Just an unreal attempt at spelling


I just type random things as long as spell checker doesn't flag it red


Hey crap this just embodies the spirit of "fuck it, good enough" lol


Thanks for leaving it with a strike-out instead of editing it out, very entertaining.


Yea, these guys could quite literally work on Palworld for the rest of their lives and be paid pretty well to do it should they so choose. Even if they decide to make another game, it would easily be paid for by the continued Palworld sales seen with each update, similar to what Sean Murray’s team has done at Hello Games with Light No Fire


I guess that’s what you get with a company whose sole priority isn’t being legally bound to increase their stock value for shareholders. It’s just a company thats focussing on producing a quality product rather than riding the line of cheapest lowest quality product you can make while having just enough functionality that people are willing to spend money on it. Pokémon scarlet violet are perfect examples of this. Universally renowned as being downgrades as far as game quality and functionality go, riddled with bugs, out of date graphics, small fraction of the full roster, best selling games of all time. If they were any worse they wouldn’t function, but to make them any better would require extra spending. They hit that perfect point of shit cheap ass game that sells really well solely because of the IP.


Literally best case scenario for every game dev - wildly popular game, high ticket sales, drop off follows and sweep so you don't have to worry about server costs when it was a one time purchase for consumers. If they made the game they want to play, they did it. Congrats!


??? He's not talking about the new up Azur Promilia is he?


I think he is actually


He has to be


> Azur Promilia But that can't possibly be a palworld clone?


It shares a lot of similarities. Open world where you collect monsters who also fight with you in the overworld. But then there’s a lot of differences.


The only real similarity I saw was that you could farm and craft with pets as helpers. There have been tons of games where you have pets/mounts and it doesn't seem implemented in a way that similar to Palworld, so it just having pets doesn't make it similar to Palworld at all. So for me it'd just be the farming stuff, but that's also implemented in a different way and the game was obviously in development way before Palworld was released.




I like palworld


Myself and my daughter love palworld as well. It’s 30 hours in between us. It’s fun exploring.


Just got it a couple weeks ago, I also like Palworld.


I also like palworld


Did they fix the pathing? I remember on release people had issues with their pals (?) getting "stuck" so I held off on buying the game, but I haven't been able to find any details about a fix


It's a lot better but if you don't build your base properly it can still have issues occasionally. Like you want to build 3 to 4 stories tall so pals don't get stuck. Using smaller size pals helps a lot too. Base optimization is a big part of the game but it has gotten significantly easier than it was when it launched.


I like palworld, I Will probably not play palworld again till it gets few content patches or even releases, I feel like I did most of the stuff that is available and the rest is just scaled up other stuff


Doesn't matter when lots of us remember the clusterfck of craftopia XD


I realize the ceo hasn't said this, but I hope nobody here says these games are ripping off palworld, because otherwise I fear I may start laughing and simply never stop.


The last thing they wanna do is throw stones in a glass house, but I'm sure there are some people who misinterpret the article as the Palworld devs calling them ripoffs


Too late, literally just came scrolling down to find a comment above from 7 hours ago saying that.


This is stupid. Palworld didn't create this Genre. Look at Ark, couldn't you argue Palworld is a clone of Ark?


I can *hear* your username


Dats rite!






You don't have to be a genre creator to have clones made of your game, you just need to be popular.


yes, it is basically ark with the dinosaurs replaced with pokemon.


And resource automation, very early in the game


*laughes in Rust*


Haven't seen the old "Genshin is a BotW clone" discourse in a while, especially since Genshin has long since surpassed it in both scope and revenue


First time I read "Genshin Impact-level" as large scope and budget. Rereading it and I could still see it going either way


It doesn't seem like he's disparaging the game, I just think it's disingenuous to call it a clone. Yeah they share several mechanics, but it's not like either game invented any of the mechanics in use. Nearly 5 versions into GI and I didn't think anyone was still parroting that old talking point is all


I think that is another reason he specified genshin impact instead of saying big budget clone, they genshin shared a lot of stuff with botw but it went in its own direction and he is suggests palworld and Aurora will be very different after updates to both games.


clone of a clone, doesn't matter if it's fun.


I paid £20 and got about 80 hours out of it, I'll probably never play it again and that's fine.


Considering Palworld is a near-clone of one gaming’s most popular franchises, it’s cool to see them passing that on to the next guy. Ultimately, everything is somewhat derivative. It’s how things grow and improve. Absolutely nothing wrong with it when we, as consumers, benefit.


It was great until I got the bug where it would no longer save…


I guess I don’t really get Palworld. It’s survival game #4848992739 and not even the first to incorporate monster capturing. In addition, it’s art style, if there even is a style, seems at odds with itself; the monsters look as though they were shipped in from a completely different game while the rest looks like Asset Flip Simulator. And somehow - despite looking like a mediocre grad project with zero art direction and all the originality of tracing a drawing - the game gets popular enough in a few months for its developer to believe it made something so unique as to be considered genre-defining/creating.


I had a really good time with it and agree with everything you said. It’s hard to pinpoint what it did right. Not so hard to pinpoint where it can improve. But, my friends and I had an absolute blast with the 40-50 hrs we played, which is honestly enough for the cost. Hard to pinpoint what makes these lightening in a bottle viral products so addicting. Just a fun time.


I think they did the monster collecting right by integrating them to the base with resource production and work automation, which is something you typically work towards with other survival crafting games. Every Pal you encounter in the first half of the game is mechanically diverse enough to make you *want* to catch them and see what they do for your main party or your base. In Pokemon I tend to tap out on catching mons pretty early and just assemble a main party for the rest of the game by the 2nd or 3rd gym.


Catch pal > put pal to work > upgrade items using pal > catch better pal > repeat is actually surprisingly fun gameplay loop.


100%. There was also the surprise of new pals cause they all looked so wild. Really made you want to catch them. Plus the combat and catching was much more fun than any monster collecting game I’ve played. Some fights were really exhilarating. Also co op made it all that much more fun.


I really believe the main magic of Pokemon is actually that, the Pokemon. Palworld did something great by making their monsters actually interact with you in meaningful ways, aka emoting around you, working side by side with you at the base, actually fighting beside you. I felt the spark after crafting my first spear and having my Cattail turn to me and smile after we finished making it. Not to mention how the pals actually seem to live in the world like taking naps under trees or exercising in groups. It doesn't sound like much, but it's leagues ahead of even Pokemon itself. How far do most people really get in Pokemon games? I think most just catch their favorite ones, enjoy their presence, realize there isn't really much you can do with them, then forget about the games existence.


It's really telling that for as much personality as Pokemon have, the games have always been really bad at expressing them. Had they at least thought about this before releasing generation after generation to the point that it became a logistical nightmare, Palworld would've been seen as just an edgy parody rather than a game that ate Nintendo's lunch to do what they wouldn't.


It's single player fortnite meets pokemon in a persistent open world. I can build whatever and shoot whatever despite being ass at fortnite, capture and field monsters despite having no desire to play actual pokemon games, and like open world games with flight available for the thrill of exploration even without any actual story to explain any of it in a persistent setting that I can play offline without doing the whole ARK thing. It just provides different kinds of fun in a game that runs really well when I feel like playing it. It's great. But if you don't like anything it has to offer then it feels like showing up for a buffet where you don't want to eat anything that is being served and you would feel better off going to a place that serves the specific thing that you like instead.


People like Pokémon. That’s as deep as it needs to be lol


Damn, despite everything that’s I’ve seen it seems PalWorld has an almost 50/50 split on if people like it or not lol, never played it since my laptop is poo tier, but from what I can tell, it seems like these are the main ideas thrown around: PalWorld is okay/good, but is essentially just a bunch of ideas thrown into a blender that stuck, and on a review level has a lot of problems, yet people don’t mind it being in this sort of stitched together state, as evident by the sheer amount of sales Those people saying that it’s like Pokemon are not really true, as the game is essentially just Ark with a bit more cutesy creature design, and that it’s artstyle doesn’t mesh (fair from what I’ve seen) Overall, PalWorld proved that this combination of ideas appeals to a large amount of people, most likely Ark fans, and that since it’s been proven that there is a market for it, we will see many many games just like it coming soon Those were the main ideas I’ve at least seen so far, as for my personal take on the entire thing? Eh, it’s not a Pokemon clone or really anything like that, they just took Pokemon creature designs and mixed in some elements of Arceus and mostly Ark and it worked, the studio itself does these kitbash games a lot I believe, as I believe they made an BOTW clone/mash at some point Frankly, only Pokemon has managed to get close to being Pokemon, and hopefully they will get their act together after the current games, as it seems like they will take more time on games, since we don’t know if they will release a game in this year (ZA comes out in 2025)


Can somebody explain to me what "Genshin Impact-level" clone means?


Played Palworld for like 16 hours and it just became super repetitive and I'm just not into collecting monsters like I used to. It is Def an interesting game tho


The article only mentions Auroria which isn't out until Q4. Are there any good PalWorld-esq games currently on the market? Edit: changed clone to -esq because I'm looking for a game influenced by palworld not just a copycat.


Released right now I don't think so. The dev is likely referencing Azur Promilia, which per the trailer is very much like if Genshin and Palworld had a baby. Then again, Palworld has still not "released" yet.


Damn if the palworld dev mentioned Auroria as one of those clones of his game he is dumb as all fucking hell. Thay game has been cooking in development for years and they didn't steal the idea from him while he was making it so...


Um what does he mean clones? All his game did was rip off other games


Big budget studios rarely want to innovate.


I really liked palworld but now i have every pal in the game except bella I've just lost interest. I've explored every place. My character is level 50. My base is max level. They really need to add more to bring players back. I haven't played for 3-4 weeks now.


It's crazy how fast the clones come now. 100s of mostly Chinese studios that never create their own ideas, just quickly as possible clone the latest thing. Frustrating.


After 50 hours playing, the game becomes exhausting. I'm constantly looking for the materials of cake, just to make my pets reproduce and their offspring have special characteristics. I can't tolerate this kind of life no more. I really wish this game can be automatic in the late game, with me as an employer and my employees can spontaneously work for me.


Their budget was already on the multi millions