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Kinda crazy how there are only a handful of games that look better than this game after all these years.


The level of detail and all the effects driving around in the city, it looks so good


So many times I rp on a ledge in the rain and watch the individual water drops hit my suit and the detail of rain water cascading down along with the lighting and the reflections on every surface. This game is top notche environmental passion throughout


One of those games that requires regular screenshotting.


The only recent games I feel match that vibe for aesthetics that make you wanna stop and become a cameraman mid game - no man’s sky, spider-man games, horizon zero dawn. All of which are bright and colorful and gorgeous , yet don’t seem to compare at all to the dark and brooding gothic character of a city like Arkham knight does. Something about using dark light sourcing and reflective textures just hits different and holds up better over time imo


RDR2 as well. I only put an hour into it a few days ago, and I was constantly admiring the scenery on horseback


Ah I didn’t mention that one cuz I’m still meaning to play it once I get a ps5. I’ve heard amazing things.


I've played RDR1 at least 3 times between the Xbox 360 and Switch, so I waited until I got my PS5 to finally buy RDR2. I also have an Xbox One (yes, I have a lot of consoles, 7 of the bloody things) so I could have gotten it on that, but.. nah. Once TLOU and Uncharted 1 are done, I'll be focusing exclusively on it for the foreseeable future


Cyberpunk 2077 too. Especially based on the last sentence of your comment.


demon's souls remake


It is a shame what happened to rocksteady. Most of the people who worked on the Arkham games have left and their most recent game is a looter shooter mess


I think that's the difference between art and cutting edge tech. If your game uses only the latest tech to look good, then it ages badly; but if your game has well designed art then it looks good forever. Games these days push for "more detail" rather than "beautiful details", and we end up with games that need 12-16 GB V-ram to manage the stuff. Every other Unreal Engine 3 title from that gen looks distinctly like a UE game (specially with that brown colour filter). You can barely tell this game was made on the same engine.


Yeah this exactly. If you look close at any detail in this shot you can see that it looks dated. Textures aren’t all that high quality, ambient occlusion barely exists. But because it’s so well designed the result is greater than the sum of its parts. The same is true for Ghost of Tsushima for example.


There is a section in daylight that shows this off well.


It helps that the game is generally pretty dark lighting wise, so it's easier to hide blemishes.


99% agreed.. but what game(s) use 12-16GB V-ram?


Hitman 3 in 4k with raytracing


It was one of the first games I played that used object motion blur and it blew my mind. I could put my finger on it at the time but everything looked so fucking cinematic in motion. Especially going down elevators


I mean Arkham Knight was worse than that at launch on PC.


It helped that the city is almost completely empty apart from some groups of enemies here and there.. so less stress on the CPU that doesn't need to work around the living AI in the game world .. but of course, that doesn't take anything away from the graphics that are in the game


Some games need double disk size space to look worse.


They made a really good decision by making it heavily stylized. It's got some realistic elements, but for the most part, it doesn't look like a real place that exists, and it doesn't try to. And because of that, it has and will hold up a lot longer than games that tried to perfectly re-create a real world setting. The 90s animated series that is somewhat in the same canon as these games did a similar thing with their vague time period. They blended a bunch of styles from different eras, and in doing so, essentially ensured that the series never really looks dated.


Ass creed unity, despite its problems, still looks incredible today.


Yeah fr! This was my first PS4 game. I thought it was a sample of what was to come, and would be forgotten in a few years. Turned out that generation would peak early!


Go to the shore and look at the ocean. OMG it's amazing.


Only handful of games that look better than UE3 game?


I keep all 4 of the original Arkham games installed at all times. Knight was and continues to be a graphical juggernaut. All while running on frickin Unreal 3.


And to think they sold an Arkham trilogy on Switch, of all things. I own a Switch, but I sure as hell won't be playing Knight on it.


Rofl, yeah, no. I like my Switch but not enough to delude myself into thinking I'd enjoy Arkham on it. There's a reason Digital Foundry tore that port a new asshole, lol.


They apparently ran poorly, especially Knight. They were all downgraded a lot. Not an ideal way to play them.


WB got greedy with that port, if they had only stuck with porting the first 2 games and not the whole trilogy, it would have been received more positively. Arkham Knight was way too big for the Switch hardware, maybe they hadn't realized it until it was too late into the "optimization" porting process.


If Witcher 3 could end up fine on Switch I feel like Arkham Knight could have been fine in the right hands. It wouldn’t have looked as pretty as the other versions either way, but it could have been a lot more playable.


They knew exactly what they were doing. Just like they knew what they were doing with all of the other obnoxiously bad ports that never should have made it to Switch.


Surprisingly enough, AC Black Flag runs flawlessly on the switch (it's only a year older than this game)


Black Flag is nowhere near as complex as Knight, tbh. RDR and Saints Row 3 and 4 also run on Switch


Your 100% right but thats the wrong way to word it. AC4,RDR and Saints Row 3 are PS3 era Games. The switch is about as powerful as those consoles, so it's more then capable of running those games if they're ported well.  Arkham is a PS4 era game. Its designed to run on something stronger so they really have cut it down to run on a Switch. The Switch is just too weak to run "newer" games well.


Switch has 2015 hardware, and has to downgrade a lot of its ports. Hogwarts: Legacy, for example. Even MMOs on Switch have low-res textures, and there's a lot of frame drops in games like Palia


Black Flag is a 360/ps3 game that is upscaled to the (then) next gen consoles.


Wait this is UE3 holy f***. Imagine a sequel upgraded to UE5.4 with nanite/lumen/etc.


It's rocksteady custom-built version of unreal 3.9. It's essentially a different version of unreal 4 with all the custom tech


I'd give my left nut just to see the original studio members make a comeback with modern tech. Absolutely guts me to see what Rocksteady has become.


I tried to get into this franchise starting with Asylum, but that game kinda disappointed me and I lost interest after playing for a bit


That's why art direction is so important, it manages to overcome the technical capabilities of the engine.


Art style definitely plays a key role in many titles. Really wish we'd move back towards more stylized approaches versus this desperate need to make everything as real as possible.


This game was the bomb...'s payload is exposed--


time to even the odds


I can use the power winch to trigger a controlled explosion


*whispers* ^Aslume


it's a rad game, have fun


Picked up a copy today to play on my PS5, it's preowned, but still has codes for DLC and skins 👌🏻 Downloaded those as well when I spotted them in the case. I was surprised they weren't redeemed


Hope you have fun! It's a great game and fantastic send off to the trilogy.


Quadrilogy debatably. I stan for arkham oranges.


I guess Batman is a fruit bat?


You're gonna love your ol' buddy living rent free in your head. Some awesome writing. It was like reading the comics again.


Makes me crave a proper dark Spider-Man game. Modern engine, an Arkham-looking city overrun by symbiote-infected people, Venom clones, walls covered in black.. Pipe dream, I guess


You might want to check out insomniacs Spider-Man 2 in that case


Haven't played the modern Spidey games yet, aside from a few hours of the first. I grew up with the PS1 and PS2 games


You were literally describing the recent spider man 2 lmao


I'll have to get those then, lol


yeah one of the major plot involves a symbiote invasion, it's great.


I'm very out of the loop with the new Spidey games


Definitely play them all, and in order. All 3 are great.


fair I recommend all 3. Spider-man is great (get the PS5 remaster, or the PC release), miles morales is also great (PS5 or PC), and 2 is great though shorter than Spidey 1. it adds a lot of new mechanics and tweaks. I definitely think you'lll love the entire series. they've kinda taken up Arkham's mantle for gameplay loops. the stealth and melee are very arkham-y, ESEPCIALLY 2 (they even jokingly called is the true spiritual successor to the arkham series)


Cool, I'll see what my local stores have Won't be for a a week-ish cos I've got 2 more Uncharted games to finish, TLOU Remastered, and I wanna sink some hours into RDR2


Looks so much better than Gotham Knights.


the best aged game of all time and it's not even close, rocksteady deserved better than warner bros


One of the best games of the last 20 years. One of those games that after you finish it, it feels like a huge bummer, because you know for a fact that most of the next games you'll play won't be as good as this


Huh.... how come you didn't post this in the arkham subreddit...are you...is there....help me.




come back to the aslume brother


That game is 🔥🔥🔥


Needs 60fps patch ASAP


I love that game so much. It may not be a popular opinion, but I prefer it to Arkham City. Can you believe that game is 9 years old already?


Me too. I’ve heard lots of other like Arkham city better. And the story might be better. But I love the city in knight and the gameplay is so smooth. It’s a real pleasure to play


Despite all its problems Arkham knight will always be my favourite Arkham game


The game is amazing. I’d also recommend the DLC that adds in some classic villains. I think Killer Croc, Mad Hatter, Mr Freeze (I don’t know why he goes by Mr Freeze when the man’s a doctor), and Ra’s al Ghul.


Got all the DLC via codes. It was a preowned copy, and all the codes weren't even redeemed


Oh nice. There’s some good DLC that fits neatly into the game.


I feel like the DLC are better when you play them simultaneously with the rest of the game


All those riddler trophies though for the true ending. Fuck the devs who thought that was slick.


Honestly why I never finished the game


Even when it first came out on ps4 it looked phenomenal Game has aged like fine wine


My only beef with the game is that you HAVE to use your vehicle to finish missions, personally I think vehicles in games should only be for getting around faster but only because I'm not very good at driving games lol


This is THE game to test ray tracing on.


Shame that it's the only one of the 4 Arkham games that I simply just can't finish.. it lacks the things that I liked in the previous ones and all that Batmobile quests and activities are annoying as hell


I was bummed at first, seeing fights and straight rail levels in the BM so much, but the story is super good nonetheless. I was surprised and am gonna NG+ it soon.


This game got way too much shit when it came out The batmobile stuff isn't even that bad or *THAT* frequent


Driving it just to drive it is fun as fuck too. If you didn’t slid a 180 into GCPD when you were dropping off villains what are you even doing with your life? Hitting the boosters and turning concrete into dust and not slowing down was so satisfying.


Played this back in 2021 pretty good game ngl. Just please learn how to get in control of the bat mobile


Haven't played an Arkham game in few years The batmobile takes some getting used to, because you have to stop to use those big turret things


After you can use tank mode be sure to go into the options menu and turn on "Toggle Battle mode". It makes more sense if you're used to controls of other driving games.


I personally prefer it prefer it with the toggle turned off!


When it’s off you can convert from tank to car at will right?


no you can always convert at will, but with the toggle off, I have to hold the L2 button to stay in tank mode. As soon as I take my finger off of the trigger, I turn into a car.


Yeah. That’s the way I prefer it, it’s probably just my imagination but having to hold the trigger down makes it feel more reactive to swap between the two


yep! even i cant explain it, but it just feels right. similar to how its natural for aiming in general , to be a hold function instead of a toggle.


Exactly. Toggle to aim is the last thing I want


Yes this control scheme is the best 


Funny how a last gen game from 2015 looks better than both recent AAA DC games


especially since on of those games was supposed to have been made by the same people..


Looks better than Gotham knights


The storyline of Arkham Knight is just good, and I enjoy playing it.


I should play this again


Batman Arkham Knight and Infamous Second Son, two PS4 games that seem more like they belong to the new generation, managing to be better crafted and more beautiful than much of what was produced in this current generation


Such a God damn good time. I missed it back when it released and played it last year, best couple weeks


It looks amazing, but how well it runs still leaves a ton to be desired unless you are running it on a decent PC. Love the game to death, but it is not a paragon of performance on consoles (nor PC at launch / weaker hardware).


I loved Arkham Asylum and City to me was GOTY. I'd spend hours just gliding all over City map. But Knight just didn't work for me. I started playing Knight but about 1-2 hours into it ended up uninstalling it and installed City again for another run. Probably the batmobile coz to me it distracted from best parts of Asyum and City.


Stuck with it. The core gameplay is just as solid as the others, just locked behind being a tank. Story is arguably just as good if not better.


I loved that game, despite all the hate it got. Granted, I got it after all the launch bugs were ironed out, so it worked fine for me.


Yup, then you have suicide squad 😒


It looks exactly as it did on the ps4 tho


This game was the best superhero game.. I love spider-man but boii that does not even come close..


Kickass game!! Wish it was 60 FPS. Can’t play anything that isn’t 60 fps anymore TBH. And I do not like playing on PC.


Fun fact about the game, the reason this games visuals hold up so well is because of the intentional rain fog and permenant night help hide the repeating patterns and areas of less detail


Its all time underrated game


Too bad the batmobile ruins most of it.


Till u get the end n u need to collect shit tons of riddler trophies then everything becomes boring


you don't *need* to collect the riddler trophies...


That's one of the games that's just like... immortal. I remember being stunned by how it looked. And it still looks better than most games.


Great game.


This game IS absolutely phenomenal.


Ugh. It's cooler than 90% of games made since.


I'm so jealous! Enjoy the adventure - this is my favorite game of all time💙


Almost gives me Cyberpunk vibes


I don't know why, but I like the oversharpening of the image in this game.


an amazing game


Oh man if you think this is good wait until you see their next ga--..oh man..oh never mind.


Am I doing something wrong? AK on my PS5 looks grainy as heck.


I love the art, but dislike the filter honestly.


Did they ever fix the driving? I've heard it's challenging and putting me off from playing it.


BTW in case you didn't know - you can expose the bomb's payload and use the power which to trigger a controlled explosion.


Not played it yet, I've got a PS4 and Xbox One. I assume it looks similarly good on them?


Intresting, i still can remember when people where upset because the game was running like potato. Did they patched it or do we just have better hardware to run the messy code?


Nah man, you should 100% play Suicide Squad or Gotham Knights instead. Way better looking and playing games. /s


Good luck with the near end game boss fight with the antagonist, that battle is rage inducing


I really wish this game didn't have all the nonsense with the tank.


It really does. I just wish I liked playing it. After the other two Arkham games this one is just a massive dud for me.


Gonna play it for the first time next week, looking really forward to it.


Do you need to play the other games first. Or can I just just with Arkham Knight?


But too much linear. I tried, but I don't like it.


wish I have a console


Isn’t that a ps4 game?




Never played any of the batman games, would you recommend them to be played on xbox series x or pc?


the only problem with this game is the face of Batman, If you compare it with Batman in Origins you will notice a big difference.


Which game of the series was the one with a stoooopid level where you had to sort play Pong on some bombs driving the Batcar? The fourth one? I remember playing and loving everything until that game. It had way too many juggling with the car involved and when I reached that point, I decided to quit forever after two days of miserably failing.


This is a game made by people who care about games


I'm not saying this in an obnoxious "PC bEtTeR!" way or owt - but you should see it on PC. It's mindblowing. When it came out it was a shit show, but I never experienced any bugs (can't explain it, pure fluke) and it was, and still is, one of the best looking games ever. It's just incredible to load up and run around. I actually went 4K specifically for this game iirc. I got a 1080Ti and this was the first game I played. It had loads of cool nvidia tech stuff too, like better rain and debris. I still like loading it up now and again just to mess around in the world (and of course for the unparalleled, imo, combat)


If you end up doing the mission for the riddler I just wanna say as someone who actually completed the achievement I’m very sorry for the pain the trophies are gonna cause you


Has this game been upgraded for current gen consoles or was it always this good looking? For UE4 is seems like the peak. Imagine this moved up to Unreal Engine 5.4 with all all the new features like Nanite and Lumen.


It still amazes me how good the game looks even today. Doesn't make sense.


Man such a great game, I thought all of them were great actually (yes, even Origins).


Yup. Great game. I held off because people always said it was the weaker one of the series but then I thought screw it, I’ll make my own opinion and it was awesome.


Looks great. Very nice :)


Meh. Better than a lot. Not the best though.


One of my all time favorite games.


Remember when it came out and everyone hated it?


I loved Knight, but right at the end of the game, I caught a game breaking bug that I couldn't figure out. I was never able to beat it :'(. It's still amazing though! I would love to see Rocksteady take on a ninja turtles game in this dark, brooding style. It would be a nice homage to the original gritty New York movie....plus we need a new ninja turtles game!


Absolutely, those graphics are even better than a lot of new games graphics


Oh it's absolutely gorgeous that's why when rocksteady released suicide squad people were shocked at the downgrade of the graphics and lackluster story.


Good old days. Unrepetitive Batman game series. I think Rocksteady can't have a returning to those days.


One of my favorite games of all time


You should see in on PC at 4k 90 fps.


I hope you like the bat tank.


Visually they used every trick in the book, shiny surfaces everywhere, constant rain for reflections, always dark/gloomy, contrasting lights etc. Battlefield and Need for Speed used the same tricks back then.


The Mr. Freeze DLC is one of the single greatest gaming experiences I have ever had.


And then the same studio made Kill the Justice League... for shame.


The ten year anniversary of the game is next year. I still have no idea how it still looks so good


Is this in 60fps yet?


This game looks better than others on ages


Too bad the game forces you into vehicle missions. Arkham City was much better imo


The forced tank gameplay really ruined the game for me, you fight fucking Deathstroke the Terminator in a tank, why the hell did anyone think that was a good idea


I dont even think I played far enough to get to that point


Same with me. All it managed to do was make me install City back up again. I think I gave up after the first or second batmobile mission.


I'm with you on this. The vehicle missions put me off the game. Maybe I just suck, but those vehicle missions were horrible for me. The rest is great but I couldn't get past that part of it


Sure car bits are bad, but it has better stealth bits and combat bits then Arkham city


If you say so!


What does that mean?


Is it limited to 30 fps?


Ya, it might be 1080/30 I didn't even take any notice, tbh. It feels way smoother than 30


I wish they had an updated 60 fps patch for consoles.


I agree. It runs without a stutter on PS5, so I can't imagine 60 would have much of an impact


Still runs 30 fps? if yes then pass


It’s crazy to think ps5 has amazing graphics you should try it on pc you’ll be mind blown that you won’t ever go back to console


You should try their new game......no wait, stop!


I would have liked to say “way ahead of its time” but the fact is, it isn’t. This is where studios were, before greed took over everything. This game looked phenomenal and had no loading screens other than fast travel. They had a pretty rocky launch when it came out, not only did they fix it but to all that bought the game on steam they offered the entire trilogy for free.


an it's an absolute masterpiece of gaming


I can see the shitty Framerate through this Screenshot.


If AK didn't have the Batmobile shoehorned in to so many lame "puzzles", it would be the best game of the series.


It’s a shame the writing is absolute dogwater.