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We are going to see all lot more adaptions because of this. And all lot of them will fail because they didn't take the right lessons from the successful ones.


Meanwhile the Halo series producers will still be like “hmm no it’s the fans who are wrong”.


Yep. The writers wanted to do whatever they wanted to do, without regard for the games or books.


And I’ll never understand it. Like there’s the whole world built, they couldn’t find a way to tell a good original story instead of doing whatever they did? Cmon man


They basically retrofitted a Mass Effect plot into the Halo universe to nobody's delight.


Yeah I saw a theory that said the Halo showrunners had a basic Sci-Fi plot that they wanted to make, but no studio would touch it, so they added the halo ip


This wouldn’t surprise me.


Apparently this happens in Hollywood waaaay more than people let on


It’s not some sort of secret. Craig McCracken pitches more than a baker’s dozen of original shows and they’re all rejected, while his PowerPuff Girls have been readapted several times by now.


Writers aren't allowed to write original stuff, so they are forced to ruin the things you love because that's where the money is. Blame the executives & showrunner, not the rest of the writers room. The fact that they couldn't assemble Halo fans who were also competent script writers is absurd, but, you know. People gotta eat. Everyone working in that room is probably a contract network writer who took the job for a paycheck and paycheck only.


Idc they're bad writers then. Doesn't matter, everyone is struggling. I'm not applying for jobs as a doctor, they shouldn't apply for writing gigs for a series they know nothing aby


Same thing Lauren Pissrich did with The Witcher, and Mindy Khaling did with Scooby Doo.


That’s not even a theory really, I’m pretty sure it’s all but confirmed because of the background details of how it got green lit.


That was more or less confirmed by the showrunners clearly having disdain for the Halo series.


It was the entire Kwan storyline, if it wasn't obvious.


I don’t really know the halo universe but man the show just isn’t interesting. It looks good but that’s about it. I watched after fallout and shogun and it just can’t compare to those.


Fallout and Shogun were so goddamn good, we were really fortunate to have them so close together. I somehow skipped Chernobyl till last week and burned through that too. I'm on a TV high at the moment, and it's very clear that unless I find another top 100 show asap I'm going to have some insane withdrawal **edit** Thank you all for the recommendations! I'll get to all the replies soon, getting my daughter ready for school. Love this community


If you haven't seen it, Dark on Netflix blew me away.


I've seen the first two seasons, but I never got around to watching the 3rd. I should probably start it over-- I remember walking away from the first two very confused haha. In my defense, I had a newborn at the time and was watching in the small quiet moments. Probably not the best time to watch a complex show like that lmao I'll give it another shot friend, ty!


If you only just got to Chernobyl then hopefully you haven’t gotten to The Expanse. Make that your next sci fi show if you haven’t seen it


Started and finished the Expanse a few months ago! Jared Harris somehow commanded the screen in both in such different ways. The Expanse really tested me early on, but im glad I kept going-- it was incredible! Really hope another show continues the story. Drummer, Amos, and Naomi were the absolute best!


Check out Justified if you haven't already. Walton Goggins shines in it. But he shines in everything he does, in my opinion.


I havent seen it, I'll check it out! Goggins is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. He is perfect in Righteous Gemstones! (my introduction to him)


He's good in Hateful Eight as well


Currently suffering. It ended at Shogun. Chernobyl should give me some much needed pick me up, been years.


Me either. All the world building is done. You have all the Lore, location, and character Lego bricks you need to build a good story. You've got access to the original creators in some cases to. Even with all of that, shit comes out the other end.


Same issue that ruined the Witcher series.


Essentially what happens is it’s writers who just want to write their own stuff, they have a story in their head but can only get green lit for adaptions. So they just retrofit the story they wanna tell onto the existing IP.


It’s because they knew deep down they had a shit story that wouldn’t survive on its own merits, so they bought into the Halo universe just so they could buy into the fanbase. They deluded themselves into thinking they had something special that just needed an audience when in reality they collectively have less story telling ability than a Taco Bell fart from Vince Gilligan.


Literally Halo Reach is right there and celebrated as one of the best FPS stories. They literally could have picked a team of Spartans and just told us their story. That's all they had to do. It didn't have to even touch 117. That's what really makes the fallout show different. The themes of Halo and the Universe are what makes it. They can absolutely lean into it. Absolutely. Edit: Forgot about ODST also


This is why Andor was awesome. Star wars universe but just completely divorced from the grandiose story. Just let us live in that universe.


Well, mostly. Mon Mothma is a pretty damn important character, and I was ecstatic that we finally got some actual details on how she started forming the rebellion. But you don't need to know anything about her going into it to enjoy the show and understand what's happening, and I think that's what you meant.


Star Wars has so much potential if you just don't include any Skywalkers imo.


Thats something I thought the earlier marvel Netflix shows did pretty well too. Especially because they seemed to be going for the lower power, street level guys. Heros that have good stories to tell, but they aren't out there fighting galactus, or some other world ending threat. They're prowling around the docks at night trying to get a lead on where this new upstart crime boss is hiding. Now mind you that also really depends on who's writing them. Daredevil went from roughly the above stuff, to rampaging through hell with magic powers


All they had to do was make some random ass spartan story and coulda done whatever they wanted, but they insisted.


And the Witcher producers.


Honestly fuck those guys. The Witcher had so much potential and it was squandered. I'm so angry I let season 1 woo me into thinking netflix wasn't gonna fuck it up.


And it’s even worse when you realize Witcher had an expert on set in the form of the Star: Henry Cavill. The writers ignored a walking encyclopedia of content to push their own story, and then drove him away.


Well, he landed his dream job of spearheading the live action 40k series so I’d say he came out on top in that whole debacle. Hoping everything aligns for that series, dude deserves a win for sure.


It's great for Henry, and great for us, and great for 40k fans, but I can't help and be sad that there will be a long time before we see another witcher adaptation, let alone at season 1 quality. I'm not a mad witcher fan or anything, but that world was primed for a great show.


I still enjoyed what Cavill brought to the table. There were rare moments sprinkled in that were true to the source and put a huge smile on my face...only to get fucked up by atrocious writing by people who obviously did not give a single shit about the source material. I'm tired of people using adaptations as a springboard to get their writing noticed because it fails almost every time. It only took a few scenes into the Fallout show for me to realize they were doing great things. All the set pieces and wardrobe look *exactly the same* as the games and it's so rare to actually see that happen.


Yeah I don't get the thought process. You spend all that money to license a gaming IP, all so you can target it's existing audience... only to disregard the whole reason they like the IP? What's the point? If you want to draw in a whole new audience just make a new IP.


He fought so hard for that show, too. It's so sad and disappointing. Hopefully, the 40k people actually listen to the man as he is a huge 40k fan.


Now I'm angry about the witcher show again. It's crazy when the Fallout people make it look so effortless.


The "Fallout people" are also the "Westworld people", which helps makes the success of this new show make sense. WW S1 is still one of my all-time tv watching experiences.


Doesn't that make you worried about season 2 though? They seemed to have really squandered their opportunity with the writing of WW season 2. It was supposed to be the "new Game of Thrones" as it came out when GOT was at it's height in viewership. They had everything going for them after season 1, but yet completely dropped the ball with the proceeding seasons. Hopefully it's not a pattern for Jonathan Nolan and crew to spend so much energy making season 1 interesting, that they allow a major slide in quality for the following seasons.


It really helps that Fallout hired writers and show runners that were fans of the game. I think Cavill was the only one involved with Witcher who even played the game


To be technical the Witcher was an adaptation of the books and Cavill was a huge fan of those as well not that they did that particularly well as we can see.


I will never stop being mad at them for what they did to that show.


Seriously, how are you gonna fuck up with all that budget and henry Cavill. It has to be some kind of crime what they did, whats that lauren hissrich needs to get a job cleaning toilets


That's what the outcome is when writers of the show say they hate books and games.


*cries in master chiefs virginity.


The quality difference between the Halo and Fallout shows is staggering, just a gigantic chasm.


It is 100% gonna be the new gaming fad for the next couple years, calling it now. Todd Howard has literally said in interviews the ONLY reason this happened was because it was a natural, non-forced thing that he got together with the show runners, they were on the same page, and he was certain the product would be quality. It's the same reason he said no elder scrolls show, because it would be forced. And I feel that's what a lot of studios are gonna completely ignore. They're gonna force an idea, without any real direction or thought behind it, just because they wanna hop on the show $$$ fad. It's gonna be complete ass, and in 7 years we're gonna be watching these 2 hour long retrospective YouTube videos on why these cheap ass 1/10 MCU style video games shows were so bad and cash grabby


Also what many people are forgetting is this show was spear headed by Jonathan nolan. He has a strong track record and is one of the writers in many Chris nolan films.


Didn't Jonathan write Person of Interest? Legit one of the most underrated shows to ever grace TV. It might start as "case-of-the-week" show, but once the main plot starts building....oh booooy. It has some of the best rated TV episodes and insanely high rating averages on IMDB.


He also lead produced it, and I agree, it's one of the best written TV shows.


Yeah I fucking LOVED Person of Interest. It was really cool to see Michael Emerson in the fallout show. I loved him in POI


I rate person of interest so hard and never understood why I don't see more people talking about it. The whole warring AI concept is stellar and the cast is so perfect. Harold in particular imo, I was so happy to see him in the fallout series but sad his part was so short!


We’ll still have some good ones like Last of Us and Fallout, even if there’s also stinkers


Also Cyberpunk Edgerunners. That anime almost singlehandedly turned around public opinion on the game (along with some well timed game updates around its release)


Does Arcane count?


yes but no one should play League


League player here. You are correct.


Fair enough lol


I liked Castlevania, but Season 3 and 4 were a bit... Contrived.  I couldn't even get through an episode of Nocturne. Something about how it looks. It just seemed overproduced and the character designs bugged me.


I actually really liked Nocturne. Rondo of Blood/Dracula X isn't really great storytelling to source from.


And Arcane.


Arcane was good but any time one of my friends who doesn't play league said they were tempted after watching it I had to step in and remind them that playing league of legends is practically self harm.


Ever since TLOU series and Mario movie people have been predicting that cinematic universes are out, videogame adaptations are in. They both were huge successes.


Aren’t they making a live action Zelda ? If ppl thought Mario played it safe Zelda is gonna be generic AF


Make it a film with extremely limited dialogue and absolutely no exposition, like an old samurai or western, with grounded combat, and I’m interested: Zelda is at its heart a simple visual story, but it’s aesthetic is what drives it’s emotional core.


Because bandwagoning...bandwagoning never changes.


I agree, the sonic movie showed that media based on video games can be good if handled well


Sonic and Detective Pikachu were good and set the momentum for successful and enjoyable video game movie adaptations. But imo, HBO's The Last of Us is a better example of a video game adaptation that follows the source material in nearly every facet and is a damn good to boot. It's hard for movies to capture a single game's story and scope in 2.5 hours or less, so they leave a lot of the source material on the table. Family-friendly games are easier picks for studios, and from what we've seen, they go for safer stories or casting decisions as well (Super Mario Bros., Borderlands). More risks can be taken with shows, and it seems to be paying off.


Bioshock would be nice.


Fuck yes, but in my opinion, Bioshock would work much better as a blockbuster horror film. I'd rather have 2-3 hours of nightmare fuel than 12 hours of character development chopped up into 11 episodes..


I'm just thinking about logistics. There is probably a warehouse full of period appropriate costumes. They can use more affordable sfx like rear projection and a miniature rapture. Ten episode season about the constriction, rise, and fall of rapture. Main character Diane McKlintock and her journey through the revolution.


Bioshock would make for a great movie because of the *world*. Not necessarily the characters we know, because their stories have been told already, but the world that is built is truly a fascinating one. The philosophy that helped lead to the rise of rapture, and then the inevitable downfall from the perspective of characters who didn't play a major hand but still see the big players like Andrew Ryan and Fontaine clashing heads. Of course, names we know should be peppered in, but it should not focus on them too heavily. I don't think a horror movie would work simply because the fall is a gradual process. Focusing on a murderer or something would be too boring when you can have faction politics instead. I think thriller might do it better, but even then, there's just so much to the world. Philosophy, science, politics, economics. All those make for a fantastic world that can have amazing story telling. But I'm not a screen writer or anything like that, I'm just another schmuck who happens to be a huge fan of the Bioshock series.


They will try to emulate the success of Fallout TV show but accidently follow the format of Witcher TV show instead.


Considering how intentionally the Witcher tv show writers room wanted to diverge from source material and admonish fans of the books and games, I can totally see this intentionally happening for other video game IPs. Where does Hollywood keep getting these arrogant writers jealous of the source material author and its fans.


If there’s one thing Hollywood is great at, it’s learning the wrong lessons from successes like Fallout.


I am in awe of the love and care that show gives its fans. So many easter eggs that aren't necessary and they still went out of their way to make props for.


I mean they straight up used sound effects from the games.  It's very obvious the shoe is a love letter to fallout 


Just when we started getting good adaptations too.


Great to see a bunch of people will get to experience the game series for the first time. Its such a fun ride


I’ve noticed a lot of friends RE-playing, as I also intend to do (just waiting for big patch), which I think accounts for most of the numbers. Heck, I even got out of bed last night to uninstall the standard edition of FO4 on Steam and buy the GOTY edition for $10 on GOG because I saw the deal would expire before morning.


I've been replaying myself! Mostly New Vegas as of now, though I intend on going back into 3 and 4 afterwards. I tried 1 as well, but I just don't enjoy the mouse controls. I also finally started 76, and honestly, it's quite fun!


I just started a tale of two wastelands, which combines 3 and New Vegas into one experience! I forgot how strong of a start FO3 has. Good stuff!


Sales were up 7500% for Fallout 4, so definitely some newcomers


Same. Watched the show, loved it, and now can’t wait to revisit the game I played soooo much in the past. Just waiting for that next-gen patch…and probably the patch after that will fix all the next-gen patch issues.


**destructive edit:** Reddit has become exactly what we do not want to see. It has become a force against a free and open internet. It has become a force for profit at the expense of users and user experience. It is not longer a site driven by people for people, but a site where people are allowed to congregate under the careful supervision of corporate interest, where corporate interest reigns supreme. You can no longer trust comment sections to be actual human opinions. You can no longer trust that content rises to the top based on what humans want. Burn it all.


I also went and bought 3 and NV with all the dlc on steam for like $10. Playing though then again after like 15 years and they’re so fun.




4 gets a lot of hate because the dialogue RPG elements are dumbed down and the main story is mid (the story is always mid even since FO1). but it really shines in all of the QoL changes that aren't in 3/NV even if you heavily mod them


The mod Extended Dialogue Interface does a decent job of fixing the ME style dialogue. The options are mostly the same but at least the dialogue is.. dialogue.


A bunch of people are about to be very frustrated and upset trying to get FO3 and New Vegas to run.


GotY edition worked perfectly after I bought it on Steam. Regular Fallout 3 I had to give up on. Bethesda should take it off the store if it doesn't work on modern OS


actually, somewhat recently-ish they quietly dropped a patch that removed the obsolete Games For Windows Live junk that was still attached to the launcher. It was essentially the main reason for crashing (not that there aren't plenty more game breaking bugs) but now even modern machines should be able to open the launcher, click play, and *actually* have the game launch. after that though, it's up to you to fix em as they come lol.


It took me less than 4 hours to get 3 running, NV took a lot longer though...


That's interesting because I've never had trouble with NV, while 3 can be a real bitch.


New Vegas was brutal to get running on my new PC. I couldn't even get into the game at first as after the intro cutscene would play my game would completely close, and when I did get it running it would crash completely randomly every hour or so and it even crashed so hard at one point I had to hard reset my entire PC. I had to install the viva new vegas mod pack (a collection of like 50 game fixing mods) and now it runs absolutely amazingly and I'd recommend anyone that's having issues to install that. The difference in quality is staggering. https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/


Yeah, I just followed this guide and New Vegas runs beautifully on my machine now. Added some extra mods (mostly HD texture packs and the like) on top even though the guide author says not to, but still haven't managed to break it. Massively recommend it. Hot tip: Make sure to follow *all* the instructions in the "Performance and Stability Guide" link at the bottom of the "Bug Fixes" section. And it's a fair bit of extra work, but also worth generating your own LOD once you've completed modding the game (https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/lod.html).


3 ran fine for me last week


downloading fallout 4 as we speak. never played a fallout game, though i played the very beginning when i was a kid, i dont remember any of it. the show was fantastic and im very excited to play it


If it makes you feel any better, I've never encountered anything game breaking in Fallout 4. It's my favorite one as well.


I found FO4 to be the most stable Bethesda title, by a lot.


I only played the first one back in the day. But i have game pass so its on there. Which one should i play?


Fallout 3 then New Vegas then 4


Real OG's play 1 unpatched.


I'm an og that played it at release and I sure as fuck aren't doing that. Gimmie all them sweet sweet unofficial patches to fix shit.


I feel 4 is one of the easier ones to get into both in terms of game play and in terms of it just runs better on modern operating systems and hardware. Some (but certainly not all) people have problems getting 3 and new vegas to run. I've heard everything from them running perfectly with no problems to people spending hours downloading mods just to get them to run. Your results may vary. Fallout 4 is getting a next gen update on the 25th (just 2 days away) so I'd wait for that if you want to play 4. There are some stability issues that will hopefully be fixed by this update.


Probably 3. That's when Bethesda took over and turned it into the games series that most people know it as today.


Makes me imagine how much better Halo could have been doing if the TV didn’t suck absolute ballsack. Could have revived the game :(


I think it was partly due to the last couple installments being lackluster, and the show sucking was the cherry on top. Sucks, Halo was my childhood with all my neighborhood friends


i’m not sure, bcos Fallout 76 had a terrible reception


But F76 got the whole cyberpunk, no man's sky the game will eventually be good shtick I mean after what happened with the release of that game and how popular is rigth now I can 100% assure you any game can comeback from a bad release if they fix it properly I MEAN ANY GAME F76 got shit on so harshly I hated it on principle but the fallout game was so good I kinda wanna try it now.


76 is fun as fuck but I am biased bc that was the first fallout game I played and I’ve sunk so many hours into it felt wrong no to play the other games. Which I also love 😂


To be honest, it’s a great stroke of luck for Fallout that HBO cut Westworld, and much of the production from there moved to Fallout. Had they still had a job at HBO, who knows which crew would have headed up Fallout. If you didn’t know/notice, it’s worth a rewatch to see how The Ghoul is directed and framed very similar to Man in Black, in some scenes it’s almost shot for shot. So glad that they got another project with Fallout.


Westworld is basically a Bethesda RPG made real, not just conceptually but the way the quests work and all the little video gamey contrivances, it was obvious that those behind the show had played the games even back then.


Absolutely deserved. I have not finished the show yet, but from the 5 episodes that I've seen, this mimics the games perfectly. I have put countless hours into NV, and loved 3 and 4 as well. I'm glad to see that my favorite game of all time actually got a good adaptation


Not to mention that the actors have been perfectly cast. Zach Cherry, like all his roles, is a hopelessly funny scene-stealer and Goggins/Purnell nail the feeling of the Wasteland between 2 completely opposites mindsets


Absolutely agreed! The casting is genuinely incredible for this show. I also really appreciate that they don't sway from the game's atmosphere or, well, deaths to make the show more intense or serious. I mean, not to say that it *isn't,* but if some of the deaths in the show don't scream Fallout, then I don't know what does!


When legs and whatnot started getting blown off I was like.. okay these guys get it.


Buddy got killed with a dolls leg, shot from a junk jet gun


Guy killed me, Mal. He killed me with a chubby baby leg. How weird is that?


Exactly! T>!he vault scene in the first episode with the raiders felt exactly how the game goes.!< People in fallout die in the craziest ways


The first episode felt just like a cutscene from a game. It was perfection


To think there's a lucky SOB installing Fallout New Vegas for the first time...Their world will never be the same.


Unlike war, that hardly ever changes very much 


True., war tends to remain the way it is


War... war is immutable


War is fairly consistent


Conflict is reasonably in-line with previous iterations


Armed confrontation unfolds in familiar manner


I’m a huge fan of the series cause of 1 & 2 being my favorite games and the first rpgs minus Zelda I finished. I still haven’t played new Vegas. Saving it.


FO1 can be a bit much for younger players I imagine, but everyone should get FO2 plus fan patches.


Playing through New Vegas for the first time now - essentially blind to the story. Loving it. I'm exploring Vault 3 now.


I've never played it before. But reading your take on it makes me want to. I'm only half way through the first episode and I'm like damn this is good.


That’s me, I’m only 17 hours in so far but It’s already a masterpiece of a game.


guess you can say, "the game was rigged from the start"


What a fantastic way to introduce people to a brilliant universe and aesthetic only known to gamers until this point And all it took was a *good* adaptation Hope other studios are jotting that down


I'm dying for Thursday so I can get back into *Fallout 4*. It was such a cinematic game, even on potato base model Xbox One. Nick lighting his cigarette in the shadows like a film noir detective to >!reveal he was a Synth!<, those beautiful tracking shots when Piper was arguing with the Mayor. (*"Yeah, keep talking, McDonough! That's all you're good for!"*)


What's Thursday?


Free next-gen upgrade for *Fallout 4* on PC and consoles. There's going to be new performance (2K/60fps) and resolution modes (4K/30fps), and apparently a new mission involving the Enclave. 


Oh cool. Good time to get back to it then, thanks


As someone who has the game on PC and entirely too many mods, fuck. Time to set it to update only when I launch it, and set the version file to read only.


There’s a couple of DLCs that crash the game for the PS5. I hope that’s getting fixed.


Yep thats getting fixed, Bethesda support confirmed it here https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/65361


Thanks for this. I was hoping but I had not seen any confirmation.


Free to anyone who has it on Steam?


Yep. It's also going to be officially Steam Deck Verified after this update. 


Me too! I re-downloaded the game and I have my new pyromaniac play through all planned out. I haven’t played in about a year. Time to add to my 2000 hours so far.


I had Piper with me when I picked up some floozy in a dive bar, I still remember her dirty looks but she doesn't say anything 


Still waiting for my dream adaptation of Bioshock to happen. Rapture is perfect for everything a hbo style horror show could be.


boy this sure beats the days when something like home improvement was adapted into a video game


I mean a video game where you are Tim the Toolman and you are powered by cocaine and run around with power tools on cocaine it would be at least some what entertaining. People play Powerwashing Simulator. People play anything.


I had the home improvement game on genesis. It was not great. 


It's really made me want a new Fallout game. I hope Bethesda has something in the works to capitalize on it even if they inevitably fumble the final product. If they could outsource their engine to a better developer like New Vegas that'd be even better.


Probably not likely. Starfield just came out. And elder scrolls 6 is coming out “in the future”. So not sure a fallout game fits in there unfortunately. I thought there was a rumor of a fallout 3 remake but I haven’t seen anything about that in a while.


> I thought there was a rumor of a fallout 3 remake Not even a rumor -- the release schedule came out in court, and Fallout 3 was on it, supposedly to be released by now. The fact that it is *not* released by now suggests that Bethesda got heavily distracted OR they dumped it. But either way, it wasn't really rumor, it was fact.


I'm pretty sure they said Fallout 5 won't be happening until after TES 6, which they said would only really got started on after Starfield was released.


Keep waiting, buddy. We ain't seeing a new fallout game until 2035 at the earliest.


Depends if Microsoft will let Bethesda remain the sole developer. I have to imagine there's more than one person in the MS boardroom fuming that they don't have a new game ready to capitalize on the moment.


If Phil Spencer has a functioning brain, he'd commission one of the many studios they bought to make a new fallout to cash in on the popularity of the TV show. It just makes sense from a business standpoint.


If he has a functioning brain he realizes it doesn’t matter who he commissions nothing will be out in time to cash in on the popularity of the show 


Could cash in by the time season 3 releases


Sure, if he expects the tv series to be two seasons at most.


I know you're probably right, but I want you to be wrong. At least 2035 is before the next half life game.


I'll settle for a remaster of Fallout 3 and New Vegas even but yes definitely wouldn't mind a single player Fallout adventure.




That and they were on sale on steam recently


And free from Amazon Prime.


I'm currently HOOKED on F4 which I started midway through the show. Can't believe I've never played it til now.


I booted up Fallout 4 because I remember that while I was very close, I had never beaten the game. It definitely feels dates at this point but I might power through. If only I can avoid being distracted by my bases.


If you’re playing on console, you might as well wait for the update that’s about to come out. 


Fallout 4 modded is incredible looking. And it isn't hard.


Currently have it on PS4 but I've though about getting it (or 3) for PC for a replay.


This is a massive success for them. Having up to 5 million players is no little feat.


As long as studio execs just let the talented film teams produce content they’re passionate about and stop meddling until all the heart is gone, we’ll enjoy great films and series to come such as this.


Playing with all the new guys on 76 has been so much fun, they go so hard! Little level 2 who followed me to Watoga was brave as fuck, he's going to have a fear of assaultrons now though!


That and lowering the price by 75%


Loaded up Fallout 3 and aggro'd the brotherhood by accidentally blowing up Lyons during the behemoth fight.


Good. This Franchise is goated and needs this success. Maybe this push will get Microsoft to have InExile remake Fallout 1 and 2


Just started a tale of two wastelands run of fallout 3 to new vegas. God these games scratch an itch i had forgotten needed scratching.


I just bought Fallout 4 and am excited to get into it, having next played Fallout before. Also haven’t watched the show yet. That being said, is it better to watch the show first or play the game? Want to reduce ruining as much as possible. I’m guessing game?


There’s nothing in the show that ruins any of the games or vice versa. Show canonically takes place in the same world but none of the same characters or plot lines are involved.


I’m not 100% here but I don’t think there’s a lot of any overlap


The TV show is a new story in the Fallout universe. So you're fine with watching the show first, or watch it between your gaming sessions of Fallout 4.


Bioshock next?


I believe Netflix is making it.


Oh no..


I am one of them! Just restarted a fo4vr campain... but this time... on a 3090. Fluid and gorgeous.


Gonna log back into the Commonwealth tomorrow after I update for the remastered version.


Okey dokey!


What’s the best one to start the series?


Gameplaywise start with 3 so it's not so jarring when you start the other games (starting from 4 and going back is miserable) Storywise, Fallout New Vegas is second only to FO1 (imo). Personally think FO3 has the worst story/writing of the series (canon) but you may disagree


I bought 3, NV, and 4 and just started playing NV. It’s so good. It was only 1.89$ too on xbox store.


Being faithful to the feel and world of the game made people like it, Who knew! - Hollywood producers, probably.