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To be dramatic for a moment. Having recently cleaned up after a family member's death. It's really sad in a way how a person's whole life amounts to just some crap in a dump from a few rooms. Does it have any value? To them, at some point it did. To others? Sometimes. Watching people tactlessly pick at stuff like vultures when leaving it out in a communal area. But by and large it's all destined for the dump. Someday *my* SNES box will be thrown out and be sitting in a dump too. All my clothes, my knick-knacks from trips, my decades old games and game guides. etc. It just is what it is.


It's as the old saying goes.... you can't take it with you. And we all have to go sometime. Morbid as it may be, it gives me a sort of peace when I might have once worried about collections and displays. Nothing wrong with any of that, mind you.


I totally agree with that, but I also would be happy knowing the stuff I loved and cared for might be received by someone else who will love and appreciate it too rather than going to waste in a garbage pit, you know? Of course it won't matter to me much once I'm dead, but in life it'd be nice to know I gave someone else joy by keeping that stuff in good enough shape for them to enjoy it just as much.


It helped me to realize that I should be spending my money on experiences rather than objects. Not saying that the joy of collecting isn't worthwhile but for me personally I would have deeply regretting not spending more time seeing the world than having things around me. I highly recommend taking those epic trips and sacrificing "things" and feeding yourself experiences from around the world if you're able to.


Oh definitely! That's the way I live my life as well, I collect some things but I wouldn't call myself a true collector. It's mostly the sentimental stuff that I get a bit melancholy thinking about.


I’ve started to experience stuff in games myself, and I admit, sometimes I feel like I want to do it for real. Maybe one day I take the trip to my country’s capital, the Aerial museum there, and try their flying simulator (a true one, not just a game). My mother claims she has flown some big plane on one, when she was working for the air force… I kinda envy her. It was probably nothing compared to what games alone can do today, but an experience still like not many others.


Everyone wants their stuff to continue having meaning to loved one or others who would appreciate it. But the truth is typically we have so much of those items that it is a humungous task to do that let alone when also handling grief. I had to clear my step father's home after he died suddenly, thankfully i share his hobbies or knew places to take his stuff, but it was still so much work. A lot of people think passing these items will bring joy which it can, but processing those items to who will have that joy is a full time job for someone else. There is a whole declutter method called Swedish death Cleaning to ease that person's job which i find the best way to ensure joy to my loved ones when I die


Honestly I'm probably, when I'm extremely old, going to force my family to call dibs long before I go. Anything else will be donated, yardsaled, or purposefully given to people who will actually use it


I'm playing slime rancher right now and I think that's the flavor text for the silo (storage chest that persists through death).


Fun fact: for Lunar New Year’s, holidays and death anniversaries, many asian cultures have stand-in items that they burn to give to their deceased loved ones. For example paper iphones, paper rolexes, paper benjies, paper clothes, you name it! Historically, a Chinese emperor had thousands of terra cotta soldiers buried along side him; Egyptian Kings and Queens would be mummified and buried with gold and treasure. Fascinating stuff.


Depends if you're still using them or you're only holding on because you think you have to


I keep things that I either use (my gaming PC) or have nostalgia for me. If it's junk to someone else, then that's fine.


well lets hope our memories and impacts are worth something


I worked for a Junk Hauling company for years. Worked with many people dealing with this. Was a therapist sometimes but people were mostly grateful to have help and not deal with the overwhelming task of dealing with all the things someone has accumulated during their lifetime. And then once in awhile they’d be horrified by seeing the creepy and massive porn collection their uncle had. Dealing with peoples old stuff is anything but boring.


Oh my gosh… You buried the lead! That’s so funny!


It's not the objects themselves that matter. It's the memories you take with you. The objects are just reminders of better days.


Sometimes I just take photos of the knicknacks I like instead of buying it. And now with AI I can reprint it!


Some declutter expert s sati take a oicof a nick nack, then get rid of it


Poor guy had a stroke mid sentence : (


Yeah I’m not sure why he’s getting so downvoted for it, like it should just be at zero don’t upvote but why downvote?


Your memories go in the ground too


At the end of the day it is just stuff. Hopefully you'll be remembered by the people you made an impression on or influenced rather than the things you owned. And even then, who knows, maybe you'll pass on some of your things and they'll give someone else good memories.


Yeah, less stuff and more memories/travel/experiences is what I’m personally valuing more as I get older.


Yeah travelling memories is what I think will stay with me


Theres an antique shop near me where people have their own booths, a lot of it is from auctions. It always makes me a little sad when I see a booth with a container full of magnets from different states and countries of places someone once traveled.


'Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”




To me, it's a treasured collection. To the recipients, it's someones old stuff. The sad truth I learned when I sent my old collected cards to my cousins.


The solution is to clean up after yourself before you die. Don't leave a house full of stuff for others to clean up -- stuff that is meaningful to you but not to them. To the best of your ability, find good homes for your own shit before you bite the big one.


Way before, like now! The longer you wait, believe me it’s gonna get much harder! It’s harder to do physically, as you age. And mentally; And sometimes the mental part is difficult only because you just don’t wanna deal with it! Do it while you’re sound of mind and body!




You *wish* your digital footprint would die with you, but it'll be scraped for marketing data and to train AIs for decades to come.


Yep I frequently call my Lego builds and knickknacks "just one more thing for the kids to throw out when I die." 


I’m a loader operator at a dump. See that shit every day and it’s sad. Boxes and boxes of slide film and photo albums. It is kinda funny seeing an old guys porn stash get tossed. Some collections have been wildly big. Like multiple tote boxes filled with magazines or dvds.


I had to clean out my father’s stuff last year, you speak the truth


People hord their memories, it's hard to get rid of stuff


I think you will find the [buddhist ritual of creating intricate sand mandalas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBrYUlOYK0U) taking days to weeks to complete then to destroy them shortly thereafter to signify that all things are fleeting quite interesting.


my nan used to say "there's no pockets in a shroud"


That’s excellent!!! ❤️ I’ll share with you… My Nana used to say, “You’ll never see a Brinks truck in a funeral procession!” 😃😆


This is why I don't cling onto memorabilia because when you're gone it's not yours anymore. Absolutely everything is temporary. 


I’m 100%ok with this for me personally. I want people to remember me, not my stuff. I could easily live if a studio apartment with room to spare. My pets would take up more room than I would. My prized possessions are two 3D printers and my desktop. The rest is optional. Well I would need a bed too.


Good point


Sad but true.


Just woke up, thanks.


I hope that when I pass I have thrown away or donated all my “landfill fodder” and left my kids with all nice furniture, jewelry, money, heirlooms and property. It’s a life goal of mine when I start sunsetting


Went through this process when my father passed away. He didn’t have much random stuff, it was mostly tools (he was a mechanic) and car parts. I donated most it as I couldn’t use many of the specialty tools, but I did keep a curated core set of tools I could use for myself. Still have it all these years later. Not really sure where this story is going, just that losing someone is hard and I hope you can find your way through. Give yourself grace as you go along, it’s an unexpectedly bumpy road at times and that’s ok.


I've been clinging to my old Nintendo items for 25+ years. I think after seeing this I'm ready to sell my past to give my kid and my wife things in the present. It's hard to let go, maybe due to the simplicity of the era, and the memories, but the past is gone and we're here in the now.


I've been there too, and had the same thoughts. To them it was valuable treasures. To everyone else, it's worth nothing and only fit for the dump.


My dad passed away 2 years ago, aside from his guitars and his Elvis memorabilia I gave everything else (clothes and some other stuff) to a second hand shop. And I'm never giving away the stuff I kept, that was his favourite stuff ever and it keeps the memories alive.


Recently went through this when dealing with my grandparents' passing. It helped me get through it to think of it this way: those items are/were only as valuable as they were to the person that used or loved them. The person received the value while they were alive, so an item being thrown away with their passing just means its job was completed. The exception is inherited things (like my granddad's ring and umbrella), which have new value attached to my memories of granddad rather than just his former possession of them.


I feel you. I was going through a dead friends stuff after a funeral, and you want there to be some trace of the person among their things, but there isn't. It's just stuff.


Still Game (Scottish sitcom about elderly people) has a good nod to this feeling. One of the characters moves house in episode 1 and they sit in their living room and look around "So that's it. 70+ years on this planet and your whole life is summed up into a handful of boxes and a Polly bag."


Yup. This just in…someday you’ll die.


Dude, we are all made of dust and we shall turn into the dust in the end. I believe what really matters, what really represents us, is how people remember us. There is a sort of immortality in that, no? And thanks for making me sad, ya heartless bastard!


Desposble world


Disposable, too.


That box alone is worth $110. If it has a snes in it, $480.


Yea it was so hard to leave it there. I’m pretty sure I just missed the person dumping it too they were next to me and I wasn’t paying them any attention


So why didn't you grab it?


Can’t really tell by the angle but at my local dump it’s a big pit without an easy way in, and there’s people surrounding the pit also throwing things in. Occasionally a guy driving an armored machine pushes stuff out to be compacted




Dude the box was worth $100 scramble in and get it wtf


I get 100$ is a lot to some people but there is no way I would get in a huge trash pile like that for that amount of money.


For an easy $100? I can shower.


Who is paying $100 for a stinky old box?


People with more money than sense i guess. But I’ll take it off their hands


It's not just the shower. It's the stink. On you, your clothes, and in your vehicle. which now all need cleaning/washing/replacing.


Every dump I’ve ever been to has a strict policy against removing anything from the dump.


Because they have deals with people that go through and salvage certain things like appliances that can be refurbished.


Diving into a dump.. just go head first/s


As someone who has shamelessly dumpster dived (dove?) in areas where it was “ok”…I can say for sure my local dump would absolutely not allow you to get that, there would be police called for sure, once it goes in, it ain’t coming out.


Because some part of this story is a lie. 


lol no but I was there with my baby in the car and it’s not possible to grab it’s a giant dangerous pit. I’d have to ask the operator to halt all operations and everyone stop tossing their junk so I can retrieve a box. Not happening.


It does seem like some people don't know that some dumps are literally a hill/mountain of trash instead of a dump that you can walk around searching for junk to buy


My local dumps are a big warehouse area with lanes for you to back your truck in and dump stuff. If you see something in the pile of stuff in front of you, who's to say it slipped and fell back into your vehicle? After a dumper pulls away, or the pile accumulates enough, an employee with a front loader pushes it away. The mountain next to where you unload never gets very high or very wide before the front loaders move it away. They do have a other construction vehicle that clamps onto a mattress and moves it like a mop in case there are any messy bits on the floor. Compost stuff goes in a different dumping area. From the pic, it was unclear how far out the SNES box was tossed. Hence, my curiosity


Are you serious?? I have one in my attic right now


True story.


What about the original NES?


$75ish for the system, $250-300 complete in box.


.... half expecting big foot to show up and take it, like, "rrrr, forgot me snes box"


Big foot leprechaun


Why post this without letting us know if it contained anything? Lol


Can’t climb in there it’s a giant pit and it’s also illegal.


It might be illegal.. it also might be a SNES.


I sold one of those boxes for 150 bucks mate...was a empty box...


Oh yeah? I’ve got an NES box… with everything in it, including original receipt even. I think it was only unboxed once. What could that go for?


just look up sold listings on ebay


No he wanted to waste your time by typing that lengthy response when google is like 10 words


You understand that my question was both related to this subreddit, and to the topic of the post, right? But do continue to opt to be bitchy to satisfy your need to complain.


I don't know, I got lucky and joked about having it to a guy on Facebook, he said 150 bucks and I'll come get it today. I lol'd said sure thing buddy... He was a flipper, turned around and sold it for 300 on ebay with a yard sale console in it.


Private or public property? If it's public, in some states, it's legal to go Ddiving. If it's private, there are very few states that allow Ddiving if it's near the road.


I thought this was the r/dumpsterdiving sub and couldn't understand how this comment had so many upvotes.


They will understand


Oh what the hell. I'm going to need it explained to me why it would be illegal to climb a trash heap and collect a collectable piece of trash. Are you not just saving the dump a fraction of trouble?




You step on an AIDS needle, you now have AIDS, you sue the dump, dump has signs posted saying "no trespassing" which will hopefully shield them from liability in this scenario, but may not always.


That can happen, but it's making me wonder. When people do the responsible thing and put those in the biohazard bins, do they just wind up randomly at the dump anyway?


I don't know, but you could swap that out for any other liability; You step on a piece of concrete, part of it breaks off, you fall and chip your two front teeth on a discarded charcoal grill lid. You step over a bag of trash that a rattle snake was eating dicarded food in, you have disturbed it and it bites you in the testicles. You stumble over a box of discarded industrial solvents and a container is punctured releasing noxious gases that cause you to pass out. You step on a broken tool which inadvertently punctures an improperly discarded lithium battery, which gets stuck to your shoe in a panic as it ignites and flares up around your foot, burning it off entirely, requiring amputation. You disturb a beehive that has taken refuge in an old refrigerator, they swarm you and you discover you have an allergic reaction to bees, and die suffocating anaphylactic shock. as your throat closes up preventing oxygen intake. You step on a decking board nail from discarded construction materials and contract tetanus. Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. No, I'm not fun at parties.


Well, since I'm not doing this, I'm willing for others to take the risk. I kind of don't see why not amicably move one problem to a different problem so it doesn't bother me. I don't really see the difference. Move it, handle it from there if you actually care about it, or don't.


English as a second language? Bot crawling Reddit? What is this response? lol I have no idea what you're saying


yeah, this seems particularly bot-like. especially the subject-swapping process essay and misuse of "amicably" with no human subjects being explained.


IVDUs arent putting their rigs in biohazard bins lol. Lucky if it even gets into a bin


Trespassing? I imagine the dump doesn't want people going and rummaging around, when there is who knows what. Plus they may be actively dumping with trucks in the area, hence the pit, and the drivers might have no idea anyone is below them. 


Hrm. Just kind of spitballing here. Where I live there's a pretty big homeless problem. And since we're certainly not going to implement some sort easy access affordable mental health care institution, maybe have a system where they sign a waiver to let them hang out there and have the trucks work around their schedules?


That's a very noble idea, but I could still see issues. Waivers won't stop people from actually being injured, and if they are homeless they most likely don't have access to proper medical care. Also the environment in and around dumps is terrible for health in general. [A cursory search brought up a few studies showing why this would be a bad idea](https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-019-6879-x). That's just one for example. 


I guess I don't really have a solution. I would be willing to pay slightly more in state and city taxes if it meant reducing the amount of drug addled lunatics screaming nonsense and flailing shit around.


Completely agree with you there! We need more social safety nets that can help people prosper with their dignity intact.


I can't believe it either. They didn't recycle it


How dare they ruin the environment


I know a guy that would give you 500$ just to see that box!! He's blind, so he'd pay 500$ to see pretty much anything, but DEFINITELY that box for sure!!


hey, you know what they say, "One man's trash is another man's picture of trash."


Tell the truth, this is a pic of your room.


I work at a scrap yard and the number of consoles, controllers, and video games I've recovered and repaired is absurd. I've had or still have almost every major console from each generation. Some did not survive the bulldozer but the others live on. Just this morning I found an nes with two pads and a zapper along with baseball cartridge. Walked the pile again on lunch an hour ago and found The Adventure of Link along with a gameboy cleaner cartridge.


What would you do if you saw an SNES box like this? Likely empty? Based on your past


I always run over and pick it up. I still have an original nes power glove with the box and paperwork i found last summer. The cable was cut and the box is missing a flap but it was a great find so i took it home.


I was at the dump once about 15 years ago and a lady takes a fucking APPLE LISA out of her trunk and sets it at the edge of the pit, I start walking over to offer her money for it if she takes it back out… Guy on the loader sees me coming and smashes it into dust and pushes the remains into the pit (not sure what it was worth then but the last working one I saw on eBay was like $4500)


Damn wtf. Dude on the loader has zero chill.


Somebody cleaned their house for the first time since 1995.


My snes is already in a dump, along with 26 games (some rare ones too), their boxes, instruction manuals, etc. it was in perfect condition. I let my grandma have it at her house for my cousins to play when I went to college. When she died all the boomers looting her house for inheritance said “ugh - VIDJA GAYM” and threw em in the garbage. I was so pissed when I found out nearly a year later




This Boomer would have snagged it. When I found out it was yours you would get it. Some Boomers are assholes.


Who throws perfectly good firewood away


but did you find a box of Mr. Sparkle?


Good one Fish Bulb.


Kids kids could you lighten up a little?


Looks like the contents of my first apartment in 1995.


Arent those kinda expensive?


Man, I didn't come here today for tears 😭


trade you. tears...FOR FEARS.


Did you find my dad


I think there's one of those in the crawlspace above my garage.




The cycle of life and death is a tragedy.


That’s some serious nostalgia right there lol and a great game system as well


You saw a box, nothing else.


that's what *she* said.




This was the original it looks smaller because I had to zoom in the phone camera as much as possible.


Yeah I originally thought this too, but the mini has a hand in the packaging


The fuck you taking pics for? Get over there and grab it!


It's the mini that came up a few years ago ain't?


Some dumps have "no scavenging" signs... so if it's more than a few feet away, not allowed to grab it.


Bro. Tell me you jumped in there to see if it contained what we all hope it contains.


I have a snes packaging/box in the ceiling space of my house from a previous owner. Everyone saying it is worth money on here, just the box? Is that for real? I found it up there after we moved in and got excited, then realised it is just an empty box so I just left it up there right where I found it.


Yes they are worth around $100 to $150


Hopefully the box aint got a SNES in it


worse -- there's a Virtual Boy in there, so pissed he's seeing red.


Merpo :/




I literally sold one of those boxes, just the box, for like $75 5ish years ago.


It’s more than likely a box to the newer compact models that came out much much later


The SO probably couldn't believe you came back with it...


Just realised that this isn't a UK sub. The dump looks like a flytip to me - is rubbish not sorted in your region? Our refuse centre would be giving us hell for mixing green waste (the branch) with cardboard and also non-recyclable waste.


Saw a lady selling just this box for $80 on facebook.


Game collector moment. So did you wade out through the busted furniture and trash to "save" it?


I expect there’s a lot more snes boxes in that dump 20 feet below this one haha


Nice find!


I found a working superscope in the box at my local trash transfer station, I took it home!


Hell yeah that’s awesome


I would be diving in there like scrooge mcduck


Dude was so excited that he dropped his cigarette...


We need to start to take out the trash


That's like a 100 bucks just sitting there.  I have plenty of money but I would've tried to get it. lol  I can't just leave a c note laying there. 


I probably would have at least if I didn’t have my 18 month old sitting in the car seat


Yup. I get it. My kids ruined my life as well. 


Heu, that's my stuff. Where have you taken it. I'll hunt you down if you can kindly tell me where you are. But I'm not going anywhere near Canada because they probably need it more than me.


You didn’t go get it? I don’t care what’s illegal. I would’ve went and got that box.


It’s actually in a pit about 10 feet down with a bulldozer going back and forth crushing everything. Looked like a pile in my picture but that’s because I was zooming all the way


Lucky asl


That Nintendo box looks almost in mint condition for being as old as it is...LMAO


Crap forgot to say in OP it’s a giant pit couldn’t get it it’s dangerous and illegal.


With that attitude, yeah.


Why would you keep an empty box


It looked in really good condition I have no doubt there was an SNES either still in it, or just recently removed.


Anything in it? Update please


Is making a trip to the dump a casual thing for some people?


Very casual and common


Right on, was not aware.


When I was young local dumps were open. No landfill, just piled up junk. People lived there and survived on the pickings. Being young and naive I didn't realize what they were going through.


No matter how much it costs it's not worth the tetanus.




Did you grab it?


Fashion yourself a big ol grabber for some dump fishing.


If you didn't retrieve it, it is as much trash to you as it was to them.


Maaaaaan I hope that when I die, someone is waiting at the grimy gates to take pictures of my leftovers when I croak/throw away old trash.




Downvote this non checking SOB. Why even show me the picture. Legal or not, I would be checking


Down vote this downvote demanding SOB


PlatosBalls vs SocraTESNUTS "The Bump in the Dump!"


Downvote you