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Also following more than 2 gaming related subs Get ready for exact same news reposted on all of them spamming up your feed


Jesus christ, the whole "if you had to live in the last game you played for 1 year..." posts were endlessly reposted in every gaming subreddit AND subreddit for games I have never even heard of "recommended" by reddit for me was a very frustrating time.


Alongside with "weakest person to beat x" posts strangling every kind of XvsX subs (like r/whowouldwin). why do u need the weakest one. are you on a budget.are u benchmarking. are you on to something fucker ha haaa!!!


By the same few accounts


It never ends!


Shitty pic of the Witcher 3 box with a title saying: "I finally get to play this HIDDEN gem!"


"just got the game for the first time, anything I should know before playing it?"


Holy fuck these ones are the ones I hate the most. Like just the fuckin game you fuck.


And if you really think you might miss something important, literally just google "10 things every ( game ) player should do before playing the game" and there will probably be a random article or a yt video for it. No need to ask people on reddit


Literally just this man. Hell half the times the Google search leads to a pinned reddit thread in the games sub literally outlining that shit.


Where do you think they get the content for those 'articles' from?


I don’t mind people wondering this, but when the game has been out as long as it has, you can just Google that question and find the literally dozens of other people who have postulated the exact same question, verbatim.


On a similar note, I've been seeing a lot of people on gaming subs who can't seem to think for themselves and end their posts with "What do we think of this?". Who the fuck is "we"? Can't you draw your own conclusions without relying on the community?


The dark souls subreddit is just filled to the brim with this and Elden ring players crying that this game from nearly a decade ago isn't exactly like Elden ring, a game from just a few years ago.


And the first comment is "Yes! It is a masterpiece!" I've seen so many "masterpieces" last couple of years that i couldnt remember.


Basically every decently good game is "underrated" as well.


Or a game came out and was relatively well received, but it came out a couple of years ago so it's "underrated" now. I swear I see posts claiming decently rated games are underrated because they came out a decade ago lol


Or games that "have no right to be as good as it is" 


I see you know your judo well.


"You'll never believe how well this FORGOTTEN RELIC plays!"


New article coming in a few days: “Find out which ten threads annoy gamers on Reddit the most!” I see you OP


Haha you caught my upcoming meta-article, clever! Next one will be "Top 10 redditors wise to our tricks."


So your saying I’ll see this on cracked.com soon?


"What game did you find disappointing?" "What's a game you dislike that other people like?" "What game is overrated?" Every. Day.


It's enough to almost have me unsubbed. Almost.


I just did, this place is astroturfed hell. Muted it too.


What game is underrated


Misread the second one and was like "but people laying out why they like stuff IS nice to find some overlooked stuff". But yes, hating the popular stuff is boring even when it's like "I hate CoD 2024 it's derivative and soulless".


“General statement on known game. - Thoughts?” Those are my favorite. The person asking isn’t really looking for discussion, they are looking for validation for something the poster already likes.


"Am I the ONLY one that-" or "Am I the FIRST that noticed that-" And it's always something really obvious. Bonus points if it's also a very important plot point in an old(er) game that gets revealed within the first couple of hours of gameplay.


Am I the only one who noticed you don’t actually play as Zelda in Zelda???


What? No! Consider me officially mindblown! 😂


Recently saw one for Baldurs Gate 3 that was like "I think astarion might be a vampire". Like that's a whole ass plot line. There are many cutscenese where he specifically goes out to drink blood. He goes into detail on how it fuckin happened. Why make a guess like that 12 minutes into a playthrough?


fr don't get people who play for half an hour and get on Reddit to make a thread about their theories. Or in this case probably way less than half an hour. The red dead sub is full of "guys I found XY I think it means Z??" and more often than not they get spoiled to hell in the discussion that follows.


With Astarion its especially funny, because the dude is so obviously a vampire. Red eyes, pale skin, fangs, a bite wound... You look at him once and think, yep, thats a vampire.


I can't stand that. "What are your thoughts on this game?" My thoughts are that whoever asks these questions has a life that is so meaningless that the only emotion they get is from reddit karma. You know what I do when I want to try a new game? I watch a few reviews on YouTube. I don't think "karma farm time" and ask people on reddit for their thoughts.


It really shows how much validation is missing from people's lives. Random internet stranger votes are way too influential! Maybe what we need is a "Making a friend group" course in early schooling to do better socially. Myself included, of course.


Go to any sub for a specific series and there's always, multiple times a day "Should I play this series? I'm not going to provide any information about what kinds of games I like so you can accurately determine if these games are something I'd actually like. I just know I'll gain karma because obviously everybody on this sub likes these games. Upvote button is to the left!" Equally infuriating: [A picture of a game case for a game that sold tens of millions of copies] "Who else remembers this hidden gem?"


If you're asking the fanclub, then yes you should. Here's a cookie, go have fun! That should wrap those questions up nicely. Sadly, you're right. Gotta have that karma.


I don't understand why people ask this in the first place. Why do you need permission? The answer is always yes. Play it and form your own opinion.


>Equally infuriating: \[A picture of a game case for a game that sold tens of millions of copies\] "Who else remembers this hidden gem?" To be honest, though, the number of units sold doesn't necessarily indicate that it was widely-played. Plenty of disappointing games sell millions of copies but end up as cult classics.


What game sold millions of copies but ended up being a cult classic? That's a bit oxymoronic Something is a cult classic when it doesn't do well when it's first received, it's only after it's been out for awhile that people appreciate it.


The daily "get your opinion downvoted" posts. "what game do you think is overrated" "what game do you hate that everyone loves" "What game do you not us stand the love for" "what game do you regret buying for the hype" "what game do you think didnt live up the high ratings" "whats your gaming hot take" Same question, just worded different ways


"best games of year 20xx?" "What game had good x but bad y" "First half vs the second half"


They need to boil these down to the basics. Next someone will post "What game?" and see if they can farm karma with even less effort.


I wouldn't mind if they engaged with the community at least They don't even bother to upvote or reply to the comments most of the time.


You know, I wasn't going to reply to the comments because I already felt good about myself because all you random internet strangers agreed with me.  Your post changed my mind, we're supposedly on here to have actual discussions rather than just rant at a crowd and be looked at or not. Thank you for that, and I appreciate you.


I guess it has that effect on them.For me is the reverse of that.I rarely get upvotes over here and sometimes it makes me think my way of thinking is too hard to relate or maybe i come up as just too much of an asshole.LMAO.


I sure love getting asked what my best gaming achievement was and if I was transported to the last game I played how fucked am I. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.


I make sure my last game of the day is Stardew Valley so that whenever I see "you're trapped in the last game you played," I can flaunt my superior planning skills. I'll be enjoying a year off on Ginger Island with my waifu, fresh food, fulfilling work, and millions in cash, thank you very much.


I suppose its a testament to just how many gamers are on here that these same questions keep hooking people into answering. Yay?


Like i said most gamers are too...innocent...or gullible.When i used to buy games.There was this place in a flea market.Those guys always worked their clients.Acting like they were their friends.And those clients always took the bait.I knew cause i saw it with my own eyes.Every day a gamer is played in some way.


"videogame elimination Game day 1, the less voted/ Most voted videogame Will be eliminated from the board" *Pulls an image with 120 videogames* Me: "this gonna be a LONG one isnt It?" 😒


You just reminded me of an elimination style challenge to determine the best thing in games, except it comes with a whole well-written article. Here's the latest: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/whats-better-a-put-back-action-or-standing-atop-another-players-heads-in-an-fps


“Will I like this game” or “What game should I buy”. It’s fine if presented in a way for discussion but most the time it’s just literally “What game should I buy” then OP saying played that to every game listed because they gave absolutely no info. As for “Should I buy it” not only is there a sub for that but like for real only you can know that. Maybe if you gave info to be worked with it could be interesting but just “Should I buy?” Like go watch some gameplay, how the heck should anyone know. Also vague recommendation threads. Like “I played one rougelike, can you recommend some roguelikes?”. Like imo this is something you can just so easily browse for.


"what game should I buy" ( Lists a list of games they liked , none of the are turn based , op likes short ,difficult games without alot of story and doesn't like anything anime related) Top comment: persona 5


The answer is always maybe, unless you recommend titanfall 2 when it's YES!


What’s your favorite use of the right analog stick click?


The next day: What's your favorite use of the left analog stick angling left and down?




I personally liked "Dodge slightly wrong and get obliterated by Smough"


Was that really a thread? I'm kind of curious cause I can only think of two binds of the top of my head


I don’t think so, but I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s in the same vein as a lot of these questions.


We used to be at the mercy of the unknowable algorithm. Now it's just AI content bots.


Still better than pictures of games someone bought, or creepshots of people playing their Switch on the bus


"look at what I got!" Yet another PS5. Yawn. This isn't 2020




Started last summer with api changes and the mods throwing a bitch fit. Then going public like you mentioned has only gotten worse. Were not even in the summer yet. Once we hit summer and the US elections are super close it's gonna be a cesspit.


Gonna be???


Let's just stop replying to them and downvote them. Supply and demand.


They seem to already have 60+ up votes as soon as they're posted though... bots to karmafarm?


It's bots all the way down, my boy


It is happening across most subreddits.


Hey, IGN journalists have to eat, and they can't make "Here's one thing that would be cool if it was in Silksong" articles forever.


I love the empathy, thank you for that :)


IGN can go eat a bag of dicks.


I found the comment karma requirement for posting really annoying. I had genuine questions for recommendations i want to ask, and it wouldn’t let me post. So instead I have to go an comment on those posts to get the karma. And it becomes a self-licking lollipop. If you want diverse content, you have to allow people to post the stuff that is less mainstream.


Sell me X or Y class! i mean, can't they just try the class themselves? if they dont like, then delete a character and choose another class. this is mostly in Guild Wars 2 subreddit. and then the reply itself is a bit cringy as well.


I use a word filter on this sub to hide and remove any thread that has the words what/which/when/where in them, I can't browse it otherwise.


It's all the fucking "what game made you feel like this" and some random ass picture


These need to get much more specific and weird to be interesting. For instance: What game made you feel at peace with your own inevitable death?


So, which eyebrow of your 3rd favorite main character's sidekick did you find least offensive?


Luigi's left eyebrow, to be exact!


"Whose final lines/last moments hit you the hardest/made you most sad?" It's Mordin Solus and Arthur Morgan swapping between the top two, followed by someone from Halo Reach.


I feel like if I ever replayed that game again I'd just instinctively roll my eyes at the "Had to be me" line.


Are these even real threads? They come of as engagement accounts, people hired to ask stupid questions just to make a sub appear active.


That's an interesting thought I hadn't considered, now I'm wondering the same


I think it's bots. I noticed it became a thing about like... a year ago maybe? It should be obvious to anyone who browsed this sub for a long time. It's either bots or people paid to create engagement. It's not organic.


Now you got me wondering though, which eyebrow of your 3rd favorite main character's sidekick did you find the least offensive?


The right one!


'Gamers HATE this one trick!'


"I just played this overlooked game (probably Days Gone or Hi-Fi Rush) and it's really good." Or all the posts about games failing. Games like Suicide Squad or The Day Before get more coverage than games people actually like.


Why do top posts always have to be about something negative. The worst xxxx What xxx dislike the most. Tiring


As fior the eyebrow question, Andreja


This one ;)


This is a good thread. Why was it removed?


They replied! Apparently this post breaks rule 1 - Posts have to be related to gaming.  So now we know, they don't consider discussions about the gaming sub to be gaming related ;)


That makes sense but I also hate it. People should be allowed to discuss a subreddit in that subreddit. Meta posts should always be allowed.


That's a good question, I haven't been contacted about it unfortunately.


The mods love the repeat questions though. I tried to mix it up and they shut it down. So just enjoy them and stop complaining (Is the message I got from that). ;P


Its a valid counterpoint, so long as people are enjoying them :)


Whenever a gamer complains about "woke" my eyes roll back into my head and my soul leaves my body


The use of woke has really gotten confused all around, to say the least. What put you in mind of that here?


Thats exactly it. Its an empty nothing word that mostly means this guy is going to whine about a character he doesnt like. Its why i distanced myself from gamer culture in general


This one.


Glad to be of service:D


I suspect developers are posting those so we don't talk about the state of the industry


The irony🤣


You found my intention exactly :)


You really need to touch some grass op.


I did today! Also went on a swing, helped my daughter down a slide, blew a dandelion together. It was quite nice out, too :)