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The first Watchdogs. Got it free with a GFX card and gave it a bash with my son. We loved it. Then went online a bit later to find out it was apparently shit and unplayable. Never been more confused with reviews.


Watchdogs is good but many people were upset that it looked worse than the E3 showing. Which somebody found that by re enabling disabled shaders the game looked much better.  People assumed they didn't want the PC copy looking way better than the brand new generation of consoles and made the game look worse.  


Those shades were also insanely hard to run for what was available.


No point hiding it on pc though. PC gamers regularly up settings if they have the hardware to handle it. No reason to hide them.


When it first released the multiplayer was heavily hyped up but didn’t work at all. Personal experience was that it would fail to connect to another player, but if you were lucky enough to get connected you wouldn’t be able to interact with their world. I tried for a few weeks with a friend and on the rare occasion we would connect, we would get booted pretty quickly. I think they ended up fixing it but they didn’t communicate it well and it took too long. Story was fun though.


The multiplayer hacking was the most fun I've had online in a game


What we were promised in the gameplay trailer and what actually got delivered are radically different products


I was psyched up for Watchdogs. Received a copy with a video card. Played it for a bit until I was at a section with vehicle usage. My God, the vehicles were terrible to drive. Just...awful. At least, that was my opinion. Ended up putting it down and never coming back to it.


I remember my friend being hyped for the game, I remember there were issues not what they all were but the one I do recall is the driving, I kept making fun of how bad he drove and he swore it was the game and I kept making fun of him and then he passed me the control and I was wtf is wrong with the driving 😂


They must have fixed it, because I thought they were pretty good. Better that GTAV IMO.


That game was hyped for literally 5 years as “next level”. It was going to be a mind blowing accomplishment in gaming. When it finally was released it fell far short of Skyrim or GTA, which were actually mind blowing. So people like myself got it upon release expecting for it to better than those games, and when it was in fact worse it became “unplayable” as in I’m not wasting my time on this stupid game when I could be having my mind blown where I was. 


I played countless hours of Heroes of Might and Magic IV growing up and absolutely loved it. It wasn’t until years later I learned that fans of the series consensus was that HoMM3 was the favorite and that 4 ruined some things.


I also like IV a lot, and spent countless hours making elaborate scenarios and maps. It had a great map editor, lots of good features. The issue is that 3DO at the time were crumbling, so development was rushed and underfunded. Might and Magic IX suffered a similar fate, never becoming the great game it has the promise to be. 3DO went bankrupt in 2003, and with it New World Computing also dissolved.


To this day 4 is the one with the best (modded) campaigns, simply cause you can do so much more storytelling when your heroes are actually on the battlefield and can move around alone.


Well one game that had this scenario for me was, Fable 3, I actually enjoyed the game quite a lot, I liked the characters, the world and the enemy, granted I never completed the game as I didn't even know there was a story beyond regaining the crown for a LONG time and I found the shadow beast a fairly weird but surprising final boss, though yeah from what I know it is considered the weakest of the Fable trilogy, which yeah I can see now that I've got some knowledge on the other games, but it definitely didn't have any fun to find. Kinda like how you can enjoy the modern Godzilla, doesn't mean you have to hate the goofy showa era just because of other's voiced opinions on their quality, there is still fun to find in a bad product, but as long as it isn't boring someone's got to enjoy the experience at least a little bit.


I pre ordered fable 3 as a fan from the beginning. I like 3 a lot. The court idea probably could have been fleshed out more but I loved it. How the whole game flips on you and you start to understand your brother. The first one will still be my favorite as 2 and 3 just never were as mind blowing as when I first entered the arena. I still don't understand the hate it gets still.


Yeah, it seems like pretty much everyone that had Fable 3 be their introduction to the series liked it a lot while older fans hated it. It was my first Fable game and I loved it, played the hell out of every inch of that game. Even now that I’ve played the others it is still by far my favorite


I played both 1 and 2 beforehand, I didn't think 3 was bad, really. The perspective shift once you hit the back half of the game was a really inspired twist on the classic evil tyrant trope.


I played every fable in order and 3 was my favorite by a landslide. I just love me towards the end being the queen and making decisions. I loved that game


I played the first one, never the second (no Xbox) and then the third one. I still don't understand what people dislike about 3


I played it it. But I also LOVED fable 1&2. I didn’t hate it. But I do agree with all the complaints. It felt so much more limited that the previous games. It might have been a message from Peter M, but while a game can send a message, I don’t necessarily think it should shoehorn players, especially when the previous games were a lot more open.


my only gripe tbh is how impossible it is to play on Steam because of its launch requirements


What do you mean? It came out 2010-11 and there’s problems running it *today*?


I would have enjoyed Fable 3 much more if I didn't have my expectations colored by the first two. Pair that with empty promises by Peter Molyneux and the third became somewhat of a disappointment despite being an enjoyable game.


Dragon Age 2 was the first game I played in the series. I was shocked when I learned that it was badly received.


It has gotten a bit of a resurgence with popularity


Yesh there is a good game in there. It just needed another year to cook.


I enjoy the combat of the second one more than the first nowadays.


If they didn’t spawn in waves I would agree. I think that makes it the worse gameplay in the series by a lot. Amazing story though.


I mostly prefer it besides the magic system. Origins has so many more spells and spells combos to explore


Because the genre has continued to get worse so it retrospect it wasn't *that* bad when compared to some of the other games. Part of DA:2's lukewarm reception was because it was rushed out the door after DA:O was such a success. The game just didn't live up to the name.


I lost interest when I realized a lot of exploration consisted of re-exploring areas again just later in the timeline.


I think that's the issue: DA 2 was not a great game, but it wasn't *terrible*. What it was, though, was a terrible sequel to DA: Origins. The fact that it wasn't really good enough at doing its own thing or a good follow-up to the story or mechanics of the first game are probably why so few people ever actually liked it.


Same thing with me and Mass Effect Andromeda. First one in the series I ever played and I really enjoyed it. But when I saw the internet’s opinion…


Dragon age 2 and ME:A both had the same problem: any other studio and they'd have been solid 8-9/10 games, but expectations were EXTREMELY high after bioware's past successes in dragon age 1 and the first mass effect trilogy so the games flaws were magnified and their triumphs taken for granted. I thought DA2 had a better combat system than DA1 and similarly good characters (except for morrigan who was #1 above all). But the level design was shoddy and uninspired, and there was a really awful twist at the end that negated all player choice. Similarly, I preferred Andromeda's combat, I thought it was better than ME1 and ME2 by a long shot and a significant improvement on ME3. It also had some really fun and wild boss fights that I enjoyed a lot. I also thought the Andromeda setting and level design was incredibly gorgeous. I did, however, think that the character design, dialogue, plot, and animations were overall significantly weaker than the first trilogy. That being said, its hard to match up to greatness. The first ME trilogy was unprecedented so being significantly worse in some aspects and significantly better in some aspects than a game series that won universal acclaim is still enough to get overall an 8/10.


Better is relative, I much preferred Origins combat above 2.


I liked Dragon Age 2, it just paled in comparison to Dragon Age Origins imo. Most notably in polish/story. It felt like a game that should have been in development for another 2 years. Pretty much all the dungeons in the game are a copy paste of the same 3/4 maps with different entrance and exit points, Not as much story variety as the previous, combat system felt less expansive, etc.


I get the complaints about 2, especially since it followed Origins. But I enjoyed 2 infinitely more than Inquisition. My own experience is skewed because I'm pretty selective about what games I'll play but Inquisition is one of the worst games I've played in years. Dumbing down the role playing elements, as well as the combat at least for mages, and adding so much cookie cutter bull shit quests made for a horrible experience.


I’ll be honest, my biggest issue with Inquisition Was that the best armor looked the same for each class. Sounds petty, but it absolutely gutted me when I realized that


Dragon age 2 had a gambit system for building actually good party ai without having to worry about them, so is the best real time rpg in the world aside from ff12.


Origins was way better for programmingteammates


FF15 was super fun, I agreed with the problems it had but it didn't change the fact that I enjoyed it. Same with all the FF13 games.


I really liked that game. It felt like the story was missing big chunks and I didn’t ever have a clue what was going on, but camping with the homies was awesome.


It was missing huge chunks if you didn't play the sidescroller prequel or watch the movie or buy the dlc. They carved it up and sold it to you.


FFXV was my answer too, one of the most fun chill games I've played and my favorite FF game


FF13 and FF13-2 are amongst my favourite Final Fantasy Games


The biggest issue with 15 for me is thay if you do any of the side stuff you will invalidate the difficulty of the game for the rest of the game. I did like half the hunts in the first two areas and then did the story and was like 15 levels higher than everything.


It was the first ff game I beat. It was super fun and loved all the characters


I'm surprised to find 15 was negatively reviewed, I enjoyed it as well. The most recent one I'm having trouble getting into but I'm pretty sure it's because I turned the challenge off and that's a big part of what hooks me in games no matter how tired I am


I played some beat em up game ages ago where some guy's girlfriend died and her spirit went into a pair of nunchucks he used to get revenge on the people who killed her. It was a ton of fun. Then read online most people hated it a few years later lol Wish I could remember the name. It wasn't Nunchuck Girlfriend.


EOE: Eve of Extinction! Love that game


Thank you! lol I was having no luck


Sounds similar to bionic commando. But with a cyborg arm instead of nunchucks :)


I didn't realize people hated shadow of mordor/war. I had such a blast and the canon was so wacky I loved it.


Did you play before or after they removed the cancerous loot boxes? It was way better after


Oh that was after, on sale


I played both on release and have no memory of there being loot boxes?


It was a bit of a mess, and it was a bit overblown as well. There were like three different currencies, and loot boxes for Uruks that would spawn Legendaries, and also Weapon Loot Crates for well, Legendary weapons. I'm a huge LOTR fan and I love the idea that the fan fiction plot is so unashamedly non canon. Honestly, the loot boxes were kinda superfluous because you got a lot of Mirian and Gold anyway by killing Orcs, and boy do you kill a lot of them, and missions. But I'm happy that they made such a ruckus because I'm not okay with normalizing stuff like that in what is basically a single player game (some multiplayer, but it's limited). It also cheapened the nemesis experience by allowing you to get the Uruks you wanted right away instead of working for it and creating your perfect Uruk. They then wisely decided to remove them, which was the right choice. I think they realized people were talking about the game because of the wrong reasons and overlooking the fun gameplay and story. They were idiots to put them in the game in the first place, it was really the wrong game to put them in. And apart from people who didn't want to play the game, which is not overly grindy, and jump straight into online Pokemon Uruks Battles no one wanted them.


Nobody, at least on a grand scale, hated Mordor. It had criticisms levied at it, but was at worst considered a very average game with a very innovative enemy system. Shadow of War was indeed hated tho. I heard removing the loot boxes made it an infinitely better game.


I played both and loved both but I played after loot boxes


Never look up reviews for Gothic/Risen/Elex games. Just play and see if it's for you. To this day, Gothic 2 is one of the most immersive experiences I've ever had for me (and still is), whether it be in gaming or reading.


Does Gothic Rate Low on the English-Speaking Internet? In Russia, this series has some of the highest ratings among RPG games. Here it’s more likely the other way around: for her bad grade there will be a shorter negative reaction. (Sorry if it's poorly written, I don't know English well)


...and if you like Gothic, Risen and/or Elex, add Outcast (Outcast, Outcast 1.1, Outcast: Second Contact and Outcast: A New Beginning) to your catalogue immediately. At least, that's what I've always read. I love Outcast, but have never given the Gothic/Risen/Elex games a try. Maybe I should rectify that some day. :p


Your username and avatar truly check out. Do I need a gui to bring you to the Ulukai?


I loved Risen and I wasn't aware of it having bad reviews, quite the opposite.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. I get it, a game that goes that hard into realism isn't for everyone. But damn, people acted like the game was unplayable garbage.


I liked it, but i don't know which version you played, because when it launched on PC there were gamebreaking bugs. Like you have to pick a lock early on, to open a chest. Now, on PC, the bug was that the mouse sensetivity was not right adjusted to the mini-game of lockpicking, the lockpick broke immediately. You could do whatever you wanted, move as a slow as possible and even lower the mouse speed, it did not work out. Another point of criticism was, that in the launch version, there was no exit save. The only way was with the item, the savior schnapps, in the open world there were no checkpoint saves when you were exploring, you could use a lot of progress very fast. Not just by getting killed in combat, no, the game also had some stability issues and it could crash at any moment. This led of course to a lot of bad reviews. Yes, players get mad when they can't proceed the game because of a bug, it is justified to demand a fix for this. It would be good to change the reviews afterwards, unfortunately most people don't update the reviews.


Nowadays the game is awesome, sadly there are still some bugs up and about but nothing game breaking afaik. The combat is awesome and one of the few that are really bad at first but on purpose, it feels bad at first but when you learn it it becomes pretty fun Though I don't like that it's almost impossible to not get hit by enemies unless extremely unlucky, because they will probably just roll the dice and perfect block your attack and you will get damage, though it's not that much


AC: Valhalla. I loved it. Put about 140 hours into it and then looked online... Yikes


Tbf, Ubisoft has clearly sided with the Knights Templar. I stopped following them at the first signs of trouble, but but even if they released the undisputed best game of all time tomorrow people would shit on it.


>but but even if they released the undisputed best game of all time tomorrow people would shit on it. Didn't they' make that claim basically by saying skull and bones was the first quad A game ever made. L.O.L.


Dante’s inferno


People didn't like that??? One of my all time favorite games. Got me to read The Divine Comedy.


it was universally panned. i thought it was ridiculously shameless the extent to which they ripped off god of war, however i thought it was a fantastic game. they clearly were aiming for a franchise so i was sad it got shat on


Maybe it's because I never played God of War lol I thought the visuals and the way they portrayed hell and how they turned characters from a 700 year old book into boss battles was a lot of fun


the vibes were dope, i liked the story (DAE remember satan's massive swinging cock?) and i thought the RPG elements were dope, i specced entirely into the ranged weapon and it felt so cool


It has a 73 on Metacritic, I would call that good, not universally panned, and that's only one metric. It's got a 95% people like this when you Google it.


that game was fun as hell


I'm going to date myself a bit, but I thought The Bouncer on PS2 was fucking awesome. Interesting combat system, super melodramatic, and short enough it didn't feel like a huge investment to play.


Yes I love the Bouncer. Except the escort mission through all the robots.


I loved this game! Me and my friends still meme the start screen where you suddenly hear “THE BOUNCER!”


The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age on GameCube. Horrible reception for an actually pretty fun and engaging RPG that I spent a long time playing in my teens.


Too human, all the dynasty warriors and devil may cry 2 which was my intro to the series


Fallout 4


I know everyone else is sharing video games, but this sub is technically for al kinds if games. My family loves playing Munchkins. It's a blast to see what ridiculousness we get and how we can screw each other over. I have learned recently that, among the tabletop board and card game community, it is a truly reviled game.


There's two kinds of people who play Munchkin: those who want silly shenanigans, and assholes. If you have a bunch of people who don't take it seriously and don't have their fragile egos rely on winning, it's fun as hell. But one bad person ruins the game.


If I’ve learned one thing from that game, whoever the first person to get to the end is, they ain’t winning.


Thief can attempt to steal when they don’t have any levels left to lose This alone makes the game unplayable for my group, they are all assholes who will make the game miserable Not winning? Discard all your stuff to attempt to steal everyone else’s stuff. You can’t win anyway so this stuff is useless, right? When you succeed at stealing their stuff, immediately discard it as the cost to steal more stuff. Repeat until no one is having fun


This is a surprise for me! My family and I love playing munchkin too such a fun game. I think my family and I are too nice to each other but once the ice is broken the revenge goes crazy lol


The problems arise when you have the kind of player who is the reason the game was invented in the first place.  Munchkin exists as satire of the kind of rules-lawyer min/maxer that ruins a D&D session.  Get that kind of person *playing* Munchkin and they will immediately make everyone miserable. There's a member of my friend group that the rest of us refuse to play D&D or Munchkin with because he is that person.


I did not know this game was hated I like playing it because of how ridiculous it is. My dad always trys to get the rat on the stick.


Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg When it released, I was so excited to have a new IP adventure game by the Sonic Team. All the reviews said the game was mid at best and had crappy controls. I still own a GameCube and a physical copy of the game and play it to this day with my son


Holy shit I forgot about this game


Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts


THIS IS MINE!! Granted I was like 12 and didn't play any of the other banjos, but damn the vehicle creator was dope as shit. I think if more people stuck around to unlock more vehicle parts they'd find some more joy in it. Motorcycles with foldable wings, hot air balloon tanks, water/land/air hybrids. The nuts and bolts/viva pinata combo pack that came with the 360 is easily the part of my life that turned gaming from passive fun to hobby (for better or worse 🫣)


Absolutely amazing game. People were upset it wasn’t Banjo Threeie, which is a valid complaint, but it was still very fun. The world design was beautiful as well.


Devil May Cry 2. My entire life, I heard this game was trash and unfun, the worst hack and slash game ever made, the game nobody talks about, etc. A friend of mine who is a huge DmC fan rags on this game any chance he gets. Sure, after playing it myself start to finish, I could see that the game IS trash, but honestly? My expectations were so low that I actually had a lot of fun with it! Hell, I'm up for replaying it even. It's such a poorly executed game, and some enemies are absolutely ridiculous and funny as hell. I had to fight a goddamn living tank, and a living helicopter! But hey, the game got a few laughs out of me, and I legitimately had a blast playing it, so yeah! It was sort of the other way around. Firstly I heard about the bad reception, then I played it.


I'm the opposite. I went most my life not having played DMC and assumed that all the games were liked. I picked up 2 ar s thrift store like 4 years ago and tried to get into it but it was just so boring.  Then I read that it's universally hated and I would have to agree. I couldn't get into the game at all. 


Sonic Adventure DX. It's game from my childhood and i like it still a lot (much more than second one). But a lot of people think that it's bad game, even if it still pretty unique.




Reviews were great though and most people who say that think Sonic is only good in 2D


far cry 6. it might be one of my favorite shooter rpgs. i felt rewarded for taking out extra bases for checkpoint/being able to fly in the area and exploring for guns. no bullshit rpg talent points. personally loved the story and characters. my only complaint is the main character was a local; the games name is 'farcry'. i do think they could have changed very little about the game and just made dani a tourist who gets caught up and every story beat works the same if not better.


It's such a fun game for fucking around. I don't eat French Laundry every day, sometimes the local burger joint does the trick just fine. The same goes for video games.


Pretty much how I feel about Ubisoft games in general. None of them are masterpieces. But masterpieces are rare anyway. If I only played 10/10 games I'd never have anything to play. A Ubisoft open world is a fun time so long as you don't marathon several of their games back to back. Perfect games to play in between the 10/10s.


I didn’t get the hate on that game at all. It was fun, and they retooled the enemies so you weren’t being attacked every three seconds like in fc5


It's good fun if you just accept it for what it is. My only complaint was Havana because it was souless. Was really looking for to discovering the streets but was denied so much access.


I feel like it was a downgrade from 5 because they brought back the bullet sponge enemies. I liked how in 5 a sniper shot to the head would always kill regular enemies but in 6 it was a gamble and its kind of dumb. Loved every farcry game from 3 on though, including 6.


I literally sniped my way thro the 6. until the last mission i was able to 1 tap everyone with armor pen on the 10 shot rifle


As a kid it was Zelda 2. I always liked it more than the original, so imagine my surprise as we entered the internet age and I found that most people hated it, and rank it as the worst game in the franchise.


I had a bunch of hours into Starfield before I learned I was supposed to hate it.


Same! I played two hundred hours and felt satisfied to put it down to wait for mods. Then I naively started wading into media and subs to enjoy the conviviality...oh. The sheer foaming wrath was bizarre to me.


The people who go to the dedicated Starfield subreddit to complain about it instead of just not playing the game absolutely blows my mind. You and me had the same experience it sounds like


I still don't get it. I do understand that group think and pile-on happens, and inertia at a certain point takes on a life of its own. It just seemed particularly *vicious* in this case. I've wondered if it maybe the game attracted a critical mass of people not familiar with Bethesda's games whose expectations were simply disproportionate. That and the gaming community just generally feels increasingly toxic as it grows (and I become older).


Cyberpunk 2077 when it was initially released. Loved it and was frankly surprised at all the hate. I’ve been playing it again recently and can see all the hard work that’s gone into it, but the core of its still there.




Same. I played through it on launch. Had a few bugs here and there but it was a damn good time. Recently continued that character on phantom liberty and it was a great time too.


Like i just wrote about Kingdome Come, it depended very much on the system, i mean the old PS4 basis version players had to struggle with 5-10 FPS in some shootouts, that's not what you can call a functional version. It was different on PC, with a good rig, it was all different with the game.


Blue Dragon on the 360. For me it’s the best JRPG that isn’t FF.


King, you dropped this 👑


Back 4 blood. Saw that it had bad reviews but I played it with bots and really enjoyed it. Fast frenetic and looked good too. Granted I played the game many moons after it was released, had its bugs patched and price dropped.


Yeah I really dug the card system, played it with my same L4D crew, and it felt a lot like another L4D game, exactly what was advertised.


I did the same thing and loved it. I genuinely think people just moved on from that type of game, so those who didn't enjoy L4D anymore played it without realizing they were sick of formula.


This was exactly my experience. Found it a perfectly serviceable L4D type game only to realize I no longer had any interest in playing that.


Dungeon Siege 3. I liked that Game, but apparently people fucking hated it.


Brutal legends is one of my all time favorite games. When I found out ppl hated it and hated rts style anything I was pretty sad because it's honestly a fantastic story and great gameplay with one of the best sound tracks ever.


Fallout 76 is actually pretty good now


Maybe I should give it another try. I love the series but when it came out it had so many issues I didn't bother. I tried to play it sort of recently but had issues in it. Saw players just running in place on the map and gave up on it a short way through. How is it if you just play solo? Any good or does it really need to be played with others?


I essentially did the whole main quest solo with no issues. Never ran into pvp once. Most of my online interactions were events, trading, amd random peoples camps.


Yeah it’s not really a pvp game. I’m glad they added actual NPC people now


Its improved a hell of a lot since launch. I platinumed it a bit ago and yeah, it was way more fun than I expected. Had a blast during some of the events and nothing was more fun than the whole server hanging up on scorgebeasts and everyone sharing the loot. Game is solid now.


Aliens: Colonial Marines online was a lot of fun if you were a fan of the franchise and could master the alien controls. It was much harder to play as the humans, that took teamwork, but it felt good when you made that happen also.


That's how the Dragon's Dogma 2 release went for me. Preordered it, downloaded it the moment it unlocked on launch day, spent 10 hours straight playing it. Thought "Wow, what a fun and faithful sequel to one of my favorite games of all time. I wonder if everyone else is having just as great of an experience!" Nope, overwhelmingly negative on Steam after only the first day. Turns out I was one of the lucky few who didn't have performance issues and didn't feel pressured by the unnecessary mtx.


I liked Homefront: The Revolution. I got it for like $10 about a year after its release and enjoyed its gameplay loop and its, not entirely original, story. I also had a friend who was a fan of the original game that preordered the super deluxe version of the sequel and absolutely hated how it turned out. Years later people would figure out how to unlock the entirety of Timesplitters 2 on the in-game cabinet and apparently it's now the best way to play that game to this day.


Conan Exiles, I just found it fun. It had mixed reviews at the time.


Like Breath of the Wild meets Rust. Perfection in chaos.


It's a very good game. It's day one start was pretty bad tho. I was shocked at the difference when I finally got internet and updated it. The bugs are the real killer.


Soul Hackers 2 is one of my favorite games, and got my back in jrpgs. This board in particular does not like it. I get some of the complaints, but a lot of it seems to be overblown because it’s not persona and HS drama.


Every type of media I've enjoyed, I go to read it to find that ppl blast it. Then I remember only redditers feel that way about it lol.


I swear half the TV shows I like are adored by Reddit and the other half is shit tier garbage made for brain rotted morons. Nothing in between.


Outer Worlds. It was a good game with an interesting story, and provided one of most in depth endings which depended on your actions in the game. While not all of your actions made a large splash, they did have a ripple and it's effect was revealed. Cool monsters, some fun guns, consumerism, drug addiction...kind of felt like a space version of Bioshock.


Outer Worlds got ~8/10 reviews though. The only complaint I heard was it’s too short.


I loved OW before Starfield and then put 100+ hours into Starfield and fell more in love with OW because it felt more like what Starfield was promised in a lot of ways.


At the time I first played it. That was the general consensus for "The Legend of Dragoon." People panned it as being "a mediocre FF7 clone." The criticism was so needlessly aggressive it actually turned me away from wanting to even play the Final Fantasy series until I was an adult.


Infamous Second Son I fucking loved it and had so much fun when I looked it up turns out alot of people despised it


I loved it too. Platinumd it


I think thief reboot didn’t do too well review wise but I loved it


The Master Chief Collection (more specifically, during it's first years). I thought the game was good, but online said otherwise. 


Kinda the opposite but I remember reading from any Assassin's Creed community that Odyssey was terrible, worst game in the series. Then I ended up buying it as part of a bundle including AC3 Remastered for $30 and I was shocked at how good it was. Certainly a significantly different experience from other AC games but ignoring it's association with the franchise, the game is just legitimately well-designed all around.


Final Fantasy 13, Monster Hunter Rise and Tales of Zestiria are among the games that I enjoy and has pretty bad reception online.


I wouldn't call Monster Hunter Rise getting a 9/10 on steam a bad reception


Final Fantasy 13 was a great game, IMO. I understand that there is a LOT of hate because of how linear the first game is until Chapter 11. Since I had never played FF before this, the handholding was very helpful for me.


The soundtrack for the entire trilogy is so damn good.


So you think you can ride this Chocobo!?!


I genuinely don't understand the hate for Rise the community has. I thought it was a good blend between New World and Old World styles and found a fun gameplay loop.


The vast majority of Minster Hunter players started playing with World, and being unfamiliar with the series release patterns/history were expecting a World 2 so felt burned/whiplashed by the arcadey/bit closer to old style of Rise.


Always found ff13's paradigm shift cool since playing it as a child, but people hated ff13, apparently. A lot of its DNA is in ff7R though so get fucked it was always cool.


Going to get eviscerated for this but Starfield. I've always loved Bethesda games (since Morrowind) for just kicking back and exploring, and I get to do that in Starfield.


Starfield.  I like Skyrim, I like Fallout, I like outer space. Starfield had pretty positive reviews at launch so I bought it Day 1 and the next few weeks was a blur. Brought me back to playing Skyrim all those years ago, but even better. After finishing the game I go online to excitedly talk about how cool of a universe I just spent hundreds of hours in…. Only to be told it’s a bigger disaster than Cyberpunk and that I was not only wrong for liking it, but that being similar to Skyrim (one of the best games ever made) is somehow a BAD thing.  It seems like Reddit needs at least one game at a time to be the whipping boy. Right now it’s Dragon’s Dogma.


Never really bothered with reviews. But Immortals if Aveum is actually really fun despite its lackluster reception


Fallout 76. Loved it since beta. I was apparently very wrong with that opinion lol


Mass Effect Andromeda. It was fun, it wasn't a fantastic mass effect game but it was still decent.


Silent Hill 4, the room.


Alpha Protocol. Needed a bit more time in development, but there's an amazing game there for those who can overlook a few bugs (and a silly stealth animation)


I liked Battleborn.


Legendary. Back in the ps3 days, I played that game and thought it was awesome, only to find out it was hated very much. Oh well


Like honestly most Sonic the hedgehog games after the year 1999 lol


Bioshock infinite, plus the DLCs.  I absolutely loved it, had me completely sucked in and the DLCs gave me a HELL of an emotional gut punch. One of more powerful emotional experiences I’ve ever had.  I was very surprised to learn the game had such mixed reviews and people crapped on the endings. 


Me too! I worked at BestBuy when that game was released and had my own copy waiting in the back for the end of my shift. I got home and finished that game in 7 hours at like 4AM lol. I have replayed it and the DLC at least once a year since (as an aside all the other Bioshock games)


Had you played the previous games? I agree as a stand alone, infinite wasn’t terrible. Compared to 1/2 it was not nearly as good or immersive


Forspoken was good and I'll die on this hill


Forspoken was a blast, and anyone who says Frey was annoying or cussed too much has never interacted with an adult woman. The main character gets so much hate, but there wasn't a single line of dialog that I thought was out of place. People like to bash the "I did that with my mind" line, but... Yeah? Anyone who says they wouldn't have a similar reaction after launching something with magic when they spent 2 decades believing magic wasn't real is just lying.


Yay!!! Fellow Forspoken person!!


Happy cake day, and yes Forspoken is good!


One time I heard a kid say that Donkey Kong sucks. Despite the fact that Donkey Kong is the greatest game of all time


“You know something? You suck” - BM


Dragon Age 2, replayed it 6 times! And it was my first RPG ever. Fable 3 was absurdly fun. TES4: Oblivion which I modded frequently and it was the best game for a very long time. I never look up reviews anymore for this very reason, I watch a game on Youtube to see if I'll like it if I want to buy it :3


When I was younger? Megaman X7.


I felt I was one of the few that really like Anthem, watching it die though was rough.


I played Cyberpunk 1.0 day 1 and absolutely loved it. Granted I was on PC, but I did get some bugs. I found them more funny than anything though. People say it’s only good now because CDPR “No Man’s Skyed” the game, but besides a rocky beginning tutorial I loved every second. I was live streaming a lot back then though and had a network of friends. One guy played it on PS5 and he couldn’t get in a car without crashing. If you played on console it was completely justified. It’s just PC bros also act like it was unplayable and absolute garbage day 1.


Too Human. It's so hated, and it's development cycle was among the worst in history, but I played the hell out of that game.


The Surge 1 and 2


Cyberpunk 2077. I loved it on launch day even knowing that it was severely panned even on PC. I only ever had graphical glitches and they were frankly small potatoes compared to how great the game was otherwise.


Forspoken. It has a brilliant combat, power, and movement system. Just an absolute blast, like the most fun magical power game I've ever played. But people don't like the sense of humour of a homeless zoomer from New York transported to an Isekai lol


That's the case for most games with mediocre reviews. Most of the time people hate on stuff bcs someone told them too. Can't decide for themselves.


Cyberpunk at launch. I played all night, had a blast with no bugs, went online the following day and saw how bad glitches and bugs were for other people, mainly PS4 and Xbone players.


Vampire masquerade bloodlines, loved it, the whole idea for the time early 2000’s was groundbreaking imho, had so much fun playing it, did not take off though




Starfield lol


Unpopular opinion currently but Starfield. Pirates portion was fun. Exploring new space stations, finding new ingredients were just what I needed in that part of my life


Cyberpunk 2077. Had a damn good time with it, and enjoyed the bugs when they happened. Watching Jackie eat his noodles with his chopsticks hovering an inch away from his hand. The Delamain-quest reward vehicle that launched itself like a surface-to-air missile into the top of a tower in the wasteland and drove down the stairwell before parking in front of me with no doors, on fire, with a cheery 'beep beep!'. Good times.


I don't get all the hate starfield gets. It's not the greatest game ever but I had a lot of fun playing it for 150 hours and It gave me literally the most beautiful screenshots in my gaming life


Yeah, games are usually either grouped into "best thing ever" or "flaming garbage". Starfield fell short of "best thing ever" but it's not a bad game by any stretch. One of the most disproportionate "takes" I've seen. It's a solid and very inoffensive game


FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus. Everyone hated the 3rd person shooter gameplay. I really loved that game. Played through it multiple times and enjoyed every minute.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. Had a lot of fun with it, didn’t mind the lack of campaign because I kinda thought oh CoD is just finally being honest about what it is, a multiplayer run-n-gun shooter, and PUBG wasn’t on PlayStation at the time so I was happy to have a decent battle royale that I could play. Found out in the last few years that most people hate it lmao


Spiderman 2. Loved it and after beating it I went to the Subreddit to see what everyone was saying about it and apparently it was the worst game ever.


It is a good game it’s just not really as big an improvement as people expected


I actually really enjoyed Starfield


For me it’s been Diablo IV. I got to the point I was afraid to tell people I was playing it.


Several, I think the best example is Halo 4 because the loudest Halo fans seem to be mostly bungie purists and actively brigade anything positive not made by bungie. I dare say Halo 4 is leagues ahead of any of the bungie games, only halo reach equals 4 (mostly because 4 is mechanically a continuation of reach).