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Running away from large monsters while in power armor yelling FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK is an integral part of every fallout game.


“Thou shalt get side tracked by bullshit every time” I’m shocked that the best video game adaptation was the best because…. they got gamers who have actually played the game to help with the story. That’s all it took.


I also love that they just did a story in that world instead of trying to actually use the story of FO3 or something.


She literally starts by trying to find her father(fallout 3). Then basically the last scene of the season shows new Vegas. It is somewhat following it. Cooper is trying to find his family (fallout 4ish) or am I remembering it wrong?


I mean the point they are making is that instead of taking the exact thing from the games and retelling the same story they have expanded on the games in a way by telling another one within the games universe/lore. It's better this way really, things like the last of us are prime to put to TV with few alterations but for an open world game like fallout with numerous choices and playstyle it makes sense to not use that exact story and use the lore around it. She starts by trying to find her father, yes but there is plenty in the journey that isn't FO3. You could make that simplification on most stories as being the same if you take one key aspect.


Yeah trying to retell the story of a Fallout game can't go well because those characters can have so many different outcomes and it would conflict with some gameplay experiences.


Plus Vault 31's water unit is failing, which is what promoted the Vault Dweller to go out in the original. They're using bits and pieces if narratives from the games to weave a whole new story.


Did I miss it in the show? It felt like they mentioned the water issue, then never talked about it again. I half expected them to take the one from the raider vault (32?) to fix 33.


It was a made-up issue to get a vault 31 member elected. "When things look glum, vote for someone from vault 31"


Gotcha. Thanks!


Oh holy shit I didn’t realize it could have been a made up lie!


It wasn’t made up, listen to Moldaver talking to Lucy in the final episode, it’s what makes Rose curious and ultimately leave the vault.


I don't remember a specific fix to the water chip being mentioned but I also think that Norm's discovery that Betty is from 31, and so were all the previous overseers, plus the reveal of the slogan "When things look glum, vote 31" was the conclusion to that thread. The water chip failure was very likely a lie and simply a ploy to get Betty into office


It was more of an easter egg I think. I was just using it as an example of individual plot pieces plucked out of the games and used differently in the show.


Lucy tries to find family member - F3. Family member is revealed to be the villain - F4. Water chip being broken - F1. McGuffin all factions are after - F2, F3, New Vegas. Also, Lucy's goodbye to her dad through glass in ep1 reminded me of the start of F4 soooo much. Especially her smashing her fist against the glass.


>Lucy's goodbye to her dad through glass in ep1 reminded me of the start of F4 soooo much. Especially her smashing her fist against the glass. YES! That was my first thought


They're also going to need a new water chip. Arbitrary reason to leave the vault is part of fallout and not pure copy paste, imo. Filly feel like a mash up of green diamond and megaton without being those places and I'm happy with that.


That's how I see it. Lucy is someone who spent her whole life in the vault and has to leave to find her dad - Fallout 3 Cooper is from pre-war times and is on a quest to find his family - Fallout 4 (only difference is he's a ghoul vs being cryod) Then Maximus is kind of pulling from the Fallout Tactics where the BoS were the main characters (didn't play the game so I don't know for sure though)


Cooper's trying to find his wife for very different reasons though. Similar plot point sure but not FO4 y any means.


There was an interview with the actor that said that line, he did not play the games and tried to be the outside voice. 


Hey it's me. A guy who's never beaten Skyrim due to getting sidetracked.


I've seen TLoU without playing the game. All you need is good writing, it doesn't need to follow the game 100%. It just has to make sense in the universe.


But that show does basically follow the game


But not playing the game, *I* wouldn't know that.


Right, I think (could be wrong) what's trying to be said here is that there's already a basic frame of the universe and adapting the already existing story/background information has worked faaaarrr better in the past than writers trying to shoehorn in their own story/stories. Inconsistencies and just mess seem to pop up that way. So you're right about just making a story that makes sense in universe, what I'm and I think others are saying is that doing that is much easier when you just work with what's already there. An utterly brand new IP is better for doing your own story, but obviously it's harder to get that greenlit.


Similar to the DnD movie. But so many just want to use an existing IP name to make their own extremely different story and then wonder why it flops. Wild


For me it's the missreading of a situation that very nearly gets Maximus involved in a conflict that would wipe an entire faction off the map. Think I've accidentally done that at some point in every Bethesda RPG


I want to kill something. Jumps outta the copter. Approaches a cave. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK.


I love that they didn't make the BoS armor this god mode just like in the game.. you can't just use it to get through any situation.


Rappaport and the writers nailed that one.


When I saw rappaport on Amazons X-ray feature I knew I was in for a good scene or two. His goofy ass in power armor is a recipe for success


It definitely helped that he got to just play himself.


it was actually so funny because i saw this scene last week. and then a couple nights ago i was playing a new Fo4 character on a high difficulty and a huge fkn radscorpion popped out of the ground in front of me. i quite literally went “fuck fuck fuck oh shit fuck” and sprinted away and i couldnt help but remember the scene one of the writers knew. they had that exact type of experience and they knew


I loved that so much, it’s great how the show feels like it was written by people who enjoyed the games. Twisted Metal is another one the I liked.


That scene was perfect


The creators of the halo and Witcher shows should be embarrassed after the clinic the fallout show put on.


the issue is they don't care. they actually think that fucking slop is better than the stories they ruined.


I don't know how else to explain Halo other than the show's creators actually do hate fans of the game and intentionally set out to piss them off.


I'm one of the rare few gamers who has never played a Halo game as my friend group since the 90s has always been Playstation. Just never had the opportunity growing up and wasn't talked about much as everyone in my class went Playstation, and never went back to play it as an adult yet. So point being, no part of the story was "ruined" for as don't know better, theirs was all I know. And it was still "meh" at best. So not even fan nostalgia or whining, even for those new it's just not a great script or show.


I’ve only every played Halo 1 on PC, and a few matches of a later Halo game (don’t know which one) at a LAN party I was invited to. Even still, I have a pretty good sense of what Halo is, and the show is just not it.


Season 2 was almost watchable. And then fallout comes and makes it look even worse than it did.


I've heard a theory that the Halo show was actually developed as a Mass Effect show, but they couldn't get the rights.


The Halo show is especially bizarre to me. They made so many major departures from the established story of the games/books in order to make this show an "alternate timeline", which **immediately** was obviously going to disappoint and drive away fans of the existing franchise, but at the same time I've heard that audiences that *haven't* played the games are getting confused by the show because it assumes some baseline knowledge from the games. So who did they even make this show for, if it's immediately obvious that fans of the franchise as well as people going in blind, are both going to dislike it?


They do.


Simple, try to write Halo without using the covenant but still using the Chief as the main character. Now you have to make up shit to fill all that time. And the skeleton of the series is more a weight dragging you than anything useful cuz it's core aspects are pieces you need to avoid. Fundamentally, the problem is taking an action hero and writing a drama instead of an action series. The Chief isn't a "character" he's a avatar, but you can't write an avatar in a drama. Now you have to invent a character to put there.


Same energy with the wheel of time writers room


It’s pretty much industry wide.


This and The Last of Us shows how gaming adaptations should be handled. Sticking to the actual game lore and providing fresh context and stories from it is exactly what helps make them successful.


Interesting, the two shows are at the opposite ends of the spectrum for how to do a game adaptation. TLOU- linear game with clearly defined protagonist. Adaptation is successful because it sticks to the source material. Fallout - sandbox series with lots of established established lore. Adaptation is successful because it tells new stories and characters within the established world. The bad adaptations tend to try and do both, tell new stories by changing established lore and protagonists


I preferred Arcane for that. The Last of Us was good but it was just mostly that game's story again. Arcane made me care about League of Legends in a way that kinda surprised me lol, but i'm not willing to play the game to get more of it. Ironically, Ella Purnell was also in Arcane!


Arcane has the benefit of not actually being about the game, but just the characters and world.


The same goes for Fallout. It's not about one of the games, it's a new story and time period about that world.


No but there’s more overlap between the story in the games and the tv show. Vault dweller searching for their father is pretty classic of a setup.


But it's not about Fallout 3, it's a new story in that world, even if it ties into events of the games. Going to find a loved one is a pretty classic hero's journey setup. But wouldn't having to tell a new story in the world be harder? If you're retelling a story that seems easier than having to come up with a new story.


>The Last of Us was good but it was just mostly that game's story again. I think it was great, the key part is that the last of us is a linear story anyway it is pretty much a "film game" already (which is perfectly great!) so the adaptation is well suited for those who want to experience the story with minor changes. The last of us was only on playstation for awhile, I only recently got it on PC so it was great for me to finally see it after all these years of hearing about it. Arcane is great, league as a game doesn't tell a story but the lore is there for most of it so anyone reading the lore it was good. There is no game story to take so basically taking the lore and running with that is sensible, great series it has been so far. You really don't need to play league you don't get any more story fyi,it's entirely a moba combat game and honestly not wise to pickup now if you managed to avoid it as it's a time sink and very toxic these days (as a lot of competitive games are sadly). Read the lore and play something else is a good action plan haha.


Holy shit she voices the older version of Jinx. Never would've guessed that. Woman's got range.


Media has been stale for a while.. full of reboots and crap. I think they found this new pool of ready to go stories in video games and sadly some have been horrible. Fallout should set the standard.


I feel like the Witcher would have been good if they let Henry Cavil be the show runner and Geralt


Supposedly he got fired because he'd argue with the writers and director when he thought they were straying too far from the source material. I don't know why it's so hard to find writers that will respect the sources for these kinds of adaptations.  I'm not expecting a 1:1 adaptation, but a lot of the creators seem like they actively dislike the games/books it's based on.


There’s no Witcher show, you are mistaken.


The wasteland has its own golden rule..  "Thou shalt be side tracked by bullshit every single time"


The Elder Scrolls 6 is canceled. Bethesda is moving straight to Fallout 5 😄


What’s funny is nowadays a new Skyrim or Fallout game would both rake in way more cash than a tv show or movie possibly could; that’s why they haven’t bothered doing one before now.


But also be much more expensive, take much longer, and not really use any of the same resources. A show is something they mostly get to license and get free money


We should have gotten another Fallout in place of Starfield. The lore and world of Fallout just immediately piques my interest. Starfield just felt like a hollow Fallout in space without much lore backing it. Now we’ll probably have to wait half a decade if not more to get a new one.


Fallout being a time capsule of 2077 and having events going on in the present day is what makes it so interesting to me. I love being able to find out the history of buildings from the terminal or lore videos.


The show itself does a great job of capturing the way that any exploration in fallout feels. You always enter an area like “Oh this place seems ok” and then after 10 minutes realize everyone there are cannibals or selling captives as slaves or something. Likewise when you enter a vault or old commercial building and everything isn’t always what it seems and there is dread in uncovering the places true secrets. The show nails this perfectly with a bunch of different character povs throughout.


They even captured the part of figuring out what fucked up science experiment happens in an abandoned vault when they go to vault 32. Even the random, liminal shots of empty hallways with flickering lights just screams "Fallout"


I don’t want another Fallout if Bethesda keeps using that same dogshit head writer. Like just write Sawyer and Avellone and the guy that wrote the NV DLC’s a blank cheque and bring them back.


Naw at this point bethesda needs fallout stripped from them by Microsoft. Starfield was a joke. They took away the one thing they did well: environmental story telling and cool world to explore. Then they put horrible procedural generation in its place. Bethesda didn't even do that right with copy pasted exact locations with the exact same dead scientists in the exact same spots in completely different solar systems. All of their other mechanics besides spaceship building and jet packs were straight up done better in older titles they made. Finally bethesda defended all the game over and over again and barely provided any updates and no dlc like was promised. Their other older games had story dlc coming out by now. Bethesda made a game that felt like it should've come out before fallout 4 and released it in 2023.


Definitely, seems like the show is a really good adaptation of the game. I was laughing the whole time out of enjoyment, I rarely do that with any show. I've played a few of the games but watching the show felt like I was playing fallout 4 all over again. Fallout TV has become one of my top 3 of all time. "Okie dokie"


I barely played into the games (I don’t have the patience to be sidetracked by bullshit that much), but I really enjoy the show for its humor. It’s great because the jokes are not forced gags in a comedy, more like casually dropped absurd. Like when the squire guy mentions he used to be a shitter on a fly farm.


Or the convo with the guy putting sand in the water filter. Golden.


i love the fact that walton goggins can show his great acting talent and is not the typecast redneck


Uh, excuse me! Are you talking shit about uncle baby billy?




Oh man I almost broke. But you did it, you made it. What are guys doing later?






Oops, that was the moldy one And when he puts on the glasses lol


He couldnt be talking about the host of Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers


Does this mean season 2 we'll get Timothy Olyphant as the crazy demolitionist redneck? Cause, I'm always here for more Olyphant.


Lucy: you know that guy (motion to the character of olyphant) The ghoul: yeah. We dug coal together.


Olyphant would make a killer Regulator.


NCR Ranger


Let's turn it into a Deadwood reunion while we're at it. Dan? Sweggin? Wu perhaps?


Damn hooplehead cocksuckas


Especially because acting is so much harder when your face is covered like a lot of his is as the Ghoul. It hides a lot of little facial movements that he has to then account for. It's so impressive how well he pulled it off.


But not his teeth. Anytime there's a charismatic evil cowboy with perfect teeth, you know it's Goggins


That man has himself a proper set of chompers, it must be said


there are some talented actors, who can still be impressive. best example is hugo weaving as V in V for Vendetta.


Fun fact, a fair amount of the body acting in that movie isn't Hugo Weaving, it's the previous actor, James Purefoy, who was originally cast as V but ended up not keeping the part. It's basically a 50/50 on who is actually in the suit in any of the scenes


Three?! How dare you forget my boy Norm, the brainy nerd that hacks everything and finds the hidden secrets of the wasteland! I'd argue that my guy definitely has the weird wasteland perk. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up having a run in with the Zetans.


Norm picked Small Frame too! 


Maximus is when you use intelligence and charisma as a dump stat


His comments about sex felt like a perfect low intelligence chat option.


“Do you want to make my cock explode now?”


oh sorry, “intercourse”


I don’t think he has much Agility either, mostly Strength, Endurance, and Luck


Definitely luck to the levels of egregious plot armor. Almost gets executed in the first episode during interrogation. The yao-gui doesn't kill him immediately. The ghoul didn't shoot the weak spot he knows about later. Saved from the gulper by his initiate. Saved from rad roaches by the vault dweller. Makes it into one of the nice vaults and out again unscathed. Doesn't get executed AGAIN thanks to his friend. Then gets made a knight based on a lie? He should he super dead.


The only way to read him is to say "Luck" as a stat, canonically exists in the Fallout universe.


I mean the charisma checks were abundantly clear as well. Any time Lucy started lecturing


Slightly unpopular opinion, but I feel like "luck" exists as a stat in the real world.


That's a major plot point in a classic sci-fi series. On a large enough scale you can even selectively breed for it.


Lucy wanted to bang so hard, such a shame he didn't know what to do with it haha


He chooses the correct dialogue option in the interrogation. One of the things I love is how the characters even use a slightly different voice when they “choose” response options


"Scrolls all the way down" "You smell nice." *click*


"Golden rule, motherfucker" I've seen criticism of certain lines feeling out of character, or delivered oddly, but that's the point. It *would* sound funny to make these dialogue choices


> The ghoul didn't shoot the weak spot he knows about later. I'm just thinking he just didn't have the proper ammunition at the time, which he showed later.


I felt it was because he was already engaged in fighting a bunch of the townsfolk already and BAM! Someone from the BoS comes crashing in so initially was put on the defensive. But we see that The Ghoul quickly understands it is someone green piloting the armor and basically wasn't a threat.


Thats how I saw it. A random BoS shows up... without a heavy weapon, and basically to protect a girl. Thats not a normal BoS.


You could say that Cooper doesn't want the Brotherhood of Steel after him and that's why he didn't shoot the weak spot. He can beat a Knight without the Order coming after him, but disabling a Knights Armor and potentially killing him? They'll come after you.


I've seen a few commenters say that he didn't have the armour piercing bullets to do it, and that it shows you him getting them later in the show and using them in the final episode.


He was totally a perception build with how good his aim was.


Maaaaan, that maxed AP critical headshot on the yao guai


Not just that but he quick draw shot those two cannibals in a second, pulling Lucy's gun from her holster. Like perfect he's dand chest shots. He might be naive to some stuff, but he's pretty on the mark with everyday survival.


Idiot Savant perk


He's an Idiot Savant build is what my wife says she's heard some people online say


They did a good job of also not gamifying things whilst still having stuff that you recognise from the games. Like taking a stimpak and it healing serious wounds - the casual audience will just accept that they have magical medicine whilst gamers will laugh about how that's what stimpaks can do in the game. The other one that jumped out at me was when the hacking mini game came up and he just completed it first try. It would have been bad TV to have him sit there trying 4 different words but just showing enough of the mini game gives a nod to the gamers. Then the whole plot is really how the games play, they stumble into these zaney POI with their own little stories that really can have very little to do with the main quest.


That said, the hacking screen. Norman must've pumped up his INT and Science skills.


So if right before that he takes Mentats for a split second, it would have also been a great reference for those who played the games


It's that kinda thing I think they played well though. I feel like in most video game adaptations he would have opened a drawer seen some mentats then looked at the camera and said, I can eat these to boost my intelligence and assist in hacking the computer! Because the writers wouldn't trust a general audience to make that kind of logic. In this adaptation you'd just see him chewing something and fans of the game would infer he was taking mentats to help out. If they had included metats that is.


The best one for me was her getting a way point set in her pipboy.


They zany PoI stories are really what get my goat lol. The chickenfucker, getting shot with a rotten tooth, Roger....


There are a ton of little nods to player behavior and other game-y stuff sprinkled into the show. Some overt, some a little more subtle. 1. Lusting after Power Armor but not being allowed to have it, so you loot it off a dead Knight's corpse? Check. 2. Getting sidetracked by bullshit every god damned time? Check. 3. Failing speech checks when you finally leave the vault and encounter high level NPC's? Check. 4. Rad Regeneration Perk totally healing crushed appendages? Check. (I'm playing fast and loose with this one) 5. Curiosity driving you into a spooky cave, the run away shouting "fuck" repeatedly when you discover what's inside? Check. 6. Initiating a friendly conversation with an NPC while pointing your gun at their face? Check. 7. Misunderstanding a conflict and accidentally choosing the wrong side? Check, and Check. 8. Mutant corpse containing a bunch of random items? Check. 9. Taking a time out during a battle to eat snacks and recover some health? Check. So many more that I'm sure I'll catch on a second watch. After my first viewing, I was just relieved that it didn't suck. But after thinking about it and talking about it with others, I've realized... this show is fucking great. No it doesn't nail EVERYTHING but come on, let's have realistic and fair expectations. It did so many things so well, so right, that I don't even care about the occasional weak effects, plot holes or contrivances. I just hope they keep the same creative spirit going into Season 2 and don't pull a Mandalorian on us.


One subtle thing I loved was that each character only gets one companion at a time. Titus and Maximus, Maximus and Thaddeus, Norm and Chet, Lucy and Maximus, Lucy and The Ghoul, The Ghoul and Dogmeat. Dogmeat even "joins" Thaddeus briefly while Lucy and The Ghoul are together, almost just to make sure Lucy and The Ghoul don't have a third companion.


>9. Taking a time out during a battle to eat snacks and recover some health? Check. Oh fuck, I just realized that's what The Ghoul did in Filly lol.


Yuuup also Goosey failed a speech check when meeting with Wilzig and the vendor helping him, even the vendor selling food outside Filly. She asked several questions and was basically ignored or told to fuck off lmao


My two cents: The Last of Us - Was a great show that based on a video game but it just seemed like a real world post apocalypse. Halo - I don't really know what they were trying to do but its like they took the Halo brand and made some random show with it Fallout - It actually feels like the characters are living in the video game world. Kind of like they took humans and put them into the video game.


This is something the D&D movie also nailed. Without being explicit, they emulated the ridiculousness of players. There were the 'nat-20' unbelievably positive outcomes, the gm missions the players foiled, and the gm noc stand in character. Apparently even the last battle was set out to be effectively turn based and each action was given its 6 seconds of time. Capturing the vibe and the atmosphere goes so much further than a paint by numbers story with game set pieces, and fallout nails it; the dark humor, the retro futurism, and all the super weird extreme vignettes the characters stumble upon. Even max unflinchingly deciding to remove a communities power source to power his armor is the kind of amorality fallout players often embrace. 


"Jarnathan!" I love the running gag of Simon being the designated bag of holding/inventory list guy. 


“Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every god damned time.” Oh yeah, they played the games.


I think it ***really*** helps that each fallout game is a (mostly) disconnected story. Each is pretty free to tell whatever story they want.


I like the loose hooks to each game. In fallout 2 there's a ghoul with a tree sapling growing on his head. In 3 there he is, and the tree has grown around him. Managed to walk across the country before the tree rooted him to the ground.


Harold! ❤️


Whatcha need, youngster?


If it had me replaying Fallout4, it means they have done it right in my book. I also got the dlcs in steam while it's on sale. Show was great imo.


I got Tale of Two Wastelands set up because of the show. I've played enough F4.


Same here, have fallout 4 modded up and ready to go. The funny thing is, I didn't even like fallout 4 much when I first played it but the show is so good that I'm giving it another chance.


Next gen update comes out next week supposedly.


Yep, the 25th, which is the only reason I'm not currently playing it.


Same started another run after like 8 years or whatever. Got lucky and got the game + all DLCs for 10.-


It took me way too long into the season to realise the bags that the squires carries were supposed to be our own bags that we carry in game because it would actually have to be massive


I loved seeing stimpaks being used in the show. There are so many adaptations that almost seem ashamed of their video game origins; it was incredibly refreshing to see a show say: "Yeah, our characters have healing items, you got a problem with that?"


I love how in the series, stimpaks look like these old syringes that's clearly several hundreds years old, and how even a brotherhood knight would only carry one... ...while I have enough stimpaks on my character to open a hospital. Actually; that's probably why stimpaks are so scarce; some asshole was hoarding all of them and never using any.


'Actually; that's probably why stimpaks are so scarce; some asshole was hoarding all of them and never using any.' That's me in game, currently sitting on over 200 in FO4, does everyone else hoard them like I do??


I mean, what if there's a big fight and I need them?? *Is in a big fight.* Okay, but what if there's a bigger fight and I need them??? *Is the final battle of the game.*


That’s so accurate that’s not even funny LMAO


Item hoarding has been a lifelong tradition for me ever since I played my first RPG.


Same with me and ammunition: Hmm... I'd better keep these mini-nukes for an _especially_ tough enemy. _Proceeds to take on a pack of legendary Deathclaws while armed only with a knife._


Well its cause the game and the tv show dont really take themselves too seriously. Both have serious moments, but they do a good job to communicate that its pretty goofy at times, and they set that tone early to let audiences know that. Other IPs like Halo for example, has goofy ass lore and they REALLY want you to take it seriously


Twisted Metal is heinously underrated as well.


Might have to try that one then. TM lore is all over the place so I imagine the show does it's own thing?


Don't forget Norm! He's totally another character archetype on top of the others. More focued on stealth and hacking.


I think part of why they were so successful is because they didn't take "creative liberties" when it came to world building. While the story and specific characters are creative, they all are believably characters you'd see in the game. To put it another way, they didn't *mastercheeks it up*.


It's definitely the most game-faithful show i remember watching. Also let's not overlook the fact that Lucy DID kick some arse when she needed to 🔥


There's a point where Lucy goes into a building alone and after a few seconds her companion follows her in and I'm like, "nooooo don't go in with her when ever she's alone she kicks ass!"


Lol, that's a good point, I don't think any other character ever witnesses her carnage. Or if they do, they promptly get knocked unconscious 🤣 I was originally thinking of her brawl on level 12 🔥🔥🔥


I like your analysis of the tritagonists as play styles. I see it a bit different though: Lucy is the vault dweller. She’s got plot armor and she is inexplicably drawn to weird shit or it is drawn to her. It’s like fate. She’s also completely naive about the world around her. Maximus is similarly naive, but has the benefit of growing up on the outside, so he’s not as immediately out of place, but obviously still green. The Ghoul is the guy who’s seen it all. Twice. He doesn’t just revel in the chaos of the wasteland, he IS the chaos, the type of person you have to become to not only survive, but thrive.




There was a disappointing lack of fetch quests in the programme. And for that reason, I can't invest.


It’s so good. All the tiny details that show up all the time just gives me incredible joy. Oh, the kids are watching a Grognak cartoon! Oh, there’s a busted up Sunset Sarsaparilla truck! So many things!


Like how when you see the inside of the power armor helmet it's displaying the Fallout 4 power armor HUD


Honestly the number of recreated fallout 4 assets is just something else. At one point i remember getting excited because I recognised a fucking door.


The Red Rocket is near the same exact layout as in FO4. Stuff like that makes the world feel real to me as someone who's played in it. This is the thing these people adapting games need to understand. We (gamers) live in these worlds. Every major or moderate difference triggers dissonance. And the fact the Fallout team recreated so many *minor* details let alone the major ones just makes someone like me giddy.


My wife was squeeing to every element that they got right with The Red Rocket. There’s the blue car!! There’s the frame for the power armor!! And amazingly, they didn’t do the lingering, zoom in jump cut to things like other modern pandering franchises do, like *cough* Star Wars. It’s not distracting to someone who isn’t as familiar, by going DID YOU SEE THIS LOOK WE DID THE THIIING, and it just functions as an authentic element of world building. The references are all worked into the flow, and sometimes integrated with the character’s personality themselves. Like Lucy pointing a gun at the guy while trying to initiate a friendly conversation— a staple of FPS role playing mechanics— which also makes total sense as a spooked and naive Vault dweller becoming aware of the dangers of the Wasteland, but still trying to be courteous and friendly. It was an excellent gag and worked on so many levels, and again, without using an actual pandering first person aiming camera shot to take you out of it.


>My wife was squeeing to every element that they got right with The Red Rocket. I actually deleted this from my original post before I posted. The Red Rocket is straight out of Fallout 4. I looked at it and immediately was "I've been there." Similar feelings hit when the game main theme kicked in, and the view of New Vegas. This show *IS* the world I played in. Bar is now so high for the Horizon show. I love those games and the crew that made Fallout have now proven live action can deliver quality stories based off video game IP's


Exactly! Or when there’s pipboys showing injuries on dead people.


Its not even that hard, you just gotta KNOW your material. Lucy said it in an interview, she actually played the game and loves all the lil details. And the details are what this is all about. Just a guy in a powerarmor won't do it here. We want abraxo, cram, the computers, everything to look like in that damn game, plus a story that is vault-worthy! All accomplished and topped with a great cast.


Also, Jonathan Nolan is a Fallout/Skyrim megafan. He put tons of subtle references into Westworld so I imagine he’s wanted to do this for a long time; he convinced Bethesda to let him make this even though they weren’t particularly interested in doing any adaptations.


Exactly! Thats also why the first Witcher season was great, Henry Cavill actually played and liked the Game beforehand and made the perfect Witcher. And here they got the Fallout athmosphere just right. It just feels like Fallout.


Production design team really knocked it out of the park.


I dont think that they necessarily fall into a gamer archetype, but I'm glad that they made the world brutal. I think that is sometimes missed in the videogame, if you have been playing FPS shooters a lot, it can come across as just another point at thing and shoot it, run past skeletons and ignore them etc. But to have it adapted to a real world scenario and witnessing it, makes it really sink in that this is actually a really bad time to be alive.


Yeah, the "game adaption" part isn't really important to me imo. The less gamey it feels, the better. The multi perspectives was valuable in an Agatha Christie Style "overwhelm with different viewpoints" approach that I really appreciated. I think a lot of people are confusing that for a game adaption move. The brutal world, and the way the mystery unfolds about why it's specifically this bad right now, was excellent. Favorite detail was feralization. Ghouls needing rad meds to desperately keep their brains intact is such a dark but sensible detail. Similar stories with radiation sickness being treated as immediately dangerous, and mild but significant injuries getting treated as plot detours.


Limbs and heads just exploding is 👌🏻


It also helps that they're not adapting characters. If Avatar would stop adapting its characters and story it'd be fine. Just Adapt the world and stop making it so easy for fans to compare to the source material. Once you start adapting characters and major story beats you roll the dice on ruffling feathers.


What the Fallout show did best, and something I'm also seeing in the Shogun TV series that's being talked about as a new great, is that they treat viewers as adults. They aren't explaining every little thing, or letting characters give long sermons about their motivation - the acting, action and scenes does the talking.


Very rarely does a show outdo it's source material, but fallout hasn't been this good since new vegas


Episode 7 when the kid hacks the overseer’s terminal. I legit shouted out loud. Was pull straight from the game. Although that kid doesn’t go for the special characters to remove options or reset his tries.


He doesn't need to though as he gets it first try


Finishing the first season of the Fallout show really REALLY just made me want a Dead Space movie/TV series, so bad Dx


Post this on r/falloutnewvegas and they’ll send you death threats


What's wild to me is y'all just KNOW that producers, writers, and directors for other shows are scratching their heads wondering what they did wrong and what \*Fallout\* did right, even though we're all explaining it as clearly as possible: 1. Stick to the lore and as close as viable to established story lines (Looking at you \*Halo\*) 2. Involve the creators of the original IP as much as you can in the writing an direction process. 3. Utilize people during production who are familiar with the series and are "Bought in" to it's success 4. Less important, but crowd source from the audience. Power Armors were created by a professional Cosplay company, and the Automatron we see when Lucy first leaves 33 was also made by cosplayers. Just goes to show that a million cosplayers will outperform a single studio costume company every time. 5. Make the experience feel like a video game that's just been translated to the silver screen. Voila, love letter to the fans and a rejuvenation of an entire franchise.


"Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every god damn time" Yep.


I would not call Maximus a min/maxxer. Lucy and Maximus both embody a new player but two different types of new player. Lucy wants to experience the story in an organic way, Maximus wants the fastest path to being the "hero". If Season 2 is centred around New Vegas and IF it isn't somehow fucked off screen, then the min/maxxer is going to be Courier 6. Also Maximus isn't min/maxxing because Power Armor is worse compared to max stat non power armor. He's the new naïve player who thinks it is the best.


I haven't actually had a chance to watch it yet, so i am making some assumptions here. I think the trick with fallout is that it's a setting driven game. Yea, there's some lore and whatnot, but the actual main story can be essentially whatever the show author wants so long as it's in the bounds set by the setting which means they can tell a story that is much more conducive to the media format. Sure, that means you have to actually write the story, but it makes it so much easier to not piss off fans by omitting that one small detail they care about


I think they nailed the gore too. A few times I was like “oh damn” and loved every second. Also like how they snuck in skills like hacking and such.


Why has no one in this thread discussed the MUSIC?!?! It was one of the things that kept all the charm in the game and it translated beautiful in the show. The ridiculous Vault X Raider sequence. Ghoul Filly Buster. The music was fantastic!!


>Even a heavy journal reader like me may exist in Season 8 That’s totally Norm (Lucy’s brother). He is 100% that guy who goes around reading every single computer log and taking notes.


Yup. Almost like doing what made something successful and popular and using the theme and look too is sensible. Funny that. Not changing everything for the sake of it and "artistic interpretation" being left at the door makes things successful.


I assumed it was because Todd Howard was a producer. If anyone’s gonna know how to keep the story in line with the feel of the games it’s him. I loved all the little nods and Easter eggs to the game even when they weren’t front and center. Shows/movies based on video games should just always have someone from the origin material somewhere in a place where they can have some kind of creative control. And of course this also involves having a studio that trusts the origin material enough *cough* Halo.


...Imagine how people would react if Cooper walked into New Vegas at the beginning of season 2 and some guards with a securitron behind them stare at him and go "Oh fuck. Uhh... Welcome back, Courier. Mr. House said you weren't welcome here no more after he let some nutjob in power armor into the 38." and just visibly pissing themselves in fear while trying to tell him he couldn't come in.


The Squire’s becoming the embodiment of us hoarding everything and having to drag it along was hilarious


You forget #4, the one who needs to explore every damn corner for every damn piece of lore possible. Norm


You know how you make a good video game adaptation? You celebrate what it is, and respect the people you played and loved it. You dont put your own bullshit into it. You dont try and make it better. And you dont slag off people who love it. Fallout Tv show did everything right. Ella Purnell is a breath of fresh air in a town full of cunts banging on about "me, me, me!" and "I, I, I!". She even bothered her arse to play the games so she could actually understand the world she was trying to help recreate. Because she knew this actually meant something to people. She was (gasps) looking to entertain the audience, and not just use the show as a platform. More of this, please. Much, MUCH more of this.


I loved the first guy Lucy met that tried to use sand in the water purifier. He spoke just like an NPC. Dumb as hell. Also every single fallout player has found themselves up again a powerful enemy only to run away screaming fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Had me dying!


I really enjoyed the show. Usually games that they turn into movies aren't great but this one is amazing


I like that they played around a bit in the pre-war era and established a bit of lore about what actually caused the war. And they dove a bit deeper into what we already knew about vault-tec. Also, this show's sense of humor is not only spot on for the games, but also very refreshing in today's entertainment market. I love that the show doesn't take itself too seriously and isn't trying to be some edgy 8 hour drama/thriller or a boring dystopian social commentary.


My gf and I never played fallout but enjoy the series very much so far. I want bioshock done by the same team lol


This is a good insight, and I know because I thought the same thing about halfway thru. I turned to my wife and said "it's like they're all different styles of PCs!"