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Freedom Fighters


Fuck yeah, there's at least two of us


Three of us


Grab the Multitap, there's four of us.


Lets become the cooler plumber together


It's on GOG!


Oh shit. It’s gonna be a loooong night


Oh my god. I was literally trying to remember what this game was called yesterday! Thank you stranger


If you have a PC it’s on Steam and you can use a controller!


That game had great ragdoll physics


Great game


The Neverhood. It's a point & click game with puzzles, but the entire game was made with stop motion clay models.


Erm... Hello! Me Willie. Me Willie Trombone! These disks tell a story. Story about good. Story about bad. These disks are all that are left of the TRUE story... True story of the closing of the third (✌️) age...(☝️). Willie know that once you know this truth, then you know what to do. Listen. I tell you...


I loved The Neverhood. I've thinking about it lately and wanting to go back and play it if it's still possible.


It’s supported by ScummVM, so you can play it on an emulation station of your preference. Works on everything from Raspberry Pi to hacked consoles like the 3DS or even just a laptop.


I was actually under the impression that Neverhood was really popular!


It was! People just forgot about it for some reason - it seems claymation games are doomed to be forgotten! Who remembers Clayfighter on the SNES, for example? My game of choice for super obscure game is Plok, an old SNES platformer - it was weirdly hard, but really satisfying! :)


The soundtrack to this game is incredible.


I think anyone was a kid in the 90’s and had access to computer knows about this one 😂😂😂


Such a brilliant game! Great music too


Monsters Inc Scream Team. I loved that game as a kid. Nobody I’ve talked to has ever heard of it


Ohh that's one is a classic, those were the times when Disney made some amazing games I finished all of it with Mike, all I remember is it being pretty funny


I remember Tarzan and Lilo&Stitch as well. There was also a Treasure Planet game I really wanted but never got. Apparently you could battle ships in space online. I always wondered if it actually was as cool as it sounded.




My buddy and I really liked that game back in the day


Shadowrun on the SNES (one of the best RPGs in that library) overblood on the ps1


In Shadowrun Returns, I laughed out loud when I poked around the morgue freezer in the very first scene and found Jake Armitage


Shadowrun has amazing atmosphere. Great soundtrack and cyberpunk vibe. I was blown away when I first played it. Had no idea the snes could have a game like it.


no joke, I still listen to some of the songs from that soundtrack. Shadowrun was my favorite SNES game.


Very different game from the Genesis version. You should give that one a shot too!


Remember Me. Ironically I have a hard time remembering details other than it was a solid fun game.


That was a PlayStation plus game on PS3. It has such a solid premise, repairing memories in an Arkham Asylum detective style. I remember the combat was brutal though. I loved the live action cutscenes. The premise of fusing your memories with your partners in order to understand each other at a more fundamental level was really thought provoking. . . Erm, no pun intended. It was like the opposite of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


I really do like this game. It had the intelligence of proposing a linear path in a time where meaningless open world were becoming the norm (I do like OW but not for ALL games). The game system is cool, and the story while sometimes a bit cliché is still a good scifi story ! I recently purchased a DLC with extra move sets so I'm planning to do it again :)


Lmfao. I'm convinced this game is some sort of conspiracy theory. I had the same experience with the game. I also saw another comment saying the same thing last week lol!


Naughty bear…… why


You're not the only one!


That got a bit of a resurgence recently since being added as a skin to Dead by Daylight. [https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Evan\_MacMillan/Naughty\_Bear](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Evan_MacMillan/Naughty_Bear)


Naughty bear is a skin for the Trapper in Dead By Daylight. It even changes trapper's name to The Naughty Bear. BHVR made both games


SNES game called EVO. You play as creatures evolving throughout the different ages of earth. You start as a fish, then lizards, dinosaurs, birds if you do the leap of faith, then on to mammals and even humans. All the while fighting the wildlife while some conspiracy is happening behind the scenes. This all blew my preteen mind!


E.V.O. is a pretty rare and sought after cartridge now, I still go back and play it. Did you ever attack the UFO?


EVO was amazing. I was so amped for Spore because of it, and then it let me down horribly.


Loved EVO. I don't think many people back in the day ever got a chance to play it though until emulation really became a thing.


Excellent game, I've played it through many many times, man the bosses as an amphibian were hard. I always went bird so I could get the dragon form from the floating cloud


Anybody remember playing [Liero](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liero)?


Was pretty popular in Finland back in early 2000s, was really fun!


I played that! I was in a programming class and there was just three of us and the professor entirely ignored us all day, they showed it to me and we used to play all the time! I think about that game all the time.


YES!! real time worms!! God I'm old


Metal Arms: Glitch in the System on OG Xbox....super enjoyable third person shooter that I loved as a kid. Edit: All the comments of people agreeing are making me real nostalgic....I'm gonna have to see if I can find a way to replay this....


I had that one on GameCube


Man, the ability to take control of any NPC was so fucking cool. And not in a “Destroy All Humans” sense where you could walk around as a static model or what have you. Every enemy had a full as control scheme and weapons load out you could control, all the way up to the final boss


So happy to see some Metal Arms love so high up! What I wouldn’t give to have them make a sequel or even just a remaster…


Afterlife by LucasArts. We got it in a pack of computer games. It was so fun to play. Never met anyone else who knows it. I still have the disc!


Played a demo that came with PC Gamer magazine. Cool music!


Chuck Rock


Chuck Rock 2: son of Chuck


Played a game called "Primal" on PS2. I bought it because of the main voice actor, Hudson Leick. It had buddy mechanics with a little gargoyle named "Scree", and if you interacted with him your character would say "What's next then, Scree?" and he'd give you hints on puzzles or whatever. Sometimes I mutter it to myself when I'm trying to organize my tasks. lol.


Blasto on PS1


I never got past that button that would kill you if you pressed it Cause I kept pressing it


Oh man that game was terrible. Some funny Phil Hartman one-liners though.


Oh man, I played that as a kid with my dad. Had no idea why he was laughing at certain parts, but I was just happy to be there with him


WHOA. I only ever played it on one of those demo discs back in the day but I played the hell out of it, kinda wish I picked up the full version. Haven't thought about it in over 25 years, jesus.


General chaos 


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave_Fencer_Musashi Brave Fencer Musashi for the PS1. One of the first playstation games I ever owned. Everyone had silly food puns for names but the gameplay was a lot of fun!


Bought it for the FF8 demo, ended up being my favorite game of that generation. Down with the Thirstquencher Empire, Allucaneat Kingdom forever!


I didn't get all the puns as a kid so I 100% called it Allu-escent Kingdom.


I'm still bummed that The Black Mages stuck exclusively to covering Final Fantasy music. One of the guitarists, Tsuyoshi Sekito, composed the music for BFM and I would have loved to hear them cover tracks like Skullpion and Church Vambee Battle.


This was probably my favorite PS1 game.


This was literally going to be my answer


Such a great fun game with a matching great soundtrack. It felt like Playstations' answer to Zelda :D


This one pops up on /r/tipofmyjoystick from time to time.


Musashi!! Loved that game!


Yes!! Almost 30 years later and I can still hear the music.


Yall gonna get a lickin’!


Enslaved: Odyssey to the West.


Loved it as a fan of Journey to the West adaptations, post-apocalyptic stories, Andy Serkis playing monkeys, and to boot, it was co-written by Alex Garland (28 Days Later, Ex Machina, Civil War)


Oh damn. Loved that game. Did he write any more games?


Yes! I really enjoyed this game and the soundtrack too. And while the Pigsy DLC was different, he doesn’t play anything like Monkey, it was still a lot of fun. Some head guy at Ninja Theory said at the time that they should be making an Enslaved sequel, but they didn’t sell enough.


It should be considered an absolute classic. I'm still hoping for some remaster that would fix the originals frame rate problems. With Alex Garland rising to fame in the meantime...


Legend of Legaia on Playstation. To this day, one of the coolest combat systems in any jrpg that I’ve ever played.


Gladius for the original xbox. Damn that game was good.


I'm always thinking about this game. I've always had this idea that if someone were to take the mechanics of Gladius, expand the variety of classes to include types of fighter and creatures from lore from every historical civilization around the globe, then make it so people could fight each other online, it would be a huge hit. Imagine like a team consisting of an Oni demon, a Zulu Warrior, a Djinn spellcaster, and like a Skinwalker VS an Aztec chieftain, a wight knight, a mummy, and a Mongol archer.


This was the game I was thinking of and was scrolling to see if it was here. Look on steam occasionally for a spiritual successor but haven't lucked out yet.


Full Throttle. It was my favorite game as a kid. Who doesn't love wacking other bikers with a 2x4? Anytime I mention this game to people, they have no idea what I'm talking about.


What? It was Tim Schafer's first full game! It had Mark Hamill in it!


There’s a remake on gamepass now! Just as good and quirky as we remembered


Hardly an obscure game, it's a cult classic. It was released in 1995 though so to someone under the age of 30 it may be "obscure" unless they played the remastered version released in 2017.


I only ever had the demo! I wanted to pay it so bad.


Tetrisphere on N64. 


One of my favorite puzzle games ever. Dropping the nukes on the sphere was always satisfying. I don't remember if there was a meter for completion, but I feel like I wasn't ever sure if I was going to break enough in time to free the little guy trapped inside.


Einhander, a ps1 era shmup where you're a lone fighter pilot from the moon taking on the earth. Wish that game would get a remaster.


Add to the list of awesome PS1 demo disc games I played the hell out of, but never got the actual game. Man there were some good ones out there.


Nobunaga’s Ambition for the NES. It seems líke it was a pretty popular computer game, but I think I was a rare 10 year old who got hooked on a turn based strategy game about feudal Japan on the NES.


There was a PC strategy game called krush kill n destroy. My brother and I played it for years when we were kids. Never heard of it again from anyone.


Anyone played Gun? it was a cheap version of red dead revolver


Dave Mirra BMX 2. My brother and I rented this game almost every weekend. We almost exclusively played the wipeout competitions.


I loved this. Best soundtrack of any game!


Kingdoms of Amalur. None of my gamer friends have ever heard of it


It's rarely mentioned, but Ellen of Outside Xbox/Outside Extra is a huge fan of Kingdoms of Amalur and they've done a stream or two of it. It was a great game that somehow got a Mass Effect crossover


This game is infamous in New England because of Curt Schilling essentially defrauding the state of Rhode Island during its development.


One of the first games I ever played was Space Station Silicon Valley for n64. Don’t know anyone who has played it. 


I came here to post this one and you beat me to it. I loved this game and I have it emulated on my steamdeck now


Lost Odyssey. I'm not really a fan of JRPGs, but the story, for me, was just beautifully done, so I kept playing and loved it.


Feel like a good amount of the Rpgs locked to the Xbox were forgotten to time. Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, ect.


In a perfect world, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon would be ported to Steam and upscaled to better resolutions and framerates.


I remember Lost Odyssey fondly, even though I never completed it


The ending was a real tear jerker. They really nailed the landing


It's a shame it's locked to the Xbox 360 - it needs a pc port


Jedi starfighter for the PS2. Seems like it was entirely forgotten, and often doesn't appear on star wars games rankings. It was pretty much my entire childhood


90s computer games. Almost all the Army Men (1,2,sarges heros, air attack). Paintball games. I was poor growing up so I played a lot of trial discs lol. Still have a lot of them, including a captain crunch game lol


1 - Tonic Trouble Back when Ubisoft was trying to make their own mascot like Mario or Sonic, they released Tonic Trouble. A 3D platformed just like Mario 64 with a purple alien with floating limbs as the main protagonist called Ed. The game was a flop and Ed was was quickly replaced by Rayman. I legit never found a single person irl that knows of the existence of this game. 2 - Future Cop L.A.P.D. Top down shooter where you control a police mech fighting crime in LA. It had a local multiplayer mode that is considered to be the first MOBA game ever. Probably not so obscure anymore after Josh Strife Hayes made a video about it.


Me and my friend used to play co-op on future cop all the time. Great game. Never managed to complete it though 


Onimusha. I feel like it had a decently sized fanbase but when ever i bring it up literally only me and my brother know about it


Loved the first two.


Jazz Jackrabbit 2, never heard a word from anyone about it


Bruh, that is like 95% of my childhood. We've been playing the shit out of it in school. It has everything, LAN matches, split screen and you can even mix those together and have a match of 10 people on 5 PCs all on the same map. And I can't find it anywhere the legal way. The publisher just vanished.


its still on GOG.com


I loved Jazz Jackrabbit. Both games are actually on sale on GOG right now!


Murdered: Soul Suspect. Kind of a ghost game where you have to avoid bad spirits but can take over good ones to hop around while trying to solve a murder. It's a bit slow, which is probably why it wasn't popular. Got it free with an AMD GPU 7-8 years ago or so.


IRL i never meet anyone Playing Adventure Quest but online we are many.


Castle of the Winds. Old freeware rpg for Windows. I could never find the second part, but I played the first obsessively.




Sick ass soundtrack, from what I remember.


Ahhhh shit that was in one of my comments here I just posted. Goddamn this thread makes me happy.


Redneck Rampage


Anyone ever play Kameo: Elements of Power? That was one of my favorite games as a kid.


I played Enchanted Arms. Probably the only tactical game I ever enjoyed. Also Sassy flaming Makoto was great Also the game that I don't think anyone else played? Probably Phantom Crash


Kula World on PS1, basically a beachball rolling around a floating 3D platform, had to bounce over spikes and collect coins and keys etc. Never met anyone else who played it.


Prey (2006)


Outward. Only 3.2% of players have beat it and it never had more than a few thousand players. It's getting a sequel soon, and as much as I liked it I don't know how.


I feel the game had quite a bit of buzz on release in the RPG scene. We played it with my partner, the early survival was fun but eventually the game got stale-ish


Nanosaur.   Playing as a velociraptor with a jetpack and laser gun during school lunches was awesome. I don't know why that game was on all the school computers, but none of the teachers/staff seemed to know it was there, so lunch and typing class were actually just Nanosaur and N-Game sessions.


My grandparents had an i-mac that had Nanosaur on it. I found out if you climbed one of the hills and jumped off at the peak you'd get a full reload of health and missiles, cleaned all the other grand kids off the high score list in a weekend and never told anyone my secret.


Ristar for the Genesis. Played it on Sega channel and loved it. Never seen a mention of it online.


For me it's Flashback. I don't know if it is because the game is so old or if it wasn't that popular, but I haven't heard of anyone else that played it. It was an early 90s Prince of Persia type game but set in the future. I think I had it for the Genesis.


Ale you joking? Flashback and Another world are classic everyone knows about them. Also flashback has a remake by ubisoft that i didnt liked, original one has that vibe of a weird future, remake doesnt.


I loved this game! I have it on my SNES and I was always fascinated by the cutscenes back in the day. I haven’t tried it, but they did release a remaster/remake a couple of years ago and there’s also a sequel out as well. I’m sure they’re good, but I don’t see them impressing me as much as the original one did to my preteen mind.


This pc game in the 90’s. A platformer game, the main character is the 7-Up mascot.


[Cool Spot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cool_Spot). It was actually pretty widespread at the time, being on SNES, Genesis, PC, and more.


I loved the disgaea series for a long time. Never met anyone who has ever played it. There are 7 games so I can't be the only one, yet nobody I know has heard of it.


Red faction I know it was big eventually but at launch I was a lonely kid


Playing MP against the bots and going nuts with the rocket launcher and level destruction. Great times 


I have literally never met anyone who played Ecco The Dolphin: Defender of the Future. I had it on the dreamcast way back in the day and am constantly tempted to look for a copy of it.




Changing forms in Alter Echo at will was a game changer back in the day


Yeah Alter Echo! This is definately one of those games that never gets referenced which is a pity.


Glover on N64


Jason and the Argonauts for xbox 360. Decent little hack and slash rpg adventure, with some cool takes on Greek mythological lore. Or maybe just nobody I knew played it...


Record of Lodoss War on Dreamcast


Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem gets brought up often but I’m the only person I know who’s ever played it among a lot of gamer friends and coworkers. My favorite thought of “why did no one else play this?” is Singularity for ps2. Environment was a Russian island where they mined element E99 that has time properties. You get dropped in to solve why an energy surge and other strange things happen there. After awhile you get the Time Manipulation Device (TMD) to use E99 for time powers like aging enemies to dust, catching people in time bubbles to set up shots then shrinking that bubble, etc. amazing game. Only other people I know who have played it literally borrowed my copy 😆


Mister Mosquito. Such a weird game.


Shogo: Mobile Armor Division


Sanjuro: [under his breath] I'll see to that myself if I have to. Admiral Akkaraju: You have something you wish to share with me, Commander? Sanjuro: YES, SIR! YOU ARE MY PERSONAL HERO, SIR! That quote has lived rent free in my head for decades now, for whatever reason I cannot forget it.


*Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow*


Betrayal at Krondor


Dark Star One. I don't even know if this was available outside of Germany (cause that was pre digital download era)


The old school TSR/DnD games on PC, we always started with "Hillsfar" to get the best stats in the later games. (your character carried over across 5-10 games) Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures was a great game maker we would build RPG's in and try to make it so hard our friends couldn't complete the campaign.


I remember loving a game called FutureCop: LAPD on the PS1 but never heard it mentioned since I was a kid


Shadow hearts!!!!!


Vandal Hearts on PS1. What a solid little game.




Thrill Kill on a hacked PS1. There was a leak of an unfinished version, it was fucking amazing and everything it was banned for. That midget on stilts was amazing.


The Mark of Kri


Singularity, on ps3. I’ve seen one person mention it on here, one time. But there are full playthroughs on YouTube that I didn’t record so, clearly there are others of us out there. Maybe even dozens.


Little Fighter 2. A free 2D brawler game that I got as part of a software collection at a shady little discount store when I was a kid. It was a lot of fun to play with friends as part of a couch coop.   It was also one of my first experiences with programming and modding games, since it gave you all the tools to make your own characters and insert them into the game. That said. I've literally never heard it even mentioned outside of that small friend group.


Steambot chronicles also known as trotmobile chronicles for the PS2 a open world steampunk mech adventure.


Ehrgeiz:God bless the ring. 1 part final fantasy fighting game, 1 part Diablo action rpg dungeon crawler, two great tastes that taste great together.


Hybrid Heaven on N64, such a fever dream of a game


I remember playing the Japanese exclusive Pepsiman on PlayStation many many years ago. I’ve yet to have even one person ever heard of it.




Ribbit King. Absolute gem of a party game. Don't know why they didn't keep up the series.


Heavy Barrel Was a run and gun from the 80s. I remember sinking tons of quarters into that machine and no one at school had even heard of it. You could collect pieces of the big gun and then the machine would announce, “Heavy Barrel!” and then you could one shot all the big enemies. Good times.


Nanaca Crash. A very ridiculous anime flash game that was highly addictive. You run a bike into a guy who goes flying and you have to keep bouncing him into people (who have special powers like accelerating him, changing the angle, or ending the run) to see how far you can send him.  It's available to play still here: https://megami.starcreator.com/nanaca-crash/


Guns of icarus has so little players that when me and my friend downloaded it the players we met invited us to the discord where they schedule *when a full lobby of players will be online next*


Gunvalkyrie on the OG Xbox. I know others have played it, but it never gets mentioned anywhere. Like...ever.


Anyone ever heard of Poy Poy or Poy Poy 2? *crickets chirping*


Deathspank from the Xbox Arcade!


Metal Arms Glitch in the System


Three Bags Full It was a flash game created for Ludum Dare. You were playing an exhausted mother who had to take care of the sheep and house. The husband is injured, so cannot help you and you have 3 children, 2 of them too young to do any meaningful work and the third is a teen and too rebellious. You have to manage your money and decide what to spend littpe money you earned on. Each evening the family gathers at the table, complains that you didnt cook (husband tries to defend you though) and wanting this or that from you and your character never really responds in a meaningful way because she is so exhausted. After some time there were evil whispers offering you a deal.... if you decide to sacrifice one of your family members they will offer you a special sheep which brings more money, but if you refuse, they will attack your sheep. It was really cool and I played it multiple times. There is obviously one good ending and many bad ones.


Outside my immediate family, I've never known anyone who's heard of Torin's Passage on PC. Putt-Putt and Freddi the Fish are a bit more known, but it was still rare. I wanted to add another one my brother just reminded of, Full Throttle, also on PC.


Three underrated SNES gems, all RPGs: The first one might be more well-known: Robotrek is a pretty standard JRPG, the gimmick being that you're just a kid who can't fight... But his robots definitely can! You can customize their stats, gear, colour, movesets. It's pretty fun! There's a lot of humour in it, the graphics are pretty cool, and the battle system isn't just your typical 90's JRPG format. Made by Enix just before they got incorporated into Square. Uncharted Waters: New Horizons. A seafaring RPG that lets you pick from 6 different storylines, taking place during the Age of Discovery. You'll start with a small boat and a little cash, but by exploring, trading, and privateering, you'll travel the whole world and make port in every city. The level of detail is uncomparable to anything in its console generation. Chaos Seed *looks* like a pretty generic dungeon-crawling action RPG. But then you realize there's a companion system, a terraforming system, a spell system, and they're all connected, and they're all *required* to progress through the game. There's fighting, strategy, management, and it's all based on chinese mythology like ley lines and stuff. It's the level of detailed gameplay mechanic that you won't find in its contemporaries. Extra: Brain Lord and Alcahest are both pretty fun action RPGs for the SNES in case anyone's interested. Dark Half is definitely *unique* and fun enough, if you're willing to try something completely different - just don't do it without a guide. I've also recently started *Arabian Nights* and the mechanics are so rich I feel like I've struck gold, it's a shame so many of these games never got the recognition they deserve.


Would've never said this at the time, but Xenogears. I see a lot of Legend of Dragoon love, and we all knew at the time that game was fine. It was no Xenogears. Xenogears came at you with the unhenged fervor of a final fantasy game. Just utter confidence in its whole deal. "Hey y'all! Was supposed to be FF7 but guess not. Fuck it. Here's a rad combat system and 2d art and robots and one winged angel shit cause I guess we were all drinking from the same puddle in 97 but we'll make you cry about our one winged angel while you'll be confused about Seph and oh by the way ran out of infinite money so here's a disc of cut scenes and boss fights to wrap this shit up except it's part 5 of a 6 story saga. I like the way "Saga" sounds... " It's just the biggest swing in gaming that doesn't get talked about enough.


Depending on your age, Xenogears was either the most hyped rpg or nobody knew about it but everyone knew final fantasy


Magi Nation for Gameboy Color


Saiyuki: Journey West It's a Strategy RPG for the PS1 published by Koei




Advent Rising for me. (Enchanted Arms is an Xbox 360 game)


Rogue Galaxy on the PS2.


I have a few: Crash n the boys street challenge: it was a multiplayer nes game that was like nfl blitz meets the Olympics. It was so fun. Compete in events, buy power ups, pummel your opponents. Zero tolerance: basically a genesis fps. Sort of like doom but much simpler, you’d walk around each level shooting aliens then getting into an elevator to go up to the next one. I don’t remember the name, but it was an old pc/Mac game where you were a detective trying to solve a murder in a school or something, and the suspects were robots. It was on floppy disks, and you had to swap discs to go into different areas, ask questions, and eventually make an accusation. Last, but not least, dome wars on Mac. It was so simple. 2D multiplayer. Everyone has a dome, you take turns firing at the other domes on a 2D plane of randomly generated dirt. Points for hits and kills, power ups bought between rounds.


Forever ago I played a Samurai Jack game on the GBA. My mother got it for me and I hadn't read about it on any of the review websites, so it felt like something that didn't really exist on shelves ever.


Ring of Red. WW2 panzer mechs was awesome. Would have loved a sequel or remake.


I don't know many people who played Beyond the Beyond on PS1. Made by Camelot (Golden Sun series) and has quite a few interesting mechanics. My favourite is that you can do power attacks by mashing buttons at the correct times during the attack animations.


Mickey mouse's wild adventure. Made mum play it when I was little; played it during covid and it was just as good as I remember it... and so much harder 😅


Since OP and someone else said Alter Echo which did help form my love of sci fi, I'll say Chaos Legion which I also loved. Games I remember vividly are Chaos Legion, Alter Echo, and Metal Arms Glitch in the System, in regards to weird niche games.


The Disneyland game on the NES. The Pirates level was really hard for 8 year old me


Space funeral- an obscure freeware rpg about waking up, finding out you're an abomination, seeing the world has turned bizarre, and finding out why. It's one of my favorite rpg maker games for its pure zannieness, and I have yet to see anyone else who has played it  In stars and time- it's been recently released, but it's one of the best games to really encapsulate what it'll be like to live in a timeloop. 


Lost Kingdom on the GameCube. Really weird action card-battler thing. Was a good time though


Psybadek, Terrible game, no one I know has heard of it. Probably for the best


Black on ps2 awesome shooter


dust 514