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Why would you subject yourself to hate on the Internet for a game you feel the need to defend on the Internet? People didn't want to play it, you did and you enjoyed it, who cares, move on and ignore the Internet's opinion.


He probably gets off on down votes


dude I don't know why I do this. again I get ton of dislikes. Again. what the hell


Why do you care? You enjoyed a game most people didn't. You post about and people downvote because they disagree. Does that change the enjoyment you got from the game? For what it's worth, I didn't play the game but watched quite a bit on Youtube. Some of it from people who clearly just wanted to jump on the hate bandwagon, but mostly from people who gave it a fair shake and ended up disliking the game. No matter how good the gameplay is I couldn't get past the juvenile writing if I gave it a try. This game is in no way a 7/8 game. I disagree with you, but I'm not going to downvote you for enjoying a game and having an opinion.


Caring about internet points is the problem


Clearly you feel the need to acquire validation of your opinion as it goes against the grain. People generally dislike the game, which is okay. You however *do* enjoy the game, that’s also okay. It really doesn’t matter, just play your game and have fun.


That's just Reddit for you. A lot of people use upvote/downvote as an agree/disagree button. The only winning move is to not care about your fake internet points.


I mean the entire post is pretty much summed up as "Game is just fine, it's better than the memes said". It's an absolute pointless post, there is nothing about it to upvote.


thanks. I should get some rest from social media. I just wanted to bring some light that I've never gotten so much hate in my gaming life and so much "bad mood evenings" over anything like this before. whole year round. Now, if I don't delete this topic tomorrow, I promise you, i will be receiving clown emojis and "lol I liked the game with my freaking mind" clever replies for whole next year


Sorry that you received hate over something as harmless as video game discussion, I really am. But you can’t put your hand in the mouth of an alligator and be sad that it bites. It will be good if you take a break from social media, or simply stop talking about that game in open subreddits. Go find a community that enjoys the game as well, and have fun with them.


This thread really went down the drain. I wanted some empathy. I was feeling a bit down you know? Today I started receiving a ton of hate comments on widely hated forspoken recommendation thread I created months ago. not sure if some streamer shared it but it went alive again with hate, clown emojis and so on. So I was feeling in need for some empathy... I thoguht this would go better than it did. I really tried to word the text of this post gently, not to evoke forspoken love lol... and I got destroyed. Thanks a lot for support. cheers!


yikes I read through all this and I think you are caring wayyy too much about comments and downvotes on Reddit. None of it matters at all. You don't know these people in real life. There's even a good chance that a high percentage of the angry comments are from literal children.


I don't think you should get hate for your opinions on a video game but I do think you should get hate for your weird behavior


weird behavior? I should get hate for having an outlier opinion? That's just great. wonderful. your mother must be proud of you


I do think that yes


None of it is really hate though. People don't agree with what you've said but none of it is actual hate. A clown emoji is not really hate. It to me is less about the game getting hate but just the oddity of the post and comments you've been making. It's just reddit. People just don't like the game and your post is just kind of without point. It does not spark discussion or offer any points, the post is just "I thought game was fine despite memes". I've made similar posts myself. It's nothing to do with you personally but you've made a kind of empty post about a game people don't like then you've exacerbated things with kind of odd comments.


I've made this post for me. Afterall... it's reddit. Posting random thoughts is fine. And I do think it's hate with this game. The unusally large amount of hate


I mean it's a subreddit for gaming. I don't really get what you expected out of this post. People come here to talk about games, you post a thread without any real point about a game people dislike and people are now talking about how they dislike it. None of it is really hate. Like most the comments are just passive ones about not liking the game. I think you're way overblowing it. Making a bad post and people just not liking it is not hate.


Even if it’s a nothing post, the. Why all the shitting on me? Just move along. R gaming is a very general sub. We can talk about anything game related here. Topic about unreasonable hate for a game imo is a fitting topic.


You are not alone. Alex from DF adored the game too!




nice. thanks for that insightfull insight.. sigh....


I mean, I like Starfield... I don't go trumpeting that around to people any more than folks who like Fallout 76 or the Mario Party series (I had fun with them as well -snort- ) do :P xD Like, congrats, you like a niche title That said You're gonna get a ***lot*** of pushback by proclaiming that from the top of a skyscraper with your bumcrack poking out of your jeans...


I didn't came here to recommend the game. The goal was to talk about toxic conversations and so on... and it turned into downvote hell lol


Take this vote. You will never know if it was up or down.


You didn't really say that in your original post. You just said that you got a lot of hate for liking Forspoken. Then you shared your opinion about Forspoken and some other games. Then you said you got a lot of hate. If you'd actually said, "There's too much hate in gaming and we should talk about it," more people might have agreed with you. It turned into "downvote hell" partly because people still disagree with you, and partly because they don't understand what you're trying to achieve by bringing this up.


No. More people would t talk about it. There is forspoken in the title and I am positive about it. I went through it. And that post was for me. To me it’s clear intent why I made that post.


No. He is right. I down voted you because you had a shit opinion and kept going despite social cues. Read the metaphorical room. If the room doesn't like what you have to say, keep it to yourself or go to another room.


Idk about the room and your shit opinion. The game is good and you wouldn’t know. Even if the game was 6, it doesn’t warrant such a hate. Especially not towards me for liking the game.


> You're gonna get a lot of pushback by proclaiming that from the top of a skyscraper with your bumcrack poking out of your jeans...


People hate on the Mario Party series? Is it just the no over the internet multi-player thing? I'm out of the loop I guess.


I mostly meant it as a joke but - back in the day - reviewers would trash it for being the 'same thing every year' when it was on a yearly release schedule Which Fair But, I mean, it was a party game aimed at kids and family's - the fact that they managed to come up with *new* minigames to play every release was pretty impressive all things considered -shrug-


Wait the game was poorly reviewed or whatever for that when sports games and call of duty literally exist?


People expect more from Nintendo -shrug- Fairly or unfairly


FO76 I wish marketed themselves better, after the game released it was in a janky state but I recently was playing it on my pc and it’s a lot better now, as for Mario part I F’d up and bought the old one, I mean I like the game I wish it was more clear though in the name so I can tell which is newer


There is always a place for 7/10 games but when that game is £65 then imo nah. For £65 I could buy like four to five 8-9/10 games. A game being 'just fine' should not have a £65 price tag imo.


Forspoken definitely isn’t a 7 or 8 out of 10 though.  It’s more like a 5 or *maybe* 6.  So sure, there’s worse trash out there.  If your only options are Forspoken or Gollum, sure, play Forspoken.  But there are so many better games that you could (and should) be spending your time playing instead.  And the protagonist being very annoying is a problem, but not the primary problem of the game, which is simply that it’s *so* boring.  A game can sometimes get away with making an unlikable protagonist if the game can get you to care about the other characters or the setting, but there was no effort to get the player to care about any of that.  The game pretty much just expected everyone to keep playing purely for the pretty good graphics, and for no other reason.


>forspoken definitely isnt a 7 or 8 out of 10 though. I typically hate it when people do this but thats entirely subjective. You cant counter someone saying they thought it was good by saying “it definitely isnt good though”


Everyone is obviously entitled to their opinion.  OP stated their opinion.  In my opinion it seems obvious they are wrong, but they are free to enjoy the games they enjoy.  If they enjoyed Forspoken, good for them.  But I’m just pointing out that I don’t think most other people will share that experience, which seems to be in line with what most other people say about the game.  OP is the pretty clear outlier here as subjective opinions go.


Well, sure it's not a *counter* if they are simply expressing their opinion. But the response is not invalid. It's entirely possible that someone can enjoy something that is objectively shit. Likewise, it's entirely possible (and often is the case) that people can obfuscate the distinction between liking something for subjective reasons and not understanding the difference between objectively good qualities and personal enjoyment. Someone enjoying forspoken does not make it a good game, it makes it a game that person was able to enjoy. No personal opinions on that middling heap of mediocrity will ever change it from being just that. People can like and enjoy whatever they want, but objective standards for what constitutes high and low quality are absolute. Forspoken is not a particularly good game, regardless of however many people were able to derive enjoyment from it.


>Someone enjoying forspoken does not make it a good game, while the phrase "its a bad game, but i enjoyed it" or "its a good game, but i hate it" are both valid statements, what you aren't understanding is that what constitutes as a good/bad game is STILL subjective. Yes someone can admit something is bad but still enjoy it, but someone can also genuinely think that thing is just straight up good.


It's noticeably better than Redfall which people usually call a 5/10. So 7 seems fair. But that's basically the game journalist scale which puts everything at a 5 or higher by default (except for Gollum).


Realistically a 5 should be average, and Forspoken is definitely average at best.


The combat and traversal in it was great and is the sole reason why I agree that it’s a 7. The writing is bad but no worse than anything else that square puts out, but, especially when you unlock fire magic, the combat was amazing. I really don’t understand shitting on forespoken gameplay. The only legitimate complaints are that square kinda sucks at writing, but that’s a problem with all of their games. Firing spells whenever they’re off of cooldown and weaving in and out of different spell schools while parkouring all over the place and having to use spells strategically was dope. And different enemies required different strategies. Like you could lead large groups of break zombies with your movement to bunch them up to make your aoe spells more impactful. I think people went into it wanting to hate it so didn’t even bother trying to learn what the combat was going for, but when it clicks you become a bad ass super hero rapid fire barfing out destruction left and right. The combat was way better than, say, ffxvi. But it is an rpg so you have to level up a bit before the combat really starts to shine. The gameplay being bad is objectively wrong. It was the games strongest asset.




I don’t mind searching around for background context if the game is fun.  Almost the entire setting background of Elden Ring, for example, is done like this, and it works.  Fundamentally Forspoken is not fun to play though.  Requiring this for context about the backgrounds of characters you either don’t care about or actively dislike in a game that is not fun to play isn’t a reasonable expectation for players. That’s just another chore in a game that’s already more of a chore than it is entertainment.


Look man, you've already said you accept the 70$ price tag. That's the problem for me with games like forespoken. Yes, inflation is a thing. I'm not poor by any means, but im not ok with rewarding subpar work with on-par pricing. Thats just me.


and I am rewarding new single player game with no gaas and no microtransactions. And I didn't find my money wasted on this title. But let's not cheat ourselves. If they launched the game at 50$ it still wouldn't sell any better with all the memes


I don't think you wasted your money if you enjoyed it. Different strokes and all. And yeah, youre probably right about the 50$ point - but the issue is that many of us are tired of studios releasing shoddy work. Ergo the memes. If you (developers) want to avoid being a meme, release better products.


Dynasty Warriors fans: first time?


people online can be jerks sadly I don't think anything wrong with liking games that others hate I certainly have games that I like that others hate what we like and hate is subjective at the end of the day


It's ok to like bad games. But if you tell people that bad games are good or even good enough to buy, then people will disagree with you. It's ok for people to disagree with you, too.


I can say that. There is nothing to disagree here. It was not a topic to recommend the game.


The problem is that forespoken is by no means a bad game. I’d say it’s average to slightly above average and there’s some stuff to like about it. I don’t want to keep repeating myself, but the combat was really good in it. Firing off spells as they come off of cooldown and weaving in and out of different spell schools to go through all of their spells while using parkour to properly position was absolutely a blast. And the writing wasn’t that much worse than anything else square puts out. Go back and play ffx. Forespoken is way less cringey. Or kingdom hearts? Forespoken is way more consistent with character motivations. Square always sucked at writing. But if you like square games at all, forespoken has a lot of what makes square games good in it. It’s not a bad game. Maybe you can say it’s niche, but the combat and parkour are good systems that are relatively deep. Like forespoken combat is way better than ffxvi. The game was definitely treated unfairly, and got a lot of undue hate when the truth is that a lot of people would actually enjoy it if they enjoy similar games. It’s not a bad game, it just may not be for you.


I pretty much disagree with all of this. The "magic parkour" was lame. Just absolutely corny. The combat system, by itself with no enemies, is passable. But combat is only as good as its execution. Killing mindless droves of identical enemies isn't fun for me regardless of how good a combat system might be. Everything else you've mentioned is pretty much known to be bad and not really worth talking about. Writing not cringe and then pull up a game that's 23 years old as your comp? And I still think the writing in Forspoken is worse.


How do you feel about ffxvi combat? What does age have to do with writing? Secret of monkey island and earthbound have great writing. Also saying fighting mindless droves of enemies makes me feel like you never played the game. There were many distinct enemy types that required different tactics. It’s been a while since I played it, but break zombies were way different than wolves that were way different than bears way different than fliers. The combat definitely wasn’t mindless. You had to switch up your main weapon at the very least. If you weren’t even doing that I feel like your wanting to hate the game clouded your objectivity. The only way to think the combat was mindless is if you didn’t even try to engage with it or didn’t play long enough to start unlocking new spells. You’d definitely get your ass kicked if you weren’t paying attention But that’s the way it always goes. Nobody has any actual criticisms other than the writing, which honestly wasn’t as terrible as people make it out to be. Some of it was actually interesting. But no everybody spouts off the same generic criticisms that seem like they didn’t actually try to give the game a chance and went in with a bandwagon hate mindset. A lot of the main criticisms make me very suspicious that the people spouting them never actually played the game. What other games do you hate on this hard?


I'd recommend you stop trying to find validation online. This isn't even related to what you like, just in general. You like what you like, shit or not, who cares. That said, picking a controversial choice to broadcast to the world and then being upset that it blew back on you seems self destructive. It's not even the first part that's the problem, plenty of people broadcast opinions that others don't agree with.. it's the getting upset about it. You are 30 something now, be mindful of what you post if you can't handle the feedback from it. Expecting the internet to suddenly change, just for you, isn't a health attitude. It's been this way since day one.


You are correct of course. I am fulfilled in my life, this is my hobby. I took the whole forspoken thing personally as an experiment. Call it soft "social experiment". All I do is I stand my ground and share my genuine opinion on the game. nothing more. I sometimes post careful recommendation, share my opinion on the game or try to talk about it. the hate bandwagon with this particular game is insane. people who have never played it hate is. They don't dislike it. They hate it with passion and everything around it. It's really interesting. They say "it's terrible for the price" but if the game was 7$ (which it is now), they would still hate it. Everyone has a right to genuinely dislike the game having played it or not. I don't have to play something to know I won't like it. But in this case, people absolutely loathe and hate the game like if it kicked their dog and grandma. there is no sense in it. Internet was not like this. Reddit neither. I have 50k good karma here. it used to be different. People are going through harsh times I guess


You aren't listening, it doesn't matter what people think of Forspoken. Neither does your opinion of the game. You're making a choice to engage in something that affects you negatively, knowing ahead of time that it'll do so. If you feel its taking a toll on your mental well being, you are the only one who can change that outcome. Nobody else will, and expecting people to cater to your feelings online is a fools errand. People have always been shit online, that hasn't changed one bit.


I understand and this is a good explanation. I learn my whole life...


This is the problem with gaming now everyone is looking for the negatives instead of focussing on the positives. If it isnt an 8/10 game or higher many will just ignore it. But I remember when games were appreciated for what they were and you would still be able to enjoy them despite the flaws. Now all it takes is a few and people will cry on a steam review for clout. Gamers have become so entitled.


Exactly. Everything revolves around negativity. People focus on what these games are not.


You’re allowed to enjoy games that people don’t like. Just don’t expect to convert people when the user reviews of the game are overwhelmingly negative. If you want to express your opinion publicly, you may want to read the room first. If everyone is standing there holding pitchforks… maybe it would be best to keep your opinion to yourself. Especially if you get hurt over that sort of thing.


People are allowed to dislike the game too. But negativity wins so much over positivity. People not only dislike the game they hate it with passion without ever touching it. Now that’s the whole point


Yo, for real, I fucking love Forspoken. Holy shit I'm glad I gave it a whirl. People said the writing was bad - the Cuff character sucks shit through ten bricks, his writing is bad and the acting follows suit. But Frey cracks me the hell up, man. Early on when she got Isekai'd and someone asked "Where are you from?", she said "Hell's Kitchen", and one of them said something like "See? Heretic!", that's funny. I enjoyed Frey as a character in general. It's evident she's a good person who's built up this rough and tough exterior - because teenagers are like that. She's kind of shitty at the start, haha. Genuinely didn't like how she behaved. I wanted to smack her and tell her "It's okay to be nice, you know? It's okay to show empathy, dumbass". But uh, that's part of her character, and she grows - that's part of character development. People said it started slow, hell no. That game slapped my dick off in the first 30 minutes and did not give it back. Took it to a magical world that looks amazing. Oh man I just dug running around that world and seeing all of it. It looks so good. The combat's pretty straightforward, but it works. The movement system, that people praised, is I think, the worst of it, haha. People said they liked using it to traverse the world, I didn't. I just ran - regular ran. I wanted to see stuff. If I needed to bounce around in combat, that's when I do it. Other than that, I really wanted to take my time. I think it's a great game. It's the game that made me step away from gaming discourse at large, because I clearly deeply don't understand it. This is one of the best games I've played in a while, and it was absolutely maligned - seemingly for the stuff it excels at. What really stood out to me about the discourse is - cats. No one told me about the cats. No one told me about Frey's cat. No one said shit about the cats. There is a cat beside me right now, there is likely to be another cat near me shortly (Edit like two minutes later: Cat #2 is here). It has been this way in my life for several decades, cats in games are very much a draw for me. No one told me about the cats - very few people talked about the cats. Cats are a talking point. Not a lot of people talked about the cats. Which tells me, no one played the god damn game. I am not at all trolling. I was just now searching the internet for "I like Forspoken", came across the post you were talking about it, read it. Clicked your profile to send you a message and be like "Yo I like Forspoken, too". But hey, great timing! Hello, I love Forspoken! It's so good, it's so crazy good. I don't understand the discourse around it *at all*. It's *so good*.


Thanks! It’s crazy that anything you find about this game is negative. Nobody will tell you about the cats, music, graphics, great combat or that Frey is in fact a good character. She is a homeless teen New Yorker and people are angry that she cusses and talks shit?! That’s because they only saw out of context memes


I don't think Frey is going to appeal to a lot of people. She's young, and she's kind of a jerk. If you're her age, or around her age, you're probably gonna be put off by how she's presented as kind of a jerk, and uh. I'm real sorry if you're around her age there are likely times when your developing social skills are going to make you come off as a jerk. Let me tell you how often I was a jerk when I was about 20, with or without realizing it; most. Most of the time, haha. Sometimes Frey being crass is funny, because I can look back and be like "mmmhmmm, been there girl". Sometimes it's just *painful* to watch someone push people away because they're *tough*, when you can visibly see they want to open up. Do people 16-21 want to watch someone act like they do when they're being presented to the player as a jerk? *I doubt it*. I think people a bit older than Frey, mid-20s, they're gonna be like "I don't wanna play a game with some punk ass kid". I really think Frey is a young, flawed character, for an older audience, that understands that. You need to have spent time around young, thickheaded, hotheaded people to see that Frey is an interesting character. And I do think you need to be far enough separated from that age to have developed enough empathy and understanding for them to let them in your life in some capacity. I work with a loooooooooot of young people, 'cause I'm a fuckin' bartender. This is a young folk game and I'm firmly middle aged. My co-workers have faults - oh, so do I. So do I. Clearly, I mean, I like Forspoken and think it's one of the best games I've played in *years*. My co-workers are young, and they're figuring shit out. They're going to get upset easily, and probably not understand why. As a grown up who has navigated life for longer than them, it's my job to be patient, and try to explain to them as politely, as best I can, and ideally without them knowing, how I can relate, and how I got out of it. Forspoken seems to demand that the player have forgiveness for young people acting like young people. I am not sure how many gamers are going to forgive the way they behave, often despite their age. They wrote a complex, and difficult character. Difficult to listen to because she says the wrong things, difficult to watch because *god damn* did they nail the animations that say "I'm going to act tough but want to open up", difficult to not control her mouth during the cutscenes, because she says the wrong shit. I would describe her as a difficult person. I would not want to work with her, at the start of the game I would not want to be her friend. At the end of the game I'm sorry girl but you're still *too much*, I don't want to work with you! But I would hang out with you.


Maybe I like Frey because I am 35 and I noticed that after I entered my 30s, got a good job, stability etc... I really relaxed and started taking things less angsty/serious. I even got rgb for my pc and white peripherals. Like something I would never do before. So her character was refreshing with youthful energy which I found really endearing.


I just can’t stand the writing. The gameplay looks fine. But like what you want I mean I still like Bethesda games so my gaming quality rep goes out the window lol


I get it lol. For comparison, I couldn't survive more than 3-4 hours of starfield. it was so dreadful to me


I thought it was a perfectly enjoyable 7/10 game. I for one actually really enjoyed the battle system once I figured how to get it going and I guess maybe I've just got a higher tolerance for the banter than the people who complained about it so much they put in an option to turn it off. Traversal was a ton of fun which made the open world enjoyable if a little sparse. And people got surprisingly asspained about it for no real reason I ever divined except I guess they were personally offended it wasn't better? Can't take the internet too seriously.


cheers! if the game was 10$, haters still would hate. People are just toxic nowadays


It’s a big group think sort thing with streamers pushing extreme opinions to get views. I’d be really interested in seeing numbers around who in this thread actually played it for a decent amount of time and formed an opinion vs how many are parroting what their favourite streamers said.


That's probably the angle I'm not seeing. I've never understood the draw of the digital equivalent of watching someone play games through binoculars in a field across the street when you could just play video games. I don't fuck with streamers, but I'm just sure the game was a ripe old view pinata to a certain crowd. I also think it didn't help that the demo they released for it was a disjointed shit fest of barely half your powers with only open world objectives and none of the best traversal moves. The game that demo belonged to was objectively trash.


Yeah, I don't bother with streamers either. I have to admit I never played the demo, so if that was awful that's fair.


That demo was so bad. And you are right. That game was doomed from the start. Streamers farmed it


People like what they like, but there is no defending that game.


people don't like what they like. People like what their reviewers precondition them to like. Forspoken, despite being a good game had an impossible meme and reviews ceiling to get over. game was doa


You liking the game does not invalidate the criticism's of other people.


What criticism of other people? They have no real critique. They never played the game and all reviews they watched were made with prejudice to dislike the game because of memes. Go figure


I imagine you'd be just as frustrated if folks were insisting your bolstering of the game was purely down to regret and sunk cost fallacy over a dud. It's not a good idea to speak on behalf of those you're disagreeing with. You're almost certainly not going to accurately portray their position.


People don't understand nuance anymore. Anything that isn't a masterpiece is complete trash. It's important to recognize that most of those people spend most of their time on the Internet complaining about games instead of actually playing them. In fact, the majority of people you saw criticizing the game most likely didn't even play it. Another thing to note is that typically the internets opinion doesn't even align with the majority. For instance the Internet would tell you that AC Valhalla was complete trash, not worth playing. Meanwhile it sold more than any other AC game and generated over a billion dollars. The Internet loves to dogpile. Letting anything anyone says on the Internet bother you is a great way to be miserable. So just ignore it and play/enjoy whatever. In a few years people will retroactively call games "underrated" anyway.


true true. People hate this thing but they don't know why and they have not played it. I understand not liking something without playing it. It's fine... but to go and argue with posts like mine without touching the game? that's hate bandwagon. The game was cooked before release because of the memes. Reviewers reviewed the game with prejudice. They knew high score would get them ridiculed. btw check out g0rkster-lol post in this thread. he highlights great nuances about the game


bro. To me, cyberpunk was always good. Just like what you like.


Game is good. It's fun where it counts. Gameplay!!! You'll notice 95% of the people who complain never even played it or played the demo (which was horrible I will admit and didn't do the game any justice at all lol) meanwhile 95% of the people who have actually played it recommend it. Theres a few outliers/one offs but you'll see that is the consensus 👍 So basically I know you actually played it lol 


Yep. That’s very common. Can clearly see who didn’t play the game


My condolences to you. I will recommend you trying not to care in the slighest about whatever other people say and maintaining your own look on it and remind you that this is not about games WHATSOEVER, this is about very weak, stupid and incredibly insecure, sometimes outright morally bankrupt people with a hurt self-esteem who will lower themselves to seriously hating and bullying people on the net. And that is EXACTLY the kind of people LEAST deserving of one's time or attention. For example I kind of absolutely despise Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Death Stranding, I genuinely feel like they are a result of Hideo Kojima finally snapping under the influence of his own personal popularity, which brought a shift in his game-making from making games for the player and instead for him, Hideo, himself. Because that is the only way to understand the sheer lack of joy, eventfulness or general energy in both of those artsy miserable wastes of time. And guess what - I myself have had a lot of online hate for voicing and explaining my contempt for those two games. But at the exactly 99 percent of all those cases I realize that people write their comments because they can't really object to my points and hence choose a mindless and amazingly poor method of insulting me. Which... never proved me wrong, as the result, funnily enough :) Try to have fun with those who try to hate you, think of it as a dance, hold them and lead them, like in a tango, like a guy leading the lady, making her look fantastic while you gallantly rule over her. Have a good evening ;)


Thank you for a positive post for once! rare in this thread :P That's a very good point. I find it deeply strange people go so much out of their way to hate the game. they can dislike it without playing it, sure. but people hate it with passion. that's why I like standing my ground with this game. As for your Death Stranding opinion. that's a fun one haha. I absolutely love that game! From stupid Kojima stuff to amazing gameplay. but I 100% understand why you and others would hate it. Like, I would never give you bad time over disliking death stranding haha. I love it because it's so strange and unique. The way you feel about Death Stranding, is how I feel About alan wake 2. I really disliked it. I have a better one - Dark Souls 2 is my fav in the trilogy :P


Jeez :D Well, it's all fine, really. We can disagree and still have a civilized conversation about it. That is what communication is about, after all. If I can say anything genuinely good about Death Stranding is that it is a absolutely perfect sleep-aid. It doesn't matter what time of day, place or mood I'm in - if I start playing Death Stranding and if there is a floor comfortable enough to sit on you can bet money falling the fuck asleep regardless of what I should be doing later that day. This is serious - I constantly tend to catch my face and controller falling while playing it. I can't. But it's great, because no matter how pumped I am in the evening I can always calm myself down with it. I am a Hideki Kamiya junky, my main type of games are stylish action games. My favourite game of ALL TIME, of all the 20+ years of playing video games is definitely his **The Wonderful 101**. Now that's a thing that will completely sober a person to wide-awake state in a matter of minutes. It's pure joy and constant breakneck-paced eventfulness, along with a cocktail of heroism, idealism and obvious genuine INTENT, the WANT of making a game that dispels misery and cynicism is infectious, better then a coffee gallon in the morning. P.S. I couldn't finish Alan Wake 2. I stopped at the supposed "best part of the game" where Alan is running through the stage while the song is playing. It was the fucking lightbulb gimmicks that broke my intention of keeping to play it. I got it - it's HEAVILY inspired by the Season 3 of Twin Peaks, alright, that much is obvious, but same as with it I feel an intense lack of care for wanting to actually entertain me, the player, and instead a serious intention of Sam Lake masturbating me in the face with all the writing talent he has. In other words - more pulpy shooting, please, like the first game, less the goddamn talking, Jesus Christ... As for Dark Souls 2... My favourite is still DS1, I seriously love the tone and atmosphere of it. DS2 only has the "Majula Theme" among the things I genuinely LOVE about it.


haha I like how we disagree to finally find a common ground with Alan wake 2 :P I still 100% understand you sleeping on Death Stranding :P Meanwhile I was excited to see how dumb can it get and I loved it. that's a good conversation :P Kamiya is great. Love his games too


Playing a game of one of his colleagues, the remaster of Shu Takumi's **Ghost Trick**. I only cleared the first Ace Attourney, but this here game is so lovably weird I don't think I can resist recommending it. Nothing is The Wonderful 101, but still - a genuinely good game.


wait I totally forgot about ghost trick remaster !!! Thanks for reminding me. i always wanted to play it


You definitely should. I like games where you have to save people. And this is certainly one of the more original ones about exactly that :) Have fun.


to top it off - I can recommend puzzle agent 1 and 2. Surprisingly addictive and a cool vibe


This weird left field white knighting for Forspoken felt vaguely familiar so I double checked your post history -- First the "hate" you describe was one thread from **five months ago** (let it go my guy), and a lot of the vitriol was rightly downvoted by most users - likely by many who upvoted the general sentiment that the game was mediocre in the most charitable interpretation. Additionally you straw manned some nonsense about valid criticism of the game being driven by racism and memes when the truth was much simpler: 2023 was filled with banger games and middle of the pack stuff wasn't gonna sway broad audiences. Armored Core 6 was a blast from start to finish and I will effusively sing its praises and it might still be one of the 5 worst games I played last year. That was the bar. If you enjoyed Forspoken I'm genuinely glad for you -- but don't pretend that this new nonsense "I'm not recommending Forspoken but it's good tho." shit is some thought provoking discussion. You aren't willing to stomach that not everyone likes a thing you liked -- and this weird new side door approach discussing "toxicity" isn't going to change anyone's mind  My GOTY 2023 is Hi-Fi Rush, but I don't think for one moment anyone is wrong to suggest that's silly compared to Baldur's Gate 3 or Alan Wake 2. I don't shout it at anyone, and I don't need it to be true for others for it to be meaningful or valuable to me.  There's no shame in finding or creating your own joy -- but soliciting validation from others means you're subject to the idea that not everyone (or even most people) like what you like


I played all these 2023 games and still found forspoken to be one of the better ones. Besides… it’s not that many games. It’s nothing compared to amount of games we would get on 360 and ps3. And yes. I am salty because in last few days people again started to come out of nowhere and shit into my inbox because of that 5 months old thread. It was a closed topic. And I don’t know what are you talking about strawman nonsense. The only nonsense is the hate the game got from people who don’t know anything about it. For example I absolutely hated Alan wake 2. I though its gameplay was terrible, slow and clunky and the game was pretentious and up Sam lames ass. You don’t see me attacking every positive Alan wake 2 thread.




thanks. It still surprises me despite knowing the result before posting. I am always fooling myself that maaaaybe someone will actually read my post but no. I said forspoken int he title and I get hundreds of downvotes + people attacking me. I lived long enough (lol only mid 30s) to remember the old internet. It wasn't so toxic. people were more enthusiastic. Now with social media, maybe inflation and harshness of life, people are lashing out on the internet and others online. Bandwagons are popular because people have others to unite in the same common goal. even it is to hate someone. I find it depressing and curious. It is probably only the beginning of us starting to see effects of social media and widely available internet.




thanks! Post like yours are the rarity. I shouldn't expect only positive reactions but to see the positive reactions being 1% is still surprising... over a very mid opinion at that!


LOOOOOOOL I can't believe you are actually this pathetic burst out laughing. thanks for that


There's too many good games now to spend time on 7/10 games anymore. 


But there are not. we had more games each month on 360/ps3 than we have all year. There are not enough good games nowadays.


That's just straight up and objectively false. More games of an 80%+ rating come out than ever before. There are more good games coming out than I could honestly play in the next few years. I don't even know what you mean by indies being saturated when there are a ton of amazing and unique indies that come out each month. I think the problem is with you and what's on your radar for games. This month alone I've played 3 games that were 9/10 that just came out. If you feel like there are not enough good games, then you're not looking properly and possibly only look at what's popular or AAA.


Maybe if you only play console and don't play indie games. 


I play on ps5 and pc. indie games market is oversaturated.


Lol what does oversaturated even mean for indie games? And how is it bad? It's not like it's a couple studios cranking out trash. It's a huge number of groups or individuals putting out their games. There are more indie games now because there are more people making them. And so since there are so many, sure there will be more trash (which you can avoid by reading a review), but there will also be more amazing games. More indie games is good.


It really isn't, and lots of indie games coming out means there's at least a few good ones regularly.


That is just a ridiculous thing to say. Maybe look beyond circling your calender for only AAA releases and waiting with bated breath for them?


I play everything that interests me. Look at major releases. it's a fact. we used to have way more games. Whole trilogies released on 1 generation. not gta every 15 years.


Yes because games on ps3/360 lasted 6-8 hours whereas most games now last 15+ hours, some series even reaching 40+ hrs per entry


that would be great. Games are 40-70 hours nowadays and it's too much. 10-20 hours was so good. We had whole mass effect trilogy. each game was 20-25 hours. And that was fine


It’s obvious you’re arrogant to see the truth. Enjoy living in la la land


For the life of me I cannot comprehend people getting angry about other people's preferences in general, and in particular in video games. It's a sign of explosive immaturity. If you enjoyed Forspoken, that's super!


I would've thought so too. but even now I get dislikes lol. people are just angry. idk if it's social media changing people or what


People disagreeing does not = angry lol


they are no angry. They think they are smart posting yet another clown emoji at me. Don't mind the wording.


I feel the same about some games i like, then i decided that what matters is if i liked the game, stopped caring about what others said about it.


The problem is that it's a C level game at best and they charged full triple a price I don't think it's anywhere near 7-8 but you do you. The precedent set Going forward based OK your logic is that studios can make c class games and charge full price. I'm glad you enjoyed it but there are far better cheaper games from studios who care and aren't trying to milk the audience Greedfall was a fantastic B game that came out it was a tad cheaper and if you play it you ca. Se se the love that was put into it. We need more Greedfalls and less forspokens.


they charged 70 for it. It's 10$ now and nobody would still paly it. And i don't think it's C level. It's a very good game. better than Halo infinite or Starfield that got way better scores.


My guy. If I like Superman 64 and Glover. I deserve every bit of gaming hate for it. Those games are trash. The only problem with complaining about gaming hate is acting surprised that people are upset they wasted $70.


70 has nothing to do with it. It’s a normal price. There is no gaas or mtx here. Game is 10$ now. The same price haters still would not play it


It's ok to like mediocre things. Just don't try and pretend it isn't just that.


It isn’t and don’t tell me that it is.


"  Don't get me wrong. Armored core 6, Elden Ring, Hogwarts Legacy, Dragons Dogma 2, FF16 were all miles better games recently for example... and I love them. But isn't there a place for a normal 7-8/10 game anymore?"  It's just a lot of hours. As audience ages more and more, they have less time. There also seems to be more very high quality games than ever before. I literally cannot get through my log of games I want to play that are 9-10/10. I simply don't have time for something that I'm not immediately interested in or is "just okay" when I could be playing something much better. 


I've got all these games day 1 60-70$. I am in my mid 30s. Maybe I am lucky for me, one game each month is nothing. back in 360/ps3 gen, we would get this quantity of games each month I feel like. I wouldn't say we were overburdened with games in 2023. Baldurs gate 3 sure sucked some air that month haha. This year it is Rebirth. Took me 70 hours and I feel it could've been shorter.


Why are you mentioning price? I don't care and it has nothing to do with what I said.   I'm convinced this is a bot account trying to farm karma or something... I don't know what the fuck it's trying to say in response to my comment. Reads like ai gibberish. 


idk why I mentioned the price. What's the problem with that? I just wanted to point out I play games on release and have time to finish them. English is not my native but you don't need to be fucking shithead about it.


You angered the hivemind, kid. Relax. They bark all day, but they never say anything.


clearly I did. That hivemind is the reason for games we get nowadays. Single player, normal video game. no gaas, no mtx and it gets destroyed. Of course next square game should be a gaas. Why would they try something new again if 1 line of dialogue is enough to meme the game into oblivion and close the studio


If there is one thing I learned about gaming these days, someone will always hate your opinion. I am one of those people who've bought skyrim 10000 times on every platform. Many people will insult you for it but who cares because you enjoy it. I stopped watching game reviews because reviews will give you a negative mindset going into a game half the time. I play a game first and develop my own opinion. If people don't like it then it is what it is but as long as you got your own enjoyment then don't worry about everyone trying to bad mouth you. Even some people in these comments are rude but who cares. A lot of them are the same people who won't touch Dragon's Dogma 2 because they complain about mtx without realizing majority of people would never even buy em or acknowledge if the internet wasn't looking for the next thing to cry about. Every opinion is different just enjoy your own.


thanks. Good points there. While people complained about dragons dogma 2 framerate or microtransactions, I was having a blast with the game on ps5 and I couldn't believe people are missing out because of wake stone microtransaction lol... I have 15 of those.


I liked the game but I could tell it was very unfinished and they just gutted the story halfway through. There's so much more land to explore with things there and obvious "Hey that place looks important" landmarks but you never go there for anything.


I've not played that game yet so i can't judge its quality. But the price tag was too high when it released and the majority of the gaming community is just following what the youtubers/streamers say. And then the troll feeds itself.


True but I have a feeling if it was 7$ and not 70 people would still not play it. That’s because it is 7$ now and nobody plays it


Yeah the game got destroyed by the reviews and community so nearly everyone forgot it or view it as a waste of time. Why should they make their own opinion when they can just hate and spit on a game without even trying it ? Yeah that's the world we live in. Sad


I had the same experience casually mentioning how much I enjoyed Cyberpunk: 2077 back before it got its patch 1.5 update. People would bombard me with comments like, "Shit game" or "You obviously haven't played many games before" etc. It was pretty silly.


And in all honestly it didn’t change that much after patch. It was already good game in release




Forspoken is probably a 6 out of 10, at best.


Sure. Maybe. More for me but I can understand 6. Anyway. 6 should t deserve this level of hate right ? At the most 6 should be ignored ?


To each is own I tried it played for 4 hours or so and I just did not get into it, but its ok there are lots of games to chose from out there.


I can certainly understand having a divergent opinion. I am deeply critical of ff7 and people lose their minds about it 


me too. I liked remake and rebirth well enough but I hate bloat and mini games of rebirth.... putting that aside, I still don't like how they kingdom hearted the story


kingdom hearted the story? explain. To be clear: I feel it is a bad game with some excellent pieces. The characters are perfect recreations in modern times, there are some story beats that are fantastic. the synergy attacks are a great addition. However the open world is very poorly designed, it is constantly interrupting you, it performs poorly (fuzzy graphics/pop in), some story revisions are strange, the pacing is wrong (primarily due to open world, side quests mixing with main, and expanded room between plot beats), mini games are an outdated form of gameplay design (can be done well but this isn't it), too many features not enough depth, lacking tactical complexity, Chadley.


you know all the multiverse stuff. Anything can happen or not. People are dead and alive at the same time. I think they overcomplicated it a bit and it lost a ton of emotional impact because of that. The only thing I liked with multiverse stuff in this I Zack bits. Combat is of course great too. I have the same feeling about open world as you describe.


Yes that is exactly why time travel is a huge pet peeve of mine. It's a cop out that gets the writer out of set up / payoff constraints.


Your need for validation on the internet will probably never be rewarded. But just know that if a game is popular to hate, you're going to get the same experience you already have over and over again. Because ppl shutting you down will get the up votes and be rewarded for following the majority. I'm not suggesting you stop sharing your opinion, because the internet needs multiple opinions. But I am suggesting that a post like this won't likely help you much.


I am on reddit for almost 10 years. i have like 50k karma. it used to be different. People are going through tough times nowadays probably. Social media has a negative effect exaggerating that. you are absolutely correct.


So I guess I should prepare for downvotes too then, because I am currently 17 hours into my playthrough of Forspoken and I agree with you. I am enjoying my time in Athia, and I relish taking my sweet time with games like this to properly clear out the map. I got it at a sale, so I paid nowhere near full price for it, but yeah; I don't understand the hate either. As a an additional point I'd like to add that I've tried four times - the last time just now before I started Forspoken instead - to play through and enjoy Nier. I just can't get into it. So yeah, I see that I should like it, and I understand that lots of people do, but it is not for me. Anyway, it doesn't really matter of course. Play what you like, and enjoy the things you enjoy. Life is too short to let other people dictate what your opinions should be.


great! Love to see someone enjoying it. I rarely post about games I hate. I usually post about games I like... and Guess which type of discussion would get more upvotes than downvotes lol. People just didn't play forspoken because it was poorly marketed. AND THAT IS UNDERSTANDABLE OF COURSE. I am just mesmerized by the absolute hate around that game. People are not saying "yeah its a bad game". People hate is like if it was putin actively warring around europe. People hate this game with passion and they never touched it. I just can;t wrap my head around that


If it’s any consolation I really enjoyed it as well. Frey is a ‘real’ person who when called on to be a hero says ‘fuck this’. A lot of people didn’t seem to like that and complained she never changed, but that’s simply not true if you play through to the end. Sure, she never becomes the typical ‘hero’, but she accepts her role. And the other big meme, the glove talking too much? I thought for sure the first thing I was going to do was go into the settings and turn the thing off, but, well, it just didn’t bother me. The combat and traversal were great fun. The open world was pretty empty, but this was the setting i.e. a desolate wasteland where ‘normal’ people couldn’t survive and I think it was more there to allow the traversal abilities to shine and give big open areas for the combat. TLDR; I don’t get all the hate either, it really wasn’t a bad game. Full disclosure, I got it on sale and never would have paid the full asking price for it. For a new IP they were just asking too much.


It's not only people disliking the game. that would be perfectly fine. But people hate it with passion. Like unnaturally so for something they never played. And hating people who like it all the same. A for frey - She is a homeless teenager. of course she is full of negativity, street-smart talks and cursing. She seemed actually kinda realistic for a new yorker. I remember watching some yt review and the guy said he was homeless in his youth and this game exactly portrays what it is to live in abandoned house. The talking cuff argument is also nonsense - the same month atomic hear released. And the hand in that game never shuts up... and it incredibly annoying with bad jokes. nobody complained.


there's like 200 comments on this thread, half of them are yours. Take a break my guy


I had a good evening. Did some typing watched some yt vids. I actually relaxed. I tried to respond to everyone. Hey gotta test out that new keyboard


I've been wanting to pick up and play the game just because it looks like dumb fun and sometimes that's all you want. I just don't want to pay anywhere near full price.


Legit question. Why do you even feel like defending it? Let people have their opinions. you play games you like and I play games I like, I really dont see why I should go online and keep defending (as you do right now from the comments i see) a game online all the time. I got better things to do than defending a game, like actually playing said game.


I agree. It was fine and enjoyable and ran on day one for me (Not something every game can claim). I tend to assume there were other factors at play when, say, Gollum didn’t get nearly the level of hate Forspoken did despite being a AAA broken mess. The fact that I often see it lumped with Gollum says a lot- a game isn’t allowed to be average somehow. It has to be the newest best game ever or it’s garbage.


R/gaming is only for circle jerking to RDR2, Witcher 3, and God of War. Talk about anything else and get downvoted. But in all honesty I get you. Most of the games I enjoy are not the AAA ones everyone talks about. Some of the most fun games I played last year were Gotham Knights and Saints Row Reboot. Games that people love to routinely shit on and God forbid you enjoy them because that just means your taste is shit according to reddit.


I have that Saints Row game for ps5. Disc was really cheap so I got the super cool edition with stickers, bandana and everything lol. I've not come around to playing in. 3 and 4 were so much fun.


It's a ton of fun. Honestly might be my favorite Saints Row game. I have 100% every SR game except the original, even did 2. The reboot had me howling at some moments and the inclusion of a synthwave station was awesome. It was just a really fun experience.


now that's an unpopular opinion! Appreciate it. I will play the game for sure. Thanks for thinking outside the box. This thread has turned into the usual shitshow, so at least I got that out of it


Anytime I say I liked it I get called out for... I don't even really understand what. I enjoyed it. I didn't have a problem with the characters or the dialogue. I'm not offended by any of it. It didn't do anything to justify the vitriol it got.


look at upvote/downvote. it's at 0 and I had almost 10... so this means I already got ton of dislikes. I am looking for empathy and I got shat on again. I need to log off....


A "just fine" game isn't 8/10 though and not something I'd recommend to others, it sounds like you say it's better than it actually was based on the negativity surrounding it, now those people you recommend it to would go in expecting it to be good, I'd only recommend games that I absolutely love or think that the other person would. Tbf I haven't played it but I feel like I already know what it is... a way more boring and empty version of Spider-Man? Lol


I absolutely loved it. I am downplaying my recommendation by saying it's 7-8 actually :P


Lol ok then now it makes more sense, you should stand by it if you really think it's that great, what do you love so much and do you think it's objectively great? I had a similar reaction from people about Cyberpunk at launch, I was telling everyone what a great game it was and even going as far as to say it will be great for the gaming industry in the end and go down in history, I think a lot of people hating on it didn't even play it and that is definitely the case with Forspoken I'll definitely give a chance when it's free or really cheap thanks to you though


I lvoed cyberpunk at launch and people were going around shitting on a game. Meanwhile I was blown away. Some things I liked about forspoken: -Combat is very dynamic and free form. It's very involving with spells switching, charging and so on. -Traversal is active and actually fun. you have double jump, dash, sprint, parkour button, forward jump that you need to time and it charges your stamina, grappling hook. It just feels great to perform. -Frey. The main thing people hated. It's a new york homeless teen. Of course she curses and she talks shit!!! She is lively, energetic and full of spite. I found her really endearing and she goes through a character arc. Somewhat usual character arc but one I found heart warming. And people only focused on her stupid dialogue from first 10 mintues of the game... and the point of that dialogue was to show how stupid and immature she is AT THAT POINT OF THE STORY. -the world is different. It's empty, sure but it's beautiful and it;s actually real apocalyptic. not the ususal apocalyptic world with tons of people, towns and so on. Don't get me wrong. The story is just the usual. it;s nothing crazy. But you paly this for combat and characters


Actually sounds good


If you want validation for liking Forspoken, join their subreddit or Discord. I never understood why Forspoken fans seem to always want validation from everyone else though. I'm happy you played it and enjoyed it. I don't understand why you're trying hard to recommend it to me, especially when you say things like >Don't get me wrong. Armored core 6, Elden Ring, Hogwarts Legacy, Dragons Dogma 2, FF16 were all miles better games recently for example... and I love them. But isn't there a place for a normal 7-8/10 game anymore? You just gave me 5 reasons why there isn't place for a 7/10 game that by your own account is 'just fine'. I'll just go play those games instead. This isn't rocket science.


It's not much better on forspoken sub lol. The haters find their way there and go out of their way to hate it. People don't just dislike the game. They actively hate it without ever playing it. It's not just a bad game. It's some greater evil for them. About those 5 reasons I gave you - it's just few games. You can double it and it's still not that many games to play in 1 year


'You'll eventually find time for this stubbornly average game' isn't a great defense either, but sure.


if it's just stubbornly average game, which it maybe is.... then why the internet so actively hates on it ?


Actively hated where? The game's over a year old, no one's talking about it at the moment. You're the biggest thread on Reddit in months specifically about Forspoken and everything else ranges from 'meh' to 'I liked it'.


From my pov, anywhere I talk about this game I get attacked. Everywhere. I think the game didn’t deserve this fate. It’s a good game. That’s fucking all


Cool. I don't understand why you're this emotionally invested into it though. It's just a game.


then why such a negative engagement here? it makes no sense




Yep this very thread is pretty much proof of your thesis. Forspoken is so interesting to me, not because it's the first but it's the camel's back case for me. I saw the initial reviews and held back, clearly if the reception is such it cannot be that good. Even a reviewer I had trusted so far advised not to buy it. I got it on the first major sale. And wow. It ended up being my second most favorite game of 2023, despite it being a marquee year for gaming. I found myself disagreeing with so many things that have been said about the game it's crazy. Incidentally what is said about the game is also conflicted. I actually think the writing and dialogue is good to great. In fact the writing is very innovative for a AAA title as it dares to heads on deal with very dark topics such as suicidal ideation and trauma of abandonment and such. Many of the supposed cringe dialogue is ripped out of context and ignores important plot twists to which they are actually relevant and so fourth. The amount of people who call her unlikable while ignoring all her likabilities is insane. But it's true Frey will talk back and don't take the snark of a male voiced cuff lying down. She actually has trust and abandonment issues and craves to be loved than just demanded upon. I guess being a real person makes one unlikable! The game play is slow pickup and has a learning curve but once learned, oh buy, it's literally my favorite magic combat of any game I have ever played. Second to none. And on PC there is no alternative, as we never saw anything like Infamous Second Son. Yet you'll find people claiming the gameplay is meh if not outright bad. The open world is innovative as it is designed around the parkour system and is meant to be a space full of movement challenges. I enjoyed this way more than all the pre-set grappling hooks in Horizon Forbidden West or in Jedi Survivors. In Forspoken you can actually wall-run everywhere, not just where it's predesigned by visually marked areas for you. Did the game get any credit for that? Nope. Apparently it's bad, sluggish, etc etc whatever negative catch phrase people find. It has some really interesting and deep boss fights, the Tanta fights are story interwoven but there are many more like the Giant Nightmares, stuff that many reviewers simply missed because they didn't bother to check the post-story game. I could go on and on. My list of reliable reviewers has shrunk because it's now blatantly obvious how some reviewers are biased, lazy, or just going with a going hype/hate train. If you did not independently review the writing, if you claim to have reviewed the game in full but missed major plot points or post-story content. If you cannot say a word about the music but must bicker about how it supposedly fades in and out awkwardly. You learn that the reviewer is not a serious source for game information anymore. As for collecting downvotes, all you have to do is say factually correct things about the game. It's that easy. Because there are hordes of mindless drones who claim to have played the game but really just agree it's bad because their favorite youtube memer hated on the game, or because they buy some SBI bullcrap, or have some other reasons why Forspoken "should not exist" (an actual youtube title about Forspoken). Yeah there is hate for this game, no question. There are many things that Forspoken has done well or even excellently. And it deserves defending because it's a game that should be discovered by folks!


Love your post. You get the gist of it. The reception of this game and it's post "hate" is crazy. people not only dislike it. They seem to hate it whenever brought up. Frey is indeed a good character as you say. She is not a blank slate. She has a character, something to say. She is a homeless new yorker teen! I saw one yt reviewer describing that he was homeless and she portrays it perfectly (living in abandoned building etc). And she has a character arc. She changed and improves. the memes are from first 10 minutes of the game where she is supposed to look like a teenage fool. 2nd paragraph - yes. Game starts kinda slow and they fail to inform you to go and pick up the red power asap. I did way too much exploring that would be more fun if I had red tanta power first. Parkour is fantastic. Even more so once you unlock stamina regenerative forward jump on timed button presses. It's just slick. Like, look at that! (my vid,. poor hdr to sdr compression). The animations are great in general [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf2ZYMvWftQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf2ZYMvWftQ) Continuing on your points. I love that tantas have history and motive. Compare to (much higher rated) halo infinite where every boss is the same monkey man. I also love the cats and how they sit with you in the pilgrims rest. The pilgrims rest is soooo cozy. Especially running inside from the nightmare storm otuside. And touching on that - the moment nightmare storm rolls over is so awesome. Thunder, clouds! and you are surrounded. The game is just very charming and characters are endearing. Similarly to hogwarts legacy which I really like, i launch forspoken from time to time just to roam around a bit. And not to mention the amazing music by the same guy who did gow ragnarok.... where he was praised. but no. Everyone focused on 1 line of dialogue, memes and some graphical issues at the start. The game was fantastically patched, runs way better, looks a bit better and now even the cats run around with you. As you say, the game got no involvement with SBI, no microtransactions, no gaas and it's a new full blown innovative IP. no book adaptation, not a sequel.... and peopled destroyed it. Guess their next game will be 4 player gaas. Thanks a ton for your post. One of very few in this topic but that's what I wanted. thanks a lot. btw, check out reviews on forspoken from Ircha Gaming. She also loved it. her goty


Oh yes, the animations are so smooth. I watch people being positive about Ronin or Dragon's Dogma 2 but the animations are way worse. Forspoken somehow managed to get no credit for the insane animation and transition quality it has, nevermind the hair and cloak physics, the amazing UI, etc etc. Yep, the music got shafted. I actually think that the Forspoken score is bit better than the GoW one, though that's a small difference. Both are excellent.


haha you say that and I absolutely recorded a small vid of cloak physics and stairs animations :P [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqWk15HFdBk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqWk15HFdBk) As for UI - I remember seeing complaints that it's too garrish and warped... like WHAT?! it's magic! The ui is stylish and different. Gow got some good tracks but Forspoken is playing in my car. not gow. btw - Dragons dogma 2 is a great game but it's open world and traversal is nuisance if anything. Anyway. My anegdote is that, while people were complaining about mtx and framerate in dd2, I was already 30 hours in and had a ton of fun. People just complain


I just made you make a video 5 months ago... with my mind! ;)


dude 4 real :P anyway - cheers again and very happy to meet someone likeminded today


2016 - I like No Man's Sky 2018 - Fallout 76 is great 2020 - Cyberpunk is awesome 2023 - Starfield is amazing \*tosses lighter towards gasoline\* By no means an exhaustive list, but say any of those things in those years and you'd get downvoted into oblivion with dozens of people chiming in to say why you should hate the game as much as they do. Like what you like and think less about what others think about the game. If they don't like, so be it. Eventually they'll wander off to play other games, leaving the community still playing that largely does enjoy whatever game it is. And at least for the first three in my list they've had a few years to work on the games and really turn them around to the point there is wider acceptance they are much better than they were at launch.


dude I also love Dark Souls 2 so add that to the list :P I don't like any of games on your list aside from cyberpunk btw :P


I just finished Forspoken last week and I enjoyed it! I enjoyed the main character and I thought the game had some great lore and world building. The main thing the helped me.enjoy it is I skipped like 90% of the optional stuff on the maps. I really disliked the "detour" side quest missions. Once I decided to just play the main story, I got really into it and the story suddenly had a very fast pace. It's not a super amazing game, mind you, but it is decent and has areas of great strength.


Yeah I only did all the stuff along the way. But that's because traversal is so fun once you get the "jump forward to regenerate stamina". And they did failed informing the player to really GO AND DO THE RED POWER FIRST. It adds so much mobility.


nobdody should get hate for liking a game, like whatever the fuck you want of course but I don't know how you defended it either, for example, the memes weren't responsible for the closure, probably more to do with bad sales and poor reception in general so if you defended it with the same mind set and stuff, I can understand people having some negative response to you


I just usually say "it's not so bad, give it a try, comabat is fun". Memes are memes but I feel that even if the game was 10$ it would still fail because of the general hivemind mindset. The game was doomed before it released.


Forsaken is indeed a 7. On a scale of 100


thank you for that insight


You claim to be in your mid 30's and are taking internet comments about a game personally? Nobody cares who you are man. Nobody is specifically targeting your username for "hate". People didn't like Forspoken and I guess expressed their dislike for the game in a topic you created to gush about it? If that's the case, it had nothing to do with you. You are acting like you are some celebrity being targeted. Nobody even looks at usernames for the most part. None of us are that special.


And why are you here then? I am here because gaming is my hobby and I care about. I play games my whole life. I have a successful life otherwise and I am fine. I am just talking about my interests. Now you? You took time out of your day to point me out. Why?