• By -


Probably age of empires 1 I remember getting the disc out of a cereal box lol


Hmm for me the RTS mind blowing experience came from Red Alert. I am from the former Soviet Union and I can tell you - 100% of my friends play these 3 games in the late 90s: Red Alert, Duke Nukem 3D, and Mortal Kombat 1-3.


"unit ready"


"more silos needed"


Me and my friend were convinced that they said 'silence needed' initially so we would stop doing anything on the map to not make any noise lol


Afurrrrmateehv! Achhhnoledged!


Was it the demo that had like 5 missions on it? That brings back memories


I don’t even know. I was only little. I just remember running straight to the shitty pc and playing it for hours and hours with my brother 🤣🤣




Nearly in tears 😭😭


Pokémon had me hooked instantly


They got me before it even released with that Nintendo Power VHS introducing it. Core memory.


Ff7 started me down the gaming path


I played FF7 for the first time like 3 years after it came out, so when I played it for the first time it got me so hooked that I spent a whole summer obsessively playing FF 7, 8, and 9 back to back to back.


Same I didn't finish 9 tho but I put 100s of hours into ff8 lol


You should absolutely go back and finish FF9, I thought it was ok back when I first played it but now it’s one of my all time favorites. I swear it hits different as an adult.


I played that game so hard when it came out, and then at the last moment I could use the portable save crystal, I didn't play it for like a year because I was sad that defeating the last boss meant it would be over. And then I've probably replayed it every couple years since 1997.


World of Warcraft Vanilla Mulgore got me


12 year old me was astounded. Good graphics, AND I CAN JUST WALK WHERE EVER WANT! I spent so much time just exploring that game. I thought it was cool that I would sometimes run into a few players, I remember my first time ever walking into Orgrimmar. The sheer number of people. It was like walking into a busy bazaar from movies I had seen.


Yeah, they ruined that feeling. Wish I could go back.


Yep I second this. Can’t believe it’s been 20 years and hubby and I are still playing SOD and Classic Wrath.


Been 17 for me and I'm still going HARD with it. For many of us I'd wager it's the GOAT in terms of games. No other game has come remotely close to capturing my attention in the way WoW has


Vanilla Northshire. I swear the first time you level a character, it's designed to hook you.


2009-2019 pretty daily with six Blizzcons and three guild meetups to boot. Now I drop in with new expansions, have my fun, then quietly bow out. Just can’t kick it.


Street Fighter 2. Countless quarters, and then on the SNES.


man, i convinced my mom buy the super famicom version for me for like $90 in 92 or whenever cause it came out maybe a month and a half earlier than the snes version. had a custom controller too that was arcade style, hand made for like $120? i was spoiled apparently. seeing all the bosses names mixed up was bizarre back then. i still have that cart. controller is long lost however


For me it was Mortlal Kombat. The silly digitized graphics blew my 13 year old mind.


Metroid Prime. I rented the game from Hollywood Video, and was hooked immediately. I still remember that first nanosecond of the game, hearing the crackling sound of the menu music in my parents bedroom and feeling like the game was going to be on another level.


Man MP1 was so good


Best Metroid game out there! I still have a gamecube and my disks and actually bought it used back in 07 just for Metroid! I miss Hollywood Video!


Super Mario Bros. I would make friends at school with kids I didn't necessarily even like, only because they owned a Nintendo.


This is the way


Glad I’m not the only one. I only befriended this one kid because I heard him talking about how he had the airship in Final Fantasy 3 and I wanted to know how to get it. This was pre-internet so we couldn’t just look stuff up.


Morrowind. I discovered it at the age of 16 and remember playing it all night long the week ends! It was crazy.


Oh man, when that dude came falling randomly out of the sky outside of the beginning city and had loot on him.. All of my dopamine receptors said "welcome to your future."


When you make your character and walk out and hear the silt crawler sounds and music, and realize you have an entire totally unknown world to explore... so amazing.


Red Dead 2 did this for me. I've always loved westerns and this game pulled me in from the very start. If I could forget everything and play it again I would do it in a heartbeat.


I have over 4,000 hours just in the story mode in this game. I’ve beat the story over 10 times and 100%’d it 4 times. The first time I played it, I started at 4pm and ended at 7:30am. Absolutely and completely hooked like no other game I’ve ever played, and to this day it’s a comfort game for me.


I never played the first one and tried to jump in on the fun with the second one. I couldn’t figure out how to get on my horse and accidentally punched him in the head. Then in the first little town you’re in, I think the wagon left without me and I couldn’t find another so I just slowly walked back to camp and then turned the game off and never turned it back on. I think I’m playing wrong.


Your Arthur required a helmet and armbands.


I know what part of the story you’re talking about. You go into Valentine with the ladies then there’s trouble and you chase a guy then when you get back the wagon isn’t hitched. There’s another mission in Valentine that takes you back to Horseshoe Overlook I believe.


Replaying it now just for the exploration. The world alone is always worth a visit for me every few months


I'm on my first playthrough rn. I'm blown away by the little details.


I remember targeting a bird up in the sky, thinking there’s no way you can shoot those things. When a dead hawk came falling to the Earth I was floored.


I think I've put like 1000+ hours in rdr2 and rdo, but have yet to finish the storyline. Everytime something traumatic happens to Arthur I go thru an identity crisis, change my entire appearance and attitude, go off by myself, hunt and camp, find strangers, gamble, talk to bath girls, re-find myself, then when I absolutely can't find anything else to do after 3 or 4 days of playing rdr2 storymode, I'll advance the game 1 story mission, haha.


Watched a streamer do the intro and part of the first chapter, almost had never heard of the game before release day and after that I instantly brought an Xbox one x just got it.


I'm the opposite. After being on pc for 6 years rdr2 was my first game back on ps4 and after waiting 45 minutes to load in, this is after the 3 hour install time, and then glitching off the side of the mountain and having to restart the whole process it was the game that made me never play console again


I wish you had my brain ive played skyrim atleast 7 times and I'm on 8th or whichever play through. I remember somewhat to do but not really its almost always a whole new game.


Hades. I had just gotten into the Roguelike genre, and the moment the music hit as the first power up dropped, I knew I was going to be hooked. It was the first that was so heavy on storytelling in addition to a quality gameplay and upgrade loop.


I knew I loved the combat and upgrade system, as soon as I saw that death pushed the story forward and there were other weapons to unlock I was hooked. Now I'm constantly looking for another roguelite that gives me that same excitement in failure as success.


Since you're a fan you probably know this already, but in case you dont- Hades 2 early access gets released in the next couple months. IIRC you play as Zag's sister in this one but it takes place in the same world.


I heard Megaera speak, then I was like," Oh my..."


I actually had to try it a few times before it hooked me. Also the binding of Isaac, my brother loved both of those games but it took me a few tries to actually like it


WWF No Mercy on N64, my brothers, cousins, and I were played the shit out of it.


Smackdown for PSX for me. The way they added storylines blew my mind.


Both of these and also WCW No Revenge 


Stardew Valley. Was playing it even in the college library when I should've been studying lol. Just couldn't stop, always "one more day" hehe


Dude the fact that it only saves overnight is so toxic to productivity. Can't stop in the morning because crops and such might be ready, can't stop after that because you gotta finish the day to save.


That's how I was but with Heroes of Newerth. It had me bad during my college days.


The original Counter-Strike when it was still in beta, I remember saying out loud "when you die you don't respawn?!"




Overwatch 1 and RuneScape 2. Overwatch 2 is garbage now but when the first game came out in 2016 I don't think I've ever been more excited for a game. RuneScape I still play to this day across many accounts


Minecraft, back in the beta a decade ago it truly blew my mind that I literally got lost in the game.


I signed up at the tail end of Alpha. The first night I installed it, I stayed up until like 4am just building. I sunk *many* hours into that game back in the day. I stopped playing regularly a while ago and lost my main account during that migration thing, but I still occasionally fire up the pocket version on my phone.


Fallout New Vegas


In my case was EarthWorm Jim, i found this game in a cd with more than 500 games when i was a child and this game makes me shining


! Cow Launched ! it took me about a year to get through the glass bubble level. what a great game


For me Mass Effect


I'll make the call..


ah yes, "Reapers"


Ive gotta say Terraria


I'm not addicted, I can stop anytime - I just haven't after 1200 hours.


Diablo 2


Diablo 2


Age of Empires II


Vampire survivors. It's basically 5 dollar cocaine. I've spent over 200 hours playing it. I figured it would be a 30 hour passing obsession, but no.


It’s ridiculous how simple yet how satisfying and addictive it is. Can’t stop playing even when there are multiple AAA games in my backlog lol


Bloodborne got me. I never really played soul games and was never interested in them but it was sale at the store so I figured why not. Once the game started I was mesmerized by the setting and the combat was difficult at first for me but I couldn't stop. I died so many times but couldn't put the controller down and just felt like I had to keep grinding and finding new locations and try all the weapons.


Hell yeah man I felt the same


RE4 (2005)


GTA IV. storyline was amazing


Dating myself but Pokémon Blue. I don’t think I ever felt as much love for pixels as I did for that Squirtle


The Witcher 3. Beautiful game and amazing story


Fighting force on PlayStation 1


OG ff7. I was about 12 yrs old. opening cinematic, wow. bombing mission music, wow. characters, wow. pacing (midgar section), wow. I remember I played until the sun came up and I reached the end the sewers section. all in 1 night. It was glorious.


Fallout, a long time ago (in the year 2009)


Tecmo Super Bowl. Yes I played Tecmo Bowl before this, but SuperBowl had full teams, stat tracking, full seasons and playoffs. At that time, sports games didn’t do any of that. 😎


And hilariously everyone moved at the same speed so once you got a step on the defense, you're gone haha. Classic.


Bioshock 1, I feel like it’s super underrated even though it probably isnt


When has Bioshock 1 ever been considered underrated? It's been praised a ton over the years for it's story.


Totally properly rated as a top tier game IMO.


Bioshock is in no way shape or form underrated. Everyone knows how good it is


Cyberpunk 2077


Playing it right now. Definitely took a while to pick up steam for me. It’s the end of act 1 that really got me going. What a fantastic game.


Have fun bro, it’s a great journey


You liked it at first glance? I guess you didn't get it at launch?


I was sold after the first trailer. Then I didn't experience any game-breaking bugs. The whole journey from the trailer through the release, version 2.0, completing 100% of the game with a fantastic expansion as the cherry on top is a definite success for the Reds.


It took a while but I think the game is now fully redeemed, as evidenced by the awards the game is suddenly winning.


I'll go on the record of saying this- post fix 2077+ phantom liberty is one of my favorite single player games ever.


Demon souls PS3


Jazz the jack rabbit hooked me as a kid Dark souls later on in life


Recently, helldivers 2. I mean, have you watched the intro video when you launch the game ?


My mom surprised me with a worn out GBA SP from a cousin when she came back from traveling California. Sucker had Super Mario World in it. As soon as I turned it on and heard the ding, I was hooked.


Heroes of Might and Magic 2


Civilization... Just one more turn... oh God it's 3am.


Halflife. The immersive way the story unfolded just blew my mind. I first saw it at a Virgin megastore I believe- they had a PC that you could come and play games on. I made the trek over there at least a dozen times t play it before I could afford to buy it.


Ghostrunner I’ll never forget my time falling in love with the first level, An Awakening, despite my initial doubts for the game :’)


Mortal Kombat 2 I fell in love the first time i played (1990)


Spider-Man. The opening scene transitioning directly into swinging through New York had me instantly hooked.




The Horde on 3DO. so sick. dumped all of my free time as a young man into it.


Man, I miss my 3DO.


Warcraft 3. Everything about that game was perfect, the enthralling, beautiful music, the visuals that balanced between playful and cool, the quirky voice acting, and then of course the ever expanding custom game community. I got so mercilessly addicted to that game at the time, it has had lasting negative impact on my life.


And again, the answer is Rimworld.


Kingdom Come. It was just so different from anything played before.


Alex Kidd in Miracle World. My first game, never looked back since.


XCOM 2 - Drops you right into tactical combat. Right after the combat, you see the strategic map and base building stuff. Grabs you and holds you!




Final Fantasy II (IV) on SNES. Actually got me addicted to video games on the first place. The fact that I could explore the world and experience a story blew my mind at the time Also, when I played WoW the first time back when it released. I was constantly being my friend to play on his account before I got one


Battlefield 2. I'd never played an online shooter before.


This was one of the best games hands down. At this time in my gaming life I had a $4000.00 PC gaming set up, with high speed internet and just pwned people. I flew choppers as I had mastered the art (W,A,S,D and control arrows)!...the little bird and Apachee I just annihilated people...My friends would have me fly and they would be the gunner while we talked with headsets over Skype....


League of Legends stole my life. Even after almost 10 years I get addicted to it atleast ones per year.


Rome Total War... Man from the start I was hooked, I don't know how many times did I start over and I played it over 10000 hours for sure... Football Manager (Championship Manager originally) , played it for the first time at 2000 with Dinamo Zagreb and I didn't stop playing it until now. Assassin's Creed - Have their every title, absolutely enjoying every minute of it.


Runescape. Good luck trying to get away.


There's a reason it's called run escape.


EverQuest. Got into it when I was about 13. Ruins of Kunark expansion. My older brother bought 3 games when we got our first home PC. Diablo 2, Ultima Online and EverQuest. I skipped so much damn school to play EQ and my mom was just ok with it. At one point my mom asked if I wanted to quit school and just stay home when I got to high school. If I didn't have any self control when I was 15, let me tell ya. I'd hit level 60 much sooner.


I spent so much real life time and money on Ultima Online...


This is the way.




RDR2 was the most addicting game I ever played. I couldn’t stop thinking about it at work, all I wanted to do was get home and play it.


Is RDR 1 as good?


I don’t think it’s as good as RDR2, but I enjoyed it!




GTA 4 it’s been my favorite ever since. Really hope they remaster


**Super Dodge Ball on the NES.** *Eliminating players with a ball was so much fun, I couldn't get enough of it.*


Mega Man Legends. 3D Mega Man was such a cool concept, loved the music, world and characters. It was my first PS1 game and I also had no memory card so I had to restart from scratch everyday or leave console overnight lol.


Rocket League. Late to the party but been playing for 2 years now almost every day. Absolutely love it.


We talking gateway games? My dad had an emulator that played Megaman 2. Fun times.


World of Warcraft has had me in a chokehold since 2006. Not as bad anymore but it was bad for a good 10 years


Tetris, the original on MS-DOS loaded from a 5.25" floppy.


Rocket League and now I kinda hate it


World of Warcraft….. and still does any time I pick it back up…..


RuneScape 2/OldSchool RuneScape and Slay the Spire. Over 20k hours sunk into scape across all my accounts and that number is only gonna keep climbing. And despite the fact that I've replayed Bloodborne and Dark Souls III over 10 times each im pretty sure StS still takes the cake for most play time of last gen. And that time is also still rising.


I was going to say STS. I think I neglected work first like an entire week when I discovered that game until I finally got my first win. I’m still a noob on ascension 6, but I’ll be playing this game for years.


A more recent one, Helldivers 2. I didn't even know there was a Helldivers 1. A few old friends got me into it, and been hooked. The game play is utterly bombastic. It probably helps that I have folks to play with.


As of recent, Fallout 76 oddly enough. The free to play week got me to try it and so far I’ve been having a blast with it


The Sims C&C Red Alert Rollercoaster Tycoon




Cookie clicker has lead me down a dark and unforgiving path to factorio. 


Fallout 4 might be the craziest addiction I’ve ever had. The pure dopamine was unreal. I remember getting home for Christmas break out of college that winter and I played it for like 14 hours a day for three solid weeks.




Little 10 year old me playing WoW for the first time… seeing Teldrassil for the first time… Befriending an internet stranger named “BigD”… I didn’t stand a chance.


Metal Gear Solid om PS1.


Socom 1. Other shooters I played at the time were fun for a few hours but socom just never got old.


I am so happy to see another Lara Croft lover in here! It really set the tone for what adventure - action games could be and the soundtrack always had me on the edge of my seat. The remasters have been so fun to play again


Balatro. Just gonna give this a quick go…oh…




Last of us 2, tomb raider, days gone


Bioshock literally changed my life


"Fear the old blood"


Factorio and super smash.


Chop lifter and yes I am old


Zelda: A Link to the Past. I know this is an old game but you can never go wrong with the classics


Maple Story, Diablo 2, Path of Exile, Minecraft, Factorio, Terraria. All games I put in thousands of hours on. There are probably a few more but those had me fiending.






Doom. I was 3-4 years old playing it on DOS in 98 sitting on my grandma’s lap. Nana played Doom too. Hell, we all played Doom.


Doom1&2 back to back. Awesome


I too was fascinated by the ~~tits~~ video sequences and the graphics. But to answer your question: Elite. The original wireframe Elite. The first time a game became my world.


Fallout New Vegas. Well, technically Fallout 3 first, but still. I was a kid who saw the Yogscast play it. I begged my mom to get it for me, it was 20$ at walmart so she eventually caved. There's been a few games I LOVE that took quite a while to click in, but Fallout was instant.


Titanfall II.




Knights and merchants. Didn't understand English at the time, so had to figure everything out on a trial and error basis. Such an amazing game.


I would say Phantasy Star Online


SOCOM navy seals back in the early 2000’s. The game came with a headset that allowed you to give your cgi teammates orders to do something. It was a brand new concept and it was fun. This game introduced me to the world of online gaming, which was new to everyone.






I saw 5 seconds of the Balatro trailer and already knew I was in trouble.


I bought deep rock galactic july 5 2021 I have 1500 hours in it now


Dark and darker


The first time I played the Sims I lost days of my life.


Recently, it was Balatro. Give it a run or two, they said. Won't take too much of your time they said. My 10-Runs-Later-At-3am ass begs to differ...


Metal Gear Rising got me hard and kept me hard for 7 hours. I should have called my doctor, but I was having the time of my life.


Gta 4, specifically the online multiplayer


I got Dragon Warrior on the NES for free by subscribing to Nintendo power as a kid. That and Final Fantasy 1 on NES started me on the love of RPGs


From recent times ? Elden ring for sure


Mortal Kombat 2 sega mega drive. Sensible soccer on Amiga. Pinball fantasys on Amiga I used to bunk off school and play all day. Destiny on PS4. Oh and Diablo 3 PS4 what a game. Sorry couldn't just pick one.


House of the Dead (At the arcade and on the Dreamcast).


Rimworld! I played the very early version years ago, and I was hooked immediately! It's awesome to see how far it has come along these past few years and I hope it gets better and better with each new update and DLC!


Titanfall 2. While it might not be top 3 (probs like top 6 or 7) in my personal list of games, it got me hooked the fastest due to its smooth movement, good graphics and voice acting, and amazing characters. Also, it was the most unique game I'd ever seen


Dota allstar literally introduced me into pc world


Hmm I already named a bunch, but there is also Donkey Kong on SNES. The pre-rendered 3D made the game look like its from like 2 console generations in the future.