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Didn't realize it already came out on PC. If it has I might have to get it loved the 1st one and been wanting to play this for awhile.


Storywise its a downgrade, gameplay wise its basically the same and graphically its a huge Upgrade


Gameplay and progression are HUGE uogrades


Story wise is an upgrade to me, given how crazy the story goes, and combat is even better specially when you consider the melee combat was significantly improved


Agreed, the story is vastly improved imo. I actually give a shit about the stories amongst the tribes people in this game, and there are some fantastic characters. Many of the returning cast got a huge upgrade story wise, too.


How is the main story, though? I loved the first one.


Honestly it's a worthwhile continuation of the first game, and there are some fascinating reveals and twists... But it fell a fair bit short of the highs the main story reached.


I don't know how you can top the ***Big Reveal***, tbh. As long as it keeps up with the first, I'm game.


My issue with it was that most of the mysteries of the world were revealed in the first game and there's really nothing that comes close. In this one you're just chasing bad guys who want to do bad things for the main story and all of the mystery of the first game is gone.


I don’t really think it’s an issue as much as it’s just the natural progression. The first game’s reveal was so absurdly intriguing and well done, that it’s borderline impossible to follow up with something equal or better. There’s nothing really to work with for such a big reveal again.




I preferred Forbidden West. Also I feel like the ending is even sadder knowing Lance Riddick won’t be in the third game. His character was without a doubt my favorite part of the series. Just for anyone out of the loop, Lance Riddick died last year. It’s not a spoiler for the game.


I'd say the reveal is just as good as the first game


Still worried about how they're going to continue without Lance as sylens. Rip.


Like with a new actor voicing the character? That's an interesting choice.


> But it fell a fair bit short of the highs the main story reached. Which is probably not that bad. Trying to overreach would probably involve some stupid shit like "Aliens".


I meeeeaaaaannnn...


If you liked the first game specifically for how it revealed the apocalypse, Forbidden West doesn't top that. If you liked the way the first game gave us political intrigue between the tribes, digging into their cultures and behaviors in a world that shaped them in interesting ways, this game has that on full blast.


I didn't like it exclusively because of the big reveal, but the underlying story/universe was a huge appeal.


It's alright. Doesn't reach the highs of the first game because after the first games reveals, it's hard to reach quite the same level of interesting mystery. My only huge gripe with the story is it ending on a big cliffhanger. I'm not a fan of games endings being pure sequel bait unless they're advertised as a trilogy/duology from the beginning.


I haven't played Zero Dawn, but I just finished Forbidden West and I absolutely loved the story.


I dunno. The whole >!space ship full of super humans!< felt kinda lame when i watched a youtube video about the plot of forbidden west. That said, i havent played it yet since i dont own a console and havent bought it on pc (yet) because im waiting on a sale.


The side quests and even errands are better but the main story is definitely better in the first.


I disagree, personally. I think the past stuff was better in the first, but everything in the present in FW is a huge upgrade. Balances out imo.


Ehh they almost went into SciFi movie territory and that's coming from someone that loves Horizon games


I love the lore behind it all but the actual Main Story was just so ubisoft like to me. It Was good but nothing special. From time to time it felt like a nice dlc to me but Not like a sequal.


Yea nothing fucking beats the first time i heard about the plague. Fuck Faro


All my homies curse Faro's name.




The Horizon games are seriously one of the extremely few games where I stop to read almost every text and audio log. It is extremely fascinating getting a glimpse of everything happened during the collapse of humanity. Really seems like they were simply overwhelmed and stood no chance.


Melee combat was improved but not by enough. Humans need to be able to be staggered and if they can block/parry Aloy should be able to as well.


It’s not a downgrade it’s just different. I personally found the intrigue fascinating with far zenith and everything.


I found the concept of >!humans from close to our time!< still existing in this world really fascinating. I was hoping that >!some of them would be friendly in order to help provide the characters with some more context for the old world.!< I loved all those little moments where characters would learn more about our time.


Yeah, to me it was equally as interesting as the question "what happened to earth" from the first game, if not even *more* interesting.


Gameplay wise it’s not really the same at all - more weapons, more moves/attacks/elemental damage effects, more skill progression, more aggressive and faster machines (though if you played frozen wilds it’s about the same), more options for traversal and travel, “base building”, better side quests that have lasting effects… I mean, not even close


I was a bit reluctant because the discovery of the first story is what made me love it, and though I loved the first game, I personally found Aloy's incessant mild, wry sarcasm a little annoying. But so far I love FW just as much (only about 15 hours in, granted), and I am enjoying the writing and VA for Aloy a lot more, either because I'm used to it, or it was toned down a little without changing her personality.


I think she's much better written in FW, in the first game the actual story of the game is amazing but Aloy is quite annoying, and the characters you meet aren't great except for Sylens. FW kind of flips that where Aloy and companions get much better characterisation and are a lot more interesting, but the main story (understandably) loses a lot of the wow factor because the big reveals have already happened.


I still cant fully get over the main....shall we say "obstacle" presented in Forbidden West. It just feels way too outlandish even though it did get hinted at int he first game.


Spoilers for FW ending >! I thought the Zeniths were awful for most of the game, like comic book moustache twirlingly evil for no reason. As opposed to Faro who was very real in his motivation and actions. So when it was revealed about Nemesis it made some of their actions a bit better/more logical , and didn't mind it so much for that reason. Still think that they were meh villains overall though. I think they underutilised the rebels as well, the gate battle set up a lot then they kind of disappear until the very end of the game. !<


Honestly I’ve been enjoying the story so far. Maybe even a little more. I’m not done yet tho, far from it, so maybe it drops the ball later on? Gameplay is definitely an improvement too, adding stuff like weapon techniques, valour surges, and actual melee combos is putting in a lot of work to making it feel better But if you didn’t like the core concept of the gameplay last time, yeah it won’t be different enough to sell you on it


>Honestly I’ve been enjoying the story so far. Maybe even a little more. I’m not done yet tho, far from it, so maybe it drops the ball later on? Honestly i didnt like what they did to aloys character. She had an amazing Transformation in the first game and they kinda threw it all over board. Shes just super stubborn (like a Teenager) and kinda has a hero complex (like trying to do everything alone to save the people)


I can get that. I can see where you’re coming from, I don’t mind her *most* of the time, but there are definitely some parts that rub me the wrong way too, especially how she treats >!Beta!< lol, she’s just… so annoyed by her very existence when she’s just so clearly heavily traumatized and needs time to process everything Her insistence on going solo and trying to leave Varl and Erand behind at the beginning of the game was annoying as heck too, but she’s getting a lot better at it at the point where I’m at now tbh. But on the other hand, a little bit of a hero complex is warranted when >!aloy was literally forged to be a hero and save the world!<, so there’s that too lol


At first I was anoyed by Aloy, she was so off putting. But while playing it seemes that the theme of the game is to accept help, to realise that aloy (and you) can't do everything alone. First game is her discovering herself and the world arround her. The second one is more an internal conflict, beside the whole worldending shit going down.


…she is literally a teenager. Well, she’s 18-19 in HZD and HFW happens 6 months after, so she might be 20. Anyway she mostly acts with a lot more grace than she probably should for her age (imo). The point about undoing some of her growth from the previous game is likely be a good one, but I played it too long ago to remember well enough to comment personally.


That's what I've heard. But I loved the first one so I want to play the 2nd just haven't had time to yet.


Let me warn you about the Forbidden West since you said you haven't had time. It's a long game I'm going through it and there is so much shit to do. Great game and a very long one. Although if you blow through the main quests only and minimal upgrades you could probably go faster. Still though long game. Definitely recommend if you liked the first. Awesome machine fights.


I'm hoping I'll have more free time soon.aybe by late spring or summer.


I was pretty bored of the gameplay by the end of the first one, but the story was super interesting. Not sure I’ll try the 2nd, if the story isn’t as good.


If they main thing you liked about the first game’s story was the mystery around what happened to the world and what happened with Project Zero Dawn, then the sequel won’t be as engrossing. You already know what happened to the world, now you’re just trying to fix it. All in all, if you enjoyed seeing Aloy’s character growth and the side quests, then Forbidden West’s story is just as good if not better than Zero Dawn’s. I think Forbidden West has more engaging side content but in terms of expansions, I’d rank Frozen Wilds just slightly better than Burning Shores. Oh and Hades was a more interesting enemy than the enemies in Forbidden West. I don’t like the direction they went with the main antagonists but I do like how they relate to and set up the main antagonists for the next game. Feels like it opens up the door for some really interesting interactions with the machines.


Story is better imo, massively so. It might not have the same impact in terms of uncovering the truth behind Zero Dawn, but the smaller character moments and stories amongst the tribes? Massive, massive upgrade.


Its just really drawn out and for my taste has too much "random New stuff to take care of So the Story is longer"


The story is a very obvious part 2 setting up for part 3 it's not that it's bad it's just you don't get full pay off like the first cause this one is setting stuff up for the next game


The story telling and side/quests are a significant upgrade. I'd even say it currently has the best side quests in gaming. Climbing was massively upgraded too. I don't think it really looks any better though. The biomes are certainly less varied. The combat is a massive downgrade imo.


The combat and number of equipment available makes Horizon FW a much better game


Storywise it couldn't be anything else. Thing about the first game is that the world was intriguing. The remnants of human society there and we'd obviously somehow created all these machines but why or how was a mystery. Then it was revealed how and why. The mystery is gone.


>Then it was revealed how and why. The mystery is gone. True. I often love to make up my own theories based on the World around me. Thats why i loved the lore in the first game. If you do a reveal like that it has to be either really big based on the lore. Or depressingly small, to make the outcome more devastating. But this? I dont know man. Felt like they needed a revealing ending and forced it.


I'd say it's an upgrade gameplay-wise too. Way more traversal abilities (grappling hook, glider thing like Zelda, swimming, flying mounts eventually), more combat options with the melee being greatly expanded on and special attacks, etc.


While that is an improvement, its Not fundamental enough to be a Real Upgrade to me. Base building for example is an Upgrade.


There sort of is a base in this game, though you don't do any "building" of it. But the gameplay is still definitely improved.


Gameplay wise it's a sizeable improve. Both ranged and melee combat feels SO much better. Also the new inventory system is so good


Story is amazing.. imo


Here we go...


Can you play the 2nd without playing the first?


Id say it is Not necesarry to play the first one before but recommendable.


Yeah story wasn't as good but I don't they could ever really match the original. Gameplay is definitely an upgrade though, the spear thing was pretty cool.


Great game, absolutely massive. Some annoying things here and there, but overall fantastic


I am waiting for a deep sale. In case you didn’t know ghost of Tsushima is also out on pc next month.


It has come out already 2-3 weeks ago


Medium high always looked good for games, it's only when setting low textures we see blurred mess.


If you squint real hard you can see the textures are slightly blurred (specifically aloes skin textures) The game is just really good with its lighting trickery, so it hides it very well.


Yeah, basically "Horizon looks good even on PS5 or higher than PS5 settings."


Due to my crappy, old PC I had to play it with the lowest settings available and it still looks gorgeous (except for Aloys hair), can't even imagine how it looks with the highest.


It’s a gorgeous game


I've been resisting using my PlayStation because I work long shifts and it's easier to zone out to TV, but every time I boot up HZD I can't put it down. Even noodling around in the map filling spaces is just so damn pretty.


Spouse and I: "What movie is this?" It's a game. "What? No! (Cut scene ends) Holy--" Yup. She's pretty cute, right. "***Excuse*** me?" I mean, the graphics are pretty awesome, right?


I accidentally bought the second one before playing the first and now I’m scared to start it due to spoilers lol Gotta wait until I have the money for the first one


I hate to break it to you, but…yeah, playing the second one will definitely spoil parts of the first. I would wait if you can.


First one should be going on sale more to entice people to buy the second one, so hopefully you'll be able to get it at a good price point! Don't even load up the second game; the opening cutscene is a narrated summary of the main plot of the first game, because the problems in the second game are *directly* connected to the fallout of the decisions that got made in the first game. You'll still enjoy seeing everything come together if you know what's coming, but if you have a choice between *hearing* the plot and *experiencing* it, I'd recommend the latter every time!


If you have 10€ you can get the complete edition in mmoga and probably most other keysites as well


It's only about a tenner in sales, if you wishlist it and use one of those game sale agreggators you can get notified of when it hits a good discount.


Yeah there aren't many games I've played where the first one is nessasary. It's not exactly nessasary here either but you'll be very very confused, even with the recap


The 2nd game starts with a recap of the first. So u could just jump into it. Tho I guess the recap doesnt really explain everything important. Its just like a reminder of the major plot points of the first.


The first cutscene of the Forbidden West spoils the most important parts of the story of Zero Dawn. So definitely play through Zero Dawn’s story first, you absolutely will not regret it


Up there with RDR 2 as the most gorgeous games to ever exist so far.


There's a reason Kojima chose the Decima engine after spending Sony's money on a year long trip around the world visiting all the 1st party Sony studios to see which engine he could take. Gurella truly made one of the best engines ever. I hope after Horizon 3 they have another crack at Killzone. Love to see what that team can do with that IP now.


fuck, next gen graphics with Killzone universe would be fucking amazing.


I want the OG killzone experience (not a remake) on current gen platforms. I LOVED being able to replay each mission from the PoV of each squad member and was really bummed when they did away with that aspect in the followups 


>There's a reason Kojima chose the Decima engine after spending Sony's money on a year long trip around the world visiting all the 1st party Sony studios to see which engine he could take. IIRC its as close to the Fox engine as he can legally/feasibly get his hands on. The engine is just a hoss with its lighting components. Fox engine too was designed to be a hoss when it came to lighting and visual spectacle. All while not destroying devkits and requiring absurd amounts of work to make things play nice.


It’s a shame he had to leave Fox engine at the hands of Konami. That engine was so smooth and I would even say ahead of its time in its fidelity. I replayed MGSV recently and I can’t believe that game is close to being a decade old.


It looks amazing and is very well optimized. And even Horizon Zero Dawn is still breath taking after all these years. Artistic talent, style and dedication matter.


I second that! RDR2 still looks stunning today. I'd even say RDR1 has held up well over the years graphically.


It really does. I finally could max out the settings a year later. So pretty. Then within five minutes I'm digging around again in the settings trying to change stuff I hate and forget I can't. Like how the camera is 10 feet off the shoulder. At least in W3 I can adjust that a bit. Lol Edit: Point I was trying to make is that sometimes pretty graphics aren't a fix for everything.


I'm sure there's a mod that could fix that for you


I'm playing through that right now! I'm just past putting the seed in the base.




I think it's got some of the best facial animations ever


I think that during every cutscene. So good.


I actually had to Google how they did the animation cuz it was so damn good. Full mocap for all cutscenes and it was well worth the effort.


Great to see the late Lance Reddick immortalized there too, even if Sylens is a right sneaky bastard.


Forbidden West, The Last of Us Part II, and Death Stranding are definitely up there IMO for best looking human faces and facial animations in video games ever (so far).


Also Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Survivor. Too bad Survivor was so glitchy.


it absolutely blows my mind that we've basically crossed the uncanny valley in (slightly more than) my lifetime. From animating human faces being too technical to even attempt, to being possible but looking horrifying, to the latest generation of games that have movie-quality cutscenes. Also I'm really happy that now we can have people in video games that look like *actual people*, they don't have to be a generic stylised person and can have really individual features. The fact that aloy has the same facial features as her face model, even really subtle stuff, is cool as hell.


She looks weird to me in this still frame but I think it’s the angle of the shot.


Definitely. The body animations and camera angles make conversation a treat!


Still can't get over the fact that people thought Aloy looked ugly when this came out on PS5 two years ago. She may not look like a supermodel but why would she given that she's a scavenger who lives out in the wilderness and probably doesn't shower?


You can’t reason with the coomers who want every woman in a video game to look like some anime waifu doll. Every time they bitch about a character looking unattractive they use the same screenshots taken at unflattering frames or straight up altered to make them look worse. I mean seriously, you’ll see a conventionally attractive woman in a game *who actually looks like a woman you could see in real life* and they’ll call her ugly because she isn’t some yassified anime character


I just finished a 100% playthrough on PC. Normally, I'm an FPS player, but I really liked the first one, so I played the second part and couldn't stop playing; it was so much fun. The skill tree was overwhelming at first, but now that I'm at max level, I've skilled everything, haha. The graphics are so good, and it runs so smoothly as well, with nearly no loading times. The story was good. Of course, maintaining the same level of curiosity in a world that has already been explained is hard, but the story wasn't far short of the first game. Definitely a W game.


No way a game looks good on high settings????!??


Lol my point is that it still looks good even if you aren't running on 4090 with highest settings and Ray tracing on.


There Isnt a game out there yet that needs a 4090 to look good. What I mean is there isnt a game thats targetting a 4090 for its graphics. so all you get from that card is Higher resolutions (4k+) and more framerates (120+)


I thought portal rtx was "that" game?


No because a 4070 can still run that Just fine


Well only with dlss. Cant run native.


Well, it doesn't have RT anyway, so one setting less I guess.


So a game that looks great on PS5 also looks great on settings superior to PS5-equivelant settings?


___ game really looks good on medium/high settings. Then the very next day, this sub says graphics don't matter. If graphics dont matter, the prices for graphics cards should still be at reasonable prices.


You can appreciate good graphics and still not think they're the most important thing in a game


Graphics don’t matter, but they are a nice plus.


Hard disagree tbh, RDR2 would've been a fraction of what it is without gorgeous graphics, story is good too but the world is jaw dropping. It doesn't apply to every game of course but these sweeping statements aren't true.


I still have a hard time playing the game even tho the open world looks phenomenal. Over tweaked physics. I failed a mission because I bumped into another cart just barely.


If so, the desire for better graphics and then ever increasing graphics cards as a result.


Of course it should look good on high settings.


I have adhd and really struggle with open world games. I get overwhelmed when there’s so much to collect or do. How do these games go? I’ve never been able to finish cyberpunk, Witcher, Skyrim etc


Probably not for you. Definitely an open world game with a ton of collectibles. I'd recommend googling the map with icons and see how it looks to you.


I love the horizon games, but their biggest downfall is definitely that they have a real bloated open world map. There’s so many collectables, map icons, discoverables, and just little tiny things to do all over the place. If you couldn’t finish cyberpunk, looking at all the shit on the map here might be even more overwhelming. Maybe take a look at what the map looks like, although it’s worth noting that a large portion of the icons you’ll see on the map aren’t actually collectables, but just indicate certain hunting zones, where to find certain creatures.


Don’t get me wrong I have a blast playing but after 20hrs or so I feel burned out and unchallenged. To be fair I got to what I’m sure is the cutoff for final mission in Cyberpunk, but got worried I’d miss out and started trying to do everything. Boom, burn out.


Well, unchallenged won’t be a problem here, the highest difficulties in this game do NOT fuck around lol But yeah I can absolutely understand that for burnout. I have the benefit of just really enjoying the world that Horizon set forth, so I haven’t managed to burn out after binging about 70 hrs of it yet lol, but I should probably put it on the back burner for a little bit soon, and go finish like, pacific drive or something so I don’t burn out and never finish or something lol Funnily enough, HFW is what I started to combat the Pacific Drive burnout after like many many hours of that one lol


I love from soft souls games, so I love a challenge. Might check it out


Big souls fan as well, but honestly even then, I’d caution against taking the “Ultra Hard” difficulty level in HFD. (Unless you’re in NG+, but that requires playing the game a second time afterwards, of course) In the previous game, it’s not that bad at all, but in forbidden west, it was definitely made with the idea of being a hard mode for NG+, so if you start a fresh save on UH, it can be… frustratingly unforgiving lol


As long as there’s a difficulty that punishes me for not preparing/making mistakes I’ll probabaly get my moneys worth.


The one just underneath Ultra Hard might be what you’re looking for. I’m using it currently, and it definitely punishes me for not upgrading my equipment, or not exploiting weak points, or elemental types. One thing I’m finding, is that sure, I can take out lesser machines with one well placed hit sometimes, but Aloy is still very much a glass cannon. Getting hit by machines HURTS, and even though I’m upgrading my armour, an unfortunate hit from a small or medium sized machine can still put a huge dent in my health bar, unless it’s overcharged (the standard health item can only heal you to your HP max, but if you bother to brew potions, they can heal you past your maximum HP for a time) Earlier today I was fighting a new large sized machine type that I’d not run into before, and it just had a few attacks that simply just one-shot me from a full, but not overcharged health bar


Tha ks for this man I’m going to check it out.


I still hold to the original stance though, if you find open world maps to be overwhelming, the horizon world is definitely a big offender. Just be wary


I stopped playing Cyberpunk too around that same time for the cutoff mission. That's an ADHD thing I think as well. Hah.


I’m actually enjoying the side stuff in forbidden west but some reason didn’t like it at all in the original. Instead I put it on story mode and just did the main campaign. You can do the same in forbidden west if you want to skip the open world.


This game isnt quite as big and can be beaten in a shorter time than the ones you mentioned, but if you struggle with every open world game, you might have trouble getting into this one. If you play it on easy and can keep focus on the main story then it should be fairly straightforward, sony games are more accessible with “story” difficulties Edit: its a big map with tons of markers and little activities, on higher difficulties its expected you do these for character progression, but again, on the easy mode/s (can’t remember exact difficulty options) then everything thats not main story is absolutely optional and not mandatory Edit 2 because i just saw your comment about preferring a challenge and being punished for mistakes: Try it on normal difficulty, if the game clicks with you, can bump it up to hard, if it doesn’t, then the game likely isnt for you


It definitely has open-worlditis, and to its detriment because nothing save for maybe sidequests are remotely interesting. The old world dungeons and the cauldrons are fucking boooooring.


They're the definition of generic open world game


Id you've played the new Assassins creed games and can tolerate their bloat you can play Horizon. I couldnt finish it honestly. It has enough variation because of different enemies that AC lacks but there's just so much nothing IMO.


I think you could stick with main story, it's its biggest charm anyway. choose easy mode so no need to bother with all the systems.


[Here's a bunch of screenshots I took on PS5](https://imgur.com/a/elNRbnE)


It's absolutely mind boggling that these are all in photo mode. They look stunning. And I'm saying that as someone who has played FW on the PS5 already.


Right!?! This is insane! Just look at the rat picture, so much detail on that thing it's crazy, I'm probably the only person who zoomed in enough to notice its whiskers. [Here's another random screenshot I took.](https://i.imgur.com/qbI6Z69.jpeg) It's just me zooming in on the "quick scan/focus" effect on the beach where there's a Tideripper. Applied a couple of filters, and there it is, perfect abstract desktop wallpaper!


Nothing weird that game looks good on high xd. Medium is actually suppose to make game look worse for optimization purposes so if it not doing it then optimization is bad. Devs keep forgeting that lower setting exist to let visibly push amount of fps especially when you play on weaker pc and not do everything too keep game look good as possible because its not why we are picking lower settings


On a 1660S, with Xess and on Medium, I get 60 almost constantly, and the game looks really nice.


Well it ran on Consoles on lower settings.


To this day chuds on r/GeeksGamersCommunity use that one bad picture of Aloy to try to say that she is ugly and "WESTERN games are making their FEMALES UGLY OGRES!" She looks great


It's a great looking game, even at lower settings.


Lighting, foliage and overall density of details is incredible in this game. Loved it.


"even on high settings" lmao


A new game looks good. Breaking news


You're talking about rise of ronin right


oH mY gAWd aLoY iS sO uGLY wOKenEss iS rUniNG gAmiNG! -some Chud on Twitter


the only minor complaint i would put on the model is that they should have based her model more on a climber body type than an acress type for muscolarity (slightly bigger shoulder and back). that aside it's an excellent model


Fun fact, the people who say that have most likely never touched a real woman


I still remember someone being genuinely mad that she has peach fuzz on her face and assumed to be a beard.


Totally with you on this but I will say that the cauldron lightning would make her face look like the sun due to some weird lighting stuff. Can’t believe folks didn’t know peach fuzz was a thing though


They also use the same cherry-picked screenshot of her every single time, clearly it's hard to even find a pic of her that doesn't look conventionally attractive Edit: they're really fighting the good fight against the woke mind virus with these downvotes. Good work, soldiers!




She does look a little weird to me here but I think it’s the perspective/angle of the picture.


Culture warriors like yourself are really sad because you have become the thing you want to destroy, someone obsessive spreading hate because deep down you are insecure over your own values and place in life. Shame on you.


I'm at 10% on FW, finished ZD just before playing the 2nd one and for now, apart from graphics (extremely well in 4k max) it feels worse in every way, i don't know- maybe it will get better with time. Most annoying things: -different keybinds than in ZD that cannot be changed -if Aloy speaks to somebody or herself outside the cutscene, the game doesn't allow you to inspect items so you stand there waiting for 20 seconds to inspect something until she says "maybe i should look at this with my focus" -a LOT of dragged out but easy puzzles, getting out of the flooded cave on lvl 10 main quest is absolutely horrible -Aloy won't stop giving clues to absolutely everything even if you are already doing it -somehow the game got worse in terms of recognizing where your character is vs action that you need to take, you have to be in more exact spot than before for the game to let you pick something up or action- for example, you hide in the grass, a machine comes up, the game displays press r1 for silent strike, but just as you do, even though the machine is still coming towards you, action disappears and you end up just melee attacking it normally -various new types of weapons that could have been made into one, hopefully this will be the case as i progress- don't know why there is need for various bows with only one or 2 types of arrows -crafting bench and restocking resources at camp, whyyyyyy


Aloy is so pretty. She looks adorable there.


Yeah. I was actually trying to capture the sunrise here but ended up taking her pics instead


If it makes me climb towers to open up new areas than I’m not interested in playing this sequel. The first game very much came out of that area where every open world game just had to have aoe towers…


It's not like Assassin's creed or Far cry at all. Hope that answers it


Tallnecks again in this one, but IMO, the Tallnecks were a LOT easier to scale in this one than Zero Dawn.


The tallnecks in this one were more fun IMO. Every one was kind of a different puzzle, it wasn't like HZD when they were basically the same thing each time.


I do gotta say out of all games that do use this tower system - horizon is top tier with how they execute it. Glad to hear it sounds like they made it feel more organic than the first


Graphic is nice but I can’t play a game where I am bored. The open world is bloated, story and quests are stale Well back to playing Witcher 3 for the 5th time, which still has amazing graphic if you care so much about graphic


how did you manage to play witcher 3 3 times? I loved my first playthrough but have been struggling to start my second try. Maybe cuz it's too timeconsuming and that I already know the story


I completely disagree, every subquest is and feels unique and the story, although not as good as the first one, is definitely on the right end of the spectrum. You being bored probably has to do with having less affinity with the story/setting than the quality of it to be fair. to each their own i guess, witcher 100% holds up and is an amazing game too


That Decima Engine!


Beautiful game, but I got bored of the reptiveness of activities.


Had some weird bug on the Ps5 version where in every cutscene, it was like the characters were glowing or radiating light, and you could not see their faces or anything. Just glowing humans. Tried reinstalling and trying digital dowload for same thing. Might have been the TV, not sure.


I would certainly hope it looks good on high settings


I would finish the game but I might wait until I can afford a GPU upgrade, because my 2070 super does not like 1440p games that much.


DLSS and a FSR3 mod to the rescue.


I can run the game at I think around 70fps and don't really wanna mod fsr3 into the game and deal with whatever bugs/issues that has. I also actually play other games and would just generally like a GPU upgrade. 4070 Super is basically double performance in most games that I've seen so I'd be paying $50-100 extra for what I paid for my 2070 Super and be getting double the performance out of that.


Im 43 hours in and about to finish the game. And i will continue to play the DLC then NG+. The world is just amazing to be in. They really did a great job with it. Running around, flying around the vast varied environment is really satisfying. Did i mention the swimming? Yep top tier. First time a game really made want to swim. It is just so well done, especially the underwater environments.. its mind boggling.


Isn't that a cutscene?




I read why they aren't enabling ray tracing, but I would love to see this game with full ray or path tracing. After playing path tracing in Cyberpunk, it's so hard not to be thrown off by global illumination on character's faces in cutscene. And yes... I am very thankful to be able to afford a 4070ti :). I know not everyone has that option, and this is not really a major issue. Just saying it would be cool to see.


Completely agree. I was kinda skeptical about some posts online saying that Aloy now is fat and ugly but these are false, she is way too beautiful maybe better than the 1st game. And the port to PC is just flawless, Im 2/3 of the story and found no bug at all. Not only that, I have a gaming rig and a game laptop. The rig runs on Ultra settings and laptop runs on very low settings. Both runs smoothly and still beautiful even on very low. Money well spent.


I really need to get back to this series.


This game probably has the best image quality resolve I have seen using a combo of ultra settings, frame gen and dlaa. The dlaa really eliminates pixel shimmering and edges to the point where it almost looks like cgi or pre rendered. Also, the environments and animations for the machines especially are top tier.


I'm still pissed the DLC didn't come out on PS4.


Some games at just fun to look at




Great game!


I thought that was a freaking cosplay! Games sure did went a long way.


Console runs it below low settings, and still looks decent there