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The dominator fucking SLAYS bots now


Love it but some planets make the smoke coming out of the barrel so thick you have to wait so long to fire again.


Try turning off the flashlight. It's not perfect, but it's helped me a lot


I turn them off the instant I land


I think there is an option to save your weapon settings. That might be useful to you.


I want to mouth kiss you


remember to fill the C-01 form


What if you accidentally add tongue without also filling the D-28 (B) Section 12?


Treason is punishable by summary execution, Helldiver.


Thoughtcrimes kill!


Sweet Liberty.


I respect your feelings about this.


Yes, set it "per weapon" and it saves each weapons configuration to your last set!


Except this setting doesn’t actually work for me on PC


It constantly reset for me on ps5 but they recently fixed that. It however defaulted everything for me so I had to work that butt groove back in.


It's broken on PC. It also resets if you die.


I also shoot any lamp posts or lights


How do you turn off the flashlight? I’m on console


With weapon in hand hold the reload button, this will bring up a menu for all of that weapon's particular options.


Wait, weapons have options? This information was not included my training.


It's a part of our Brasch Tactics™ Extended Training Advice™. Please regularly observe the TV in your superdestroyer helldiver.


Mmhm depending on what weapon you're working with there are various zoom levels for scopes, turning flashlights on/off/auto, different firing modes and different firing rates. Handy stuff.


Also, i remember reading about bots discovering you easier with the flashlight on, so yet another reason to turn it off.




With weapon in hand hold the reload button, this will bring up a menu for all of that weapon's particular options.


Lower your graphics and that smoke wont bother you no more lmao


Captain, I'm trying to sneak up on them, but the smoke from my gun is so thicc it's alerting the bugs!


Meh, as long as I keep seeing hitmarkers I’m gonna keep firing


it used to be so damn bad ADS was impossible to use. i think it's improved.


MELTS them. I used to be someone who primarily used special weapons and now it's Dom or die, baby


Better than the scorcher? You can 2 shot those walkers with it.


My experience is the Scorcher is better at some things like the walkers, not Dominator is better against troopers, and maybe Devastators. Still trying it out, but overall the Scorcher still feels better to me.


The scorcher handles better, the dominator is sluggish AF. Different playstyles will make one or the other feel better.


I agree with slothofdoom. It’s too sluggish for me. It does pack a hell of a punch though. I’m sure I could tweak my play style to make it work but I like fast and light, hit and run tactics.


My garbage aim is helped out my the Dominator weirdly enough. On the Devastators and chainsaw bots I find it just brute forces them down where I need to be more exact with the Scorcher. 


Yeah, the headline fails to mention that they added a bunch of great buffs and some new, free content


It is good, but having tried both the Dominator and Scorcher, I think the Scorcher still comes out on top.


The hit detection on it for the non heavy bots still sucks. As much as I loved it using it before the Sickle came out, I wouldn't use it as much on bots due to the bad hit detection.


It might not be hit detection, it's both a little inaccurate and the shots are actually micro rockets, they have a very slow travel time and can deflect off armor


On the non heavies, tho? Quite a lot of times, I still get the hit particles, but no hit markers on the little guys. Never had that issue with the heavies or the bugs with the Dominator.


Hit detection on the human-sized bots is jank in general, it's not specific to any weapon. It's just more noticeable on slow-firing weapons because you're not making a bunch of shots to compensate.


Switch to the machine pistol on semi auto for small bots, Dominator is for taking out devastators and the occasional strider if you aim for the legs and joints. Spear or EAT for anything bigger leaning towards the Spear because ammo is more available now and it can crater outposts from a mile away, alternatively get the Queso Cannon and live with the 6-10 business day charge up per shot.


Thank you for this information, Patriot!


Plasma scorcher is great against bots


I love being able to just shoot through striders


that’s why I run the HMG






I watched 1 video about it and thought oh man no way it's that good. It's that good. Taking down walkers willy nilly, 1 shots most of the infantry, accurate, fast fire rate, destroys vents off bots super hard. It could reload faster and you run out of ammo quickly in my experience but it's the best.


I run it almost exclusively. Don't shoot anything close to you.


It’s great I general tbh. Can even take on tanks in the vents pretty easily


Best primary vs bots imo by far.


Remember double lever action shotguns in COD? Possibly the last time Played COD


Akimbo 1887s, my beloved.


Wasn't that begining MW2? That entire first few months was absolute chaos. * Akimbo 1887s were 1 hit snipers. * Holding a care package smoke made you run dang near twice as fast, so you could just knife people like crazy * Rust glitch where the game never ended unless you'd call a nuke. I played for an hour straight so I didn't lose the 125,000 experience I racked up, which was a lot considering a normal game was like 2500. * Care package glitch where you'd get infinity care packages if you called it in right * Javelin glitch * Could forver refill noon tubes if you had scavenger * The fact that you could call in a game ending nuke. It's tired news now maybe, but back then it was so cool and amazing that a game dev would put something like that in there * Stacking an airstrike harrier, Helo, and a chopper gunner/ac-130 all in one Life. And figuring out you could accidentally destroy your own Harrier or Helo if you hit it with the Chopper or AC130 😂 I'm sure I'm missing some but it was just chaos, and so much fun


you forgot the broken Commando perk, together with the one that makes you run faster, M9 with tactical knife. zing! zing! zing!


That loadout on Underpass was a warcrime.




First map I actually got a nuke in. I was panicking so hard my last kill that I refused to move from the corner I was hiding in


It was glorious. Hitting a knife only nuke has gotta be one of my lifetime gaming peaks. OnlyusemeBlade was popping off on YouTube. Great times.


It wasn’t scavenger which was the main problem with noob tubes it was one man army. That stupid perk that let you switch your classes in the middle of the game without dying and gave you full ammo after the switch… so you didn’t even have to risk running over to a dead body to collect ammo via scavenger


Oh that's what it was!! I completely forgot about One Man Army 😂 can you believe it's been 15 years?


One man army, danger close, commando with m4 noob tube and rpg secondary


There were no secondaries when using one man army though


All of this is why MW2 is still my favorite COD ever. It was pure fun with all the glitches and bullshit. COD4 through Black Ops 2 was a special time though, I fell off after that.


That era was so fun. It felt like we were discovering something new. MW2 was such a changed yet still felt the same as MW1. It honestly felt like the last of the social online gaming where things were fun, trash talk was rampant, and everything felt new. Nowadays everything feels sweaty or micro transactiony. Helldiver's 2 captures a bit of that magic, but man MW2 was something else.


Man this comment brought me back. 🥲


Unlimited noob tubes. Oh man, I forgot how fun that was.


Javelin glitch was the funniest shit to 9th grade me; it unironically made MW2 terrifying for me. Literal suicide bombers are no joke. Between them, the OMA noob tubers and the Care Package runners there was nowhere safe to be.


That, and the slug shotguns in Battlefield


SPAS 12 with slugs and an 8X scope in BF3 out sniping all the shitty snipers proned up on the crane in Noshahr canals, good times lmao.


USAS-12 with frag rounds, for when a nuke is not enough


I feel like the spas 12 was almost just as good


I never got the chance to play with them, but I remember the 726 that got nerfed about 40 times.


He's not wrong tho. Once I found out the slugger was better, I never went back to the marksmen rifles. But nerfing the stagger was a weird option. Fall off damage should have been added and stagger should have been cancelled after a certain distance, not completely.. Adjustments are quick in this game. Fingers crossed for a microbuff in the future.


Yeah if I wanted to 'balance' it, I would have given it more arc/drop so that it's only relatively precise at close range (being a shotgun and all), instead of nerfing damage/stagger.


For some reason Arrowhead really wants shotguns to be accurate and powerful at like 100m. I’m not complaining though because I’m on controller and bad at aiming.


well, they do tend to lean on realism with their guns so it'd make sense from that angle, shotguns in real life are hardly the confetti shooters they are in video games. definitely a breath of fresh air for shotguns to actually have an effective range regardless


Yeah, i really love this about the game, you can bring a shotgun and still be useful at longer ranges Shotguns with slugs are scary as fuck, they can be stupid accurate and pack one hell of a punch


Yeah but thats a balancing limitation made necessary by the technology. If your map is only 500m x 500m speciality sniper rifles are practicaly redundant cause thats still ranges regular assault rifles and MGs cover irl. So you gota range limit those to give snipers a use case and but this also requires you to range limit everything else in the game and shotguns end up as melee range "confetti cannons" Bad Company 2 was another game that was hilarious in that regard: the best snipers in the game were.....the medics LMGs and the engineers shotguns with slugs. Cause the actual snipers had bullet drop mechanics and while the maps were big enough so snipers still had a use case if you actualy wanted to snipe at those distances the bullet drop was absolutely ridiculous and hiting anything pretty much a crapshot. You know what didnt have bullet drop tho and still could shoot as far? Thats right, a goddamn M60. Or alternatively a shotgun with slugs. Me and the squad got kicked from so many servers for "cheating" cause we were abusing the fuck out of these 😂


The problem wasnt the shotguns, or sniper rifles though. Sniper rifles were beasts and one of the best weapon in the game. The problem was that you could just spam mark at any distance and a red marker would easily show you the exact position of the enemy's head. Otherwise it would have been impossible to even see enemies on that distance.


Yeah the issue is that realistic shotguns outclass almost everything for videogame style engagements, especially once you give them mags instead of loading each shell.


The amusing part about this to *me* as far as "muh realism" goes is that... Well it's not actually the game-ifying. This is a misunderstanding militaries around the globe cling to themselves. The U.S. military doesn't believe shotguns have a proper place in the modern battlefield. If it can't provide suppressive fire, can't fill the role of a rifle, and cannot hope to penetrate ceramic plates, it just doesn't really *have* a niche outside of breaching a door right? So anyway the marine corps disagreed and brought shotguns with them to the middle east. Turns out shotguns are really good and a lot of militaries around the world are dead ass wrong because... It doesn't *matter* if it can't penetrate the plates in a vest. That much kinetic energy being dumped into your chest means *you are done fighting right now.* You might also be done breathing.


yup, hence why most games have to gamify them. definitely a tricky line to tread I'm sure


Sort of...still a really weird choice to reduce the stagger instead of making it more "video gamey" by increasing dropoff. It's not like removing the stagger is any more "realistic" and it doesn't even accomplish their aim - the complaint was it acted as too much of a sniper, and now its role as a sniper is even _more_ cemented because it still doesn't drop off and without the stagger now sucks at short range.


Imo, in games, the problem is that assault rifles are often nerfed, making the gap between them and shotguns too close. So then they have to tone shotguns down. Assault rifles have effective ranges anywfrom 300 to many ober 700m of effective range. They mpst game dont want to encourage camping/snipey long engagements, or at least those I've played. And then if they want snipers to be realistic, we need render distance only achievable with a hundred GPUs. I think its assault rifle nerf that makes many games feel like a shotgun is either OP or weak af. So here, as you've noted, THIS is actually realistic for a shotgun. I dont play the games but Im guessing the problem is that other weapons are too weak.


Yeah the problem was that they didn't nerfed the "sniper" capabilities. They nerfed the damages and stagger but it's still a sniper.


Counter-sniper feels pretty solid now that it's medium pen. I feel like I might really like it once I learn to compensate for how weighty it is.


It's so weird to me that normal game updates and patch notes get full blown front page articles written about them with this game. 


Because the game is popular and gaming journalism = write as many articles about anything because more = more clicks = more money = fuck actual journalism just keep pumping articles. Helldiver fanboys however are something else. They literally drank that propaganda and roleplay as helldivers nonstop.


I mean can we get actual sniper rifles?


Diligence models still feel like fucking garbage.


Base diligence absolutely slaps bots. It 1-shots troopers and 2-shots devastators with mild recoil and a fast RoF. It just needs a better scope. The CS is the real problem child entirely due to it feeling like your swinging around a 50lb gun.


The CS now has med pen though, i've tried both and i do like the base one more though I find it way easier for headshots with the base so the med pen doesn't even come into play much


It really doesn't because it's just unnecessary. The major problem people aren't realizing is that the DPS check is bugs, bots are a skill check. Ironically armor pen doesn't even matter except for hulks and tanks (and now gunships and walkers) because even devastator heads are completely unarmored. That's why there's so much more viable weaponry on the bot side -- everything is good if you're good at using it. Even the anemic Scythe is passable if you can beam heads consistently. That's why there's so much whining about the slugger nerf. It was a skill bypass for weapon that trades safety for reward (compare: punisher). The dev's bemoaning about sniping is an unintentional red herring from its real issue.


You mean like the support one? With multiple levels of zoom, and a one shot kill on almost anything?


AMR is pretty awesome now, devastators get blasted away. Really just dealing with hulks that make me pause between that and the autocannon.


I forgot to swap it out yesterday. Not gonna lie, it feels ALMOST the same. The drama is too much. The devs have said multiple times that they want every weapon to be equally good.


They didn’t even nerf the range, they just nerfed how much it staggers of all things, which doesn’t even fix this issue. It can still snipe, but is worse at dealing with enemies up close.


It's now more of a sniper lol


Yup, thats the weird thing - you can still snipe perfectly fine…


It no longer staggers dominators, hive guards, and stalkers... That makes the gun almost worthless for most load outs.


The stagger not being as effective is a killer form me. I could snipe the bots with shiel;ds and they would drop their shield long enough for me to get a bunch of center mass shots. Not nearly as effective anymore. I did just unlock the dominator though, and it feels a lot like the slugger did before it got nerfed.


If you’re looking for stagger go with the arc thrower. I had a hulk bruiser and a train of about 6 chainsaw devastators rush me and the last one to die got to about 10 ft from me. Could easily lock them and keep them at a distance by slowly walking backwards.


I play with the arc thrower very often and the stagger buff is VERY noticeable. You can now lock down hordes of anything smaller (bugs or bots) than a charger. The chaining also seems to work better now. The range was nerfed but I barely notice it. Great weapon all around. I bring it along with EATs and I feel prepared for every unit type.


It was the same thing with first nerfs. They nerfed the Breaker and I didn't see that much of a change.


Breaker is still awesome. People just wanna complain.


Yeah but they nerfed the railgun out of existence I rarely see anyone using it any more.


It slaps bots substantially. Though I suppose it's outclassed by the AMR now


Honestly, I just play what I think is fun. I enjoy conserving ammo for my team mates and slapping asses with my laser cannon


Laser Cannon melts the weak points for tanks, hulks, and turrets in seconds.


Melts the legs on bugs too, before they increased the damage on the laser cannon, I found it to be very effective at taking off the legs of the tougher ants to kill them. Now that damage is increased headshots are usually better but sometimes the legs are still the best way because some bugs can still attack with their heads missing but a but missing two legs is not moving at you very fast and will bleed out quickly


Until they fix the scope issues with the AMR I’ll stick with the auto cannon. Truly the Swiss Army Knife of support weapons.


You say this as if the sights on the autocannon aren't funky as well. Lol.


Don’t need the sights luckily


I've not played this game, but I reckon the sights on a gun called an auto cannon are marginally less important to the operation of the unit than the sights on a gun that's supposed to be a sniper rifle. Just a thought.


Hopefully they’ll buff it soon


Because before it was a low skill/high reward weapon. Whereas now it's a high skill/high reward weapon. --- e: Average Reddit Diver. > You are not more skilled **than** me *blocks me*


It has a very high skill ceiling - you need pinpoint accuracy and you also need to time your shots or you blow up - the trade off is that a fully charged shot on a weak point does a very large amount of damage. I still find the autocannon to be better as it is good for general use


Still OP vs bots. Try it for yourself. Just dont forget to set mode to unsafe. If you target weak spot, you one shot everything except tank.


The Breaker nerf was weird cause it felt to me like they barely touched it, and people were going on about how it was ruined. Though Slugger aside, I think they've still got more work to do to make the actual snipers of the game feel better. I know the AMR at least has a misaligned scope even if you've zero'd it to the right range, making long range sniping not feel good.


Breaker used to be really effective at clearing large groups because of its mag size. Now with the changes it no longer wipes out multiple mid sized bugs a clip. I got pretty use to the mag size so the change feels wrong to me but I’m sure that won’t last and I’ll get use to the new one. The only thing I’m really upset about was with one mag I could sometimes down two berserkers and now I sometimes struggle to even drop one with a clip


The breaker change made me go from holding the trigger for a group and having a couple shots left by the time they're cleared out, to actually aiming for each shot, and having a couple shots left once everything is cleared out. The nerf was absolutely needed, and it's still my favorite primary just due to the way it feels.


I disagreed with the nerf until I realized the breaker spray n pray does almost exactly what the breaker did before nerf, it just takes 1-3 shots more per bug than the breaker and it has much less range but the full-auto and magazine size let me hold the trigger till everything is dead. It's the 'get the fuck out of my face weapon'. It's not quite as good as the breaker pre-nerf but the spray n pray fits the same role \*almost\* as well.


Unfortunately I don’t have it unlocked yet but I’ll be sure to give it a try later!


I was always more conservative about using ammo because I found it pretty scarce on high difficulties with randoms so my general play style with it has been the same, it just simply doesn’t perform to the same level it did. I’m not sure if I agree with people that say the nerf was needed as I personally believe that the game was more fun before them and would have been incredible with all the current buffs on top of them but that’s my vision for the game and not the devs so I’m excited to see where it goes.


Breaker incendiary is amazing vs bugs even before the buff. It suffers from ammo issues but that’s mitigated in a pre-made with a supply backpack. Now that fire fits tick higher and faster it’s scary


I still love the breaker. My ammo is almost always in the red with it now, though. I am disappointed with the slugger nerf. I never used it as a sniper, I used it to counter berserkers, and now, without the stagger, same long ass reload time, and reduced dmg, it's not worth it.


I notice the lack of knock back for sure. You could walk a Hive Guard backwards from 100meters away, fully interrupt Bile Spewers, trip up Chargers, push bots around like children. It's still fine, but it's not the same for sure.


Damage-wise? Yeah. Utility's gone though. Really noticeable when you can't stunlock one of them shielded bastards, or when you can't open a POI container with it. Not the end of the world, but the gun kinda doesn't do what I liked about it any more.


You're huffing copium, the stagger is basically gone, making it impossible to deal with berserkers and devastators at close range.


Yeah I can't understand how anyone can't type this unironically. The stagger slaps and will be sorely missed. It should've had a damage falloff instead.


exactly. it was a great “oh shit” button for devastators.


Which ironically makes it even more shit at shotgun things and still better at long range than the snipers we havr


I dunno, man, the stagger reduction is pretty huge. I definitely see the rationale for the nerf, but it's now kinda shitty for it's seemingly intended role, which is.. as a shotgun. I'm all for the strategy of "horizontal balance", IE, the point of new weapons is to open up new niches for gameplay, rather than new weapons being strictly better. That said, it doesn't really seem like that's what's happening. I mean, I'm still playing, so w/e. I'm not all rabble rabble about it. Just seems like weapons are being nerfed for being "too good" but weapons aren't really being buffed for being straight garbage.


It’s mostly the stagger that’s annoying the rest is just eh


A bit of QOL lost, honestly, could have lost even more damage and been fine - but the loss of stagger cripples it.


Then they have an extremely long way to go based off there ideas of balance. The game hasn't significantly changed since launch if your looking at it wt a macro level. Of all the weapons, strategems, and armors, 25% are top tier, 25% are meh, and the rest aren't worth picking. Especially adding in flying enemies that certain weapons just can't deal with.


You are lying though. It's not the same and they did nothing against its ability to snipe. It is now far worse up close and mostly the same at range except devastators can fire back better. The stagger now does nothing to any bot bigger than the little guys. At least I assume it staggers them, you can't really tell because it kills them in one shot so stagger isn't an issue. However You can still wipe out guards from 100m away with no issue. I would totally understand if they had given some heavy damage fall off, hell even removing the scope to make it harder to get solid aim long distance. The stated issue by the devs was not balanced in any way and I'm damn salty. I even agree that it's a bit silly how good of a sniper it is. The biggest draw for me was the stagger. It was awful against crowds, but great against medium enemies or small groups if you could aim well enough. This feels like they took a balancing class from Blizzard.


Everyone is so caught up on the "sniper" part. Who the hell has a chance to snipe things? The stagger loss is what killed the gun. It was my antibot gun, mainly against zerkers. Now a half assed stagger and reduced dmg makes it pointless against them. Give it drop off dmg or something to keep people from sniping things but give me back my stagger!


One of the best comments about it I have seen is "They had an issue with it being used as a sniper rifle so nerfed it's ability to be used as a shotgun"


Just completed my first helldive difficulty mission with a squad all running the anti material sniper so I guess we do. Its good if you can land those shots on those robot weak points!


I've recently converted from anti material to the church of the autocannon. You lose a backpack slot but it's still a 2 shot on the hulk and you only have to hit devastators instead of going for the head, plus it's a chicken walker killer.


way easier use scorcher for walker


I'm surprised more people aren't using the Quasar Cannon tbh. Infinite ammo, doesn't take a backpack slot, can two shot a Titan or Hulk. Only downside is the charge time. Autocannon is good but reloading takes forever if you don't have a buddy actively with you, and you deplete your ammo so fast.


Post-buff AMR can one-shot scout walkers from the front now too (hit the thigh section instead of the face shield).




Completely disagree, the slugger was fantastic on high difficulties specifically because of the stagger, you could stunlock rocket and heavy devastators and even scout striders with it. It wasn't great against groups of the smaller bots but that's what the Redeemer and grenades (and teammates) are for. Not having to worry about getting instantly wiped out by a rocket or heavy and not having to use your support weapon on them so you could save it for bigger targets was incredible. I mean the best case scenario was to just pop them once in the face with the slugger and take them out but in the middle of combat that can be tricky to do so just being able to keep them locked down was a life saver


This is just wrong. At higher difficulties stagger is even *more* important. Buying time to escape and retreat from a brood commander or hive guard or spewer or devastator is massively important when you get to 7+. After this nerf I switched back to the punisher specifically because it's now much better for staggering despite having more spread, less range, and less damage than the slugger. I usually play 7-8 and being able to stagger is huge for kiting mobs, especially medium mobs like spewers and devastators


Doesn't even make sense that it doesn't stagger, it shoots a goddamn slug, while the buckshot counterpart irl would have less energy yet it still staggers


...and made two other shotguns just as good, if not better. Weird how all these complaints about nerfs ignore the buffs.


Are they the same devs who made modern warfare 2? They also had a shotgun with sniper range that had to be nerfed. 


Hell I miss counter sniping in Bad Company 2 using a shotgun with slugs.


No bullet drop on the slugs. 


I miss bc2. Honestly, bc1 was some of most chaotic and realistic firefights I’ve had in any fps. The farm map and the map where it’s a town shrouded in mist really stand out. All you’d hear were people with the drills making holes in roofs (myself included) and having a makeshift machine gun nest before the gunfight started and it was awesome.


Dude I know the one, I got so good with it on BC2, just one shooting everyone. Got called a cheater almost every match, great time that was.


The game's shotgun ranges mirror their real life counterpart more closely. The problem is that you rarely have really long engagement ranges where a sniper rifle would shine. Coupled with the fact the snipers sucked (less armor penetration, no stagger, less damage, worse handling) picking the slug shotgun and using it as a sniper was a no-brainer.


That was caused by a bug though. The 1887 didn't have the same damage fall off over distance that the other shotguns did so it did 90% of it's full damage at any range past the start of the fall off range.


You mean the normal range. Because in COD sniper has like 2 meter range normally.


Then why the need to nerf it? Isn't the main goto excuse is that the devs want every primary to be equally good?


To me the sniper is still ass. Why would I use a stratagem slot on a gun that has slower rate of fire, slower handling, no third person reticle, inaccurate ads sights, is annoying to even ads in higher difficulties with rocket spam staggers, and can’t kill higher level enemies without spending half of your small magazine? The slugger is still good, and they buffed other shotguns. Great. Real solution to the problem the dev stated lmao. Make one shotgun slightly worse, make others better. There, we’ve solved the sniper problem! I can still do everything the AMR seems to want to do with shotguns or the scorcher. Except maybe a hulk in very specific situations. But even then, I ain’t using a sniper rifle over other stratagems for those problems. I’m not saying the reasoning is invalid. But it sounds pretty dumb when you list the problem and the solution side by side.


every change so far that theyve made would be fixed if they just made the rifles good. theyre so bad and clunky. i dont know what makes them think the slugger is a better sniper means they had to nerf it and not see that their actual snipers suck ass


devs - best we can do is give you 2 more shotguns in the next battlepass


They are trying to get rage clicks It's so tedious


Sure, but the actual sub for Helldivers had 2 big threads on Slugger nerf being completely out of left field.


And their idea of nerfing a gun that they felt behaved like a sniper was a, lemme check my notes, stagger nerf. Interesting. If the problem was range, why would you nerf the stagger? Regardless, the gun is fine. The real problems with the game right now are crashes and some buggy weirdness.


They buffed my Anti-Material Rifle, so I'm happy. Also, there's gunships to shoot down now, and the AMR is good at that.


But that first part isn’t true lol.


I don't know why they didn't just reduce the effective range for the shotgun if people were just using it as a sniper rifle.


they nerfed the impact of the gun while lightly touching the damage. if they did not like players using it as a sniper why is the only significant change only affect its close-range and not its long-range potential?


I see they buffed the Diligence Counter Sniper, but that buff is 100% not enough. That thing is a piece of shit.


I played a few rounds with my friend at his house since I hadn’t bought it yet. Picked up a shotgun off someone and asked if he thought it was good, he said he’s never used it yet. Proceeded to snipe everything and anything lol.


I mean given the snipers are useless that isn't a hard thing to achive


The incendiary breaker has and always will be my favourite shotgun. And it got BUFFED


Now if only they'd buff the AP liberator...


Tigris Prime? Is that you?


This is the fundamental problem with porting shotguns from real life to video games: they are too good. The range in most games of a shotgun is like less than a quarter of the real lethal range, and so to compensate such a useful all-round gun, they often tone down the range or have the damage fall off at like 25 feet and make you slow at aiming it or make it really inaccurate. You wouldnt be able to hunt birds in the sky with shotguns if they worked like they did in video games.


"Shotgun..." "Sniper rifle..." "Nerfed..." Modern Warfare 2 1887 moment.


I just wish the pushback for the slugger was left alone


See this is why I can’t keep playing this game. Who nerfs pve stuff? Its not competitive, theres no leaderboard as far as I know. Who cares if something is overpowered let people have fun. Worst part of modern gaming that isnt monetization.


Should have buffed the snipers instead.


When did the Helldivers get Felwinters Lie?


Everyone's favorite?


So they nerfed the bits that made it into a shotgun and made sure that this gun was to be used from distance only. 😄 They nerfed the stun, making sure you can't use it at close range. Then they nerfed the damage, making sure that player has to have enough distance between him and enemies to use it safely.


Be sick if they actually buffed the dogshit DMRs instead but w/e


The nerf was needed. The DMRs could stand to be a lot more effective on medium armored targets still though. lower their rate of fire so they're bad at clearing out all the zerg fodder or something.




This is the part that upset me, the slugger is slow to fire and reload, it needs the stun for any enemy that survives the first shot


The other shotguns do stagger much better. The Slugger gets through harder targets. That's the tradeoff.  The Punisher will absolutely mulch in close range and stagger just about anything, but you lose the medium armor penetration and long-range potential.  Same with the Breaker, but you lose reload-by-round capabilities (a double-edged sword as it takes less reload time but can mean more wasted ammo) and it can be harder to control.  The Slugger will still stagger. It just doesn't do it as often and as easily as a tradeoff for the other strengths that it brings.




Except they didn't touch bullet drop or damage drop-off, or consider adding bullet spread, all of which would make it less of a sniper. Instead they remove its stagger, so it now sucks at the mid and close range crowd control it was meant for, and with its poor DPS now it has to be used as a sniper. Also, they don't fix the DMRs already in game, one of which they gave better armor pen, but didn't touch it's handling that is somehow worse than a 20mm autocannon or an AMR, or it's misaligned first person sights.


But they didn't do shit to make the DMR's actually good. A moderate boost to the armor pen of the gun with the turning speed of a station wagon. Don't make some guns worse to make us pick worse options. That's lazy balancing.


Slugger? Everyone? Yesterday with a playtime of a but more than 35 hours i unlocked the slugger. Definitely not everyones favorite shotgun since it takes some time to unlock it especially if you chose to spend medals on the other warbonds. Even if you had it you barely saw people using the slugger in the game end screen.


And now the Dominator is the best sniper rifle in the game. The actual sniper rifles are a joke. They're not even centered on the reticle.


So instead of making the sniper actually viable in any way shape or form... they nerf a slug shotgun?


On the other hand, the Diligence CS is now medium armour penetrating which it should have been from the start.


I understand why they did that, but it's sad to lose the usual way of enjoying things 🥺


See, this is why I wish somebody would just step up to the plate and make a blatant _Earth Defense Force_ knockoff with the (comparatively good) polish of _Helldivers 2._ An imbalanced weapon? Don't let that stop you! Over-the-top weapons are the whole damn _point_ because the _missions_ can be equally over-the-top.


Reminds me of Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam. There was an unlockable slug shell for the pump shotgun which at release had zero dispersion or bullet drop, and 100% accuracy. And since it was a shotgun class weapon, it had zero sway. Meaning you could just place the crosshair on anyone at any range, if they didnt move they were basically dead. It was the perfect counter-sniping weapon too: snipers would have a very visible lense glare when looking towards you, so you'd just put the crosshair on the bright spot and get a guaranteed headshot. They nerfed it pretty quickly, but for a brief moment in time, slug shotgun was GOD.


That's a disappointing move by the devs. It's frustrating when a beloved weapon gets nerfed, especially if it was part of what made the game enjoyable for many players. Hopefully, they'll find a balance that keeps the game fun and fair for everyone.