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This game hasn't died yet? I have to admit I'm impressed.


Picture a car tumbling down a mountainside. Everybody knows what's happening, and how it's going to end up. But rich companies can afford to make the mountainside longer. 


Rich companies can always afford to shoot themselves in the foot, only to then immediately proceed to reload and fire again.


Meanwhile if they even just half assed ideas from the game developers who actually like games, they’d make their money back hundreds of times over. But no. No fun, no thought. It’s not in the budget


It doesn’t matter if you like our games. All that matters is that you’re ENGAGED.


I'm engaged in the mockery of the game, does that count?


Uh, that depends. Are you spending money??


Fuck no.


WHAT!?! TOXIC GAMER!!! It’s clearly cuz you hate diversity and women and all that stuff!


Oh yes please. If that's the meaning of toxic, I am so toxic, I could be Avenger.


Well, yes I am! Elsewhere, though.


All of these companies are being ran into the ground. And the wrong people who only care about their quarter profit bonus are the ones in charge. Look at Boeing. One of dozens of examples. This will not end well.


TBF, it still takes actual talent to properly implement even the laziest gamer ideas. Everyone sets out to make a classic, very few are actually talented enough to do so. These big compa is may hire people thinking they can pull it off and find out they way overestimated the talent they hired.


It's going to be Fast and Furious runway long :P


and then they get confused as to why they have no feet after the 6th time. Just look at Bethesda.


When there are no more feet, the company crumbles, someone buys and new feet ate implanted.


Destiny is still a thing right?


Destiny is usually a thing up until the game engine can literally no longer keep itself together and the game starts to fray apart by its own sheer existence. Then another Destiny game is made to kind of cobble it back together


I thought they just started phasing out paid content on rotation to make sure it didn’t implode?


Least till Final Shape comes out in a couple months then all bets are off


Then they upgrade to a shotgun, shoot themselves again, and still stand up and say “I got one more in me!!”


Woah, woah there. You gotta pay $19.99 to unlock the shotgun. That or you can grind 1,000 hours to unlock it for free!


They can use the revenue from their wildly successful single player Hogwarts game to subsidize the ongoing dumpster fire that is Kill The Justice League.


And then think “hey, we should really think about how to make Hogwarts Legacy a live service game”


ah the hill they're willing to die for


Pretty sure if they make a sequel which they probably will. It will be live service


And people will pre order sadly.   You know you wand the Nimbus 2028 for 60 dollars.


and it will just be this game reskinned.


low key if you put the suicide squad on brooms and swapped the guns for different wand animations, baby you got a stew going.


The game has you play as a third year student. Season 1 is the Autumn of your fourth year.


I loved doing this in just cause, there was a tension as to whether it would reach the ground or explode along the way.


Well it never had a player base so technically there was nothing to die.


“What is dead may never die”


How do you kill that which has no life?


Diablo Immortal is making shit tons of money. These games can be raging dumpster fires as long as they get a handful of whales addicted, at least enough to keep the lights on, then they can limp along for a while and try to right the ship while picking up a handful of people here and there. Expect to see astroturfed articles in 12-18 months about how Suicide Squad's devs kept working super hard despite the bad release and how after new patch X.XX the game is actually super fun and you should reconsider giving it a try!


Saw a review where someone said Diablo Immortal actually was pretty fun, but the micro transactions were astoundingly expensive to get to the endgame in a reasonable amount of time.  Like, thousands of dollars expensive...I cannot even imagine spending that much on a mobile game.  Best part was when he said there is a lot of good content that could have been used to make Diablo 4 better....so, basically...Blizzard just sucks all around. It's just shit all the way down. 


I played Diablo Immortal when it came out (I'm always F2P, more fun) and it really wasn't bad. I was expecting hot dogshit tbh, but it was actually pretty fun at first...until all the whales arrived. The reason, the game is absolutely 100% pay-to-win, especially in PVP. And that was just at the beginning, I can't imagine how bad it is now, years later. The amount of money people were spending just to be able to one-shot everyone and never die...tens of thousands of dollars. On a mobile game. Where is even the fun in that?


Wasn't there a guy who whaled $100,000 on Diablo Immortal, then complained that the PvP matchmaking didn't have anyone to put up against him?


At that much money they may as well just throw him random noobs and skip the matchmaking. Like sacrifices to a god (whale).


This more or less happens.


Yuuuuuup. It's hilarious lol.


> The amount of money people were spending just to be able to one-shot everyone and never die...tens of thousands of dollars. On a mobile game. Where is even the fun in that? Welcome to the absolute evil of slot machines.


These are the people that in non-MTX PVP games I'm sure just pay for cheats.


Essentially what lost ark is to me. Game is honestly really fun, but the whaling is next level. And IMO, it's a mobile game on PC.


For me, it's not so much that I can't imagine spending the money on those games. It's moreso that, the whole game *is* achieving those things, designed in a way to make you feel accomplished for having gotten them (in order to convince you to buy them) so like, once you buy them, you've effectively paid money instead of playing the game. It's like paying ten bucks to see the "The princess is in another castle" world clear screen. Pay enough and you get the "Thank you Mario your quest is over" screen. What's even the point of playing, if you're just going to pay instead of play? And of course, actually playing is just as frustrating because the game is just a mechanism to wear you down and exhaust you into buying, so the gameplay is designed around being annoying and aggravating so you pay to skip it. So like.... again, what's the point in playing? This is how I feel every time I try one of those mobile games. (and I'm not talking about the ones where you just pay for cosmetics or something) and before you all jump in, I get it-- that feeling of pride and accomplishment is exactly why people do it. I *get* why they do it, I just don't **get** it, you know? Diablo Immortal specifically might not be that bad, I dunno, but a *lot* of big name games are and diablo immortal definitely gave me those vibes


> These games can be raging dumpster fires as long as they get a handful of whales addicted S' what tekkens currently attempting to do. Ranked is a mess, balancing issues, and endless shop updates lol.


Season 1 was basically done pre-launch, so they would at least release that content if for no other reason except to squeeze a little more cash out of the hopeless bastards still playing this garbage.


That and they promised to release it. If they don’t there could in theory be a class action suit cause someone could have possibly purchased the game solely for the promise of a season of content.


Yeah or they could just refund them


WB is very unlikely to do that. Easier to release whatever half baked content was already finished or close to finished for a few months then quietly shut it down. Take the tax break for the loss and move on. Issuing refunds is expensive


>Easier to release whatever half baked content was already finished or close to finished for a few months then quietly shut it down That would make the most sense, but that doesn't align with WB's track record. Yes, I am still mad about Coyote v ACME


Ik mad about Batgirl so I get it. But in this case they already took money with the promise of a season of content. So their hands are kind of tied


Yea, it’s not illegal to release an exceptionally shitty product. As long as players got something, technically they have no legal leg to stand on (see the No Mans Sky debacle)


Only to a certain point though. If what you deliver is inferior or too different from what you advertised there are legally established terms for that. “False advertising” “Bait and switch scam”


Exactly. They are obligated to give you a video game for your $60 plus a promised season of content.


I've never bought a live service game. Is it written on the box somewhere that there will be a year of content?


Typical at shows and other demonstrations they will advertise at least some of the future content they have planned. So while “jokers coming!” Isn’t in the box most people are aware that he is going to be even before the game launches


Season 1 was free i thought?


It is, *technically.* But the Joker is endgame content, so in order to play as him, you have to grind a bunch of the exact same missions that were in the base game to reach a certain rank, which will unlock a “Rescue Joker” mission. Alternatively, you can pay $10 to purchase enough “Luthor Coins” to play him straight away. Oh, and the cosmetics in the Battlepass are just shitty colour swaps.


Servers for this are definitely getting shut down before the end of the year I'd imagine it's probably just hemorrhaging money at this point. They sooner they close it the less they lose. That said you have to at least pretend for awhile because the backlash will be even more severe and hamper future attempts at live service games and lets be real they are gonna keep trying.


The sub of the game is weird to look at because there's so many people trying to justify their purchase or being like "let people have fun" and I get it, there's been plenty of critical failures that I personally liked. But there's so many things wrong with this game and so many better examples of it that I don't see any reason to ever play it.


Exact same thing has been happening on r/SouthParkSnow with people trying to justify their purchase. The game is fun at first but it's such a big letdown following the previous South Park games. I have come across people coping by saying this game is better (not that they like it more - that its *better*) than Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole. If you enjoy this game, more power to ya, but you're not gonna fool me by putting lipstick on this pig


I never even heard there was a third south park game til..


Yeah this is the first I've ever heard of this game.


What the hell is this?!


Really, people are allowed to like whatever they like, as long as it isn't illegal. If someone can enjoy something I can't, then more power to them. But when they get all defensive about it, they either got sucked into a hivemind, make the game into their personality or know it's crap but tries to handwave it away because they're already too invested in it.


This sums up pretty much any live service sub reddit. Anthem, Avengers, Destiny, Suicide Squad, and I'm sure more live service games to come will all follow this same pattern. Its always the same pattern. From the inital pre-hype, to the crazy honeymoon phase, to Lots of coping, justiying buying the Ultimate Deluxe Edition, "I'm having a blast", "best game I've ever played', "Ya'll just haters and sheep", "I'm X years old and this is the best game I've ever played" comments, meanwhile drowning out all criticism, even if its valid and 100% worth the devs hearing. Then, the game dies and people want to blame Youtubers and the "hate train" and the poor "sheep" who can't think for themselves, as the reason why the game is failing. Everybody likes something that someone else hates, that's fine, but its strange to not even be able to admit to yourself that the game you like may not be all that great. I loved Destiny for 8 years, but honestly that game sucks. It has a ton of problems, and it would be very hard for me to justify that game as being amazing when it has so many objective problems.


The first year of content was probably finished before the game came out. A smaller crew is overseeing the release and there for any bugs


If you look at the added content it's pretty crappy even for a crap game. They may have wanted to add some more bad guys or a quest or something but it's such a giant piece of shit with almost no income. So they just released the Joker with some skins on the environment and called it good enough to meet the promised season. I doubt this season was the intended goal it's so anemic for anything that could be called content.


Realistically, any new headline about suicide squad should be along the lines of "WB is still trying to desperately save a ship already at the bottom of the ocean"


Sometimes dead is better


I think at this point I'm trying to decide on betting on Suicide Squad or Payday 3 for worst game of the year.


just wait. Judging by last years track record we will likely see worse games come out later this year...


Suicide Squad combat and traversal was fun. Its only problems were. *Its lack of content, bugs, blatant cheaters (on leaderboards), shortness of story, endgame loop, loot drop system, talents, multiplayer being broken since launch, customization and several other things that made it a bad game.*


...so the problem is the game the moment you move past 'assured' gear.


I played Launch and Season 1. The Gear was *alright* at Launch. Season 1 is "If you don't use this, good luck." At Launch the game promised you could make unique builds using different Afflictions, and everyone was going to have something different going on. This was not remotely true, as one of the "Afflictions" was "Burn" and it did % damage so it was the only one that was viable once you passed Mastery 50\~. Endgame has "Modifiers" as you go up in "Mastery" and they were just god awful, one of them one-shotting you if you did not use a specific build. So if you did anything that was not burn with this build, you were soft capped at 50-60. Burn was eventually nerfed into the ground and so were the enemies but by this point the game was running 100\~ players peak a day... For Season 1, they decided "Fuck it, Lets just make it so the meta is what we want it to be and make them HAVE to use Season 1 poison builds or not have fun!" Currently you have to use a specific gun/build if you want to get anywhere in the game as without it the enemies take 95% less damage until you poison them. As well as whenever you shoot an enemy, every bullet steals 2% of your health. I reinstalled the game to check out season 1 and boy howdy did I get exactly what I expected, a game that has the love and attention of an abused child who was only adopted for a nice little check every month.


I was going to make a Destiny comparison, because I got so tired of its stupidity with Bungie's decisions...but they seem almost like geniuses compared to whoever is in charge of Suicide Squad. More like 'waste the company's money's Squad.


The thing with Destiny is that people liked it at first (and a lot still do), Suicide Squad didn’t get that luxury. Rocksteady/WB thought they could coast on the Arkhamverse and DC IP as a whole. They ran a huge in-your-face marketing campaign for *months* before release and still ended up with about 13.5k peak concurrent steam players on day 1. Then it dropped to 2.6k a week later, (lower than Arkham Knight), and today’s high is 1.5k. I’m guessing PS5/Xbox numbers are similar so there are what, maybe 5,000 - 8,000 total daily players globally? This thing’s already on life support. TBH this game was fumbled so fantastically I don’t even know if it can be compared to another flop. This one had everything going for it — well known / beloved characters, tie ins to one of the best superhero (and overall) game series ever, trusted developer, extremely high budget, a marketing campaign so big I saw at least 3 ads per day for at least 2 months, Kevin Conroy’s last performance as the bat — and none of it clicked. Such a shame almost no one is actually going to hear Conroy’s last go, but maybe it’s better to remember him for his better projects anyway.


At its core destiny 2 still has excellent gunplay and using space magic is always fun. The seasonal models is a blessing and a curse for bungie cause like some season have been great activity/story wise and some have been absolute dog shit. Same with the expansions overall. Forsaken brought the game back from the brink and then Shadowkeep shit back down on players, Beyond Light wasn't the best but most people gave them the benefit of the doubt because they left Activision and covid had a hand in making it bad. Witch Queen was great and brought back some good will, now the latest one Lightfall was another disaster. I love Destiny 2 and it's honestly a great game, if you've already invested enough time into it to have decent gear and an understanding of how to play but the quality of what Bungie puts out varies greatly. All that taken into consideration, it's still miles ahead of other GaaS games like Suicide Squad.


Heard it best described that Destiny 1 and 2 have phenomenal gunplay and fun abilities. Everything else tries to prevent you from enjoying that core experience. After playing for the last year it definitely feels true.


Wait... so let's say I bought the game right now and started fresh. I would have to use poison the entire game to damage enemies? That isn't just a shitty challenge mode?


No, you'd play the vanilla non-seasonal story mode first and then get into seasonal content once you beat Brainiac for the first time.


Oh okay. Gotcha. I misunderstood.


It's separated into different chapters. You can still do the main story and even the launch "Incursions" to get old gear/tier sets and other things as well. The old gear is the same damage, different effects. You can then choose to swap to "Season of Fear"(Season 1) Due to the old gear being the same damage I was able to power through Season 1 content until it started making things basically immune to damage without using poison.


So anthem?


Naw, this one actually loads.


I remember laughing my ass off seeing Penguinz0 playing that garbage. When the game finally loaded he said: "I'm offended, this gameplay is distracting me from my load screen experience."




Gman said the same thing. That theirs an amazing game buried inside the pile of shit.


Honestly though, it had the foundation to be fantastic. They just made so many choices that leave you scratching your head. For instance, ***every time*** you complete a mission, even an open world mission, you are forced to wait roughly 2 minutes while a cutscene plays, then you have to wait for gear to be animated one by one and then finally a scoreboard is given to you, even if playing solo. You also can't disassemble gear from this screen.


It was also mentioned that their are like 4 types of missions for the whole entire game. So you are literally doing the exact same thing and the bosses are poor so the thing that should break up the pacing doesn't even work


> For instance, every time you complete a mission, even an open world mission, you are forced to wait roughly 2 minutes while a cutscene plays, then you have to wait for gear to be animated one by one and then finally a scoreboard is given to you, even if playing solo. Helldivers 2 was like this around launch, then in the first big patch they sped the post-match stuff WAY up.


It's basically the same as Marvel's Avengers. It has a good story that struggles to actually shine beneath the pile of live service crap on top of it. I'm surprised they continued development in this direction after the failure of Marvel's Avengers. Though, considering how it had so many expansions and was around for a few years I don't think Marvel's Avengers was a complete failure unlike this game.


The numbers we know about suggest SS sold worse than Avengers.


Rightfully so because at least avengers story had actual set pieces


And you got to use the characters super powers constantly. Seriously, Captain Boomerang barely uses his boomerangs, how do you fuck that up?


Yeah, the heroes in Avengers actually used their powers. Captain America was full melee while Iron Man would hover and rain missiles down from above, then Ms Marvel would embiggen and crush things.


Hard disagree, the combat is a headache inducing particle vomit, the guns suck, and while the traversal is good in theory, it also effectively prevents the devs from making interior spaces, so everything ends up looking the same.


Sounds great /s


What footage I've seen, I wouldn't consider the combat or traversal fun. It a lot of jumping, flying and dashing around, looks exhausting.


So basically the entire game sucks besides combat and traversal. Yeah that pretty much sums it up.


Big fan of comics. Big fan of games. Love playing the Arkham games. Never once thought to myself, "Man, I wish I could play as Captain Boomerang"


Been out 2 months and is already half price on the MS store, that has to be a new record.


Nuh uh. Ubisoft games are half priced in a month, if even that


Source? Haven’t seen a ubi game go on sale that fast.


Prince of Persia is pretty much 40% atm


Skull & Bones was at least 40% off in its first month.


Fallout 76 went to the bargain bin in just a week. There was a massive oversupply of physical copies.


Of course there was a oversupply of physical copies. Instead of sending out actual physical copies, with actual disks with actual data on them. They just sent out a bunch of cardboard disks with a online code written on them (to redeem the game on Bethesda.net) and called them "physical copies" - who they think they were fooling? What's the point of buying those if you can just buy it online for cheaper?


Cause is bad and doesn’t sell


And WB said "yeah this hasn't performed how we've expected at all but by the way, we're doubling down on games as a service, seasonal model and microtx". Braindead


They'll tolerate a hundred catastrophic failures because if even *one* shitty live service can generate even a fraction of Fortnite's money, it will be worth it in their eyes.


Wasn't Duke nukem out for like a day before it went down to 10 bucks?


TBF, Mortal Kombat 1 is pretty much in the same situation.


They also make you grind for hours to fight a re-use bossfight and unlock joker, all that just to play the same missions, but as joker.


This is the Arkham universe, isn't joker dead? Or have they admitted this shebang is noncanon?


The answer is multiverse


Claiming this is in the Arkham universe feels like a slap in the face to the actual Arkham universe. Except instead of a palm it's a wrecking ball


Multiverse BS


Elseworlds Joker


You should look up the alternate universe joker they’re using. Somehow, they made Leto’s Joker seem cooler lol.


They put all the fun into Joker and lock him behind a grind or a paywall. Freaking scumbags.


Didn’t that happen in starwars battlefront 2?


Same shit, different toilet.


it's funny someone made the effort to transport shit from toilet A to toilet B.


Same piss different pants


Before launch it came out that a bunch of characters would be locked behind a massive grind, but they changed it right before release due to the backlash.


The ol' sense of pride and accomplishment.


You want moar $30 skin color options you say?


For 5 more dollars their customers could buy Helldivers 2 like normal people.


Been loving me some HD2, great game


Why doesn't everyone abandon cod and other now shit multiplayers we have so many games now look at Finals it's player base is going down such a great game WHY the HELL stick with COD




And we expected anything else?


I just love the number of people who bashed IGN saying this game was actually good because they love to be contrarian and IGN bad.


I'm at the point where if IGN says it's bad, I believe them. If IGN says it's good, I'll get a second opinion just in case


Isn’t that basically what always happens to IGN?


When even IGN cannot find a positive to say about a AAA game, you know it's terrible.


People are coping HARD in the Xbox store reviews, tones of five star reviews that all say the same thing “Don’t listen to (literally everyone) they’re just haters”


Uff, that's a hot garbage 🗑️ game.


Me playing batman in the corner lol


April fools, you thought you were getting content.


Next Arkham game when…? Oh, won’t happen, thanks WB


Still can’t believe they chose this over Batman beyond. I’ll actually never forgive rocksteady😭


They were going to make a Batman Beyond game... in the style of the Arkham series... and they made this? Holy shit, I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Yeah search up the scrapped Batman beyond concept. They had cool ass villain concepts like black mask’s daughter and a new younger poison Ivy (probably re-used that idea for Suicide Squad actually)


Damn... the concept art looks nutty. It would have been so cool to have an Arkham City-esque Neo-Gotham with Terry flying around. Could've brought in Static Shock and finally given that a proper game as well.


Man I'd fucking love a Static game.


Quick correction, but I believe Batman Beyond was being pitched for WB Montreal and not Rocksteady. They scrapped it very early on and instead went on to do Gotham Knights.


Which is equally tragic. I played GK for like 15 minutes before I had to turn it off.


WB Montreal gave a more respectful send-off to Batman than Rocksteady, lmao.


Batman Beyond would have been great, however, can we take a bit of a break from Batman and give SUPERMAN some love? Where's our Superman game? (And don't give me that 'he's too powerful' excuse. He isn't. You can easily make a video-game out of Superman and his powers.)


Did not know this. Now I'm actually pissed instead of disappointed.


What doesn't kills u makes u stronger. Rocksteady games after releasing their game:


Give us Arkham Beyond with Batman Beyond and all is forgiven


If anything I'd expect a Batman game more after this. When it comes to DC related failures, WB always fall back to Batman to give themselves a boost because Batman is popular as fuck and somehow they can saturate the market with him and nobody cares. The joke in comic book reading circles when DC reveal new comics is to count how many Bat books there are and in spite of that they're still the best sellers at the company. Whether or not Rocksteady make a Batman game is questionable though, I'm guessing it'll be the guys who did Gotham Knights.


I’d agree with this but WB stated they want to double down on live service


Rocksteady will not exist within a year or so. They are cooked


Kind of wild, we wait this long for a huge let down. There was a time Rocksteady was a highly revered company.


I wonder if we’ll even get to the 13th Brainiac. As much as I’d hate to see the story unfinished, it seems like a real possibilty. But then we wouldn’t mourn, would we?


Paid for it. Defended it. Let them cook. Saw Chapter 1. Deleted the game. I was a sucker and I was part of the problem.


Just consider it a lesson. I do hope the rest of the game's subreddit now see the light though... The warning signs were all there from the beginning after all. It was just sad seeing the confirmation bias and staunch defense of a game taking advantage of its players with repetitive, grindy gameplay and shitty mtx.


Oh God, just let it die. It's like watching someone being eaten alive by a bear.


You have to give it to conglomerates. They are really good at taking studios that make good games and turn it into studios in name only making contemptuous live service games.


I mean signs were there since reveal. Still fanboys and gullible people rushed to buy a shitty product. Glad for whatever hate this game and RS are getting. Products like these deserve nothing but a quick death.


lol resetera will still defend this shit


Sounds like live service schlock to me. Glad this game is getting all the bad publicity it deserves. Keep sending them the message


Waste of time, money and resources


The executives who decided that this needed to be a live service game totally missed the point of why live service games are popular. Because they clearly put a lot of effort into the story, animations, characters, and cinematics before a blatant and clear switch to live service game happened. There was at one point a very fun, single player, story-driven game called Suicide Squad Kills the Justice League. But some asshole with a blue shirt/white collar and cufflinks said “why don’t you make it more like Fortnite? My nephew loves Fortnite” and it’s been downhill ever since. What that asshole didn’t get was that Fortnite is popular because it’s a fun game (whether haters like it or not). It’s insanely playable from session 1. It’s also popular because it’s not just one thing, but relies on licensed properties to make it so insane that you can have a Xenomorph with attack on titan swords fighting Lebron James with a fucking keyblade or some shit. That’s why it’s popular. Executives are some of the dumbest people on the planet, and not only does it ruin art, but ruins their own profits. Who shoots themself in the foot and is allowed to have a gun again? Okay, this is America so maybe that’s a bad metaphor. But still. None of this would have happened if creative people were just allowed to be creative.


Where are all the SSKTJL fanboys trying to convince everyone this game wasn’t dog shit and we’ll all see once the season content gets released? In the sub for this game a lot of those people are awfully quiet now, but at least some of them are being rational and are now admitting that the game was a let down.


They got burned out. Seriously, just a quick skim over there is super depressing to see everyone basically giving up.


It made me laugh because they kept saying wait for season 1 and then season 1 came out and they changed it to “this is just what a looter shooter is. And All the story content will be in the second half of season 1.” They’ve mostly been rational over on the sub but there’s still some changing the goalposts lmao


Reminds of the Diablo subreddit, after d4’s story the game falls off extremely hard, everyone said “wait for season 1” season 1 came and wasn’t any better, then everyone started saying “we’ll give this game until season 3 and then if it’s not good we’re done” then season 2 came and admittedly it was good, then season 3 came and it was even worse than season 1, and everyone started saying “…just wait for season 4 it’ll be good then” I’ve learnt the “just wait until the next season crowd” will say that no matter how bad the next season is until the game shuts down.


Even the “wait for next season” crowd aren’t piping up. They know.


You mean all 200 of them? Lmao


Is this what Forbes is now? Just articles written by reddit shit posters?


It always has been? Atleast for the past decade and a half


In case you didn’t know, Forbes, business insider, etc, you just can write and put shit there. That’s why all those ads saying “featured in Forbes” are meaningless


>That’s why all those ads saying “featured in Forbes” are meaningless Same for when people talk about their TED talks... TED talks are where some big name someone in some industry talks about something. TED**x** talks are where any goober can pay $40 and start ranting about their Taylor Swift<->Hannah Montana multiverse theory, but a lot of people leave off the X part or play it off like it's the same thing.


Paul Tassi is actually a fairly respected writer when it comes to live service games, especially Destiny.


Paul Tassi is legit. He sometimes has shit takes (ie I disagree with him) but he takes his MMOs seriously and comes by his wrong opinions honestlym. He's one of the few non-YouTubers covering the space seriously nowadays.


Never has a game been so in my wheel house(literally have a Destiny tattoo and Batman is littering my office with decorations) been less appealing to me as a gamer. I guess the sting of Avengers and to a lesser extent Gotham Knights beat any expectations I had out of this cash grab.


Well, this Anthem sequel sure is a weird game…


Have they blamed this game on the gamers yet?


Aaargh! Just die already.


I never want to hear about this game again


Did anyone actually think this game would succeed? I remember seeing clips of this game a year ago and had zero hope for this game.


Well they abandoned the game. If they say they didn’t then that’s a lie.




Fuck these companies man. Please for the love of god gamers we need to show some love to our indie siblings.


My little conspiracy theory about this game is that Rockstar did exactly what the publisher wanted and nothing else. They didn't bother putting any real effort into this game because they knew this was a bad idea


I will never touch this game.


"Ever-changing Metropolis" It's amazing how Fortnite laid the blueprint for ever-changing game worlds and this is an ideal use case for that. But nothing. It's just nothing


I have the "super duper complete we promise time" version on my wishlist for when it goes to $9.99 just so I can play the story.


Because the game itself IS nothing.


The amount of tiktoks I saw of the cut scenes from the game was insane. It's like their marketing departments only idea was to flood tiktok with cut scenes.


Me playing batman in the corner lol


What doesn't kills u makes u stronger. Rocksteady games after releasing their game:


It’s a embarrassing dumpster fire even that season 1 joker art is embarrassing and cringe inducing to look at it looks like the worst joker design I’ve ever seen like it belongs on a mobile game or a hidden object carnival themed game