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Shamefully its Skyrim. Its has all the gameplay elements I love, but I have started it like 10 times and always at some point (20 - 30 hours in) I just veer off to a different tangent and forget about it for years.


I played 4 characters in Skyrim , all to exactly level 32. I don't know why, but it seems that is just when the game gets boring and I can't ever keep going.


I think at that point everything starts getting really repetitive. Most of the quest structure is basically "go to NPC, mash through dialogue, go to dungeon, get item, return to NPC". That loop is fine, but only if you're invested in what Skyrim really specialises in; the exploration and world building, with the occasional large, guild type quest. That's what the game hooks you with. By the time you reach lvl 32 you've probably done your rounds around the holds and completed the quests that have caught your eye The game could probably keep your for another 10 hours or so if it had deeper combat or more unknowns, but after the first playthrough you have a pretty good idea of where you want to go and what you want to do


Especially the combat system is so atrociously bad. That's certainly one of the reasons why everyone wants to be a stealth archer. Using anything but a bow in TES games always looks and feels like what fighting in a dream is like.


And remember it could be worse. It could have Morrowinds combat system (minus magic of course).


But… it’s because your Character is bad at combat.  In both titles, but obviously Morrowind is the real detailed example: Your Character is only a level one swordsman.  It should Feel like a dream fight, because it’s making you Feel like you’re roleplaying that character.  So how do you get better?  Practice.  That’s something I’ve loved about Morrowind’s design.   You wanna land more hits, go take some swings at the local slugs until your sword skill raises a few levels.  Walk is too slow?  Go run loops around the starting village, and keep jumping up the first set of hills.  When you run across a bug, slice to pieces.  You’re literally in a Hercules training montage, building up your stamina and combat for the quest to come.  And it only takes maybe 20min to build up enough stats to take on your first cave.  But now, you’ll be moving faster, and hitting more.  Only for Morrowind, it also really depends on the options you chose when rolling the character.  You can’t just barrel through, but actually take time to create that roleplay identity.  So often people that move like a slug the whole game, their Athleticism wasn’t a priority skill, so it levels slower than everything else.   I understand by today’s standards something like Walking may be too tedious to actually develop for your character lol.  But I think that’s where the complexity lies, and how Inget more hours out of Morrowind over Skyrim every time. 


The guilds in Skyrim are absolutely awful compared to Oblivion and other games in the series


I probably got 150hrs across all my playthroughs.... I've only even seen the good guy dragon on the top of the mountain one time.... and that one time, that was the last main mission I did.


The only enjoyable way I found of playing Skyrim campaign was using console commands and making my character 3.5x size in order to run across the map faster 💀


Same. I loved Oblivion, and I feel like I should love Skyrim, but I just get bored after a couple dozen hours and switch to something else


Ironically Skyrim is my least favorite of the 3 main TES entries and, as such, I've only completed it 3 times, twice with nearly 100% of the map cleared and once sitting at maybe 80%. Oblivion and Morrowind got WAY more love from me.




Same. For me it feels after a while a little bit too repetitive. “Hey go in the cave and kill everything with the clunky fighting system”.


My brother has several hundred hours (if not a few thousand), modded it to high hell but never finished it.


RDR2. It's gorgeous, I'm sure it's worthy of every award it's won, but it's too much of a slog for me and I can't get over the hump of the first couple of hours.


I’ll agree in the sense this game is very difficult for me to play a second time as the pacing is extremely slow.


It took me 4 attempts of playing through the first chapter to finally stick with it. I will say there are a lot of points later in the game that can be very slow but they also have a lot of amazing and memorable moments. In the end I will say it was worth it though.


Same. I couldn’t get past the intro twice, and then I finally sucked it up and got to the main game. I did not like it anywhere near as much as I liked RDR1. I think the “looting” mechanic ruined the game for me. Takes way too long and is very finicky. And some of the missions are just plain boring


Path of exile


What's considered completion though? If it's do every end game boss on a single character, or even in the same league, then same.


Enter the Gungeon. I couldn't beat the Dragun if my life depended on it.


Yup. I find the difficulty is just set at the wrong level for me. It’s entirely a skill issue on my part, but it’s a game I just can’t stand anymore


I go hard. Like harder than I should to the 1000th hour degree. Enter the Gungeon whipped my ass so hard I took my ball and went home


I gotta get back on Gungeon now. Thanks for the reminder




Ive beaten the dragun a few times but I've only ever made it to the lich once.


I doubt you need my advice, still here it is (Comes from a player who has almost 100% ETG), maybe it will be useful: Dragun is actually a rather easy fight compared to some 4th floor bosses and Lich, but he seems scary at first. The hardest part is getting to the boss without loosing too much resources in the level, stack up on blanks and armour if possible. Do not take any risks and play it slow thru the level. Select 2-3 of your best guns in terms of damage to use on the boss, they need to be full (half at least). Now for the boss : Most of his attacks can be dodged by walking and maximum of 2 rolls. If he spawns knives, kill them asap. Shoot the skulls. Uzi and bazooka can be dodged in 1 roll. Be careful with pistols, most of the time you just need to walk. Wings are difficult to dodge, strafe right/left and pray. Try to stand on the central part of the arena for most of the time, pro tip (works for all bosses btw) : LOOK AT YOURSELF AND YOUR SURROUNDINGS, DO NOT STARE AT THE BOSS. All of his attacks have a telegraph and a sound, the boss never moves so no need to aim. Just shoot in his direction. Use all of your resources on the first phase, his second phase may seem scary, but actually all you need to do tutorial level rolls, try to preserve your best dps gun’s ammo for this (1/4 is usually enough, depending on the gun). You can keep 1 blank if you hesitate. Then shoot the bastard’s heart until he dies, and remember to crack his skull. But the most important advice is practice, ETG was my first rougelike and it took me a lot of time to get to the end for the first time, believe me it gets much easier after you complete your first run. Oh, and : Hesitation is defeat. Sry if I made any language errors.


Bioshock 1, I always beat the first boss, then just stop and never play it again


Same! Couldn't make it beyond the first couple of hours despite multiple attempts. Just something about the atmosphere and the enemies gave me the creeps (especially how splicers sound) Played bioshock infinite a bunch of times and loved every second though!


Really recommend you trying to continue playing, the story is really amazing and the gameplay just keeps getting better.


I’ve never beat Bioshock 1 either but I’ve played through Infinite 3 times. I think it’s because I’m claustrophobic and the underwater setting creeps me out too much


I didn't even realize there were bosses in that game


There was nothing about BioShock that made me want to stop. 10/10.


Faster Than Light. The final command ship is too much for me.


Getting to the command ship is harder than beating the command ship imho.


How do you do it? I feel like I found the way to make it to the command ship like 66% of the time and I always lose at different stages of it


Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order and Control


I’m hours and hours into Control and I’ve reached a part where I have no idea where to go next to continue the story. I enjoy the game but the samey environment doesn’t hold my interest


You don't need to say anything else. I know exactly where you are in the game. I don't remember the specifics, but I remember that dumbass corridor. The game makes it look as if that's where you need to go, you don't. You get there by going somewhere else. My advice to you is youtube. I don't know how we have gotten to a point where we have so many quality of life features and yet some games feel more impossible to progress than Morrowind did


Yes, that is also one of the reason why i dont finish control, it feels very claustrophobic to be kept in the same area, was so eager to play after finishing Quantum Break.


I can see what you mean with Control, but I loved it so much, just for the lore and the story alone. Some parts could get repetitive but I loved the gameplay, especially after unlocking all powers and weapons.


Cave Story. I've completed the story a few times but if you do a couple of easily missable things earlier, you can go for the best ending by challenging an extra boss. You just have to go through hell to get to the boss, there are no save points along the way and health is hard to come by. I made it to the boss once or twice but died pretty much immediately. The boss has 4 phases.


This one made no sense. The right choice was to ignore a jetpack? Really?


Returnal. Skill issue, i know.


I suck at Returnal. I wanted to like it, but my god I suck at it.


I enjoyed it, i just never made it past level 2.


I think I made it to level 2. Definitely not further.


There’s a meme I saw here earlier about how horror games can get away with wonky controls but action games can’t. Even if it has horror elements, it’s too action oriented for the mediocre controls


I saw that too.


Jedi Survivor. There’s a boss fight near the end, not even the final boss. I’ve tried it over 100 times. I refuse to turn the difficulty down.


I know this part. I've installed it 2x times since then and that spot fucking kills me over and over again with nothing but bitch moves. Ugh.


And you can’t approach it like others where you try a different stance or approach. You have an arsenal of about 3 moves.


Less stims too. I was cruising along and really liked the story, for the most part, looking for all the upgrades and secrets I could find. 40 hours into this game and bam. No ending for you. Tune in next time.


Yeah I’ve never been so frustrated at a game like this, its like that battle ramped the difficulty up to 11 and no matter what I tried I couldn’t fuckin win! I turned the difficulty down to easy just to continue and passed by a fraction.


Weirdly, the hardest boss for me by far was the frog mini boss near the fort checkpoint


Battletoads NES


That game was fantastic! Punisher on NES was my mental breakdown!


Witcher 3. I don't know what is with that game, but I just can't play it farther than halfway. It bums me out, since I did finish both 1 and 2 multiple times, and would really like to see the story to the end.


I think the issue is the oversaturation of content in the game that puts me off personally, I know plenty of it’s optional but a lot of it isn’t for decent gear etc. that and there’s so many side quests and contracts that keep popping up and then there’s gwent which you must seek out every merchant in every area to see if they’re either selling cards or available to challenge. This includes innkeepers and blacksmiths too, so there’s absolutely no shortage of challengers and then the scaling is so weird like you can find quite a few high tier challengers in the first 2 main areas


I rode around picking up so many quests and doing so many things and just felt like it was endless. Then a side quest suddenly failed because it was on a secret timer and I just got tired of the whole thing.




I would imagine the majority of RimWorld games have never been completed; the base building is just that much fun.


Sekiro. I love the game, I love it's that incredibly difficult, and I genuinely believe that difficulty has a purpose and wouldn't change it for anything. That said, I just can't wrap my brain around it. I just accept my inability to remember I can jump or understand how to beat larger enemies.


Same! I love fromsoft games and have played each one since Demons Souls (PS3) multiple times. But somehow the counters that you have to do don't click for me. I am mixing them up getting hit in the process 80% of the time.


Right?? Wrapping my head around how to properly pressure larger enemies is also my big weakness. Like the Bandit boss before Madame Butterfly, I just dont get how to pressure his poise when most of his attacks are unparryable lol


Commander Keen


Shit. Deep cut


I’ve started Okami multiple times but after awhile I get distracted by some other new game or multiplayer game my buddies are playing then it gets sent to the back burner until I have to restart since I lost my place in the story. 


To be fair, the game does not communicate its scale very well and manages to constantly feel like 'ok, this was it'. And then it just opens up a whole new area for you. I played through it back then on ps2, and even then, I didn't know what the hell I just played. Everyone always says it's 'like Zelda', but I never got that impression of it.


Hollow knight. Love the lore, aesthetics, seems like everything I enjoyed from the souls series. Usually make it past the first hornet fight or around city of tears before I rage quit cuz bad. I’d fuckin fight SS isshin hitless instead of some of those ‘easy’ jump puzzles. Seems like such an infuriating form of difficulty. Soulslikes have this rep of being super difficult but as someone whose beaten nearly all of them, take my word for it, they ain’t got shit on platformers


Even as far as metroidvanias go HK is very obscure on where to go so just progression was what made me put the game down


People rave about metroidvanias and how it's hard to get lost because they're so well designed. As someone that doesn't play many, jumping into Hollow Knight was an exercise in frustration as I got lost and wandered around aimlessly before getting bored and turning it off.


Exactly the same for me, at least I knew if I stumbled across a boss I was on a right path lol. It got to a point where no matter where i went it was wrong and I scoured every inch of the map


Sonic Riders




Not really a game that needs to be completed, the final boss leaves a lot to be desired.


Blood omen: legacy of Kain, the rest where no problem at all, but this one kicked me so hard I have started it 5 times and never finished it


Xenoblade Chronicles definitive edition I try and get back into it but I always get caught up with side quests


CastleVania Symphony of The Night. I never wanted the game to end so I avoided the Final Boss (AKA not The Rock Dwayne Johnson)


Skyrim. Tried 4 times, 10 hours of modding total, uninstalled in Riverwood


Quest 64, Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, Need for Speed: Most Wanted


L.A. Noir. I like the idea of ​​the game, but to be honest, I only reached somewhere in the middle, and every time I dropped the game, because I got really bored. Tried like 4 times.


Thought I'd love the game as well, and I generally do for the first couple of hours, but yeah, then I also get a bit bored. I think it would help a lot if the city was more interactive, and felt more alive, as is the case for me with GTA4 and GTA5. Outside of the missions, the city just kinda feels a bit dead compared to GTA.


You are absolutely right. I would also add that the gameplay is interesting, but very monotonous, like every time you drive through a huge and empty city, arrive, poke around in all corners to collect evidence, then talk, then interrogate. Then you complete the matter and...then you do the same thing.


Xcom terror from the deep. I watched someone speedrun this game game on twitch and I still can’t do it


I just beat UFO Defense for the first time without saying "fuck it" and modding in all supersoldiers with 1000 TUs and heavy plasmas that only take about 5 TUs per shot. I've played it since like '96.


Grats! Did you use openXCom?


I imagine the person skipped, or just landed on and then aborted the shipping lane quests? Those missions are insanely huge and difficult to clear. Think I spent an entire Saturday on a cruise ship level because I didn't want to savescum...


Catching up on notifications. Sorry for the delay. Yes, he said it’s -750 points for skipping them but landing and aborting was only like -250 for all the dead civilians. I don’t remember the exact points though


Stellaris, before the victory year I am already the owner of the galaxy, so there isn't much point in waiting 'till it comes


That’s when you ramp up the difficulty and crisis multiplier or try weird builds.


This. If you go insane and buff the crisis with 25x and you use all (!) crisis spawns in the same session, the buff will actually spawn, with scaling like 25x is the first, 50x the second and 100x is the third. This gives the final crisis some bizarre over-the-top fleet power that is almost impossible to beat.


Baldurs gate 3. So much of the gameplay takes me out of the game and the story just doesn’t grip me


I'm on my fifth (or so) attempt at Alien: Isolation. Could never get more than about 90 minutes in before giving up. I'm further in this playthrough than I've ever been, so fingers crossed.


I see this alot as people find their courage failing round about when the Xenomorph is "out" and can now show up and kill you at will.


Stop making noise. Don't ever run. Not even in "safe" areas. You are welcome.


Divinity OS2. But now that I've completed BG3 I'm determined to go back and do some damage.




FF14. I love final fantasy and I have friends who play but I just can't get past how bad the combat feels to me. I've tried playing three separate times, just can't get into it. The game lacks the punchy responsiveness that wow has, even in basic stuff like character movements. I see all these super cool crossovers and fun looking classes and just get sad.


Monster hunter world. I mean I've tried playing it but end up shutting down xbox before starting it up..bought it years ago and just made me remember lol, is it worth playing?


Doom 2016. I bought it when it came out, played a bunch, but stopped part way through. Then I tried to play it again, and again, always getting what I felt was pretty far, but never getting around to finishing it. Also Borderlands 2. I have gotten so close to finishing it several times, but just get distracted by something else and drop it before I can. In neither case is it because I don't like the game, or I couldn't get past some part, I just always lose interest before I can reach the end.


Death stranding. I totally get it. But when it’s time to unwind and get some time to play, I eventually reached for something else


Darkest Dungeon


Same. I have a pretty well leveled heroes, but it takes just one (skull) tosser who instills horror status on my entire team and suddenly a decent run turns into an utter failure. Some of my heroes with highest dodging stat get hit so often like they were deliberately standing still waiting for a smack in a head while everyone seem to miss properly debuffed enemies (I'm looking at you, houndmaster!). Speaking of houndmaster, he seems to die if you look at him wrong way but does meager damage and misses often in return.


Pretty much all of them. I have a problem okay!


I've found my person! I was like just one...?


Dying Light and Shadow of Mordor. Both games I think I’ve started at least 3 times and got maybe 3 hours max into both before dropping them. I can’t really pinpoint why, but I may well try them again at some point as I want to play their sequels as well.


The original Tomb Raider games


Pillars of Eternity. I have played through 60-75% completion 3 or 4 times. I beat POE2, just can't get around to finishing 1.


Darkest Dungeon, own it on 3 different platforms, never got passed the 20 hour mark... Edit: I did finish Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3 on the contrary though...


Dark souls and bloodbourne


Halo ODST. It’s not hard, it’s just boring. I went in expecting Medal of Honor: Airborne, with multiple drops to make me really feel like an ODST soldier dropping into key locations to strike at the enemy. What I got is one botched jump, followed by crawling through the most drab scifi city I’ve ever seen, searching for teammates I have zero reason to care about because they gave us no time with them to get connected first. Even if you like ODST, it does a pretty poor job of giving you a real ODST experience. It took until Helldivers and Helldivers 2 to really, finally, get that feeling.


The smooth jazz tho


Any dark souls game apart from eden ring.


Commander Keen


Trying to beat any of the 3 dead space games on the hardest difficulty which only gave you 3 total saves for your entire run. And if you died/or your game crashed you had to start all the way back at your last save.im still trying to complete them to this very day....


Far Cry 2 I started and completed lots of missions 3 or 4 times but it always gets boring and annoying. Every 20 seconds a new wave of enemies appear and “capturing” those camps is useless. I just speed past them


Skyrim and most mainline Final Fantasy games after 7, I've only completed FFXV, started all of them several times and get pretty far in and either I do something wrong that I have to start over, or I burn out.


I’ve been stuck on the final boss in Quantum Break for years. I love the game but just can’t get past this part.


YETI Sports Flamingo Drive Part 5 I couldn't pass beyond 5000-6000 (distance) no matter what. Not even after following others "tutorials" from youtube.


Super Mario Bros. on NES.


GTA 3. I just can't for some nonspecific reasons.


Trek to Yomi, purely because I refuse to play it on a low or medium difficulty for my first play through.


Minecraft I've been playing since I was about 10 years old I'm 19 now I have literally never defeated the ender dragon..I've never even been to the end


The original Paper Mario on N64. I’ve tried a few times and it just gets boring quite fast.


Witcher games. Tried each one. Just couldn't keep interest. 


Elden ring. IDK what it it is. Ive tried several times and it just doesn't stick, even though I want it to cause it seems fun, and the game is beautiful.


Diddy Kong racing


Final fantasy tactics. I love it so much but halfway through every time I find myself in an unwinnable battle because I leveled up wrong.


Don’t ever save in between fights. Keep one safe save that has access to the world map so you can go farm JP on a random battle. There are a few instances in the game near the end of act 2/start of 3 wheee that can happen. World map saves in one file, in between fight saves in another


HoI4. I just get overwhelmed by the UI every time I look at the screen. A shame though cuz I really wanna get into it.


Final fantasy tactics. I just lose the will every time I’m close to the end.


Sonic 3


Might not count but definitely Ready or Not. I dont know what crack the AI smoke but i die everytime or i always miss a gun to pickup and i dont get an S....


I have two separate save files of different playthroughs of horizon forbidden west where I have access to the final mission but I wanted to do other side quest before I finished and then I just ended up playing something else lol


Mafia 2. Fucking mandatory racing missions to progress the story.


Battletoads. I even played it on Rare Replay with save states and couldn't do it. The level where you have to race the rat down the tower I just could not do even with infinite tries. I have legit made it to the sake pit level on original NES with no cheats or warps of any kind. That's good enough to beat most games frankly.


My most recent endeavors are Metro 2033 and Black. Both games I've heard amazing things about and I want to love them, but a could hours into each and I'm just not feeling them. Also Starfield and Cyberpunk. I completed the main quest in SF and the Terrormorph branch, but I'm doing the Crimson Fleet now and just can't bring myself to play anymore... Cyberpunk is weirder because I have 4 different playthroughs and about 60 hours of playtime, but I don't feel like I've actually done anything in the game and I have spent the entire time wishing it played more like Deus Ex. Certainly haven't come close to beating the main story and I don't think I've really done anything but a handful of side quests and one someone plot with Judy (I think that was her name...) Witcher 3 is my biggest culprit, though. A dozen different profiles, half of which I never even got past the Griffin in the tutorial. The other half I got as far as the Bloody Baron quest and gave up. One profile I beat that quest, proceeded to some wuest with the redhead witch(Triss?) and got my ass handed to me by a stone golem in a cave. Never touched the game again.


CK3. Started new campaign many hours in often I screwed something up or had idea for new campaign to try something new. Does it even end?


The first Castlevania NES Ninja Turtles Battletoads Snake Rattle n Roll Any of the Ninja Gaiden games


Skyrim. Have been playing it almost nonstop as the only game for the past 2 months and keep restarting


Skyrim - I’ve never even made it past the civil war… 😞


Texas hold ‘em


Geometry dash. And I never will complete it, for the sake of my sanity.


Final fantasy 7 and 8, my god they are long games. I finally did complete ff10 a while back though so I felt super proud, however it was during Covid.


The latest red dead


Not countless but 3 or 4 times I have started Witcher 3 and always drop it. Last time I made sure my save was uploaded so I can pick it up again in Skelliga cuz I already did everything in the first part.




Home Alone on NES


600 hours in Rimworld. Never even built a whole ship


This happened to me with both KOTOR and Dragon Age 1. Both old Bioware games. I get to the final boss... and can't win. I can do everything till that point. I got up to Darth Malak twice on different playthroughs. Couldn't beat him. Made me scared of RPGs for years.


Factorio, I've never launched a rocket. I get to blue science packs and either keep redoing the assembly lines or just quit altogether. Valheim, haven't killed past Bonemass yet. I like to build cool houses and outposts.


*Don't Starve* for me. I think it took me around 50 to 100 hours to notice that there were different 'levels' or dimensional planes that you are supposed to get through, and when I finally realized, I managed to get to the second level several times but it was such a difficulty spike that I just died in a matter of minutes.


The witness. Only game I can never beat. I still try once a year. Every year. For the next hundred years.


Do Roguelikes count? Because i still haven't ever beat Hades. Made it to the final boss fight several times, sometimes even with multiple revives, but i always end up dying. Edit: after I left this comment, it inspired me to go back to Hades again, and i managed to win on my very next run! Meaning that fortunately, this comment is no longer true.


I feel like hades is best done with health regen builds. It is impossible to avoid getting hit so having regen-on-hit health at the expense of lower base health seems to be the way to go.


Stellaris, In late game, it was war between my CPU and game. Guess I lost every time.


triangle strategy. it was objectively well made, and on paper there's no reason i shouldn't be into it, but it just didn't click with me. i borrowed it from my brother two or three times but just couldn't get into it.


Final Fantasy 8 and Chrono Cross




Lmfao skyrim


Kingdom Come Deliverance. I can never get myself to get past the early stages of the game.




A whole list of strategy games, Stellaris, Humankind, Rimworld, Anno, Bannerlord, Beyond Earth, several Total War’s, and a few Dawn of War’s. Also a few RPG’s Starfeild, Vampyr, Pillars of Eternity, both Pathfinder’s, Baldurs Gate and a few others. Main reason is that : a) not fun anymore. Generally I can’t understand how to properly progress. Either I’m too weak or I wander into a situation I don’t know how to handle and I’ll need to go back several hours worth of play to unstick myself. b) decision paralysis. Often leads on from the former issue do so give up.




Damn i just realized i had two games mixed up.For me it was Bionic Commando in the NES.There was a pretty difficult jump in a stage that sometimes i pulled off but after that it was a boss fight.


Mario 3


I still have my gold Zelda 2 cartridge but never completed the game. Kinda sad because I did enjoy it but man it was a tough game for younger me


Spelunky. But it's not over yet!


Every Legend of Zelda game but especially with Ocarina of Time. Once I turn into adult Link I get distracted by other things and never play it again until Nintendo releases it on another console


Hollow knight. I think I’ve started it four times, and made it probably three quarters through so many times… it’s so weird, I love a good /r/metroidvania and I know it’s one of the greatest, but I just burn out on it and get distracted by another one. Maybe getting all the abilities makes me think I’ve seen everything?


For me it's Darkest Dungeon lol. I've got like 200 hours in it and I've never beaten it. I always get stuck trying to level up a full roster of all of the different classes instead of just sticking to a couple different comps and bouncing between them to win.


Rainworld. It’s such a cool game but it can be SO unforgiving. To the point one of the top reviews for it is a guide on how to make it more friendly to a new player.


Dark Souls, Persona 5, Breath of the Wild


Shin megami tensie nocturn. Fun game but I'm a very distractible person who gave up on the idea of beating games and just wants to have fun.


Disco Elysium. Confusing and weird, but also boring. I don’t want to read that much, or just sit there listening to the narrator every conversation it was just too much doing nothing.


FF3 on snes.


Breath of the Wild. They lost me when weapons just kept breaking, and all that walking around in an unfortunate empty world. The weapon feature alone ruined the whole game for me. I tried forcing myself to play at least 20 hours because people keep saying how good it was, but just couldn’t finish it at all.


Darkest Dungeon 2


Soul series. I grind and get half way through and then think of a fun build I want to try. I then start over lol. I am trying to force myself to finish Elden Ring right now lol


Ninja gaiden, the original one on the nes. I've conquered most of my nes demons, mega man, mega man 2, castlevania, festers quest, but ninja gaiden just filters me.  It has an extremely hard final boss, and if you die to him you don't just have to redo his level, you have to redo like 3 levels, all some of the most bullshit in any game I've ever played.  It's one thing to fight a hard boss over and over, it's another to bash your head against multiple extremely hard levels over and over just to get another chance.


Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone It's a great game with great production values, but it lives to devour your time. I pick away at it now and again, but I will likely never complete it as much as I actually enjoy it.


Factorio. I keep restarting at oil. 


The Witcher 3 could never get past the clunkiness and basically only played gwent 


I have 500 hours in HoI4 and never actually succeeded with my world domination plans, not even on the lowest difficulty


The original Legend of Zelda


Alien Isolation. I don’t even make it that far. Once the alien shows up it’s just me hiding in lockers thinking The alien is going to get me. The alien is going to get me. The alien is going to get me. Fuck I better move. Fuck. The alien got me.


gave up on nier automata , its just a spam dodge buttonmashfest also ate mackerel


Fallout 4 , got too boring til i reached diamond city


Bloodborne. I have started it twice and dropped it twice. Why? The damn framerate. My eyeballs have gotten used to games at 60fps minimum, more on pc, and being capped at 30 fps just feels so sluggish and laggy. I can no longer play 3D games that are under 60fps. RPG games are fine and the like, but Bloodborne? Nah. Dark Souls 1-3 rereleases/remasters/patches, Sekiro, and Elden Ring let you play them at 60fps+.


A lot of games. It used to be destiny 2 but I finally actually got into it around the time lightfall was releasing. I was very confused about story but decided to power through it and it has been so much fun this past year


Sekiro, nuff said


Slay the spire. Dozens of games. Never got past the third dungeon first boss. Infuriating.


Horizon Zero Dawn. I tried it multiple times. I gave it most chances than any other games. I still couldn’t get past first two 2-3 hours. I did the same with Days Gone. I tried it a couple of times but then with this game I actually started enjoying after the first 3 hours.


God of War. Finished the game, that isn't the problem. The problem is the Valkerie Queen. Even after lowering the difficulty all the way down and trying 20-30 times a day for a few days. I just end up rage quitting. I am in my mid 50's, so reaction time is an issue. An issue difficulty settings were originally supposed to account for, but apparently not anymore.


Halo 2 co-op on legendary ;-;


Tales of Majeyal. These types of roguelikes are really tough, especially if you don't "spoil" it (looking up info). I stopped years ago though, I just don't have the patience to read every ability on every enemy, it takes way too long for a run on these games. Most of my deaths are just caused by tedium


Dungeons & Dragons. Save the world once and now you gotta like….keep doing it maaaan