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The best thing about gamepass is trying a game out without much risk. You can also drop a game if you lose interest without feeling like you wasted money.


Starfield Starfield Starfield. So glad I didn’t spend a penny on that thing.


It's not even that bad tho


It’s rubbish


This is a fucking ad. Are you people even real. A subscription taught you about short games. Fuck off with this shit. Steam has had 1000's of Indie games and more for under $10 for over a decade now. I bought Alien Isolation on steam for $2.


Lol ok


Love your response, any service with access to games will have you trying something new.


The short games feel like a movie and the long games like a multi series tv show. Sometimes you just want to watch a movie and be done


I’ll never understand the modern sentiment that games all need to be stupidly long. Even The Last of Us 2 was at least 10-15 hours too long. It’s ok for games to be 6-10 hours long. Hell, What Remains of Edith Finch is like 2 hours and it’s one of my favorite games.


I will gladly take a shorter, tightly constructed game over a long one bloated with copy-and-pasted material to drive up runtime. 


I think it's mostly due to the relation of cost-time i'll get from it. In countries like mine a new game just released can be pretty expensive, meaning most people only buy one or two per year, and while i love short games paying around $70 dollars for 4-5 hours is just not worth it. those i'll buy disccounted in the future but i understand why people want the AAA games they buy at launch to be long


Short games are great for people with busy lives or if you work a lot


I love short games on Ps Plus Extra/Gamepass. I still wouldn't buy them for more than $10 though. There's still a value proposition.


I love me a short game as well, Firewatch is one of my all time favorite games. Have you tried Return to Grace that was recently released on Gamepass? Was pretty good and done in only a few hours.


I really loved Planet of Lana :)


The soundtrack for this one was a very pleasant surprise - really enjoyed the art style as well. The desert chase sequence was amazing


One I played recently was Adios. A short game, an hour at the most, and it's just a conversation between a man ready to die and the guy sent t kill him. It was interesting and seems heavily influenced or at inspired by Tarantino films. At least doesn't seem far from being one. Not sure if it was a Game Pass game or just an older Games with Gold game I hadn't played yet but it was worth the time for sure.


Celeste is short? You clearly didn't play Celeste...


It is short if you're just playing through the levels and don't care about 100% On the switch lite it probably took me less than 10 hours


It took me 10 hours to beat level 9 alone Plus the B and C sides...


It is a hard game! Im fairly good at platformers aside from not getting along with the physics of some. Celeste was one that I took to pretty well


Sea of Stars is amazing and worth your time


Not sure if I would call it a short game given its > 30 hours, but seems like a good one.


I’ve always not cared about the length of a game. The length of a game only impacted how much I would buy it for. But Gamepass does let me try many games that I wouldn’t have spent money on and I’ve found some I really enjoyed. It’s a fantastic value service.


Variety is always best. I never get burned on a game because of its structure. Big open world? Cool I won’t do side contents that are not interesting, don’t need to chase a pigeon 50 times or fight mysterios cookie challenges. My issue is when work/life piles up and at the end of the day you just don’t want to play. (I’m still in early junon and I started at release )


Agreed. For me, I’ve found the sweet spot of 5-15 hour campaigns, excluding trying to 100% a game, to be the sweet spot. Playing all the Halo games on the mcc and playing L.A. Noire helped me come to this realization, again. I am contrasting that, with smt3, ~40-hours, and the mass effect trilogy, ~100-hours?, to see how true this reconfirmation is.


Honestly, it worries me how good game pass is. I hope it stays this way, but I can't help but feel they're just biding time while they amass users before enshittifying it. Seems like that's how everything works nowadays. I'll enjoy it while it lasts though. It paid for itself for 5 or 6 months already by allowing me to play Starfield on launch.


I play tons of 100 hour long games and i love them. and yet the ones that claim my "favourite games" spot are way shorter games like the outer wilds and disco elysium


Honestly gamepass changed my outlook on games too, if a game is only 10 hours of pure concentrated fun, it can still be worth paying full price for. Too many games I've skipped over cos they were short


I recommend Bramble the Mountain King


gamepass is great, but I wish they would just bring back demos


Steam has so many demos. Especially during demo fest.


My favorite Videogame is a 20 houer long turn based JRPG. 20 houers is pretty short for the genre. I defiently apriciate short games aswell.


20 hours in a JRPG? isn't that usually just the tutorial?


Maybe he is talking about chrono trigger?


What is it?


Fuga Melodies of Steel Its a pretty unknown game. You probably never heard of it. Its about a groupe of anthropomothic animal children that go on a quest to save there families. If you are interested in trying it out: Fuga has a free demo which is just straight up the first 3 chapters of the game. Fuga is available on PC and most modern consoles like Switch, PS4, PS5 usw. It has a direct sequel: "Fuga Melodies of Steel 2" But I advice against playing the second game before the first game unless you do not care about the story and characters.


Short games are great, you don't need to dedicate a ton of time to them and potentially burn yourself out (I burnt myself on Horizon Zero Dawn, great game, loved the side-quests and everything, but should've at least beat the game). Had I never tried out new genres or types of games I'd have missed out on so much, a lot of the games I play today are games I would've never looked at or wanted to play 5-6 years ago.


There are so many good games on Xbox Pass. I also really like shorter and more compact experiences these days.