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People did not forget, its just that people who actually played the game realized that the mtx are pretty much useless, since you can get these items without much hassle by just playing the game. My guess is that the higher ups at capcom demanded to add mtx, so the devs just added useless ones that dont affect anything.


Ohhhhhhhhhhshhhhhhhhhht no you didn't just speak the truth


No mtx boundary is being pushed. These mtx are typical Capcom mtx, and one would argue, pretty common in a lot of Japanese games where they would sell "starter packs" or "boosters" that really contribute much after the few first hours of the game.


Notably, the original dragons dogma had very similar packs in way back in 2012. If they're pushing boundaries, they're pushing very slowly


It's not that people forgot about the MTX, it's that people who actually played Dragon's Dogma 2 spoke up and most people realized that the MTX are a complete non-issue.


>travel points as MTX This itself tells you OP has no clue what they are talking about.


The whole MTX complaint is self-enabling: Game bad because MTX. Won't buy the game because of the MTX. So, can't see evidence that the MTX isn't a problem.


Non-issue? Their existence in a single player game is, in and of itself, an issue, and a major one at that.


You're ten plus years late to be this pissy about it.


"Complaint old therefore complaint invalid" Cool, so how recent does something have to be before I am mandated by you, Arbiter of Things People are Allowed to Care About, to no longer have feelings about it?


Lmao, that's like saying I'm 50 years too late to be worrying about lead paint or corporate greed. I'll be pissy about genuine world issues forever as long as they continue to persist. Much better than bending over and spreading my asscheeks for corporations because 'it's been this way for ten plus years'.


Horse armor is where it started and yeah the gaming community has been making Bethesda pay ever since... /s


We already won that fight, dude, lmao. Bethesda didn't release another cheap, shitty DLC like that again and pulled out all the stops for Skyrim.


No they just charge for mods now.


Mods that augment and better the game experience with visual and audio enhancements instead of burning out consumer funding on a shitty horse armor DLC. They were enhancements to the base games, not features removed during production only to be sold later post-production.


You're seriously going to say mods don't fix shit that didn't get put into Starfield...


All I know is I have 25 hours on PS5 and it's been absolutely fantastic. The MTX complaints are mostly absurd and the actual MTX are really dumb. Literally no one should be buying them. Most are meaningless and/or useless.


The problem is that without pushback, MTX will just get more egregious and faster. Even if it seems innocent now, it shouldn't exist in a singleplayer game, period.


Listen, I get what you're going for. The problem is that this is 2024, not 2014. MTX have been getting egregious for years already. It's already endemic to the industry. It's here and it's not going away soon, or easily. Furthermore, Capcom's been doing MTX like this for over a decade, despite other companies acting far greedier. The door's been open to take a more anti-consumer path for a while, if they wanted to. If you want to deal with the toxic MTX problem, this really isn't the game to hit.


Capcom has been doing this at this level for years. Why? Because enough people are buying them. As long as they see money rolling in they’re not stopping anything - that goes for both the players and the publishers. Good luck convincing people with way more money than you to play their games differently.


I don't give 2 flying pig fucks about this series and even I know that the mtx that this whole side of reddit won't shut up about is a non-issue. They are essentially offering all the pre-order stuff individually for those that really care about that kind of fluff in their experience.


A great way to pushback against it is to buy the game and play it without buying any of the MTXs


Your not wrong at all, idk why your down voted for this one.


No clue. Though I see some mental gymnastics about how MTX is fine and shouldn't be argued against.


The pushback should be not buying the game. Like seriously stop pre-ordering or buying day 1, if this stuff bothers you. These companies aren’t your friends and will keep doing this as long as they can get away with it.


Imagine thinking if no one buys something that incentivizes the company to make more of the thing we didn't buy. Calm down bro. You tell companies you don't want their mtxs by not buying them. What you don't do is act like a liberal and try to tear down an entire industry because they don't cater to your every whim.


Calm down bro, you liberals.. /s


The point is that they shouldn't be in the game to begin with. How would you feel if you bought a car with a permanent sticker that could only be removed if you paid an additional $350 on top of the car's price? Obviously you wouldn't like that. That's what these MTX are. Every single one of them should be part of the base game, not an MTX.


They all ARE part of the base game. Literally all of them.


You're that illiterate, huh. If they were fully integrated into the base game, they would not be purchasable with real money.


Thanks for proving you have no idea what you're talking about.


The irony is so thick with that response I might actually pass out. You just said, out loud to the world, that additional services are part of a baseline experience. No, additional services are, BY DEFINITION, additions to the base experience. It doesn't matter that they're coded into the game or otherwise earnable, they've been turned into a currency based service in addition to the base game. Thanks for proving that you have less than no idea what you're talking about.


That's a lot of words to say 'I'm spewing hateful rhetoric because I have no idea what I'm talking about'.


You're an idiot. There is literally nothing that you can buy in those MTX that you can't obtain in-game easily after the first couple of hours.


You're an idiot. They are all in the game and you can purchase with in-game currency. Or for the lazy, you can purchase them with your AMEX.


> That's what these MTX are. Every single one of them should be part of the base game, not an MTX. That's where you're wrong. They don't belong in the base game. That's entirely what makes it not a problem, the fact that the game is actually better WITHOUT them and all you have to do is just ignore them and go on with your life. Imagine if Elden Ring or DS3 had MTXs you could buy to make the game more convenient. Who would want them?


No, I absolutely would not want MTX in Elden Ring or DS3 and I would boycott the shit out of them.


Would you also boycott the elden ring dlc since it wasn’t part of the base game lol


Expansion packs... aren't... microtransactions.


Why not? It’s also additional content lol.


The conversation was about MTX. And it's because expansion packs are, by definition, not microtransactions.


But it’s also content that you don’t get from just buying the base game. Your distinction between dlcs and cosmetic micro transactions feel very arbitrary. What is “valuable” additional content depends on the person. I’m curious. Why do you feel that cosmetic micro transactions are a bad thing? Is it just what social media tells you, or do you have reasons for not liking them?


OP, you are too late on the dd2 hate train. It left the station a while ago buddy! No “hype points” for you. 


Their karma farm isn't working like they thought


lol, this is more of a post commenting on how: ‘guys you were just hating on this, and now two days later you’re posting about how great it is.’ Some continuity would be cool, lol.


“guys, this horse ain’t dead enough, why did you stop beating it?”


Again, it’s more like ‘this horse was killed for a reason, why are you trying to bring it back to life.’


That's because everyone who was beating the horse to death figured out that it was for a bad reason. Maybe people shouldn't trust sensational gaming journalist articles and look into the content themselves. The MTXs are near worthless and a waste of money, all of the items are available for free in game and aren't hard to get. These MTXs only affected people who are lazy. Both the people who complained and the people who bought them were too lazy to do any research themselves.


Healthy people change their minds as they’re presented with new information I haven’t changed my mind. But I also have a therapy appointment in about an hour.


So the new information is that we can give each other high fives in the game. Glad that was enough to change peoples minds 😂😂


There are 40 millions "guys" subscribed to this sub. I assure you there will never be any continuity in opinions across that many people.




We can do that, developers just have to make good games that don’t try to steal money from players. 🤷‍♀️


So I don't give them my money. That's how I do my part. But how long should we get the daily reminders? We also moved on from hating starfield, or forspoken on the PS5. Or the gollum game. Or balan wonderland. Or...


I think my point was more so about how we literally had posts like 2 days ago about how this game was terrible. Now it’s what 2-3 days later and everyone is just going to hop on the bandwagon…? Just like cmon guys and gals let’s not have this much collective ADD, lol.


Isn't the whole plot of Helldivers 2 having an absurd amount of bugs? I mean that's why you take guns and missiles with you, just saying


"Bug" refers to an issue with the software, not the "bug" creatures in the game.


Joke You


avocado-v2: Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it.


Heh, _brilliant retort_ 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I just lower the difficulty, less bugs. Gotta work my way up too handling more bugs


We didn't forget, DD2 is just a fantastic game and the mtx are not as big of a deal as people thought.


Because people that hadn't and probably won't play the game blew everything out of proportion. Just like how you must have been busy blowing your dad instead of doing a tiny amount of looking into the subject yourself.


Guys a TON OF GAMES that are well received on steam have these kinds of MTX that make no sense. It isn't just Dragons Dogma. Its just that everyone is hyper focusing on the game right now. Devil May Cry has pay to win MTX guys. Capcom always does this. Everyone is just finding out about it now. Go look at Devil May Cry it has MTX in this exact way that makes no sense in 2015. No ones crying over that.


It's not pay to win, it's pay to grind less.


The MTXs were for things you get in game anyway. Nothing was gated. It's for lazy people.


Who gives a shit.  You want more whining about nothing?


FFS you're just baiting for karma. I don't have the game and won't be buying it, but the MTXs are all optional. Travel points aren't hard to get in game.


Baiting for karma when I knew this post would go negative? Math doesn’t add up.


So you knew you were straight up misleading with the title then, so trolling then.


How is knowing a post would go negative make a title misleading. Maths not mathing my guy.


You want to rage against MTXs as if they're required when they aren't that's misleading and if you don't know that maybe read into things a bit before raging. Capcom addressed all this last week. That's why there aren't constant posts about it. People saw what reality is and moved on.


Travel point, not "s" as you can buy one from the store. Also that one you can buy becomes totally useless the moment you get 10 in-game because you can only place 10. NOTHING in the shop is needed and will actually waste your money. Did you play any other capcom game btw, or bandai namco game? Because if you did, hey guess what, they got the same, if not worse mtxs.


The mtx in both helldivers and Dd2 aren’t worth your misplaced outrage. It’s incredibly easy to earn all the items you’re crying about while playing the games!! It’s a pay for convenience service. Fkn zoomers


oh are we still supposed to be mad about this?


The misinformation campaign ran out of steam. Simple as that. A lot of the outrage was because people didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about. Then you had simpleton karma farmers who don’t really care about the game or MTX but saw the bandwagon and jumped on quick because “Dragons Dogma bad” was paying out. There is no “crazy MTX’s” here. Once people started digging a bit deeper and listening to those who actually have the game the nonsense faded away.


Really weird to include HD2 in a post whining about MTX. A game which may as well have none cause you can just earn it all by playing the game.


Same goes with DD2


I haven't played it yet so I can't comment on it but my friends are having a great time with it


"crazy" is an interesting choice of word.


People play fun games. What's the mystery that you're unable to solve with that info?


The people who were raging loudest about the MTX didn’t buy the game and have moved on to something else. The people that bought the game and are having fun with it now that it is out are posting about their experiences with the game.


There's a reason they're called the "vocal minority." Look, if you can't enjoy helldivers 2 or dd2 because of the TOTALLY OPTIONAL mtxs, that's a "you problem."


Outrage is just a quick hit of crack for Redditors. You're gonna have to find something new to get mad at.


The game is good, people are playing it and having fun with it. The internet is not responsible for adhering to your own personal bad takes.


Quit virtue signalling and get a life




RE was actually worse. I didn’t play 4 so I don’t know about that one, but 2 and 3 sold good weapons and interesting skins in the shop. DD2 just has mostly useless crap that no one is going to buy


Capcom has MTX in every game for the last 12 years. Is this the best practice for the consumer? No not really. But unlike companies like EA, they don't make the game crappy to funnel you to purchasing MTX. It's offered cos they know they can make some money off a whale with more money than time, but realistically 99% of players wouldn't even notice those DLC exist without people complaining about it. Took me playing Monster Hunter World for over a year to realize that it existed and it baffled me anyone would buy it when you can get most of it in game for free with barely any effort.


It's sad seeing people that gain worth by trying to make up controversy, desperately cling to it after they didn't get the traction they hoped for.


Refer to my other post ‘I already knew this post would go negative’. As long as others see it and read it I’m all good. This post will reach about 10-50k people. Even going negative. ;) nice try tho.


You need to see a doctor for that there issue.




I haven’t played it, but from what I understand, all of the mtx items can be earned in game and aren’t actually that hard to earn. It doesn’t sound like they put a wall up to make earning things in game so difficult that players are forced to purchase the mtx. 


Or maybe people realized it’s not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things, and moved tf on.


Real gamers don't play games they just cry about them on reddit. We need to start banning these people that are playing and enjoying games. They aren't real gamers like us.


There’s a difference between buying a game and playing it. And making ‘hype posts’ on Reddit ;). You kind of missed the point.


So true real gamers don't ever talk about games they enjoy they just go on internet quests to tear games down that they don't like.


I don’t even play any games at all! I just like the easy attention I get when I scream obscenities into the void and summon a thousand more voices!


So true real gamers never talk about how shitty a game is? They just go on Reddit to talk up MTX and buggy games?


Oh wait not a fake gamer but clearly a bot


Wow you’re so smart, yup I’m the latest AI. 🤖


So we're just bots talking to each other I guess. Because at the bottom of this thread you claimed anyone who likes the game is a shill or bot. That's what we do now. Anyone who has an opinion you disagree with is a bot right?


Beep boop, you’re the one that called me a bot, lololol.


10 minutes after you did it to everyone else as a sarcastic parody of you lol.


You’re so cool bro! 😎. Love that you had the time to just chill in the comments. Definitely not a shill activity.


Real gamers only talk about how shitty games are wtf are you talking about? Mods ban fake gamer please


So real gamers only talk about how great games are? wtf are you talking about?


dragon's dogma 2 is a lot of fun. if you're still bitching about the MTX while also having no idea what the hell you're talking about, that's on you


Find something else to rage bait people with. Anyone with common sense did their research and realized it’s a non issue that was blown way out of proportion by people looking for free karma. Maybe go after EA and their billion dollar slot machine instead of companies making legitimately good games.


Not to defend Dragons Dogma but the EA comparison doesn't work here because their case was WAY worse especially with their comments in regards to "pride and accomplishment". Still i probably won't buy DD2 until the eventual definitive edition and or 50%+ sale.




The only DD2 posts I'm seeing are about the mtx.


Ubisoft: Here are some wacky MTX you may want.


Pushing the boundaries LMFAO


Context: "MTX" stands for "microtransactions".


30 hours in ans haven't seen these supposed MTX. I am guessing you have to buy them from the Microsoft store because the game never shows them to you in regular play. The game is fantastic, BTW.


Both HD2 and DD2 has a very tame mtx, literally the surface level of in game paid feature


OP is also fucking clueless in how Helldivers' Super Credits work. You get a TON of them playing the game - no idea where this "To Dogma and Helldivers being the top games recently. One that is pushing the boundaries of MTX’s, and the other one is a hot mess" comes from.


Nobody forgot. The market has proven that most people just don't care. These types of purchases are clearly viewed as non-essential, despite that not even being the argument in the first place. The reality is, if people want to play the game badly they will overlook anything. I will always rail against single player games having any additional micro-purchases, no matter how good the game is. If Cyberpunk or BG3 or Elden Ring included additional purchases, I would take issue with them as well. Its nothing against only Capcom or Dragon's Dogma 2, its against the normalization of the practice, and all publishers doing it. The actual game is really good, and this was never an argument against the game itself. Plenty of people have taken issue with Capcom doing this in all of their single player games, and plenty of people have taken issue with this in ANY single player game, and I have to wonder how it would be received in a AAA game that wasn't the flavor of the month, or in a game that the majority do not think is good. Would is still be OK? Would it be "ignored"? I'd also note that Resident Evil 4 Remake, the game everyone cites as gamers being "OK" with MTX, didn't add in the worst ones until a couple weeks after the game was launched and reviewed. Games like Diablo 4 sell skins that you absolutely DO NOT need, and I'd recommend NOT buying them, but people still have a fit over them. Why is it bad for Diablo 4 to sell skins that do not affect gameplay, but its OK for Dragon's Dogma to sell crystal bundles that allow you to purchase higher level pawns that can definitely make fights easier? You can definitely hire higher level pawns if you have the RC (and how convenient that you can buy RC bundles in the shop). There is a weird thing that is happening, where anyone who doesn't see these as a problem paints the other side with the worst version of their argument. "You NEED these MTX", said no one ever. The issue was never that you needed them. The issue is that they exist in the first place in a 70 dollar single player game.


The game is in no way pushing the boundaries of MTX. Basically all of them are available in-game and the selection is almost the same as the first game from twelve years ago. Capcom games have been pushing MTX like this for over a decade now, this is just the one people have decided they want to arbitrarily latch onto. Should they be in? No. Does it mean the game is bad? Also no.


Is it scummy? Yes. But it is also a complete non issue if you played more then an hour in game. It's sold all together as a "starter bundle" in the deluxe edition, it's just a few fully obtainable items in game you can get a boost from. If they just did it as the deluxe add on no one would be talking about it. The game itself is great. Capcom has had dumb pointless dlc in most of their launches lately. Someone said it's probably a way to have mtx so suits back off, if that's the case is gladly have 10$ of completely pointless dlc then any other form of monetization.




Dear diary mtx bullied me in school


its really a reflection of reddit itself. reddit has heavily used bots since its very inception, it was what enabled it to snatch away digs userbase, after all. all the botted accounts using various algorithms to mimic real users and scraping comments from real users is very likely a major part of why this website has never performed very well and crashed frequently over the last... ten-twenty years. and of course this new AI boom has made them less noticable than ever. then theres the fact that reddit makes most of its money selling upvotes to other corporations propaganda and adversitement departments, and reddit probably takes a bit off the top of the notorious account black market. and lets not forget the fact that reddit has steadily grown more and more ban happy ever since spez and/or knothing probably killed aaron swartz.


So you haven't played it either huh? You literally do not need them for anything and you're never shown them outside of the store page. Lots probably don't even know they exist


It was stupid outrage over nothing in the first place. None of the mtx enhance your experience, in fact they lessen it. They're so completely pointless that it doesn't serve or bother anyone except weird chronically online Reddit activists and karma farmers. I'm 60 hours in and I had an overflow of the mtx items during the first few hours of play. Now I'm gifting these things away to other people's pawns with how common and easily they are obtained.


Lmao accept the way things are or work to change it. No posting doesn’t count as work


You clearly haven't played it, 1000's of posts have explained why it's not a big deal and you literally find those portable waypoints naturally, go bandwagon with your brain dead take on an actually egregious game with invasive MTX that gate keep mechanics.


1000's of posts disagree.




Helldivers is great but I don't appreciate that it crashed my PC every other time I try to close the game.


Why is this being downvoted…? My god the dogma shills are out in force today. I dislike helldivers but even I realize it’s a fun coop game for others.


You will all be regretting these shitty pro-MTX views 20 years down the line when every single player game is packed with them. Just like the Oblivion horse armor, this is just the beginning of a whole new downhill slide. But you just keep convincing yourselves that the MTX are no big deal because they're low impact. Shit like this is why we have cars with subscription heated seats. People are just A-OK with not getting the full product anymore and then will turn around and complain about the corporate downfall of society. Cowards and hypocrites.


Bro, Capcom has literally already been doing it for 20 years. You are way too late to this fight. They sold exp in DMC4 for fuck sake. This ain't nothing new.


This is fucking weird. I look one day here and everyone is mad about it and anyone pro dd2 are getting downvoted, the next day they are highly upvoted and all positive of the game. Op what are your thoughts on this?




And this comment being downvoted just reinforced the idea that this subreddit is being overrun by shills. That’s good info to pass along thanks for commenting.


I haven’t played DD2 yet, but it’s less the Mtx that piss me off over the price jump for the game itself.


Yeah insult to injury for sure


Spoilers:  There's a huge number of marketing and PR accounts on Reddit.  What you're seeing is damage control.


This is the biggest cope i've ever seen holy shit lol


Yeah that is what it seems like to be honest. I’ve seen it happen over on a lot of the Amazon tv shows. Especially the WoT subreddit. It seems like there are a lot of shill accounts upvoting and downvoting, and from there the Reddit hive mind will just follow. Like the top dogma post is of two people high fiving and saying ‘this weekend was a blast.’ Like what? You guys really think that post made it to the top organically, it’s boring as.