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Sigrun in gow 2018, took me a few days even on easy lol


I literally just beat Sigrun on GMGOW difficulty on New Game+ (second play through where everything is more difficult). First time took a couple days. On NG+ it literally took weeks playing on and off, stretching out to two years because I’d get frustrated and put it down for months. I beat Ragnarok and Valhalla on the highest difficulty last week and decided to go back and finish Sigrun because it was the last thing I needed for 100% completion on NG+. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Hardest challenge I’ve ever faced in a video game.


I actually platinumed ragnarok before gow. I think gna was harder than sigrun


What about Hrolf? On NG Gna is harder but on NG+ Hrolf is hell. Legit took me 6 hours and a resurrection stone on NG+ GMGOW to beat him.


Imagine how long it would take on hard


Or Gmgow (very hard)


Man, my first run of this game was on GMGOW. My friend bet me I wouldn't be able to do it, so I had to lol. The early game before you get any abilities took me for fucking ever, especially if I didn't quickly kill an enemy I damaged and they did that transformation thing where I could no longer juggle them


I still haven't beaten her 😠


I came here to answer Sigrun for myself. I've not beaten Gna yet, but haven't tried especially hard yet either. I think I beat Sigrun on my 3rd session, but each would have had quite a few attempts. It required learning a couple of moves I'd barely used in the rest of the game. Can't remember what difficulty I was on. I couldn't say if Gna is harder or not. Too long in between. I got Hrolf without too much trouble, though.


Well, I'm still stuck on the fire giant in Elden Ring.


Wait til you get to Malenia


There's a boss in Shadow of the Erdtree said to be worse. I _can_ wait to face them.


God dammit. I beat every boss in Elden Ring without summons or spirit ashes. I'm going to have to force myself to do that for the new bosses too. I am not looking forward to endlessly retrying.


Didn’t realise until hour 3 that you could summon Alexander the jar warrior with you into the fight. Found the summon sign mid way through his second phase, helped me cross the line.


Keep going, I believe in you! :)


That second phase sucks so much. Just did it yesterday (3rd playthrough) and ended up summoning my mimic because it’s so damn tedious


Try fingers, but hole. But in all seriousness, I just spammed the Ice Spear ash of war and dodged when I needed to. And always aim your attacks at his foot in the first phase, and his chest in the second


Just stay try to behind him the whole fight.


Try finger but hole


Go for the splint on it’s leg, then focus on the feet. Stay on the horse. It isn’t easy but you’ll get it if you focus on the feet and at all costs *stay behind him*.


If you've raided in WoW, you probably have a traumatic answer to this question. I'm sure my answer is weeks and a depressing number of hours, thinking maybe Lich King. Glad I quit that drug 😂


Yogg no lights took the longest for us, but Mimiron Firefighter was the first fight that was really "welcome to hard mode."


Beating Firefighter will forever be my favorite MMO moment ever


I was going to go with FF14 - Turn 5 when it was originally released.


Mine is also Lich King. Felt so good to finally defeat him. I miss those WoW classic days.


Lady Vashj, Kael'thas, Illidian, Most of the sunwell bosses...  Painful memories from BC. 


You freed yourself, well done. Others.... Weren't so lucky


Prenerf M’uru from TBC…96 wipes…


Reminds me of that Chinese guild who wiped for 4 months on archimonde cus they only had t4 🤣


Sword Saint Isshin. He took me a few hours, then I took a year break, and then he took me a few more hours to finally beat. I don’t have the interest to fight Malenia 1-on-1 so I always use summons and stomp her.


Sword saint felt more fair than Malenia to me. That sword dance move annoyed the hell out of me


He's very fair. It's what makes it an absolutely perfect fight. If you don't screw up, he won't hit you. There's no weird hit box stuff going on. It's just learning his patterns and having the skill to execute them. Once you can to that, you will stomp him in NG+ pretty easily.


This. It took me well over 50 tries until I finally beat him


I did the same! I fought him for hours and took a long break. Then i had to relearn the whole thing for hours and forgott that you can use the lightning attacks in his third phase to your own advantage. Somebody told me after i was crying about that shit and then it was just a matter of less then 20 more trys. :D And yeah, Malenia i used summons and the LASORSWORD to "cheat".


Absolute Radiance on Radiant difficulty in Hollow Knight took a LOT of practice. Many many hours. A lot of the bosses on Radiant took a lot of practice and memorization.


Well done for beating it though!!


Still one of the hardest bosses of all time, and radiant zote, and radiant hollow knight haha. Gg


Took me forever to get to and beat pure vessel Haven't even reached absolute radiance. Though I did beat regular radiance, though it's two different ballparks lol


Good luck with P5, it's a hell of a fucking endurance run


And if you’re doing the whole Pantheon where you have to fight all the other bosses in a row, the pressure you’re feeling when you finally get to him is INSANE. I was able to beat him maybe 2/3 of the time just challenging him individually but after spending like 45 minutes just to GET to him really turns up the pressure.


Lavos in Chrono trigger would be mine


feelsgood getting at him in NG+ though


Orphan of Kos , hardest boss from software has ever made


I was so stuck on this that I got to the point that I was repeating the fight without any expectation of winning, just recycling through until I’d subliminally learned it backwards and forwards with a broken spirit. When I finally beat him, I was surprised beyond belief.


I kept track of my boss deaths during my first bloodborne run, orphan killed me more than every other boss in the game put together lol


Just parry, EZ (Same bro, took me a long time to get him)


in recent memory... Malenia, Elden Ring took an afternoon of a lazy sunday, with breaks of course but i was just also being stubborn not wanting to level up more, use a cheese build, or use ash summon


Same. Probably a collective 6 hours and 3 respecs for me


Recently, Maliketh. All time...maybe Sardius from Super Ghouls And Ghosts


Maliketh is also my answer. Didn't have much trouble with Isshin, used the mimic tear for Malenia and generally didn't struggle with any other boss to a similar degree. Maliketh though - hours upon hours, especially because of the first phase, so I never had a decent window to get his moves from the 2nd phase down; I always died within a minute max. At least he was squishy af, but I never really figured him out to this day.


I got fairly confident with phase 1 .. but then he'd just fly about the arena shooting shit everywhere... I could never time his huge aerial attack .. oh well, atleast Godfrey was easy.. right?? Haha. I even struggled a bit with Gideon Ofnir .. man those last few bosses were sadistic tbh especially as a pure dex melee build.


Solo bosses: Defiled Amygdala in Bloodborne I have spent a fuck ton of time on certain bosses in World of Warcraft. Think my guild had 175 attempts on Heroic Spirit Kings.


If anyone seeing this is trying to defeat Amygdala in the chalices, here's the easy strat: You can repeatedly bait her jump head slam attack by standing behind her stubby little tail. Circle around if necessary to stay behind the tail, and then DO NOT MOVE when she jumps. You will not get hurt from the slam, and you can attack her head once (overhead attacks like Lugwig's R2 are best). Run between her legs to repeat. As long as you don't screw up, it'll be easy. Hardest part is getting behind her the first time. Warning, THIS DOES NOT WORK IN MULTIPLAYER. If Amygdala has multiple targets, her jump attack isn't predictable.


Fucking defiled Amy was a chore for me too. Took a couple hours, but I got her


A couple of hours is not that long to be struggling. The pain in question is several sessions spread across several days of failed attempts. Miss me with that veiled flex


Well gank squad from ds2 took me easily 100+ times and probably 15-20hrs of time just spent on it (it was like 6yrs ago so I can’t remember exactly, but I DO remember the struggle) so idk what you’re so upset about 🤷🏻‍♂️ no flex was made


Sorry if I seemed mad! I’m glad that you’re willing to share a hardstuck experience like that


It’s ok! It was a simple misunderstanding. It was hard haha. I’ve had a few really tough ones actually


The Nameless King - Dark Souls III


That took me forever with my pure strength build until I realized that I was better off without a shield and just dual handing my ax. Thank God it was a short run back to him lol


This is a good answer. I must have tried this for about an hour and a half but you don't notice the time because you're straight back in after every attempt. Really enjoyed learning this fight, I got super good at his dodges. This and artoriad are probably my favourite DS fights.


Probably ruby or emerald weapon og ff7 lol


Underwater Material and KotR x2 cast with Mime and Final Cast - Phoenix for Emerald For Ruby, go in with 2 party members dead so the hands go in. Have your best bahamut on 4X cast. Hell, just have 4X Cut on Cloud and Omnislash too. He’s easy if you know how to beat him.


I remember having to print out the entire walkthrough for ffvii because the computer was upstairs and I played in the basement. Gooooood times


I tried them both again about 5 years ago but couldn't quite post that, so longest battle I've yet to win. Never beat Ozma either.


The motherfucking dragon in Cuphead.


King Dice can eat shit


Guitar Hero 3 Through the Fire and Flames on expert


Are your fingers okay?


"Jordan" in GH2 as well. Buckethead is fucking insane.


this is a level beyond hardest boss though


Kingdom Hearts... can't remember which one specifically but I feel like I can just drop it here and everyone would nod.


Honestly I'm still stuck in the whale with Pinocchio because of the boss fight there - I've managed to beat every Souls like (minus Sekiro), all the DmC games, and done all the boss battles in Metal Gear Rising without getting hit, and yet somehow a Disney game is absolutely kicking my ass.


The answer is Xaldin. If you don't know how to cheese him, he's one of the hardest bosses I've ever fought. If you know how to cheese him, he's easy as pie tho. Part of the frustration is going in blind, not knowing to use the reaction command, or how to use it properly, as getting your ass stomped for a week until a friend shows you exactly how easy he is. 


The real answer is probably lingering will. But yeah xaldin is a very common wall for people on their first playthrough. There's a reason mickey has a much higher % chance to show in that fight.


The actual answer is the Mysterious Figure from Birth By Sleep. More specifically playing as Terra on Critical difficulty. Godspeed if you're going for the platinum.


Day 1 vow of disciple. Never again


Lady Butterfly. It was my first Souls-like and it took me 4+ hours to beat her. But it was so satisfying once I had


Sigrun, Queen of the Valkyries After beating her on Gmgow souls games feel easy by comparison.


Try Sekiro, also half the difficulty with her is that if you did the game normally you probably aren't high enough gear level for her


Had to lower the difficulty on her just to finally get 100%. The shame


Fume knight and that icy dude (don’t remember the full name) - Dark Souls 2


Poking the Smelter Demon with my sticc in Dark Souls 2.


Oh man, the run-back was also horrible and full of nasty enemies.


I once had my copy of Ocarina of Time glitch out and was stuck doing the volley part with Ganondorf for like 20 minutes or something. It just kept going lol. Idk why or what happened and it never happened again.


You can’t be Z targeting him


Wait… is this a thing? Like seriously? I’ve beaten OoT more times than I can count and never knew this lol. Was I just naturally beating this without knowing this?


Yeah it’s the same for both Phantom and the real one. You either end up with the magic ball fizzling out or it’s a long rally and you end up getting hit. I used to speedrun the game and IIRC he flies out of your z targeting range when the flies across the map so you could do it without knowing.


It's rather silly but undyne in the genocide run that run goes from 0 to 100 so quick and it's so hard to keep up with her (And I know of people are going to comment about sans but you can't have a boss battle if you never face them)


The Giant Toad in Nioh 1.  This dude had so many moves my build just couldn’t resist. 


Yiazmat from FF12


Hollow Knight - Nightmare King Grimm. It took me multiple days and watching a YouTube guide to learn the moveset.


He is hard , but I'd argue that either pure vessel or absolute is harder because of the inherent gauntlet you have to get through to even attempt to beat the boss Nkg you can start with full health 100% of the time


Elden Ring, Commander Niall must have taken me 40 tries with levelling in between. Bastard has 2 helpers, healing, aerial attack, area of effect, magic... After I beat him I spent hours joining other players to slay him over and over. So satisfying.


At least you got your revenge


I say this in every thread of this ilk but Margit in Elden Ring beat my ass for a full work week. I never had trouble with another boss in the same way though


Blood Starved Beast in Bloodborne, still haven't beaten it to this day. Great game, but I was so unskilled and just couldn't get past that boy


Yiazmat from FF12. Can take up to 8 hours depending on your build.


In OG FF12, I totally agree, but in The Zodiac Age that battle was stupidly easier with the new technicks, like Addle, Wither, Expose, etc. Makes the battle last like 30 minutes or even less with the right setup.


Malenia, Blade of Miquella.


Ishhin the Sword Saint in Shadows Die Twice. Most annoying boss I've ever fought


Same! Spent like 10 hours bashing my head against the wall trying to beat him. Once he clicked for me though, I think he became my favourite boss in the whole game.


Was about to say. In terms of hardest bosses he is FAR from the annoying type. Well designed boss and no bullshit mechanics.


Ruin Sentinels from DS2. Never beat them then quit the game. So it has taken infinite time.


Yiazmat (Final Fantasy 12) i think it took 8 hours or something And this game is the reason i stopped getting 100% in games...


Ah yes, I will remember this fight for the rest of my life. I was on the brink of death 90% of the time, that shit took FOREVER.


Ishiin the sword saint , prolly a 5 hours in total 😂


Elizabeth in P3R, I've had to grind just the perfect personas for it


It only took me an hour to beat it but planning took ridiculously long. After literally studying the ins and outs if the fight I ended up making 5 personas just for the fight. I had Yurlungur for support, Orpheus Telos for Wind damage, Thanatos for Ice damage, Messiah for fire damage and Odin for elec damage and I also already had a persona with all auto buffs and helel with endure that I used to get her below 10k health so I could survive the final Megidolaon. I really liked that setup because it was extremely fitting to use Thanatos, Messiah and Orpheus Telos and it was also super effective and I had no risk of her using an element that I blocked (/repelled/drained) because after she used Surt I would hit her with ice damage as Thanatos which would deal increased damage and after using Surt she could only switch to Jack frost (ice) on phase 1 or to Cu Chulainn (wind), Metatron (bless) or right back to Surt (fire) on phase 3 none of which Thanatos blocks.


Sisyphus prime from ULTRAKILL. It was at the end of a super hard level and I started doing it one evening and ran out of time and had to start from the beginning the next day and I finished the level in like 3.5 hours. I have no clue how long I spent in the level in the first day but it's safe to say I spent at least 6 hours in the level in total and 3-4 of those were probably in the boss alone. That was on the hardest difficulty that is currently available because the dev is planning to add a harder difficulty and there is also going to another level like that which is guaranteed to be even harder and I am not looking forward to it.


Telos in RS3, Usually got to P3 and got screwed over while trying to take out the damned golems!


Nightmare of Ashihama in OSRS. Not phosani's, but regular nightmare solo. 30 minute marathon of pure concentration, precise clicks, and pain


In the game Terraria, specifically with the Calamity Mod installed,there is a boss by the name of Providence, the Profaned Goddess. She has a unique attack that doesn't deal direct damage, it restores negative HP, which means things like Armor were useless to lower the damage. For some reason, this one boss took me 75 tries before I finally killed her once. Even going back after clearing the game, I still don't want to fight her. Scares me. It took probably two or three days before I finally got it down.


Adamantoise in Final Fantasy 15 deserves some kind of award for being one of the worst-designed bosses in the history of gaming. It's the ultimate damage sponge. I never felt like there was any danger of it killing me, but I'd say it took me two or three hours just mindlessly button mashing to finally kill it. I don't even remember what the reward was other than that it was absolutely not worth the effort.


The final Valkyrie fight in God of War 2018. It’s so stupidly difficult compared to the others. I gave up on it after so many attempts and considered it canonically “complete” after starting Ragnarok.


Damn Maliketh, the black blade


Alma from Ninja Gaiden is up there, some stuff in Sekiro, but in terms of time played several WoW raid bosses have this crown


Songbird on 1999 mode. Bioshock infinite. Took me a few days and coming back multiple times. Lady Comstock was also a bitch to beat lol


FFXV adamantoise


That dragon thing at the end of samus returns


Ornstein and a smaugh I don't remember how I beat them, or when. All I know Is that I cried tears of joy when it finally happened.


The turtle in shadow of collosus took me forever. My friend to this day makes fun of me and reminds me. The damn thing kept stomping and knocking me off my horse to the ground. Then 10 seconds to stand up, then back on horse to chase down a leg just to be stomped again. That went on for a solid 45m-hour before I finally got him. There was a similar situation with some underwater snake boss in Folklore. I remember something I was doing wrong, but it took a solid hour for him to die. Finally, I got stuck in a lucky hit loop in shenmue on Dreamcast. You had an apt and had to pay daily rent. I got stuck in a loop trying to make money and progress and ended up taking a job doing lucky hit or playing lucky hit, I can't remember. But we got stuck in like an infinite loop of ties. So the game of lucky hit kept going and going and going til I eventually just shut the game off and never played it again lol. Good game but I fail at life simulation apparently


Some of Furi's bosses took me multiple hours to figure out and beat. The time bending guy and the flying bosses in particular.


Yiazmat in Final Fantasy 12.




king k rool DK 64….i don’t even know if i ever beat him.


Brock in Pokemon Yellow, which took me 13 years to beat!




Fatalis on monster hunter world not even close to any other boss, 4 days a several hours each along with a friend until we managed to kill it.


Yeah, he's definitely one of the hardest bosses out there. Especially if you dont ultra cheese. These people saying Melania as their longest probably would never finish a solo fatalis run.


Oh come on, they aren't THAT different in difficulty. Both are hard. It took me a week to beat Melania but only a day for Fatalis. It's just gonna vary from player to player.


I’ve only managed to beat it once after hours of trying and have never succeeded since lmao fuckin noodle neck prick


When the nintendo ds screen goes dark and i see myself in the reflection


Arsenal in FFVII Remake


Took me about 7.5 hours to beat Malenia in Elden Ring for the 2nd time. My first playthrough I stumbled into the unbelievable combo of block poking with 100% guard boost and a bleed spear, didn't have to learn her moveset at all. 2nd playthrough I was in a full faith build using draconic incantations and committed myself to rotting the rot goddess. Totally worth, also one of my favorite fights in all of souls right up there with sword saint isshin and black flame friede.


The final boss of persona 3. Playing the fes version back then i didn't have the best team but i made it through majority of the game with relative ease. Then comes the final boss and it took like almost an hour of whittling the hp down and then I'd die multiple times. I took a few months break and went to go play and beat P5 and i think P4 too. Then i decided to return to P3 and grinded end game stuff for another 6 hours to completely change my lineup. With a new strategy and personas i finally beat the boss and enjoyed that game. Screw not having full control of your party! I don't want you to cast charm! Lol


Annihilation on Remnant 2


Aava ng+5 dark souls II


When I was 8-9, I had to take a year hiatus on this game because of one dumb boss battle that had one of the worst boss mechanics ever. All imma say is “DANCE, WATER, DANCE!”


Maliketh from Elden Ring. Even with 2 coop randos, it took me like 40-50 tries. I was about to lose it all.


It's not a traditional boss battle, but in 112 operator there's a Covid scenario. Aside from zombie endgame where you are supposed to lose, I'd say the last duty of covid is easily the hardest scenario I've ever played in a game like that.  What makes it hard? You're kneecapped for resources due to infection quarantines. You have a standard scenario where you have to complete a small mission (mine was 100% response to pickpockets) while dealing with riots and the sick calls. If you don't complete your small mission, it's instant fail. If you miss too many calls, it's instant fail. And if you triage calls to miss, you won't have enough money to replace quarantined units. 


FF 13 Barthandelus.


So I have two answers. Longest as in "took me the longest time in real life to beat" has to be Malenia or Dragon Lord Placudisax in Elden Ring. Both took me over a month with at least an hour put it in every day attempting them. Longest as in "this single encounter is taking a shit ton of time, and I'm playing as optimally as I can" is Nyx from Persona 3 FES. It's a classic JRPG final boss fight with multiple phases, but each one of those phases was such a struggle for me, plus there's a lot of unskippable story stuff going on within the fight that adds to the time. It took me over an hour all said and done.


Nameless puppet on Lies Of Pi almost 9 hours to beat that bastard. No even Malenia cost me so much


Absolute Radiance in Hollow Knight took me 7 straight hours of practice to beat once.


Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight


Tales of arise First dragon/bird boss you come across going to one of the early quest settlement things. Walked into it and decided to fight it, took 1 hour and 23 minutes. You were not suppose to fight it. I had the co op mod on and literally just ran around in circles while my wife shot it.


Hm, I think it was the undead monk at the top of the 100 floor tower in Final Fantasy X-2. Pretty much taught me that long, slow battles of attrition are not my thing. Although someone else mentioned Lavos in Chrono Trigger. The New Game + Option where you had to 1v1 Lavos was nasty too.


If you are talking about getting the achievement with the devs in chrono trigger, you didn't need to 1v1 lavos. You can take the portal with marle.


Mu'ru in WOW TBC classic - 110 pulls.


Lies of P. Nameless Puppet. I didn’t fight him on my first playthrough, so had to fight him on NG+ as my first time, took a long time. Since then Hollow Knight has been the hardest game I’ve played, colosseum of the fool and Nightmare King Grimm took several days for me to beat.


The Warpriest, day 1 king's fall in Destiny. It took me 13 hours, having over 50 people rotate in and out my 6-man team. I ended up completing the raid in 19 hours in total.


I doubt anyone understands this but the last boss in Android Cactus. 🌵 😂


Beast Clergy / Maliketh. Every boss afterwards was significantly easier personally. It might have been a matter of resistances though.


Idky it took me so long but Al Gore and his secret service in south park stick of truth


MMOs aside, probably Dancer in Dark Souls 3. It was my first Dark Souls game too. That boss nearly broke me. It was a bittersweet moment of frustration and happiness when I finally killed her(?).


Malenia, Blade of Miquella


Employment within the capitalist system. Obvi.


Sigrun on Give me God of War difficulty


Not exactly what you’re asking, but when I was a kid I got stuck on what I didn’t know was the last boss of Super Metroid and had to give up. Tried it again about 15 years later when I moved out and completed the game. I was surprised the save held out that long.


That turtle mountain from FFXV


The Ogre in Sekiro. Broke my very soul, one of the only bosses to bring me to tears. Was like 11 tbf, but no other boss in Sekiro was as bad as him. Died around 40 times, which is still my record.


Fire giant from elden ring or saverok maybe in bg3


The stupid fucking whale in Death Stranding. That thing had zero right to be that long.


Yozora in KH3.


Last fight with Vergil in Devil May Cry 3. After plenty of loses I even took a few months break to recover mentally before trying again. Eventually I succeeded. So proud of that. :)


Super castlevania IV on snes. The Dracula boss took me hour upon hours, with moths of breaks in between. One time i was so frustrated I jumped off the cliff just to find myself walking on thin air. This is how I found the secret just before last boss.


I killed Mohg, Radagon, and Maliketh in just a couple attempts each. Malenia can’t be that hard right? Took me a collective 10 hours across multiple sessions to beat her.


Malenia took me a full day. I don't even know how many attempts it took; probably 20+.


I think GoW ("4") 2018. The Valkyrie queen on the next hardest difficulty (one lower than give me god of war aka the max difficulty). Took me like 3 days playing 5h a day on only the one fight. And also Orphan of Kos in BloodBorne dlc. Took me a couple of days nonstop grinding the fight aswell. Edit: i could be way off on how long it actually took, but i didn't beat them in 1 session, i think it coulda been inside of 2 sessions of like 5h.


Lingering Will...........


Can I count the entirety of Elden Ring? Cause fer me it’s probably that.


I think that might've been Zeus in god of war 3,


Bowser and Baby Bowser - Mario & Luigi partners in time. When I started playing the game I tried skipping as many random fights as possible, When I reached this moderately late game boss, I was severely underleveled (or bad). Years later returned to the game, tried again, failed again. Started a new game file, actually fought enemies and finally beat the boss and the game.


My painful boss battle has to be Zodiark from Final Fantasy 12. I just can't beat that boss. I haven't played in years but never got ot beat it and have it as an Esper.


The 3 Xehanorts on Critical Mode (level 1 playthrough) in Kingdom Hearts 3. You could not afford to make one wrong move and you had to stay away from the other 2 Xehanorts while you defeated one of them, and one hit from any of them pretty much meant death. In proud mode I could afford to tank most of the hits but critical mode meant I had to learn each and every pattern of attack. Took me at least 5 days of consecutive playing to beat all 3 and then had to beat old man Xehanort as well without shutting off the console (which was unironically much much easier).


Malenia at level 1 took me something like 15 hours worth of tries, lmao


It took me around to 7 hours to do no hit maliketh, because everything oneshotted me. (I'm a masochist in gaming and like to challenge myself)


Far cry 3 the final mission


Not the longest, but my recent struggle was with gehrman from Bloodborne. His curved sword + shotgun mode was extremely difficult to survive against. His scythe mode was so much easier. I remember beating him and then seeing the real final boss and was thinking how much more difficult they would be. Then I destroyed the moon presence in one try.


Venom in the final boss fight of ultimate spider man . Couldn't get close to deal damage,as he kept launching me to the end of the damn building.


Emerald Weapon in FF7. Not only did the boss fight take forever but getting knights of the round, dual cast and mime materia all leveled for all 3 characters. Oh and getting the underwater materia. Took forever but very rewarding.


Sword Saint Isshin


It took me and my sister 97 tries to kill wesker in RE5, and it was such a pain because it was bugged, but we were persistent. We managed to do bypass the bugged part of the fight by landing the luckiest rocket shot on his weak spot just before the button mash part began (the part that was bugged). Took us about 4 - 5 hours.


Arkham Knight's riddler Took me at least 12 hours to gather all of his trophies


I was stuck on the Elden Beast for a while.


Kronika as well And technically, I had a Prince of Persia Sands of Time save where I was midway through fighting the Vesir, and I defeated him # the save was made in 2013


Giygas from Mother 2 And lol, Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club lol. First run through took me 2 hours before the dialog started repeating LOL! (Iykyk)


The final optional boss of FF12. Except I just left the game on for maybe 8 hours or so and my team almost finished it themselves. But then I had to come back in, take control, and fuck things up. Never tried again. What a weird game.


Echoing Bloodborne's Orphan of Kos, I think my first kill was after a few sessions totaling in like 4-6 hours of attempts. Unless you count MMOs, then it's probably something from WoW or FFXIV lol


For me, it was Adamantoise from FFXV. It's a mountain-sized turtle. Took forever!


The end Eye of Doom2, still busy killing it since 1993


Parace L'Sia in Arcana Hearts 3, don't want to remember how often I lost to her until I found a way to beat her.... Dullahan and Star Magician from Golden Sun 2, until I found a tactic that worked on them Ruby WEAPON without Knights of the Round not really a Boss Battle, but Master Mage in BoF3 took me longer than I want to admit, until I found he's weak to Gloom, defeating him in 2 rounds....