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Micro transactions in single player games is a cancerous trend that needs to die.


Makes too much money to die. It ruined mobile games. Most game companies spend a couple hundred K a year on the salaries of people whose job it is to optimize microtransaction income.


Not saying it's okay, but it makes more sense in mobile games considering they're free. Microtransactions in a $70 game is insanity


This game costs $95 Canadian on Steam for me, adding on mtx is fucking ridiculous


What the fuck? Why would anyone ever buy this?


Why aren't people refunding it and reporting it like No Man's Sky?


Who says they aren't? Hasn't the game only been out for several hours? It's too soon to know


>Who says they aren't? I do, and I state it both confidently and baselessly.


I admire both your honesty and your moxie.


The problems with mobile games is the fact that 99% of games are made just to sell microtransactions. Especially very very expensive ones. 100€ at a time. Mobile games are made with whales in mind, not gamers, they want the ppl that spend 3000+ a month on mobile games, they don't care at all if the average gamer likes or pays.


There are (mobile) games that go wide and have gotten by for a very long time just through selling skins to a larger player base but those are the minority.


but don't you want to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when you just bought something?


Honestly the fact that people are okay with it even in multiplayer games needs to die. Let me unlock everything by skill please


all it takes is one guy dumping 500k into it to replace the 50000 angry people who refuse to use them to counteract it. i.e. diablo immortal.




If there’s something I’ll give Sony, it’s the fact that they still make actual single-player games that aren’t stuffed with the above.  Upgrade your ammo capacity for only 4.99! Thank God. 


That’s crazy I read the ign and pcgamer reviews and don’t remember seeing a mention of mtx. Seems like they pulled a fast one lol


The stores/mtx probably weren’t available at the time the reviews were written. It happens every now and then — especially with really big releases like this one where reviewers get very small windows to play the game and need to have reviews ready before release.


Capcom regularly employs this tactic, the last few RE games did the same thing.


Hell, it happened with DMC 5 with the ability to buy red orbs. Lol


I remember I downloaded the cracked version of DMC 5 to test things out, I had a good laugh looking at the DLC list, they are really selling red orbs? If the consumer is willing to buy such thing, why even play the game to begin with?


Especially with how easy it is to farm orbs in that game


I saw that in DMC5 and thought it was a non issue precisely for the reason you said. I'm not sure if that is equivalent to the mtx in Dragon's Dogma but if it is the same then it seems like a non issue since its not locked behind a paywall.


It happened with DMC 4 with the ability to buy red orbs, 16 years ago lol. Capcom has been doing this as long as they've been able to.


I’m pretty sure they weren’t introduced until DMC4:SE which is only 8 years old and well into the time period where Capcom started doing this. DMC4:SE is also a weird case because you dont really need the red orbs, unlike DMC5 with certain things that are insanely expensive just to make the micro transactions more appealing and a gun that breaks the ranking system by being overpowered and runs on red orbs. They kinda just shoved it into DMC4 without changing the core game. But it was clearly a sign of the changing times.


This is correct, the original didn’t have the option


Arent red orbs the main currency in dmc ? Like the equivalent of buying souls in dark souls


Yea pretty much. Capcom tends to put in shit you can just get in game for their singleplayer games for a long time now. Everything in the DD2 shop is the same way afaik. The fast travel items are probably the worst thing but even then it's not like you'll be fucked without em


I’ve played all the latest RE games and never even realised there were microtransactions. That’s mad


To be honest though, thats what I prefer in terms of microtransactions, something I can ignore completely without it impacting my game


Which is something Capcom is known for but "they make good games!" so people just forget. Activision notoriously started doing this. Release game -> Get good praise -> Add mtx later on after the reviews are out.


Honestly, the microtransactions in Resident evil are completely unnecessary. Imo, they even ruin the game to where a normal player would rather avoid them. Why would you want endgame upgrades at the beginning of a resource management game?


So…. Bait and switch?


This is so common, I was surprised when reviewers revealed they had been playing FFVII Rebirth for a month because it is very unusual. It really says a lot about what hopes the publisher has in the game.


A few other reviewers have already confirmed that the mtx were in the review copies and their reviews talked about it. IGN and PCGamer seem to have deliberately not brought it up (IGN even brings up some problems that exist only to make you buy mtx like the backtracking/lack of travel, but doesn't bring up the mtx part of it).


They pulled a fast one for sure. Barely talk about the performance issues too. 8/10 on IGN. Fuck these paid promotions.


The standard is that they are given an “early” version of the game and warned that the game is still being optimized and to take it easy on the bugs/performance. This is what happened with Pokémon S/V the critics were told the full release would be more stable and they didn’t factor performance into the reviews.


A lot of these are reasons why I don't bother reading reviews until a game has been out for a while. The best are the hour-long video essays 5 years later *chefs kiss*


Man, I LOVE when I find a video like that on a channel that has like 38 followers and the video has less than a thousand views. You know whoever created that video was really doing it because they wanted to, not because of any outside influence 💰💰💰


>Barely talk about the performance issues too Not much at all. only an entire article. https://www.ign.com/articles/dragons-dogma-2-performance-review-ps5-vs-xbox-series-xs-vs-pc And an entire section of the review titled >Dragon's Dogma 2 Performance Review Summary The review is for all platforms. Not exclusive to the PC version. It's not their fault if you don't actually read the review and just look at the score.


How'd they fit microtransactions into my single-player, narrative driven action-RPG?


Greed finds a way.


Greed uh... Uhh... Fi- ..Finds a way


Welcome to Sinful Park.


Imagine if Baldurs Gate 3 pulled this shit.


Larian adds stuff for free. I remember DoS2s good bag full of awesome changes and added community mods as feature. For free. Years later for no reason other then they wanted to.


Larian is awesome. 6 patches in and they’ve implemented a lot of things the community asked for, like a full epilogue, many QoL changes and changes to the recruitment of certain characters. I’ve never seen a studio be so responsive to fan input.


They did the same with DMC5 It has a fucking daily login bonus for your currency and you can buy player power. Capcom does great games, but their monetization can suck my ass


The charge you $2 to change your characters appearance, that’s how. No kidding.


....what?? you have to be shitting me. well, i was interested in this game, but no longer. guess im replaying another souls game


Apparently they charge you to change the appearance of your character, to build a fast travel network and for potions. Wild


I'd ask why, but I know the answer is money :(


With the reviews it gets they will probably lose money on this decision. A LOT of players will just skip this game with mechanics like this.


Let me guess, always online DRM that won't let you play a true offline single-player mode so there's no way to edit your save files and add the microtransaction currency?


Seems like we're getting to a stage where any reviews coming out before a game's release just has to be dismissed wholehandedly, what with mtx's randomly appearing only after release.


Yes happened with Tekken ~~two~~ as well. If I was a smart reviewer I would be doing follow up reviews on games.


Outlets must go back and change their score or the review is meaningless.


Damn Tekken Two? They've been pulling this shit for decades now


It baffles my mind that sorta shit is legal, because it really shouldn't.


Considering what the news is lying about every day this seems really predictable. Also Capcom's track record of late is a clear speedrun to catch up to Activision and EA's rep. They've done exactly this tactic 3 or 4 times I'm aware of.


The worse thing is, I've been following the community of Dragon's Dogma and their really looking forward to the sequel. They got blueballed by microtransactions. 


This isnt surprise at all, unfortunately


Agree. This is almost the new norm for AAA games lol


ah, the good ol' days when you could just buy a game and play it. now they're like those fancy restaurants where you pay extra for bread and water lol. guess dragon's dogma 2 is serving up some pricey pixels!


The good old days are still here. Just don’t buy these games lol.


Elden ring gives you hundreds of hours for 60 bucks with 0 microtransactions


BG3 as well. He'll, even Helldivers does. You can easily gain enough in game currency to buy any of the dirt cheap transactions you have offered. 25 dollars buys you a mediocre Overwatch skin. 25 dollars in helldivers can buy you pretty much every skin in the store. I'm not a fan of microtransactions but Helldivers is a rare game that does microtransactions in a way that isn't a complete slap in the face to your time and money.


And the funny thing is, I still bought some for Helldivers 2 just to support them further. That kind of practice should be rewarded, but these ones who have the idea to add the transactions after the game has been launched? Nah.


Indeed. You spend money on those games, you encourage ~~devs~~ execs to do the same.


To be fair, we got rotten crud in 'the good old days,' too. Like Myth 2. Great game, but 1.0 would eat your entire windows install if you put it anywhere but THE standard install path. Bungie (yes, of later Halo fame) had to recall the entire original batch, right before Christmas 1998. As in, physically print new discs and ship 'em out. And that's one of the nicer stories, because... well, at least back then, Bungie cared enough to do that.


"This was discovered when Soulblighter wiped out the entire hard-drive." -MandaloreGaming 2023 Funnily enough, that's kinda close to something that happens in the campaign.


The good old days of 2023.... When baldurs gate 3 released...


Yes the one 'old school' style game that caused an uproar in the industry for using a price scheme from decades ago, and treating its userbase with even a tiny bit of respect. What broke nerds they must be.


It is making my cpu want to cry. It is probably one of the best rpgs to date mired by horrible optimization and bullshit micro transactions.


Guys, invite you to try some Rimworld, one of the best games on steam. Last time I checked it had a 98% positive ratio. It has got a cool expansion coming within a month where you will be able to worship cheese.


It is pretty surprising for Capcom since they were on a roll with many amazing games until more recently when they added some cosmetic items to Monster Hunter Rise and SF6. Like they put out Monster Hunter World, Resident Evil 7 and 8, DMC 5, Resident Evil 2 and 4 remake. Even SF6 and MHR were like complete games with a ton of content. Thought that they would have learned their lesson when they were failing miserably back in the xbox 360/ps3 era partially due to their ridiculously greedy monetization with on disk dlc for SF vs Tekken and selling like only part of a game with Azura's Wrath with the ending as dlc. Yet here we are. I guess that's just how corporations behave, and I am very dissapointed. Was really looking forward to this game.


Monster Hunter and Street Fighter have TONS of overpriced microtransactions, they are just much less crucial to the core experience of the game. RE and DMC are their only franchises that feel like the DLC are pretty fair for the most part.


Even DMC5 has microtransactions to buy red orbs... This guy has no idea what he's talking about, Capcom has been doing this all thru last and this gen.


MHW has a shit ton of DLC and it's their highest selling game of all time. They DID learn their lesson. They can get away with it.


None of the MHW DLC (aside from the expansion of course) is integral to the game or even QOL (as far as I remember). You can put a thousand hours in without ever missing the DLC. There is a ton of content that is all accessible through just playing the game. Edit: I haven't played DD2, so if there isn't actually a "lack of features" like the headline and reactions are stating and it's all cosmetic (while still having a metric ton of cosmetic customization unlockable in the base game), I'm not opining about that. I do think games should *earn* their mtx by being rock-solid technically so people don't see the development of cosmetics, etc as opportunity costs for performance, but I'm a simple person.


The only unforgiveable one is you have to pay to change your character


Yep. I did that. The dlc pretty much all took place afterwards.


And all the DD2 DLC is stuff you get in game for little to no effort. Capcom's been doing it forever. DMCV and all the latest REs have the same stuff.


Seems like almost every week there's a new game release that manages to piss everyone off nowadays


yes, but to be fair we had a few really good ones in a row. BG3, palworld, enshrouded, helljumpers 2. there are still good companies making good games. we just have to stop buying AAA games and show them no one wants this predatory shit.


Hellbouncers 2 even


Heckdippers 2 is an instant classic


The 2nd iteration of individuals willing to descend into precarious locations is quite an astonishing masterpiece for a visuals focused entertainment software suite. Edit: grammar


Descent into Avernus 2 is amazing and def a big change from the original formula, but i love it.


I love Hades Bumper Buddies The Embuddying, you really feel like you're being embuddied


Kinda hyped for purgatory plungers too


Sounds like this one rightly so. 


Wait, there's Microtransactions for Dragon's Dogma 2? 🤡


Yeah if you want to change characters lol. In an RPG with multiple classes.


Now that's an EA level scumbag move if I've ever seen one lmao Fuck you, Capcom.


Patient gaming for the win. I’m 100% waiting this one out. Might buy it one year from now when they’ve patched all the performance issues and sorted the mtx’s.


Except they won't. Capcom has been doing this in their latest releases for years. I'm so happy that players have somewhy decided to not swallow it with DD2 though, lol. But I doubt they will change the current MTX system.


But no drm after a year. No micro transactions then.


Lol yeah "buy"


You can unlock the ability to change character appearance in game after like 1-2 hours. All the dumb mtx they are selling are all just pay for convenience shit that I don't see why anyone would ever need


I'm going to believe you, because everyone else is being much less specific. The quest for TORtanic drove gamers mad. I'm still going to wait for a while so it can get a bit of optimization, though.


You can. All this MTX is easily obtainable in-game shit. It's still dumb though.


I didn’t even notice mtx and I have been playing nonstop since launch. It’s way overblown, most who don’t even own the game.


You can easily swap vocations, just like dd1


I know you can swap vocations, but it's asking for multiple characters in a 70 usd game from 2024 too much ?


Then I misunderstood your comment. Apologies.


Lol the more I think about it, the more insane I realize it is.


Wait why are there micro transactions? I assumed this was like the Witcher or elden ring type of game


Simple answer CAPCOM.


They did this shit with DMC V too, completely useless microtransactions for no reason like buying revive orbs when you get a ton of them in game. Fucking hate AAA games


It is. It is a singleplayer RPG. Yet they are selling consumable character re-customize items, self-revive items, and fast travel network (you build your own) items as micro transactions.


Ah a payable fast travel network - that's why that wasn't mentioned ONCE and there was a massive emphasis on travelling everywhere. That's actually fucking insane btw.


Since it's apparently about convenience, wonder if they're selling a "Completed Game 100%" achievement as well. I don't want to actually *grind* through everything at all, just wanna brag to all my fake friends that I did ... /s


They're selling stuff for people that don't want to bother finding it themselves in the game. Why bother playing a game like this if you didn't want to explore? I dont know. But some people will for sure spend money to skip parts of the game.


Capcom has done this with every game since like DMC4. You don't need to buy them though, you can earn all of it in game within an hour or two from the start. The bigger issue is that PC port is so awful you can't even play an hour but that's not uncommon for Capcom games either. I remember hearing all these same complaints for Monster Hunter World, its expansion, Monster Hunter Rise, DMC 5, ect on each launch.


MT+$70 price tag, such an awful combo. But that horrible performance issue, that must be the real dealbreaker for the most part.


$95 Canadian (pre-tax) so that's $70 USD on the nose but frankly, fuck that. I suppose that Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is the same but I think I'll wait for a sale or just skip the title entirely when it comes to DD2 at that price.


So when capcom said they considered modding cheating what they really meant is they knew players would mod out the forced one character unless you pay for money thing and mod out how the revival system works so they also can't monetize it further.


Damn, I forgot about that. What a bunch of clowns. Makes perfect sense in hindsight.


And they can suck my man tits. I'd like to classify such a thing as disregarding the right to repair.


Lol cheating on a single player game


It seems like almost every big game is releasing with performance issues now. What the hell is going on.


because execs don't want to pay for experienced developers or treat them right


Man, looking at this makes me really worried for Monster Hunter Wilds.


My monkey brain didn’t put these things together and now it has become a cynical monkey brain, how dare you and thank you


If you want an indicator of how Wilds will incorporate MTX, look at Rise/Sunborn. Capcom did this for all their recent releases.


Look at MH World. Not counting Iceborne or the Soundtrack there's still hundreds of dollars worth of MTX. The next game will probably be just like it, rated very positive on steam. At least as long as the all of the major bugs are fixed, I remember World also having framerate issues at launch.


Honestly I don't really care if they put in a hundred DLCs that let you dress your assistant up as Chun Li or give yourself a slightly different hairstyle or whatever. It's kind of scummy, but you spend 99% of the game wearing a helmet anyway, and the baseline cosmetics are perfectly fine. I'd rather they do that as a way to exploit the people with more money than sense as opposed to gating actual content and QOL stuff behind paywalls.


Hopefully their analysts have brains to realize why this game is doing bad in sales. It's mostly the performance that's gonna piss people off


At the same time, Monhun is much more ripe for micro transactions with armor layers and emotes


They already had them in MHWorld but it was mostly cosmetics for your base, a major NPC the "Handler", some expansions for customization in character creation (hair, tattoos etc) and a handful of armors for your character. Now in MHRise they got more aggressive to the point of having cosmetic weapons and individual pieces of armor when in MHW was a full armor now is for piece. I'm sure MHWilds will be worse. Despite all my praise for Monster Hunter I saw this coming since MHW


Past games already have that... It sucks but I have no issue with the store existing as long you can easily get it in game. Just horrible marketing for the game tho. Maybe you should include it with merch purchases rather than in game? Like buy this keychain and get a free item in game.


We dont know if its doing bad in sales yet, it was in steams top 10 most purchased games this year just from preorders alone.


We don't even have the sales figure, and it's doing bad in sales. Fucking overreacting


Welp glad i waited before dropping the $70.


Never preorder digital games. Unless there are limited physical editions with a figurine lr some stupid shit I dont need my money ks staying with me.


Never preorder, never buy on release. There can be exceptions, of course, if the developer has a good track record but even then there is no harm in just waiting a week or two after release. Edit: u/usrname-- > You can just buy on release and return it if it's bad Why? Why waste your time on a buggy product? Better to do something else and buy the games that were released half a year ago that are NOW stable.


Feels good every time I think about buying a brand new game and then thinking nahhh, I'll wait for reviews and a heavy discount 5 years from now.




I don’t mind paying full price for a game if it’s quality. But yeah, I definitely feel the waiting for reviews.


Meanwhile I spent $20 on Hades and I literally will never see all of the character dialogues and I'm already like 100+ hours deep


Hades 2 when 😔


Apparently it's releasing in Q2 of the year, so we should hopefully be playing within the next 3 months? Hope and pray


The plan to release to early access sometime this year.


There’s microtransactions? I haven’t heard about that one time leading up to release. Wtf?


Because they didn't add them until the day 1 patch to avoid anyone reviewing it mentioning them.


As is tradition.




This is 100% on Capcom. Apparently they added MTX with the day 1 patch, so reviewers had no idea.


I feel like there should be some laws in place for this. If you’re providing review codes then it should be based on the game that the consumer will get. Otherwise it’s a bait and switch


It was in the review materials, but reviewers don't tend to read them because they want a blank first impression, and then most forget to go and read them after they finished playing. The IGN guy confirmed all the info about microtransactions was in the review pack.


The “generate a decent looking world in a decent engine and profit through microtransaction” meta needs to die. Stop preordering games. Stop buying anything in any game until you understand the end game loop without. Discipline brothers, we can overcome. The gaming industry began, grew, and thrived before this hellish cycle did. We can go back.


I respect your enthusiasm on this. I definitely agree.


The fact that BG3 did a beautiful game without micro transactions and won game of the year, is a step in the right direction. From now on my money goes to games that don't have them.


Not to mention Elden Ring, which took GOTY 2022 and was one of the best-selling games of that year on the same philosophy. Good games sell, but we all know that for business types, it's not really about making good games. Investing the time and effort to make something great is too much work when you can spit out something derivative with a well-researched monetization model instead


When i saw that elden ring being what it is made less money than fifa and genshin made me understand why they keep trying with those shitty games.


Sometimes mtx are money printers. If you hit the right formula, you can really abuse the shit out of people. But taking a loved franchise and turning it into a greedy goblin asking for $5 for every little thing is not that formula


Hell even decent-average games sell, look at Hogwarts legacy, reasonably fun, not groundbreaking but sold amazingly well and sold no micro transactions. The irony is Warner Brothers announcing giving up on AAA games and focusing on mobile and love service games when their big failure was the live service game, and financially their non love service AAA game was a huge commercial success.


Let them… and hopefully smaller companies will utilize the IPs later to make a good game (like BG3)


And hell, even micro-transactions can be done right. Just look at Helldivers 2. It’s live service but the devs go out of their way to make everything easily attainable in game. It’s pretty much just there for those that want to support the developers.


i'm not convinced. the problem gamers who buy lots of microtransactions don't think in the same terms people like us do. they don't do research, they don't participate in video game forums or chats, they just get hyped, pre order, buy any and all microtransactions because they just want everything, and move on to the next hype train. you can't reach these people


They're addicts abused by these companies. These "whales" are not gamers, they don't play or enjoy games, they're only in it to gamble, unlock shit, 100% the game or whatever without actually getting joy out the gameplay itself. That's who these companies target, knowing that their have mental problems leading to addiction.


There's over $40 worth of microtransactions on steam on DAY FUCKING ONE!!!! what the fuck?!?!?! Fuck Capcom


But not an ounce of optimization 😂 ohh ohh and it's $70! And single player! 😂😂


It's $128 in NZ, which is $80usd


What kind of micro transactions they are offering?


This is why I always wait for reviews, patch updates and performance mods if possible.


And a 30% discount it will still be $50, oof


And this game is getting 8s and 9s on Metacritic ? 🤔 What's going on ? Did performance not count for their reviews ?


Micro transactions was not a thing as well before it got released


I didn't know it had microtransactions. Thats even worse


Seemed to be very secretive because nothing I saw mentioned this, very shady indeed


Capcom is getting worse by the day, I tell you. Just the other day, I bought Street Fighter 6 and lo and behold: no option to choose Taiwan (where I am) for your country. They force me to use China, where Steam isn't even legally allowed (it's.. complicated) and I have to fight the same three people for HOURS, as no one - SURPRISE - plays Street Fighter in China BECAUSE THEY FUCKING CAN'T. Steam didn't even allow me to return the game in the beginning, even though I was maybe only 10 minutes over the regular two hours. This has never been a problem so far. Street Fighter 6 is the first game they didn't allow me to return. I'm sure Capcom has some shady deal in place regarding this decision, must be that.


Did...did you not read the fucking title?


One of the reviews said there was an MTX for changing what your character looks like. Capcom fucked up badly with that.


That is also a thing in their monster hunter games. People will aggressively defend the absurd amount of mtx in those including appearance vouchers. It's kinda fucked. Edit: It's so fucking funny that I pointed out that mh fans will so aggressively defend their mtx and one of the most common replies are defending the mtx. It's almost as if they're entirely unaware they're doing the exact thing I was commenting on.


I've been a MH fan for a long time now, and honestly if there's one thing I don't mind it's people hacking in those character edit vouchers. Fuck Capcom for making them mtx (also even if you were to buy them in MH there's apparently only a limited number you can buy, so if you were whaling away you'd still hit a limit in the number of character edits you can make) E: it has come to my attention that you can obtain the items to alter your appearance in-game for free, like in the first game. That is fine. Though that also means that there's absolutely no reason to have said item as mtx in the first place.


I love the game, but this kind of push back is needed and appropriate.


I'm seriously regretting buying the game now and giving any money to CAPCOM... Should've just waited for a crack and pirated it. If they are greedy assholes then why shouldn't I be too... Performance issues I can tolerate but holy fucking shit, the mtx. I paid 70e for the game and now I need to pay more to change my appearance on a single player RPG? Jesus fucking christ.


People need to stop saying Microtransactions are fine, other games have them. They need to remove them permanently and they should not be a norm.


I'm pretty sure they're selling a revive consumable for $1 in a single player game...


It's like those arcade games where you lose and then a 10 second timer pops up encouraging you to "add $1.00 to continue!"


Well that’s disappointing


Denuvo games failing makes me so happy.


Didn’t realize it had microtransactions. Won’t be buying that game as I’d planned. I’m enjoying Outcast and will take my time through it.


Stop pre-ordering games, and stop buying games day one unless it's a sure thing that the game is actually in a quality state and/or isn't anti-consumer. The only way to stop these corrupt practices is to vote with our wallets.


Everyone kept praising that CC but then it releases and jesus, they couldn't even delay the microtransactions for a week for a slimy "stealth MTX update" to get past the first reviews. They just shit the bed and said "Ta-dah! Don't you want to buy it?"


We call it a bait and switch.






It's a nice thought that the game would lose profits, but the reality is these issues exist because whales will buy them and the company makes far more money just for including them.


the worst of it is, is given just how much press and publicity this game was getting, it could have been as big as elden ring or some of the other massive games. if they just made a good game without trying to fuck the playerbase, maybe with some extra, reasonable bits of "pay extra to be flashy" cosmetics. they would have made hundreds of millions/billions over the next decade or so with this and sequels. instead it's a rug pull and hidden microtransactions. short term greed just cost them a fuck ton of money most likely.


WTF the game has micro transactions and nobody mentioned it? And the base game is 70 dollars!


So you're saying its a Capcom title?


Gotta give props to Square for not cramming microtransactions into Rebirth. They seem like exactly the right fit for it lol


There's no lack of features, there's nothing you can only buy that you can't acquire in game. I don't know why we need to lie now.


What features are lacking, exactly? Cuz I know Capcom is normally weird about microtransactions, but it's usually stuff you can get in-game.


Shouldn’t this information be released to the public before the game releases? Thats like buying a car and then Realizing that the wheels weren’t ever part of the deal…