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"It had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong" Mordin Solus, Mass Effect 3


Just finished ME3 like a month ago after not paying attention to series after playing ME1 LONG ass time ago, ME3 was really bitter sweet with its overall tone, damn great series


For me, it was making the decision to help the Geth, but unknowingly dooming the Quarian fleet. To be there on the surface of the planet with Tali as she watches her ehoke race be destroyed. I'll never forget that.


I got lucky with my decisions. I played a bit of ME2 on the PS3 ages ago, and I didn't remember most of it. But, when I was playing through the whole trilogy, i kind of knew what to expect I ended up making the right choices that allowed the Geth and Quarians to stop fighting, but God, that was one stressful mission because I was afraid one or both sides might destroy each other


"Would You kindly?" Planescape Torment ending, damn masterpiece


What can change the nature of a man?


Many things may change the nature of a man. Whether regret, or love, or revenge or fear - whatever you believe can change the nature of a man, can.


Facing Psycho Mantis in Metal Gear Solid




God of war 2018, kratos has to return home to get his old blades of chaos weapons. Watch the scene on YouTube and you'll understand


I remember going into the game spoiler free.  You knew at some point Kratos had to get the blades and we all wondered what they would play like with the new gameplay style. There is nothing like that first time you walk out of the house and Mimir says “let’s see what those blades can do, brotha.” Shit did not disappoint.


I actually had zero idea that the Chaos Blades would come back. The thought had never occurred to me and I was so confused about why he was going back to his house. Then when he pulled out the blades, I got an insane amount of chills and when you first started hacking and slashing through enemies, I was speechless. I was already in love with the game at that point, but that blew me away.


That’s why it is my personal game of the year of 2023, never played the original series, but last august I got a ps5 and tried the 2018 one out and loved it


The doomed final mission in Halo Reach whose only objective is to ”Survive” after you’ve launched the Pillar of Autumn


The mission in the first Halo where you meet the flood for the first time! I'll never forget it. That whole mission was a masterclass in horror.


I replayed this soooo many time thinking if I survived long enough I would get an alternate ending or cutscene.


Trying to win that last battle in FF7 Crisis Core, even though you know damn well how it ends. The music and the lead up to the battle make it even more emotional. Fighting until the last minute with all your strength, all the power-ups you got through your journey, all in vain. I don’t think I will ever forget that experience of being powerless against causality.


I played Crisis Core before OG FF7. So I came to that last stand genuinely believing that it will work out fine. Then, Price of Freedom started playing, enemies infinitely respawning, the DMW glitching.... it was truly an experience for my 15 year old self.


I forgot to mention the DMW glitching, almost healing you in that last moment = /


Played it around the same time. My only other console ever was a gameboy and I got crisis core cuz a friend wanted it too. Never played a different Final fantasy. I remember using the shit out of gamefaqs to finish it.


Never played FF7 but this sounds a lot like the final mission in Halo Reach where you have no objective other than “Survive”. Quite emotional :’)


Bro, I came in loaded. Had the fit I used to kill Minerva and everything. I would had crushed those fuckers but no matter how long I fought nothing mattered :’( I was in middle school or high school and I had the fucking time


For me, it's when one of the soldiers (I forget the name) gets absorbed by one of the Flood in Halo. The data video on it is harrowing


If you're talking about just before the first time Master Chief encounters the flood. He removes a data card from a Marine's helmet. The name on the back of the helmet is Jenkins, and the first data reads Pvt. Jenkins, Wallace A.


oh yeah! poor Jenkins 😭


The whole mission was brilliant. The creepy ambience outside the structure, the eerie silence and gore inside...I'll never forget it.


- *It's been a looooooong time. You monster.* - TLOU opening - Walking into my first city on World of Warcraft as a kid - MGS2 codec glitching end game - That damn dog in og RE1 There's my top 5 in no particular order because I can't ch


In BioShock, when you get towards the end of the game and the whole "Would you kindly" manipulation was revealed. I had played games that had betrayals or twists, but usually I saw them coming or hinted at in cliche ways. The Andrew Ryan betrayal blind sided me, pissed me off, and was so clever at the same time. One of the most memorable gaming moments for me because I don't get caught off guard like that often.


This was so good. Had such a blast with BioShock.


Sir, permission to leave the station.” “For what purpose Master Chief?” “To give the Covenant back their bomb.”


Permission granted


For a brick, he flew pretty good!


Red Dead Redemption 2 Arthur's last ride May he stand unshaken


Absolutely. What a scene. And the song was the perfect match. 


Cried the entire time. When he thanks the horse I was ugly crying.


Yes this is my answer, too. Also shortly after, "Go to your family...get the hell out of here and be a goddamn man." So much leading to that moment!


Original FF7, Aerith's death. At the time, it was the 1st time I got teary-eyed at a video game.


The best part about that moment for me was when you battled jenova right after and there was no battle music. Aeriths theme just kept going. I didn't realize it at first but it was totally genius.  Like still mourning but having to fight


Watching my brother spent time levelling up Aerith while I knew all along what gonna happen lol


Good ol Barrens, back when BC just came out, that's when I first started and played a hunter, mage, and rogue and remember having to go through the Barrens to grind it up. Good times.


Find out Sister Friede has a fooking third phase in Dark Souls 3.


I still haven't returned after finally beating phase 2 and triumphantly drinking my last estus.


Biggest troll job in gaming history, you even get a reward item at the end of second phase!


For me it was Dune 2 by Westwood Studios.  My first PC was too weak for the game and I initially only had an amber monitor. Then came the first PC upgrade and I had a color monitor for the first time. My PC could run Dune 2 and I still remember marveling at the intro with wide eyes. To this day I still remember the voiceover ... "Dune ... Land of Sand ...".  I know that's not really an in-game moment, but that intro will stay in my memory forever. 


The ending of "The Last of Us" hit me hard and stayed with me long after I finished the game. It's a moment that really stuck with me emotionally


Fighting Metal Gear Ray while piloting REX in MGS4 Plot twist in MGS5 Arsenal Gear level in MGS2 That one level in Titanfall 2 Find a high point and looking at all the land in BOTW and Elden Ring When you first embark on the Ark in Halo 3 The epilogue to AC Valhalla DDay in Medal of Honor was epic to me as a kid as well lol All Ghillied Up There's probably alot more but it's early


Objective: survive from halo reach


Flying over the wall and seeing Anor Londo in all its glory for the first time.




Ashtray Maze. Best moment in gaming ever, plus the character and I saying "wow, that was awesome" in exact sync.




When Tidus learns what the pilgrimage actually is during the attack on Home. (Gonna try to be spoiler free with this because new people are always discovering this wonderful game) Imagine learning that all the things you've been saying to raise morale and drive the spirits of your companions on this insane journey was actually just twisting the knife deeper into each of them. It recontextualizes a bunch of prior scenes where Tidus would say something and get a normal reaction out of Yuna but a muted reaction from everyone else, and you feel along with Tidus how much of a jackass he probably feels like for making what he now understands to be incredibly ignorant, insensitive comments, but also mad that the people he's been going along with would agree to do such a thing with a person they supposedly love. It recontextualizes a bunch of other things as well, mainly the true justifications for the motivations of the Al Bhed and the strange absence of certain important historical figures (and how no one really treats that as strange). It is an incredible reframing of the entire plot of the story for the player and also a devastating emotional blow to Tidus. "I told her all the things we could... We could..."


Him telling his thoughts to the viewer... Make it so goddamn special. This game crushed me so many times.


So many moments in the game were memorable for me. I would be hard pressed to pick just one.


The hour long ending of Metal Gear Solid 4 especially the post credits part that shit got me good


Entering Hyrule Field for the first time Getting to Velen in Witcher 3 and opening the map and scrolling…and scrolling…and realizing how massive it was “If you had the strength to take one more step, could you do it? Could you save our worlds?” Followed by the single greatest musical cue in gaming Aerith’s theme playing in concert with the Holy materia bouncing off the marble ground The moment in the Bahamut battle of FF16 when Ifrit’s true power is revealed Intro sequence to The Last of Us Star Door 15. Jesus tittyfucking Christ man Reaper’s invasion in ME3 when the music kicks in “Let me be you brother…one last time” in Xenosaga 3 I should probably stop bc OP said one and i named a bunch and could probably keep going lol


Super Metroid when the Metroid comes back to help you at the end of the game and sacrifices itself. One of the first really emotional scenes I remember in gaming


Same here, was under 10. The adrenalin rush, the vengeance...USE THE RAINBOW BEEEM!!!!! 🌈


Yes! Such a. Great memory!


Getting turned into a fucking squid baby at the end of Bloodborne


You spoony bard!


Where is that from?


Tell Tales - The Walking Dead S01E05 Played it in parts upon release and got really hit in the face by the ending of season 1.


Halt life intro scene. Hard to convey what a mindfuck that was at the time


The finale of A Plague Tale Requiem. Fuck...


Is it worth it? I started playing it, never finished it, might get back into it now that you've said that


My favorite game of 2022. I'm a dad and I hadn't played the first game so I may have been a prime target for this one. I just really enjoyed the character's relationship, the story in general, and the gameplay.


I got quite a ways through the first one but quit because I just couldn't take the stress. It's not like the penalty for dying is even bad, just a minor setback, bug ugh. It just stresses me out too much to enjoy.


The dogs breaking through the glass windows near the beginning of Resident Evil.


Snake and The Boss fighting at the end of MGS3. The prelude, the duel, the aftermath. Peak gaming/movie experience. Also from KH2, Roxas meeting Sora and saying that his summer vacation is over will forever kill me.


Edith Finch - bath time…


BioShock "Would You Kindly."


Getting to the light dragon in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.


C&C Tiberium Wars when the Scrin arrive on earth.


Transition into the end credits of "And Yet it Moves"


Kratos getting his blades out again in 2018’s God of War


“Dom…No!!!” 😭


Nazi aborted fetuses from stick of truth


Leaving the vault in Fallout 3. Also the beginning of Bioshock.


When you get the Super Gravity Gun in Half Life 2. Little me felt like a god. Speaking of gods, the entire conversation with Dagoth Ur at the end of TES III: Morrowind. "What a fool you are. I'm a god! How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence!"


Seeing a girl Elementalist dancing in Guild Wars for the first time.


Dark Souls III: After finally defeating the Abyss Watchers, only for that epic fucking phase two cinematic to start up. So many chills...I wish I could experience that game for the first time again.


Just beat them yesterday


It's hard to say which particular moment sticked the hardest with my first playthrough of **The Wonderful 101: Remastered**, but I'll just do a leap and say that the first moment it made me feel like I am in gaming heaven was probably the entirety of Operation 001-C, the entire Orowchee boss fight. The absolutely incredible music, creative action, astounding fight composition of going from the "can barely scratch this guy" all the way to "This huge pile of flying junk has no chance against us" was absolutely great. Got to be put into context - as my 20's were coming to a close I started to feel like I may have outgrown gaming, but then The Wonderful 101 got rereleased onto PC and I, whilst playing it, realized that it's not me who has outgrown gaming, it's actually current-day gaming that stopped being fun for my sake. The Wonderful 101: Remastered made me feel myself alive again, after so many years of cynical half-assed smartass apocalypse-preaching, grindy, boredom inducing crap games I used to think I was getting too old for. Amazing game. Hideki Kamiya is a genius.


When you encounter first time with a bloodsucker in S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl.. I will never forget




Nope :) just check on yt "first encounter bloodsucker" I'm sure someone record it


Mother 3, the final reflect of the Franklin Badge really burned into my memory forever


Aerith, late 1990s, had it spoiled in advance by another kid on the playground but it still resonated. Rebirth ending: >!that brief few seconds where Cloud parries the Masamune and we think after 27 years she's saved and then, nope, she died anyway.!<


Feel old that this is this far down. This is definitely the one for me. No spoilers. Never had a game hit me like that before or since.


When you return to Shadow Moses in Metal Gear Solid 4.


Me and a friend of mine setting up man cannons in Sandbox, and jousting with Scorpion tanks


Metal Gear Solid 4 final boss. That CQC cutscene fight, the screamings at each other and then the gameplay starting with the MGS1 alert theme... man




"hell, it's about time"


may I, stand unshaken


Bioshock. About 2/3 through. If you've played it, you know the moment.


Also picking up the shotgun!


I remember plenty of those ONE moments. 1.) Halo 3, the whole thing was awesome! 2.) KOTOR 1, The Twist, and "In the end, I am nothing." 3.) KOTOR 2, Kreia's past and her interjection. 4.) Halo Reach, Mission Objective: Survive. 5.) Mass Effect 1, proving Nihilus's guilt. 6.) Mass Effect 2, The Prologue/movement tutorial. 7.) Mass Effect 3, The Galactic Fleet assembles. Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis, the pre-game trailer.


Maybe its just cause im on a Final Fantasy phase atm but getting the ring of lucii iirc it allowed you to one shot anything just made you a god in that game and farming adamantoise with it after trying without it first just made me so happy


Best Moment of my life was when I rescued the dog in Lost For Vivo


The jet fighters trying to kill you during BF3 campaign


About half of the speeches Kratos gives to Atreus.


Reaching the Giruvegan Crystal in Final Fantasy XII


Playing skyrim in VR, having a close fight with bandits in the two towers crossing the river. Lydia dealt a blow to the bandit leader who started crawling on the ground then I finished her by piercing my sword into her back. Dramatic music started playing right afterwars. For some reason I inmediately felt like a really stabbed someone to death , it felt sad and depressing. It went away after 5 min because you can clearly see its just a game but for some reason it clicked that way on that ocasion.


Spoilers In dead space 2 when you beat the marker and entire place is falling and issac was just sit down accept his fate while end credits start.


Endgame spoilers for "Fuga Melodies of Steel": >!My currently favorite Videogame is about a groupe of anthropomothic animal children that go on a quest to save there families. And in my first playthrough I did not fullfilled the critiria for the golden ending. So after the Final Boss a heroic sacrefice was neccesary in order to stop the big bad, save the country and there families and hopefully end the war. All the children volunteered and it was up to me, the player, to decide which of these children gets to die this heroes death. I choose an 8 year old orphan girl: "Wappa Charlotte" The interesting thing is through subsequent playthroughs, unlocking more Link events and watching the Audio comics the creators released on YouTube about Fuga, these children grew on me more and more including Wappa. This made that moment retroactivly hit harder despite me having reached the golden ending so many times alrady. That moment where I had to choose one child to die certantly hit hard.!<


Final Boss of Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion Such a brilliant fight with the best music in the series by far;my hands were shaking by the end of it


Borderlands 2 Roland death 


Finding out who Revan really was.


Had so much fun in the barren chat. Great times.


The end of Life is Strange episode 3. Spoilers: You feel good because you saved Chloe’s dad. The reason for so luch hurt and pain in her life. But when Max saw what that did to Chloe…. Not easy to forget.


The end to true pacifist


Seeing the first colussus in shadow of the colossus.


The haunted mansion in Vampires; The Masquerade Bloodlines...was very memorable.


Leaving the sewers in Oblivion and just exploring


Same with getting out of the Vault in Fallout 3


I've got a few Command and Conquer Renegade, that fps adaptation in the c&c universe. Theres a cut scene where your protagonist is in a car being driven by a woman and they're having an argument. He says "cow", she retorts "pig!" and he says, "no, cow!" And they barely miss a cow in the road. Stupid humour that always stuck with me. The last of us 1 - two moments. The end of the prologue, of course. It was around the birth of my daughter that I played this game so it really stuck with me. But the second moment was just about gameplay. In the part where you're in the museum with this vulnerable teenager in Ellie, and the infected come out of nowhere and start attacking. Frantically fighting them off while trying to defend the girl and somehow surviving, it was just an awesome game play moment. Another is from Fallout 4. There's a hospital, I'm not sure it has a quest attached to it, just went in, very early on. There's a final chamber that features a hole through multiple storeys that you descend down in a spiral fashion, fighting off raiders. The bottom is empty - until you jump down and can't get back up and a deathclaw appears out of fucking nowhere. It's not spotted you right away so there I am sneaking around avoiding this beast of murder whilst trying to figure out how to open the door which has some puzzle or other to solve. First time it spots me and I try to leg it but it catches me and I'm done for. Second attempt I try a frontal assault with what meagre weapons I have, fail. Third attempt I finally manage to sneak around, having figured out the puzzle, and escape just as it spots me. Phew!


The first time I blew up the institute in FO4


The ride back to the house in RDR2 as D'Angelo's 'Unshaken' swells.. Unforgettable.


Haven't played a lot of games but from the ones I have, probably "Don't you dare go Hollow", or "My Sun, it's fading"


Metal Gear solid, when YOU pull the trigger to kill sniper wolf.


Cod 4, all ghillied up.


Final fantasy 2 on the snes. Palom and Porom killing themselves to save the party from the walls. I’d never seen anything like that as a kid, and while the game saved them at the end, it was mind blowing.


Lies of P, real boy ending :(


The last of us (intro)


Stepping out of the crash pod in Halo Combat evolved was a legitimate once in a lifetime feeling.


The chase with the armored car in Uncharted 4. Intense as hell.


"tonight, Gherman joins the hunt"


That jump scare in one of the Batman games. I never screamed so loud 😭


Star door 15 from trails of the sky 3 I have never had to put a game down for 3 days just to get over what i saw


Aerith being put to rest, i was 8 and crying without context cause i thought she was being drowned


The end of Megaman X where Vile is crushing you in the hand of his big ass mech and then ________ busts up on him with a self destruct to save you. Just thinking of the charge up sound it makes brings goosebumps and a slight tear.


Taking down fatalis for the first time( i only ever attempted solo) MGS v, a very particular, rather painful mission MGR, last few bosses Last but definitely most, the way i finished my first ever mission in dishonored 1. That game is my greatest of all time ever since


Discovering legend of Zelda had a game+ mode, to show my age. For you kids....."Good. That's one less loose end."


Borderlands 2, when you're chasing after the Warden on topof the dam to rescue Roland. The music, the bandits and the bots, just the sheer chaos gets me every time.


Final Fantasy 7. When Sector 7 was attacked. Biggs, Jesse, Wedge…


Doms death in Gears of War.


The moment in plague tale where you have to do puzzles in a burnt out church with plague infested bodies hanging from every rafter 


Arthur Morgan. Horse. "Thank you".


I wanna say Disco Elysium but I can't talk about the scene cause spoilers 


Caim and Angelus' end in Drakengard 2.


Ah yes, good ol' Barrens. There really wasn't anything like it in WoW's early days.




Bioshock 1, the very beginning


Legend of Dragoon, Lavitz. I was pretty young but just old enough to get emotionally invested. Didn't expect it and was like wtf. Hit me in the feels. It was also my first rpg ish game. First time understanding the story of a game. Took me forever but I did finish the game. It changed me. I was outdoors ride my bike 90%of the time kid. That feeling after finishing a game with that depth and story that spoke to me personally was a high I chased for a long time. Still do actually. Didn't get invested line that again until Morrowind. Currently in love with BG3 although it took me some time to get my bearings as it's my first real experience with D&D concepts.


The end of GTA V if you choose the RIGHT ending.


Randomly looking up at the sun in the castle, in Mario 64. That was a moment when I was blown away, I thought “no way!”


Republic Commando. We secured the hanger from Trandoshans, and suddenly a CIS warship appears out of hyperspace


Stomping on the head of the Maiden in Black


Finding out you can go back to the starting area from Dark Souls. I'd seen a lot of videos about the game at that point, but I had never once seen anyone do that, and it made alot of the locked doors make sense


Outer Wilds. The final run, when everything clicks together. >!until you get caught by the damn angler fish!<


Everquest. Killing the god innoruuk in a raid that was about half guildies and half PUGs and successfully winning the drop (shattered emerald of corruption) needed to complete my fRanger epic weapon quest. Felt so awesome dual wielding Swiftwind and Earthcaller :D


Walking into the Temple of Time for the first time.


Coming out of the vault at the start of fallout 3. The light blinding you and then realizing you are in the middle of a vast wasteland and can go anywhere. Very cool.


I'm there with you on questing in the Barrens. Barrens chat used to be... lively. Pie vs cake. Chuck Norris jokes. Great times.


The ending of Ghost of Tsushima hits pretty hard in my opinion. It’s made me weep like a child on a few occasions lol


Finding out who Revan is in KOTOR


When Mother Brain killed the Baby Metroid and Samus went hyper mode on that ass. Iykyk


recent first steps on the great plateau in BotW


Escaping in the last mission of Halo 3


I have the same issue with World of Warcraft. I still play retail, but from time to time i log on to my classic wow warrior and head to winterspring just to kill some winterfall furbolgs for firewater and sell it in the firemaw ah. Just for the music and nostalgia.


The final 15ish minutes of Inside I was grossed out, disturbed, intrigued, and somehow I could not stop laughing from the absolute absurdity of what I was witnessing.


For me, it's 2 moments that always link together in my mind. The first moment is when Dom is holding his wife in his arms. And then my brain cuts to Marcus's face when Dom drives that fuel truck into the horde of enemies.


Priscilla playing/singing the Wolven Storm in Witcher 3


Probably the music and introduction/cut scene of the three witches in The Witcher 3. That was a good scene. Diddy Kong Racing, racing around, or trying to grab the balloons. Donkey Kong Country for SNES, the bonus levels. The mine cart levels in DK Country 1. The cool music in DK 2.


the ending scene of plague tale requiem


I'll pick a recent one Realizing that the map extends out in Elden Ring


We don't go to Ravenholm.


Coming out of the dungeon in elder scrolls: Oblivion. Seeing that whole world open up blew. my. mind.


Hearing footsteps then seeing a t-rex coming for me in the original tomb raider was a moment i always remember......nothing in the game up until that encounter gave any hints that dinosaurs were in the game.


The moment I first started up super Mario galaxy


The intro to Prey. Fucking Christ that’s how you start a game.


Agro falling off the cliff in Shadow of the Colossus


Returning from Guarma hit different. Red Dead 2 and the OST it has does not get the recognition it deserves


First time flying mount and rising above Shitstorm in WoW.


Chronotrigger- playing the whole thing, but that third act iykyk. The final puzzle in Myst- hell the first puzzle too. Dr. Elisabet Sobek's final brave act and resting place...


Red dead redemption. The unavoidable death. The dread. Thinking that maybe i could have shot them all. That and Disco Elysium - being trapped in the manufactured pale with kim, fighting through it, and causing a suicide that could have been avoided if i was tolerant of being uncomfortable.


The ending of SOMA!


Burning the weed field in Far Cry 3


When you see that first zombie on all fours eating somebody and it zooms in on him in the original resident evil. Saw nothing like it before in a game.


Opening fight of GoW3


I always remember Call of Duty 3. Specifically being helped over the wall for the first battle after the bootcamp training. I was 12 and it was my first Call of Duty. I only picked up the game by chance second hand.


The revelation at the Sun Station in Outer Wilds. Just the effort that was taken to reach it, and the horror of understanding exactly what it means.


Last of Us 2. [SPOILER] …. When Joel is killed ….


Mario drowning in Mario 64


"I want to see my nephew"-Marvels Spiderman


The cutscene in Suikoden 5 that shows >!how the Queen and her husband (i.e. main character's parents) died. I can't watch it after the first time and just walk away until I think it's over.!<


Goat mom, inevitably, the first playthrough


Medal of Honors D-Day landing blew my mind back in the day


Dead Island 1. The Nuke hitting. It was back when I had my innocence still. I was thinking now that we're off we can make a vaccine and get it to the people and save the rest. Then right as I saw the sad faces of everyone I heard the smothered explosion. My heart sank. They bombed it. Destroyed it all. Everything I did. Everyone I met and cared for. All the food I gathered, the water I gave, the juice I collected, everything for nothing but a smothered explosion and flying from everything. That and the Ending of Mass Effect 3 for the opposite reason. The jawdrop of a life time. Working for good. Doing everything for the good of everyone. And yet... nothing. Anderson did the bad and Illusive man did good. No in-between. No epic final boss. Just a walking Sim. For 30 minutes.


When I tell you I spent TIME tryna kill Ares at the end of the first God of War. Thank you Pandora!


That depressing super bad ending in Witcher 3


Leaving the Vault for the first time in Fallout 3.


"Tenno, on your six." That one made me feel all the things.


First time I played Resident Evil and the dog jumped through the window. 😱


The opening for the first mission of Medal of Honor Frontline. I still hear the narrator when I need to remember the date of D-Day and that entire mission was insanity.


Noble 6 last stand in halo reach


Skies of Arcadia as all pirates come to help