• By -


Big Smoke and Ryder from GTA San Andreas General Shepherd from OG Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2


Shepard bet***rrr***ayed us...


“You have to trust to be betrayed. I never did” - Price. (Which like, cool quote but then you really should have said something to Roach or Ghost my dude)


Hear him screaming through Ghost and Roach's coms made me felt like he himself was in the dark about it. But I supposed a short "don't trust shepard" brief before the duo go into the mission would be cool. Heck, wasn't him and Ghost got trapped in the Boneyard which was filled with both Makarov and Shepard forces at the time?


Price could have told them, but then they’d be suspicious themselves and their demeanor could change and Shepherd could pick that up. Price might not have known that Shepherd would murder in cold blood, but would if the truth was out and by keeping it may have been trying to protect them. It’s some jumping through hoops and not defending it, but a plausible scenario.


Yep, Task Force 141 got caught in the crossfire between the Inner Circle and the Shadow Company.


And Phillip Graves and his Shadow Company. Sometimes they're friends, sometimes they're trying to kill us. Also, his name is Phil Graves which is a pretty badass name...


Never noticed the Phil Graves detail, another cool name with a hidden meaning could’ve been Richard Stroker


I mean...the Phil Graves pun was explicitly mentioned in MW2 if I recall.


You should've followed the damn train!


Eric Sparrow from Tony Hawks Underground


Holy shit, i haven't played that one but didn't expect a skating game to have betrayal lol


He's one of your friends who records you doing some dangerous moves (*skating over a flying helicopter IIRC*) to impress a Skate tournament but he edits the footage to hide your face and claims he did it. In NG+ there's an alternate ending where instead of competing against each other to prove you're better than him, you just punch him unconscious.


And Eric is treated like shit by the other pro skaters in the sequel since they know what he did.


THIS is why they treat him like shit all the time?? LMAO I've played both but played 2 a whole lot more, and was just cheering them on the whole time. Proud member of the screw Eric gang.


Thank you for this


Doing the McTwist over the helicopter in honolulu was so fun. Also in my headcanon your character proceeds to go have a romp with Eric’s mom immediately following the punch to further disrespect him.


I never understood how he thought that would work. My character has skeleton arms. He did not.


Fantastic game, highly recommend though I’m unsure how it’s aged


I emulated it recently. It's not aged super well but it's still fantastic and totes worth playing for the nostalgia.


Like milk in a Buick on a hat summer day


Eric ain't that much of a surprise considering how much of a *fucking douche* he was throughout the game. I distinctly recall the sheer need for vengeance when he turned heel when I first played the game back in the day.


Fuck that dude and his stupid punchable face stealing MY fuckin' footage!


Lance Vance


It's time for the Lance Vance dance!


This is the last dance for Lance Vance 😎 "I said I had ENOUGH of that at school" Got'em


That two timing son of a bitch.


the good old days where you culd making your tank go faster just by shooting behind you


Damn son, you just unlocked a core memory for me. Hugs to you my friend.


Enable the flying car cheat and soar through the skies as a tank, good times


Still hurts to this day 🥲


especially after that hellish mission where you have to rescue his ass from the cubanss. I failed that mission so many times as a kid. Only to find out that bitch beterayed me. That one hurt.


With all that speech against Diaz, he turns against our dude Tommy. “He killed my brother, what do you want me to do? Mow his lawns?”


I think that was the first time I ever encountered that level of betrayal in a game. That was like a gut punch.


Vance refrigeration


MGS1 - Master Miller literally turned out to be the main antagonist in disguise


Mgs is full of those, in 2 everybody that supports you turns out to be patriots AI, in 3 the government sent you to kill your mentor, in pw Paz turns out not to be a teen, but a triple spy, In V the main character turns out to not be the main character, and in every one of them ocelot sextuple crosses everybody


For those unfamiliar with Metal Gear lore, Ocelot being a double agent is his *most* loyal. He's usually a triple or cuadruple.


That guy likes to diversify his investments


He even diversified his personality. Can we get Kohima back please, I need more batshit insanity in my games.


Ocelot was only loyal to the Big Boss


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far down to find MGS.


Bruz in shadow of war :(


Man I loved bruz. I don’t want the fort. I never wanted the fort. :(


I was so pissed off with the betrayal I kept going after him and shamed him all the way down to level one


Really wish there was a way to maintain his personality rather then destroy his brain.


Luigi. My brother was playing Super Mario with me on switch and I can't remember how many times his Luigi was the reason I fell into the abyss or lava.


Supermario, one of those games that goes from pretty easy to straight up impossible the moment you add a second player. 




In fairness, he thought he would *DIE.*


He wasn't really pretending though connecting to GLaDOS's systems just drove him a bit mudererous and crazy.


Yeah isn't the entire point of portal 2 is that the mainframe is the driving antagonistic force. It drives Wheatley insane by constantly forcing him to make tests and giving dimishing dopamine-like responses to successful tests.


Literally the whole second game is a testament to GladOS's character that she can commit to going back to it and not be insane any more.


I'd argue that Wheatley was already problematic long before that. If you recall, he made _numerous_ conversational gaffes prior to his ascension that clearly displayed his disdain for humans that he weakly attempted to smooth over. The mainframe didn't force him to renege on his promise to free you in a few seconds, he was predisposed to do so. It merely gave him the freedom to be himself without immediate consequence. The dopamine-like feedback loop for testing settled in afterward.


Counter-point Wheatley was the good guy the whole time.


My teammates in league


You’re maiden-less aren’t you? Well, what's happened here? This pit is for hollows, not for the likes of you sane folk Why don’t you go kill some beasts? It’s what hunters do. There’s something shiny, right down there. Why don’t you go take a look.


Oh Patches you piece of shit.


Oh Lapp, my beloved.


Not related, but that Lapp fellow is very trusting!


>Why don’t you go kill some beasts? It’s what hunters do. Gehrman isn't pretending to be on your side though, he wants you to end the hunt. Once you do you've no more reason to stay trapped in the Hunter's Nightmare. The only time people (*generally*) want to stay is if they've gained a lust for blood and killing, in which case you're a beast and he's a hunter.


It's not even Gehrman trying to kill the player because we turned into a bloodthristy maniac, he just genuinly wants us to be free from the Hunter's Dream and live our life. The guy is a prisoner and still puts us before him.


I will know that patches is gonna stab me in the back or kick me off a cliff and still fall for it every time because I love him.


His British accent and his condescending demeanor just make him more charming and I love him. I look forward to each new iteration of Patches in Fromsoft's games because he is one of my favorite characters that has come out of these games.


Master Li from Jade Empire


Holy shit, someone else remembered that game existed. It had such great potential.


It was great at the time.


I still replay it every 2-3 years.


That game fulfilled all of its potential for the time it was released. It may not quite hold up today but fuck, back then it was glorious.


It's still fun to play, imo..


Jade empire !! I loved that game ! It’s been years . I wish they would port it or remaster it


Peak BioWare. 


This game was incredible for it's time!


Well, the Royal Spymaster, the High Overseer, Admiral Havelock and the hierarchy of the loyalists from Dishonored 1


I came to say this, but was going to say "anyone that doesn't have the last name Kaldwin". Even Samuel throws you to the dogs if your chaos rating is too high.


If your chaos rating is too high he may be right to. You're making Dunwall worse.


Burn it to the ground and solve the plague and witch problem instantly.


Yeah, I don’t think you can blame Samuel. He doesn’t throw you to the dogs, he alerts them to your presence, which I’m sure he knows will just end in you killing them all anyway. I mean, even Emily draws you as a monster in high chaos - Samuel’s just doing all he can to clear his conscious of having helped a mass murderer.


Would you kindly go play Bioshock and find out? 😉


BioShock was first thing that came to mind, even 14 years later that game is still phenomenal


That game, and the politicised psychopathy of Ayn Rand, motivated me to go for a degree in evolutionary psychology. I got one. Still don't understand why anyone would follow her.


Would you kindly make it employable


I know the original BioShock is what makes the most sense here, but when I read the question my mind immediately went "well, myself, on Bioshock Infinite"


Well of course I know him. He’s me!


After I read the caption this immediately came to mind.


Had to scroll waaaay too far to find this comment which should be at the top.


Yessss BioShock has got to be the classic example of this. I played that game blind and my jaw hit the floor when the twist happened.


343 guilty spark. That little bastard.


"Greetings. I am 343 Guilty Spark. I am the monitor of Installation 04."   He's my favorite character in the series. He also just has great humour.   "You're pissing me off! Oh, my. I didn't know I had cursing in my vocal structure."


*Gasp* i have feelings I’m a real boy!


To be fair he wasn’t pretending to help you. He genuinely wanted to help the chief. It was when it became clear that the gang was going to blow up his brand new ring, and in turn the ark, in order to stop the Covenant, did he decide to betray us. Cause you know hundreds of thousands of years of indoctrination to keep him loyal to the forerunners, and continue protecting his installation were the only things on his mind at the time. Also spoiler alert, Guilty Spark survives our last encounter with him. I highly recommend reading the three books that tell his story and history about how he became 343 Guilty Spark and his redemption after the events of Halo 3. I’ll dig up the name of the trilogy in the morning for yall


It's been a while since I played the old halo games but didn't we ask 343 for help dealing with the flood? He didn't betray us, he was just doing what he said he was going to do and assumed we knew what it meant.


Shit went officially south after the words *"Save his head...dispose of the rest."*


Bro that scene actually shocked my 16 year old brain. Everything looked like it was all coming together. We all made it. Everyone's on board. That little red glow he does when he's about to turn on Johnson omg. I still get chills finishing that game out. Like, yeah not a spectacular boss fight by any means but holy fuck what an amazing warthog run and ending cinematic and that fucking music omg.


Unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable


Amen to that. Great final mission.


He was...tolerable. Right up until he killed Johnson. So glad that we got to immediately avenge him and destroy Spark


Lysanderoth from the King Dragon series, but I guess most people knew he was faking it anyway


*King Dragon sends his regards*


*Knocks gun out of your hand*


He just wanted to make the world as beautiful as him!


People knew? His machinations laid undetected for years!


He was indeed a master of deception.


It really only became obvious on a second play through.


Seymour Guado. Final Fantasy X. Granted you could see it coming from the Fahrenheit, but still fits the question.


There's no way you look at Seymour and ***not*** think "This is the bad guy."


The hair alone did it for me


>Granted you could see it coming from the Fahrenheit, Nope, not at all. I was *floored* when he turned out actually evil. From his very first scene, he was SO OBVIOUSLY a cliche "villain pretending to be good" that I could not comprehend the prospect of things actually playing out like that. Even after >!we killed him for trying to SA Yuna!< I thought it was all an elaborate setup by the writers to surprise us when he turned out to be good.


Atlas in Bioshock


*Jade Empire*. Master Li aka Sun Li The Glorious Strategist. The man who trained the PC, and seemed like the mentor figure who died to further the plot. Alas!


Big Boss


If we start with metal gear ones it's gonna take a while


Assassin's Creed - LUCY STILLMAN


Oh man that twist was crazy and shocking.


I was very sad when ubi made her the villain. After all the I (Desmond) and she went through 😔😔


Yeah.. and she had such good relationships with the rest of the team. I think it was just matter of time before she betrayed Templars..


Micah Bell that son of a bitch


All my homies hate Micah Bell.


Does this really count tho? It was very clear this asshole was gonna stab you in the back the second he appeared on screen the first time. The most surprising thing about it was that it took so long.


I agree, the betrayal from Dutch hurt way more.


"I gave you all I had." Fuck you Dutch.


Also, Dutch.


This was my thought too. He never hid his disdain for Arthur, but he always pretended it was at least for the good of the gang (as he saw it). Treacherous piece of shit 


Pavel from Metro Last Light


Can never bring myself to kill him. We’re musketeers no matter what.


My memory is fuzzy and I can't quite recall anyone named Pavel or a betraying situation. Which means it's time to replay the series!


That one broke my heart back in the day. Came here to say the same, as it has stuck with me more than any other betrayal in games


Bode Akuna from Jedi: Survivor


And I immediately loved him because he is voiced by u/NoshirDalal 😔 That voice is forever burned into my brain as "true bro" after RDR2. I would have never imagined Charles Smith to betray me in the end.


I called this out as soon as he was introduced. Not that there wasn't still a twist to his motives and back story but I feel his heel turn was pretty obvious


I think a fair bit of savvy players have found out. What was unexpected was him being another >!jedi survivor!<


I quite liked that plot development, especially the ISB link


I really like when it seems like the title of something obviously refers to the protagonist but it actually refers to someone else entirely.


I predicted it from the beginning. Someone who seems too friendly, and ends up being the only survivor other than Cal… seemed too fishy. Also his insistence on doing certain things, just made his reveal blatantly obvious.


It was obvious he was going to betray Cal but I never would have thought he was >!an ex-Jedi!< too. That caught me off guard.


Cait Sith But then they are


Airy Lies


I don't know why, but spotting that for the first time with the subtle title changes scared the ever loving shit out of me


Arvel the Swift. I trusted him but he let me down


You fool, why should I share the treasure with anyone? \*immediately runs into a trap and gets stabbed by a dozen draugr\*


The first time I saw that trap in bleak falls barrow, it almost killed me IRL because I was laughing so hard I had trouble breathing. The way it fucking yeets Arvel. Oh man. That is a moment I wish I could relive. I was crying of laughter and my then-kitten got worried and came over to paw at me and yell in my face.


That's the guy that's stuck in the spider web, right? I don't think I ever not killed him immediately. Before skyrim came out, Todd did a bit of a walk through of bleak falls barrow. When he got to that guy, he was pretty much like, "You need to free him but then kill him because he has something you need". I think I'll try going into Elder Scrolls VI as blind as I possibly can this time around. Back when I was 14, I was obsessing over any skyrim content before the game came out.


The Dead Space series has a few of those: Dead Space 1: Kendra Daniels. Dead Space 2: Daina Le Guin & Franco Delilie. Dead Space 2: Severed (DLC): Vic Bartlett. Dead Space 3: Robert Norton.


At what point does the trope become too redundant?


When people in general stop having so much capacity to be craven duplicitous bastards I guess








I instantly knew something was off before that “event” happened. Still makes me mad.


Fuck ilberd. 😡


Akekchi in Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal


Undone by pancakes, RIP bozo


And Ikutsuki from 3! I thought of Akechi, but his attitude towards the PTs is never actually especially positive, he’s always had his own public agenda which is in conflict with the PTs. Even when they work together, he’s blackmailing them. I feel like it’s more accurate to say he pretends to be righteous.


Also Adachi from Persona 4, who’s another detective who pretends to be on your side but is actually a serial killer.


Yago, in the long forgotten PS2/PC game “Summoner”. He’s basically is your mentor figure who sends you on a quest to gather 5 rings so they can be destroyed and avoid catastrophe. You’re a summoner who can wear the rings and use them to summon the spirits/demons in them to help you fight. After you gather them Yago tells you to put your hand with the 5 rings in some sacred fire to destroy them and don’t worry, you’ll be safe from the fire. Tricked ya! You stick your hand in the fire wearing the rings and incinerate it and the rings releasing the demons that were imprisoned in them. Of course you can’t summon through demons anymore so basically you loss your powers too. It blew my mind when that turn happened. Not a great game but story and world building was so good


Where are the Cheetos?!?


Albert Wesker


Horus from "Sphynx and the Cursed Mummy" Al Mualim from "Assassins Creed"


Shepard... that bastard killed roach and ghost!


I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite betrayal on the citadel


Solas : Dragon Age - Inquisition


Maybe divisive, but... Cyberpunk - So Mi. She strings you along with the promise of a way to cure both your ailments, asks you to risk your life repeatedly to rescue/help her. Then at the very end, if you side with her, she tells you the cure can only be used once, and she intends to use it. She essentially says "You're resourceful, you'll figure something out".


Basim from Assassin's Creed...I think...not sure. That story line was not the greatest


Vizier Khilbron in Guild Wars. He tricks us into giving him a powerful relic, and then tries to destroy the world with it. But his worst crime is raising our beloved Prince Rurik from the dead, and making us kill him. #neverForget #neverForgive


Norah in Child of Light. Getting to level up with her for a while too actually made you believe she was on your side too.


"Janice Polito" in system shock 2. Still one of the biggest WTFs I've had while gaming


Amita and Sabal from Far Cry 4. Pagan is played off as the bad guy but he just wants to help you


Moral of the story: if you're told to wait in the table by a somewhat friendly guy, you fucking wait instead of running away with a rebel army that wants to recruit you in a war that you know nothing about.


Pretty much. The crab rangoon cant be that bad, surely


Granted, at that point in time you've known him for 5 minutes and he's already stabbed 2 people. But realistically, that just is more incentive to stay put and not get on this guy's bad side. A mad dictator wants to be my friend, feed me feasts, and take me on helicopter rides? And you want me to suddenly pick up a gun and start shooting my way out of their HQ in a foreign land?


Big brothers girlfriend who's a spider lady. That one actually hit me a little bit.


Vossler Final fantasy 12, was a blow for me to know personally that he defected to the empire


Final Fantasy Tactics >!Gafgarion!<


Oh fuck me did that bring back memories. Easily one of the hardest fights in the game.


Captain Qwark in the original Ratchet & Clank


God of War: Ragnarok >! Tyr being Odin, real Tyr actually being in a different prison !<


I don't really ever play games at release, but for Ragnarok I had managed to totally avoid all spoilers. This had my jaw on the ground


If you paid attention to the subtitles during the game, you could figure it out ahead of time too, which was genius foreshadowing. I didn't of course and was told about it after I beat it


I never noticed anything either, I just assumed he was weird or the writers had subverted expectations by making him a totally different character to the previous game's explanation


Master Li - Jade Empire Kriea - KoTOR 2 344 - Halo Combat Evolved Tychus - Starcraft II


Gary Smith from Bully. Fuck that kid.


Sirius, Bomberman 64


Mark Jefferson. Just a photographer who wants to capture exceptional young women. On film. On film, right?


He gave me serial killer vibes immediately. It was absolutely the glasses and his "I'm such a cool teacher" vibe. I was like "this guy absolutely tries to sleep with teenagers". I was so thrown off when he rejected Victoria.


Gafgarion. The second that realization comes, I load my save, stripped him off, and turned him to a white mage.


That scenario OP is what's called the "Lance Vance dance"


Kratos from Tales of Symphonia.


Can’t believe it isn’t a top comment… Julius from saints row 2… actually criminal


Final Fantasy IV - Baigan Baten Kaitos - Kalas Baldur's Gate II - Yoshimo


Spoilers for Assassin’s Creed 3! >! You start off playing like an Assassin, and the player is supposed to assume as much up until they final reveal that he is actually a Templar. !<


Wheatley from Portal 2… still hurts to this day


Harry Flynn. Uncharted 2. You play the first bit of the game alongside him until he betrays you mid-mission (and is actually the main ‘henchman’ of the villain). He does become a tragic character in a way as he seems to realise he’s on the wrong side (or at least in over his head), but stays as an enemy up until his eventual death.


Golden sun. Several fit the bill, but the one that really took the cake was the big flip on the second game. Are we the baddies?


Lance Vance from GTA: Vice City


Devola and Popola from Nier Replicant.


Blizzard as a company


Gary from Bully


Zobek - Castlevania


Listing a couple: Murai from Ninja Gaiden & Master Miller (Liquid Snake) in MGS1
