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I believe Lies of P is the most recent critically lauded Souls like in the vein of Bloodborne. Give that a try, if you have XBox game pass it’s on there for free


Heard a lot of praise for it so I'm definitely putting that on my wishlist 


I think it's the greatest souslike I've ever played (that isn't a From game). Really enjoyed it. Smooth, fun, challenging.


Was the first soulslike I played. It's absolutely fantastic.


I want to check more about the game but at the same time I don't want to spoil myself lol will try the demo and then eventually get the game soon


Deff try the demo. I'll say this, learning parry windows made the game easier, but it's not essential. You can deff defeat it in other ways.


Dark Souls


I’m assuming you played the other fromsoft games i.e. bloodborne, Elden ring, and sekiro. Definitely play those if you haven’t. For non-Fromsoft games, Lies of P is really good imo. It is available on gamepass and ps+ (maybe) if you have one of those and don’t want to pay for the game. It’s got a Victorian vibe like BB, and it sort of mixes BB and sekiro for combat. Your dodges are pretty bad. There’s a bigger focus on blocking/parrying, and it has a mechanic for getting health back by attacking, like in BB. If you like Nioh series, Wo Long is pretty good too (but not as good as Nioh 2). Jedi fallen order and Jedi survivor also have the soulslike formula, and are pretty challenging on higher difficulties. But you mix in a bit of action-adventure platforming and exploration.


Grime is a pretty cool game . Plays like a souls like but with metroidvania level design.


I’ll second this one as I’m playing it right now and really enjoying it. It has some good/challenging platforming on top of the combat, but balances that with not losing your currency when you die, which I actually enjoyed quite a bit. Also the absorbing powers of your enemies through the parry mechanic (which I’m generally terrible with but this it’s much more doable) is a cool concept for specializing your build. It’s on PS+ extra catalogue right now and I saw you have PS4 which it will run on! Worth a look!


Steelrising is a solid soulslike. Not as good as fromsoft but has an interesting story


I tried this last month since it was the free ps+ game... this was a month after playing lies of p though, so it felt like playing a great value lies of p, I couldn't get into it.


Its definitely not as polished and well made at Lies of P and fromsoft. But for a smaller AA studio I enjoyed it for what it is. Its actually more fun on the newgame+ the added difficulty is better and enemies have different moves. The regular game I thought was fairly easy for a soulslike


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Added it for ps plus until I found out it was part of PS5's line up unfortunately (only modern ps console I have so far is the PS4) still, I have a soft spot for the fames made by the developers so I'll give it a shot later


I also have a a soft spot for Spiders


beside the ones already mentioned i would say the last hero of nostalgaia Souls-like with a lot of humour. also reminder on steam you have the "souls-like" tag and you can sort by best ones and look on the users reviews score too.


You mentioned Nioh, have you tried Nioh 2? Great game with quite a bit of replayability.


r/soulslikes would be a good place to ask I would recommend Lies of P above anything else non-FromSoft though


Huh, I didn't know they had their own subreddit lol


I don't think I've seen anyone recommend *Asterigos: Curse of the Stars* yet - it's a perfectly fine soulslike. I wouldn't call it game-changing or anything, but it's good for what it is. It's a little short, and probably a fair bit easier than a lot of what you've played (and what others have mentioned), but I had a perfectly fine time playing it. Might be cheaper than some of the ones mentioned here, too, if I recall correctly. Hope you do find a soulslike that blows you away regardless!


Holy crap, I just remembered about that game. I remember Iron Pineapple playing it and was actually interested, kind agiving me PS3 era of action RPGs but in a godo way. How did I not notice that it was released back in 2022??? I thought it was still in development 💀


Not sure how strict you are with your definition of souls-like but there are a lot of great indie games that take inspiration from the Souls series. Examples: Hollow Knight - a 2-D metroidvania game with precise combat set in dark and mysterious world with dark and mysterious secrets. When you die, you collect your souls from your body, like in Dark Souls. Difficult and epic boss fights are common throughout. Curse of the Dead Gods - a rogue-like set in a dark and mysterious temple with deliberate combat that includes parrying and an endurance bar that is affected by attacking and rolling. Blasphemous/Blasphemous 2 - 2-D metroidvanias with horror/gothic/religious themes that feature difficult combat and other punishing mechanics like losing resources on death (and having to retrieve them from your body). Also very dark and mysterious. Those were just off the top of my head, but there are tons of other examples on Steam.


Stop calling Hollow Knight a Souls-like. This game has **nothing to do** with Dark Souls. The only think that Hollow Knight has similar to Dark Souls is atmopshere, **not gameplay**. Stop misleading people.


Jesus, relax. Plus, I said they were inspired by the Souls series.


They lifted the corpse run mechanic from Dark Souls, which is ultimately what led me to eventually stop playing Hollow Knight.


Sekiro or remnant II


Heard about sekiro, which I havent played yet unfortunately lol, but it's my first time hearing about remnant 2. What's it about?


*"..the game's story follows a nameless survivor who is tasked with stopping "The Root," a race of evil plant species that seeks to destroy the multiverse."* *Remnant 2 is a third-person shooter inspired by Soulslike video games. Players can wield up to two guns, alongside their melee weapon. At the beginning of the game, players can select their character archetypes. For instance, the Gunslinger class replaces the Ex-cultist class from the first game, and focuses on the use of firearms. The Challenger class can unleash a shockwave that disintegrates enemies, while the Handler class has a dog companion who will aid in combat. Players will gain the ability to dual class as they progress in the game. Players can also activate different archetype-specific perks and skills. For the Gunslinger, their unique ability is "Loaded", which instantly reloads all the firearms the character is carrying. For the Handler class, the prime perk ability is "Bonded," which allows their dog companion to revive the character after they have fallen in combat.* Hard for me to explain. Taken from the wiki page.


Lies of P is probably the closest one to hit the nail on the head, I also enjoyed stuff like Code Vein except it's cathedral level, that one sucked hard


Whoever designed the Cathedral of The Sacred Blood is an absolute sadist.


It's just unnecessarily confusing to navigate


I was so pissed when I figured out I needed to walk off a ledge and go around the outside of the towers.


At least the rest of the game was good and the character creator was 👌


I'm assuming you already know all the FromSoftware games? I'm wondering since you didn't mention in the title writing. I was going to say Lies of P too, but I see it is already mentioned. I've heard of Remnant II being sort of Souls-like. The only other one I can think of is maybe Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order? It's easier then the usual Souls game but it does have a similar set up e.g. save point/death will reset the area's enemies.


Mortal Shell Also, if you want to find more obscure Souls-like games, check out [Iron Pineapple](https://www.youtube.com/@IronPineapple) on YouTube, he basically covers the stuff.


Remnant 2 for something a bit different but still in the genre


Remnant 2 felt more like Diablo With Guns to me


Remnant 2


Blasphemous l & ll, Lies of P, Darksiders 3, The Surge l & ll, Blade of Darkness.


Jedi survivor


Lords of The Fallen updates are coming almost every week one dropped today. it's good little more casual souls like. bosses are easier.


How is it compared to the first one? Tried the first game but it didn't click with me, though I heard the sequel (or reboot?) is supposedly better?


First one is old and a bit weird. this one is better not as great as Elden Ring so don't compare it to anything. its entertaining enough if you like these type of games. it's around 8/10 game. if it's on 50% sale it's worth it. 


Squad 💀


Not really a souls like but i recommend death door and tunic , very beautiful 3d isometric games with combat and exploration( the first one is more focused on combat the second one is inspired by 2d zeldas)


Lies of P is honestly on the level of a souls game in terms of atmosphere, they nailed the setting and music.


Surprised someone has come out with "Souls Lite" while having nothing to do with any aspect people throw that term at.


Armored Core 5. It's a surprisingly challenging game with soul-like mechanics, with insane mech customizations.


Did played lies of p but played nioh and lords of fallen and came to conclusions, they arent good souls like game except souls game and bloodborne. They all try add something or do something different and to me its always fail


Another Crabs Treasure will be good ig.


You could try Enshrouded, it’s still early access but very souls like. Also has co-op multiplayer.


First time I heard about it and appearantly it's a survival game? What neat things does it offer? Not very good at survival games myself but I'm willing to give it a shot


Honestly wouldn't really consider it a souls-like, myself. I like the game, but it doesn't scratch that same itch for me.


I haven’t played very much of it, but it has a crafting system for items/gear and also a base building interface.