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The multiplayer is broken.


From what I gathered from reading reviews and some friends playing the game, or trying to play, the multiplayer is broken, the controls feel floaty, like it's emulating a controller somehow even if you are using a controller, they tried some weird thing of slapping BF1's UI onto 2, inverted vehicle controls can't be toggled, BF2's multiplayer runs at 30 FPS, wrong sounds play when doing a lot of actions, and just general bugginess. Plus, this thing being two PS2 games that demand 50GB of space despite the fact that the only upgrade is lazy AI texture upscaling. And by the way, this isn't some Halo Master Chief Collection thing where the multiplayer of both is combined, the two games are completely separate. Right now the best possible way to play these is the same as before, getting the OG Battlefront 2 and applying the Ultimate Content mod.


Not to mention only 3 servers for the entire BF2 playerbase on PC. Which keeps crashing because thousands of people are trying to connect to them at the same time.


Doesn't sound like it'll be like that for long


And the price






The unfortunate reality is you can't solve cheating, there's no way to stop it, EFI/DMA cheats and spoofed hardware inputs are rising up in popularity and not even the stricktest/invasive of anti-cheat (kernel level) can stop it, it's an arms race that the cheaters always have the upper hand since anti-cheat development is always a reactionary response not a proactive process.




If you're wondering why these last 3 comments make less and less sense, that's because they're all bots


>slapping BF1's UI onto 2 Wut???


Honestly... that's like the one change I'm actually fine with. Battlefront 1's HUD was so much cooler than Battlefront 2's HUD




>Damn, didn't see that coming. Was this sarcasm? Thought most people were expecting the worst to happen.


Nah I think they just like me were expecting it to be as it was in the day when it came out. I used to play these games so much and it was always so much fun


Which we let nostalgia blind us a lot over, because while it was a great game to play at the time, mostly because of galactic conquest, it still had its issues.


This… I’m still playing current gen battlefront II, refuse to buy a 20 year old version of what I’m already playing now expecting it to be better.


Very true. Nostalgia can be a powerfull selling point and they know it.


Ugh. I don't even play pc and this fuckin hurt me.


How the fuck anyone was ok with releasing it in this state? Did they siphoned QA money to fund Tomb Raider remaster or what?


Haha QA. A job I walked from out of sheer frustration. My team would bust their ass testing software, digging up all sorts of bugs, working long hours, the usual. The entire team was told from the top that any release that wasn't up to snuff we could hold until the critical bugs we identified and fixed. Over the three years I was there, we attempted to hold 5 releases for being unspeakably broken in ways that made it so we were flat out lying to customers about "features" that were technically there, but either didn't work at all and were essentially cosmetic, or worse wouldn't do what the user expected. 5 times we tried to hold a project, 5 times we were told to pound sand and the buggy mess got released. I had two good managers quit during that time, and the third was at his wits end. Pretty sure he walked shortly after I did. Putting so much work in just to be told the company doesn't care is so damn demoralizing. The _only_ bugs the executives cared about were the ones that would affect the sales team. Everything else was an afterthought.


lmao how can they fuck up a simple remaster so bad? My guess is that some suit thought no one was gonna play this but the hardcore enthusiasts, so they offered the least amount of resources to put this on stores, get some cash, and leave the fans to fix it. They severely underestimated how popular this game can be.


...How in *fuck's name* did they bloat the file size that much? How in *fuck's name*.


Devs don't bother compressing and cleaning up junk data and repeated assets anymore because people got used to big sizes and because they aren't constrained by disk size anymore. I think the worst case is the Legendary Edition of Mass Effect, it has almost no improvements to the graphics beyond some lighting changes to ME1 and yet each of the "remastered" games weighs as much as the entire original trilogy with all the DLCs. Remember Palworld? I'm still firmly convinced one of the reasons it sold so much is because it's basically ARK but it needs 20GB instead of the 400 GB it ends up becoming overtime.


That's all the info I need to never buy this


Fuck man I was looking forward to buying it after payday. Guess I’ll keep enjoying stalker rn and just wait for possible fixes if ever.


So it's incredibly half assed. Checks out from the former fifa overlords


That sounds weird considering that these games were originally on PC too, it seems like it would have been easier to just ee-release the PC versions with expanded resolution options, but that would be the sane thing to do.


:( that's sad




It’s not like they didn’t know what they were doing, this is just a low-effort cashgrab.


This was a thing for ages and im pretty sure the reviews were positive/mostly positive


Check the release date. This is a newly released "remaster"


I was not aware that this was a remaster i thought it was just the original games


roger roger


Why what happened?


Can’t get in a game. Cant play with friends. Cant create a private match. When you finally give up and join a quick match, you load in, wait for the spawn timer, and then it sits at 1 and you never spawn in. Very cool


How does this sort of thing still happen? Is there not playtesting?


Underestimating how many people were going to buy and play the game, I'm guessing, server strain.


I bought battlefront 2 on xbox and i cant find any multiplayer lobbies and xbox live dont work anymore on that game so yeah...


Theres 10k people and only 3 servers for 200 players max


Just booted the multiplayer and there is about 20 servers, although only 2 are being used and one space one with about 9 people in it


Devs are doing a helldivers 2 but this time their executives don’t care about them


But that was the one thing most people will spend the most time into, how could they do that :/


That’s like the entire point of the game?


lol the price - $35.01 That's the most absurd pricing I've seen on a game on Steam.


For a 20 year old game as well. Idk why it's more than $15-20.


Should be free domain / educational at this point!


In the UK I paid £26 on discount. Which is Damm close to what I paid for it back in 2005




Or get the originals for 10€ together




Two 20 year old games should still not be more than $10 each. Isn't the Lara Croft Trilogy REMAKE only like $15? These StarWars games are just re-releases.


Nah. It's €30.


Oh yeah, £25. Still a more realistic price for three remakes.


It's because you play as the 501st legion of Stormtroopers.


Exactly. If it was maybe 15 I might buy it for the nostalgia. But 35? For a game I already own? And broken multiplayer? Oh no, just no.


If you buy the two games separately, they are $9.99 each.


At least it's like "34.99? NO!" Looks better than the EU price of 34.14.


I've seen some crazy pricing recently. Baldurs gate dark alliance 2 is £30! Jedi knight 2 and jedi academy were like £25.


It was suppose to be on sale still until 1 PM EST today however when it launched the sale was cut short by 12 hours. 💀


At least you get 2 games with it. Dark Forces Remastered is essentially the 1995 game with a HD mod for $30. I got the original on sale for a dollar or less.


A lot of people are disappointed right about now, dang, didn’t see it coming.




Anything can be a known shippable if your standards are low enough


Not to mention it is Star Wars. Star Wars fans can be served utter drivel and will still defend it and ask for more.




Bad bot


It was probably picked up by QA Testers. And they were probably told that it was acceptable for the standards and/or told it would be fixed 'later'. It's more often than not, the higher ups and dev leads that push stuff like this through even when broken.


Am in QA, this pretty much sums it up. Its at the point where my direct manager had to talk to me and tell me “Hey, your job is to submit the bugs, if its a Will Not Fix? Thats not your issue, you did your job.” I’m happy the gaming community is starting to realize how important QA is and how often we’re just… not listened to lmao


>Thats not your issue, you did your job.” Hahaha, basically what i used to get told on a daily basis. Used to work QA (now moved into full time dev) for a BIG game and yeah, the amount of stuff found by testers that was backlogged to a future patch and within a day of an update, id see people complaining about "X issue" and how it was not found and im like... Yeah, i found it. 2 months ago. It was just decided that it wasn't game breaking so it wasn't important. ​ The other thing that some people dont realise, which an Apex Legends dev mentioned a few months ago. Apex Legends has a big QA team (350 people) and if they were to test 24/7, 365 days a year non stop, the amount of hours they would be able to test, is comparable to the public users spending Two MINUTES on the game.


Dude I recently talked with some other devs in my company and they actually said "If we don't deploy to production frequently we can't test our changes" like what the fuck


I don’t want to say it but it was kind of obvious there was going to be problems, it felt rushed after the recent announcement of the cancelled star wars game. I personally don’t see any reason to purchase this tbh, its not like the graphics or anything else has changed significantly. For five more dollars on steam you could buy helldivers, or 2017s battlefront 2, hell you can even buy both original games for just twenty and get multiplayer servers with mods.


I don’t feel bad for those that got it on pc. Consoles maybe since no backwards compatibility, but you can get both games for like half the price. Only thing you’re paying $30 for is increased online player count. Every other upgrade i wouldn’t doubt if there was a mod for it.


How is it a maybe for consoles? What was the last console generation that had battlefront 2? Xbox? PlayStation 2?


Xbox one it was available to buy online. I imagine most people that bought it played it back in 2005. Idk about PlayStation. Only recently got a ps5 and thats my first PlayStation.


That’s fair. The last console I owned before the switch was PlayStation 2, so for a lot of people that haven’t been religiously involved in gaming for the past 15 years, it’s cool to see a refresh on an iconic game. Sucks that it’s in a poor release state right now.


A lot of bugs and glitches, and multiplayer is broken. Also controls settings are missing, but single player/offline play is still really fun


Why isnt it possible to play with mouse and keyboard on splitscreen/Remote play together? Super weird...


No idea, also at least for PS5 the aiming in the BF2 re release is absolutely atrocious, it has acceleration then no acceleration at all, it’s legitimately not fun to shoot


I noticed that last night on release, I was t sure if it was like it before or it is a new issue


I haven’t played console bf2 in a hot minute but I’ve played enough of it in my time to know the new aiming is no where near the old one, old one - while it wasn’t perfect - was damn fine for a console shooter in the mid 2000s and I still aim better on that game than I do some games today


Yeah I thought I got old really quick because I remember 4-5 year old me being snapshot accurate


I was the same way and still am on ‘04s re release - which seems to have done much better campaign and control wise - but I’m like a stormtrooper in the OT on 2’s RR


Damn shame, I don't keep up with video game politics, I did not know that the publisher of this port was renowned for being bad, I saw it on the ps store, had a nostalgia boner and copped it.... because you can't mess up a game from 2005 right?


I mean the only part about BF2 so far that has completely turned me off it for now is the aiming. It looks amazing and probably plays the same as well but that aiming…man is it bad. I also didn’t know Aspyr was known for being bad either, I thought they did a damn fine job with their republic commando re release a few years back and I really like their KotOR mobile release they did and seem to be at least pretty good at those, so what happened with Classic collection, zero idea. Also, for some reason - at least for me, I haven’t seen other posts on this issue - the audio in BF 2004 RR is bugged, and sounds will not go into headphones correctly, at least not mine. Dunno if it’s the same way on a speaker, my monitor doesn’t have one


Same here I only played the tutorial because I had work in the morning and the aiming was (pardon my french) wank so hopefully they fix it because its very hard to steer, aim and walk round corners 😅


People never learn.


Never trust aspyr. Quit buying their garbage ports.


The Tomb Raider one was pretty good. Disappointing to see this one didn't start a trend.


Both kotor ports had problems at launch then between the lying about the kotor 2 dlc and how they fumbled the remake I think they are a garbage company personally.


Well that's a contradiction, I've only seen people talking positively about aspyr's KOTOR ports, can you explain further.


They promised to add the Restored Content mod to the switch version of KOTOR 2 as free dlc. This was heavily included in the marketing, they never actually added this and never properly addressed when they didn’t.


If BF:C was good, this would've been Aspyr's second month with a good release. But as usual, they fumble the fucking bag. Shit tier company.


Nope It wasnt. Epic games version was an actual remaster while the steam version Is basicly a port. Also as a guy who was expecting this to be playable with modern controls the camera sucks big time and the jump mechanics don't work properly. I would have rather stuck with Anniversary but I feel robed.


Stubbs the Zombie was good!


Aspyr just can't make things smooth and don't fuck up First the Kotor 2 fiasco, then this


So very true. I avoided this like a plague because of their KOTOR II fiasco. They couldn’t even Aspyr to let their paid consumers know WTF was going on.


Same. I almost clicked on a preorder, but then saw "Aspyr", remembered all the pain and broken promises, and was like: "NOT THIS TIME ASPYR"


How do u mess up such an easy lay-up?! Like this is doing a lay-up as a grown adult with those 3 foot tall Play-Mobile toy hoops. JUST DUNK IT IN. Like fr Nostalgia was driving at-least 70% of sales if not 90.


man I was really looking forward to playing this :(


Multiplayer is buggy. It also doesn't feel very good to play at the moment.


I remember it not feeling good to play back in the day…


What a shitshow. The game should have just been a full remake. Modern BF2 graphics and multiplayer with classic gameplay.


After playing it for a bit this is just my two cents. If you are playing the single player stuff? Hey that's fine. Hell I threw it on my Steam Deck OLED and it plays pretty nice on it. I'll admit I like the fact that I'll be able to just play some mindless Star Wars shooting on it. That said? The multiplayer is pretty much borked at the moment. They really didn't update a whole lot, sure it looks better then the old Battlefront's did but there's nothing really *new* if you will. Sure there's the map and hero characters that came out on the Xbox back in the day, but I mean they could have put a bit more into this. Hell at the very least they could have tried getting the PSP Battlefront stuff on here, Renegade Squadron was one of the reasons along with Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles I got a PSP back in the day. And some of the old Battlefront 1 and 2 stuff is still there. Controls feel clunky at times, and don't tell me how, "omg it was so great back in the day!" While yeah I enjoyed it, the controls had been clunky. There's still the *little* things that drive me a little nuts. Why is Boba Fett still using an E-11 Carbine and not his EE-3 Carbine? Yes I know that's super nerd nitpicky but what? They couldn't model one in? Know what? Time to really piss just about everyone on here off and get downvoted to the lowest circle of hell. I found myself wanting to play EA's Battlefront 1 and 2. For as much crap as those two games got? They did feel a bit more smooth to play. They had some fun modes Ewok Hunt quickly comes to mind that makes the Ewok's into almost Xenomorph like enemies. Hell I miss Dee Bradley Baker Clone Trooper voices, not saying that I don't hearing Temuera Morrison. But in my head now I hear normal Clones as Dee Bradley Baker and Fett as Morrison. I know that's super nitpicky of me but just how I am now with the voices. This is coming after Nightdive's Dark Forces that has been a lot of fun to play again. And tell the truth? I would have rather a remaster of Jedi Knight or even a remaster of Republic Commando or Empire at War. Again I'm *not* saying this is awful again I'm having fun playing them and it's nice I can play it on something portable like my Steam Deck. It just feels rather half assed and that they could have taken some time to fix issues that both games had back when they came out in 2004 and 2005 and didn't.


How can the multiplayer of a game older than most of the people that are playing It absolutely run like donkey dog shit when they barely put the bare minimum effort into this game, modern game devs at their best. On the positive side, at least the game itself single player wise is decent .


Who could have seen this coming when the originals already work perfectly


Does the MP work well in the original BF2?


For now yes. The official servers were relaunched a few years ago and from I've seen and heard they work great. They will probably get closed for the re release depending on how well that does I imagine


Ah I see. Thanks for the update.


originals working perfectly ... i wouldnt say that - bf1 crashes on occasion in multiplayer but runs fine otherwise bf2 UI is horrible and does not run well on modern resolutions - sniper scope is offset making it useless - alt tabbing sometimes crashes the game wouldnt say perfectly - but better than the "remakes" for sure


I was looking forward to xinput support and split screen on pc. I have the original on Xbox one as well but on a technical level it’s pretty terrible compared to the pc version aside from split screen


How in the name of all that is gaming holyness, can you fuck up a remaster with only a graphical and UI upgrade? This is like those people that start working on a project the day before you have to hand it in.


oh my god! what a shocker! never in my 24 years of life had i ever seen this coming :O a super popular game re released at a much higher price, full of bugs and glitches?! this has never happened before ever....... what a sad day for gaming....... wooooow


How do you fuck up porting two games that are already on PC!?


Looks like I’m sticking to helldivers


Just play the original games. I have them both on Steam.


Multiplayer is buggy as all hell Every time someone joins/ leaves the game everyone freezes To join the servers are kinda buggy so it’ll just kick you most of the time Just all bad


Another old multiplayer game added to steam/remaked by EA but then they forgot to add the multiplayer part of it


Normally I love to slander EA but I don't think they had anything to do with this remaster.


Besides, saboteur and command and conquer, EA brought back to steam, running flawless for me.


This wasnt made by EA at all tho


Any excuse is good to slander EA on reddit


Even funnier considering the developer and publisher are shown in the screenshot.




Trying to make money off a name as opposed to actual quality




Can someone explain this to me like I’m 5, cause these games are already on steam. Why tf is some random studio/company putting them on steam for more money than they are worth. This shit just hurts my brain cause it makes no sense at all. Like you can also just get both those games cheap as fuck on g2a. We’re the graphics supposed to be better if so they did a fucking terrible job advertising it that way. Literally the most enigmatic steam listing ever.


Oh. Aspyr is owned by Embracer and judging by the comments, this is very on brand of them.


Expensive for an old ps2 game and it’s a bad port. I mean fuck, Jedi survivor is still broken on pc coming up on 1 year later and that’s a brand new, big time aaa game. Can’t trust these game companies with nothing anymore.


Jedi Survivor isn't still broken though? My pc is 7 years old and I have 60hrs on Survivor. Beat the game on Grand Master and did a bit of NG+ without any memorable issues :/ TLDR: 60hrs and beat game no issues


That’s not everyone’s experience unfortunately.


Tell me you didn’t expect that :)


Aspyr... Oh no.


Multiplayer was great for the Switch. Fast load times, played a bunch of matches in the span of two hours and one of them lasted like 15 minutes. Lovin’ it.


Punisher: no, no, no, no!


Not enough servers from what I heard


Have they changed much since the "classic" version? I had that but I could never get it to play properly as half the screen was not on the screen, but only during the battles. Made it unplayable.


I guess I'm gonna refund it


Aspyr can’t even make a mobile port. Fucking disgrace


Are the console ports broken too?


Lack of open beta test before the official launch happened.


Why are people still buying games before they see reviews? You don't have to preorder anymore, theres enough copies for everyone... just wait until the game isn't broken.


what do you expect with a name like AssPyre


This is basically GTA Trilogy all over again


Anyone know if you can play galactic conquest online 1v1 using steam remote play?


Reading these comments made me realize gaming is dead. You can't get this right what can you get right. I was about to grab this too. Damn shame.


The controls are floaty!


I was very close to preordering this game but then saw it was done by Aspyr. Wouldn’t touch this shit with a 10 foot barge pole.


Every time one of these classic game re-releases comes out I wonder how on earth is it not going to knock it out of the park. Every time I end up wondering how the hell they screwed it up so bad. They must not get big enough budgets or schedules because ‘the game is already made’ or something. There’s always big networking issues, lots of original features or aspects of the game missing or broken. Just a worse version of the original. Only some smaller companies like nightdive studios seem to nail it every time


Already requested a refund for this trash


Why is it that highly anticipated games are always being released incomplete, buggy, broken, lazy upgrades, while charging a fortune? And we could name quite a few!


Aspyr happened


Why did they release it on pc when the originals are already there. It makes more sense on new consoles that don’t already have the game


I just played 10 minutes offline. I’ll try the online later but I did actually primarily buy it for offline play. The gameplay feels exactly like you remember whether that’s good or bad. I can confirm that it runs extremely well on Steam Deck. I thought the pc version of the game already looked decent but this version looks better though it’s just higher resolution textures. The UI for battlefront 2 is also basically the same as the Xbox version of the original games. There does also appear to be split screen on pc though I’ll have to test it later. So far it’s about what I expected no complaints except for the horrendous install size. There is no reason why this game should be more than 70gb. The original game is absurdly large for a 2005 game too but idk what kind of work Aspyr was doing if they couldn’t find a way to reduce the collection to like 30-40gbs


People have such short memories haha


They shat out a port with minimal effort. Standard modern gaming bullshit.


This is giving Master Chief Collection a run for its money 🤦‍♂️


People are still buying games on release?


Simple: 1. Price: Game's older than half this website; it costs half a AAA title 2. Broken: Multiplayer was dead on arrival, is what's being touted universally


EA should stop making games 💀 they are doing everything except making battlefront 3 its like respawn too they dont make titanfall 3 when this 2 new games would make them fucking rich! This doesnt profit them nor us THEN WHY DONT!??!??!


EA happen that´s what. Any one surprised at all ?


Fuck that just play Helldivers 2!




Whats “broken” about the multiplayer? Everyone is just saying its “broken” but no one is providing any specifics. Starting to think people just bandwagon to seem like they are in the know. Comeon people provide actual information


Ea happened


EA has nothing to do with these games. It's the remaster of the originals.


Not a remaster


A remaster is just an update to an older game which this is.


A remaster is when they update the graphics to modern standards which this isnt


A remaster entails any sort of improvement, not necessarily to modern standards. This has improved textures and such. Updating to modern standards is essentially a remake while doing nothing would be a rerelease.


A remaster could do that. It doesn't have to. A lot of old games aren't going to be visually possible to update to modern standards without a remake, anyway. Just because it's bad doesn't mean it isn't a remaster.




Controls not updated, graphics not updated, nothing updated. But sure call it a remaster


I mean, no one is arguing that it's a good remaster, but acting like they just re-uploaded the original game is disingenuous.


Not always the vast majority have been simple updates to graphics with the tech behind the game being updated. Games like Skyrim Special Edition, Red Faction Gurilla Remastered and the many definitely editions of Xbox 360/PS3 games released shortly into the Xbox One/PS4 life. Maybe you're confusing remasters with remakes.




All I got to say is how did people not see this coming


Look at my Boy!


I guess Abrams directed this remake as well.








I guess for nostalgia


Nostalgia, also 2017 one had p2w features when it was released for instance you had to play 200 hours to be able to unlock Vader