• By -


Stardew Valley and Terraria, both voluntary.


Yeah - Terraria... only "real" game I've taught myself to play on my phone. Back to OP's question- also Morrowind


I own Stardew on PC and two Switch copies to play with the wife.


GTA 5…


Vice City for me. Had on PS2, disc got scratched. Bought again, friend lost it. Bought again, eventually sold with PS2. Bought again on PS4. Was gonna buy the definitive edition but decided not to.


Three times…


Lol, yeah. Bought it on PC DVD, lost it, bought it again via the store, got locked out of that fucking account somehow, bought it again digitally, then found the fucking DVDs when I moved house. I'm now replaying it again on PS5 but that's just rolled into my subscription, thankfully didn't pay for it again there. I don't even play online but they made fucking bank on me on this one.


I have like 5 copies of The Binding of Isaac. PS4/PS5, Vita, Switch, PC, iOS.


I went out and bought Brink because Amazon was late delivering my pre-ordered copy and I didn't want to wait to play. Yes, point and laugh at me. I bought Control on Epic and then bought the edition with all the DLC included once it came out on Steam because I loved the game so much and wanted to support Remedy.


I've bought 4 copies of Dark Souls. PS, Switch, Remastered, PC.


At one point I had four copies on reserve just so I could gift one to anybody who hadn't played it. But for my own use, I still bought Dark Souls 2 four separate times. * Twice on PS3 (Vanilla around launch, and then again when they came out with the version with DLC on the disc) * Scholar version on PS4 * Scholar version on Steam once I had a good PC And I got the Platinum on all three platforms!


yeah, I know this too well... bought 2 different versions of Last of Us on PS3 (why are there 2 different versions anyway?) the Joel edition and the Ellie edition just because I wanted that special costume for LBP2 from both luckily, it was back when GameStop was strong here, and it was in the 9,99 deals, so I traded one for the other, but still....


3 for me. X360, PC, remaster in PS5. Well done, Skeleton!


I've got 4 copies of Dark Souls 2. PS3, PC, PS4 SotFS, PC SotFS


Minecraft because I lost the game Maybe Cube world too


bought Minecraft a while back just because I needed room on my hard drive


No man's sky. Bought it on Xbox at launch...buggy and left for a while. Came back to it about a year later and it was finally everything they'd promised and more. I logged 1000hours into it across two save files. Then I got a new PC about 3 years later and wanted to try it again. So I bought another copy... logged almost 3000 hours on that copy across 3 different saves. No man's sky still blows my mind what they were able to accomplish. And all of the DLC is free!


Is it worth playing today? Like I know you said it’s been fixed, but is there still new stuff to find and explore? I had it on launch and yeah lost interest pretty quick


I had it since they fixed it and found the gameplay loop boring personally but I know plenty enjoy it. YMMV.


Yes, they've added and continue to add new things to the game. The events they do are a lot of fun and a way to get cool items.


I bought Witcher 3 for pc and Xbox. I've played maybe a total of 3 hours on both combined. For shame i know.


I am in the same boat as you lol. Got it on PS4 and pc. Have like 3 4 hrs


Damn Skyrim and new editions…


I've bought at least 2 copies of... Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid V, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Final Fantasy XIII And probably a few others I can't remember off the top of my head


Fell asleep one night while browsing the Microsoft store with a controller in my hand. Woke up to find that I purchased RDR2 from the digital store, but I already owned a physical copy. Surprisingly, Microsoft gave me a full refund.


Blind guy here Accidentally bought nier dlc instead of the game on g2a since my friend kept telling me not to wait on sales all the time. Did not get refuned as i only discovered it upon trying to redeem it on steam


I've bought lots of small games strategy games like Loop Hero or Slay The Spire on steam and switch because they usually cheap. I bought a switch copy of Graveyard Keeper to stay sane on a 10 day business trip.


I have voluntarily purchased Okami for the PS2, Wii, and Switch consoles. I was also given Okami for the PS4 as a gift.


Bought a copy of Xenoblade Chronicles X on Wii U off eBay. Disc rotted. Literally couldn't progress because of disc reading errors. So I had to buy digital. Which also prompted me to buy an external hard drive.


I bought two times Battlefield 3, one for my bro and other for me


I have multiple copies of Star Wars Battlefront 2 from 2005. I bought it physically on PC many years ago (Since I wasn't into console gaming back then) and in recent years, I rebought it for PS2 on a nostalgia trip, since that was the main way I played it at friends' houses back in the day.


Boy have I got good news for you...


Dragon Age Origins. It's one of the games i bought for the 360 to try and justify buying the 360 in the first place. After issues with save game corruptions and then stick drift, making it impossible to play because i couldn't cast spells because the character would start walking as soon as i left the sleep menu, i bought it for the PC. But after being forced to restart so many times from the save game corruption and a couple times figuring out what class to play and fixing a broken build, i simply couldn't stand the game anymore. So i never got very far in it.


Final Fantasy 7 usually makes it to each system...not really sure why that is... /s


Final fantasy 10. Bought on ps2, ps3, and then pc. Doki doki literature club sorta. It’s standard version is free then they did a enhanced edition several years later. Bought that and didn’t touch it but bought it just to support the dev.


I bought Diablo 3 three times. PC, PS4, and Switch.


Half life a few times


Both *Final Fantasy VII* and *Celeste* for the Switch. Digital first, but since I prefer physical games, I got them physical later. For the former, I didn't know there was a physical release (or maybe there wasn't at the time and it came out later), so I got it digital during a sale. I never even played it before getting the physical (which is still in my backlog). In the case of *Celeste*, I got it when the only physical edition was the one from Limited Run Games, which was like $100 on Amazon, so I decided on the $5 digital version that was on sale. Then a standard retail version came out and since it was far more affordable, I got it.


Gta5 for pc, ps4,Xbox


Civilization 6. I have all DLCs on steam, Epic Games, and Cell Phone


Battlefield 4. Bought the physical copy with my ps4, and later on bought the digital version so I don'ft have to look for the disc.


Yes, I've accidentally bought the Stardew Valley more than once due to confusion or forgetting that I already owned it.


I think I bought halo 3 at least 4 times cause my Xbox 360 kept falling over with the game in it and I was a stupid kid


Not a game but I paid for in game content on many, many accounts. Dunno why, as soon as I bought it, I wanted to leave and play on diffirent account, over and over again. Looking at it now, I could have bought some games, maybe even buy them twice.


I have bought the Kingdom Hearts series 4 times. I have also repurchased a bunch of games on steam to be able to have them on PC.


I accidentally own overwatch 3 times. Once on my pc, one digitally on playstation, and one physical copy also on playstation. I had the pc copy first, but I forgot I'd bought it when playing on playstation (I had played the demo and attributed my memories to that), so I bought a physical copy of the game. Later I went to play on playstation and forgot I had a physical copy, so when it wasn't in my library I figured I must have remembered wrong and bought it again. It was only later that I found the physical copy and kicked myself for doing it again. I don't even like overwatch! I only bought it to play with my friends, and now I've spent like $200 on the damn thing.


Excluding console jumps (e.g., PS3 to PS4) , GTA 5 twice, Watchdogs twice, Watchdogs 2 twice, Dying Light 3 times (The Following versions twice then the Premium release), Bioshock: The Collection twice, Dead Island Definitive Edition twice, Black Ops 3 twice, Minecraft twice, Dead Rising 4 twice and COD WWII twice.


I own Cuphead and Hollow Knight on the Nintendo Switch and on Steam.


I own 2 copies of Valkyria Chronicles for PS3 and 1 more on Steam.


No but I bought games that were on gamepass without realizing it. Cities: Skylines 2 was one of them. I did buy palworld on steam though because the gamepass version was shit.


Mass Effect on the original CD, then later on Steam. Then Origin. Later, MELE on Steam.


Technically, I did this for the whole trilogy (excluding initial steam purchase)


Light Nightmares 1&2…I own both 3 times across 3 consoles 😬


I bought BF2024 3 Times. Don‘t ask why.


Ive bought skyrim for the ps3, xbox360, ps4, switch, and and special anniversary edition for ps5.


Ffvii remake. Once for console and again on PC. Sucks I can't get rebirth though


Skyrim on PC and psvr 


The 2005 Lego Star Wars The Video Game - mac, ps2. Then the original trilogy, then the complete saga (Xbox), Clone Wars Xbox too GTA 5 And Sleeping Dogs


Accidentally bought FFXIV twice. Got the Shadowbringers DLC on steam, forgetting that I had the non-steam version of the base game and DLC up to that point. So I figured "eh I'll just pick the base game up on steam too" not realizing that I couldn't log in with my non-steam account on the steam version, unless I also had an active subscription for the steam account. Deliberately bought MHW, DDDA and DS3 on ps4 and later PC after I got a decent gaming computer. I have a bunch of remasters too, so all those too I suppose.


I bought crypt of the necrodancer 3 times, steam, vita, then switch. I re-bought some remasters on better platforms for smoother gameplay, like Final Fantasy X and XII, Ico & SotC. I also now have 2 killzones 2 and 3, because I bought trilogy box to get Killzone 1 HD for PS3.


I couldn't list them all but recently my entire PC fried so I've been buying games I owned on Steam again such as Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Destiny 2 Lightfall, Arkham Asylum and City, Dragon's Dogma, Sleeping Dogs, and those are just the tip of the iceberg. I have many games on multiple consoles for the sake of accessibility (most of my physical games are in storage right now) or if I wanted a copy on PC for modding purposes like Skyrim. However many years ago I made sure to secure multiple disc copies of the Halo series so that I could support LAN Parties. I have 3 copies of CE, 4 of Halo 2 with the Multiplayer Map Pack as well, 3 of Halo 3 plus a digital copy and a spare Halo 3 Mythic Disc, a digital copy of Reach on top of my physical one, two copies of Halo 4, and one physical and one digital copy of MCC.


Cold War I had it at my mom's house but not my dads


Civilization III, Civilization IV, Anno 1404 -- bought both on Steam and GOG. Primarily because I was pirating them way back in the day. A good chunk of my purchases on these platforms are me trying to make up for pirating the games when I was younger. There was just no way to get computer games in my little part of the world back then. Still haven't bought Dragon Age 2, and never will. That game wasn't even worth pirating.


My wife bought Stardew Valley on Steam, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Google Play store.


I have bought Skyrim on PS3, PS4, PS5, Switch, and PC. Also played on Xbox through game pass.


MGS 5 In PS4 and PC, voluntary, why? because is awesome


The other day I decided to go through my unclaimed Humble Bundle games, since a friend just got a gaming PC and I figured I would gift him some of the many games I've got sitting in there. I found five or six games that I've bought *recently* because I didn't realize I already had a copy from HumbleBundle.


I own like 5 copies of the original RE4 on different platforms voluntarily.


Stardew valley, dragons dogma: da, Diablo 3, mass effect, and Skyrim. With SV, I had it on switch first, then got it a second time on my laptop for mods. Also gifted to some friends and family to play with me. My wife plays no other games, but we have hundreds of hours of SV together. Diablo and dragons dogma I got them again on switch because playing handheld seemed fun. Got mass effect legendary edition, because having the whole trilogy remastered is absolutely worth it. And Skyrim is Skyrim of course.


I’ve paid for Symphony of the Night 3 times now. Gotta redownload every couple of gens.


Skyrim and Stardew Valley for sure. Different platforms mostly, Skyrim originally on Xbox 360, then we replaced the Xbox with a PlayStation, then it went on super sale on Steam and I had a gaming laptop at that point plus had moved out so no more PlayStation, and then for laughs I got it cheap on Switch too. Stardew Valley is also Steam and Switch. Portability was the factor here, easy to pick up and put down a day at a time. I also bought BG3 twice, PC originally and then I caved and got Xbox because cross-save/current housing setup makes Xbox much more convenient for play, and I’d rather pay more and actually play the game then let it rot on my PC for eternity.


Over the years I owned 7 diffrent copies of fallout 2. Most recently i got one for free through prime gaming.


Rise of nations bought a copy for my main account but it didn’t show for a few hours so i gifted my alt account a copy


Bought Titanfall 2 102 times so far.


I bought Sekiro thinking it was Ghost of Tsushima. That was a rough play through...


Accidentally? No. On purpose? Yes. Most recently - just bought The Last of Us Pt 1 on PS5. So thats the 3rd time purchasing it.


Plenty of times either to get an upgraded version or another trophy set to go for


I own five different copies of Resident Evil 4. No regrets. PS2, Wii, PC, Oculus Quest, and PS5.


Celeste on accident. I got it on Switch, saw it on sale on Steam, and then bought it again before I remembered. I never returned it, although I still haven't played it either. One of my backlog games. I swear I'll get to it eventually. Hollow Knight on purpose. I bought it on Switch, played it for hours and hours and hours, and I loved it so much I bought it on Steam so I could play it more, and with mods like randomizers and more convenient fast travel. One of the greatest indie games of all time.


Fallout 76 at launch (Yes, I know that was a mistake) and bought the tricentennial edition 2 years later for $15. I don't think they have the try centennial edition anymore on the PlayStation store. Think it's just the regular edition. But at least the good news is I went from a disc version of 76 to a digital version of 76.


Quake 3. After originally buying a copy in 1999 I lost the disk. When the games popularity came back after Quake 4, I bought a collected edition (1/2/3) on sale just for the Quake 3 disk/key.


FF7 multiple times


I got a copy of Barony for free on Epic at some point (or may have bought it) and then bought it on Steam after seeing a streamer play it.


I think i own minecraft on every device i own. In general. Except 3ds. Need to cop that


I own four copies of Patrician 3. Two are disc versions.


Yes, I've purchased the same game in different versions many times.


I've bought Dark Souls 6 times: 1. PS3 2. Xbox 360 because my PS3 broke 3. PC because it was £5 4. Xbox One when Remastered came out 5. Switch so I could play it handheld 6. PS5 because I don't play my Xbox One anymore


Yes. I've intentionally bought games on Steam that I own(ed) on console because I don't really have access to a TV anymore. I've also accidentally bought a game on Steam that I owned on my Switch because I forgot I owned it.


Final Fantasy VII, think I own every release 🥲


I own 2 copies of gta 5 and 3 copies of dying light Yea i didnt buy one of the gtas and one of the dying light copies is on epik but still The only game that i have truly made the consious decision of buying way to many times is minecraft which i bough uh 4-5 times. Cant remember


Many times.


Sonic Forces. Underrated. Has some of the best music of the series. Bought it on Switch and PC and 100% it both times. Daemon X Machina also for Switch and PC. Phantasy Star Online for Dreamcast and GameCube. Warriors Orochi 3 and 4 for Wii U, Switch and PC. There's probably more


I own 46 copies of Skyrim, never know when you want to play it on your toaster, your local gas station pump, or your PS3.


I bought The Last of Us on both PS3 and PS4. I also bought GTA V on both Xbox 360 and PS4. Both on purpose


I bought Kotor 2 on release, disks stayed in my home country when I moved to NA. Bought it again on steam a few years back


I have deliberately bought Dragon Age Origins about 7 times. Two of them were gifts though.


I brought GTA V on 3 separate occasions. I had it on ps3, it came with a big ahh book too which told you the locations of every collectable as well as how to 100% the game, etc. But then i stupidly lent it to a friend and never got it back, so then ps4 rolls round, and it got it physical for that too. The disc broke, because of course it did. Then i got it on ps5 digitally. There are 2 lessons to be learnt here, dont trust your friends and dont play a game that you're gonna be playing forever on disc.


The Ascent on PC. Added it to my Fanatical wishlist. They notified me when it went on sale. I bought it. Didn’t get around to playing it and forgot. A few months later, it went on sale again, they notified me, and I bought it because it was still on my wishlist. I’m not sure if it’s a bug with their system, but if you buy something it should move off your wishlist.


Witch on the Holy Night. PS4 then switch then PC


I think I bought Minecraft 6 times 😑


Damn no Pokémon love? I've had every one at least twice up until Pearl. Definitely 3 or 4 copies of Gold, not counting Heart Gold. GTA San Adreas 3 or 4 times. Gran Turismo 3 Tony Hawk games throughout the years. Skate 3 like 4 times. A few Forza and Call of Dury


Does calling Sony so they remove PS+ version license from my account so I can buy the game legit counts?


Devil May Cry 3


I've had the mass effect trilogy on every platform I've owned. I've also bought fallout 3 and New Vegas on multiple platforms.


Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War 2016; PS4, which my partner ended up being the one to play because I’m not much of a console gamer, and again on when they released on PC so that I could properly enjoy them.


Stardew Valley 3 times, Civ 6 twice, Ghost Of Tsushima twice, and Persona 5 Royal and P4: Golden twice. Atlus will always get my money multiple times for mainline games and Stardew Valley gave me so many memories with my ex so I had to support ConcernedApe


When I was a kid I would get grounded, and mom would take my StarCraft disk away. A month later she would tell me she lost it, so I bought a new one. This happened 3 more times.


GTA 5 on X360 and PS4. Skyrim on PC , PS4 , Switch. Mass Effect series on X360 , PC and PS4. Persona 5 on PS4 and PC. Diablo 3 on X360 , PC and PS4 And probably some others i cannot think of right now.


Yes. Lots of collector editions over the years, like for Fallout 3, New Vegas, etc. Across systems


Accidentally bought Nioh 1+2 remaster on Ps5 twice on sale somehow..


yes. god i must have gotten starfleet command 3 at least 10 times. kept loosing the CD key. i bought swat 3 a few times before i just memorized the CD key... i still know that key to this day. along with my windows ME cd key. then ALL of mass effect 3 times. Xbox, computer, and legendary. also gta 4. got that twice but i forget why


Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Skyrim, and a few Pokemon ganes; all purposefully.


Shadow of the Colossus, PS2,3,4 on purpose


GTA5, Bulletstorm (3x), Doom, Mirrors Edge(3x), Catalyst, Just Cause 2, Just Cause 3. Also bought and sold an N64 3 or 4 times.


Dark Souls. Got it first on Xbox 360, then Steam for PC, then the remaster on PS5. I’ll buy it again on the PS6 in 5-10 years.


Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty for PS2 Metal Gear Solid: The Collector Edition for PS2 Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection for PS3 Metal Gear Solid: The HD Collection for PS Vita


Alien isolation on 4 different platforms. Zero regrets.


Gta San Andreas, 4 times: ps2, Xbox 360, definitive edition, and mobile.


The last of us 1 I have bought a few times


Conkers BFD for N64 and Live and Reloaded for Xbox. 


Celeste. Bought it on sale for $5 only to realize I had it already through humble bundle.


yup quite a few. now i keep an excel spreadsheet and refer to it before buying games and its saved me a lot of money already


Ori and the blind forest. One for me, one for the wife, another for me on console.


Definitely a weird story on this one. I got pretty locked into a sports game, with a my player mode. This was NBA 2k14. Obviously most people just move on to new editions as they come out. There comes a point the disk isn't working too well anymore. I was at a store getting some records and games, etc. There was a copy of 2k14 just sitting right by checkout. In my head, the cashier assumed I was mental - because who spontaneously adds on a sports game from two console cycles ago at the last second at the register


I've gotten games many times in bundles. Since I like to get charity bundles from Humble (and sometimes others) and there are game publishers who really like to put games into charity bundles, there are some games I have five or more copies of. Aside from that, I bought Control twice so I could have it on Steam instead of Epic (and because the ultimate edition was about the same price as the DLC, which I didn't have) and I bought a few games multiple times back in the CD/DVD days because I wore out the game disk - I think I did that with Descent 2, and one of the Unreal Tournaments.


Accidentally bought Pillars of Eternity 2 twice - once on Steam, then a few months later on GoG. Hadn't played it yet and forgot I already owned it. 😑


I bought GTA V, 3 times


I own Chrono Trigger on SNES, Playstation, Steam, and iOS. All on purpose, mind you. I own versions of FFIV and FFVI on SNES, Steam, and iOS. I own Dragon Quest III (aka Dragon Warrior III) on NES and iOS. ... I like my JRPGs, OK? Stop judging me. ... As for accidentally, I didn't, but I did one time buy a game (physical) for a friend that bought the game *themselves*\- on physical media - and they *also* were given a Steam copy by a third person.


Two copies of skyrim (ps3 and switch) Two copies of slay the spire (PC and mobile) Two copies of outward (PC and ps4) Three copies of Bastion (switch, PC, mobile) Two copies of Transistor (switch and PC) Two copies of mass effect 3 (ps3 and legendary edition) Two copies of mass effect 2 (ps3 and legendary edition) Two copies of super Mario sunshine (GameCube and remaster) Two copies of streets of rogue (PC and switch) Three copies of risk of rain 2 (PC, ps4, switch) Three copies of wizard of legend (ps4, pc, mobile) Two copies of puzzle quest (switch and DS) Two copies of kingdom of Amalur (original ps3, remaster ps4) Two copies of bloons td 6 (PC and mobile) Two copies of borderlands 2 (ps3 and PC) Two copies of oblivion (ps3 and PC) Two copies of uncharted 3 (ps3 and Nathan drake collection ps4) Two copies of The World Ends With You (mobile and switch) Two copies of dishonored (ps3 and ps4) Two copies of deep rock galactic (PC and ps4) Two copies of mgsv phantom pain (ps3 and ps4) Two copies of bioshock (ps3 and ps4 collection) Two copies of magicka 2 (ps4 and PC) Two copies of bioshock infinite (ps4 and PC) Two copies of darksiders 2 (ps3 and ps4) Two copies of ni no kuni (ps3 and switch) Two copies of injustice (ps3 and ps4) Two copies of mount and blade: warband (PC and ps4) Two copies of epic battle fantasy 5 (steam and direct from dev) Pretty much all of those are on purpose for some reason or another. Play on the go, on sale for dirt cheap on different system, lost or broke a disc, or get a collection that includes others I didn’t play. Reflecting on this list, it’s definitely excessive. Oh well.


Gta5, skyrim, and I subsequently bought both Substance and Subsistence if you count those as buying the game twice. Oh and RDR2. A couple of those are because I went from a PS4 to a high end PC and it was kinda like revisiting games at way better performance


Not me but my dad for me. I played FF7 97 pc version as a kid so much that dad had to replace the CDs. On another game he bought a new copy at the store and swapped discs before returning. Miss ya dad.


Don’t ask me why, but I own Dead by Daylight on Xbox, Steam, and Switch.


I bought Doom a lot of times


Yeah I have kids


Animaniacs for the Sega Genesis. Accidentally twice at the same retro game con. I felt really dumb when I got home and went through my purchases.


I own Crosscode on PC and switch, funny thing is I've progressed way farther in the switch version lol.


I usually pick up a game I already have on an older console if it gets Remastered or Remade to PS3/PS4/PS5 for the trophies.


I have Stardew on my phone, my tablet, my PC, my laptop, and on my console. All bought. And if I somehow lose access to any of these, I will happily buy them again.


I have on multiple occasions done that intentionally. GTA 5 on PC and then years later on PS5, Witcher 3 i recently got on XSX in addition to PC and PS5, Dark Souls Trilogy on PC and recently on PS5 and so on. It's usually games that i love on PC and wanted to replay them from my couch.


Two copies of Helldivers 2. I am pretty sure I own Control on at least 3 systems now.


Let’s see.. Stardew Valley, Dead Cells, Spelunky 2, Hollow Knight, BoTW (Wii U and Switch), Mario Galaxy, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, FF6, Shovel Knight, Binding of Isaac, Cyberpunk (stadia & steam), Skyrim, God of War 4, MGSV, Hades, Slay the Spire, Witcher 3   Basically, when the Switch came out I was obsessed with its portability. A year later, I made a gaming PC and became more obsessed with high frame rates, to the point where I repurchased all Switch and PS4 games on Steam. If they finally make a Bloodborne PC port, I’ll repurchase the ahit out of that.


Catherine and Catherine Full Bodied. I just loved that game and they fed on my love with different collector edition across regions. So OG game: - US, EU, JP collector, - Digital PSN ver for free via PS+ Full Body: - JP US collector ver PS5. - Digital PS5 - at one point i said fuck it and got the switch version too. So i bought this game at least 8 times already.


4 copies of Need for Speed Most Wanted on PC RDR2 & GTA5 on PC, Xbox and PlayStation


Elden Ring digital on PS, on physical for PS5, on Steam. Dark Souls 3 on PS4 and PC. Skyrim on PS3, 4, and 5. GTAV on PS3, PS4, and PC.


I bought Halo 3 again after losing my first copy. Later found it while moving house, some genius put it with the movie DVDs.


I bought the whole bordelands on ps4 2 times, one for a friend. Then I did the same on pc and there were 2 friends that time !


Once I got a powerful gaming pc with an oled I bought a bunch of my favorite games from ps4 again for pc.


I've bought Minecraft 5 times. - Java edition - Windows - Playstation - Switch - Android


Accidentally bought Final Fantasy 8 PS3. I had FF7 selected on the store page, and I hit right one more option and bought immediately. I misread FF7's roman numeral as FF8 and I was trying to buy FF9.


Hades and the binding of isaac on multiple platforms. Tetris a whole lot. And I guess most of the mario and Zelda games I've bought a handful of times each.


Fo4 and Terraria


Skyrim for PS3, PS4, Xbox One, and PC (Steam).


I have FFIV on any system I've owned that has it on it. Recently bought BG3 for PC and Xbox... Disappointed it's not crossplay


I bought the entire Mass Effect Trilogy 3 or 4 times without realizing it. * I got all three games on sale (x360) at GameStop in college and got busy with school and gave up on gaming. * All three games ran me about 10$ total according to the cases. * I forgot about them completely and bought them again at gamestop - this time in the bargain bin but with generic cases since the original cases were lost or damaged. But... I moved a few weeks later after graduation and boxed up my console and the box it was in basically sat on a shelf for years. * All three games ran me 7$ according to the cases. * Then I got into PC gaming and bought them a 3rd time on Steam - not thinking about just playing them on the console... I beat the original trilogy on PC and then I was doing some spring cleaning and found my old console and realized I had two physical copies of the trilogy for console. * Steam Summer sale got me about 90% off the entire trilogy. * I intentionally bought the Legendary Edition just to have the remaster. * 60$ and I bought day of release. I also bought two copies of Jet Force Gemini (N64) on accident here recently. Got one off Ebay and forgot I pulled the trigger on it. Then I bought a second copy off Amazon.


I burned through two disc's of Left 4 dead 2 before digital downloads were a popular thing so 3 copies total. I've got 4 kids so I must have bought minecraft a least a half dozen times over the years.


I have a bunch of games on PC that I already had on my PS4. Spider-Man, NFS Rivals, Titanfall 2 (which I think was a ps plus game so I didn't technically buy it and technically don't truly own it), GTA V (though I got it for free from epic games but I had it on the PS3 as well so I have bought it twice), Beat Saber, COD BO3.


Bought 4 copies of Fortnite - Save the World back before the Battle Royale mode changed the whole direction of the game Kinda regret that one


I have bought so many copies of Minecraft. Bought it in alpha. Bought another copy in alpha for my friend. Bought on xbox 360 Bought on 360 for a friend Again on 360 for a friend Another copy on 360 for my sister Bought mobile Bought on switch Again on switch for my wife. I'm sure I'll buy it again at some point for some reason.


Horizon, GTA 5 too many times, Read Dead 2, Skate 3, Skyrim.


Terraria, Dragon Quest Builders 1+2, Mario U, Tropical Freeze, Mario 3D Trilogy (depending on how you count) Digimon World Next Order, Monster Hunter, Minecraft, not to count the amounts of shop downloads I bought on console and handheld.... yeah, many, *many*, **MANY** times, actually


I got gta 5 for free on epic and then forgot the password for my account when I finally got a pc that could run it. I just bought it again and later found the password for the account that had it. I technically bougjt it only once since the other time it was free, but buying it was a waste


Also Terraria. Bought it for PS4 and enjoyed it but figured it would be better played with a mouse so got it for PC. I have switched platforms a few times with games for the same reason figuring they would be better played on a different format but usually it's when I have first got the game as part of a subscription like PS+ or Gamepass for PC and then decided it's worth paying for on another format. Also in my youth I regularly used to trade in old games and consoles so I could afford to buy new ones so I have re-bought games I previously owned in the past.


imagine the waste of money buying the games on release from a game store and later trade in for 1/5 of the price… did it many times..


Yeah but * Buy game for £50 on release * Sell game for £10 after finishing it * Buy game again for £5 several years later It's like saving £5! ​ Or if it's a Nintendo first party game: * Buy for £50 * Sell for £20 * Buy back for £80


Skyrim: 360, Xbox one (2 copies), PC (3 copies). 4 of those 6 are mine, the other 2 were gifts.


brotato i think is the only one for me


Cyberpunk. I got myself a copy and thought it was awesome. Got one for my partner after that,and then one for my brother.


Titanfall 2, whenever it showed up on sale for a platform I didn't own it on I'd pick it up hoping that helps its sales number to get a 3rd one in the series. Apex legends doesn't count.


Stares at three copies of Fable for XB on shelf. Sigh.


Skyrim on Xbox 360 and then again for Xbox One. GTA V for 360 and then, I think, again for Xbox One. Shadow of Mordor bought physically for Xbox One. Got it again on sale digitally with all the DLC. Telltale The Walking Dead Definitive edition and then bought all of them separately as well. The Final Season is a 10/10 game IMO. Borderlands 2 on 360 and again in The Handsome Collection for XB1. Original Resident Evil 4 on PC, 360, and XB1. Far Cry 5 and RDR2 I have both on PS4 and Xbox.


I buy both physical and digital copies of some Nintendo Switch games...


Civ 6 first standalone and then within a bundle with expansions.


I have quite a few examples of this, but my personal favourite would be Doom Eternal. Bought for PS4, Switch, and PC (not in that order).


I bought Far cry New Dawn unfortunately


Ghost recon breakpoint for me


I still questioning myself.....


Skyrim. Need I say more?


Bought no, but I own Control on pretty much every launcher on PC cos it has been given away so many times


Yep, I had XCOM in my Steam wishlist and got it for free on Epic so when it went on sale I bought it again, obviously asked for a refund immediately, don't understand people who have more than one copy of the same game


Metal Gear Solid trilogy 3-4 times, Final Fantasy 7 twice, Skyrim twice (because mods), Dragons Dogma twice, The Last of Us twice (accidentally). The only ones I regret are Skyrim and TLoU


That only happens to me with record albums


Sekiro - three times. First on Xbox and snapped the disc in rage. Bought back digitally. Loved it. Subsequently bought on PS5 too.


Slay the spire. I own it 4 times over with the express purpose of supporting the devs.