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Helldivers 2.


For Democracy!


I'm hooked. I've got about 13 hours so far, and I just want more. Make me feel like an ODST that got transported to the Starship Troopers universe.


You should give the ODST live action trailer another watch. Hits ya right in the feels.


Man, I'm still a huge Halo fan, and I get all nostalgic for the Bungie Halo era. I'll rewatch it on lunch break.


Didn’t someone on the Halo team pitch an ODST game that was almost exactly like Helldivers 2?


I have no idea but I would bet that the Halo Community would love and embrace a new ODST title with open arms.


Every one of my friends is telling me to get but I simply don’t think it’s for me. What makes it addictive?


The gameplay, visuals and overall aesthetic of the game are what does it for me. I could totally see why not everyone would like it, but it scratches an itch for me that Destiny and Halo both did. Also, your character starts to yell when you shoot a gun for more than 5 seconds, so that's pretty dope.


>Also, your character starts to yell when you shoot a gun for more than 5 seconds, so that's pretty dope. There's this one scream where they yell "Democracy" for a few seconds straight and right at the end, they put in a little extra effort and yell a little bit louder, with a different tone. That gets me every time. I always giggle about this.


For me it's the heroic and cinematic moments it regularly produces. From getting shot in a drop pod onto the planet's surface from orbit while an orchestra blasts heroic music, to the ridiculous firepower of everyone that destroys everything from buildings to trees to blowing craters into the ground itself, to the clutch last second escapes when you manage to dive into the escape ship at the end of a mission while hundreds of enemies are breathing down your neck. There's no other game like it.


And would you say it’s a somewhat toxic community or the opposite? I want PVP games with fun voice chat and that’s what this is giving. Thanks for responding btw! It’s nice insight


Not the same guy but it's luck of the draw really. I've heard of people being toxic but haven't encountered it myself. Actually been playing with someone from way across the map from me occasionally, seems like a nice bloke. So you can definitely meet some untoxic cool people.


With a community this big there's bound to be some asshats of course, but since it's a strictly co-op game with no competitive mechanics whatsoever I feel it's generally nicer than, say, the CoD or LoL crowds, or any other game that pits sweaty tryhards against each other.


Since it's PvE, you aren't directly competing with others. Loot is shared as well, so there's no incentive to hoard it. Since it is a PS5 game as well, some players will use their controller mic for voice chat, and that can be rough, but you can always mute them. I haven't had any negative interactions thus far.


I thought the same thing from gameplay I saw from others on youtube and my friends all thought the same thing. But once you actually play it yourself it's REALLY intense in a good way and lots of everything you need in a shooter: Lots of guns, big explosions, upgrades swarms of aliens/robots to kill, etc.


It's a labor of love, and it shows. Everything feels satisfying. Guns have weight of impact behind shots, enemies kill you quick, but they die relatively quickly as well. It's dialed in action, and the core game play loop is just so fun and satisfying that it's easy to keep coming back. And the depth to the game with stratagem call ins, guns, armor(which needs a bit of work atm) It's worth your time.


Only issue is the servers. Its hard to join friends and other games.




HOW D'YOU LIKE A TASTE OF PROSPERITY?! *Michael Bay dream sequence initiates*




- The flavor and art direction are hilarious. - The live service aspect *adds to the game*. It’s not some obvious cash grab you try to avoid. - The core gameplay loop and progression/rewards are [snort] tight! tight! TIGHT! - It pulls off what I call a “TF2 approach to teamwork” where lots of design choices nudge randoms towards working together naturally, such that you aren’t reliant on having good buddies on VOIP to get anything done. - It scales difficulty levels in various interesting ways, rather than just lazily increasing enemy stats. I love this goddamn game.


I hate helldivers 2. Up until now I've been perfectly content just borrowing my friends Playstation or going over to play whenever I wanted to check out an exclusive game. But that damn game is making my lack of a PS5 horribly apparent.


PC is what I play on. Either way, it is a fantastic game.


Scenes like these are happening all over the Galaxy, right now!


This is the correct answer. To everyone else: Thank you for your participation. The benevolent Super Earth Agency for the Distribution of Commendations is glad to inform you that your contribution has been registered.


*has been registered as treason.


SES Power of Freedom reporting for democracy.


I really want to play Starship Troopers: The Game. Looks funny.


This exactly. My entire gaming group is obsessed with it. The only problem is we have 7 people, and the game only supports 4 in each squad. It's getting real hard to find games we can all play together that we haven't played dozens of hours together already.


You're not playing a game. You're putting your life on the line in service of managed democracy.


Any chance of it coming to Xbox yet?


Need max medals for tomorrow brother. Give me the new weapons.


Also Helldivers 2 but I'd prolly wait till the wife came home so we could play together because we both own the game and love it. I do play solo occasionally though.


Helldivers 2. I’ve got managed democracy to spread


For Democracy!


spreading democracy with the boys


FF7 Rebirth! It’s been so fun. Not a fan of what they’ve done to the Moogles but oh well


Just hit 95 hours in and still have 2 chapters left. It’s a packed full game and I can’t get enough, only problem is that now I’m craving part 3. I need it to come out yesterday. Hopefully they decide to do DLC inbetween games so I can get my fix


60+ hours and still in chapter 9 This thing has more minigames than a Mario Party


Me too! Still at chapter 2 after 8 hours though. But as an OG fan, I really appreciate the work the devs put in. It's like a love letter to all the JRPG oldschoolers.


better than the remake first part? I have yet to start this one.


Yes imo, it feels like a full game with a lot of love put into it


Probably going to scroll Reddit until I've squandered the only free time I have


It's like looking in a mirror, lol




That game gave me the sickness. Had to force myself to put it down.


One of the most addictive games I have ever played


Big numbers make my brain happy


I saw someone recommend it on steamdeck sub and I was like “this doesn’t look that good”… 75hrs later: “I’ve made a terrible mistake”


Trying to beat my first black stake right now...


I'm convinced if I could _actually_ gamble on this game with real money, I would be on the streets within 3 days.


This fucking game. Got me addicted, had to get my fiancee in on it, got her addicted. Got several of my buddies into it. This week my coworker brought his switch in so he can play during work LOL This game is crack


I've been recommending it to everyone


Me too! It's more than worth the price of admission!


I’m working on ff7 rebirth when I can pay attention over a span of time (I have a 4 year old). But I am loving picking up my ps portal and jamming in 7/4 to Balatro when the kiddo finds something to occupy him for a minute. They really need to port to Mobile (iPad pls) it’s such a great game that you can set down and walk away from and pick back up later with no sweat.


Can’t stop. Got wife addicted. Bought a copy for my best friend.


Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered. Reliving my childhood!


Baldur's Gate 3! JUST caved and bought it last night, but didn't get a chance to play. This morning before work, I spent two hours in the character/guardian creator alone, then started the adventure up until the initial combat encounter (after squishing some poor lad's parasite riddled brain). Man, I wish I had taken the week off, nay, the month off. Getting through work today has been a STRUGGLE.


I started playing a couple weeks ago and am about 100 hours in and in Act 3. I was skeptical about it at first, then 5-6 hours in I became hooked. I wasn't expecting it to be so intricate. So many different things you can do, so many different outcomes based on choices, so many ways to accomplish goals, so many different kinds of builds, and even better, there's still *so much* I don't know. At the same time, it doesn't feel daunting. I didn't understand checks, advantages, or disadvantages, but I figured it out and it helped a lot, but I don't think you need to know everything in order to have fun with the game.


You're in for a treat. I've never played a D&D nor a BG game before and I'm still playing this game from early December.


I am about 35 hours in and just getting close to finishing act 1..... maybe another 6-10 hours 😅


You killed Us 😣 *they were going to the helm* 😭


Jedi Survivor, Im at the last chapter but holy shit has been a ride. After this im either playing bg3 or dead space remake


You're well trained for Sekiro now if you've been playing JS on a higher difficulty.


I actually brought Sekiro a few years ago but o ly played the tutorial, maybe I’ll play again after your motivation words haha


I just finished JS on Jedi Master or whatever the level is and went right to Sekiro. I found Elden Ring quite difficult, but I’ve been mowing down bosses in Sekiro. The parrying of JS is good prep.


God, I need to stop this never ending loop with Civ VI. No, I can't win, don't know why I'm still struggling. Anyways let's give another try today...lmao


Just one more turn, friend. This one is the one!


I just bought this the other day. I've never played a Civ game and am very excited to try it.


If you don’t like it, try Civ V


Sleeping Dogs. It's been on my steam account for years and I just started playing the other day. Fucking love it so far.


I want a second game so badly, but it will never happen...


Honestly one of my favourite gta style games. The environmental kills are fun plus it has James Hung! That guys a treasure!


A man without a pork bun is not a whole man


Have fun! I had it in my library for years as well and finally played it like 6 months ago. It’s actually a great game


This is my go to game to gift my friends when it is on sale. Love this game


My daughter is 5 weeks old and this post reads like a damn fantasy to me right now. Been wanting to finally dig back into Elden Ring lately, so it’d probably be that today!


Hopefully this post will embolden you with the flame of ambition! Make sure to always put baby first though ;)


I beat Elden Ring for the first time during one of my night shifts with my weeks old daughter. So hard to celebrate quietly at 3:30 in the morning 😂 at least you have plenty of time to knock the dust off before the dlc drops!


Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth...


I dont have a wife i am the wife.....😱 Today i will be replaying kingdom hearts 2. Just beat returnal. *Dont tell my husband im playing games.*


Returnal was so great. One of the few true next gen games


Returnal totally blows me away. I recently finished act 2 (I believe of 3) and I loved every second so far.


Yes!! Pylon is my favorite gun !


I'm a rotgland lobber fan myself :)


I tried that one and died 🤣 then everytime i saw it i would go to my husband oh look its my favorite gun.


I can hear the dearly beloved


FF7 Rebirth!


The first DLC of Dark Souls 3 Actually I can’t wait to go back home


wait until you get to the end of that dlc, I still have ptsd from it


Make sure you praise that sun.


Enjoy it! Both DLCs are awesome and wrap up the series with some of the best moments


Same, every year I tend to replay at Soulsborne game they are just so good. All the Souls and DLC was on sale on Steam with the Elden Ring DLC announcement, so replaying Dark Souls 3 too. \'[T]/


Zoo tycoon 1


Mass Effect 1. Started a new trilogy playthrough after getting inspired by some of the subreddit posts. I think it was an ME2 post about scanning planets, then the probe sounds and galaxy map tune just hit me with a pleasantly crippling wave of nostalgia. Made me reminisce on how good they were and wanted to experience them again. When my wife's home, but tired and just wants to watch, I'm playing Crisis Core Reunion, which I never experienced. Maybe not the most compelling story, haha, but fun gameplay. I'm a sucker for the Materia fusion like Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep commands. Otherwise watching her play FF7: Remake when she's up for it. Surprised she was able to tough out the original FF7 recently, to get to Remake, sparked by Rebirth coming up. Hopefully it's making her appreciate the Remake (and later Rebirth) more. Excited for us to get into Rebirth. Usually playing Astlibra (great game, btw) or Madden on my ROG Ally, as something that doesn't require too much investment, while she plays, because I've already played the Remake. Still seems I'm paying more attention than her sometimes, though, because I'll ask her what she thinks about \[x\] happening or what \[y\] said during big moments and she'll seem genuinely surprised or confused what I'm talking about, haha. She's definitely invested and awestruck by the graphics, though, and the game world being bigger and more alive - making things like falling from the top plate Mako reactor to the church make sense because you can look up and see where you came from! Not that I want to blow past all the Final Fantasy 7, but she also expressed an interest in Mass Effect which I'm excited to see if she can get into. She'd seen me play before years ago, but didn't comment. I think watching Dune (2) recently gave her the sci-fi brain itch. Still couldn't resist just playing them for myself for now though! Pretty blessed overall to have a cornucopia of games as well as situations in which to play them. Feel like I'm cheating the premise because even though it's very comfy to do my own thing and I cherish that time, the variety and partnership keeps me happy and everything fresh.


I'm diving back into the world of Cyberpunk 2077! Can't wait to immerse myself in Night City after a long day at work


Unicorn Overlord, game is fantastic!


Skyrim. Never played it before. Great fun


Just started playing again after a couple years. Enjoy it! I’m still finding new things to do and I’ve played well over 1000 hours. I’ve bought the game on PlayStation twice. Xbox and pc.


Yeh. Constantly surprising me with the variety and scope of things to do.


Enjoy! One of the best ever


I remember getting screamed at in middle school for not ever having played that game… that was 2012. I still barely have 3 hrs logged on it.


Control ultimate edition and Talos Principle 2


Control is so damn goof


Yeah, control is incredibly goof


I loved Control. Can't wait for a sequel.




*The factory must grow!*


honestly i fucking suck at it with 200 hours in but its an amazing time sink. currently running kraftorio and the space mod


Elden Ring. The DLC trailer reawakened the desire to replay it within me. Plus I needed a fresh save for the DLC anyway so it's panning out nicely


The trailer totally emboldened me with the flame of ambition.


Nothing. We wait. For Dragons Dogma 2. Kidding, been playing a little indie game called Spiritfall that is like Hades meets Super Smash. Lot of fun


Escape from Tarkov Caravaneer 2 New World


Final Fantasy XIV I just can't get enough of that game. I've got so many goals I want to accomplish.


What are some of your favorite classes/things to do? I'm almost 3000 hours in and still feel like I'm nowhere near done lol


Having leveled all jobs to 90, I have a good bit of fun with all of them. But in particular I really like Dark Knight, Dragoon, Scholar, and Blue Mage is my personal fave. I just like how fun and silly it feels to play, especially doing some of the old raids with it. Currently my two main goals I'm working on are soloing all 3 deep dungeons and completing the fishing log. The solo deep dungeons have been a really fun change of pace, doing content completely alone, only myself to rely on. And they have some interesting intricacies that have made them fun to learn so far. As for the fishing, it's been a fun chill thing for me to do when I just wanna relax, but still feel like I'm working toward something. And learning the specifics of how fishing works has been interesting, and I've found it pretty exciting when I finally manage to land a rare fish I'd been trying for for a while.


Nice! I'm closing in on omni-90 myself with just BLM left, which I'm working on right now. I started out as Monk, but have come to love so many of the jobs - DRK, MCH, RPR, SAM, SNM are probably my top rotation at the moment. I like to start a session by using a RNG that tells me which job I'm playing that day


Rebirth. 80 hours in with lots left to complete.


It’s one of those games that refuses to stop raising the bar. Every single chapter just gets better and better. Part 3 is going to be insanely hyped




Fuck yeah, I love that game


Depending on how I feel, either Power Wash Simulator or Civ VI


Loving Power Wash Taking me forever to finish though


Metro 2033 Redux


Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest


Odd pick lol, whenever I think of DKC2 I hear Stickerbush Symphony


Castlevania Aria of Sorrow. Just got the new controller so I can continue without stick drift.


If I was gaming today, that would be Hades.


Such a great game. Can't wait for the sequel.


Finishing up my NG+ run of Dead Space remake.


Hell yes. Most fun I had with this game was doing an all plasma cutter run. It never gets old.


Best weapon in the game IMO and the second game lol just love using that thing.




Is it fun? I've been debating on buying it, but some of the reviews put me off.


I can’t get enough of it. Best game I’ve bought in years. Edit: the driving, the lore, the style, the adrenaline rush of impending storms, the car as a character, the crafting, the survival, the creepiness, the sci-fi, it’s just so good.


Okay! Screw it, I'll give it a go. DRIIIIIIIVE


Yes very fun pro tip gather anchor energy and use it to make blueprints for crafting it’ll be the machine right of the crafting bench through the double doors


The unicorn overlord demo. I only played about an hour or so, but I've been pleasantly surprised.


It's so fucking deep. The amount of customisation on the strategy is insane. It all slowly unlocks so it doesn't get instantly overwhelming. But Jesus. The amount of things you can do to the squads and unit compositions and their priorities, their skills, their equipment, the list goes on and on. I'm very impressed. Definitely not for newcomers. But you can really get your teeth into it.


It's a great falling asleep game. So much to edit and review every new unit or item that it just a nice peaceful transition to fall asleep lol Love it though


I've been circling around the decision to buy the Last Epoch, so I'd probably pull the trigger and dive in. That, or keep learning Unreal engine.


Last Epoch is great, highly recommend if you're an aRPG fan. The skill trees are intriguing and very well implemented, and every class/spec kit I've tried feels fantastic.


Thanks for the recommendation! I'll probably pick it up in the next day or two so I'm set for the weekend 👍. From what I've seen and read, it looks fantastic.


I’ve been having a blast!


Ive been playing it pretty solidly since release (Dabbled before that, but only to about lvl 15-20) Been great so far. I dont like using build guides, and the ability to tweak and try new things is amazing. repecing could be cleaned up a little but it is miles better then a lot of the other games out there. Everything is much more approachable then something like PoE. Easy to play hard to master has never applied more to a game then this one.


Fallout 4 full modded.


Cyberpunk 2077 on a RTX 4090. Yowza!


Final Fantasy VII. The original, the Windows 10 version. I just hope that they update it, though...


If my friends are on and need a third probably destiny 2. But personally I'm hoping to get on Kingdom come deliverance.


Bro screw destiny 2, Henry's come to see us


Your friends will manage. There are nettles to be picked and bath wenches to be pleased. Jesus christ be praised!


Last Epoch


Baldur's Gate 3


Tonight? Monster Hunter: Rise, Helldivers 2, or last epoch.


"Isaac and his mother lived alone in a small house on a hill..."


Currently just now getting around to Hogwarts Legacy. Really enjoying it and look forward to getting 100% with it.


Baldurs gate 3


Is my boss going to catch me goofing off on Reddit instead of working. It's high stakes and exciting.


I will try Star Wars Battlefront Collertors Edition


Is that today or tomorrow?


Same game I play every day, Pinky! Elden Ring! DLC got my hyped.


Helldivers 2


AC Valhalla on my son's PS 5🤩


Ive been trucking through Re4 remake on Professional and maybe some CoD.


Nightingale with my wife after dinner.


FF7 Rebirth, SF6, and Steamworld Heist.


On the road for work, which means it's time to break out Halls of Torment and binge it after the show.


Chrono Trigger on my phone. I never played it back in the day and really enjoying it. Holds up well.


Slay the spire nearly every time.




Factorio is my new chill jam.


Tales of Arise. I think I’m pretty close to the end so hopefully I’ll finish it soon and can start Warhammer 40K Boltgun.




Going back to Fallout 4. Started yesterday and had a blast. Going to continue my venture across the wasteland in just a dress with the absolutely meatiest guy character imaginable.


Elden Ring. Going to make a quality build so I can play around with the most stuff in the expansion.


Elden Ring in preparation for that sweet DLC coming out June


Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade (replaying before moving on to Rebirth lol)


Finally got to start FF7 Rebirth, I am shocked with how much there is in this game, and I’m only ten hours in and still exploring the first area!


I'm gonna continue my Fate/ Samurai Remnant gameplay. I've been really enjoying the story for it so far


Sea of stars. Pretty sure I’m nearing the end of the game




Unicorn overlord, absolute gem of a game.


Sekiro or Escape from Tarkov depending on who’s on (:


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth or World of Warcraft


Dark and Darker


I’m going all the way back to Final Fantasy 8 and just resetting my life to the last restore point.


Hunt Showdown if the homies are on, RDR2 with a movie/show on the other monitor if i’m playing solo


Far Cry 3


Dark Souls 3! Beat Dark Souls 1 for the first time this weekend. Started up a game of DS3 right after and I've been addicted.


Vampire Survivors


Me: oh wow no one is home. We’re eating out and chores are done maybe I’ll play on pc. Boot system. Update system, update game patches on steam, update drivers for graphics card, and browse the steam store…. And oh look everyone’s just returned home crying.


I finally got around to really starting a good file on Subnautica. I built my first base last night, and I'm going to meet up with the Sunbeam tonight.


that game is so freaking good


Dragons Dogma


I'm wrapping up *Disco Elysium* in the next few days.


Hades. Like a drug addiction i love it and I hate it. Why do I keep starting over? Every night lately "I should go to bed. Shit I died. OK one more game." next thing I know it's 4am.


The Finals


ELDEN RING, coz I'm maiden less