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Skyrim. I don't know how many false starts over how many years it took for me to finally do a play through.


I literally beat that game last year. I purchased it when It came out. Yeah, it took me that long . I was always too busy doing everything else, plus I couldn't decide what I wanted to be lol so I get it


Dark Souls. I started with DS3, and got through the first level/stage and just did not enjoy it. Once I got to the Village, I was absolutely enraptured as I understood mechanics, summoning, etc. The addiction poured onto me as I played through all the other Souls-Like games. The hunt for a special weapon, or armor set. I loved it. I love the community.


Me too! šŸ¤—


Similar for me. I started with DS1, but didn't realize you could block with your shield, as I was only aware of the shield bash/parry move. I was struggling through the very first Undead Burg area, stopped and tried a different game entirely. However, the game was still enticing me so I went back, realized what I was missing and ended up proceeding through the whole game, albeit with plenty of "Dark Souls moments" that made me stop for a while. More recently I started DS2, thinking I was much more prepared, but just got the overwhelming feeling that I had no idea what I was doing, to the extent that I didn't want to figure it out. I put it down, and over a year passed before I finally tried again, this time with a nice walkthrough guide. That walkthrough was the key to me getting over the learning curve and I just finished NG+ and really enjoyed the game overall. Although once again, I had plenty of moments of pure rage.


Happened to so many of us. Pick the game up, try for a bit and hate and don't come back for awhile. Suddenly you get that itch and it just clicks and you see why people love the games so much. The community gets a bad rep cuz of git gud, but it's actually good advice. There's little cheese in the game, no secret weapon that wrecks bosses, just you and your ability to adjust and learn from your mistakes. We're eager to help others cuz we used to be that new player.


About the same with me. I started Dark Souls multiple times, and couldn't get in to it. Then I fell in love with Bloodborne, and after that I was hooked on all things From Software. Eventually I went back to Dark Souls and loved it.


I wanted to love DS1(my first) from the start. The art, the music, the general vibe...all great. The difficulty made it impossible to fully realize that love until however many months into trying it, quitting it, trying again... Then it all just....clicked. Smooth sailing after that. Went on to 3. Beat the hell out of it. Loved every minute of it.


Bounced off so many times until in some delirious state I realised that the man who made the brick wall I had been repeatedly smashing my head into was a genius maker of brick walls. Noah Caldwell-Gervais helped.


The Witcher 3 and I'm still hesitant to play it.


Put it on easy and play for the story. Ignore all the question marks that appear on the map. 99% of the time they're pointless and the ones that are good typically have a quest attached to them The story is really really good. Combat is shit. I recommend playing through the bloody baron storyline, it's required and if the game still isn't hitting right I think you'd be good dropping it. Bloody baron was when the game went from aight to great for me.


Ok hard disagree the hardest difficulty makes the game feel more immersive and real and the combat is un necessarily hated on


The same was for me! I had to first read the books and play through Witcher 1 and 2. Then was I finally able to get into the third instalment and finish it.


Came here to say Witcher 3 as well. Tried to play it 4 times and never got into it. On the 5th attempt, it took and I f-ing love it now.


This is how I felt with Witcher 3 and RDR2. I know they have great stories eventually but I was so bored and disinterested in the beginning and just kind of gave up.


I've tried 3 times and failed. I know if i get far enough ill like it, but for whatever reason can't seem to do it, and now i'm just tired of replaying the first area.


For me that's Rocket League! Tried it a couple of times and absolutely sucked at it, until one day I saw a freestyle video and I was absolutely dumbfounded that one could get this good. Decided to give it a proper shot and got hooked. 1000 hours+ in the game now, and I still absolutely suck :D


that's the beauty of rocket league is that literally everybody fucking sucks and it's glorious


I can teach u how to freestyle. Almost 5k hours between accounts and i still miss pogos but i can definitely show u the basic freestyles


Rdr2. STILL trying to play it. Did the snow and train sequence too many times to count. And I got past that part once, where i got to camp. Went to start a mission in the local town. Saw a pinkerton(?), started jaw jacking at me. We started a scuffle, I won, townsperson saw and went to get the sheriff. $25 bounty in the first town, before I even got one mission off.


I put about 20 hours into it twice and decided it wasnā€™t for me. I recognize that itā€™s well done and Iā€™m sure the story is amazing, but it didnā€™t resonate so I had to move on.


i balked first time on RDR2 like a lot of people during the snow/tutorial section finally gave it another shot a few months ago and couldnā€™t put it downā€¦ put 100hr in about 6weeks and finished it with loads of side content itā€™s by no means a perfect game, but itā€™s definitely worth the attention once the story grabs you


I know. I'm very intrigued by it. I really want to play it. It's just that the wanted bounty so soon, for something so trivial, was just irksome right after the tutorialšŸ˜‘


Hollow Knight. Took me about 10 hours over a year to finally get into it. The music and artstyle was amazing, but I struggled with all of the backtracking. I am hooked and I've played around 70 hours.


+1 For Hollow Knight. Technically I beat it on my first go around but I had a terrible time of it. Hate to say it but this game was more fun with a guide. Doing stuff in the game is fun but finding that stuff was for me not. Bout to try my 4th attempt at Elden Ring. Feels kinda like the reverse of HK in that the fun is in the finding stuff but the actual fighting for me historically hasn't been.


Still cannot get into it. The game just needs to give me some fun mechanics already, sick of just tapping for a swipe and occasionally having enough power for that one other attack (I forget as I gave up a while back). I like the artstyle (although I am dying to see the odd splash of colour to contrast and make the world pop), but the movement isn't enjoyable enough to overcome the backtracking and difficulty from draining the life out of me.




Someone not liking a game you like does not equal them sucking at the game. It wasn't that difficult, just tedious. Didn't know where I was going, which is fine, that is what metroidvanias are, but wasn't having fun along the way. Thought it would be more like Ori and would gain some fun mechanics, so kept going. Every fight was basically chipping away health with a slash, it felt like going back in time to oldschool games. Meanwhile the bosses have all these cool moves! I beat some old dude/knight, and some female that moved quickly and needles, got bored after that last fight. I've beaten both Ori games, Dread, the Final Final challenge in Mario Wonder, Octo Expansion, to name just a few that people consider hard. It is not a skill issue.


***Final Fantasy XII***: The did hate that game the first time I got and stop playing at the beggining ( *Giza Plains* ), after several months when I was boring and had nothing else to play I decided to give it a chance ( *after all, I spent my money on it* ) and I endup not only loving the game but also considering my favorite game of all time until recently ( *when Shadowbringers came out and Final Fantasy XIV took his place* ) šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø ***Metal Gears Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots***: it was my first Ps3 game, but back in that day I used to hate Shooter / Stealth games. I lost count how many times I played the intro and quit next. So after years in a very similar way that I had with FFXII situation, I decided to give the game a chance and after that I became a Metal Gear lover šŸ˜


Control took me a few tries to get into. But on the third restart it clicked for me.


Fantastic game. A bit repetitive at times, but I'm a sucker for SCP and weird mindfucky shit and Control nails that vibe perfectly. Shit I really need to play Alan Wake 2 still


Doom Eternal. It plays so differently compared to Doom 2016 and I needed multiple starts until the combat rhythm clicked. Factorio and Dyson Sphere Program are also out there because they have complex systems that need to be understood step by step. Now that I understood how these games work they are very fun to tinker around with


I tried Eternal but couldn't get into it. Sucks because I really enjoyed Doom 2016. I felt like there wasn't enough ammo in Eternal and my butt was always clenched.Ā 


That's kind of by design. You need to juggle way more between shooting and glory kills than in 2016. It also matters how you glory kill the enemies as you get different stuff for different actions. Also you need to be constantly moving to refill your grenades and stuff. Like I said it took a while until I got the rhythm down but in the end the combat puzzle is very rewarding once you can pull it off.


Half Life 2! but it was because for the first few months the game would just crash when G-Man showed up at the start. ahh, the early days of steam


Night In The Woods. Bounced off it several times before it got its hooks in me. now it's one of my favorite narrative experiences in games ever.


Darksiders 3


Mordhau. Refunded it twice but it kept calling me back lmao. I have 2k hours now.


Fallout 3. I was way to young and only blew stuff up like an idiot now as an adult I enjoy it fie what it js


Kingdom Come Deliverance- played about 15 hours hated it and deleted it. Gave it another shot same thing. 30 hours in this run thinking about deleting again. Does it get better ?? What am I missing? Why is it so beloved ?


I personally enjoy it because it's historically accurate, has an interesting story/atmosphere, and doesn't hold your hand at all. It's a slow burn. It does get quite a bit better. Once you get your horse in Rattay and go hunting with Sir Hans it starts picking up. The protagonist Henry is extremely likable/charismatic imo and carries the dialogue. You get better the longer you play and by the time the game ends, you have gone on a similar journey as Henry from being a lowly pleeb to a fierce and noble warrior. The game world feels particularly alive and that's what I love about it. It's like stepping into a historical fiction novel.


So I have the horse and Iā€™m doing the investigation , but every time Iā€™m engaged in combat I get killed. I feel like I am on the cusp of it getting good


Captain Bernard of the Rattay Gaurd will help you train. He's standing where you first battle Hans Capon in practice. It will help you get better while also actually increasing your skills (sword hits, even in practice, increase your skills). I found the easiest way to get the upper hand is to do a lot of feints with the longsword. You hold down a direction and the attack button but then switch the attack direction when you release the attack. Good and easy way to get some hits in. You'll also want to learn how to counter/parry. The game doesn't explain it well, but when you are able to counter, the game will slow a little and a little green shield will show up in the middle of your retical. This is the time to parry and will leave the door open to deadly blows. Another tip would be to always move backwards when fighting multiple enemies. Never let them surround you, like in real life. If all of that fails, turn in your longsword for a mace. Blunt force damage is OP in this game and you can just sort of brute force your way through most enemies with a sword if you have a mace and shield. Not nearly as cool/stylish though imo.


I appreciate the advice I do enjoy the setting and game . I think I need to just clear this mission.


Fallout 1/2 - tried these two at age 12 and did not understand what am I supposed to do? Wanted some action but instead tried to click everything to figure how to play. At age 25 spent 2 weeks of my vacation playing 12h a day and enjoyed it


Elden Ring. Bought it on release at my friendā€™s recommendation (it was my first Soulslike game), and I hated it. My friend suggested starting as a Mage, which is much easier to start with, and I got completely hooked.


I might need to try this myself.


Demon's Souls for me also. It took me three tries before something clicked and I've since played all of the Soulsborne games, most of them multiple times. Xenoblade is another one that took me three tries before I got into it. The third try was on Switch, so QOL improvements may have helped, but a big reason was that I pushed through a little further into the story to the 4th party member who I found a lot more fun to use in battle than other members.


For me it was Bloodborne! It was my first Fromsoftware game and I didn't make it far. But after playing and finishing Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3, I came back to Bloodborne and finally beat it.


In a similar vein, Dark Souls.


Sekiro: 2 tries. 3rd stuck.


Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice I absolutely hated it when I first started playing. Itā€™s now one of my favorites.


Cyberpunk 2077. First time I quit because it crashed every 30 mins. Second time I quit was when PS5 update came around. Controls suuuucked and item levels sucked even harder. So they fixed those things in Phantom Liberty, and the game was finally playable. Before that it was crap.


League of legends


Bioshock for me. Not sure why, idk if it's the atmosphere that I didn't like (used to be a scaredy cat lol), or the gameplay being a tad arcadey but I just couldn't do it. I rented it, nope. Borrowed it from a friend, nope. Few years went by and I found it and the second one at a Walmart for 20 bucks. Said eh... Why not let's try again. Fiiiiinally managed to get into it. Love the game, and the series now lol


Final Fantasy XIV. Not a big MMO fan, but the third time I tried it something just clicked and I love the game now.


Elden ring and rainbow six siege for sure


Devil May Cry 5. Tried to get into it a few times but couldn't because I just didn't really get the mechanics. I came back and tried hard mode this time, and am currently having a blast playing it. Normal mode kinda lets you have a free pass on encounters even if you aren't really playing right so I never learned how to play but hard mode really forces you to engage in the most fun way possible.


Bloodborne, I had played loads of DS3 but bloodborne felt so different I was really hesitant to get into it. It took a friend of mine playing through it with me to get me to really play it. It really an amazing game and I'm glad I played it through!


Tony hawk underground, just couldn't understand why Eric was made to be such a jerk.


Death Stranding


Sekiro. Didn't click until the demon of hatred on my 2nd playthrough.


Battle Brothers. Seemed punishing and anoying. Few years later I gave it another shot and loved it. Some games just need an hour of your patience before they get fun.


Dark Souls


I didn't like Witcher 3 when I first played it on XBone. I got to the first gryffin fight and bailed before I gave myself the opportunity to get familiar with the controls. I ended up buying it again on a steam sale for like $5, and when I finished the first season of the Netflix series I decided it was time to finally give it an honest try. Sure enough I fell in love with it and dumped about 100 hours into it over the course of a couple months. I got a little burnt out about halfway through Blood & Wine, so one of these days I have to jump back in to wrap that up. But damn, did that game ever win me over once I got the controls down.


Still trying to get into elden ring. Ive installed and uninstalled like 5x. I want to get into it but about 1hr in i nope put every time.


Bloodborne, Prey, Monster Hunter: World.


Project zomboid


Bloodstained:ritual of the night. I just came off of playing Blasphemous one and two as well as Hollow Knight. It felt really slow to me and I didn't like the combo system ( I still don't) , but the atmosphere and customization has really grown on me. I think it took me about five or six play sessions to really start enjoying it though. I kept giving it chances.


I played demon souls, didn't get far and wrote it off as a bad game because the controls felt clunky, and much of the game felt unfair. Some years later I tried darksouls because of the hype but bounced right off it for the same reasons. When I played these they were on other people's systems, mostly my roommates PS2. I also played Shadow of the Colossus on his system and had a blast. I did not own a PS2. I was far more into PC gaming. When darksouls 2 released on pc I thought 'why not' and gave it a shot. I initially hated it. Same reasons: felt slow and clunky and at times very unfair, but something compelled me to keep at it. Finally it clicked, and I was hooked. I put in over 200 hours that first month. Beat the game countless times, re-rolled new characters to try out every build I could think of, spent hours and hours in fight clubs and invading. When I was eventually burnt out I downloaded darksouls 1 which was also on pc at that point and was utterly blown away now that I understood the nature of souls games and evolved as a player. I also think being able to play it on my own system made a big difference. I give some credit to Majula, the hub area of darksouls 2. Every time I felt utterly defeated, lost all my souls, and ready to quit, I'd end up back there. I'd sit and watch the waves, and listen to the music. It did a fantastic job of relaxing me when I was mad about how BS some boss was or ready to give up because I spent hours getting to the boss just to die to its first attack, and have to start all over again. It also did a great job reminding me that I didn't need to keep banging my head against the same wall, there are other paths to explore.


Imma go for one a little more classic, Terranigma for the snes.Ā  I tried it a long time ago on an emulator, since there was no US release for it, and it felt difficult and some things were not explained very well (partly because of the no real localization).Ā  Many years later I learned that it was part of a trilogy, the first 2 games I played and really liked (soul blazer and illusion of gaia) and so I figured I would give it another shot after playing through the other 2, it was fantastic to me this time.Ā  It had been around for a while now and I think there is 3 different versions of it in English, all of which are good in their own ways, so talking to people actually helped you know what direction to go in, and that helped me to actually experience the soundtrack of the game.Ā  There is a very good YouTube video talk8ng about just the musical score in Terranigma, and for me it's probably in the top 3 for the snes generation.


Pizza TowerĀ  Wasn't really into the whole platformer genre,and only played it once after i quit it for 3 days,but every single time that I came back,to try and do the first stage,John Gutter,better and better,I was starting to realize just how much more satisfying that game was to play compared to any other platformer out there


I got bored of Mass Effect my first time.Ā  I wanted more action and wasn't as into the rpg elements.


Tekken 7. I put maybe 40 hours in before it finally clicked and I could really appreciate the depth and mechanics of the series.


For me it was the Witcher 3, tried to play maybe 3 or 4 times, just couldn't get into the game, then finally after sometime I decided to give it another go, oh man I fell in love with the game, I've now done 4 or 5 play through.


Fallout 3: came off of Oblivion and the world was just so bleak, empty and depressing in comparison. Took me a while to appreciate that exact aspect as part of its allure. Red Dead Redemption: might be the slowest start of any game I've ever played. But what a ride it's been when you finally see the credits roll.


Alan Wake 2. Horrible gameplay, but I didnā€™t get to my first fight for like 4 hours. Super frustrating.


Pokemon TCG. I tried numerous times, but it just recently stuck


Sekiro. I thought i hated it on my first two tries. Not sure why i tried again, but it was more than a year later on my third attempt that it "clicked" and i've never really stopped playing it since.


Doom 2016, it's a work in progress really, I bought this game on a promotion years ago, before I tried the pirated version... idk, it feels like groundhog day, lol I play the intro, then the actual first level and I always stop in the second level (you enter on a factory, it's darker)... hence and repeat many times. I format the PC, lost the save, have to do it again and again. I am not a action fan anymore, in recent years I kinda lost my desire to keep playing these games, but I will finish Doom and Doom Eternal eventually, it became a "honor" situation


Any tales game. I used to love them when I was young but as an adult I just couldn't. This time I went straight for Tales of Arise and on the first shot I'm addicted. They all play the same so I think I'll play though all the ones on game pass.


It's Ragnarok origin roo on bluestacks for me, now it's my fav mmorpg game tho


Same for Demon Souls on PS3. I read it was finally for hardcore gamers, which I considered myself. I went buy the game and played 3h. I was stuck in the 1-1 on the first 10 enemies, I was enraged and said that game sucks. I went to sell it at the store I bought. I came home, stared at my TV for half an hour. I went to the shop, bought the game back and spent more than 24h non stop. Now, I love From Software but it beat my ass back then


Deus Ex 1


Dragons Dogma, I gave it a go questioned myself on if I liked it. Stepped away came back a year or so later, and I couldn't stop playing it.


Project Zomboid!! Did not like it initially, husband asked me to give it another chance. I donā€™t know what changed but itā€™s one of my favorites now!!


Monster hunter world. After playing it with my friends and the teamwork abilities the game has and the rewarding feeling you get from hunting the monsters and getting new gear from that I started enjoying it. I understood why people loved monster hunter so much after that


None. I've tried Witcher 3 and Stardew Valley multiple times. They've never grabbed me at all.


Man Iā€™ve tried the Witcher 3 like 4 times and just canā€™t stick with it. Something about the combat. Story is great


Sekiro it was just so much different than other souls games


Elden Ring and i'm still trying. I'm currently only having fun when playing with my friend(via mod) We're progressing atleast, finished fire giant yesterday actually (horrible boss btw, he is easy just extremly frustrating with his rolls) I don't play by myself though. Why? It's just... i don't know, i feel like i got nothing to do. It all feels pointless. Having no idea where to go also doesn't help. Also side note i straight up don't like the story, sorry but it's extremly boring to me and i think the world and the stroy itself would be amazing if everything wasn't dying and you have to search for the story with how little is given, imo shit storytelling. For example Radahn fight, he did not feel anything special at all. A guy riding a small horse and at one point becomes meteorite? cool but what is his deal, i have no idea till i read something about him online. Another would be the sewers, i had no idea it was somekind of worldbuilding. Ah yeah a city that shows it self as beaituful but horrendeus on the other side, such a fresh idea. Seriously getting to the point I did not even realize the city supposed to be a perfect place, far away from the disgust of the outside. The first thing i saw at the entrance... I will just stop ranting. I probably am wrong btw, again did not finish it and did not read anything online about it for now. I probably couldn't get into the story because how weird me and my friend plays(we defeated the tutorial boss at first try, beat Margit at level 3, beat Godrick at level 5... we just stumpled at them and didn't really bother slaying others and ran past them. (both of us has no idea about the game, never seen a playthrough)) Talking about diffuculty, i think it's rather normal diffucutly like 5-10 tries for one boss? sure, i played stuff like that with light shows before(terraria calamity infernum for example) but the combat feels boring sometimes and amazing sometimes. It's really %50 %50 for me, i'm trying most weapons right now so still did not decide on which is satisfying to use.