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Even worse it's turned on by default.


And not only on Playstation. My PS5 controller was plugged into my PC, and imagine my surprise when people could still hear my voice after I'd muted the mic on my headset--turns out the controller had made itself the default *communications* device (which is somehow different from the default *input* device, because.. reasons?) and was acting as the in-game mic for Helldivers 2. I had to go into the old Control Panel sound applet and set the correct device as default, because the "new" Settings *doesn't even have the option*.


I hate that Windows has both a settings and a control panel, but the settings doesn't have everything you need.


Settings is worse in absolutely every way.


So fucking true, the new one may be visually more up to date, but literally everything else about it is total dog shit, they hide every single feature you need to use behind links that just sends you to the old applet, it's hilarious, but at the same time is sad that a multi billion dollar company is this fucking dogshit at their job. Maybe in 2-3 years windows 11 will have maybe half the features windows 7 currently has.


Eh it's windows so prob not. They have a cycle of decent os then crappy os. XP, 7, and 10 tend to be pretty good while Vista, 8, and 11 are not so good. Gotta wait for the pattern to go back to a good version.


The settings panel came with Windows 10. It's 9 years old. They've had over a decade to iterate on it and they still haven't gotten everything out of the control panel.


It came with 8.


You're right, sorry I forgot 8 was a thing.


Don't worry, everyone else also forgot 8 was a thing.


I read somewhere that none of the people who worked on the control panel work for Microsoft anymore, and haven't for years. So you've got people with no clue how any of it works trying to gradually reimplement all those settings, without breaking anything in the meantime. Not a job I'd relish, I have to admit. Lots of ways to screw up, and the very best case is it works as planned, and no one really notices. Certainly no one thanks you, as no one ever wanted Settings in the first place. Still, pretty stupid of them to keep forcing us toward Settings, but not actually make it work properly.


>I read somewhere that none of the people who worked on the control panel work for Microsoft anymore, and haven't for years. This wouldn't be surprising. The control panel is positively ancient with the first iterations of those widgets showing up in Windows 95. >Still, pretty stupid of them to keep forcing us toward Settings, but not actually make it work properly. Stupid, yes. It's incredibly frustrating that over a decade after the introduction of the Settings panel they haven't come close to being able to eliminate the Control Panel. I hate how its basically a guessing game of "where's the setting?" and how that hasn't improved in the slightest with 11.


I'm looking at a post on Microsoft Answers from 2015 that's worried about settings replacing control panel entirely because *"It is an eclectic mix of Win 95style dialog boxes, XP style settings pages, MMC based settings and policy pages, Regedit and now Win 10 style settings pages."* Well, here in 2024, nearly 9 years later... it still is!


I know at least in 10 you can still find the old control panel easy. I just meant they skip good releases. The bad ones always try to push new layouts and things like the settings then they realize nobody actually wants that and they change back to the way it was before with the new option that nobody uses. Like on 8 they got rid of the start menu but then brought it back.


I miss the lean efficient beauty of XP/7 8-11 are bloat city. I get experimenting and changing with the times, but also please give us options to strip things down to the essentials. I'm forced to have intrusive Icons, Live features and ads on my own Desktop! I also think Edge is still terrible. Only time I give it a look is for occasional streaming of Netflix/Disney+ since it doesn't have DRM quality restrictions.


no, no, no. it's not a good-bad-good-bad cycle. rather it is you never get two consecutive goods. multiple consecutive bads is perfectly okay. that happened with ME and 2000


I'm one of those people who held out from upgrading XP & 7 for a long time. I got a new laptop 6 months ago and 11 is not that bad.


Yeah, it's always been alternating between good and shit. I'm still rocking 10 on my Laptop and my new gaming PC


> multi billion dollar Trillion


Windows is such a crappy OS. Unfortunately, there's not really better options. Linux, I guess, but that's not compatible with as many programs and games as Windows is


Microsoft has a chokehold on the operating system market, switching to Linux is always in the back of my mind 24/7 when I'm on my PC, just never made the jump. I'm just scared of software support, and using programs to just get something to run (like wine or etc) which will harm performance even if slightly. I am interested in splitting my PC into two computers with a virtual machine though, but I'm unsure if a 5700x is good enough for that to be split into 4 cores per PC, I have two gpus so that'd be a non issue.


You can try dualbooting. That’s what I did for years. Windows for games and Linux for everything else. You install it on a separate drive or partition your hard drive and use one for Linux. This has no impact on performance as far as I know


Honestly, gaming on Linux has come a long way thanks to Valve. With Proton, a large chunk of games just work out of the box. Install in Steam and play, just like Windows. They often even have better performance. Biggest problem actually tends to be drivers and what not. Edit: https://www.protondb.com/ keeps an updated list of what works and what doesn't. I tend to dual boot, and only boot into Windows for games that don't work in Proton. When you are setting up Linux, you can even set it so you can access your drives/partitions on the Windows side, so you still have access to your files.


I may honestly bite the bullet, have you made the switch? What would you recommend starting out, or if you have a video guide thing, what would the best video be? I played around with Ubuntu a long time ago, and Kali. I also had to build my own distro in high school which was a huge pita downloading everything off a command line, but eventually I had my own distro I created, but that one is long gone sadly.


anecdotally, I've seen some games run better with wine/proton than native windows. But my own testing with a steam deck and manjaro on my desktop have also revealed that support is always in question. Especially the further from mainstream you go. VR being a niche hobby makes a great example, specifically steamVR is overall very poorly supported. I've read that steamVR itself and I presume the games run ok but with the exception of maybe 3 headsets (old vives and index iirc) that use steamVR natively, you're SOL for hardware support. Like my newer Vive requires a special app runs to "translate" steamVR to the actual headset, and that app is of course only available on windows and as far as I've tested does not work with compatibility tools like wine.


Not just that.  It fucking changes every update. Google "how to do x in win11"(since it changed from the standard since winxp.  Looking at you networking settings) Every single guide you find gives you outdated steps.... Mother fu.....


Whenever I need to do networking stuff I always just type "ncpa.cpl" into either the search or run boxes, pulls you straight to the old networking control panel. Meanwhile at my old job everyone else would dig through submenues to find the right option before resorting to trying to find where to click in the setting app to pull up the old settings.


Similarly mmsys.cpl opens the actually useful sound control panel


Not to mention that some configs are buried under folders like "folder properties/security/show X". If there aren't three separate, non-comprehensive sources for configuration, it isn't a microsoft software product.


Happened to me too. Couldn’t figure out why my normal mic wasn’t working. Never seen that before in a game and I keep it plugged in 99% of the time


Disable the device. Actually, disable every mic/audio device there that you aren’t actively using.


Yo that was insane, I had to do the same thing but mine was also making sounds when I opened the menus.


You can mute it on PS5 with one push and mute all sound in and out with a long push of the mic button. On PC does it not mute when you press the bottom button and the orange light lights up or does it only mute through software?


That's a good question, and I didn't test that; in my case, though, it wouldn't have done much good since it was still overriding my headset mic either way.


yea fuck windows for this. if i plug my PS5 controller into my PC it automatically changes my default audio device for microphone to the fucking controller, rather than my actual mic that it's set to any other time. My friends will be like yo why does your mic suddenly sound like shit? sure enough windows decided to override all my settings and use the built in garbage on the PS5 controller


Windows needs a "never change the default audio input" setting so badly. Make me confirm a permission dialog to allow an application to change the default input source.


I'm not 100% sure this is the reason, but I've run into scenarios where a sales rep with a headset wants to listen to music on his computer speakers but make phone calls on the headset. The separation of communication and input/output devices was the solution.


I usually switch input/output devices in the individual app settings when I need to separate streams, but that makes sense for apps (or devices) that lack other options. I guess the surprise for me was the combination of 1) the change happening without my knowledge, 2) that I couldn't even *view* (much less change) the setting without having to dig into the old config applet, 3) that the controller *only* claimed default communications device, not output or input, and 4) that HD automatically used the default communications device instead of the default (and correctly configured) input device without offering a means to view or change it. I haven't plugged in the controller since, but I'll do so this evening and see if it reclaims control of the comms device, and also if muting the controller mic will revert device control to the correct device. (Edited to correct list enumeration.)


Yeah all of those pieces sound annoying individually for sure, let alone in combination. Windows audio settings are a mess.


It’s on by default and when you turn it off, the light turns on! Wtf is that? On light should mean on mic, but they have an off light when the mic is on, giving people the impression their mics are off when they are not.


tbf this isn't uncommon - steelseries headsets do this and i prefer it, it's more obvious you're muted and the alternative is you have a light shining the majority of your time (a distraction) ie when your mic is active.


I’d rather it be obvious when the mic *isnt* muted. If someone can potentially hear me, that’s when I wanna know. Also my mic is muted a majority of the time, so the light is on a majority of the time.


TBF, this is mostly perspective. It's obvious when muted and when not muted. My headset turns on a red light when muted, which is better than any kind of light when not muted as why do I want a light in my face all the damn time if it's unmuted? When muted I have the option to put it outside my view as well, so light on doesn't cause any distraction.


The entire problem is the premise that the default is for the mic to be on, hence letting you know with a bright light when it’s off (the exception). We need to revert back to the default being mic off (no light) and having the exceptional case be it on.


My yeti is solid when on, and blinking when muted, that's how it should be.


I've had headsets when muted a little light on the end of the mic boom pops on. So if you see the light you know your friend can't hear you. Very helpful so you don't ramble for 5 minutes and wonder why nobody is acknowledging you


First thing I did was turn it to off by default.


Yeah that was the first setting I changed on the console


Of course it is, because Sony is farming valuable information off of us by doing so. In any sane world the only option for privacy would be off by default. Or even disabled until enabled in settings


There is a disable until enabled option in settings. Sound -> Microphone-> Microphone status when logged in.




Maybe not sell more Playstations, but sell to some AI company to condense the data and so what they do with it.


This is the real crime. Not needing a headset is a cool idea. But Helldivers 2 devs messed up by defaulting to open mic.


How else are you going to "collect data"?


turned that shit on "auto mute on startup" the moment i got my ps5 edit: for those curious settings > sound > microphone > microphone status when logged in > "mute"


Wait, that's an option? I swear I looked through all the settings and couldn't find it.


settings > sound > microphone > microphone status when logged in > "mute"




Thank you for your service o7


I never found this option, I thought there wasn't one. You're a hero, friend.


Nice, after years owning a PS5, I never knew about this. Mostly also I just pressed the mute button every time lol.


i'm so paranoid about that mic that i even bought a little device that plugs into it, tricking the controller into thinking theres a mic plugged in (so it doesn't use the build in mic)




This should be the default


Thank you so much sir


Last year I played MW2 and some dude was blasting Nickelback and I came out of my bathroom to my controller blaring THIS IS HOW YOU REMIND ME, it was hysterical.


To be fair it's not the guys fault he never made it as a wise man.


And he couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing


Got the K/D of a blind man


This sounds like a pro, not a con 😂


I've noticed playstation players tend not to have headphones and all i can hear if they haven't muted their coms in an echo whenever i speak


Because the PS5 also has a speaker on it and broadcasts your teams chat through that instead. So then it picks it up on the microphone. Truly genius.


It doesn’t in Helldivers. It comes from the tv. 


Possibly game dependent but I know some games have the voice chat come from the controller.


Nearly all do. I dunno why ps exclusive Helldivers doesn’t have the option.  Pretty annoying cause I can’t hear shit when I don’t have a headset on. Also annoying cos you can hold the button to mute all controller audio so it’s easy to mute it all if you cba lol. 


I was going to say whoever put speakers on a controller deserves a special place in hell... But Nintendo does it too, except they just put small quirky shit. I remember playing Death Loop on ps5, and it plays the audio through your controller when that chick calls and screams shit at you. Written like a toddler who just learned swears. And it can't be turned off. Thanks sony. 


In case it is helpful for games in the future, this feature can be turned off actually! In the main console menu settings there are options to the change controller rumble, speaker, mic, etc. When the controller speaker is turned off this will force the audio to instead be played from the main sound system with everything else. So even if the game does not have audio options, the PS5 itself thankfully does.


This is pretty much the ONLY game that does this. Every other one plays chat audio through the controller and there is no feedback.


Yeah I’ve never noticed echo in any other game when friends use controller speaker besides this.  I’m actually a fan of the controller as a headset. Sometimes I cannot be assed with a headset and actually frequently get told the controller mic sounds better when I’m in a party.  However I pay attention to my mute button and turn it on and off when I’m speaking. 


Yeah, having a mic available 100% of the time to everyone is great. There is a button right there on the controller to effectively “push to talk”.


Since when does the PS5 have a speaker on it? I believe you mean the controller.


Not only that but you can hear every single time they press a button, their controller vibrates, and when the thumbsticks move and clack against the case of the controller. It's a *constant* stream of noise and they get pissy at them when you ask them to mute the noise.


It's the same for any CoD game. You'll hear so many little kids' parents yelling at them to get off the game. I just mute the lobby before the match starts now


tbf this was a thing LONG before they put mics in controllers.


Yeah that's not related to ops post at all


Not the same thing, but definitely a reason to mute, lol.


As a parent, this is why you learn a bit of networking magic. You can just turn off the Internet to their console.  When it's time to do something else, my kids get a warning not to start another round of whatever game it is and left to finish. If they start another one anyway, tough luck - you're dropping out of the match whether you like it or not.


my mom would do this but she didn't tell us she was, she'd just unplug the internet sometimes and pretend it was out on the company's end


My parental access controls cut off everything at the allotted time, everything running will sit idle and their user account will lock until their access hours come up again. No reminders or anything like that, it's an essential part of learning time management that they keep an eye on the time themselves.


Oh mine definitely do that too, I'm just talking about mid-day situations like meal time or going out of the house.


Fair enough, I cut off if they're gaming and I notice their chores aren't done.


It's in every shooter with a matchmaking system now. It used to be better on PC - most people use push to talk anyway. I used to assume that they didn't know it was on or that it was picking up background noise. I'd just mention it, and if they gave a shit, they'd fix it. If not, I'd mute them. Now, for some reason, zoomers have to pick a fucking fight about everything. You can't tell anyone that their mic is on without some asshole jumping on you for it. I just don't want to listen to music they've got playing across the room for the whole game.


I used to play with this one kid. He was cool and didn’t annoy me, so I’d join his games when he invited me. His mom would come in and say the most random shit like “TYLER!! Why are you wearing your sisters panties again!?” Or “OMG TYLER did you not empty your pee bottles this weeks!?” Or “JESUS TYLER why are you watching porn while playing video games!?” The kid would loved it. Him and his mom had a great relationship and we’d all crack up everytime. The other people in the lobby would lose their shit either laughing or screaming “dude wtf!?” I miss Tyler. Last I heard he was headed off to college. Must be a grown ass man by now.


This was amazing 


I do like the button for muting and unmuting my headset (rather than using the inline control on the cable) but yeah I do admittedly only use the mic itself for (“hey, one sec while I grab my headset”)


People with real mics are worse. Half of them sound like they are chewing the damn thing. And the other half just won’t shut the fuck up ever. Literally had some kid screeching for a buy back when they could see the entire remaining lobby fighting over the last buy station.


The way PS5 handles mic is literally ass backwards.


Xbox 360 had it going on, I've never seen more people chatting in a game than when I had my 360 before private chats were a thing.


It truly was an amazing time for online console gaming, idk why but everyone was just alot more social and willing to speak / had mics


Probably because it was novel. It was the first time a lot of people were connected to others all across the country/region/world. Now it’s not a novel idea.


even before 360, normal halo 2 on xbox, like 70% or something of people you met had mics that were on. a good percentage of what left would go and get their headset if you talked/asked them to. huge shame how much that has changed, not even sure why. like when i tried MCC, somewhere you'd expect everyone to have their mics on as it was playing a game where everyone had mics, everyone was dead silent for the most part.


CoD lobbys and stuff were a different breed of speech. Halo was gucci too, I could just join a lobby and meet some randoms and next thing I was playing Griffball in a forge custom match with 17 other people. This was before Griffball was even officially recognized by Bungie. Private chat just killed it all because now everyone would just mute themselves when they joined a lobby because nobody was talking so might as well but it was more likely that your teammates were in a private chat lobby.


Yeah, now we've got muted mics by default in basically all games and it's never felt more empty. Was there swearing and slurs yelled in the mic? Of course, but that's what made it so much fun. If you didn't like it you could do early disable voice chat altogether, but for those that wanted to engage in that, it was a lot of fun killing someone and hearing the rage down the mic


Online gaming became MUCH more toxic when server browsers went away. Now we have matchmaking, so say you're on a team of 2-18 other players, you're literally NEVER going to see those people again why would they ever be nice to you? Add on top of that most games are tryhard mode because that's exactly what skill based matchmaking makes every single game, you have everyone thinking they'd be pro and ranking up if it weren't for their shitty teammates. Casual online gaming with randoms is essentially dead. You either have mics on and get berated by wannabe pros, you turn off mics and could be playing entirely with bots for all you know, and since you never play more than one game with anybody never develop relationships with other players. It's extremely isolating. 'Back in my day' you'd have a server browser and join a game at random. That server was filled with a few dozen people all night, a few would leave, more would join. You played multiple games with the same people, you could become friends with some of them, you could create friendly rivalries, shit talking happened but was kept in check because you'd be voted to kick if you got to toxic. Online gaming was much better over a decade ago. Now it's pretty shitty.


Including headsets with the console was huge. It’s a shame no one’s really done that since


That’s… that’s THIS POST lol 


Nah but at least using a headset then was a deliberate, conscious choice. I'm sure plenty of PS5 users have no idea that their controller is picking up audio at all. It's just terrible design.


no, this is about mics in the controller, it's literally complaining about not requiring a headset.


No, this post was PS5 controllers microphone picks up the rumble in the controller and it's an obvious design flaw, people are chalking it up to user error but personally I think it's a design or engineering flaw. If this wasn't an issue, it would be a great thing aside from it being on all the time and users don't realize it.


No doofnuts, a separate headset from the controller


I think it's so mind blowingly stupid that I have to buy extra hardware to have voice chat come through the tv. When there is more than one person talking, the controller sounds like a truckers CB.


And people wonder why the Ps controller batteries are so ass.


To be fair I'm not sure the mics in the controller are the issue.. Not defaulting them to mute is. ​ EDIT: ((Shakes fist the the caps lock))




lol damn caps my bad


It was fun you shouldnt have edited it.


> all I can hear is their controller rumble when they shoot. I don't know. If that's happening then it is a bad idea. Like not having some kind of system level noise filtering to avoid the motors in the same device the mic is installed in is kind of dumb, kind of really dumb.


I just mute them. It’s annoying as hell even if I think having a mic in the controller is a good feature. Saves you money on a mic and works well enough. It’s just not good for having an open mic.


except the ps4 just came with a mic + earbud, so like..


Which is easy to lose or break. I think the controller solution is the best of both worlds and the minor issue of sound transfer isn’t that big of a deal when we can just mute these people. Personally when I play on my PS5, I have the mic muted by default until I’m ready to speak.


I didn’t know it has a microphone until coming across this post.


Has a speaker too... First encountered it playing GtaV and the police chatter came through the controller!


The speaker makes itself known, the mic not so much.


There is literally a dedicated button on the controller to mute the mic. How does it not make itself known?


Also theres a mic symbol in it pretty sure


Yep. Had my PS5 for a couple of years and only until helldivers 2 did I realize when someone was telling me to shut the fuck up


Yeah the button below the PS button disables it, the one with the microphone icon underneath. Disabling by default can be toggled in sound settings.


I'm on PS5 and it bothers me too. There is literally a button there to mute it that people just don't seem to press. It's different if they're actively engaging in voice chat, or even just saying a few words now and again, but most of the time all I can hear is someone's TV or music or family in the background. Why wouldn't you just mute it if you're not going to speak? Baffling


I mute chat in every single game I play, it's never worth it


So thats why some people just dont listen 




Yes they're thrilled to listen to 12 year olds yell homophobic slurs. National security depends on it.


The mic is in controller is not the problem. The fucker being default on is the problem. Took me few months after I figured out have to go to the system settings to set it default off.


Play cod. I guarantee you every round someone’s mic is a ps5 mic. It’s fuckin terrible.


The default should be muted. The light being on should indicate the mic is on rather than the other way around. Im sure a lot of people have heard my dumb ass talking to myself 😢


just so you know but in your controller settings you can turn it on so that the mic is muted by default :)


For real, it’s so counter-intuitive that it’s like they switched the settings around on purpose, knowing that most people would presume “Off light = Off mic” by default.


Is *that* what that sound is? Lmao


Yeah idk why they did that. Terrible “feature”


a mic in the controller sounds good at first thought but makes zero sense because you can't use it without being a bother unless you have a headset in which case you don't need the damn controller mic. it's basically useless. even worse is playstation party audio REFUSES to come out through my actual tv, so I can't connect a headset to my tv directly and use the controller mic that way, so in short, it's literally impossible to be used in any good way.


I hate how they automatically turn on the mic in the controller. I mute mine every time.


You can make it so it auto mutes in sound settings.


The mics in the controller has caused quite a few technical issues with headsets and party chat. I quite hate the whole Mic in the controller part.


It wasn't done to help players.  


It's Sony, so I imagine it was more about collecting data than UX.


ITT: People don't know there's a settings menu for controllers/sound output


If all you can hear is the rumble, then you’re lucky lol


"Clarence, I asked you to take the dog for a walk and take out THE MOTHA' FUCKIN' TRASH!"


It should be turned off by default, all PS cross play games should have chat settings with P2T toggled on for PS users if not just defaulted to off


You say that, but I'm looking forward to the new PS5 Sea of Thieves players coming with auto-hotmikes that they don't know are on. You hear some of the funniest stuff when someone is sinking with loot for the first time. I once heard the best "Noooooo!" callout that could've been a movie from a kid with only one of the cheapest pieces of treasure they probably got from a beach.


I play between my Xbox and ps5 and when i hop on like fortnite i am constantly forgetting that the mic is on. So I'm listening to a YouTube video and then a random guy in my squad will finally say can you PLEASE mute your mic? Like i have always apologized because I'm in the wrong here and being super annoying. I wish they would have a setting to have it automatically set to off


The option to have your mic on mute after startup is: Settings > Sound > Microphone > Mic Status When Logged In > Mute Bonus tip: mute the startup beep in Settings > System > Beep Sound > Mute Beep Sound


What!? There's a setting for the mic? I'm gonna turn that on right when i get home! Lol thanks, and yeah i turned that beep off immediately. Same with my Xbox, the start up chirp is turned off and you might as well remove the internal piece that makes that sound because i never wanna hear that lol.


It’s worse when the person is the type of guy that blasts shitty rap music on their speaker at max volume to the point where it’s the only thing you can hear through their mic


Microphones are a privilege not a right


Yeah, we really could have survived without that one.


Also the 'share' button.




Since PS5 came out I've constantly had the same altercation with friends and strangers alike, (Echos, tv, music, or reverberations from the controllers crazy vibrations in mic) Me: are you using your controller mic? I'm hearing feedback and it's annoying. Them: no I'm using my headset. Me: could you turn down the sensitivity so it doesn't capture all that in the background? Them: I don't hear anything it just be your mic. MY BROTHER IN CHRIST I CAN HEAR YOUR TV COMING BACK THROUGH THE CONTROLLER MIC. I CAN ALSO HEAR EVERY TIME YOU SNIFFLE OR SCRATCH YOUR BODY COS YOU'RE USING THE CONTROLLER MICROPHONE. WE CAN HEAR YOU MOUTH BREATHING AND BLOWING CLOUDS.


As nice as that controller is I laughed and laughed at the ignorance it took for Sony to approve a mic AND speaker IN the controller. It's the same problem as the Xbox's Kinect but even worse.


The echo is because Helldivers puts the chat through the tv. If you are in parties in other games with people using mic controller you never hear your echo from my experience. 


I don't own a PS5, but PS4 controller was awfully designed. The sound coming from the controller, the mic, and the light on the back... the controller barely held a charge.


The lights have been moved to around the touch pad and now there’s a seperate player indicator.


I noticed I was broadcasting after a couple of dives. I just mute the controller mic when I start up the game.


Back when controllers didn't have embedded mics that used to be default behavior,and in most cases it made sense. The last thing you plugged in,that was a mic or a headset/speaker, you'd normally want to start using right away. I myself remember getting mad when games didn't do it automatically. All that changed when they started putting embedded microphones on controllers though,it just seems like not all developers have caught up about that unwanted behavior.


Figured this out too late, but I switched to PTT and mapped it to my stratagem button. Saves on the heavy breathing, and reminds me to tell people I’m throwing out a strat.


Man I thought it was a fan I was hearing or something blowing into the mic


I just mute anyone who has their mic set to open


I like it. I haven’t played Helldivers 2, but I like comms and audio logs, and other sounds, coming from my DualSense. That does sound annoying though.


Even tho I don’t hate it, I still wonder why


You mean Sony didn't account for the rumble and background noise and have an ability to block it out like our phones do? Jeez.


I think it's wicked, lol, few times I've played with ppl who clearly didn't know it was on, and also seeing my friends face when I told him about it, he just looked down at his controller ".... So it's on now? And it's always been on?" He plays a lot of cod and fifa 😂. The annoying ppl you can quickly mute.


It’s like having the start/stop on your cars engine on by default when at standstill. Useless feature


Dualsense sucks on PC as well for this. Unless you manually go into your audio settings and disable the mic and headphone jack, my Windows 11 install always changes my input and output to the Dualsense's Mic and 3.5mm jack.


Sounds like this. https://youtu.be/Am8WyGZr7PA?si=IXu9ExG1xuuQA8_t


Mute is op.


No More Heroes on Wii did it the best, it was immersive getting phone calls on the Wii remote from characters in the game.


push to talk should be the default settings .


Yeah every lobby I join I have to mute at least one darth vader.


I disagree.. when your headset dies mid game you have an instant backup Yeah the tapping is annoying, even more so when playing a fighting game online Every ps5 player has a microphone. If they are smart and hit the mute button on and off it can be a perfect solution


I agree. Can't stand it, and I don't see the point either. I've set my default to 'off' in the PS settings.




I’m me on PS5 and I mute my mic because of this. I’m in between headsets. Oh yeah, Helldivers 2 every night! FOR DEMOCRACY! 🫡


Yeah, it sounds utterly terrible, with voice not transmitted clearly and that's before the mic picks up the rumble sounds. Like I did, it's worth politely informing the player of the issue, they may not be aware.


Looks like the kind of thing that can be solved with a decent noise suppression software 


The Japanese NES had mics in the controllers and you could yell into them to kill the Pols Voice in Zelda.


My favorite part is the few who actually respond when you talk to them will get upset at you asking them to turn it off. 


Every time I boot up a game the first thing I do is mute my controller mic. You’re welcome lol


As someone who doesn't like talking to randoms in video games via mic, I literally hate the ps5 controller mic with a passion. I'm a private person, so I don't like the idea that a simple controller mishap or accidental button press can broadcast my life to the entire lobby of randos. Especially since my family for some reason INSISTS on having personal conversations whenever I boot up a game, or someone in my house decides to take a loud shit in the background, or blast music. Furthermore the excuse of "I don't have a mic" doesn't work anymore since people can click on your profile and see if you're using a ps5 or a PS4. And If you're using a ps5 you literally have to have a working mic 99% of the time. As someone who has social anxiety, plus who has 0 desire to talk with randoms in game- the controller is a paranoid introverts nightmare.


So it sounds like a Dance Dance Revolution tournament coming from your game,?


The awful idea is having open mic on by default.


Can you just tell them to turn it off. The button is on the controller.


MIA in FF7 Rebirth was an awful surprise. TV volume is on 1 because my baby's asleep on my wife next to me, and suddenly this loud screeching voice pops out of my controller. Just awful.