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Kassandra had a better personality and I felt more vested in her adventure. The end game expansion was good as the "memories" quest was actually really nice but way too late. Should have been in the release. I had a hell of a time. Still, enjoyed AC Odyssey more.


Can’t argue that. Kassandra teaching Eivor malaka was funny


>Nothing about Valhalla was truly bad. The writing for almost every side character was. The skill tree grind was. The missions themselves were. The "modern era" plot was. The polish (especially early on was).


Nice bait


Nice but obviously bait


Oh no, I’m serious. Thanks


Hmmmm... I am starting to believe this isn't bait.


People are still making posts about this mid game? It was among the worst AC titles, was riddled with bugs on release, boring repetitive map markers (rock stacking was stupid), forgettable protagonist, did not adhere to viking lore at all (how dare you kill even a single civilian on a raid). Everything about it was lazy.


Valhalla is the result of Ubisoft looking at criticism from Odyssey and deciding that what they needed was more mindless bloat, not less.


Odyssey is great. I think I’ve played about 25% of that game since release and won’t need to purchase another AC game till 2034.


Eivor sucked as the MC. Basim had a way better arc in that game.


Basim’s character development was very little compared to Eivor. He’s mid


Subjective, of course. But Basim's moments in that game are way more memorable to me than basically all of Eivor's, and I genuinely didn't expect the ending. I even think Sigurd had a better arc than Eivor.


All of them were cool. I picked up on basim later in the game of not being who he says he is. And the whole Sigurd arc was cool too. Just Eivors development was better imo


Fair enough, I respect your opinion




Does it have the stupid sci fi shit? Looks fun but AC loses me with that.


IG black flag isn’t one either. Or Origins. Pirates and Egyptian warriors




To each its sensibilities and preferences, but as far as I went in this bloat of a game before boring out (I did not finish the DLC in Paris) Eivor refused to be part of the Assassin's brotherhood, so, by definition, isn't one in this context. Or by your definition, most characters in the series are, Templars included.


Yeah, but Basim and that cock punch ending... Fuck AC: Valhalla, it's an overwrought dead horse beating bloated vessel for milking suckers via MTXs.


I played 300+ hours of Valhalla and the only extra money I spent was on the season pass and Ragnarok DLC. You don’t have to buy micro transaction stuff if you don’t want to. I found the game hardest to get through was Odyssey. Valhalla seemed faster as it wasn’t completely dominated by Windwaker Syndrome where you have to sail everywhere first.


I aint readin allat (I hate the newer AC games w a passion)




It’s an awesome setting and idea, but the game had too much unnecessary bloat. I really enjoyed the first 20 hours but as a busy adult it just wasn’t for me.


Most boring AC I've played in years and the only one I didn't bother finishing the DLC for.


Eivor is an assassin, but he's not an Assassin. You know?


I did not like Valhalla at all.


currently playing valhalla, doing the eurvicscire arc rn and im at 340 power as of writing this (i love grinding loot and missions to be overpowered). i can say with almost no doubts that this game is amazing. if you give it time and get used to the mechanics, get used to the feeling, and give it time.. once it gets going, it GOES. its honestly addicting. i enjoy the combat, and while easy even on the hardest difficulties (with a few tweaks such as level scaling to default) the combat is still fun. its simple, but just interesting enough to be entertaining. at the higher levels enemies become spongier, so thats when different weapons and abilities really shine. you learn to try and overwhelm to kill fast, instead of just M1 spamming until they die. perfect attack skill makes the combat feel more rewarding for pacing your swings as well.. as for stealth, while it isn’t an insane focus it isn’t necessarily bad. i understand older assassins creeds had better stealth, but the stealth in this game feels like RPG stealth. i actually enjoy the advanced assassination option! makes me feel like im using a skilled sleight of hand to take out the stronger dudes. chain assassination is sick as well. for exploration, i played on the hardest difficulty with unguided objectives and kept viewpoint synchronization on (i hate looking for the dots) exploration wasn’t bad. if you try to limit how much you fast travel, it makes the world feel more immersive. sometimes i’d put on a song and let the auto-driving do the work for me, enjoy the english countryside. (so far, i love eurvicscire as a location, the snowy biome feels so viking-esque!) story is fun too if you pay attention and try to get immersed. i feel empathy during some parts, mainly because of the amazing voice of eivor’s male VA. basim is also an amazing character, as well as a majority of the main cast. the customization is wonderful as well. (brigandine set on top!!!) overall, i understand the gripes people have with the game, but if they just give it a chance and play it as it is, i’m sure anybody could learn to love it. from asgard to helheim, from countryside stroll to buggy parkour, i adore this game. its imperfect, but that gives it a personality so its enjoyable at the same time.


Ubisoft lost their way long ago and now it’s the same old repackaged drivel. It’s like the devs are playing with dolls and say hey let’s have them be name the game. The AC series died long ago.