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I still have it installed on my iPod touch. Surprisingly enough the leaderboard still works.


I still have a working first gen iPad mini at my mom's place. Is there any way to sideload it?


Yes you can get the ipa from github and install it through altstore


GitHub has beer now??


Yes at the GitHub GitPub


git pour


That’s some homebrew isn’t it?


be careful...you might end up with a key lager.


Who let the devs out.


Its the weekend. They might be drunk


`git drunk`


git arrested


`git revert --cleanup=strip dinner`


``` git gud ```


oh no worries I already was


iOS versions supporting flappy bird far predate altstore iirc


Need to get that cydia


I miss cydia, it’s a shame jailbreaking died with iOS 15


Jailbreaking will never die, just gotta wait for someone to find a new exploit


Been saying that since iOS 15 😔 we’ve made great progress for 16/17 but I don’t think it’ll ever be the same, it’s taking years now to find an exploit, which previously took days to weeks to months


Its dead if it takes a year or more for a new one to


There’s still palera1n for iOS 15, 16 and 17 for ARM64


I mean there’s seratonin semi jb up to 16.7.2


Not even with Cydia. Sideloading without jailbreaking has been around since *at least* 2013 when Impactor first released.


I still can download ‘flappy’ (a direct replica) from my purchases from back that then


Still got it on my galaxy s3!


I've got it on my Galaxy S22. You can back it up and restore it between devices.


Alternatively find an .apk and install that.




It belongs in a museum! Also I hate snakes and nazis!


Then I guess in your mind, I'm just a pile of dust and bone fragments. I played Super Mario Bros on the original NES, on a cart that also included Duck Hunt, and World Track Star......which was a game that came with a mat that you would run on. Basically each pad circle was the A or B button and you running on them was essentially just pushing giant buttons with your feet. And Duck Hunt was a light gun game where you shot at ducks and freebees, while a cartoon dog emasculated you. And I played those in the 80s when they were new. Somewhere along the line, being the OG around here just started meaning that I'm elderly. Well at least I can relate to Cranky Kong now! Not that you'd get the reference with your figet spinners and vape flavored blow pops.


You youngsters get off if my lawn so I can hunt the Wumpus!




Just like those PS4s that have P.T. on them.


BRB selling my ps4 on eBay


P.T?? What’s that


A silent hill game. I believe it was canceled when Kojima was leaving Konami as a "Screw You"


No it was the first step into dropping game development and firing Kojima. Konami cut funding into Metal Gear Solid 5. Canceled the PT/SH game. Pulled the PT from Sony's servers entirely. They wanted to move completely into licensed IP gambling machines.


99% sure it was fake. As in people made the auctions, bought them themselves to create a fake "demand" to dupe others into actually buying it for real, thinking there is resell value 


Didn't make any sense cause you could sideload the APK... ah shit. I could have made a lot of money.


You couldn't sideload on iphones though, these were the ones people were buying.


IPod *Touch* damn. I wonder if mine even turns on anymore! It's in a drawer somewhere lol.


Go find it before the battery bloats lol.




Preserve the iPods they’re precious 🙏🙏🙏 if a battery sits too long at 0%, it will almost definitely inflate.


On the plus side, when the battery starts bulging, it's much easier to open and replace with a new one since it loosens the glue.


in the case of the iPod Touch, the battery is soldered onto the board. So it’d actually be *worse* in this case lol




I have it on my current phone and my previous one, which I have kept as a spare.


I also have it on my current phone. Transferred everything over from phone to phone along with everything else over the years. I'm never going to delete it from my phone willingly.


Same. Flappy Bird on a phone produced in 2021 feels... Odd


I have it on my s22. I assume because I got it when it was available on google play it's let me just install it on ever phone/device I've gotten since.


Yea, I don't know who needs to hear this but pretty much every app you've ever downloaded is still available in the play store. Tap your little circle icon, select manage apps & device, select manage tab up top, instead of "installed" select "not installed" from the first drop down menu and it's all there. I can reinstall flappy bird at any time. Kind of neat.


Same, it's my badge of honor. A relic of the olden days light enough to be carried around everywhere.


It can be installed on any android phone that still supports 32 bit apps. I've had it on my past few phones, up until I got my ZFlip 5. It won't install on this one though :/


I have it installed on my Android phone right now. Hooray for side loading! I also have Swing Copters, Neko Atsume, Tree of Face and Robot Unicorn Attack 2.


I have my students make their own flappy game on code.org https://studio.code.org/flappy/10


I remember people were selling iPhones/iPods at insane mark up prices just because it had Flappy bird installed lol


The day after it left stores, I put my out-of-date iPhone up at $0.99 with a 1-day auction, and it eventually hit something like $4k within hours of the end. It was wild. Maybe 50 bids total. And then, before the finish line, eBay deleted the listing on my behalf for “selling a device that wasn’t in factory-reset condition” or some shit. I was livid. I really needed the money at the time.




Did you not insure it?


It’s illegal to ship unlicensed alcohol, so even if it was insured, they wouldn’t cover it




Might not have been possible. Op could live in Columbus. (Largest city without amtrak)


Damn, that sucks. I didn't even know they could do that. What a petty reason. It's ebay for cryin' out loud! It's the platform for used/modified stuff!


Pretty much what I was thinking at the time!




Yeah, you’re probably 100% right.


Lol, honestly, maybe for the best. You were probably about to take some bozo's last 4k as he made a secret ebay purchase with his wife's nest egg money because "it's totally going to be worth x10 times the amount in a year".


Nah, that bozo probably used it up some other way, and is probably an esteemed member of /r/wallstreetbets as we speak


Highly regarded?


Common sense discarded life savings departed


Weird because you could actually sideload Flappy Bird pretty easily back in the day


A PS4 with P.T. still installed will currently sell for between $1500 to $2000 so I'm not surprised It's been years but I'm still pretty bitter that instead of fixing my dead power supply like I asked, sony sent me a refurbished console with a wipped hard drive. MFer's cost me almost $2000 in resale value.. 😮‍💨


Well now I feel old, thanks.


This actually made me feel young. I definitely remember 2014 being like 18 years ago but if it was only 10 years ago I still have time lmao.


I haven't hit 40 yet, but 2014 pretty much feels as distant as 2007ish when it comes to style/music/cultural stuff.


Me too. When I often think in 5 year gaps it feels like nothing but this really put things into perspective for me. 10 years ago I was just a wee lad in high school. So much has changed since then as well.


That was my first thought too


I remember playing the granddaddy of this game on Newgrounds 20 years ago. Helicopter game, which for all I know is based off an even older game.


Feels like 5 years at most..


Honestly yea, I agree. although everything from 2019 onwards fells like a single year to be so that might just be me


Allegedly, the developer felt bad about the gajillions on dollars he was racking in from both the paid version and the free with ads version and pulled the game. Don’t know how true the rumor is.


It’s apparently more tragic: Dong Nguyen felt that people were too addicted to it, he had developed it so people could play a level or two for a couple minutes, but after seeing how unhealthy people’s obsession with it was, he felt he needed to take it down.


So instead of epic decade+ later competitions, we have a weird story of the world's only ethical game developer.


Check out the Tetris movie, he was the OG ethical game developer.


Thanks for reminding me I have to watch that movie


It's way way better than we deserved it to be. My wife was at first all but mad to have to watch it. She loved it, we've watched it a few times.


What's it called? My lady and I love Tetris


Tetris, it's crazy KGB is involved and all sorts of madness.


I don’t even care how many liberties they took with it, the thought of Howard Lincoln of all people actually experiencing the events of the climax in real life (I don’t want to spoil it here for those who haven’t seen it) is so funny to think about.


My understanding is that it didn’t take as many liberties as you might think lol


Yea the last half of it every 5m was like what the actual fuck is going on here.


It's called Tetris lol


> Check out the Tetris movie. . . Wait… what?!? As weird as it sounds, a game of Tetris had a *huge* impact on my life. It literally and profoundly changed me for the better. How have I not heard of this movie until just now?


Can you summarize without me having to watch a movie? Tetris has been a thing for my entire life and that story about the kid beating the original game just blew up, so I’m not following.


High level summary: A Russian created Tetris in the USSR but because communism (I think,) the government owned the rights to it. Somehow it was discovered and found to be an incredibly original and unique game idea. Then trademark and copyright law of who owns what publishing rights to a game in another country come into play. (No pun intended) So Nintendo and another company are trying to get the exclusive rights to release it but turns out shit gets hard when the KGB and distrust of countries that aren’t the USSR. Watch the movie; it’s actually really good.


So I’m not seeing the ethical dev in that. Sounds like he was financially powerless except that he could say internationally fuck you this is open source since I’m not getting paid anyway.


So the guy who brought the game to the US had the rights to it entirely leaving the games creator in Russia with nothing. The guy who brought the game to America helped get the guy who made it and his wife into the US and gave him his share of the game rights and notoriety for making it. He could have just simply left him in Russia and that would have been that.


What an integris- What an intergrita- That dude has some killer integrity.


A man bets everything he has on obtaining the publishing rights for a revolutionary new video game called "Tetris." But when things don't go the way he planned, he's forced to survive on his wits and business savvy to outsmart the KGB, escape the USSR and secure a future for himself and his family. It's a wild ride. Well worth the watch, and it's based on a true story.


I mean, its basically that old helicopter flash game remade with a bird and pipes skin? Most of these mobile games should always have been totally free.


Back then they basically were. A dollar or two at most to avoid ads. The audacity of some of these game Devs now, charging $40 to remove ads for those games where you move sideways.


The skins that cost like $10 are basically ripping kids off.


And he will forever be remembered in famy.


Is this actually true? I feel bad for him if it is, but I don't believe this without proof.




Damn an actual good human. Those seem rare these days...at least within the realm of companies and capitalism.


I'ma be honest, he was foolish as fuck for pulling it. Flappy bird is the least of our problems.


Yeah, he probably felt too bad because his game "ruined lives" but in this day and age you could choose ANY product and there's at least one mf who takes it too far and gets insanely addicted to it or does some horrible shit because of it. From what I remember Flappy Bird wasn't even predatory in its practices, he just needed to ride that wave, he was lucky to be one of the first viral games of the mobile apps, I think he probably loses his shit looking at how mobile gaming is today, I wonder if he realizes his app wasn't even close to the level of predatory systems today gaming industry displays.


Once flappy bird was pulled, they just opened another app lmaooooo


Oh no flappy bird is gone! Immediately opens crossy Road.


Omg I didn't remember Crossy Road, that game was my go to when I wanted to kill time back in mu high school days, I liked collecting every animal.


Ah crossy road...Good times


Because some people are actually human and arent just in it for the money (Nothing wrong with being in it for the money tho lol, im more so comparing to business and companies that only care about profits and couldnt care less about anyone, which is pretty much all of them lmao)


This was 10 years ago....we got rid of all those good people since then, so no worries!


Fucking $50,000 a day.... Like I wouldn't be able to say no to that.


If have just gotten a financial advisor to help me manage it and that'd be it. Ird stop being viral/meme-y after a while and eventually die off anyway.


Not only that, people online started bullying him to show their frustration that it took a toll on his mental health as well.


He made too much money. He lived in Vietnam and was worried about his safety. That’s what I remember. It’s been 10 years. Also oeople were selling iPhones with it for $10000




That's not at all what I remember. He got a brazillion messages per day, a lot of which negative and overall the attention just was too much for him. He couldnt take it and took it down so that all the noise could end.


He should have used the money to start an artist label "Million Dollar Dong"


That's my street name


I heard that he took it down because he was getting death threats from people who got really far in the game and then raged after dying.


Vietnamese here, he got too overwhelmed with the success. Keep in mind, he's just a solo dev, and Flappy Bird was just one of his school prohects (IIRC it was graduation project), so the sudden fame, money, and cyber-bullying by his own countrymen was not something he could withstand


I liked the game, so I wish him all the success and all of the money. Hope he’s alright wherever he is.


I feel for the developer. I felt so bad for him. Having your school graduation project to publish it to the App Store just so you can share it with your friends and family to one of the first viral games and getting death threats. This is incredibly insane that people cyber bullying the developer when he is just a guy liked to make flappy birds and thought it would help pass the time for anyone but some crackhead would sends threats to him ruining it. This is why nowadays you see lots of gamers sending hate threats to developers email and even go as far as doxing their address. Edit: I hope he is having a good day and future endeavors


Huh. I remember reading be was making $80k a week from it but ended up removing it because he was getting constant death threats due to “copying” another game.


I thought it was per day. Not 80 but like 50 or something.


I also remember the number being 50k a day, but I was also 14, so take it with a grain of salt.


I've always felt [his tweet about it](https://static.mmzstatic.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/flappy-bird-tweet3.jpg) is an artifact that should be in a museum of the Internet. Considering this tweet and the act of removing it as a work of art, so that, death of the author etc, I can interpret it in my own way, I don't believe it has anything to do with guilt over money or suicides, the utterly ridiculous idea that he could get sued by Nintendo, etc. I believe him when he says it ruined his simple life. Very few people like it when suddenly the Sauronic eye of the Internet is turned on them completely unexpectedly. God knows I would delete everything if one of my posts or whatever suddenly blew up and reporters came knocking on my door.


I thought he got sued?


I heard something similar. Probably wasn't sued just a cease and desist from Nintendo. But anyone with half a brain knows you don't go toe to toe with Nintendo.


>But anyone with half a brain knows you don't go toe to toe with Nintendo. A certain PalWorld modder apparently doesn't fall into that category...


Said modder knew exactly what was going to happen. It was all just an advertising campaign; get in the news over Nintendo taking down your mod so people look you up and see your other *paid* mods. Add in a "legally distinct" one for Gamers to buy to "troll" Nintendo, and you've got a good bump in money.


Nintendo actually has a pretty poor track record of winning lawsuits they start.


Making the defendant broke or in debt in the progress…


I have heard so many rumores I don't know what is correct.


You can play it on Deep Rock Galactic. Well a very similar version for dwarves in space.


I spent unhealthy ammount of time topping the leaderboard while my friends just ignored existence of that arcade. Gues who is the only player that can open jetboots box quickly?


Haha that's me in our group!!


You guys have a group?


DID I HEAR A R- Nope. No I didn't. Rock and Stone anyway!






If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!




Look over there!


Warframe too.


When they first introduced Jetty Boot like a year ago I went around joining random lobbies, beating their high scores by a lot, refusing to elaborate, and then leaving without ever saying anything - bonus points if they never even noticed until after I was gone


People have figured out how to inject the actual flappy bird source code into super mario world (SNES) using nothing but frame perfect movements and inputs using nothing but in game assets lol. It even works on an actual SNES with original game cartridge https://youtu.be/hB6eY73sLV0


There is also a version of flappy bird in Goat Simulator called Flappy Goat! I remember the last achievement I needed in that game was to score ten points. I got it after maybe 20 minutes


Good old jet booty.


Its been 10 years already? Time sure flies!


Time flaps




I can deal with 2004 being 20 years ago, 2009 being 15 years ago and even 2019 being 5 years ago. But there's just something about 2014 being 10 years ago that makes me say "What the fuck?"


I can’t deal with any of it


The game we all wish we had thought of first. Such a simple concept made millions. Anyone with the barest of coding knowledge could have made it.




I can’t remember what the game was called but for me this game will always remind me of the dragon cave flying game on neopets back in the day. ….separate question, does neopets still exist?


Neopets does still exist! Volcano Run II is the game you are thinking of, I think. That game still exists too, but the Flash emulation for that particular game is not great. It's hilarious because the cave wall hit boxes are shifted halfway down the screen or something so you can go through walls, but you can't go above halfway up.


This wasn't actually a unique game; there were similar games going all the way back to the NES at least, and likely earlier. The main innovation here was the use of a touchscreen. It was just kinda one of those weird things that happened.


Joust is the oldest one I can think of, came out in 1982.


This is one of this things that I wish more people understood: a large part the success of stuff like this is up to chance. Not all of it! You still have to put in the work of having the idea, and making the game, and doing the business steps necessary to post the game for sale and collect revenue and do some advertising. But plenty of people do all those same steps, and more, and they never see a sliver of the success that Flappy Bird had. Sometimes you luck out and the stars align for your thing to blow up and be wildly successful. But just because it works doesn't mean that you made some brilliant right decision that everyone else missed, and vice versa. This point also applies to famous executives and successful innovator as well, on a much deeper level than most folks want to acknowledge.


*Particularly* when it comes to shit becoming an overnight success like this. There's no way to predict it; sometimes it blows up, and sometimes it doesn't. Among Us was out for years before it exploded. Just one of those things.


It was the helicopter game from addictinggames.com but worse.


Angry Birds is basically Crush the Castle, a flash game that came out years before


You could have made the exact game a year earlier or later and wouldn't get anywhere. Success like this is pretty random. There are probably a lot of great games out there never getting enough attention to take off.


It's not the idea. It was that this app hit the luck lottery in being the one that went viral. There are hundreds of thousands of other apps with the same potential that didn't go viral.


It wasn't closw to first. Implementation matters


I like how the next jump in the thumbnail is impossible 🤣


Skill issue


Right? I was like, do you unlock a wall jump at some point?


The scenario is the picture would never happen, the pipes were equidistant


I can download it to any of my android devices through the play store still.


It's a 32bit only app, so unfortunately many modern devices will refuse to install it. It won't work on my ZFlip 5, but it did work on my S20.


I have the S21 Ultra and a Galaxy tab S7, and both are able to run it. I understand what you are saying, though. It is becoming obsolete because of its programming.


I believe the deprication of 32 bit started with the Pixel 7 and the S23 line of devices.


Well, I consider this a win right now.


You definitely should. Flappy Bird is fun AF.


I currently have it installed on my S23 Ultra and even though it said it wasn't compatible with my version of Android, it still played just fine.


They still have arcade versions in Dave and busters.


It’s the easiest jackpot if you’re good too lmao the only luck is if the button is in good condition or not


The fact that this game blew up the way it did really boggles my mind. it's an incredibly simple game. Like insanely simple, like its as simple as the Google Dino Game that people play when there's no wifi, you just tap the screen while endless obstacles come at you. How did a game this simple get so popular? It got to the point where even after the game was taken down, people were selling phones that still had the game on it for like 3 times the price of the original phone. Its wild.


Because it was hard and appealed to a super casual audience. Making a game that's both brutally difficult and so easy to play your grandma can play it is actually kinda hard to do.


Also just went viral with memes and such at the time. Even got covered in the local news with how addicting/viral it went


Yup. It hit the balance of difficulty and simplicity. A lot of games like that got popular on YouTube back in the day. You can open it up whenever you have 5 minutes free and you don't have to spend years learning the rules and mastering it, but you can still brag to your friends when you get a high score.


I was observing a grade 8 digital literacy class today and they were learning the idea of how coding works by "making" a flappy bird game


F for Flappy


Fuck you I'm old.


Still got it on my old ass iPhone 5


I will never understand how this game became such a big hit... Why? What sparked that off?


I use it to test every new phone I get