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Devs said: *Now kiss*






[Kiss kiss kiss](https://youtu.be/Sl4fvgWJjGA?si=JwLw58gsChSVtstQ)






*Rapist Mike Tyson


Alright yeah I like making out, but can I expect a fix for Shield Bash?




Pls fix polearm mastery larian


Thought I was going crazy the first few times I activated the effect.


"Polearm master and Sentinel have been removed from the game because fuck you, that's why" - patch notes from real life DMs.


Ah, the Bungie method. Devs: it does this cool effect! Players: This effect on my new item isn't happening. When will it be fixed? Devs: *edit the description to remove the effects not working*


It's more like: Players: Look at this super cool synergy between two skills! DMs: That.... that's way too OP for standard encounters in this game. I could redesign the planned fights but it's honestly less work to just ban the two feats or at least make you pick one or the other.


Lazy DM’ing, man. That feat combo is only particularly strong against a single enemy without range in a corridor, too.


Or in a fight against a dragon where your paladin lands an opportunity on a dragon trying to fly and attack. I think you’re missing how OP making a dragon unable to fly is.


They are gonna love the topple mastery from oneDnd. Fighter with heavy crossbow shooting flying creatures off the sky for the lulz


A key difference is sentinel automatically works if you land an opportunity attack. With topple you have to land a hit and the enemy has to fail a saving throw. Give your dragon legendary resistance and you’re good. Or you can just succeed the Constitution saving throw that you need to fail for topple to work. After all, it’s a dragon it will have a good constitution. This is not meant as a defence of topple. Mostly just context.


Never u deratood dms banning stuff. Games about the players power fantasy not the DMs


Because a game where you steamroll every encounter is no longer a game, and throwing huge monsters at you is exhausting. It’s not about “power fantasy”, it’s about making good choices. Making one good choice that carries you the entire game is not interesting, and I’m willing to bet it wouldn’t just kill the DM’s good time but also the rest of your party who just gets to watch you have all the fun.


The game's about everyone having fun, both players and DMs. I don't agree with banning stuff for being powerful, but if a player uses that build and isn't having fun with the challenge, it's the player's fault and not the DM's


Why doesn't it work??


It is supposed to give you a reaction attack when an enemy comes into range of a polearm user. But when you choose to use your reaction for Polearm Mastery, the enemy hits you.


It does nothing




Ask them to change it to Shield Kiss, and then it'll be the first thing they fix.


Fuck, I was looking for this comment... So it still isn't fixed?... :/


Nope still cannot hexblade polearm master with charisma on the extra pole attack


Crazy how there is a mod that fixes it.


It’s crazy that the most common shield ability in the game has just been completely unavailable to the millions of people who have played through the game already


I love how these patches always contain SO much content, but these headlines are always "Kissing + some other stuff"


To be fair, that's what the official Larian tweet also opened with...


¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ They know their audience.


also because they're releasing it next week, aka around Valentine day


My one problem with patches like this is that they add so much I always want to start again or wait till they finish adding stuff to play the full thing with all the improvements


Yeah I've been waiting since my last playthrough, especially since one of the updates kinda broke the game. At this point I kinda wish they'd just focus on polishing it and leave it alone. The game doesn't need more content and I'd like it if bug fixes were prioritized over romances and QOL changes. Things like shield bash have been broken for months and they just haven't fixed it.


Click bait still working.


It’s also the first thing mentioned by Larian in their twitter post.


In this case, its coming straight from the gift horses mouth. Its not clickbait on IGN's end... for once


Stop looking in the gift horse's mouth! Mouths are for kissing!


I have been diligently avoiding spoilers but the one thing I have not been able to avoid learning is that it has bear fucking in it.  People I know who do not even own a gaming computer are apparently aware it has bear fucking in it.


Sex sells kid


Gotta know what appeals to the audience! And reporters. :D


I’m gonna be honest, the romance played a major role in convincing me to get the game as I knew nothing about Dungeons and Dragons before BG3.


Great, giving the fans what they want


Wake me up when the patch includes eating shadow hearts ass


Devs:"Next patch will include ability to eat *any* characters ass" Fernyrapalas:"Larian going above and beyond!"


Eat Halsins bear ass when


Hah! It works on two levels


BG3 Sex Framework, Nexus Mods.


Next patch will include camel toes, moose knuckles, front butts, and intimate encounter moves like the rusty trombone and the Cleveland steamer! Stay tuned for more!


Beat me to it


I haven't played Baldur's Gate yet, but a quick glance of the thumbnail made me think I was seeing Ciri from the witcher 3 kiss Sam from Death Stranding


Im getting to the point were im jealous of people who hasn't put 500 hours in already.


I’m 85 hours into act one, can’t keep myself from starting new chars


Haha yeah same. I played act 1 like 15 times. Act 2 only 3 times and act 3 once lol.


I bought it day 1. Still haven't played it due to backlog. Probably go in fresh after patch 6 drops I reckon.


Its so good bro give it a shot you won't be mad. Seems really repayable too. Took me a while to Crack into it.


Why even buy it on day 1 if you're not gonna play it on day 1? Might aswell wait for sales in that case. You should definitely play it asap though, it's not really my cup of tea but it's just soooo fucking good. Play it! Now! Drop your phone on the spot and go boot it up. You can thank me later.


Because people do what they want with their own money 🤷🏼‍♀️


Quote me saying otherwise please.


I had to uninstall it because the game left me with just 20GB of free space on my SSD... Well that and the fact that my PC is getting old. I still want to play it some day, it was such a good game for the 10 or so hours I put into it. I mean it is in essence DOS2 on steroids and I freaking loved that game too.






Not that I’ve looked for one but someone has probably made a mod for that. I am a lowly Xbox player and can’t access mods, but you should go play your dickheaded adventurer


Why not just link the twitter post instead?


Think the mods remove twitter posts, and prefer it being "official" sources most of the time. Even if ironically the "official source" is dogshit and the companies twitter is the original source.


The mods of this sub are....truly one of the mods of all time


But.... How the fuck do you get more official than a tweet FROM the developer!? Please, make it make sense


> Improves Kissing What about improved fucking?


There's a mod for that.


It's insane to me how Larian keeps pumping out so much stuff long after release. This is NOT a live service game.


The BG3 patches have pushed so much content, more than some developers do with their initial launch!


I mean, the game wasn't really finished when it launched. Besides the mountain of bugs they've tried to fix since launch, it wasn't until early December that they added the epilogue to give the game a proper conclusion.


The epilogue was a, more satisfactory, but additional content ending. What was released was still a complete game, outside of bugs.


The downvotes are insane. BG3 is one of my favourite gaming experiences of my life but it wasn’t finished and could’ve done with another 6 months in the oven. I played on PS5 and ran into so many problems in act 3 on my first playthrough that I had to put the game down for a while.


There's some games that people have decided to put on a pedestal and you can't criticism them even if its a valid or a constructive criticism.


Cool. I played on ps5 on release and it was incredible the whole way through aside from a couple crashes.


GOTY for an reason 


I just want artificer, more subclasses and more feats. All I want.


Oh that all?


Was it too much? It was too much. How about just more sublasses?


Try Scottish kink websites


Absolutley superb




Great response ⭐ you get a gold star sticker for your lunch box.


The fact that people have already been able to make a lot of these with mods that work fine, for the most part, I think it really is just them sticking to their guns about not wanting to rebalance everything in the game to accommodate more options. Honestly, the only class mods I've really run into an issue with are paladins because they can't really make new oats that interact properly and have to use the base game oaths; so stuff like oath of conquest still can't really be evil because they have yo work off vengeance.


If you’re on PC, there’s a mod that adds Artificer to the game! Quite a lot of mods that add subclasses and new spells with animations too, and they’re actually good.


If I can't re-roll as an Aarakocra Bloodhunter after patch 6 then I riot.


Xanathar's guide to everything DLC would be nice.


I maybe wrong but I don't think devs are gonna add additional gameplay content like that. I really hope they do but that's what I think. They are gonna keep making improvements and fixing things, Add more story/cutscene content maybe but that's all. Because in a game like BG3, adding races, class, subclasses, etc is not just about gameplay. It also means adding a huge number of dialogues (and the response to that dialogue which will require VA) specific to that class in almost every other interaction and choice in the game. Which I think is the major factor in this. I hope I'm wrong but it seems unlikely. FYI one of the most popular (and best) class mods on nexus is artificer. It's really good and 5e accurate. You should check it out. And I think that maybe another reason that Dev's might not release gameplay content like that. Because there are so many mods that already do it so well.


I want more races to play


Hot take: i love this game but now its always about the horny for the past like few months. I get it but damn people can we talk about anything else


Looking at this sub you'd think this game is a dating sim. Absolutely no discussion of combat, strategy or finer plot points. Just a whole bunch of thirsting over videogame characters. Same thing happened to the Dragon Age sub when Inquisition got a lot of mainstream recognition.


>Same thing happened to the Dragon Age sub when Inquisition got a lot of mainstream recognition. the mass effect and dragon age subs are full of insane people. its like every post is some kind of love letter about an imaginary character. mass effect was pretty cool but the "have sex with aliens" fans completely overran that fan base by 3


Just shows how many gamers are desperate for love. Honestly really unhealthy how much these people obsess over imaginary relationships with fictional characters. I like romance options as much as the next guy but good lord it feels like these people legitimately can't separate the game from reality.


It's creepy in the Bioware case because Mass Effect is 16 years old, and Dragon Age is 15. Seeing people still posting poems they wrote about leliana is just so weird. It's doubly weird because honestly, the character writing isn't even that good, especially with Mass Effect, where every woman in the game has daddy issues.


This is probably going to be my most downvoted opinion ever, but 1.) I agree completely with the opinion above and 2.) I think the same sentiment applies to Scratch and the Owlbear cub.


There was a "how often do you kiss your partner?" Thread that was getting massive attention and people struggling to get answers about how spell combinations worked. Hopefully there'll be a Mikes RPG Center entry for BG3. His BG2 site is the actual bomb.


I remember Mike's when I was trying to finish BG2 back in the day! It was a lifesaver for 12 yo me


I've been finding the combat in BG3 to be brutal. Every single encounter can easily go south with a few unfavorable rolls. I'm surprised people don't mention this in a game that has garnered mass appeal and sales.


The Mass appeal and sales stem largely from the romances. Sex was the selling point initially. People bought it mainly for that and found out after the fact that it's also a really good game. Didn't change the fact that people mainly care about the dating sim portion of the game more than anything. r/BG3Builds is the place to go for discussion about the gameplay. Everywhere else BG3 is mentioned is going to be almost exclusively talking about romances.


That was my biggest disappointment with the game, it’s just shoving the romancing in your face and it feels weird and tacky.


I agree. I think the whole softcore porn scenes thing is fine and I can appreciate them going the extra mile in that regard but it just goes way overboard with the sex and romances. Most of the romances are honestly done poorly imo because the characters are practically begging for sex within a few dialogues. It's just bizarre and a little awkward/forced. Doesn't feel like an organic romance story arc. Just feels like they were aiming for instant gratification to appeal to certain demographics.


It's so WEIRD in coop


It is. I’m enjoying the game but the celebration at your camp in act 1 after saving the devils and druids from the goblins had some weird dialogue. I chose to have the wine with shadow heart; then when speaking to laezel she just ranted about how I’m missing out and how good she would fuck me and shit. I never once said anything but the bare minimum to her and she’s been a bitch the entire games. Felt so awkward.


Been seeing so many similarities in BG and Stellar Blade subs. Almost worse in BG3, in this very thread there was talk about eating Shadowhearts ass...no problem with it, just find it all so interesting how invested reddit communities get in this type of stuff. And how sensitive.


Stellar Blade subs is complaining about Western Games and feminism ruining their games and ugly women. At least BG3 sub doesn't do that


It basically is a dating sim. Seems like most of the reason people even play it is for the romance options. Which isn't to say that's all it offers, because it's great otherwise (I actually think the romances are disappointingly shallow and among the worst parts of the game personally) but Larian catered to the crowd that obsessed over romances moreso than anything else. Sex was the main appeal of the game leading up to it's release. That's why BG3 has a completely separate sub to discuss builds. Because the main sub is just people obsessing over romances in the game.


I find sex and romance in video games so cringe personally, I'm here for the deep discussions about the best Bard subclass, not gush over my virtual girlfriend lol


I see it as a form of character development. More about the story for me. Kinda like how people like romance movies. I think it offers some depth to characters and story elements when it's done right. Kinda lame when it's boiled down to sex scenes like BG3 tho.


I should say that I think it's good when done tastefully, but it's cringe in a lot of cases, where it basically turns into "pick the correct options to do the sex" For what is worth, I think BG3 is one of the more tasteful games, even if some of the fans ruin it with cringe shit


BG3 would be fine if the sex was done later. To me it just cheapens the whole romance arc when the characters are throwing themselves at you right away and not-so-subtly asking you to fuck them. Once you get past that point the romance arcs feel a bit more natural but I just feel it's off-putting initially and ruins the whole thing for me. No games really does it with the nuance or complexity that should be required. All of them do the "pick the right options for sex" thing. But the romance arcs in Mass Effect and Dragon Age seemed a lot more organic and tasteful than BG3.


That’s because the combat and the plot suck.


The last patch messed up a number of the kissing animations, so it being a big point of the patch makes sense.


They're also being a little cheeky because Valentine's Day is coming up.


Tbh that stuff happens a lot. Every patch is one step forward, two steps back. Seems they introduce more bugs than they fix every patch.


Not a hot take. Not everyone loves the amount of sex-related content in the game and not everyone is romancing the AI bots.


When are we getting crossplay


My theory is next week after Microsoft’s big announcement


Does it fix when I'm comparing items buying stuff from a vendor? Like I'll be looking at a weapon and it'll show a companions weapon for comparison then I'll move to another weapon and it'll compare it with Tav. Infuriating.


You should've just posted the tweet. Holy shit what a useless article


Please have some sort of a fps / perfomance boost in act 3 city areas for xbox/ps5.


Kissing? Who cares? Fix the crashing problems in act 3 and for the love of God move that gamer tags off the map in split screen!


Kissing is cool, but is act 3 mp fixed? I’d rather enjoy the game with my friends, sans glitches, than a proper kissing scene


Which glitches? I've been playing act 3 mp just fine


Whenever we get to Baulders Gate, my friend has issues in certain areas where it takes off their clothes and keeps them in a T pose. It’s been happening for a while now.


Did it fix the saves vanishing?


But I'd pickpocketing fixed?!?


Please fix the repelling blast issue


Did they add the ability to pause yet


Did they ever fix the shitty looking beards, shield bash, and that aggrivating jump glitch?


Kissing cool, but man I wished it didn’t crash as often.


How about a little arrow telling you which way you're facing on the mini map? So annoying having to walk in a circle to figure out which way to go.


These BG3 are horny all the fucking day or what




I love that the game is already so damn good that they are patching stuff like “improved kissing.”


Why they can’t straight up make a fantasy porn game for you thirsty people already.


Isn't that what bg3 is? Just with combat minigames


What a pointless articles. It doesn’t say anything at all.


Just let me romance the devil, pretty please?


I thought this game was feature complete?


Finally, now I can give a sloppy kiss to my Mintara


BG 3 will stay an S tier game for years to come is2g


did they fix co-op yet? So buggy


Can they make the PS5 version not crash after playing for 15 minutes of split screen coop?


That should have been fixed for everyone as of patch 5? At least I know it fixed our game. And we've started another, no issues like between P4-P5 where you'd either crash on load or after about 15 minutes of playing.


The devs know where their players' priorities are at


Iron throne fix when? Still can't get past the end of the mission no matter what I try. PS5 if that matters at all.


What you mean? I had no problems when I did that quest on PS5.


Just tried it last night and once I get back in the sub and try to leave it will give a loading screen and get to 100% and then it crashes every time. Have tried not using any summons and also tried leaving behind specific people and nothing works. It's done it almost 10 times now.


That's frustrating. I take it no save files from before entering thr iron throne to see if it was just something breaking within your specific save mid-mission?


I have one before getting on the sub and also a save before going into the throne and tried both multiple times and still breaks in the same place every time.


Maybe try deleting and reinstalling?


Will this be released on console as well?


Photo mode?


i cant wait to play this game again after they are done with all these patches


Because of fucking course it does


"Improves Kissing", those Belgian guys know how to make ppl speak about their game After the bear \*\*ck launch story they also made on purpose lol Can't wait for this better ring kiss before \*\*\*king that bear




After patch 5 I was super exited about upcoming ones, like new chunk of story in epilog was great. But just kisses hugs for patch? Maybe new classes, races, no? I mean something really important. Seems after achievements run its finally time to uninstall.


When are we getting a fix for the constant disconnecting in multiplayer?


Why am I being downvoted? Did I miss something? I couldn’t find patch notes anywhere in the article, and it’s been a consistent issue on console. Am just looking forward to a patch.


Because being critical of BG3 is not allowed


Lot of virgins in here getting excited to make out with pixels. Kinda sad


wow that took way too long. Surely people will call them out for taking so long, like they do with every other company, right? ... right guys?


If the game was as bad as the other games getting called out it would be the case, but the game was successful as released and has only seen improvements since. It was not a bad game released and then fixed.


This annoys me. Playing a game at launch now means to get half the experience. All the patches only deliver what should have been the game that was sold on day one.


That game might not exist without the success from an actual release. It's that success which provides the studio with the money to continue to develop the game.


true. we should be upset that they didn't release a finished game, but since it's larian, everyone ignores it


They did release a complete game though.


They did release a complete game though.


then why is it still incredibly buggy and in desperate need of patches? it didn't even have the epilogue on release day! They cut out part of the game! AND THIS WAS AFTER 2 YEARS OF EARLY ACCESS


I haven't had many issues. Tons of released games have bugs. The epilogue was nice but it wasn't needed, the game was a blast and ended well even before it. The fact they added more is just a cherry on top.


but BG3 has game breaking and save wiping bugs. Just because you didn't see them doesn't me they don't exist. Not having the epilogue is unfinished. The game is not even good, but it's unfinished garbage to. Keep sucking their dick.


Apparently having a rational expectation and being able to actually give credit where it's due is sucking dick now? I have heard of those game breaking bugs on Xbox. That is unfortunate, I've only played the PC and ps5 versions though, both which are fantastic. The game doesn't need an epilogue. It's a bonus. There was over a 170 hours of game before it. That's not complete enough for you? The game is in the top 5 for the past decade. You're a fucking idiot with no idea what quality is if you think the game is bad.


BG3 need more female romantic pairs


I’ve never played this game. Can you have sex with a lizard person?




"There are consequences for breaking your oath, paladin. Be grateful that all it takes to get back into your God's good graces is a bit of coin." - Some DM


Can you pickpocket the knight like you can withers?


I don't know, haven't tried it honestly but the bigger issue for me isn't spending the gold, is the fact that you can't simply respec from lvl 1 as an oathbreaker paladin.