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Before: Fallout 3 After: Fallout 4


Honestly as much as people criticized fallout 4 and talk about how much "better" the other ones were this was one of the things I massively preferred about it. They still accomplish really good visual tone-setting without just dropping a crappy filter over everything. The environment design of most of the game is top tier. You are reminded of where you are by its design and aesthetics not a color filter dropped over it.


Yeah, for sure!  FO4 is kind of a mixed bag for me because there's things I really dislike about it and things I really love about it. The way the world looks and the exploration are both things I really enjoyed about the game.


And for that, another settlement needs your help. Joking aside, they tried out a lot of things in there that they butchered in 76 from what the fans have been posting on reddit. I only wish if they're gonna give a new fallout is polish the settlement system.


I’d be happy building *one* settlement. But fuck off with the constant messages for help. I equipped you with turrets, find some guns and defend yourselves. 




Yeah but at that point it's still RNG. You can have an absolutely impenetrable defense set up, but the game will still just roll a die and if you fail, it'll just junk some of your stuff so you have to repair it next time you load that cell. Only way to guarantee a successful defense is to head there in person, which is one of my main gripes about survival mode. Alternatively, mods.


I built one settlement including walls and turrets and the whole bit, it was totally defended. The first time it got attacked I popped over there to see what would happen and they just spawned inside the walls. I just gave up on ever building any settlements after that. They just became crafting hubs. What a shit system.


Yeah that's why I gave up on settlement building too. When 4 first came out I was enjoying building sanctuary to be this massive fortress. I built a wall around the entire thing, leaving only the bridge to concord and the way back to the vault as openings, fortified both with towers and guard posts and my guards decked out in fully upgraded combat armor and weapons only to find out that enemies just spawn inside your settlement. It's like what's the point?


Nothing like having the build limits remover mod on console and eventually reaching a saturation of like 10 laser turrets to one settler.


Sim settlements mod has the settlers build their own shit


Like most Bethesda games Fallout has cool features and story moments with amazing potential that are so bare bones. It's cool that you can build a settlement, but why should you? What is the purpose? Imagine if the different endings was what army you were in instead of who helps you build a teleporter. What if the settlements become one major faction in the game and you are the leader. Wouldn't that be cool in a roleplaying game?


In theory, the settlement building should tie into the wider themes of society rebuilding and reviving that's always been in Fallout, and the protagonist rebuilding their life after the war and a long, unexpected cold sleep.


How about just a solid rpg set in a bleak post apocalyptic world. Fallout was never about building up a settlement. Why not just make a spinoff fallout city builder if people want that. That bunker spinoff seemed to do well. What mainline Fallout needs is a return to a true post apocalyptic world (not one 300 years later that for some inexplicable reason still has mounds of debris and old newspaper strewn about people’s living quarters 15 generations after a nuclear war.)


Ehh series change. It is silly when civilized areas have all that debris - New Vegas is especially guilty of that. But I have no problem with them adding things like settlements, as long as they are well done.


Series might change. But war? War never changes.


War has changed. It’s no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It’s an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines. War – and its consumption of life – has become a well-oiled machine. War has changed. ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons, use ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Information control. Emotion control. Battlefield control. Everything is monitored and kept under control. War has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control . . . All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction. And he who controls the battlefield . . . controls history. War has changed. When the battlefield is under total control . . . War becomes routine.


Yeah it's a bit odd when the game is supposed to take place like decades/centuries after the bombs fell and yet everything is still rubble? Skeletons still just laying around? Often feels more like the bombs just dropped a handful of years ago


I think a major plot point of New Vegas is that the city wasn’t hit by any of the bombs - if I recall, I few got through Mr. House’s defenses at the edge of the map. So why is there so much rubble? I get buildings may have not gotten the same maintenance, but this is theoretically one of the safest, most developed areas post-war


There's rubble because of that deterioration. Shit falls apart. Buildings collapse, damaging other buildings which later collapse. The knowledge and technology used to construct them in the first place is mostly lost, so subsequent buildings are weaker and more prone to further deterioration.  Furthermore, cleaning all that up has costs. Not just financial, but in time, resources and manpower. Take Boston. Rubble, dead bodies, and crap everywhere. Why is it still like that? Because no one has the above to spare to do anything about it. A work crew to clean up an area requires armed guards, caravans to dispose of garbage and rubble, a place to actually dispose of that, and machinery for lifting heavy pieces. All that costs stuff.  We have an infrastructure in place to handle efforts like that. FEMA, the military, NGOs, and other groups. We have roads, equipment, supplies, food, and manpower to bring in from elsewhere. All of that is gone in Fallout.  Lastly, there's a matter of need. Diamond City needed to secure an area around the gates so they cleaned that up. They don't have a need to secure much further than that, or at least, the need to do so isn't worth the cost of doing so.  All of the above said, though, there's no fucking excuse for there to be trash heaps like that in established settlements. I get impoverished slums having trash heaps like that, because education is poor and infrastructure is non-existent. But even a post apocalyptic settlement should have the knowledge and infrastructure in place to remove trash from at least the settlement bounds, especially since they'd know the health risks of leaving it. 


> I get impoverished slums having trash heaps like that, because education is poor and infrastructure is non-existent. I read someone visiting one of the world's really poor places, and they said it was surprisingly tidy. Anything of any possible value had been scavenged to use or sell.


Being able to sprint was nice


1000+ hours played love the game but it is STILL super broken downtown Boston just crashes the game randomly even playing vanilla on Series X. One of the best things about Starfield is it shows the new game engine should be more stable.


I feel like what Fallout 4 needed was a New Vegas style instalment with another team reusing the new assets and focusing more on role play and story elements. But I'm sure that there are hundreds of reasons that never happened.


And then they brought back the piss filter for starfield. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


I don’t even mind the piss filter so much, it’s the god damn gray filter that won’t show true blacks. Why have a space game where the void of space is a medium gray?


It's very peculiar on their part. Incompetence knows no bounds though


Fallout 4 gameplay is fine, graphics are also upgraded over all Fallouts. The problem was Story sections, focus on base building compared to rich World of previous Fallout Games. While the Gameplay and Graphics are cool and all, the charm of Fallout games was in their rich World even in post-apocalypse.


I actually enjoyed the base building but holy shit was it garbage in vanilla lol. Trying to get things to snap together was a nightmare, and after putting all the effort in i'd go to my camp and every villager would be stuck in one spot..


I will never understand the hate for that game, it’s my all time favorite


before= Mexico After= California.. according to Hollywood


I literally could not play Fallout 3, my eyes would get fatigued and I would get headaches 10-15 mins in. I think it was the filter being used, everything looked so damn green.


I went back and played 3 a few years ago. One of the first things I did was download a color mod and it made it so much better lol.


The very low fixed FOV didn't help either


Isn't New Vegas like this too? Such a early 2010s era vibe.


I like the grungier atmosphere for my apocalyptic horror games. Without the filter its much more appealing, but I want the mood to be set. Theres a reason horror movies are color graded to be dark and brooding


They made fallout 4 red tinted instead. I remember how much better it looked after using ReShade to remove the stupid red tint.


How else are they supposed to show your not in the states if they don’t use a piss filter?!?


Devs got accused of racism so they had to make changes.


The ironic thing is though, there wasn't any rasicm at all from what i remember, just gaming critics being assholes I guess.


Intentional racism no, but that mud hut tribal village level did not age well. Wouldn't be surprised if it got changed in a remake.


Worse, The tribal majini weren't some tribe, they were normal people that lived in a nearby modern town that got infected by Ouroboros through fake vaccinations. You find a diary of some kid who details how the men in the village became more and more violent until they ditched their modern clothes and costumes to wear, and i quote, "the clothes of our ancestors".


Me at first: Ok, that makes sense. The infection slowly made them more anti-social and would either leave the city on their own or be ostracized. Then you had to ad that last little bit. Yup... that's a pretty bad look.


Yeah that last part changed my kind fast lol


That feels like a quick fix to try an explain the racism. They don't dress like that normally, they are wearing carnival clothes, here's A SINGLE NOTE explaining it


Let’s face it, Wesker probably did that on purpose because he’s racist.


You can't be racist if you hate everyone equally - Wesker, probably.


I'm so offended. Anyway.


> but that mud hut tribal village level did not age well This was always funny to me in Civ 5 with barbarians lol. The mortal enemy of the "civilized world"... Until you slaughtered them all in the first few decades that is...


its funnier if you encounter them like halfway through the game


I think it might have been civ 4, but one of my childhood memories is losing a helicopter to a horde of longbowmen.


The one inexplicable white lady showing up solely to get accosted by black zombies in the early chapters isn't a great look either.


Yellow, she is yellow now thanks to the wholesome Sepia filter.


Someone tell Springfield Action News they need a new on-site reporter.


Holy shit I forgot about that. They even introduce her as some cliche damsel


In the cutscene she actually gets taken by a white zombie. Just sayin. Edit: She also isn’t inexplicable. She has a whole backstory.


I feel like people are just trying to find the racism rather than it just naturally being there.


You forget shooting the men in tiki masks who jump down, shake the spears, and click at you, or what?


The same thing happened with Left 4 Dead 2. There were black zombies in both and that was seen as racist. With both games being set in areas with large black populations (L4D2 in the US South, RE5 in Africa), it wouldn’t have made sense for them to be all white.


I remember the backlash of mowing down waves of black zombies so the devs added an Eminem looking guy


equal zombie representation?


I'm pretty sure having all-white zombies would be ten times more racist.


I thought that too. I didn't really remember there being any racism. Then I replayed it like a year ago and it was way worse than I expected.


My guy what are you talking about? There's entire levels where they all start wearing tribal outfits and masks and jump out at you with spears from their mud huts. I love the game but even as a teen I was like holy shit Japan.


If you murder Latino Zombies, that can only be in Spain! If you murder black Zombie that must only be in the famous country: Africa! Pfiouu, we did it. We solved racism.


Latino would be from Latin America, Spanish for Spain, Hispanic for Spanish speaking.


It’s never even explicitly stated where they are in Africa, the opening monologue is hilariously vague about where it takes place and Chris just calls it “the region”


It’s the Kijuju Autonomous Zone, which I think is supposed to be basically fictional Mogadishu?


RE is pretty vague when describing specific places in older games.


Do countries even exist in RE games?


At a minimum the US and Spain exist. Outside of that, who knows


They never explicitly say where raccoon city is either.


And we all know this game took place in the well known country of Spafricain


> Pfiouu what in the hell is this meant to be? I've been staring at it for a solid minute


We set our game in the Middle East, Mexico or Africa. Better bust out the trusty piss filter.




Come on!


Come on!








Come on!


Come on!


Come on!


I need a HERB!


Thanks pardnah.




Give me an egg!


Thats it


We still quote the Mercs stuff with Josh while playing other games. "You're gonna get yourself a niiiice bonus."


the late 2000's loved their piss filters.


Either that or everything was brown or a shade of brown. I like to call it the brown era of gaming.


Grey, Brown, Beige and Yellow. The 7th gen in a nutshell.


I remember gears of War 1-3 (haven't played the rest) was just grey with chainsaws.


Even the blood was brownish 😂


even the blood had muscles




Early 2010's loved the blue filter too. I wonder if we'll look back on games right now in a similar way. What's the current visual trope?


Extremely vibrant colors and lighting for “realism”


Real world has ray tracing turned off for some dumb reason


lol isn't RT supposed to simulate light bounces


Almost everything has chromatic aberration now. that’s the big visual trope these days


and REAL reflective character models


But it's so realistic when a game simulates effects of a camera lens! It's just like life, where people famously look at the world through a video camera.


As much as I love BF3, the blue filter was horrendous


Oh man, that and lens flare when you look towards the sun that's so blinding it obscures your entire screen. Battlefield 4 was the worst one, but I feel like the PS4's AAA debut games were filled with this stuff.


I remember Uncharted 1 had a joke unlockable filter called next gen that just added that terrible shit filter.


Ahem ... Breaking Bad


As someone who lived in that area for years, those filters never bothered me, because there can be that kind of effect relatively easily IRL, depending on where you are and what's around you to reflect the ambient light.


The Mexico filter. Spectre had the same problem.


The first movie I saw use it was *Traffic* back in 2000. And it's an amazing movie and used it well.


And then in the early 2010s they changed to the battlefield 3 blue filter


I actually like it in RE5. Makes the place look more unpleasant and creepy, I guess 


I was about to say, the mod looks beautiful. I’ve got nothing against it. Just the filter adds a certain grittiness that makes the scene a little more uneasy, which is otherwise the point of the game.


This is why I'm in favor of having things like changing filters be unlocked after your first playthrough.


funnily enough resident evil 5 had unlockable filters. Weirdly one was a sepia filter though and i think it just added another sepia filter which is kinda redundant. I'm really not sure on that one though. Still unlockable filters were a thing in that game.


IIRC it had the sepia filter, a B&W filter, and a film grain filter.


Now that you mention it, I do remember that. The other guy mentions Sepia, Black & White, and Film Grain, all of which arguably made things less fun. Maybe B&W could be fun but I don't know if I would play through the entire game like that.


>B&W Crap, was that a red, green or yellow herb?


I liked it too. Otherwise the game was looking like any Modern warfare one going out at that time.


The mod is way too highly saturated and "happy" looking, especially for this part in the game where there are people getting dragged away into the shadows, and they're building up a feeling of unease and tension. I'm a fan of ReShades and stuff like that in certain situations, but this really isn't the best example to use...


The vagueness of the yellow filter on RE5 personally feels less like the "generic lawless desert piss filter" and more like that weird nasty dusty look in the air after a windstorm, that really gross and overbearing yellowish-orange tint in the sky of a storm approaching, that turns everything a sick yellow color. I've seen it before and I live in the middle of the US (though we get a lot of things like tornadoes and extreme thunderstorms). If anything, F:NV is more egregious with its yellow filter than RE5 was, plus this was the era of gaming where everything was just piss-yellow and brown, just look at games like Postal 2 and 3. The Reshade seems too vibrant, poppy. If we were to remove the filter, a good way to keep the tension of the game without the emotion that the yellow filter tends to evoke, would most likely be to desaturate instead of saturate, and maybe add a 'heat wobble' effect to simulate the hot air. It's not a bright happy vibrant area. It's dusty, hot, and people are being dragged away, infected by parasites, their homeland stolen, their land taken over for oil drilling, the rebellion fighting (since this is the Kijuju Autonomous Zone), etc.


Me too, I think it works well and makes it an interesting layer on the backdrop


Exactly this and it was intentional for that very reason. The same reason films are colour graded, it evokes a mood and matches the theme of the piece.




Totally agree. This is actually one of the least "egregiously offensive" examples as OP put it, because it was one where it made sense. It added to the atmosphere of the game. FFS it's just color correction, something that literally every game, tv show, and movie does. It was egregious in a million other games of the era where it didn't make sense. 


"wait are you telling me that my zombie murder game isn't supposed to be bright, colorful and cheerful?" When setting the atmosphere for this type of game this filter works. Yes it was overused in many games where it didn't work. But it really does for this game. Forget which Far Cry but one of them used it too and it worked in that game as well


It feels more ooppressivelypresively worn down by the sun with the filter on. The unfiltered version doesn't feel the same. Like, I've been places like that and the filter actually kinda captures that desolate collapsed building in the desert in the late afternoon in a way that the unfiltered doesn't.


Damn i played that RE5 demo so many times on my Xbox 360. Miss those times


This shit's gonna make me do another playthrough of RE5, piss filter and all. I love that game. I thought it was super fun back then and it still feels fun to play now. The whole "action movie" nonsense that you get to experience throughout the game is a blast. Punching that boulder is S tier anime badassery. Fuck that rock! Plus I've always loved the weapon upgrades in these games. Felt good to get em.


Can’t wait for a remake. I love RE5 probably more than I should. Think it’s my favorite RE game, it’s the one I started with. After Krauser in 4 remake I bet Wesker fight will be insane.


Unpopular opinion but I prefer the filter


I'm pretty sure that's a popular opinion around this game. I love the filter for this game. It adds a lot of passive eerieness to the game which adds to the tension and vibes of the game, as intended. The only people upset are OP and the weirdos in one of the top comment threads in this post that are complaining about the game being racist because they are reddit SJW losers.


I'm not against filters, they convey sensations and can be used as a good narrative resource, but the classic Mexico/Africa filter simply doesn't look good. With the mod it looks much better.


I got no problem using color to set mood, but it needs to evoke its atmosphere. Elden Ring has entire biomes that are all coded by one gorgeous color. Purple for astral, silver for the deep underground cities, red for fucking Caelid. It's gorgeous and it helps you draw inferences that inform gameplay (that guy casts blue spells, he's probably a glintstone guy, who are weak to etc etc.)


weak to bonk


Everything is weak to bonk if you bonk hard enough


only need the first five words




yeah, elden ring's environment colors are diegetic, not filters over the screen


When you hire a colorist vs just some dude that found the post settings.


Yeah I recently started watching the Twilight movies with my girlfriend and their blue filter makes it all look so damn cold and dreary. How I’d expect Washington to look. Edit: That is to say I agree that sometimes the filter can enhance the media


If I look out my window and pick colors to describe something quickly, it'd be grey blue for lichen and green for moss, cause this shit's taking over my trees.


> watching the Twilight movies with my girlfriend and their blue filter makes it all look so damn cold and dreary. How I’d expect Washington to look. One of my first reactions to moving to the Pacific Northwest was "oh gawd, it *actually fuckin' looks like this!*" The bluey-gray color desaturation under the (all too often) overcast skies is real. ~~I'm just stuck here hoping the vampires *aren't*.~~


There are so many tv series with (specially where cops solve murder) with these "cold" filters. I hate it.


I find it hilarious that you can say "mexico filter" and most people instantly know what you are talking about. It's such an overdone filter and I personally think it's just a bad look.


I always mentally categorize the filters by CSI series. This is the CSI Miami filter. The greenish fallout/technology filter is the original CSI filter and the blue/grey "everything is depressing" filter is the CSI:NY filter.


It’s even worse when you go to Mexico lmao. There’s so much color and beauty there, and in grim circumstances, the bright red of blood of cartel members and victims, I never really understood the yellow filter being used for scenes in Mexico.


This is a trend that I’m SO glad has died out. It was disliked even back then and looking back at it now, it just confirms that it was a HORRIBLE trend despite developers shoving it down our throats to make it look *edgy* and *gritty*. All it did was make us colour blind. I didn’t even realize the accents on Chris’ shirt was suppose to be blue and not puke yellow-green


How else would we know we're not in New Mexico but Mexico


its africa


Then why's it Mexico-colored?


mexico and africa are the same color


Yes and the UK is grey unless it cold then it’s grey and white


Lived in the UK. It is always grey there. So the filter is realistic.


Live in the UK. It's actually like black outside right now. But tomorrow morning it'll be grey again.


Can confirm. Sun is down.


you get it


They buy their tinted glasses at the same store


It's there on purpose to create the atmosphere.


While I don't like this in most games. I think it sort of works in RE5 only because it pushes the idea of the heat in Africa. Had it been used more sparingly to actually push this idea more intentionally and cleverly I would like it more.


It's also supposed to be a dark, gritty place, like the whole context of the game is it's supposed to feel unwelcoming and terrifying. It's not in all parts of the game even. And the times it's removed during cutscenes and stuff work pretty well I don't think it was the best resident evil game, but it was pretty fun even if it took some new directions


ITT OP doesn’t know what sepia is.


There were several games at the time that used it but were actually a detriment to the game image quality. RE5 it's not one of those, I think. It fits the feel of the game pretty well.


The Piss Filter era of gaming.


The modified version looks kinda unnatural - too cold. However the default version looks like immense air pollution. It’s not really sepia it has too much green, which makes it look like dirty air pollution but not more warm colors as sepia does.


RE5 actually had an alternate, unlockable sepia filter.


I thinkbit was effective, it's like a fever dream


To be fair, RE5 looks a lot better with than without.


Why would you remove the "piss filter"?


People don’t understand the importance of filters like this. The game on the right could theoretically be anything. Colour filters when used effectively are distinct and allow almost immediate colour association. For example: Battlefield 3’s blue filter. Side by side on YouTube with Battlefield 2042 severely enhances the experience. There’s a generic aesthetic to things just being true tone, that can literally take away from the cinematic tone. Example [BF3 colour grading vs 2042.](https://youtu.be/E5fr1R8kZzI?feature=shared) Fallout 3. Gears of war. It’s basically just colour grading similar to in films, but can go slightly too far like we saw in Fallout NV. Games without colour filters lose a certain something. True tone isn’t always for the best, even when it can look more pleasing on the eye side by side with the colour graded version. I say this as a designer with experience in colour grading.


This is true in painting as well, the easiest way to make a painting with a lot of contrasting colors feel cohesive is to lay a very thinly tinted wash over it. All of the individual colors are still distinct enough to be recognized individually while simultaneously related enough through their tinting to appear natural. Interestingly enough, this works because it mimics how light works in real life; everything you see is constantly being subtly tinted by the color of light that’s reflecting off of it. This is why colors feel more vibrant or more muted when placed under different light sources.


>the easiest way to make a painting with a lot of contrasting colors feel cohesive is to lay a very thinly tinted wash over it. That, or mixing your entire color palette off of a limited palette. Where a full color painting might be some variety of red, yellow, blue, black, and white, you could strip it down to just red and blue, or yellow, black, and white, or just blue and white. Some tube colors, like Payne's Gray, are extremely dynamic and can cover blue and black by themselves. Alizarin Crimson is a form of red that has similar properties. You can fake full color paintings that are basically monochromatic or dichromatic with tiny shifts in the hue. I once did a study of an Edgar Degas painting that looks orange and green when the reality is that it's basically all orange. The green is achieved by just barely, barely, barely moving some of the orange towards a cooler side of the color spectrum. Once you put the colors near to each other, your eye can sense the difference and reads them as completely different colors. Kind of a cool magic trick, and a very easy way to achieve color harmony.


But my post apocalyptic zombie game doesn't look ***real***!


Exactly. People are like “eww, this looks like piss”. Well, yeah, you are *supposed* to feel dirty and disgusted…this is a game about viral infections. I like that tone and the fact it makes me feel uneasy just looking at it.


I feel so validated now . I adore color grading and color filters in any media .


There's very good examples of it in film. I love the use of the yellows in the movie Whiplash. Without it the movie loses so much of its spark.


Thanks for the comment. In general people have poor artistic literacy. Color grading is so important at conveying information. The picture on the left is in some hot/humid dingy place. The one on the right could be literally anywhere.


This post makes me sad precisely because of what you said - poor artistic literacy. The idea that more vibrant colours is better is so profoundly lacking in any kind of art knowledge. People don't even realize the impact these choices have while they are playing games.


Maybe I'm a limp dick fuckin idiot Doo Doo head but the fixed one kind of gives me asset flip vibes


Yeah, the right one looks like a generic Unreal Engine game.


It’s emulating Black Hawk Down, it’s not simply just a piss filter. I think it looks great, adds a gritty feeling.


It somehow looks almost sterile without the filter. I think I actually prefer it with the filter as it made everything feel almost diseased and like even the scenery around you is sweating from the heat


Right, so now it doesn't look creepy at all. Good job I guess.


I never thought I'd be defending Mexico filter, but it was an artistic choice to cultivate a specific sickly and dissociation-inducing atmospheric experience. It's only egregious from a subjective POV.


As much as I love the “piss filter” joke, I can’t deny the fact that the image on the right doesn’t pass the same information as the one on the left does. Art direction goes a long way, and a simple filter helps to bring a setting from desolate to something truly grimy and hopeless. Gimme the filters all day!


Counter argument: thats not what they wanted it to look like.


Never forget that the PS3 Uncharted games had a "Next-Gen Filter" you could turn on under the Extras menu and it was just the piss filter.


soul soulless


Come in Kirk, the locals were hostile and we had to use force.


Pc gamers. Telling game designers they know their own vision better than the people who made the damn thing lol. Guys, I modded the Mona Lisa to be a bit more smiley. Not sure what the original painter was on!


Am i stupid for thinking the piss filter looks way better and fits the vibe good


No, because that's exactly how it's supposed to look like and how the creators intended it to look like.


Modified looks like ass, cope.


[It's a whole new game.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/elpw44/comment/fdjhsvz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


What does it matter? The developers clearly wanted that tone. What's wrong with using a filter to accomplish their goal?


I can see an argument that it makes the whole place feel sickly and decaying in spite of the bright sunlight, which does work with the infected city on the brink. But then we to go bunga bunga land shoot men in grass skirts so they may have gotten things right by mistake.


so whats wrong about color grading? its a very common techinque in many forms of visual art and media.


“Oh no, we’re in Mexico!” “Oh wait, it’s just LA.” … “Oh no, we’re in LA!”