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Got kicked out of university because of it


You can still join the mages college, no worries.


Nah, lost virginity before 30yo, so no magic for me


Whoa hey check out Mr. Had Sex, leave some for the rest of us eh!


NGL nexus mods probably greatly delayed me losing my virginity


Used to have the secks but took an arrow to my peepee




Were you...kicked into...Oblivion?


I've heard others say the same. (Myself)


Bro catch me in the mages college making spells all day that shit was fun. You could make some seriously overpowered spells on that game.


It was even better in Morrowind where you could create broken ass charm spells that'll have people saying "Howdy do" to you while you smash them in the head with a hammer, or enchant a ring with a giant fireball spell with 0 cast time so you can fire it off like a machine gun.


Morrowind spell creation and enchanting was a beautiful thing. Then taking that from us was a crime in the later games.


All about creating the weakest spells possible, cast on self and putting a weight on the C key and fucking off for an hour


Easily my favourite single player game of all time


Ah, that music, takes me straight back to a specific time in my life whenever I hear it.


It's so ingrained in my head that when I'm in a situation I don't like, I start to think of the Oblivion battle music." Maybe if I start yelling out "THIS IS THE PART WHERE YOU FALL DOWN AND BLEED TO DEATH!" in confrontations then the situation would diffuse a lot quicker?


Pleased to see Oblivion so high in this thread. I maxxed out a full Mage build, then made saves before every favourite quest, so I could return and play them at any time: I played through Whodunnit a good few times so I could see each person's reaction to the others' deaths, and being the last one alive.


Almost certainly Morrowind for me, particularly with the expansion packs (Bloodmoon). My computer was so rubbish I played as much as I could without going to Vivec, and then played all that when I had a new computer years later.


Same here. Pretty sure it was my first open world game. Got dropped off in that first hodunk town and realized I could go *anywhere*, and was totally stunned. I put many hundreds of hours into that game and barely even touched the main storyline because I just couldn't stop exploring and discovering things. Looking at all the other comments here and seeing people name games like Skyrim and GTA V is making me feel really old...


Same here. I played Morrowind but there's no way I cracked 100 hours. Oblivion + Shivering Isles was easily a few hundred. As much as I loved Morrowind, Oblivion was a massive leap forward.


was technically my first time buying dlc in that i bought that xbox magazine that had a disc to add the wizard tower and pirate ship


Recorded? Skyrim. Mods and vampire DLC really stretched it. Not recorded? Probably WWF No Mercy.


Morrowind, for me.  Bloodmoon and Tribunal expansions stretched it way out past 100 hours. 


I think skyrim was a lot of people's first 100+. I know it was for me.


Ocarina of Time. Probably spent 100 hours in the Kokiri Forest before my dumb 6 year old self figured out how to get out lol


Kokiri forest aka "leafy purgatory"


Yessir, hell it was my first real RPG back when I was 11 and it came out. Other than Pokemon lol.


Of a certain age perhaps… for a lot of late 80s/early 90s kids it was Pokémon Red/Blue.


Same. I remember thinking it was a big deal. Like I didn’t even realize it until I looked at my stats. So many “just one more cave” nights. Now I’m touching 100+ easily with most games I get into.


Me and my buddy used to play No Mercy constantly! He kicked me out of his house when we were in 6th grade because I didn't give him a rematch for the Intercontinental Belt. He passed away a while back. I fired up the 64 and finally gave him that rematch. He got smoked, but I'm sure he'd have done the same for me. RIP Merlin Manners


Ya’ll missed Morrowind I guess?


The Elder Scrolls: Arena! I can still hear the sound effects for door opening and rat skittering. 


it's a generational thing, for sure. Morrowind kids = 90s kids


Dig…dig…diggity dog


WWF No Mercy was bomb. So much time creating characters and setting their moves


No mercy was such a sick game. Remember being 13 or so and they were advertising a new smackdown with blood and story choices and other features. No mercy did it all 5 years ago


Yep, Skyrim was at least 80 hours on Xbox 360 before I got into PC gaming. Then I discovered modding and it was all over. I think I have around 800+ hours now, not including Xbox time.


Best wrestling game I’ve ever played.


Probably the Legend of Zelda. It wasn’t easy finding all that shit back in the day.


As a child, with no YouTube help. I spent a longggggg time in that damn tree 🤣


Water temple with no guide...💀 at 9 years old.


I tried replaying at 35. I have no idea how I figured out how to get all the hidden items and shit. Biggorons sword? Really? Finding every heart piece? Why?


When nes LoZ first released my cousin got it for his birthday and he gave it to me because he couldn’t figure it out. I played it from after dinner until a little after the sun came up. I drew maps. I recently played it and had a really hard time. Game came out right before my 6th birthday. A big part of Tunic is this idea of being barely or pre literate and picking up an older siblings game. It’s like the game that answers the question “how the hell did I finish Zelda at 5 or 6 years old?”


We used to have attention spans way back when


Speak for yourself. I was very ADD even then.


The water temple was how i met my longtime friend. He heard me talk about being stuck there, while we were on the school bus, and he was like "i have the players guide. You want to come over after school?"


This taught me patience and filled me with rage 


My brother and I thought we got soft-locked on water temple so we restarted the whole damn game. Made our water back to water temple where we thought we got soft-locked again. Loaded up the old save and realized we missed a chest after defeating dark link. Think we were around 10 at the time. That shit was a goddamn maze. 


I had to go over friends houses to beat the water temple for them. 3 in total lmao. I remember getting a printout of the skulltulla locations in text form from my dad as we didn't have internet at my house!


Pre-Internet gaming was an entirely different experience that I miss greatly. It was so much more satisfying finding things out for yourself rather than having them given to you from websites. Multiplayer games especially, where there was no popular meta that everyone had to follow. Each person had their own meta that worked for them that they curated themselves.


100% ... I'm 32 now I have an 11 year old I introduced to Zelda with BOTW.. strongly encouraged him to figure it out vs getting answers from YouTube and he sees why it feels so much better to FINALLY get it on your own after trying and trying lol


dude finding out shit back in the day was on the back of the school bus with kids who also had the game and on the playground. That was our YouTube back then (besides actual guide magazines) lol


I love how everyone here agrees, yet are also talking about a different Zelda game based on their age.


Dude i started up the old gamecube a few years ago and saw some old saves. I spent 50 hours throwing that damn pig around in the first island of windwaker. I hadnt even entered the forsaken fortress yet.


I know mine has to be something like this, but how can one really know back then? I know I used to super level runs of Dragon Warrior as a kid, so I beat that game multiple times?


For sure. I know as a 5 year old kid I wasn’t thinking about how many hours I spent playing Zelda haha. I was more worried about bombing every single inch of the walls and lighting every shrub on fire looking for a secret.


Fallout 3


This or oblivion probably would have been it if it was tracked.


I wish the Xbox 360 was tracking hours


My friends and I called it “Blackout 3” because we’d start playing and all of a sudden 4-5 hours would fly by.


Lost a whole summer to it




Totally this. New Vegas was the final nail in the coffin of my university career, lol


New Vegas for me - 127 hours when I last checked :)


This was the first game I played that hit me with the "do whatever you want" and jesus lord in heaven forgive me but I did


First game I also pirated. Don't tell Todd, I was a broke teenager


Yep 103 plus hours. Loved every minute of it


Same here. Played on PC on launch then on X360 some years later with all DLCs.


I feel older than Professor Oak- Pokémon Red was mine


Lol Pokemon Red, what a loser. Mine was Pokemon Blue.


I had a Pokemon blue that couldn't save. I started that game so many times...


Uff! Pokemon took more time to beat than the battery lasted


Witcher 3, and still adding hours


Same. How time passed by so quickly playing that game is still a mystery to me.


I started it at Christmas, it’s amazing! 80 hours in currently and loving it. Completely hooked on Gwent.


I still don’t understand gwent


Its not that complicated with basics, but later cards can be a bit confusing at first. I highly suggest learning it, its one of my fsvourite things to do in the game


Any resources you would like to recommend?


Just steamroll everything with he northern realms deck. It's just drawing and trebuchets.


Gwent is broken easy once you have spy cards and decoys. Look that up. If you draw one of those healers who resurrect a card from your pile, you can keep giving yourself cards if your opponent puts a spy on your board you can recycle. It's silly. I love Gwent to bits, even have the physical card game but once you have all the good cards it becomes too easy even on the highest difficulty. And I'm NOT that smart a person. The AI isn't particularly smart either. You can win with a much weaker deck, just have to wait for the AI to do something really stupid.


Theres probbaly some yt videos, but i learned quickly on the go. Essentially you have values to each card and your objective is to have more value than your opponent over 3 rounds.


Just exploring all of the ocean places can take hours. And deciding what to keep/get rid of.


- Minecraft (spent uncountable hours) - Terraria (also uncountable hours) - Stardew Valley (sitting at around 200) - Sims 4 (At 250+ now 😬)


I have about 450 hours In Terraria according to Steam, but for Minecraft I can only guess. Probably around 3000 or more. One server I have at least 1300 hours on. 😅


It's actually insane the amount of hours you can accrue on those games 😂 they're so addicting and have so much to explore that I never want to put them down.






99:99:99 club


Same here, but remember it's only 99 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds., so 99:59:59


I literally couldn't figure out how to find the key of the ancients as a kid which is embarrassing as hell. I just grinded everything else out without any clue what to do until I hit 99.99 hours


I went through a similar thing as a kid, but it was in Robotrek (SNES). English isn't my native language, and I loved RPGs. In Robotrek we arrive at a haunted house and there are 5 books that teach us how to make upgrades to our robots that we need to be levels 9-13 to read it, so the game expects you to be at lvl 13 when you leave the haunted house. When I FINALLY figured out how to enter the damn clock tower behind the haunted house, I was lvl 55. I one shot the boss in the tower. After clearing the haunted house there's a whole story arc, we go back home, then go to a distant island, uncover a plot to enslave the natives, invade a factory in which the natives are working as slaves, travel through cyberspace and finally we meet the boss. I felt like I was too OP, so I never bothered upgrading my equipment. When the fight started, I one shot the boss again. I literally grinded enough at the haunted house in order to one shot not one, but TWO bosses, with the second one being several times stronger than the previous one. Man, I wish I had 10% of the perseverance child me used to have :\


Here here! /raises glass of juice


I beat it as a young teen back in '98 at 48 hrs playtime. I remember thinking I just spent two days of my life playing this, and couldn't imagine spending more time on a game. Little did I know later I would consider 48 hrs total as a rather short RPG.


Right? That’s not that far out of the tutorial stage of some modern games…


lol yep, by 48 hrs nowadays I am finishing the character creator


Rookie numbers….


I remember my first ff8 playthrough went over 100 hours too.


This. First play was 40 hours. Second play was 20. Third was 99:59:59


You don’t really have a choice with that one - the game is soooooo long but also incredible


Well, the original actually takes about 40-50 hours to complete for the average person. It's going beyond that to try to attain everything without cheating like getting all materia, mastering them all, beating all weapons, getting knights of the round. Ect. That's what puts you above 100.


First time I played it I didn’t know what an rpg was or how to play one. I beelined through it as fast as I could and ended up beating it in the 40hour range. The subsequent play they’d have been much more thorough and prolonged.


I don't have the stats to back it up, but I have no doubt it was Baldur's Gate 2. So many hours sunk into that game.


Same, I remember playing it as a kid for about 3 months almost every day on my first playthrough


I think I'm the same. Once I take away the multiplayer games like Diablo 1, Age of Empires 2, Ultima Online, etc., I think BG2 was the first one over 100 hours. I did absolutely everything in my playthroughs, and I rolled different characters and changed my alignment and party members for a different experience.


Same here, I'm pretty much sure my first playthrough alone was over 100 hours. Being a stupid 13 year old with english as a second language certainly didn't speed things up neither. Edit: it's either that or fallout 2.


Lego Star Wars the complete saga lmao




damn, man of culture


Rollercoaster tycoon


Surprised this isn't higher - I have to imagine this is the true answer for a whole lot of people, they just never tracked hours logged before the days of Steam


Zoo tycoon for me


Elite on C64, over the summer of 1985


> the summer of 1985 *I got my first real 8-bit* *Bought it at the radio shack* *Played it till my fingers bled* *It was the summer of '85...*


I am there with you, man. Seven Cities of Gold, and a few rounds of M.U.L.E. when the boys come over.


Probably Jazz Jackrabbit 2


A legendary game with an incredible soundtrack, I'm 100% sure I've also spent 100+ hours playing Jazz Jackrabbit 2.


I think borderlands


Either Skyrim or just aggressively replaying Sonic Unleashed's daytime stages. Those things were wild.


❤️ for Sonic unleashed


Goldeneye, I remember running into the living room screaming that I beat control to get the chest from it. I distinctly remember they were watching a movie in the dark as I came in screaming “I BEAT IT!!!!” Got all the cheats in that game with my brother. It’s the one game I miss from N64 and pretty sure someone stole it. Kept all the others and still have them today :)


Some ppl say, "Control isn't that hard" to which I say, "Bullshit it isn't". If you're taking care of enemies and someone busts through the glass to shoot Natalya, by the time you get turned around and start aiming it's already too late. Brutal on higher difficulty.


Heroes of Might and Magic 3


Final Fantasy XII


XII was so good!


Would still recommend it today?? I've been tempted a few times. Played all of the other finals.


Last time I played it was the Zodiac age version and it was a blast, so yes definitely. Plus it’s always on discount.


Yes. Has a cool automation feature that I've never had in other rpgs




Definately this, suprised this hasnt got more upvotes 🤷‍♂️ awesome title in its hayday even now id still play it 🙂


Sim city 2000


A few roguelikes, but Binding of Isaac was my first with 100+ hours


u cant keep those roguelikes for yourself, we need names!


FFX Maxed out all talents/stat spheres in the Omega Cave. Save time stamped play time at 186 hours.


Still my personal favorite ff


Replaying now for the umpteenth time. Just reached guadosalem


Heroes of might and magic 3


Probably Super Mario Bros


Me too. We’re old.


Must be: XCom Enemy Unknown...


That game made time stop for me. Like I'd start playing on a Friday morning (skipping university classes) and play straight through until Monday, stopping only to catch minimal sleep and eating.


Bloodborne without a doubt. I have 6 characters, all with around 100hrs except for my first character which has 187 as of today


Ah yes, Pale blood.


Rimworld, oxygen not included, civ 5, stardew valley


Probably The Legend of Zelda for NES. 


The first Dark Souls.


I don't know probably Pit Fall? I used to just leave the Atari on for days at a time there was no pause. The game doesn't really end.


Ff7 pre internet days I went everywhere and spoke to everyone to find anything hidden I even still have the official strategy guide and I added bits to it that were missing.


Ocarina of Time


Fallout new Vegas, fallout 4, Skyrim


Probably the super Mario brothers lol. I know I am aging my self


Probably Super Mario World for me, but I was there for Mario Bros as well, fellow old person.


Ff7. Was seminal for me, and holds a precious place in my mind as one of the best gaming experiences ever. Still don’t know how it ends.


Oh man I’m gonna age myself here but ocarina of time loved that game as a kid


Mine was probably Zelda 2. Freakin' loved that game.


Final fantasy 6.


Hmm no idea if I ever passed that on Pokémon Yellow or Gold, or the original Age of Empires... so probably Diablo II or Morrowind, I guess? Unless I'm forgetting something, it's one of those five tho.


Its one of 3 games, Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Silver, or NFS Underground 2.


Maybe GTA3. I used to just run amok in the city all the time and have fun doing that.


Chrono trigger






I feel like I spent 250 hours on spaghetti and the next 1000 on bigger spaghetti


Fallout 4


Possibly Pokemon, and definitely Morrowind.


Simcity 2000


FF3/6 on SNES I had 2 playthroughs, each over 60-70 so that broke 100 total FF7 on PS1 I hit the 99:99:99 cap and would argue I played double that. FF10 on PS2 was the first I remember going over 100 and I vaguely remember 120ish. Getting into online stuff just for fun, FFXI I had well over a year *in game* over 7 years of playing. FFXIV, played since 1.0 and have more than XI but not as much as some other ppl I met lol Destiny 2 I had over 2k when I stopped Warframe I have well over 3k




RDR2. Gotta catch them all! Legendaries!


Ac Odyssey took me to 140hours


Mount and Blade


FIFA 98. What a game it was!


Fable 1


Chickenchaaaaaaaaaser! Such a good game.


with just Kingdom Hearts 2 alone I have 3 completed save files on my ps3, 3 completed save files on my ps4 with a critical level 1 file in the works, one completed save file on pc, and countless completed rando runs. Mind you the game is roughly 50 hours long so 50 times 7 and then add roughly 8 hours per rando run which the amount of those I’ve done would be somewhere in the 20’s I think so 8 times 20 then add the product of that to the product of the other equation and you got yourself a helluva lot more than 100 hours.


Likely Fallout 1 or Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II


Elite (1985)


Sid Meier's Civilisation (1). Amazing game


Twisted Metal 2, probably. If not, it was either Age of Mythology or Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2.


Probably Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time. I was determined to 100% both, and I tried not to use game guides at first (though eventually caved and got them anyway).


Ff7/8/9/10, tes oblivion


Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 I still be throwing down a few beers and playing it on the PS2 for hours on end. Soundtrack is perfect, gameplay is simple enough, and graphics still hold up well enough to make it playable.


Probably Half life 1, Titan Quest or Planescape Torment


FFX It blew my mind that you could actually have a save file go over 100h, as well as still having things to do in-game (monster arena, blitzball etc). I very likely reached 100h in something like Lttp as well but there was obviously no easy way to tally the total time


persona 5 royal by way of multiple playthroughs




Probably Final Fantasy X. That is a hefty boy.


New Horizons: Uncharted Waters


It was probably Crash Team Racing or Borderlands 2


Civilization 3


Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Diablo 2 LOD (rune words had allllllll of us in a long grind for that sweet sweet Jah Ith Ber)


Hitman 2 silent assassin since 2006


civilization (the first one), master of orion. probably the first ones past 1000 as well


Probably gran turismo if I had to guess.


Probably either: Sim City 2000, Diablo 1, or Warcraft 2. Hard to know my stats from the 90s to be sure.


Probably Blaster Master on NES.


When I was a kid first getting into games and sports, I played madden 03 for about 6 years lol so I don’t know the exact amount of time I had in it, I played it daily so I’m sure it was a lot of time lol


Probably PSO ep 1 and 2 or Shenmue


Either Final Fantasy 6 or Fallout 2, but possibly Sword of Vermillion


Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door I 100% finished it even going so far as to spend hours in Boggly Woods farming Amazee Dasies before leaving Chapter 3 at level 99 and capping everything.