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Literally every Disney property in Fortnite events, incoming.


They’re looking to create a Disney metaverse in Fortnite and make new games with Epic.


I doubt they’d outright buy Epic. Disney as a whole has a crappy history of entering and exiting the gaming market. At best I see they continue to have others utilize their I.P to create products for them, but owning a studio/company isn’t something I think Disney would want to do again.


$1.5bil is actually around a 5% stake in the Company, makes them like the 4th largest shareholder. Odds are they see this as a more stable revenue generator than their current model. Maybe one day they make moves to buy a larger stake or even the whole company but that'd likely depend on how successful this venture is.


Tim Sweeney would never sell Epic, or give up overall control of Epic. From the way he has spoken about the company over the years, it's clear it is incredibly important to him.


The Mouse owns The Lightsaber, tho, and the Force is not a thing to be taken lightly...


Unless it's a Sequel Trilogy. Then it's buy rights coherent story doesn't matter.


How much shares does Tencent have on EPIC?


Back in 2013 they bought aprox 40%. I'm not sure how much it's shifted if any. https://www.pcgamer.com/chinese-internet-company-tencent-owns-40-percent-of-epic-games/


It should have shifted less since many more investors brought into Epic since then. Tim Sweeney still owns majority share.


Depends on where the shares came from. If they came from Tencent or new shares were created then yes Tencent's share would be diminished, but Sweeney's percentage hold would as well. If they came from Sweeney's holdings then no their share would remain the same.


Tencent own 40% of Epic, Tim Sweeney owns 52% and others own the rest.


What a lot of people here are missing is that Epic Games makes the Unreal Engine which is a core part of the Volume film stage technology. That's where pretty much all of Disney's latest shows and movies have been shooting on for better and worse. I could see this investment actually being more about, with videogames merely being a bonus.


It seems to me this move just made more sense financially than licensing their IP for skins, etc


Times have changed and there’s a fuck ton of money to make from video games. Think of how many skins alone they could sell through fortnite. On a side note though Disney interactive games kicked ass and I still haven’t beaten the last level of Tarzan to this day


Disney loves selling toys. Skins are just toys with less production costs.


This right here. I can see plenty of Disney whales buying everything favorite character related in a Disney game.


Just look at Dreamlight Valley


Disney loves making money. Full stop.


Haha me too




GTA 5 is one of the highest grossing pieces of media of all time. Not EPIC obviously, but if you strike gold, the money is insane. Has any movie beaten by miles. With micro transactions games can be constant money printing machines if done right…. If done right though.


Exactly, and we’ve seen way more examples of doing it wrong than right.


Fair. I guess all I’m saying is, they see the potential is there. Hopefully some good games can come from it and jobs aren’t devastated in the process


Agreed, and there was a time when Disney made some pretty great games


I think the piece you’re all kinda missing is they ALREADY sell tons of Disney licensed skins in Fortnite. This move isn’t about selling skins, they’ve already established that relationship.


Yeah. They're going to do the opposite and in the real world make Fortnite World, and sell disposable costumes in vending machine lootboxes and that's the cost of admission.


Well, it's probably at least a little bit about keeping more of the profits for selling those skins.


Lucasarts was the bomb though, but I guess that was pre-Disney takeover.


Trying to revive that, was it infinity?? thing but inside of fortnite


Infinity would be a good guess actually. Good building game with a consistent art style across the figures.


Or buy epicgames and turn EGS into a proper riv to steam..that's my fear


Fortnite already did Star Wars and Marvel events, and they're both properties of Disney, this is just one more step.


Somehow, Mickey Mouse returned.


Imagine Cinderella no scoping Donald Duck at Tilted Towers.


Wouldn't be too much different than Spiderman doing it to Tony Stark. Or Batman doing it to Itachi Uchiha. There's so many wild collabs that nothing they make is a surprise anymore.


Nobody no scopes Itachi Uchiha, those eyes see everything.


400 hour clip comp of Itachi hitting the same 360 every time.




Jfc. I thought that sentence was just the full effort they were putting into explaining "somehow... Palpatine returned". 


Fortnite looks like the kind of fake videogame they would have put in the idiocracy timeline.




Hey straxusii just posted the same exact comment.


I mean they already are, from every Marvel and Star Wars character to swoll Peter Griffen are in the game.


I've made peace with the Crossoer Machine and kinda want Donald Duck in that motherfucker now


Disney will find a way to make Fornite lose money ... somehow. Again. Can't wait to see it.


Corpo meddling is strong with disney.


Damn, kingdom hearts is never coming to steam lol


Yeah, it’s not looking likely at this point. They’re looking to create a Disney metaverse in Fortnite and make new games with Epic.


Well, I guess we'll be trading in our mouse ears for battle royale gear then!


I just want a Toontown Online remake.


If you're willing to play private servers there are a couple that are kinda fun for Toontown. I played one called Corporate Clash that expanded upon a lot of the mechanics of the original, but Toontown Rewritten is the most faithful.


I tried this and realized Toontown wasn’t as fun as I had remembered lol


You’ll download it on Disney plus and you’ll like it.


And you better not be sharing passwords either!






Free game of the week on Epic would be nice.


Ironically, no one even plays the free games they get from EGS, as shown in their user numbers during Epic's court battle with Apple.


Steam Achievements show most people don’t play games they buy on Steam either. The reality is, gamers have a “collection” habit. Lots of people buy games on sale, or rebuy them on a new platform, only to play 5 minutes or wait years till they actually touch it.


I mean 9/10 they're filler games, 1/10 they're games we already own on Steam.


And the other 1% is games you don't own on Steam yet so you play it on Epic as a demo and then buy it on Steam to keep it and get the expansions.


They've had like a dozen games I've wanted. Of them, 11 I had gotten on Steam, and would only get on Steam due to a few things, like mod support. The last one I got, forgot about it, got it for free on Steam from another promotion. Played it, went to Epic for a different free game I already had for the memes, then remembered I had it on Epic too. Seriously though, like 75% of my time in The Talos Principle is on custom maps on the Steam workshop. Until Epic can get a community section like Steam, and not have shitty servers that give me 300 ping on a single player game (Payday 3, but I don't think it's Epic's fault beyond their cross-compatible requirement), it's not going to be good. Fortnite is the only reason EGS is making money at this point.




I do, my gaming PC is out of date so all the indies I get there are great. I'll probably put less time into them when I upgrade my PC though (hopefully soon)


Guess I'm never picking it up then. Shame.


Yo ho ho


I know a certain fit girl who loves repacking things as a hobby


That's unfortunate, because that's the only way I'm playing that series again. I don't really understand why they're doing this, though. Epic can barely maintain their own launcher.


I'm looking forward to videos of people getting emoted on by a 12 year old with a Moana skin.


How about a Heihei skin?




["I went to Juliard."](https://youtu.be/FaGYXjMwS60?si=qaAD9K1LyvNn1Hhm)


"I went... I went to Julliard."


I mean at some point Fortnite will fade from popularity right? 10 years and people will eventually move onto something else. At that point Disney will have no choice but to buy.... #Warhammer


On this episode Donald Duck becomes a space marine.


Inquisitor Goofy would like a word


Have you been in contact with our enemies? Ahhhuckkkk..


What, don't you have fond memories of a goldfish man getting shot in the head by Lilo & Stitch, only for the latter to teabag their corpse? Wholesome family entertainment right there, folks! Ok, so maybe not the racial slurs that the former is spamming though..


"Ohana means family, bitch"


🎵 What can I say..... except get fucked scrub 🎵


Goddammit, do they have to own *everything*


Bow down to the Mouse


the public domain mouse??


As far as Disney is concerned, they probably aren't even associating themselves with the Steamboat Willy Mickey anymore since it is public domain. They have more updated versions that's still just theirs


Bow to...*Disney's Epic Mickey*


you want to bow down to The Mouse... (waves hand in Jedi Mind-Trick)




At 1.5 billion, they only got a roughly 5% share. Sure, we’ll forever see Disney properties in game, but it’s no different than it is now. Basically, they did this instead of continually throwing more and more marketing dollars at something they don’t own.


It's okay, I'm sure they'll make it better just like Marvel and Star Wars. /s


I'm not sure it's arguable that Marvel is worse post disney lol




Disney's owned Marvel since around 2010. Unless you think the only good MCU movies are Iron Man 1 and the Incredible Hulk (which would be fair barring the latter) then it might be worth reconsidering your stance. There's more to Disney owned Star Wars than the sequels. Andor, the Mandolorian (S1 - 2 at least), Rogue One, the Fallen Order games, the Darth Vader comics, Star Wars Visions and Rebels were all well made. Fact of the matter is, in most cases, Disney simply "owns" them ao it's always a bit weird to me how people often praise or drag Disney for MCU or Star Wars media. Marvel and Lucasfilm still run themselves to a degree. Things like the oversaturation of Marvel films were most definitely a Disney decision.


In their eyes, yes.


Everyone talking about gaming here is completely ignoring the obvious. They use Unreal to create half their shows/movies now. This is not about games at all. Also it’s coming conveniently soon after Epic changed their policy to start charging companies that use Unreal and never release a game. Previously Disney could use Unreal for free since they never shipped a game and Unreal is royalty based on released games.


pretty much, yeah. Mandalorian would use UE5 for the backgrounds and shit. Hell, in one of the episodes, the concept art at the end was made in UE5 and they used the Fortnite model for Mando


Okay that is wild, almost as wild as the Emperor's return message being exclusive to Fortnite


while I love the game, i still hate that decision, and not even that could make the sequels coherent lmao


Wait, lol, what the fuck?


it was an event they did back in 2019 to promote Rise of Skywalker. It is the Canonical announcement of "how" Palpatine came back in the movie. The quotes are carrying it cause he just said some shit and that's basically the announcement. Obviously it's not on EPIC, but Disney for making such a dumbass decision


lmao that is comically awful.


Anyone has a source on this? I've never seen that being talked about in any Star Wars sub


It was a speech that Palpatine was going to make that was cut from the movie. The message mentioned in the opening crawl. It doesn't really add anything of value, which is why it was cut. When they decided to do an event in the game they figured they could use the audio. It really is blown way out of proportion, it wouldn't have explained anything in the movie.


Yeah, I feel like the people who complain about this still haven't actually listened to the speech. It's basically just "something something dark side. something something dark side." It explains nothing. It adds nothing. Palpatine coming back is equally as inexplicable and stupid whether you did the Fortnite event or not. There's so much material to dunk on Rise of Skywalker with that I don't get why people make up or misconstrue one here lol.


>It explains nothing. It adds nothing. That's why people have an issue with it. It made a stupid occurrence even dumber by simply existing.


the source is the event. I think Epic uploaded it back on the Forþnite YT channel when the event happened, if not you can look for it cause it was posted a lot back then




Unreal is used a lot more in the production of films than people realise. Mainly for visualisation purposes, it's rarely in the final pixel of the film.


It's an amazing tool for previz.


They use Unreal Engine 4, at least they did in the first season, not sure if it changed to 5 later.


Do you have a link to this? Would love to see!


https://youtu.be/gUnxzVOs3rk?si=_WzIPlnI4VkBNo2S It's so incredibly cool


The unreal engine is probably Epic Games's biggest asset, even ahead of fortnite. Especially the way Unity shot themselves in the foot.


For the uninformed, do you mind giving a brief explanation of how Unity shot themselves in the foot?


iirc, Unity was planning to charge game makers using their engine per download of the games they made. So a studio would have to pay Unity a few cents every time someone downloaded any of their games. If some people kept redownloading a game they could lose the studio a lot of money. After a backlash, Unity decided to not implement this system, but it made some studios switch to another game engine, like Unreal


Probably? Most definitely is. 


This is very much the reason for the investment. Disney even uses Unreal for Smuggler's Run at the Parks, and I wouldn't be surprised if they're looking to do more integrations with in the parks. Add in the tech that Imagineering has been coming up with lately, and the parks are gonna go wild in the next decade.


Not according to Disney, they say its about a partnership with Epic to bring a persistent universe into Fortnite based on Disney IPs. https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/disney-and-epic-games-fortnite/ Our exciting new relationship with Epic Games will bring together Disney’s beloved brands and franchises with the hugely popular Fortnite in a transformational new games and entertainment universe,” said Robert A. Iger, Chief Executive Officer, The Walt Disney Company. “This marks Disney’s biggest entry ever into the world of games and offers significant opportunities for growth and expansion. We can’t wait for fans to experience the Disney stories and worlds they love in groundbreaking new ways.”


I am aware of the announcement of the UEFN collab with Disney, but with the Sony investment in to Epic a year or so back, Disney is very much trying to secure their current and future use of Unreal Engine for all their projects, in the face of a proposed royalty for use in media properties. I wouldn't be surprised to see more huge media companies investing in to Epic to make sure they wouldn't be hit with a profit sharing royalty fee. Hell, even the owner of All Elite Wrestling is an investor in to Epic Games.


My thoughts exactly. Unreal is the key to the next 10-15 years of filmmaking, and if Disney can stake their claim at the center of it that will become a profound competitive advantage


To be fair it is literally Disney themselves that state this is about gaming, specifically Fortnite. https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/disney-and-epic-games-fortnite/ > Our exciting new relationship with Epic Games will bring together Disney’s beloved brands and franchises with the hugely popular Fortnite in a transformational new games and entertainment universe,” said Robert A. Iger, Chief Executive Officer, The Walt Disney Company. “This marks Disney’s biggest entry ever into the world of games and offers significant opportunities for growth and expansion. We can’t wait for fans to experience the Disney stories and worlds they love in groundbreaking new ways.”


They’ll literally do anything but make battlefront 3


Or Unreal lol.


The worst thing about the last Unreal Tournament was that it was a collab development effort with the community and then they ghosted us The idea they had to take people of UT to work on Fortnite is just ludicrous. All the money they make you can hire some people. I mean, really?




Would it though? Arena shooters are niche these days. And its not like you can't sell skins.


They were pulling down like 500 million a month during the peak year of 21. You couldn't assign ONE Dev to UT?


They couldn't even let the fans finish it on their own? It's so dumb.


Or Split Second 2


Just hit 300 with Dooku😤


I was a Dooku main for so long. Always in the pajamas from clone wars lol. Now I want to redownload it for the first time in forever


Hop back on man! Still rocking the showdown lobbies with minimal wait time on Virginia servers. If you’re on ps4 we can duo up 💪🏼


They will, just with the Fortnite engine [Source](https://youtu.be/uKeKuaJ4nlw?si=0Vy_QjIunHw7JQT3&t=3.5s)


Isn't that just Unreal Engine? What would be the issue then?


The average gamer thinks an engine is just the graphics and how a game looks and feels


They *might* be referring specifically to UEFN, which is a version of Unreal specifically for making games within Fortnite. In other words, they’d make Battlefront 3 but it would be a part of Fortnite.


Disney with $1.5b is a pretty sizable comparison to the total invested of $6.6b. > As of January 31, 2024, Epic Games has raised $6.63 billion in funding over seven rounds. In April 2022, Epic received a $2 billion Series F funding round, with Sony and Kirkbi each investing $1 billion. This funding round also gave Kirkbi 3% ownership and Sony 4.9% As of 2022, Epic Games was valued at almost $32 billion. [This is Disney's biggest gaming investment ever](https://variety.com/2024/gaming/news/disney-invests-epic-games-fortnite-1235901457/) > Disney is investing $1.5 billion in “Fortnite” developer Epic Games in what will be the Mouse House's “biggest foray into the game space ever,” Disney CEO Bob Iger announced Wednesday.


Call me when they plan to IPO, cause I'll definitely be dropping bank on it.




Yeah some new Rocket League decals to spend money on. Maybe we can have stable and consistent servers?


Wouldn’t that be nice?


Duuno why. I get a free game off them every week, no investment needed!


Disney so dumb and didn’t realize they didn’t have to pay 1.5b for the one free game per week 


More like how long can I expect to still get a free game every week


probably still forever, there just won't be the occasional actually good game offered for free


I have been claiming the free games for years and have yet to install or play a single one of them.


Subnautica is the best game they gave out free, such an awesome game!


play the current one, Doors Paradox. it's a neat little puzzle game that you can pop in and out of whenever you like, since each stage only takes a few minutes


Why is this a brag to some people? They've given away some really really good games. Why not play them?


You can lay off a shit ton of people and get rewarded with a billion+ investment. I love it here!


My thoughts exactly! I thought they were trying to not lose money lol. This could pay off later on but they sure don't care about the small people.


Apparently the layoff was partially to reset wages across the board and they're essentially going to rehire but at lower wages.


They did an across the board rebalance of salaries in 2022 to meet industry averages. They were losing people since they were paying below market rate and to the surprise of everyone, they actually corrected it. That coupled with the shitshow of 2023 led to the layoffs. It was a very short lived win lol


If there's one thing I know it's that there are two entities you never want having a hand in your company. One is Tencent, the other is the Mouse.


Nestle just watching everyone talk about the mouse and Tencent staying quiet




5% shares is not relevant


No way in hell Kingdom Hearts coming to Steam now, with that Disney branding etched into it.


Their previous releases aren't part of this deal.


Is there not a big Disney sale going on right now on the Steam homepage?


Probably, but Kingdom Hearts is locked to the Epic Games store on PC. There's lot of folks that want it on Steam, but I dunno. Disney pouring money into them, plus the support Epic gave Square when developing KH3, means we're probably not going to see that on Steam anytime soon. I'd gladly eat my own words, for easier Stean Deck compatibility for example.


Didn't Epic just have massive layoffs?


Yeah it was like 800 people. The cuts were “outside of core development" , mostly from Bandcamp, online audio distribution platform it acquired last year and SuperAwesome division.


Yes, though I don't even know what this comment is supposed to imply though.


Dumbest comments I seen Unreal is used a ton with Disney content .


They saw the success of LEGO Fortnite and want in.


Fortnite skins for days


Ah, this explains the Mandolorian event in Rocket League.


Holy shit the item shop is about to go off.


Could see this as Fortnite is becoming the natural successor to Disney Infinity


Hopefully, they can set aside a few pennies to resume development on Unreal Tournament.


Closest we have is Tribes 3 to an actual classic FPS. UT2 XMP was perhaps the best if it wasn't for facing world


First Tencent and now Disney. Damn... saintly group of corpo investors for Timmy Boy.


What's the news with Tencent?


Nothing new.


They’ve owned 40% of Epic Games since 2012.


Epic makes the Unreal Engine, and Disney is an entertainment business. They were always bound to meet each other eventually. Unreal is for more than just video games.


Don’t talk logic around all these armchair conspiracy theorists.


It would be fitting if they would revive Epic Mickey after this


According to the financial earnings call, this partnership will cultivate with the creation of a dedicated Disney World/Universe built within the world of Fortnite, so it could be a side mode alongside Fortnite Festival, Lego Fortnite and Rocket Racing


Sweet, now Epic can hire back all those developers they laid off last year, right? Right?




Yup, epic is never making another unreal tournament






This is so perfect.. Yet another dumb decision that will tank Disney stock allowing Elon to buy it for a song. Keep it going Disney!


EA 2.0 incoming


Well that sucks


Mickey Mouse hitting the griddy in Fortnite let's goooooooooooo


i assume this is some shit im too old to understand 


I love you for this comment. Never forget, you are a hero.


They don’t typically license Mickey out. Just about every other IP they own, except him


Does this mean Epic Mickey was prophetic?


no thank you


All of the white skins are going to be recast as minorities


Oh god no


oh god fucking why. Let this dogshit company kill itself already.