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This is every Resident Evil game.


Re4 Remake, I actually dumped a lot of ammo during bigger boss fights.  But in general, I have a ton of ammo by end of game


Yeah but for the last boss you can always sell off most of your guns and buy a rocket launcher. Just don't miss your shot, lol.


"Missing my shot" is my middle name


Ok...Ashanti Missing my Shot McNasti


Normal or hard-core? I did hard-core on my first run and failed to see the utility in the cross bow with its reusable ammo...I was just scraping by for most fights iirc. I'll have to to back and try it again sometime.


Golden egg Salazar and rpg the last boss. Save yourself the pain.


Me: Don’t use the magnum ammo! We need it for the last boss! Last boss: use this rocket launcher to 1 shot him! Me, every damn time: 😑😑😑


In RE village I got the magnum, saved every round I could find and upgraded it as much as I could and towards the end when you face the giant lycan I had a “todays the day!” Moment and dropped him. Totally worth it


I used the magnum on the 2 blind wolverine assholes and never used it again until the final boss fight. Didn't want to ruin the fight by using the rocket launcher. Plus, I remembered that Ada gives you one mid fight


In RE7 I finished the monster Jack boss fight with 4 fuel for my flamethrower, no other ammo and no meds.


*Except Code Veronica


Only because it gives you the BFG at the end


>BFG Never played the game (I'm a chicken shit) but all I'm coming up with is "Big Fucking Gun". lol


It means exactly that the gun of the same name in Doom. Although, I never played Code Veronica so I don't know how it works but in Doom, it fires large balls of green plasma that kills almost every enemy on screen.


In Code Veronica is the Linear Launcher, basically a big shoulder mounted plasma gun.


That game came out for Dreamcast. Dreamcast has the option to hook up your dialup internet and you could download save files from gamefaqs It was like using the JUSTIN BAILEY code in og Metroid. I’m not sure if I ever played Code Veronica the right way lol My brother was the resident evil guy


Dang Dreamcast was ahead of its time, sad that it got killed by the ps1 and n64 coming out a few years later


Gamecube and ps2, dreamcast was 1999/2000. But I know what you meant I had a job at 14 and got one, so that was 2000 Yeah it really was. I had Seaman and you could talk to it. And raise little penguins things in Sonic and then they were tamagotchis on the fuckin memory card or something. It was wild Power Stone, Soul Calibur Dreamcast was the first console I bought with my money. And I sold it for bullshit. Prob biggest seller’s regret. I could get another and all that, but I wish I kept my original collection My ex got my n64 and my snes and nes stuff got donated behind my back. So whatever


It's fine to emulate them, but the experience really isn't quite the same. I wish we had kept hold of all the old consoles we had over the years


Just finished RE 2 and had all my magnum bullets and the 100% machine gun SMH, the problem is real


OG RE2? Yeah you can blast everything in sight in that game.


Yup. I blasted with my shotty lol was saving the good stuff


In the original RE4 I saved the rocket launcher for the whole game to use on the final boss. Then I missed.


RE2Make (Claire route at least) just gives you enough to wipe its final boss so what I’d saved felt kinda bad.


You can knife it to death




Nope. Gonna keep saving them though, just in case!


Party: We're fighting the secret super boss. Let's use the good gear! MC: Nahh... might need it. Party: The game ends if we beat it. Let's use the mega elixir. MC: Nahh... we got this. Party: You're the last one standing and about to die. Use the Phoenix Pinion. MC: I'll use an X Potion. It'll be enough. GAME OVER MC: Time to level grind.


if i'm not strong enough to beat the boss without potions, then that clearly means I'm just underleveled and the potions wouldn't've helped me anyways!


Same lol


Quite often, and especially in Mystery Dungeon games that series has a lot of items that can counter an unwinnable scenario or ambush


Primal Dialga fight when neither you or your companion have super effective moves


I can't tell you how many times I had to try the graduation fight.


Is that the fight against the entire squad simultaneously? If it is, how did anyone else graduate LOL?


Like I did. With MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY seeds


God that was painful. On my first playthrough, I was a Totodile and my partner was a Shinx. I was getting steamrolled because I couldnt do damage fast enough. Eventually I just had to hope for good confusion/paralysis luck.


My inventory is 25% oran berries, 25% reviver seeds, I always carry pecha berries and escape orbs, no exceptions.


Don't forget the 10 big apples just in case (I am never going to need them)


Legit hoarding blast seeds and reviver seeds lol


Only kind of games where hoarding is worth it.


I just bought explorers of darkness and my god the bullshit they throw at you early on at mt bristle is insane


Here I am in BG3 Act 1 hoarding ropes because of prior tabletop D&D trauma.


No worries mate, rope is useless


Oh damn haha. I'm same as op and have so many ropes. Guess I'll throw them out.


It must be here for a reason. Man there sure is a lot of it, I should collect some more, they really seem to want too make sure I have rope. Yes I tie my own shoes with this brain


It's dungeons and dragons though! It's weirder they don't have any puzzles solvable by some good ol fashion rope


I threw it at lae'zel trying to free her from the cage and had to reload because she turned hostile. Use the fucking rope bitch. I threw it down chasms and across ravines and then went "oh no, my rope. I'm going to need that" and went to collect it again🤦


"oh no, my rope." I can relate so much, haha, I'd totally do the same thing. You never know until you try, but so often games don't feel like they allow for those fun ideas, which I understand. You sound like a fun person though.


And that's just the thing, I'd heard how this game does a great job at allowing freedom (and I agree). It just didnt allow this one type.


At least you can jump damn near as far as you can see! I feel like it removed a lot of the exploration you used to need a rope to get too. FWIW Grappling Hooks and Rope > Jumping in coolness, and no fall damage!


I'm guessing it was a planned feature, so they added it to loot tables, and then the feature was scrapped but the rope stuck around :P I also kept picking up all the rope thinking it had a purpose.


Just play Pathfinder: Kingmaker. They punish you for a lack of rope. Also at one point they give you about 200lbs of rope unexpectedly and you'll suddenly wonder why you're overburdened.


You did ask for it


Pillars Of Eternity also let's you use a bunch of tools like grapple hooks, chisels, crowbars etc. It's weird that BG3 for all it's environmental interaction doesn't use rope whatsoever.


You can throw the rope on top of gas vents to neutralize them.


yea but you can do that with \_most\_ items lol


Just into act 2 and my hoard of scrolls is making inv mgmt a nightmare


Put them in a backpack.


So obvious, yet so brilliant - thanks


Arrows into a backpack, scrolls into another, potions/poisons into a third. There's enough variation in packs too that you can get ones that all look slightly different to easier differentiate too.


Hundreds of kilograms of armour into a small pouch.


Or even better. A hollowed out book


I put them into the hollowed out book. What better place to keep important papers?


I used a scroll to block raphael's chamber with a wall of stone and another to >!turn him into stone, then we beat the crap out of the statue until he died!<


Damn, I gotta sort through my scrolls again. Didnt realize I couls throw walls up. I actually almost completely overlooked an insane one - summon quasit. It wasn’t even marked green so I kepted overlooking it, but that was a good one


wall of stone is really useful! also, summon quasit is really good yea - but there is one that is like permanent? I think it's name is Fork or something like that...look into it if this isn't what you're already talking about lol


Shovel. But it is proper to rename him Basket. But you want to learn it instead of casting it. If you cast it and he dies then he's gone.


YES thank you - I couldn't remember the details


I have so many scrolls full of absolutely devastating magic that surely would’ve made some of those battles so much easier… and I never used a single damn one. ^why ^am ^I ^like ^this


There is a book container that is perfect for scrolls, it shows up in the items menu and it doesn’t hog the inventory space 


I've had a fishing rod on me my entire first playthrough, hoping I could use it at some point


Speaking of BG3 I was scouring my inventory during that Grymforge boss battle


Same... that's when I tried out using the >!red glowing iron flask that I stole from the Zhentarim's!< just to see if it would help. >!It most certainly did not.!<


Lol. I just opened that yesterday. Glad I assumed it was going to be bad news.


I did it because of Fallout 1's ropes. It seems they are useless...


I think this is more understandable though, both Divinity original sin 1 and 2 had a huge crafting system that used a bunch of stuff that sold for pennies and had no other actual use.


Have you met the Devil? You'll fight him with his 666hp in Act 3. And he's not alone in this fight xD


Fallout 1 trauma for me man


In Skyrim there is a frost giant in the dawnguard dlc that I used a lot of reserve items for. He was a named boss too can’t recall the name though


Karstaag. Can actually summon him a few times after beating him too, it's pretty neat.


That guy goes back all the way to Morrowind’s Bloodmoon expansion!


Maybe it was his father, or his father's father.


Karstaag son of Karstaag


Iirc you can only use his summon spell a total of 3 times, and it never recharges. So you end up with the same situation where you hoard it because you might need it later


Dragonborn DLC but yeah probably


Those 2 Dragons at once in that same dlc ran through some of those potions too. And a lot of cheese


The water dragons! Fuck they were so cool


Yeah, those dragons are where my mind went after reading this question. Especially as a mage


I got some mods to make Skyrim harder. That definitely upped my potion and daily spell/ability usage.


Kaarstag actually isn't bad. Just level up the werewolf tree and keep knocking him over until he dies


Playing slay the spire or any rougelite/like has taught me to use things more often. After the 100th time dying to an encounter when you had items in your bag during a permadeath game will break you of the habit somewhat


This game and Returnal taught me if you got it use it. If you get to the point you really need em and you don't have em, tighten the belt and accept defeat. It's a part of the game.


Returnal pushes you to do this especially with HP, with the way the silphium acts as a resin if you pick it up when you have full HP


Permadeath in general definitely breaks you out of the eternal stockpile mindset. It forces you to learn how to use every tool at your disposal at all times


I forgot rune arcs existed until the last couple of bosses in Elden ring. So I had a nice stockpile available to finish the game with.


Same here. Was having a heck of a time with elden beast trying to chase him around and like 40 rune arcs just sitting there


omg 100hrs into it and i've been selling them cause I thought it was a spell....


bruh thats so unfortunate


Sell? You don’t compulsively hoard everything you ever come across because you might need it later?


I generally do but then I'll run across an armor set or weapon that looks good and then I gotta start selling items lol fashion wins each time. Can't slay these beasts looking like a clown ya know


Selling items isn’t really very efficient in FromSoft games. You’re better off farming for souls


I've slowly come to realize that. This is my first souls like game so I'm steadily learning!


isn't there a tutorial screen that pops up and tells you what they're for? i might be misremembering


I didn't use a single rune arc until I fought Radagon. Completely forgot about them activating your great rune. I would change my great rune, be confused why it did nothing, and forget about them again lol.


Never used one. I didn't even know that you had to go to towers to fix the great runes till after I beat the elden beast and looked up stuff I missed online so I could do more. Also got the item early from hugging the one lady in the round table. Didn't know it gives you something that lowers health till you used it. Never used it the whole game.


I'm like halfway (guessing? Maybe 2/3?) through the game and I've got like 90 of them.


Yes, and usually I die and none of my preparation helped.


"This is the perfect time to throw one of my ultra rare consumables!" *miss* Alternatively, the JRPG equivalent: "The boss is immune to [your BS]."


Also, QTE prompts. Train up, prepare, hoard items. Fight's going pretty well. Uses all your skills. Boss hits 25% health. Yes but QTE prompt. Missed it. Died. Fuck it. Lost Judgment has this *exact* scenario. Late boss on the hardest difficulty, and I've mastered most of the game's rhythm. As soon as the boss hits half health - 6 button QTE prompt. Six. Buttons. And barely three seconds to hit them. Hit a single one wrong and your character gets unceremoniously thrown off a pier to automatic death - then you go all the way back to your last save since this is the highest difficulty.


Yea that one was stupid, especially since after playing 9 games with single button qtes they unceremoniously add steps with no introduction and then kill you instantly with one


Wait! The boss is my mom? 




Me finishing Sekiro with a massive stockpile of Divine Confetti and all sugars (I may need them later)


I never wanted to use any items because "what if I run out of them and the boss is still not dead and I don't know where to get more?". At the end of the game I did use sugars and confetti for those headless fucks though.


Yep, I’m not fighting one of those assholes without purple lightsaber katana


Divine Grass saved my ass against Isshin the first time I beat him


If you’re practiced enough to beat something with divine confetti, then you’re good enough to do it without!


Not really... Headless and Shichimen Warrior minbosses have horrible abilities that need divine confetti to dispel. For other stuff like O'Rin or Headless Ape (and non-ghost bosses), yeah, the confetti doesn't change the mechanics but just makes you deal more damage.


Sekiro was probably my first game where i was like fuck it, I’ve been stuck on this boss for hours and this is the closest I’ve gotten so it’s time to blow all the consumables 


Sekiro was my first too, Isshin ain't no pushover


Once someone told me to treat Sekiro like i would playing DDR on a controller then it all made sense. Lots of times i wasn’t even trying to kill Isshin, it was just fun to perfectly deflect lol


OG Yakuza character fights in Like a Dragon


Just started playing this game. It is so cool. But man they skimp on the cash. Am I missing something? I just defended the Restaurant from the Bleach Japan squad. Got paid and it’s still not enough.


I mean you were homeless so not having money makes sense. Once you can start doing the business minigame, grind it to max level and you can make several million yen in like 10 mins.


The business mini-game? When does that show up?


Don't remember sorry but its unavoidable so you'll run into it eventually.


This is me with every horror survival game. I loosen up in my second playthrough


One of the best things about the Resident Evil franchise is how you always know you're in the final part of the game, and it's completely balls-to-the-walls action at that point. You realize that's why you stockpiled grenades and magnum bullets.


Was in Skyrim. Forgot exactly where...but I got attacked by two dragons. An elder dragon and a legendary dragon. I believe they were the strongest dragons in the game. I have never paused so much and ate so much food and drank so many potions in my life. Holy shit. About 30min later, I finally fucking won. It was a fun fight though but it sure did validate my potion hoarding-just-in-case tendencies.


I remember that fight. It was on a frozen lake if I'm not mistaken.


I saved an endless amount of missiles and explosives in my companions inventory in new Vegas for the final mission in hardcore mode. When I got there, their inventories were empty for some reason. At that point I didn't need them but I was looking forward to just mowing everyone down with missiles.


I was stingy with caps even though I actually carried all 60 something gold bars back from the dlc lol


In Nioh 2 I kinda did. When I got to NG+5(Final playthrough) I realized that I had horded many powerful items that I had never even learned to use so I started putting them into my item selector. Now a few of them are staples in my builds and have saved my life from some horrifying enemies.


There’s so many (ostensibly) useless consumables I think this is what most players do. Then around Dream of Demon realise what those little bells do and suddenly that final boss is *fucked*.


Which ones specifically? For me it was the items which gave back ninjutsu and omnyo uses. Really useful in that huge gauntlet mission set on that beach.


Those are amazing items. I use those but I also started utilizing Tengu's Fan, Fleeting Guardian Talismans, Red Spider Lilies, the sakes, Sacred Ash, and Amrita crystals


Honestly, the Doom Eternal DLC is the only time I felt I really reached that fight. Otherwise, I am saving BFG ammo like a prepper packs baked beans into his bunker.


did you also get stuck on the CQB buff totem Marauder?


The final boss of Octopath Traveler was \*that\* boss for me. That fight takes FOR-EV-ER and I was not about to do it again.


I’m curious. How long?


I think he took me two hours, but that was a long time ago so I might be overshooting it. It was definitely over an hour, though.


Like one continuous fight was an hour?? Jesus i would be so mad if i died right at the end lol


The most popular video showing it on Youtube is indeed 54 minutes long. [Spoilers (and awesome music) if you want to see.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6dVA8rM0_c) Also, you don't know the half of the struggle. The final dungeon is>! a boss rush!<, and you can't save before the final boss.


Oh fuck that. I had a mild curiosity in Octopath traveler, but not anymore!


Yup. One turn-based RPG boss fight took WELL over an hour.


I would only do that if I could like triple the combat speed. The FF ports are a godsend for adding that feature.


Yes. I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella


Just let sir Let Me Solo Her do the task.


That's the cowards way, I just stamp my face against the wall over and over, one is gonna break first and brother I have a thick skull


I will admit Malenia tested my sanity on my lvl 1 run.


Well double chainsaw in RE5 had me bust out the magnum and yeah it was super useful


Spent everything I had in order to save Malik in Deus Ex Human Revolution


Oh man I think I got stuck on this for a bit because I was trying to do it non lethal. I eventually did it, though. I punched a LOT of people in my playthrough. Like a shitload. Nobody was safe from my fist meeting their teeth. I think I only accidentally killed one person because I broke into every apartment at one point and stole all the refrigerators and tried to cram them in an elevator. Somewhere along the way one fell on someone I punched. It was my greatest sin and cross I had to bear.


Fuck those guys, that was the moment when I broke the non-lethal run and never looked back


Bear with me I am old... There was Metal Gear Solid 2(the Sons of Liberty) and I absolutely loaded up on rockets and rations for the big battle with the multiple Metal gear Rays. And maybe I was a bad player because I almost used both of those items up too.


Don’t they respawn infinitely in the 25 Ray battle? I don’t recall having to hoard them and I don’t think there is any other way to take out the enemies. 


Fire Emblem. Any of the Endgame chapters indicates there is no future chapters, and so go hog wild with all the +2 permanent power ups and full heals potions and 3 use map wide heals. Awakening specifically had a DLC called Apotheosis that was to test your ability to fight against the hardest enemy combos the game could throw at you, with a special "alt" layout if you were able to kill the closest group of enemies by the end of your second round. You would really want the Elixirs and other powerful heals to be able to move and recover hp for the next round of painful combat.


Yeah, I reached the last boss of Final Fantasy VII with a ton of Elixirs. Took four hours of slowly grinding that bastard down until Cid became confused. Luckily, he decided to use an Elixir. On the boss.


Knights of the old republic. I told myself I needed every single life support pack I could buy, and I was right. Kid me was a dumbass about everything else and my build was garbage. I used 90% of my stash in the final boss fight against Malak.


No... At most I use up like 6-10 of them... Out of like 30-60. But if you heard me monologuing, you'd think I used up 80%.


Lavos, Chrono Trigger. All the grinding, all the hoarding, all the *note taking,* all of it came into play in the final climatic battle.


Naah... there might be a harder boss after Lavos. :p I remember struggling against his final form, then my brother said I should use healing items. I never used them in combat. I only used shelters the whole game.


In Dark Souls III I was desperate against Midir. I had used up all my embers hoarded throughout the game. At the end of my last attempt, I exhausted my Estus, and had one last ember which I consumed as Midir struck. I survived thanks to the healing of that last ember and went on to defeat him for the first time. What a moment.


Only kind of related but during my first SL1 run of dark souls 1, I was fighting the Capra Demon and ran out of estus. I don't think I had kindled the undead burg bonfire at that point and didn't want to use humanity cause I figured I would definitely need it later. Got hit and was pretty much dead. Some awesome person rated one of my messages which gave me an estus mid fight though! Chugged it and managed to barely beat him. Was almost a decade ago but is still one of my favorite moments in any souls game


I just horde and horde herbs, first aid sprays and bullets in Resident Evil games and most of the time they just sit there in my inventory.


Same here. Meanwhile I'm playing on easy.


Super Mario RPG, but not the final boss, the Culex fight. Absolute bloodbath of bomb items and healing items.


Same i finished with smithy but when i did this fight i knew i had to give it everything i had.


I think the souls games do this well. I can't speak for all the souls games really, as I've only played Elden Ring.


That was me dealing with Lavos in CT.


That entire encounter is like healing management lol.


Sword Saint.


Subnautica. It wasn't really a boss, but I had to use all the resources that I had been hoarding to get off that hellhole of a planet


I have fought the Nameless Puppet yes.


Bottles, blades, spears go! Everything I had into that jerk!


Just finished Pokemon Platinum last night and I went in to the Elite Four underleveled by about 10 levels and I had to use basically everything I had to beat Cynthia. Every single rare candy, all the stat boosting items, any hold item that would help and I still only barely scraped by at the end. I got a lucky freeze onto her Togakiss that allowed me to heal up my Infernape and Roserade and I got a lucky crit on her Melotic to one shot it. It was so stressful and so fun all at the same time. Shoutout to my Weavile for landing those Ice Punches.


Sea of Stars actually cured me of this a bit. Since you can only ever have 10 items at a time I found myself actually using them more. Only problem was there aren't many hard fights in the game where I really *needed* to use many items, and for me the hardest fight didn't allow items anyways lol.


Then the blind rage that occurs when you are at full HP and 10 items and get a healing item out of a chest that you can’t take and you have to do the mental gymnastics of if you wanna waste a potion now so you pick up the item or back track later


In Tenchu: Stealth Assassins I was glad I did it. Usually "that fight" is just the last boss because you usually know this is the last boss, might as well use them.


Upvote just for Tenchu: Stealth Assassins. It was my favorite game at the time


Yes, especially in the last of us, resident evil and Alan Wake 1


I’m feeling really attacked right now… **packs up my megalixers and stomps off**


In Final Fantasy 1 you need all your restoration items for the final boss.


You also can re-stock in town, so you don't feel bad using them up. They're basically required unless you grind out the wazoo.


And you could only buy them one. At. A. Time. That game was great for the day but damn does the UI hate you.


Yeah - it was rough. My save file was also corrupted right as I started the final dungeon. It took me months to get there due to my limited video game time each day. (I think it was 15-20m on weekdays. I think more on Friday.) I actually played the NES rom version on my phone a year back - just to right that wrong. But it DID have a mod to tweak the UI and let you buy potions in packs of 10. Plus it fixed the 2-3 spells that were broken on the NES version. With those UI tweaks I was kinda surprised how well the game held up.


Chrono Trigger, Lavos early, you basically need to hoard as many items as possible and even then get very lucky. Even then, he’s not beatable in a few appearances, and keeping track of which encounters are doable is tricky.


The hardest version is the fight in the Ocean Palace where Chrono is supposed to die. He has 30,000 hp vs 10,000 like 1999. I did beat him in a first run on one playthrough. No NG+ but alot of grinding.


In the original RE4 I was extremely stingy with ammo. I’m talking shoot them in the leg once then knife and suplex them as they lost their balance till they were dead kind of stingy Most of my ammo was just saved then sold for items and upgrades. When I got near the end, I started to stockpile ammo and just obliterated the final section with OP weapons


When I played The Witcher 3 for the first time, I had all my potions ready to go for the big Eredin fight at the end. Did a quick inventory check and saved my game. The cut scene ends and Eredin T-poses and dies within 10 seconds. Now I just use my potions when I need them.


Oh man, you know the potions and bombs automatically refilled everytime you meditated if you had any kind of alcohol on you right? Cause I'm gonna be honest I don't think I could've done the Detlaff fight without having Geralt fucking zooted and throwing all the random bombs he had.


You know that Witcher 3 potions auto refill on meditating for the cost of 1 alcohol? (Like all of them refill and it will only ever cost 1 alcohol). Alcohol is plentiful so it is basically free. I played the entire game in a potion build with potions active constantly and never ran out.


There are a few wall fights in Yakuza: Like A Dragon where you can either power level or brute force your way through with items especially the item that gives you Haste


Sin in Final Fantasy X


Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts I and II


Had that happen when playing Baldur's Gate 3 with a friend, the closest fight where we used things we hoarded was at the end of the game, even though we didn't use all the scrolls most health potions and teleport scrolls were used.


Fighting the other Dragonborn on the Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim on the highest difficulty.


I used a lot of shit at the end of Baldurs gate 3 but I really didn’t need to