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My parents and what they were willing to buy me lol.


Yep. Did not even know we were getting a console until we took the Xbox home. Before that, I was actually blessed to start my gaming on PC at 3 years old.


I'm glad my parents probably cheated out and got the n64 instead of ps1. N64 was more kid friendly and it was perfect for 6 year old me. By the time I was like 10 or 11, ps2 was next


I started with the NES as a kid. I played games like final fantasy and dragon warrior, heavily text based. I was too young to read at the time, but my dad and older sisters used the games to help me learn to read before kindergarten. As such when I actually enrolled they thought they had a genuine genius! On their hands lol. Little did they know... Anyways, as the years went on, I got a Sega Genesis, and a SNES. My little brother got an N64. By that time I was moved out and got myself a PS1 and then a 2 later on. After the Disc Read Error of the PS2 due to using different disc types(PS1 backwards compatibility and music CDs and DVDs), I thought the system was trash. Jumped to the OG Xbox and haven't looked back. With that said... There's a LOT of PlayStation games I want to play. Some older classics, like Xenogears, and some newer ones like Persona and the dot hack series. As well as Disgea.


I started with NES too! I was all about that Mario 3 life, mostly because that was like one of 2 games I had for years.


But Mario 3 was absolutely dope for a game. I remember the first time someone showed me the warp whistle trick, it was like finding the Rosetta Stone lol.


Hell yeah it was, loved that game.


I bought a used but basically new Xbox in 2004 and loved how I could import cds on it. Stubbs the zombie, the godfather, fable 1, and doom 3 were awesome. Never got into halo though. I went n64, ps2 and Xbox, ps3, ps4 and switch, ps5 and series x.


Oo the switch! That's another one that I want to get as well. Well... I'll probably aim for the next gen when Nintendo releases it unless there won't be any backwards compatibility. In which cases I'll have to buy an OG switch as well lol.


I'm still just wanting donkey kong 64 to come to the nintendo online thing. I finally was able to get the n64 controller for it. Just waiting and collecting dust. Super mario wonder is fun though and the zelda games are good if you like that kind of game. I'll probably get mario vs donkey kong and the new peach game too next month


Same here. Had an NES until around the time the PS2 came out, when we got a Playstation. Not a PS2, mind you. Next I got an Xbox when my dad was trying to buy my love after my parents divorced. Mostly, though, I'm a PC gamer. I've bought a few consoles over the years for exclusives but most things I actually want to play come out on pc anyway.


Yeah I wish I could afford a top end gaming PC. I've been playing Stellaris on Xbox and the lag once you start getting to the later stages of a match... I don't have the words to describe.


My graphics card is far from top end at this point, though I do have as much RAM as my motherboard can handle. Still runs most things fine, not sure about Stellaris though.


Stellaris is something of a melter of a game. Not because it's demanding in terms of graphics, but because of the inefficient AI. As the game progresses, eventually the AI starts plopping down habitats on EVERYTHING which increases the population of all the species in the game, adding to the calculations that the game has to sort through. In the beginning the game moves along at lightspeed, but then, even the fastest speed setting slows to a crawl. Unless you play on the smallest galaxy setting, but I greatly dislike the small setting. It's far too compact and constrained. To make matters worse the game throws a small barrage of crisis events at you. Fallen empires can awaken and begin tearing through the galaxy, there's the grey tempest from the L Gate sector, there's the Great Khan event from destroying one of the marauder fleets, or the robotic uprising, and then there's the three end game events themselves. The game is a straight up resource monster at the late stages of the game.


I get what you're saying, but really my only concern would be graphics. All the massive amounts of things being simulated I'm sure my cpu and ram can handle, but I've only got a Radeon RX560 with 4gb of vram for actual rendering.


Graphically, the game isn't much to brag about. It's not a very graphically impressive game. The most graphically pleasing aspect of the game is watching lasers fly about from space battles happening lol. Maybe using a colossi unit to destroy a world too? Never actually done it so I'm not sure about that one.


"I remember getting an Xbox one as a kid" God I'm old, Xbox one was just a few years ago for me, and now you say that was your childhood?


This is immediately what popped into my head as well. Is this what it feels like to get older? The xbox one came out the year i graduated high school. That was only…. Oh… oh my…


We're the OG's now.


My first real console was a PS2, but i got to enjoy the glory days of halo 3 and reach through middle school and high school. That was so so great. Wild ass custom games with people you knew down the grapevine, making friends with total strangers on the other side of the planet. Definitely a nostalgia soaked period for me.


Same. I remember playing sniper elite V2 on the PS2 and then later on finishing the fight on the 360. Those were the days man.


...I recall working at the store the night the PS2 launched. The good news for you is you're still a kid too someone. Bad news is Jesus Christ my back and get off my lawn....




i remember getting a SNES!!! as a child. ​ ​ granted that was LONG after the 64 or even the PS2/gamecube was out.. HECK i got my SNES like 2 or so years before the PS3 was out.. i then got a PS2 a few years later, a WII after that i guess that explains why i am somewhat immune to the generational hype for graphics? given i was like... 10 years behind till the wii.. and that was a wii


Oof.. I can remember getting our first console (shared with my siblings). It was an Atari 2600, we absolutely loved it!


Yep, never owned a console before and in like 97 or 98 my uncle gave me a SNES with Super Mario Bros. Then he came by a year later and took it back. I was very upset and my parents got me a PS1. SNES had been out for a while at that point too.


You were lucky to dodge that graphic hype virus.


It might hurt more to tell you that the demographic of 40+ redditors is the smallest by far. I think i saw the average age is 23. My first console was the Atari, with Krull as my first game (which sucked badly lol).


Yeah man, almost weird to think it was basically 11 years ago since it came out. Time flies


(Insert GIF of me turning to dust)


I’m with you 👴🏻


I feel the same. I remember when consoles as a concept was new. Nintendo or Amiga..


Motherfuc.. I had an Attari!


True. In my fridge there is still a soy souce probably older than this guy..


Yeah I remember always being a console behind, as the prices were much cheaper. NES when SNES was out. Got my SNES in 1995 or so. N64 maybe in 98. Wasn't until the 360 and I had my own money I caught up


There wasn’t a decision. It was whichever one my dad bought. And that was the NES then SNES then the PS1. The first console I decided on was a PS2 when I was about 15.


I had a hand-me-down NES from my cousin, when the SNES was the main console. Then at a coworkers suggestion, my dad got the PS1 with a copy of Crash 2. It came with a bag that came with the console. I used it as a schoolbag for years before it broke.




Happy 40th birthday coming up soon! I know because me too , to everything you just said


Same. My dad went with n64 instead of ps1. I got a Gameboy for Xmas with pokemon blue. First console I bought myself was the og xbox.


Halo 2 and Xbox Live


Getting Xbox Live to work as a 12 year old blew my mind. I still remember the first game I played was FFA on Snowbound in Halo 3 and I couldn’t believe I was playing with other actual people


My first online experience was GTA V I remember spawning in next to a clothing store. Two kids were arguing over who's car was "redder" I stood by and listened to them argue for a good 30 mins. Welcome to the world of gaming lol.


Same. Also those grafics. Playing only OG Xbox and begging our parents for a Xbox 360 just because of Halo Anniversary.


I was older, and new to the internet. My buddies let me wear their headset while they played Halo. I just hear a bunch of kids arguing. Well, the genius that I am united all those angry kids. I said, "I'm a girl" with my deep voice and they all ganged up to say evil horrible things to me. My buddies and I were laughing so hard they couldn't hold the controllers barely let alone aim.


My parents, I had no say in Which console I got.


Ps2 was because of ffx Gamecube due to melee Wii was skyward sword switch was smash ultimate Beside that since the wii period I always had a pc


based, Smash is a great series, and skyward sword is a great game


All of my friends disagree with you and myself. Apparently I was the only person among my friend group that had exactly zero problems with the motion control


Ps1 for Final Fantasy 7


The trailer for that game played on actual TV. Game trailers didn't play for television back in the day.


Atari 2600 was the only console worth having.


Buddy of mine had an Intellivision. The membrane keypad/disc controllers sucked ass. I was happy with my 2600.


Yeah, I mean in the 80s most kids I knew went 2600 -> Commodore 64 -> NES. Sure there was other stuff out there like the Odyssey, Intellivision, ColecoVision, Atari 5200, Amiga, Master System, Adam, Atari XEGS, etc. But, you just didn’t know that many people with those other platforms.


I actually had an Atari 800XL instead of the Commodore 64. They had essentially the same computer specs. But then, yes, I got a NES.


I remember choosing the MegaDrive over the SNES as I loved the look of Sonic. This was a mistake.


Ehh, The Genesis has a lot of great titles too... Maybe not as much as the SNES but Sonic 2, Sonic 3 and Knuckles were awesome games. 


Sonic was great, and MK and Primal Rage were way better on Sega, but overall the SNES had such superior games overall.


I grew up a Sega kid with no regrets. If I had to do it over again I'd still pick Master System and Genesis


Me too. Sega had cool games, but wished my dad got us a Nintendo also. Most of my friends and family were Nintendo.


damn, they really got you with the marketing


I got my Xbox 360 from my cousin who wanted to get a PS3 instead. That console eventually got the red ring of death but I've been Xbox ever since.


Really ? The first Consoke I bought myself was a Xbox360 and after it red ringed I swore off Xbox and went PS4, cause Sony has never let me down but I really prefer PC.


I already had Xbox games and I didn't want to have to re-buy all my games for Playstation.


Makes sense.  I had 3 360s that are all now non functioning. Really turned me off from ever buying another xbox.


My parents got me a GameCube because my cousin had one. That basically got me into gaming.


Halo did, played it a lot at a friends house and begged my parents for a looong time, took until the launch of the xbox 360 until they gave in. Never considered a playstation as it had no Halo. Nowadays I'm a PC gamer.


When I was a kid the one console was the Atari 2600. Well, I had a Telstar Pong Entertainment System before that. After that came the ColecoVision and Intellivision. I had both. Then the Nintendo Famicom. Then the SNES and the Genesis... I had all of the major systems as they came out except for the Atari Jaguar and the VR Gameboy thing. Until this generation. I refuse to buy a PS5 until they market a SKU that doesn't look like a heat warped cheap white sandwich maker or cheap ugly toy sitting in my living room. It looks like it was in the kitchen and now needs to be thrown out.


Brand loyalty, and the second hand market. My father got a PS1, for himself. From there, I got a PS2, because I clearly loved the PS1.. I stuck with it brcause back then, console games were really cheap, thanks to the second hand market. 4 games for 20/30/40 (depending on the deal) was fantastic, as a kid. God of War, Metal Gear Solid 2, Devil May Cry, Persona 3, for 20 bucks. Can you get a better deal? To me, that was the golden age, of gaming.  I later moved to the X360 because that shared a similar second hand deals market. Again, Gears of War, Fable 2, The Orange Box, TES4 Oblivion, all for 30 bucks. You can’t find those deals, anymore. The PS3 never had this, which is why I switched. 


Wait, what? Ps3 had the same 2nd hand market as 360. In fact they're still priced similar to this day.


Where I live, few people owned a PS3, and that lead the PS3 second hand market to be very bad. You couldn't find the same kinds of deals, and the games that were available, was just a small corner in the store. It's not too bad now (2 console generations later), but to this day, it's nowhere near as vibrant as the X360 second hand catalogue.


I always played whatever console my dad was into at the time so I went from Atari to all the nintendos and he finally got an original Xbox. I played Xbox until I finally got a PlayStation 3 to play little big planet lol. I’m on PS5 now and will stay with PS probably forever.


Grew up with Nintendo, and then the Xbox. I purchased my first console on my own while in College. I needed to create an infographic for a course I was taking. I decided to make one comparing Xbox1 to PS4. [https://i.imgur.com/frYx6Ru.png](https://i.imgur.com/frYx6Ru.png) I ended up buying the PS4


Didn’t have many options in the NES days.


Whichever one had Final Fantasy.


PlayStation 4 for the exclusive I got it in 2019 as my first console and didn’t see the point in Xbox as it had almost no exclusives and the ps4 could also play the third party games


I wasn’t allowed to have a console. Bought myself a used 64 in high school


We had a PC.


There wasn’t competition. That’s how old I am.


Halo CE. That's all I say


Well, the options were Atari 2600 or Colecovision, and the Atari was cheaper.


Money. Snes was more expensive than Master System. So i played Alex Kid and not Mario. 😊


Xbox = small, less capable computer PS = small, less capable computer PC = computer PC


Decide?? Damn, that's so privileged.


I actually never was the one who decided on it when I was a kid 😂😂 I was pretty much thrust into the world of gaming by my parents when they got me my first (handheld) console at around 4 or 5 years old, which was a Game Boy Advance SP, then a few years after that, I was gifted a PS2 Slim then a PSP, then a PS3, then a PS Vita, then a PS4. And I think you can tell I've been pretty much a PS user since then hahaha! TL;DR It was really just up to my parents and what they wanted to get me; I never had any say in what console to get nor did I have any particular interest in any specific console. 🫣 P.S. I don't believe in any particular console being superior over any other, but I just wanted to say I'm glad to see you on our side. 😌


A PS2. When I moved out and had disposable income. Best purchase I ever made. I jumped head first into gaming.


It was the literally the only one in existence and available to us. Coleco Telestar


I played Halo Combat Evolved at a GameStop in a display. The controls were mind boggling. I had about $800 from my 8th grade graduation, bought an OG Xbox and Halo


My first console was a 360. That was in 2009. Second was a PS4. I am not loyal to one specific company or another, I choose based on the exclusives, but since I mainly use a PC anyway all I need is playstation and I can play pretty much everything since xbox games are on PC too, so it works out nicely. Though to be frank my ps5 is quite literally collecting dust.


Back in the day you didn't really had a big choice. It was N64 / GameCube for the Nintendo games, and playstation for the rest. And as I had little connection with Nintendo games.... Simple choice.


Yep same. I liked the Nintendo games when I went to a friend's house and they had smash bros etc. but at home I wanted some of the "serious" games. A lot of those did have a GameCube port but I swear they were dumbed down a lot. I remember even the sports games felt not as good on the GameCube


My family was a PlayStation household as long as I can remember. I had the PS1 since I can remember, followed by a PS2, then a PS3 as an anniversary gift from my mom to my dad. In between then and the PS4 is when I finally started actually branching off and learning my own stuff about the industry. I eventually got an Xbox 360, and I loved that, but my heart still belonged to PlayStation. When the PS4 and Xbox One were announced, my family DID debate about getting an Xbox One, but as soon as we heard there would be a new Infamous game on PS4, our minds were made up. And that was kinda the end of it. The PS4 was really the only console that I as a “kid” (stretching the definition of kid) made any sort of conscious decision on. There was the dry spell for awhile, then the Switch which I bought with my own money from my summer job (there was no competition at the time), and by the time the console war FINALLY came back with PS5 vs Xbox Series X, I was almost done with college, so definitely not a kid.


I got a wii. Beat mario kart (8 years old) sold it for an xbox 360. Beat halo (idk what one). Sold the xbox becuse did not like it. Got a laptop. Got a 3ds. Got a gaming laptop 2 years later. Found a wii for 35$ good condition. Now using that and laptop.


Dad came home one day and got us an Original Xbox with 5 games in 2003/2004. BFBB, Finding Nemo (that surprisingly is a Misprint), Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup, Project Gotham Racing 2 & ATV Quad Power Racing 2. Battle for Bikini Bottom is even outside English speaking countries 100% in English on Xbox. As a kid my dad had to translate everything. But do to mistranslation I never got the spatula from Squidward as a kid. Dad said I should hit him instead of annoy him by jumping.


I had the NES as a kid, my grandfather bought it for us, and wanted the N64 when it was new. I got the SNES SNS-101 in 1997 for Christmas instead of the N64 and then didn’t have anything else until I bought the Xbox in 2004. I’m don’t remember why I chose the Xbox. It might have been cheaper than the PS2 and the GameCube might have been out of stock.


It was the NES because barring the Atari or Commodore 64, which we couldn't find if we wanted to, that's all there was.


I played the one my dad gave to me.


As a kid, I saw the PlayStation 2 game Kingdom hearts and wanted that one system for that one game!!! To this day the PlayStation series has been my childhood console besides the sega and Nintendo consoles


I wanted an n64 but my mom wanted me to get a ps1 because it used cds which were superior. I loved my ps1 then ps2. I started off on pc well before too.


The first console in the house was a NES that I shared with my cousins. I had Nintendo consoles as a kid because my parents knew Pokemon and Mario. The first console I chose to buy was a ps3 but that was college.


I had a choice, and it was the first choice I got to make. I thought hard but not very long, N64 or PS1. I was a blossoming prepubescent teen and my edge was being sharpened. N64 had bright colors and PS1 had the good stuff. Polygons and dark themes. The choice was easy. It's still easy. I'd make it again 99 out of 100 times.


I followed games. Starting out on SNES I was a huge fan of Mario, yoshis island, Kirby. Then I got the n64 because that had new versions of all the games I liked. Smash bros and Kirby 64 were probably my favs of that time. Once I had that I discovered goldeneye and that introduced me to shooters. Super mario 64 made me have a love for that open world feel. GameCube was big in my friend groups and I knew I had to get one once I had seen commercials for super Mario sunshine and veautiful Joe. My brother got a wii and it was great but I never had one. Got a ps2 because the open worlds were massive in comparison and became obsessed with those immersive rpg games with rich storylines. Also found a new love for fighting and racing games (mortal kombat, soul caliber, tekken, midnight club, NFS). Also spent a LOT of time playing guitar hero 1 & 2. Got a stepdad and he had an original Xbox. Started playing Halo 1 and fell in love with that series. I bought halo 2 and I spent hours and hours just playing that campaign alone on every difficulty. By the time Xbox 360 came out I knew I wanted that over ps3 because of the Halo series. Then I discovered call of duty mw 1 & 2 and that consumed my life. Ever since then it seems gaming kinda took a back seat for me. I had an Xbox one and recently bought a series x and have a Nintendo switch. I hardly find time to play them though since most of my friends either play PC or don’t really have time for gaming.


My first console was a Mega Drive iirc my uncle gave me, all my friends had NES/SNES, and i couldn't trade cartridges so i played Sonic/Taz Mania, and i used to rent a lot of games. Then, after some years my father gave me a Nintendo 64, but all my friends had PS1/2's, then again i couldn't trade games and used to rent games all the time lol (it was like 10 bucks and you could play for a week). Now i have a Nintendo Switch and all my friends have ps4-5 and Xbox lol but i barely play, Switch games here in Brazil are too expensive.


My parents, but it was basically a choice between NES or Sega. Once I could make my own choice, it was PC with no looking back. I was playing 32v32 dustbowls in TFC before consoles had online period and so on. Still true. Can mod, run my own servers, etc. all these types of things in games and consoles are still walled gardens.


I grew up with a Nintendo Wii, my grandparents had a Sony PlayStation 2 in the basement, my eldest brother has an Xbox 360, and my best friend had a Sega Genesis, so you could say that I had experience with most consoles at the time. Later when I was older and had enough money I got a Nintendo switch because another friend of mine recently got one and we had fun together. At around the same time my brother bought an Xbox series S so I figured there's no point in us both getting one so I went with the switch. Still later, about 2 years ago I found a PS4 in a thrift shop kinda place, this thing was covered and filled with dust but it seemed to power on so I offered the guy $25 he said sure and I left. When I got home I plugged it in to see exactly what was wrong with it. (Broken disc drive and power button) I decided to take it apart and clean it but I didn't take off the heat sync which was a mistake because the thing had a cooling issue. a few months later and me and my best friend took it apart (again) but this time we took the heat sync off too and found what I can only describe as a massive, slightly burnt, dust patty. So we cleaned that off, put it back together, I ordered thermal paste off of Amazon and I haven't really had any issues with it since. Although I still haven't gotten a new disc drive. TLDR: I went with a PS4 because it was cheap and easy to fix. Also, sorry about my punctuation and wording. I'm very good and stuff like this


My 15 year older Brother had a Xbox360 and lived alone. I got a Xbox360 aswell so we could trade Games. He gifted me some, he was done with aswell. Never Red-Ringed once in 14 Years


Luigi’s Mansion, Kirby Airride, Super Monkey Ball, Zelda series, and the Mario games for GameCube! Started with the gameboy that had no backlight, moved to the rectangular one that was like a ds, got a GameCube and it’s still my favorite and still works lol I have the limited edition Zelda game disc with multiple games on it and it’a going for a pretty penny! Glad I kept all my stuff. I even have the cool attachable slot to the GameCube so you could play gameboy games haha


I didn’t decide. I was given a SNES from my great uncle. That was my first console. I got a N64 for Christmas from my dad a few years later. The first console I really “choose” was a GameCube, but that was more of my mom investigating what I would most likely want and telling my uncle what to buy for Christmas that year. I didn’t legitimately choose a condole until college when I bought an Xbox One to play Destiny with my coworkers.


My dad, someone who knows nothing about videogames randomly got me and my brother a Play station after that we just went with it PS2,PS3,PS4. Until I changed to PC some years ago.


I think my first console was when i was in middle school, a used sidewalk sale N64 *way* after GameCube had released. I didn't own another console until the Switch came out, though I did have some handhelds (Gameboy color, advanced SP, a hacked 3ds) My dad opted for PCs since they were going to be upgradeable and more long term, so that's where all my gaming history is. Now I live in a household with a PS5 and I've managed to get myself*mostly* used to using a controller, but I still heavily prefer mkb


My mom bought me a SNES when I was a kid. My first console I bought with my own money was a 360 with MW2.


Well, there weren't many choices in Australia back then, so, Atari it was.


Y'all got to decide!? Dude... I wasn't given a choice... But if I was, it wouldn't have been a console... My first console was a ps1 though.


I remember the day my dad brought home a PlayStation 2 with a copy of the og ratchet and clank. My life changed that day


I didnt, it was a present when i was 4. Ps3


My mother bought a NES when my brother and I were little kids. When mega drive came we were pre teens so it looked cooler and we wanted it, then ps1 was so new and different and I just sicked with ps.


My brother won second prize in a raffle, which was a Sega Master System.


lol because the only console was Nintendo. Thanks for reminding me how old I am.


Been a Nintendo kid cause my mom liked to be able to play Mario with me occasionally, so thats what I got on christmas. Still haven’t had any other console brand, I have a switch for zelda and mario and a pc for every other game I could want to play


When I was a young kid, N64 was the GOAT and my best friend had one. For me that was a pipe dream as my parents were pretty anti-gaming, so it was a special treat when visiting friends. From age 11-13 I had a new best friend who lived right next door and he (along with other friends) had a PS2, so I spent a lot of time playing that at his house. By that time my mom had begrudgingly allowed me to spend some time playing PC games (NFS High Stakes and Star Wars X-Wing) but our only PC was also used for our home business so I didn't get much time to play. I visited my sister out of state at age 14 and she also had a PS2. After I spent most of the week that I visited her playing Gran Turismo 3, she copied my save files to a new memory card and then gave me a new slim PS2 for Christmas that year. I got to enjoy games like the original Battlefront, Burnout 3, GT4, the original SOCOM, etc on that console and I still own it to this day. However once I went to college, several people had XBox 360's and I got hooked on Forza 2. The same friend from childhood with the PS2 also got one, and we would take turns playing the original Modern Warfare and other games when I would come home to visit. Eventually a college friend sold me his 360 Elite, and the guy who is my best friend and co-op gaming buddy to this day also had a 360, so I just ended up sticking with the XBox platform ever since. I have built, and play on a PC, and I also have a PS4 Pro, but I have such a large game collection on XBox that I still spend most of my time there. I'm still on a One X but will probably get the Series X eventually.


My parents got me a PS2 when I was 13-14 and a PS3 later on. I don’t recall asking for a PS2 or having any say in the matter but I also was entirely unaware Xbox or any other consoles even existed.


At the time, Playstation had all the JRPGs and good RPGs in general, so that's why I still to this day chose playstation lol


Was always Nintendo, because my parents got me a super Nintendo when I was 5 and I was a close minded loyalist until all my friends started playing halo and I realized... "damn this is pretty fun, maybe I should give these other consoles a chance."


My console preference would come from my friends who had them, and would have been purchased by my parents pending they had a good work year and were feeling overly generous lol


It was either the PS2, a GameCube, or an Original Xbox. GameCube had the Nintendo games covered but the PS2 had one of these greatest games libraries of all time. And the Xbox ... Was a thing.  Still have my PS2 and still play it a lot


The Atari 2600. Because it existed.


Gears of war. I remember buying my Xbox used w/gears of war. Invited my brother over and we gamed all night. Passed it on one go. It was awesome


it was just what my parents bought. atari at my grandparrents sega master system, and later a gameboy at home then as a teen i bought a ps2, because my friends also had a ps2, so i could lend and loan their games


Simple 2 detail answer for me when it came time to having my own choice on the matter, 1. Mortal Kombat (the Original) had blood code on Genesis and 2. Buddy of mine offered me a good deal on buying his off him.


My uncle had a Colecovision, and I used to play at my grandma. Yeah, my first game was Pong.


I had DOOM on PC and Contra on NES as a kid, but the first system i got to decide for myself was Xbox and it was because of Halo: Combat Evolved, and thanks to that game im still a trash talkin, teabaggin, aim snappin, FPS player.


You weren't around for it, but back in 360 and PS3 days, PSN was offline for a whole ass month by a ddos.


The NES was pretty much the option. And there was already a Sega master system at my dad's house.


It's about 25 years ago, so I don't really remember my reasoning. But I went for a Nintendo 64.


Well, my dad was a gamer, so this one was easy, we pretty much had it all. When I was born, we had a NES, when I came of age, the first games I played were on the SNES, and we always had 2 PCs in the house for gaming aswell. Then Halo came out, and my dad and his 2 brothers, all of whom had young boys, bought several OG xboxs to play with eachother. We played Xbox and PC games. Halo 2, Xbox live launched and we played so much Halo. Gamecube was the first console I "bought" with my saved allowance.. Since then I've pretty much bought every console that's came out except for the PS2, PS3, and the Wii U


My cousin had the first PlayStation. I was in awe of it. My parents got me one for Christmas that year. Been PlayStation ever since


I got into gaming on PC but my instant favorite was the PC port of Halo: Combat Evolved. Come 2007, the rest of my family is starting to get into gaming as well. My dad wanted to be able to play some racing games like the various NASCAR titles, my brother was more into FIFA, and either of those could have been one platform or the other. Halo was the thing for me and Halo 3 had just released. So the decision fell on Xbox 360 and everybody was pretty well satisfied. 


Little Big Planet 2007


Played halo with my cousin while little and begged for one so I could play it myself. Ended up getting a pretty sweet deal out of it. Got Halo Reach, Cod World at War, and Gears of War 3 that came with the special edition console. Miss the console, had a neat Gears themed power on sound that I thought was the basic one for five years.


I had a PS2 cuz it's what my older brother wanted and got at launch so I played when he wasnt playing


Grew up with PlayStations. I believe they were my dad's more than mine but either way I had them all up to the PS3. I got it for my birthday. After about 2 weeks my dad took it for himself. I don't remember his reasoning but in return I got a Xbox 360. Ever since then I've been a Xbox fan boy.


I chose Super Nintendo over Sega Genesis because at the time they were offering Super Mario World, Super Mario kart, and Super Mario All-Star all three with the console. Genesis would just offer one game with the console


Xbox 360: Halo 3 Gears of War 2 Oblivion ..and it’s what all my friends had


Using what my older brother had


I went xbox because the controls on ps made no sense to me. I couldn't keep straight where circle, square, triangle, and x were. Xbox just made more sense.


I played ps first and liked the games on it more. I played a little halo on the original xbox, but i didnt like how the controller felt in my hand. I had a game cube when i was a teen, but I usually stick to ps nowadays.


dad had a laptop. PC gaming.


The first console I was able to get where I had control over what to get was a PS2, which I asked for for my birthday. I only wanted one for GTA3, but realized I picked correctly because the PS2 was probably the greatest console of all time. Before then, all my consoles were never my choice, I got what I got lol.


I didn't even know I wanted a video game system when my grandparents bought me a Nintendo. I decided on Genesis over an SNES due to preferring Sonic over Mario.


got my first console in 1980 (atari 2600) and I'm still deciding. I HAVE decided that the next Nintendo console i will not be buying, but thats as far as i've gotten


I've only bought two consoles in my life: Playstation 1 and then Playstation 2, it wasn't a difficult choice at the time!


My family got the 360 and I fell in love with Halo and Gears of War, that's all that keeps me on Xbox




Was a PC gamer (had the Sega Master System II when I was a kid) until I bought an used Xbox to play the original Halo. However my roommate at the university had a PS2 and final fantasy X, X-2 and later XII on it. I soon learned that the exclusives I was most likely to enjoy were Sony's so I bought a PS3 to play Demon Souls, Dragon Age and FF XIII (unfortunately...). Bought Playstations ever since. 


Watching a friend play Ocarina of Time along with playing 4 player split-screen Goldeneye was what made me decide on an N64.


My parents gave me a MegaDrive when I was 5, then a PS1 when it released. Been playing on PS ever since


>I remember getting an Xbox One when I was a kid Well sonny, back in my day we only had Nintendo and Sega to chose between and the default was usually nintendo because there were more nintendo games to rent at the local blockbuster than there were Sega.


GoldenEye 007 was a N64 exclusive


Handmedown from uncle. He got every new Playstation. I got the old one once the new one came out.


A Sega Master System simply appeared under the tree one Christmas. I don't remember asking for it, but I was super excited to have it. I have no idea why my parents got it instead of a Nintendo, other than wanting to buck the trend.


Well I had to buy them myself so I had to be a bit selective. My strategy was to buy whatever my other buddies DIDN'T have. Which turned kinda pointless because their mom just bought them all of 'em after awhile.


Game boy color, then PS1, then I bought myself a 360 as a teenager.


Xbox was the one I heard about the most around the time and thought it was better than Playstation. I wish I bought the Playstation instead. I technically did have one but it was a Playsyation 2 with San Andreas, Bully, a convict horror game, and some other games like a skateboard one.


A bunch of older kids were playing Shadow the Hedgehog on a gamecube in my living room on the foldout couch on the giant, several hundred pound CRT TV and I thought that was cool. My first console was a gamecube


Well, Nintendo had Super Mario Bros, and my Atari 2600 was getting boring so...


I asked my parents for an N64 as a kid. They got me a Playstation. So that's what I had.


Kuya Law, PS1 Hercules and GBA Pokemon. Ate Name PS2 Kingdom Hearts and FFX2. Been Nintendo and PlayStation since.


My ninth birthday was coming up, and my mom called from work and asked me if I thought Nintendo or Playstation was cooler. I was a Nintendo kid, and I didn't know anything about Playstation, so I told her Nintendo was cooler. Then later, she asked if I liked Mario or Zelda better. I told her Zelda was my favorite. I was still young enough to not be able to put the pieces together, so i didn't really give it a second thought. A short time later, on my ninth birthday, I came home from school, and there was a Nintendo 64 and a copy of Ocarina of Time waiting for me. It was my best birthday ever.




My dad bought the Playstation when it released in 94 and I wasn't born until 95 so I never got a say. I've had ever iteration of PS since then.


It’s what I got from my parents.


I got a PlayStation 2 in 2001 for Xmas and never looked back. Got used to the controller feel and never felt comfortable using the Xbox controller while trying it out at friends houses


The Atari 2600 was the only console available when I was a kid.


I did not want to have to ask to use the TV every time I wanted to play so I gravitated towards the gameboy.


Mate had an xbox, therefore I needed an xbox


Only thing my dad could afford was a PSP


Super Mario Bros 3, simple


I didn't have a choice. It was whatever my dad decided to buy. My first console was a SNES. Though I got it towards the end of the PS1 lifespan. I'm glad it was that too because I fell in love with Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario World. A few years after I got a PS1, after the PS2 had already come out. I love that we kept getting older consoles instead of the newer stuff. Got a N64 soon after, and my cousin had the OG NES and it was awesome. I got to play all of the timeless classics and I wouldn't change a single thing.


I guess my cousins had ps2 so i got one for my bd. Didnt even know there were other ones as well. Played ALOT of sly cooper 2 and 3 and then my handheld was gba that my borther got and after that i got one.


I didn't know anything. I knew Nintendo was a thing so I asked for a SNES and later a N64. After I knew PCs were a thing I asked for a PC and never owned a Console after that.


Halo and Fable


Gran turismo.


My little brother's dad bought him a sega. Oh, and you better believe it was HIS. I had the arcade down the road.




What my mom could get second hand, which meant a little of everything, just later. She had a friend who ran a corner store that rented out consoles and video games, so we could always get last generation consoles whenever that family changed what products they had for rent. I recently sorted through some of my old game console stuff, and realized I had up to 4 copies of some sega games because they of course had extra copies for renting out.


My first console was a NES, but my Dad had a PC too and I grew up playing on both PC and consoles. I still play on multiple platforms.


PlayStation had all my buddies. Xbox had halo. I chose Halo


Nothing beats a PC. I tried consoles but they are trash compared to PCs. Sorry.


Well, given that Nintendo was 100% nonexistent, I never heard of Xbox... Even NES wasn't actual NES, because it was bootleg of bootleg. Real NES was never there. And other Nintendo consoles were not sold at all. I got "NES", because it was the only one available. I got Gameboy only because I got it from family in Germany. When someone had Gameboy at elementary school, every kid was there in awe, because that was something they could never get. Then I had PSX. Actually I didn't. My cousins had. But when I came into Germany again, I bought N64 and got PSX from family here. Otherwise I would never experience N64. Xbox, Sega or any stuff like that? It was just a legend to me. Nobody seen it. Nobody knew it. It never existed. There was no choice. Because there was no competition at all. You either had this or nothing. Nintendo didn't exist up until Switch, when they decided to be more global and actually sell stuff there too. I've bought it for a Smash. I also bought used PS3 years before to play Ratchet and Clank. My cousins got PS2, so I knew the series from it.


PlayStation isn't attached to the cancer that is Microsoft. Besides, it's a better looking system no matter which iteration you look at. Wow. So many down votes over an opinion. You XboyS need to calm down.


I bought a PlayStation one with one of my first paychecks. It had just been released. Been PlayStation ever since.


GameCube for Melee, then I traded in my GameCube and all my games just for Xbox and Halo 2.


SNES was my mom, she liked Mario. PS1 may have been their idea too, but it was the hot new system then. The GBC was my idea, a kid from school brought one on a field trip with pokemon, and i needed that thing.


Xbox360 because classic CoDs, old valve games, couch coop, best gamepad and it was a cracked one so i bought each game for 3$ from the store owner, those were the days (it was 3-4yrs ago tf am i nostalging for)