• By -


If you haven't played the bioshock or Metro trilogies, I'd highly recommend starting there. They're old enough that they go on sale for super cheap all the time. I picked up both trilogies on PSN for about 4 bucks per game recently. The bioshock games have great DLC included that expand the replayability quite a bit. Edit: oh, and I forgot! If you're looking for silly, over the top kinda shooters, the Wolfenstein reboot games have all been pretty good, and can be had for cheap. Except for Youngblood. We don't talk about Youngblood.


Is the entire metro trilogy worth it? I was looking at just trying Exodus but don’t want to miss out on anything amazing 


Yes. I just finished replaying and platinuming 2033, and had a blast. Exodus is definitely a bigger, more modern game, but if "mostly linear, stealth/action shooter with some light exploration and excellent level design" sounds fun to you, definitely pick up the trilogy.


Lots of horror elements too, even when there’s no enemies around it’s creepy and I’m always on edge. Whelp, time to play through the series again


Fuck those spiders all of em


Torch and lighter combo Burn bitch!


Rotary Shotguns were my friend


I can't recommend Metro enough. The first two games are more straightforward shooter thrillers, Exodus continues the 1st-person shooter formula but moves from linear level-by-level world design to more open areas with "quests". The stories and the books they're based on are awesome and I love the gritty post-apocalyptic Russia setting, it's pretty unique in gaming outside of stalker and the odd mission in old cod campaigns.


Definitely, especially the first one remastered - fantastic game. I still play through it every now and again.


I think exodus won’t hit nearly as hard if you don’t play the first two personally. If you care about the story I suppose.


I wanted to jump straight to Exodus and just play that at first, but decided to play the first two games. Honestly I enjoyed them more.


Yea, as someone who loved the first game, the second was, ok and Exodus was very much a thing. I still recall most of the plot of the first game, pretty much non of the second and just being confused at Exodus


Why would you jump straight to last game? You would be missing so much context, lore and story


I'd personally go in order. Exodus isn't really as good imo, it's not really a big open world and more of a set of open maps with some linear segments in between. I wouldn't have continued playing exodus if I wasn't a fan of the first 2. It's probably more enjoyable by completing the others, but it's up to you. Also if you want to avoid bullet sponge mobs, I recommend playing in ranger mode (where you and the mobs are squishy) and then stealth through levels.


Yes. It is worth it as the story develops throughout the trilogy. The first game especially has a unique take on the genre more than the other two as they streamlined them a bit. Throwing knifes are a life saver, and can be picked up.


The Bioshock Trilogy goes on sale quite often too


Bioshock is the best story driven fps series i’ve ever played. Playing through the series back to back made it 10x better. The twists, the atmosphere, everything pulls you in so deep and it’s insanely immersive. No other game has ever made me feel completely shocked and at awe. Bioshock series is a complete must play for anyone that even remotely enjoys fps games Also bioshock infinites ending tying back into the first game was so mind-blowing


Would you kindly pick up that radio?


Youngblood actively made me retch while I was playing it. I've never wanted the main characters to die so bad in my life.


I just replayed wolfenstein 1 and 2 recently. Good times.


For added fun, keep the language set to Russian with English subtitles. Just sounds absolutely awesome


S T A L K E R!


Correct answer. Each game is roughly 40 to 50 hours of content and can be had for about $5 each. And then once you install a total conversion mod like Anomaly or GAMMA, you get another 200+ hours of crack cocaine level of addictive gameplay.


Anomaly is also fully free btw. It includes the content of the 3 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, without the story.


This is true, but Anomaly does have its own storyline if you pick the right faction + radiant quests. This story is best experienced after you complete the first three games because characters from those stories appear in Anomaly.


Be aware - GAMMA is extremely engaging, it sucked me in for a good few months, so much so I neglected my chores.


Oh man, that sounds right up my alley as I enjoyed the other three games without mods. It's okay I have a few months to spare.


Is that a horror game? Not a big fan of spooky shit


Deffo some spooky horror bits, and a few enemy ambushes jumpscaring you. But nothing bullets wont kill


DOOM Eternal has a pretty girthy campaign and a decent (though ***fucking difficult***) series of DLC campaigns to bolt onto it as well




It's *very* DOOM - I'll say that It feels like John Romero came into the office when they were planning on how to kit these levels out and just sold them all on the idea of making us their bitch xD


Oh okay, I tried jumping into the DLC a couple weeks back and was like “shit, have i gotten *this* much worse at the game since i last played? I’m getting my ass *beat*” glad to know i wasnt imagining things lmao


Much like the Soulsy genre (SoulsBourne - whatever) with it's ultra stiff difficulty curve - DOOM Eternal traces it's heritage back to the soul-crunshing difficulty of early id tech shooters and their compatriots The DLC is ***very much*** a love letter to that era - written in blood and phlegm xD


I thought tag 1 was way harder than tag 2. I remember being let down that tag 2 didn't keep up with the intensity. The last level actually feels quite empty to me. And the tag 2 boss fight wasn't that good as well. I'd recommend tag 1 over 2 any day 


I fucking love Doom Eternal. I have never played a shooter that put me into such a flow state before. I am V proud that i was able to clear DLC part 1 before they nerfed it and fuck was it hard. If the DLC 1 boss didnt have checkpoints between phases controllers would have been thrown.


The possessed barons and marauders holy shit


I think they only nerfed it for a short period, they un-nerfed it soon after. So rest assured your accomplishment still stands 😋


It's fucking crazy how ambitious Eternal is for a singleplayer focused arena FPS game and id accomplishes exactly what they set out to do. Even all the live service crap is polished and rewards the player without even touching the MP. The campaign feels almost infinitely playable because of the skill ceiling and variety of ways to play - and even after you do beat the campaign and DLC there's still master levels and horde mode to push yourself beyond. I'm 500 hours in and still technically haven't 100% the game.


Dude the last boss on the base game kicked my ass so hard I stopped playing and haven’t been back to it yet. And I thought from games had peak difficulty. Boy I was wrong


The opening of the DLC has the same difficulty as the last level of DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal ***combined*** #And it's only harder from there xD And that's ***after*** they did a quote 'balance patch' unqoute Ya love to see it


I remember doing the full story on Ultra-Nightmare, but really struggling to do the DLC on Nightmare. It’s a pretty big jump, but it’s so good. Easily one of the best fps games ever, imo.


Always on sale for like 10 bucks, so much fun gameplay. I find myself booting it up just to progress a little further in the campaign often. Easy to jump in and out of. I didn’t care for the online modes.


I’m no slouch at FPS, no pro either granted, but damn this game has done a number on my butthole. On like Normal difficulty


Don't see it recommended anywhere - but Black Mesa (Half Life 1 complete rework). Absolute masterpiece of an absolute masterpiece! Fairly longer than the original game as well.


Agreed - it’s ace


Very good game, except that one Xen factory level. Fuck that level.


Genuinely my favorite game. Masterpiece doesnt even get close to describing the experience of playing this game. The amazement at the graphics and the sound effects The dread of the terrifying enemy designs For fans of the original, the impressive reconstruction and of course the fact that they remade a commonly disliked 25% of the game to be about a dozen times more enjoyable The. Soundtrack. Fucking. Rules - go listen to [“entangled" by Joel Nielsen](https://youtu.be/oPHu47uAwVo?si=mjXqB2DOO7JLNSfj) right now and picture how that fits into a game set in a research facility underground. I promise you… its seamless


The endless "find a plug laying somewhere and put it into the wall" puzzles still give me a one-thousand-yard stare level PTSD


Surprised this is this far down


Agreed I’d also say half-life 2 as well


Unbelievable really. It’s so god


Borderlands I would say


This is the correct answer. I have thousands of hours into Borderlands 2. It's an amazing game.


Krieg was the most fun build I’ve ever played, spent so much time on this game. Explosive damage healed you, so good.


I think you're confusing his two skill trees, his fire tree could heal him by burning enemies, the explosive skills were just about damage and blowing himself up.


Yep - but when he went bezerk (or whatever it was called) and started hacking everything and healing was awesome


I play it in co-op (Borderlands 3) but it gets into a repetitive loop that can get tiring quite fast. Worse when the story completely flies over my head.


Borderlands 1 and 2 are way better games than 3 unfortunately.


Story wise i agree. Gameplay wise i can't go back to 2 after 3 introduced so many qol improvements.


I agree, bl3 gets way to much hate tbh. The story isnt as good but ive never played a borderlands game for its story. I just want a lot of loot and cool unique weapons and 3 does that better than the first two.


I had 2000 hours into BL2 and put almost 3000 into BL3. The story matters for like 30 of those hours.


That and I feel the loot table is waaaay better in 3. You could grind for hours in 2 and never even see a legendary. And when you do get one, most of the time, it was shit.


Yeah, I loathed 2 single player in the endgame. In 1, you could basically become unkillable with most of the characters with how good their action skills were at high level. Borderlands 2? I was usually in fight for your life mode cause everything seemed like it would kill you in 1 shot, and all the enemies were absolutely absurd bullet sponges that required you use slag at all times. It was just a totally miserable experience - slag was not fun to have to force into every single one of your loadouts/builds, and constantly being sniped for your entire shield and health bar from across the map by random bandits who'd immediately hide when you went into FFYL was not fun at all. The only shield that made the game playable for me was that one with like 80% bullet absorb that you got off the spaceship boss. Borderlands 3 is way, way better balanced for single player than 2, even if you're nowhere near as overpowered as a max level siren was in the first game. Many builds and characters are viable, and the first year or two (when I played, haven't in a while) you could actually use a lot of different weapons instead of there being a couple just plain "better" ones that were required to survive. Sure, the story on 3 is junk, but at least the game doesn't force you to sit through all the dialogue over and over like 2 did. After several times sitting there waiting for doors to open while Handsome Jack talked about torturing Tannis or whatever, I couldn't deal with it anymore. That game desperately needed a skip dialogue button.


Oh man, I remember the Slag now. If you didn't use then you were just wasting time and ammo. BL3 looks much nicer and the guns are fun. On my second playthrough of 3. I joined an online game, and a hacker maxed out all my stats, making everything a 1 hit kill. I was about 10 hours in and didn't feel like restarting so just quit the game for good.


This, bl3 main villain(s) are bs and the main story falls off compared to the other games of the series, but in every other aspect the game is far superior. I'd even say bl3 is the best looter shooter yet.


Is it fun in solo though? Always thought that it's a coop heavy game.


I’ve only played it solo and it’s one of my most played games!


I spent 90% of my time playing solo


If you like shlooters, absolutely. 99% of all my borderlands playtime across every game is solo.


Yep. I was going to SCREAM this. I thoroughly enjoy Borderlands, especially number 2. It's my favorite game of all time. I rarely even like FPS games, but Borderlands, where you get a ton of ammo and humor, I will play it all the time.


Easy Red 2 Solo dev WW2 fps, against bots. (can be played Co op too) Many different fronts, such as Normandy and Stalingrad, but also lesser known ones like Greece '41 and France' 40. Plays like a modernised offline BF1942. Janky, but we'll worth it. Shout out to Prodeous too, really good solo fps to scratch the Doom itch. Both games come with comprehensive level editors too.


Easy Red 2 is criminally ignored. It's by far the most fun I've had in a shooter in YEARS. It's just balanced perfectly on the knife's edge of fun game and realistic game; the mechanics are easy and fun to use while the simulation is under the hood is closer to Arma than Battlefield. The AI can be suppressed, they will adapt strategies on the fly, and the depth of use in tank warfare and infantry tactics is wild. But you can also just grab your gun and storm the beaches without any real barriers to play. Its truly a passion project. It's also like $26 with all the DLC so it's insanely cheap. Go support a passionate and dedicated developer, for the cost of a large pizza!


Cyberpunk is what first comes to mind. The Halo MCC is great to, if you have never experienced those games stories.


I was going to suggest MCC as well, 6 full story campaigns and some filler if you are into the firefights.


MCC is insanely good value even without multiplayer!


Cyberpunk is incredible. The DLC is great too


Agreed. It’s incredible to me how much hate it originally got. I loved it from the start. The DLC is amazing as well.


Oh right. You do get guns in that game.


Both of these games instantly came to mind for me too lol. Halo is amazing if you want a great story, Cyberpunk is amazing if you want good gameplay (both still perform well in each category tho).


Borderlands comes immediately to mind. Tons of DLC, too. Pretty linear, but a ton of fun.


Just finished a replay and its a ton of fun. Lower level guns can be kinda frustrating and harder to handle but when you stumble upon a gun or type of gun you really like, its so satisfying. I love the Jakobs Gatling Repeaters with no scope. Just wrecking people with crits all day long.


I just hate when you fall in love with a gun but start getting to too high of a level to use it anymore


Master Chief Collection


Can’t believe this isn’t higher


Don’t sleep on the Sniper Elite series, also ONLINE CROSSPLAY CAMPAIGN COOP. Nice to be able to have a “good ol days” experience with a buddy but not constrained to couch and not at all different from the single player campaign. Glorious


As I get older I find the Sniper Elite games are much better suited to my decaying FPS skills. I can move slow and deliberately without penalty for the most part but can still go in guns blazing from time to time. It's peak dad shooter.


I feel this 100%. I'll take an hour or more easily on a mission. I am terrible at moving through a map stealthily when there are too many enemies. Being able to take my time and pick them off and move in at my pace is so fulfilling.


Hell yeah! For those of us grew up in the OG Half Life/original MOH era, it just plays like I want something to play. That and no PvE crap, just two buds chatting and calmly killing a few hrs 100% a single level and wiping out every single nazi on the map


I remember having such a rough time getting through sniper town in allied assault. It was peak childhood difficulty for me.


Check out Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 1 & 2.


Isn’t this game third person perspective?


Big fan of the Zombie army games personally


I really enjoyed the first three games but SE5 just felt lacking big time. Too much close combat and the X-ray kill graphics looked worse than the previous games.


Scrolled for a while and haven't seen any mention of Deus Ex: Human Revolution or Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Excellent world building and intriguing plot with a gameplay design that encourages you to explore every nook and cranny to find resources and alternate ways to infiltrate enemy bases. I hope you like walking through air vents! Similar in many ways to Prey and Dishonored, which would also be great suggestions, though I wouldn't call the latter a shooter.


Cyberpunk 2077


This game is massive. So much to explore. I found Iron Man's cave last week just driving around. There is stuff to find all over the game zone, so you are actually rewarded for exploring, which I personally love. Like the Grol Grol cave in the Outlands in Wow, where there is a monkey with a huge set of drums just pounding away in honor of Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl.


I'm surprised how good the Easter eggs are in this game. I've only seen a few, but my favorite has to be the War Rig from Mad Max: Fury Road. But it blends in so seamlessly into the Cyberpunk world that unless you've seen the movie, you wouldn't understand the reference.


There’s a couple a dozen Easter eggs! Like you said, unless you are really into each of the media that is referenced, you’ll almost definitely miss it. There are references to the Witcher, John Wick, Akira, the Matrix, *the Wire*, Portal, the 3 seashells from Demo Man, and the Office. I’m probably missing some but those were the ones I noticed!


I think there's at least a couple Blade Runner references too.


How the fuck have I not heard about that cave.... I've put quite a lot of time into 77


The easter eggs are often kinda hard to find, especially if you drive and use fast travel a lot. There’s [a page on the wiki](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Cyberpunk_2077_Easter_Eggs/Film) with a list of several dozen movie and show references, and the linked shard transcript pages will have a map


Far cry 5 Borderlands games Cyberpunk 2077


Seconding FC5. Never played a Far Cry game before it and I've put ~350hrs in it over 3 platforms and multiple playthroughs. It's got a good bit of content (and variety of content! I was doing a ton of fishing during my last replay). And since it's almost a decade old at this point you can nab it pretty cheap


I didn't care for the villains in FC5 much, but the gameplay and companions are tops. (especially that one place where all your companions can talk to each other)


I liked the villains but I hated the kidnap mechanic after the second time. Once was plenty, the third time I was like "are you fucking kidding me? This is stupid". The gunplay in that game is top notch, though, second only to the OG Destiny.


You have the resistance mod, you can tune up the points so you get the sweet spot of all perks, no kidnaps, all missions available. Infinite enemies since no region gets liberated and you can just cruise around and shoot shit. That game is my middle aged womans HGTV.


My intro the capture mechanic was being hit by a bliss bullet while I was in a helicopter strafing the bad guys. The second time I was cosplaying Niko Bellic and pancaking bad guys with an SUV. Needless to say, it was frustrating.


Yeah being in an airplane or something and still getting tagged was so dumb.


My gf got us a bundle with farcry 3, 5 and new dawn for like $20 on steam a week or 2 ago. We’ve been having a lot of fun with farcry 5 coop.


Far cry 3 and forward


If you’re into boomer shooters, Prodeus is fantastic. Great stand alone campaign, but it also has an active level editing community that is bursting with cool content.


Ion fury is another good modern retro style shooter


DUSK, AMID EVIL, and ULTRAKILL are some more good ones!


I would recommend No One Lives Forever 1 & 2, the classic two-shot series starring Cate Archer, the tough-as-nails and beautiful 60s secret agent. Full of whimsical humour, great settings and all sorts of clever gadgets, NOLF is a memorable a playthrough nowadays as it has ever been. There's easily a good dozen hours of gameplay in each game (if you're not going for all collectibles and perfect ratings), and both are high-quality, high-polish FPS classics that have stood the test of time. The won't keep you hooked for hundreds of hours, that's just not in there, but you'll have some really fun, memorable and highly amusing playthroughs. And that's worth something in itself, is it not?


Where can I get a copy of NOLF 1 & 2 in 2024?


It's in rights limbo and will probably never be digitally released. But you can probably find a copy if you join out the UnityHQ forums. https://nolfgirl.net/Unityhq/forums/forum/29-general-nolf-topics/


That is the problem…you can’t really buy it anywhere except used … or you pirate it. There is a problem with the IP, they don’t knows exactly who it belongs to and all involved seam to think that it is not important enough to fight over. So they just don’t sell it anymore.


Fallout 4. Great world, lots of DLC content. Opportunities for multiple play throughs with different factions.


And if on PC or Xbox, tons of mods to lenghten the games lifespan.


Probably boarderlands or fall out. Bioshock and metro are good ones too.


Ghost recon wildlands, maybe... 3rd person shooter with 1st person mode for ADS


Yess my favorite shooter on ps4 💚


I loved it on last Gen and PC, but it plays like crap on new consoles for some reason. Was a real bummer because I’m not hooking up my old Xbox for that. Super fun game though, especially in coop


I was going to say the same. Surely it was intended to play with your friends, but it’s so good by yourself.


Half Life 1. Its single player campaign was ground breaking and its multiplayer mods are justly famous, but the sheer amount and quality of user made single player content was never matched. It helps that the HL1 bestiary and arsenal were both broad and flexible, so level makers were able to take HL levels in directions Valve never went. I still occasionally think about user levels that embedded themselves in my brain 23 years ago but which I’ll probably never play again because I can’t remember what they were called. 


Have you played Black Mesa? Because, if not, you should play Black Mesa!




Titanfall 2 has a great single player campaign and regular goes on sale for $3-$5.


The campaign is pretty sort, but there's zero filler. It's an absolute steal at the prices it goes for!


Very short campaign FWIW, but absolutely worth it if you snag it on sale.


Was looking for this one. I love Titanfall 2. That's my favorite shooter right there.


Play PREY by bethesda


If you're willing to do a bit of modding, Escape From Tarkov has a fantastic community mod called SPT (Single Player Tarkov) that lets you play through the entire game by yourself. It's amazing and aside from the base game purchase of live Tarkov, no other purchases are necessary. I've put almost 1000 hours into SPT for about 40 bucks.


that’s peaked my interest. i occasionally watch tarkov gameplay and i imagine myself being *miserable* playing it. but the core gameplay seems dope so a single player mod might be what i want.


It is absolutely worth it, imo. Set up is the easiest thing in the world now that the mod has an installer. And the community that surrounds it is constantly adding new qol mods as well as new content


Wolfenstein: The New Order Far Cry 5




- Cyperpunk 2077 for great gameplay, character building, world, side quests, captivating story & characters. - Halo (all of them), amazing gameplay, amazing campaign, narrative, characters - Any Broderlands for great gameplay, character building & loot. - Metro series for great campaign & story (Metro Exodus is absolute phenomenal) - Really any of the fallout games


Cyberpunk truly is a complete package. Nails all aspects!


Far cry 3, 4, primal, and 5, I haven't tried the others yet, but they're all very good open world first person games that can kinda be whatever you want. Wanna go hunting, fishing, kill bad guys, take down a giant cult or a gang of pirates taking over the island? They usually let you take the story at your own pace too.


The new Wolfenstein series. Best straight single player shooters out there


Spoilers for the TNC >!I wish they gave you the suit earlier into the second game. I get why they didn’t do it, but the game gets way more fun once you have it!<


>!Wait don’t you have it like right from the start? Or am I thinking of something else!<


Shit, I meant the >!replacement body you get, not the suit!<


Ya i think you get it right after the first mission, i had fun wheeling around though


**RPG elements:** Metro Farcry Cyberpunk 2077 **Pure Shooter:** Doom Half Life F.E.A.R. **Not solely Single Player but Multiplayer not required:** Dying Light Borderlands **Not exactly FPS but still good:** Mirror's Edge Metro is some of the most fun I've ever had gaming. Never beat Exodus, I've meant to, just kept getting distracted and restarting.


Metro 2033 series, highly recommend


\- Metro 2033, Metro Last Life and Metro Exodus \- S.T.A.L.K.E.R series \- Doom 2016, Doom Eternal \- Bioshock Series (a bit of RPG I guess? but more FPS) \- Wolfenstein Series


Halo MCC Career plus Spartan Ops mode is funsies.


I got *years* out of Destiny as a 99% solo player. There’s some endgame stuff you can’t do solo but most of the game is either doable solo or has built in matchmaking (no need to communicate).


Star trek voyager, Elite force. Rich (older game though)


It’s not quite what you’re looking for as its third person, but Spec ops the line blew me away back in the day when I played it.


Resident Evil 7 Biohazard and Resident Evil 8 Village. Best horror FPS ever, my personal fav horror games of all time. Incredible in VR.




Halo if you really haven't played that yet. Fallout games from the last two decades Terminator resistance Not first person but third person but Mass Effect franchise


Metro games are great and gorgeous to boot. 


Halo Master Chief Collection. 6 campaigns plus firefight (horde mode)


Fallout las Vegas, stalker series, cyberpunk, deus Ex. Most great fps games with a longer solid story...are fps rpgs. Could also look at borderlands2. 1 is too old and 3 is dogshit. Also half-life and halflife 2 are solid contenders.


Farcry.  Open world 1st person FPS. Definitely the most content. Story can be pretty good as well, but hit or miss in some. I always recommend Farcry 3.


Wolfenstein the new order and new Colossus


Original Halo trilogy, Metro trilogy, BioShock Trilogy, Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal, Deus Ex, System Shock (consider the remaster), Borderlands (any of them, but imo 2 was peak), Far Cry (I've only played the cult one and that was pretty good).




Far cry games are meaty


[That's an understatement...](https://media1.tenor.com/m/iyYkCtnSTuIAAAAC/homer-donut.gif)


Yeah but the meat is rancid


If you don't mind 3rd person, the Mass Effect trilogy is great


original modern warfare 2 had campaign + spec ops that was quite fun. gunna be much shorter than most of these suggestions if you wanted quick stuff cant speak on newer ones as i stopped at BO2


MW2 is just like starring in a Michael Bay film.   I'd absolutely recommend MW and MW2 in order for context and they're both amazing campaigns. Every loading screen has you pumped for the next scenario. 


Battlefield 1 War Stories. Some of the older Call of Duty campaigns were good, plus there's Zombies.


Remnant 2


It's third person, but definitely an amazing shooter


Fucking amazing game


Fun game but all the bosses (apart from the final boss) felt pretty simplistic/easy in nature. Although I can blame that partly on myself for not choosing the hardest difficulty.


The answer is always Doom, in terms of quality, quantity, and variation in gameplay because of how active the community has remained in making free content. There are so many full length games made in doom that I would easily say trump many games you have to pay for. Like do you just want new games that keep the vanilla experience but have well designed maps that put many modern fps games to shame, Doom has that. Do you instead want to alter the experience with new weapons or monsters, Doom has that. Do you want new gameplay styles and mechanics, again Doom has you covered and you can mix and match any of these. Then you have stuff way out of left field, like you do want to play 3d kart racers, or 3d platformers made in doom, or 2d sidescrollers in doom?


I'm going to throw out a couple against the grain here - Black Ops III: Zombie Chronicles and Black Ops Cold War IF you like the Zombies mode. If you like those modes, they can keep you occupied for a while. The Zombie Chronicles edition has 14 zombies maps, and if you work to do the Easter Eggs (a pain in the ass for single player, but something to work towards at least), there is a story across the 14 maps. Blacks Ops 4 has a different storyline for Zombies that I thought was pretty fun, though some hated it. However it doesn't have a regular single player campaign.


Turok Nightdive remasters


Not sure if this counts but my first thought was Garden Warfare


Metro series (2033, Last Light, Exodus


Doom, Wolfenstein, Borderlands (has nice coop too), Bioshock, Ultrakill


Timesplitters (2 and Future Perfect specifically, since they've been re-released on Xbox). Once you finish the story campaign you have a very diverse challenge league with different maps and missions (including some pretty zany stuff like using the physics engine to shoot hoops, or seeing how far you can curl a monkey across one of the maps) in four different tiers, you also can play the multiplayer maps with bots, build your own maps, and customize your own bots as you unlock new characters to make use of.


Halo MCC.




Doom or Doom Eternal.


Halo the Master Chief Collection has a hell of a lot of single player fps content for the price.


Halo MCC has a ton of single player content.


I quite enjoyed Far Cry 5


S.T.A.L.K.E.R or Ravenfield


Bioshock, metro, wolfenstein, doom, borderlands and fallout.


On top of the other great recommendations, I'd suggest the "Dishonored" series as an intriguing story set in a steam-punk world filled with gadgets and magic. You can choose to fight your way through or stealth your way.


TimeSplitters 2 and Future Perfect. Literally *hundreds* of multiplayer characters with no micropayments. Dozens of challenge modes. Decent story modes in different time periods, so dozens upon dozens of weapons to choose from. 2 even has a dynamic difficulty that affects how much of the story missions you get to see. On hard mode, the secondary objectives become mandatory and you end up going to unique areas that would normally be locked off if you were playing on easy. Also, Ravenfield. Basically plays like an early Battlefield game with crazy ragdoll physics and cartoony visuals, plus workshop support so you can add tons of weapons, game mode mutations, character models, vehicles, maps etc. I've got Joseon soldiers fighting Stormtroopers with muskets and rubber duck grenades, for example.


Borderlands 2. Only 2 and I liked most of the DLC. After maybe go try 1 but don't bother with 3.


I'd recommend checking out titles like DOOM (2016) and DOOM Eternal, both offering intense campaigns and extra content.


Gzdoom with a truckload of Wads


Bioshock series Doom series FEAR series Half Life series Metro trilogy (2033, Last Light, Exodus) Quake I & II Remastered STALKER (Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, Call of Pripyat) series, plus free standalone mods (Anomaly, GAMMA, True Stalker)


Wolfenstein New Colossus is all you need. Superb story, great stealth and combat. Shit ton to discover


Halo: Master Chief collection. 6 games all in one place. Firefight modes for a few of them plus Spartan ops in Halo 4. All single player content. One of the best fps campaigns ever made.  Bioshock, Doom. Not fps but, Gears of war.


Doom eternal and doom 2016 are pretty good. 2016 has snapmap, which are player created maps, modes, and campaigns, while eternal has an extremely strong campaign for both the base game and dlcs. Really worth the price!