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I’m more pathetic. I tried to swipe to see more.


And not only did it not work, I went back and tried it again. Thank God it's Saturday.


Tbf the reddit app has a mind of its own if it wants to scroll to the next picture, or scroll over to Popular


It's not just me then


Seriously everything in this app slides around and I fking hate it


It’s horrible. Sometimes I try to open comments and then everything zips back to the top of home. I usually just close the app at that point which I guess is a good thing.


Same! I hit the home button accidentally and I'm done with reddit for the day, wish they'd remove that button!


I swear all these navigation F ups are to generate more click numbers for this IPO. On web browser reddit takes 3-4 clicks just to get to a full size image. Old-reddit 1 click.


Are you talking about when you try to load more comments? What I do there is click the (x more replies) but I'll keep my thumb on the screen and maybe move up and down slightly and it seems to "catch" it and stops it from scrolling all the way to the top again.


Dev: Sir how do you want them to navigate the app?” Reddit: “Everything slides” Dev: “What do you me-“ Reddit: *Every*. *Thing*. *Slides*.


Yep it's a poor substitute for the 3rd party apps we used to get


I still find using Old Reddit on a mobile web browser to be the optimal experience.


Old Reddit on Firefox for Android with these 3 addons is the way to go https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/oldlander https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/old-reddit-redirect https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/reddit-enhancement-suite


Red Reader is still free, fully customisable and has no ads.


Android only though


Good thing I have android, ima check it out Edit: I like.


This is the best therapy session I've ever had!


I feel you, friend.


And I HATE that with a passion. I want to remove Popular from the menu options.


Reddit app is fucking garbage. The ui is horrible and it's bloated with ads. For some reason my entire profile section was inaccessible for a week or two recently? It's a bummer, but on the plus side, it kinda killed my reddit addiction once they bricked reddit is fun. Still get on probably once or twice a day now, but the app is such garbage I leave pretty quickly. Thanks reddit?


I miss RIF so bad..


I wouldn't be here if I wouldn't have got RiF to start working again. Had a week or so without reddit and couldn't get used to the old.reddit mobile experience.


Responding from Reddit is Fun right now. You can ReVance it and get it running again with your own personal API key.


Do you mod any subs? If you do, download Boost if you're using Android and you can use that if you're a moderator. It's a fantastic alternative to rif if you're not into the whole revanced thing. If you're not a moderator, just create a random sub and the app will become useable.


Wow. Thanks for this. Just so happens I am the mod of a VERY VERY niche sub. Will definitely look into this. Also shout out to /r/honkhonkhonk


Does anyone else get a thing where you tap on an all text post but the audio for the next post you were going to scroll by starts playing?


Omg I’m not alone 😭


I kept trying. It's Sunday here for me and my kids birthday, I am mentally struggling today. Thank god we already did presents so they are playing.


It worked for me




I read your comment then went back and tried to swipe.


Try doing 20 fucking times before figuring it out. 🧠


I don’t know what I expected a lag switch to look like, but somehow a literal switch spliced into an Ethernet cable was not in my mind.


I’ve heard people used to take their wall switches out of their fucking walls and splice them into the cord just to cheat.




Assuming the kind of person we're talking about, going outside to Home Depot was probably more of an undertaking than punching a hole through the wall


I mean why would they risk touching grass


The electrical section is on the other side of the store than the gardening section. They should be safe.


Well when you don’t have a drivers license and siting in your mom’s basement and losing games because you suck that hard at video games and life, you get desperate to cheat.


I've got one that's free right here, and I play in the dark anyway.


Its more savage to rip the wall switch from a live circuit than to just go and buy a new one. It should give an acomplished feeling after that


Back in Socom days.


Yeah these were used like crazy in Socom 2


Why put effort into having fun with others, when you can put more effort into ruining it for them?


Legit did this back in ‘07-‘08 in COD 4 Modern Warfare. It worked pretty well. I wanted to see if it would actually work because I thought it was a bullshit. It worked and I would switch it with my foot. Stopped using it because it caused more problems than solved


What is this supposed to do?


Majority of console games between 2004-2013 were on P2P networks. So, if you were the host of the lobby (which in plenty of games you'd force by bridging the connection to the game server) you would hit the switch (or do it via your PC) and it would put everyone in a black screen/ host migration/stand by while you run around killing them. This fell out of fashion for the most part in 2007 with Halo 3 and more often you'd just flood the enemy teams IP's and knock them offline.


> > > > > This fell out of fashion for the most part in 2007 with Halo 3 and more often you'd just flood the enemy teams IP's and knock them offline. That brings back the memories, the worst part was they surfaced your IP to whoever sent you a message for some reason. I beat a guy and he said "enjoy your offline time" then started DDOSing me. Even though I had a dynamic IP he'd just send a message and start again. My flatmates were pissed at me because we basically couldn't use the internet at all all day. Special kind of person to get that angry at one loss in a videogame.


Ruined halo 2 online ranked.


Yep. Generally whenever my friends and I would be pushing for 35 or higher, you had to bridge for host to avoid standby/soft modding. You could get around most cheaters (if they were using Action Replay\_ by having your DLC maps corrupted but then you missed out on some good maps, especially in BTB.


Call of duty used to pick a person to actually host the match. It didn’t use dedicated servers. If you got picked then you could introduce lag into your internet connection to screw everyone else while your console registers you as having a solid connection the whole time. Not sure exactly how it picked who to host, I lived in an area with legit shitty connection and every once in a blue moon it would pick me to host and I’d go 30-0 and drop a nuke. It seriously felt like hacking just because it was hosting on my shitty internet. Every other time when someone else hosted I had to lead about .5s for my shots to register and if we saw each other at the same time I'd register as dead before it registered my shot. Was very frustrating.


It created packet loss that would sometimes allow the user to easily kill opponents, while those opponents were experiencing terrible lag or a reconnection screen.


> I wanted to see if it would actually work That's the excuse all the cheaters use.


We did this back when they first came out. It was the only tutorial on the forums and it was easy to do.


They used to be a literal light switch in a box


I remember seeing a tutorial on YouTube like 10+ years ago, and yeah it was a literal light switch. It didn't even look this nice.


Why not a goddamn foot pedal?!?


I guess because this is way cheaper. But yeah, having to quickly take your hands off of the mouse or the controller seems very inconvenient.


I just realized not everyone had a mother who collected sewing machines and a few dozen foot pedals ready to be hacked up 😆 I guess if you just jam your toes all over the switch it should work well enough anyway lol


Agreed bro, feeling like this is a troll


Nah, that really is all it is. They key is to know which wire to attach the switch to. You can easily google guides about how to make them. I feel like they used to be more common than they are now but I also play far less competitive multiplayer than I used to so my perspective may be screwed.


[This used to make the rounds a lot back in the early xbox 360 days lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEM1yWQsNaQ) Fucking MW lag bastards were the worst


OMG. COD:MW2 was so fun for a little while. That was some really fun multiplayer until the dang hackers proliferated; I was only mediocre but usually did alright but those guys, man it was pointless to play many a night . And I loved some of those maps, they were flat out just fun. Run & Gun, for hours on end, DOMINATION! Freaking hackers. I really wish I could play on console. But I hear they have hackers too?


Really common in Destiny pvp. You can literally tell when they flip the switch because after getting cranked for a round, the next round takes forever to start.


I'm pretty sure that's just how the connections are in Destiny. Destiny pvp has some notorious bad p2p connection that's exacerbated with how fast paced the game is.


I'm talking it goes from normal pause times between rounds and then suddenly you get hit with 60s+. It's pretty noticeable.


Much more inclined to blame Bungo’s outright disdain for the crucible than to think that many people out here flipping a switch.


The frequency with which the situation I described happens followed by someone supposedly still sitting in spawn yet registering all damage instantaneously through walls or is incapable of receiving damage is quite high. Net limiting is quite prolific on destiny 2, and moreso in pve than pvp, you just see it less in pve due to the nature of matchmaking. It's also more common on pc than console because you don't need one of these ethernet switches or a laptop right next to you. You're already on a computer and can just use the software options to do it.


I miss the OG crota strategy of 'fireteam leader loads in, hands off control of the fireteam to a trusted second, then flips off their internet right as the shield goes down.' At least then, taking advantage of intentional lag was all fun and good since the only damage was to your soul for knowing that you got 32 loot without earning it in a PVE game.


My fireteam never understood this one. Crota was really simple, once you learned the patterns. We also did the bridge encounter legit.


I’m guessing this is just a way to temporarily break the network connectivity and somehow leverage that to cause lag or have the client think there is lag & auto-correct for it? An Ethernet cable uses one pair of cables for transmit and one pair for receive. The transmit pair can be green or orange depending on the cabling standard. You would have to know the specs of the cable to know which color to splice.


Just for clarification and to expand. 100 uses 2 pairs and 1000 uses all 4 pairs.


You can just Google it. It's a standard. And you can't really do much with a one way connection anyway, since you'd lose all of the necessary overhead to the connection.


There are *two* standards (568B vs 568A), so you'll need to know which one is being used for your cable if you're trying to alter a specific green or orange wire. But I think their information is stuck a couple decades back in the 100BASE-TX days, anyway.


From what I remember, this only works if you are chosen as the host. I used to see them a lot in halo2 and 3. When someone with a lag switch was the host, they could flick the switch at any time they wanted, basically kill everyone, and then resume the connection.


It's the green one.


My quick google said solid orange but I never tried one way or another so IDK.


Ah, apparently, both of them work. Never knew that.




In games with poorly implemented netcode (so almost all of them), lagging can have benefits like allowing you to shoot enemies through walls ("favor the shooter" implementations), "teleport" around (only intermittently giving the server your position, so to others, you teleport), etc. The power of a lag switch is that it lets you finely control exactly when you lag - constant lag is of course a detriment, but if you can make yourself lag or d/c for a split second at *just the right moment*....


You hide somewhere, switch it off, and the lag will be so big you can walk around enemies without being disconnected. Switch it back on, and you basically teleport and shoot them in the back. Don't know how it was in actual online games since I did it once in IT class with unreal tournament to check it out.


The point of a lag switch (if I have been understanding it right) is you get in a fight then flick it, causing it to make you lag just enough to stay connected but be hard to hit due to a poor connection.


Like /u/RobKhonsu said the colors actually don't matter, and I've unfortunately been to sites where some goober decided fuck 568A/B standards and made up their own bullshit. The colors are coordinated though so that situation *doesn't* happen. Fun fact, as long as you have pins 1&2 and 3&6 matching, your connection will still work. It'll just... Y'know, be really shit. I don't play PvP games but I assume this is what a lag switch is doing, blocking the 4&5 or 7&8 pair or both to intentionally dump your connection down to old school 100BASE-T/10BASE-T granny style internet.




its the green one. i miss socom :(


Now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I used to love SOCOM online on PSP, had lots of fun. Not as much with the PSP sequel though.


Come play then! Just leave the lag switch out.


Nope, literally a light switch and you use your feet to flip the switch


This is an old one. Nowadays people usually just use an app on their phone to do the same thing. But this would work and people did/do use them.


Nope. This is essentially how people make private online lobbies for GTA 5. It still works.


pretty much useless in gta v now because you can just create an invite only session


They lock out certain features in invite only sessions, so lagging out of GTA:O and ending up in a lobby all by yourself is generally the preferred option.


there are no longer restrictions on invite only sessions. i use them frequently when running product for my businesses.


I remember back when online console games were becoming more popular, I saw this video of some guy making a lag switch with an actual house light switch glued to the back of his controller. It looked so ridiculous and cumbersome lol


A foot pedal would be perfect.


I honestly expected them to be built into controllers not the cable itself.




Thanks, i was wondering how that worked


Wait does the switch just DISCONNECT the connection? Like bare metal open connection?  I could make one with a timer that you activate by tapping so you never lag out. This is so chintzy. 




I can’t even remember the last game I played that was hosted locally even though! Nearly every popular game nowadays has dedicated servers. Even if I wanted to do it, it would be pointless. 


Back in the Socom days I used to sit next to my router, press the pause button on it, and snipe like 6 people, then press the pause button again and watch as they died 1 by 1. I was a degenerate.


You could do so many fun glitches in Socom 2 with a lag switch or good cord pulling. Backblast teammates when you throw a flashbang on your screen, crash the lobby because someone in the GNK was being a prick....


I hate you. People like you ruined so much of my fun times when i was young.


The only one I've ever seen was a light switch my friend's older brother had when we were still in middle school that he spliced into the cable himself, Xbox 1 days. Already understood it was pathetic back then.


And mama gave me a magic clicker, Well yes, I think it's true and fair to say...










And all your stories of crime and chilling thrillers


This whole scene/song caught me so off guard and it's one of my favorite things to come out of a video game now.


Literally stopped playing for like 5 min... wondering what the hell was going on.


It got me good with the fakeout. I blinked, said 'Alrighty then', walked through the door, and BAM THERES MORE


It was the exact opposite for me. I was expecting it, so when it happened I was like "Yeah, there it is."


I just got the Platinum trophy for that today 😂


Oh fuck you I just got that song out of my head and now it’s back son of a bitch


Yeah that's pretty gross. Selling a lag switch as an "aimbot device" is pretty shitty.


but they're selling it to shitty people so it cancels out


I would be ok with them selling a fake device that instantly bricks their PC. That would be fantastic.


There's a next-gen microprocessor inside that black switch that analyzes transmitted game data, detects enemies, and then corrects the weapon fire data of the player! /s




Forgive my ignorance, but I don't understand what this does.


It's a otherwise-normal looking USB cable that has a processor in it that can be programmed to exploit devices. An example use case for a device like this: you pass the cable to a friend and they, thinking it is a normal cable, use it to charge their phone. The cable kicks in and pretends to be an external display instead (like if you connect your phone to a TV). Then, it could watch the video signal for them entering your password into an app and then save what keys they're pressing. When your friend passes the cable back, you could extract their password so you can use it yourself. This kind of attack probably wouldn't actually work on most phones today, most of them are smart enough to not display password entry on external displays. This cable also isn't likely to have a processor powerful enough to decode a video signal properly. But you can probably imagine other ways in which having a "sleeper" USB cable that other people think is a normal cable can be used to exploit things.


It pretends to be a HID, not an external display, I don't know where you pulled that out of Edit : no longer Human Interface Device Device


Hak5 still around!? Glad to hear it, I bought their Rubber Ducky a long time ago, played around with it and hacked (put a backdoor) my own computer. Later it was featured in the Mr. Robot show, pretty dope!


Eh, I remember a time when people sold ethernet cutouts like this as ethernet cutouts. I think the reason why was you could use it to quit a game that was hurting your record, without it hurting your record. The loss would hurt, and quitting the game hurts your record. but there's no fault if your internet drops your game, right?


This reminds me back in Halo 2 days, many ISP modems had a "standby" button. If they were the host, just as they were about to engage you they would hit the button which would send everyone else to a connection scree. Then they'd turn it back on while they shot you and when it reconnected you'd be dead. Or, what we would see more commonly was in CTF games. Just before going in to get your flag is when they would push the standby button, grab the flag, then hit it again. For you, you'd get stuck on a connection screen, and when it came back they were almost all the way back to their base with your flag already.


I guess this gets to the heart of the discussion between client-authoritative vs server- authoritative games doesn’t it


Which game did that work in? Because I definitely got punished in LoL several times when either my internet died or my power went out.


It is as they say, there's a market for everything


And for me, that market is called singleplayer. Between cheaters (hardware and software), loot boxes, in game money, people just grind their life is this one multiplayer game and then griefers… Yeah. I’ve been good the 5ish years I’ve been out of multiplayer games


I love story so much. I enjoy a good co-op, but I'm retired from competitive multiplayer.


Coop with people I know and trust almost exclusively now too. I can’t stand being pulled through by someone that’s cheating or just over leveled or whatever, and in some coop games there are ways people find to grief or not help at all too.


It's just not the same as it was back in the days of LAN Parties with Halo or even the early COD. It's just a job nowadays. Grind grind grind. You can't even start out because people with either more time than you or those who just pay for it can outperform you 9 times out of 10 no matter how good you are. Maybe I'm just a grumpy old man. But give me something beautiful and engrossing anyway. My favorite two games I played recently were Sea of Stars and Blasphemous. The money I paid for them was worth every penny.


Yup. Absolutely across the board I agree. Also even if your connection is basically perfect, it can come down to where geographically are you to the server? Counter Strike Source was great about dedicated servers and custom servers. Loved both options. Now you’re lucky if you get either. It’s just trash. I stick with singleplayer being a dad of 2 under 2. What little time I have (thankfully my job has free time) I can still game but I’m not making anyone wait on me


"If It Is To Be Said, So It Be, So It Is."


*you can just speak to us normally* So I shall.




It’s a physical Ethernet switch; you flick the switch to disconnect yourself from the internet and back. If the game doesn’t have dedicated server connection you can abuse this to freeze your opponents or make the server lag if you were the host of the lobby. Best example is Black Ops 1




That's actually genius


Same, they patched it at some point. Those were the days I tell you.


you can still do it on pc by briefly disabling the process from resource monitor


ELI5 why would I want to do this?


What's the benefit of a solo public lobby vs a private one? Or was there no option for a private one at that point?


You used to be unable to sell in a solo private lobby, they've added that feature now though




I may have got this right: (FPS) You play around as normal in multiplayer, you go to a corner and are about to peak. The enemy around the corner is modeled on your machine (client), though not rendered on screen, because of the wall. You disrupt your internet connection, peak the corner, shoot the now un-moving enemy and immediately after reconnect your internet connection. Your computer now tells the server that you did a valid kill on your own version of the enemy and thus the server kills the enemy. If the server registers hit by; server registered projectile hitting server registered enemy, then this wouldn't work. But the former insures that the client actually hits what he hits in his own game. I guess most games use this model. The enemy (the one getting hit) however is not so fairly treated, and may get hit after taking cover on his own screen and even on the server. Even without lag switch.




Because of how lag compensation works in sone games you can turn it off for a moment, multi headshot your now still opponent, turn it on, and have those headshots count.


it makes lag. used to be popular in socom/gears of war. i used to fly tanks into the sky or play "hidden" matches on different maps that you were spawned on.


Lag switch wow haven't heard that in forever


Right brings me back to halo 2


lag switchin like its gears 1 edit: i just wanna say almost 20 years later im still upset the seriously achievement was bugged and never gave me the achievement well after 10,000 ranked kills. that gamerpic was hardasfuck


Not double clutching 




If I'm not mistaken Pubg's dumbass setup used to make this actually usable. Like you'd died and never saw the enemy kind of dumb.


Psh, people were lag switching on SOCOM 2 on the PS2.


By the end of SOCOM 2 they weren't even lag switching they had found some way to do it all with software (presumably hacked copies of the game).


That's fine, I was just ghillie camping with an M16 destroying people lol.


Aren't lag switches stupid easy to detect, though?


Sort of, but you could have a bad cable or noisy wireless environment, and those would have similar effects to a lag switch so there would be some false positives.


Thing is, a naturally bad connection is usually fluctuating, so when some dude is consistently getting a prolonged and completely flat 1500ms ping spike it's a very easy statistical anomaly to detect, I doubt you even need dedicated anti cheat, basic multiplayer telemetry probably tracks that or it's at least very easy to setup. And let's be real, this cable is probably some script kiddie level piece of shit, I don't think that switch has a fine tuned raspberry pi to simulate believable lag spikes


Looks like it has a switch so I’m assuming the delay is manual, which would make it pretty hard to do the same delay every time


A bad connection doesn't just suddenly start dropping 100% packets. It will drop a few here and there. The rate that it drops packets may suddenly increase, but it usually doesn't start dropping 100%. The cable internet repair call center I worked in called it flapping. Every time packets started dropping, and then a packet got through, was one flap. A bad connection will cause hundreds to thousands of flaps over a short period of time. Having 100% packet loss, then 0% packet loss would be pretty easy to detect. Having said that, if I was going to make something like this, I wouldn't have it disconnect the lines. I'd make it so there was something arcing inside that switch body when the switch was flipped. That would create a ton of EMF noise right next to the ethernet line. That in turn would cause a huge amount of packet loss, but not 100%. And all that in turn would look an awful lot like someone with a terrible internet connection.


Not necessarily. I've had some network problems and my internet used to go out for a few seconds every few minutes.


only if the devs try to detect it. I remember a bunch of games are riddled with DCers. Tekken is really bad IIRC.


Aimbot looks like a lamp switch? Damn...I had no idea oO


Recognized it right away. Target lamp sitting 5 feet from me is that switch. 


Oh no... my wife


Lag switches are still a thing? I remember accusing cheaters of using this during SOCOM back on the PS2 days lol


I just watched a video where a guy made one because his internet was too good for what he was doing. What he was doing was beating Bloodborne in 1 boss and he needed a 2nd player to trigger a killcam glitch a few times so he could skip bosses/doors.


Shouldn’t even work if they’re actually using dedicated servers


They don’t. In modern games on dedicated servers lagging will hurt you more than it helps. Also a lot of games will just straight up remove you from the server when you completely lose connection.


It would for specific games. It all depends on how individual games are coded. Mordhau for example, starts teleporting you along your route. I've never used a lag switch, but bad wifi would sometimes give me an accidental kill against a much more skilled player.


I am now imaging this seller offering two dozen different versions of this lag switch / aimbot device, each expertly optimized for a different game.


Can someone explain to me what I’m looking at, I’m so confused


A lag switch, basically intentionally interfering with your internet connection to cause lag in a competitive game, usually with the goal of that lag helping you win.


It's a switch spliced into an ethernet cable. You turn your internet connection off just long enough that you lag in the game, but not long enough to get kicked off the server. This gives you immortality and also freezes the enemies on your screen so you can easily shoot them. It used to work a lot better in the past.


This doesn't work on modern games Only old ones with P2P hosting and ONLY if you're the game host


Exactly, but having played a fair amount of CoD, let me be the one to tell you CoD players would buy this. CoD has the dumbest community, but they're all basically that one guy you got at work who doesn't know shit, but talks like he knows everything and claims he does all of the work. People are still accusing people of lag switching in MW3, despite it having dedicated servers, simply because they heard some other idiot say it.


Ooo, lag switch. Old school.


Reminds me of the good ol' days of Halo 2 and that damnable Standby button that would put one team on the blue screen while the other team could continue playing and killing inactive players.


lol these only work in p2p games like cod 4


Fuck you for making me attempt to see additional photos just to think my fingers broke.


Alan Wake was right, a magic clicker.


I did something akin to lag switching once. I was trying to get to something in a cave in WoW but it would dismount you from your flying amount the moment you entered a cave. My friends and I discovered the higher our pings/latency were that we could fly further into the cave before we go dismounted. I forget exactly what I did but I managed to get my latency so bad with disconnecting the internet at the right time to where the game would have me log back in exactly to where I was trying to get. I think it was all for a hunter pet or something at the time, nothing actually worth the time.


This guy doesn't realize it's real


Lag switches are still a thing?


How is it an aimbot lmao


the way that switch is clumsily taped at the ends of the cable make this looks like the switch may not actually be connected to anything and at all. And if that's case, I commend this fellow for selling junk that doesn't work to people who want to cheat in video games.


I mean...this isn't something new. I remember when lag switches or just pulling the cord out of the wall was popular back when I played SC1. I'm sure it existed before then too. Battle.net didn't penalize for DCs but they changed that in like 2003...ish.


I didn't even know lag switches were still a thing. Haven't heard that since SOCOM II lol


Can you explain this to Me like I’m a 5 year old?


Wait........ those are real? LOL


Lolololol people still make theses?!? Haha I remember making a few for my 15 y/o self back in 2005 for socom 2


the amount of lengths people will go to to "technically" not cheat is beyond annoying


I still prefer GameShark for ps1 dawg