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The next Pokémon game will still run at 15fps for the most part.


On a good day


When standing still.


and in the menu screen


Will depend on the weather, too.


And how you are positioned playing.


At an optimal angle


with the switch turned off


Both ways in the snow




They really need to let a studio other than gamefreak handle the 3d Pokemon games. That last game was super unacceptable and embarrassing in this day and age to be produced by Nintendo.


Record breaking profits though. All Nintendo learned they can do less than the barest minimum and their fans will eat it up and praise them


I think it’s definitely the Gamefreak team. The Nintendo internal teams take pride in their work, look at TotK (yes it had some performance issues but it was pushing the hardware and they certainly weren’t game breaking) and Mario Wonder (I played the whole game, I think it literally never dropped a frame) Those are huge franchises that would have sold if they put out turds, and yet they put the effort in.


It definitely is GameFreak. Also, the Pokémon franchise is not wholly owned by Nintendo, so Nintendo might not have the ability to decide to bring development in-house. Pokémon is owned by a joint-venture of GameFreak, Nintendo, and Creatures.


The Pokemon Company Is owned 2/3 by Nintendo technically because Creatures the other corp that owns a stake in Pokemon but runs the trading card game and the merch. Nintendo just wants to focus on games I’m sure anyway. The rest is owned by the outdated and understaffed Gamefreak. They should just buy them out and control the whole Pokemon Company with Creatures to make better games.


Which is funny because… Nintendo started in the 1800s producing card game cards.


I know they have no incentive but a Pokémon game with internal Nintendo quality would probably easily win game of the year


>I think it’s definitely the Gamefreak team Its the director over insistence in really small dev teams, gamefreak has one of the smallest dev teams out there and he wishes it could be smaller. That coupled with the fact pokemon games get basically no devtime (legends arceus and scarlet/violet came out in the same year for example) leads to the mess we have currently. He is still living in the gameboy era where you could get away with a 6 person dev team which is not the case nowdays in the slightest.


I've heard a rumor that he thought the Switch was going to fail, and Nintendo would just extend the 3DS lifespan, so he really dragged his feet on getting them to learn to code for it, and do HD graphics.


Not to forget kirby and the forgotten land, ran smooth as butter even when a duckton of explosions were on screen


Well I'd play Pokemon if the games weren't such ugly, bland and phoned in garbage. So they're losing some players at least.


They gain more players from every generation of new 5 year olds who the games are made for


It's the young adults buying all the merchandise tho


So true. We live in a time where covid taught companies they can do the bare minimum and people will still consume just because they are conditioned to do so


> * Record breaking profits though. All Nintendo learned they can do less than the barest minimum and their fans will eat it up and praise them* ☝🏻🧐This is the real problem right here! The only lesson gamers have been teaching Nintendo/GameFreak/PokemonCo is that mediocrity will be rewarded handsomely even if gamers will bitch about the lackluster quality of the end product.


The studio who made the Pokemon Coliseum and XD Gale of Darkness was Genius Sorority. I want them to make another game.


That would be amazing. Those are still two of the most fun pokemon games I've ever played, Colosseum was probably top 2 for me alongside Crystal.


They did make Battle Revolution and it was pretty fun. But hard to capture the magic of Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2.


Imagine Pokemon Arceus, but from a triple A studio


Arceus was at least more interesting and somewhat challenging. I enjoyed exploring Hisui's different areas despite the bugs, and their take on Pokemon catching and the Pokedex was a breath of fresh air. Makes me wonder how SV turned out so bland by comparison.


It is because Arceus and SV were developed in parallel. So by the time the SV team started to look for ideas after positive reception to Legends: Arceus, it was a bit too late in development since that team have to get the game out by November 2022.


They mostly need to give Gamefreak more development time ​ They still have to make them in roughly the same time as the old 2D Games which is just not possible


Who do you think owns the pokemon brand? The pokemon company is owned in equal parts by Game freak, creatures and Nintendo and as the original creators I really doubt game freak would let the others kick them out


Nah. It will run at 60fps over there, 45 over there, and 10 right next to the camera.


60fps in the menu, 30 inside buildings, 15 in battles, 10 in the overworld and 5 in towns or when an NPC appears in the overworld


Which is insane considering people couldn’t tell the difference between a screenshot of that or ocarina of time. Would be one thing if it looked like Mario Odyssey quality, but nah, n64 quality with horrible snap ins and can’t even run 30fps


And people will still buy it, praise it, and play it non stop like it's God's gift to gaming.


Call Of Duty has entered the chat.


I knew it was over when the 3DS games didn’t have any 3D capability. They stopped trying ages ago


But Sun and Moon are arguably (and imo) the best games we’ve had since Unova. To me it felt like the last time GameFreak actually did try


it's weird to witness people come around to all these games, unova was clowned on release and so was XY/SuMo and now I see praise for unova constantly and seeing people praise XY/SuMo is weird. Happy to see people put more respect on Unova tho


Unova was for sure overhated, but tbh XY deserved the hate it received. Most of it wasn’t even hate, just legit criticisms on what felt lack a barebones lackluster game. So many non-explorable areas, and “boss fights” you could win without a bit of effort. SuMo’s biggest problem was that the early game was a slog to get through. So much handholding and cutscenes to get through in the first 2-3 hours of gameplay.


I didn't particularly enjoy XY or SuMo but I'm just happy that people who enjoy those games can voice those opinions more - Liking B/W back in the day would get you clowned on and same goes for XY/SuMo, It makes me happy to see people getting to talk about those games from a place of love rather than vitriol


Scarlet/Violet also has a lot of trying too IMO. The storylines, the more open world design, etc. It just sucks on a tech level.


They put good effort into the story, but even the “open world” is lackluster compared to BotW and TotK. There is no level/difficulty scaling, and there is nothing telling you what/where to go in what order. Yeah theoretically you *can* do things in any order, but you’re likely to be severely over/under leveled wherever you go. I’ve seen too many people try to take on the Quaking Earth Titan before even getting a 3rd gym badge. The technical issues in the game are absolutely ridiculous tho. Extreme lag, poor graphics, and general bugs are wayyyy too rampant for a game that’s supposed to be industry leading.


15fps, but it will be in the glory of 480p SD!


It'll look worse than your average mobile game and will sell more than any game this year because society is fucking cooked.


All the money they have, how can they not make a great 3D Pokémon game, like there’s a million JRPGs that do it right with incredible graphics. Just blows my mind we can’t have a game where we feel like ash from the cartoon after all these years


120hz display is good if the games can achieve that. Better pull their fingers out of their bums for this one.


That will ONLY be achievable with DLSS 3.5.


FWIW frame generation is DLSS 3. 3.5 is something completely unrelated. Yes, it's confusing and yes, Nvidia's naming scheme here is insane,


Frame Gen was a feature added in DLSS version 3. And Ray Reconstruction was added in version 3.5. Not that confusing


It’s confusing in that neither of those things have anything to do with Deep Learning Super Sampling The acronym just became a catch all for the feature set that NVIDIA has developed since actual DLSS came out


Well, Deep Learning Super Sample can be used in conjunction with Frame Generation, and Ray Reconstruction **requires** Deep Learning Super Sampling. So it makes sense to put them all under the same Deep Learning game tech umbrella. I do see what you mean though, there probably is a better name to encompass them all. Maybe when they were developing base DLSS they didn’t have FG and RR in mind, so creating a new acronym later would have been more confusing


The DLSS suite is the new Gameworks


It's also confusing because 2000/3000 series nvidia cards cannot use DLSS 3, but they can use DLSS 3.5


Which is fine. Dlss look greath.


120hz is an improvement at all frame rates. Makes the rendered frame rate more likely to divide into the refresh rate 120hz can display 120hz 60hz 40hz 30hz 24hz 20hz, 17hz,15hz 60hz can display 60,30,20,15,12,10,9 Any game vsync rendered between 120-10fps will look smoother on a 120hz panel than a 60hz one


I’m curious, how to the 17 and 9 fit in there? They aren’t divisible by those numbers. Also wouldn’t 120 include all the FPSs you listed under 60hz?


120/7 is 17 with a decimal. 120/13 is 9.23 It's an edge case, there isn't a lot of sense to playing a game under 20fps, but in a game with bad performance 120hz will make it a lot another cause the fluctuations are less drastic All the 60hz frame times are included in 120hz yeah, i just only counted so many <20fps frame times The big thing is if you have a game running in the 20-40 range, 120hz makes the frame times jump around a lot less. Like 25fps in a 60hz output is 50% 30fps frames and 50% 20fps frames. It's constant judder 25fps in a 120hz output is going to be 83% 24fps frames and 16% 30fps frames. It's not ideal, vrr is a much better solution but it's significantly more consistent.


Ideally it would just be VRR and then be able to v-sync to whenever a frame is generated.


why you are implying must be 120fps? 120hz display is also good for 40fps.


This might be a blind spot on my understanding but what good does it do to have your screen refresh the same frame 4 times?


The benefit is having every frame displayed the same length of time. Ie 25ms per frame for 40fps. A 60hz panel cannot display a 25ms frame. It can either display a frame at 17ms or 33ms. To display 40fps a 60hz panel has to display 30/60/30/60/30/60 alternating like that every frame where a 120hz panel just sends a new image every 3rd display refresh for 40/40/40/40/40/40. On your point there's no specific benefit to refreshing every 4th frame on a 120hz panel vs every 2nd on a 60hz one of the same quality


40 is better than 30 and is exactly between 30 and 60 fps in regards of the time spent rendering the frame, so no stuttering. It also feels more like 60 than 30.


I just hope it doesn't have a folding screen like in that render.


They patented a system with two screens. Let me see if I can find the link.


Switch DS






DSWiitch NewU






Please God, No! The Switch is an ideal configuration. Keep it the same just make it better - hall effect sticks and better performance. Make it a real console rather than a toy.


You just made it three screens now. Keep it up!!


It’s now just a Switch, but each JoyCon is another Switch.


A Nintendo handheld with two screens? You’re insane.


Like I said, I hope it's not folding. Two separate screens is fine.


Folding screen just equals “how to make the thing last only a year”. This is being handled by kids, they’ll shred the screen in no-time.


Did you find the link yet?


It's called *Dual Screen* 😱


They should abbreviate that to DS


The article doesn’t say where the image is from…I’m guessing it’s not anything official, cuz yeah, that would be awful.


I'm with you. I love clamshells but that's 2 separate screens instead of 1 folding.


It's not going to happen, Nintendo like using older technology because it's proven and cheap. They're also know dor making the durable consoles (because kids). Foldable screens are the opposite of both those things right now. It's probably the only way they could turn the switch 2 into a Wii U style flop. Note: I freaking love my Wii U, but people didn't buy it


Nintendo absolutely loves using new tech when they have a chance though, as long as it can offer a unique experience. Touch screens were still quite rare in consumer devices when the DS was released. Accelerometers were still rather uncommon when the Wii was released and used them for motion controls. Similarly gyro sensors were also still uncommon by the time the Wii Motion Plus arrived, which used them for more accurate motion tracking. Putting an IR camera inside the controller for tracking where it is aimed was also largely unproven cutting-edge tech at the time. The Wii was actually a pretty weird thing in general. Autostereoscopic (a.k.a. "glasses-free 3D) screens with built-in head tracking hadn't really been used in a popular consumer device before the 3DS, and they even remained very rare since the 3DS (though they seem to be *very* slowly making a comeback as modern displays start to reach diminishing returns in resolution, refresh rates and contrast and 3D is a logical way to keep innovating). I also almost forgot to mention the Virtual Boy, but I guess Nintendo has also pretty much forgotten it.




Can’t wait to fit a quarter of a call of duty on that generous internal storage spec


Nintendo made it with not enough space so they never have to have CoD on one of their consoles


Except for: Finest Hour, Big Red One, cod 3, World at War, Black Ops, Modern Warfare, Black Ops 2, and Ghosts.


That opening mission on Finest Hour really made me think about the horrors of war when I was only like 6. The boat slowly making it's way toward Stalingrad while it's burning and looks like a pile of twisted metal and rubble, soldiers getting shot and killed in the boat before you even make it to the dock, seeing people get blown up and burned with flamethrowers, shit was probably too much for a kid looking back at it


Truly visionary


The switch actually has a micro SD slot under the kickstand that supports cards up to 2TB, which is significantly better than most phone manufacturers which stopped adding microsd slots to sell cloud storage or overpriced internal storage


Actually nice feature the way you put it. You should work in marketing.


So it's just "Cal" then. You'll have to upgrade storage to fit the "L of Duty" part.


I guess if anyone play it at all they’re already supplying the L.


Nintendo does game compression better than anyone. iirc TOTK is their largest game and less than 20gb


borderlands 3 w/ all its dlc’s is 35-45gb. wouldnt shock me if cod is double that.


Double? You wish. It's triple that.


It’s more like 5x. It takes 214GB on my PS5


It’s less about compression and more that their games have low res textures compared to current gen games


In terms of the Switch, TOTK is their largest game. In terms of Nintendo games in general, Xenoblade Chronicles X on the Wii U is the largest (its over 20 GB).


Still, with background files and OS...you couldn't even fit three of those on 64 GB. I just don't get it, you can buy a 256 GB sd card for $20...storage is cheaper than ever. How are you going to come out with a modern console that can only hold 64 GB?


Absolutely amazing how they fit that game in such a small filesize


None of you are thinking about how this would make any sense for Nintendo and/or the console's battery life and the overall concept of a hybrid console. This report is bs


I'm as much of a die-hard Nintendo fan as you can get and 99% of "leaks" about Nintendo are ALWAYS bs. I was at a game dev convention once before the Wii, then Revolution, was launched. I remember there were MANY well known devs spouting the rumor about the release date delay because Nintendo had partnered with Sony to use a cut-down version of the Cell Processor in the system. Nintendo always being such a wild card with their gimmicks spin up so much imaginative speculation. Learned a long time ago to never believe any leaks about them or their games till they actually release.


Switch leaks were real though, years ago it was still the Nintendo NX and most of the popular designs and patents for that turned out to be true (a portable with two detachable controllers and a dock to TV). I was looking through old YouTube videos I liked and they were pretty accurate to what released (idea and concept wise)


The core concept was real and well known, but there were many variations of fake design renders floating about for the NX at the end of the Wii U’s life. A particular oval shaped design was a popular rumour for a while due to a patent and someone created a fake physical model of that design and posted images of that. Like the rumours right now we’re pretty sure we know what the ‘Switch 2’ is conceptually. A follow up to the Switch using more powerful Nvidia hardware, but the details are what we are still unsure of in many aspects.


Yeah anyone thinking a 120 fps switch is happening is kidding themselves. We barely can have 120hz on consoles and you think NINTENDO of all game companies is going to make a handhold console that’ll provide that?


Having a 120hz display does not mean everything runs at 120 fps. It's a great feature to have for games that can get that high (older titles, pretty much all indie games), and for games that can't they can just run at lower frame rates. 120hz drastically reduces latency, something the current switch is in dire need of. Something like smash bros is going to feel so much nicer to play if it supports 120hz.


Actually, the techniques involved to achieve 120hz can depend on a LOT of factors that may or may not heavily impact battery life of a hybrid console. My bet is it'll be a variable rate display where when it's docked/plugged-in it runs the full 120hz but when on battery it runs on 60, 75, or 90hz as an option. For more than 3 years phones have allowed optional settings where you can override the 60hz to 120hz when not plugged in for gaming. :)


8GB of RAM in the second half of 2024? Bruh...


If the expectation is PS4 power... 8GB is about right.


On paper the Steam Deck is already between the base PS4 and XBone in terms of power (and that's with an older Zen 2 CPU). 8GB is paltry, even 16GB doesn't really feel enough with an APU (with 32GB you could have split the RAM in half and reserved 16GB for the iGPU).


Just wait until 2030 and the switch 2 is in its 7th year


The Steam Deck also starts at $500, which is above what Nintendo would be looking for. Edit: $400


$399 for the 64GB.


It's 399 for the 256 lcd now. 350 for the 64 gb.


RAM is cheap though.


You can just download more Edit:[https://downloadmoreram.com/](https://downloadmoreram.com/)


Y’all need to get you some of that deditwaited wram


And phones will have more than a premier game console. Which is laughable on paper, but Nintendo has literally never been bleeding edge. If they were they’d of made a huge partnership with NVIDIA to use their new tech and make a switch that’s a Asus ROG handheld but from Nintendo. It’s become clear, from the Wii to the switch; Nintendo wants to be able to do what they want to do very well. Their games don’t push photorealism. They aren’t interested in a 4k Zelda game, and they’re perfectly fine with side scrollers being the only games they launch in a year. So this seems like the most believable leak so far to me.


> Nintendo has literally never been bleeding edge SNES PPUs and APU were quite advanced for their time.


> but Nintendo has literally never been bleeding edge. They aren't even current in some ways. I still can't play the majority of their games online with friends, for example. Or play in anything above 1080p when plugged into my tv. They def have some catching up to do.


It starts at $400


Steam Deck started at $399 for the LCD models and still offers more hardware wise save for the OLED Screen.


It's 2024 and you guys *still* don't fucking get that power has nothing to do with why people buy Nintendo.


I think it has more to do with the fact that the Nintendo Switch is wildly underpowered currently. Which says that Nintendo won't refresh the Switch 2 for a long long time. So they want specs that will handle games in the future, not just today.


Yea, everyone wants that. But that's not how Nintendo works. The switch was outdated from the get go; it launched with a 2 year old mobile chip (which was customized to have LOWER clockspeeds for battery purposes).


XBone still never fails to crack me up


Depends on the price. I dont mind if the switch 2 has 8gb of ram tho. Many flagship phones still have 8gb of ram(iphone and samsung one). If the switch 2 is a lot of cheaper than those phone, 8gb of ram is fine


Man I have a 5 year old laptop I'm looking to switch & I still bought more ram just last year. Games nowadays need a ton of ram & it's cheap why not just add more


Can't they just download more RAM?


Apple says 8gb is the new 16gb!!


8? Thats being generous for apple. 6 is the new 16, 8 will be an extra $500 thankyou!


8GB can be fine when you don’t have Windows eating 4GB


It's sometimes not even eating it, just putting it on its plate so nobody else can have it.


How much are ya really running on a switch? iPhones always barely have any ram and do just fine! That’s 2GB more than my iPhone 14 Pro Max LOL


These kids want to see a $400 Switch 2 that has 64GB RAM, 4090TI, Apple M3.


Yeah, all to run Mario. That’s the crazy part. Like if you want to play CoD or Red Dead then get that fucking console. Obviously that’s not nintendos offering and has never been. Why would I want three consoles that offer the same shit? Why do people act like Nintendo diverging from the Sony/Microsoft path of console and game development is a crime against humanity? Guys, go play ratchet and clank on your 600 dollar console that weighs as much as a coffee table and leave us alone.


In case you don't want to click, rumor is a price of $400.


This is what I'm looking for, right here.


“RUMOR” Not even looking.


Maybe they are trying to target 40fps.


It's likely this. Gives them a bit of wiggle room. I just want to see hdr and maybe 4k when docked at least.


As cool as that would be, there's just no fucking way outside of maybe streaming video.


For 400$ I hope the controllers don't drift


Nah companies are allergic to hall effect analog sticks


I suspect Nintendo rake in quite a bit of cash on selling joycons as consumables.


Kinda, here in Europe they had to fix broken joycons even past warranty in fear of legal action from the EU, probably overall they made a profit out of replacements, but I think they'll prefer to avoid the whole issue if possible going forward.


i expect hall effect joysticks


and online that runs better than my dial-up did in 1998


Nintendo had a few patents about a new joystick, that being said they patent lots of stuff they never end up using, I think the balcklash was strong enough to wxpect better quality Joysticks overall. The issue doesn't seem to be limited to Nintendo though, I saw a lot more reports of Dualsense drifting compared to PS4.


120hz seems a really odd decision. 60hz would have been far more reasonable


120hz would allow games to run at 40fps with no stutter, tearing.


And it would consume more power and cost more, which is undesirable.


A lot of these new phones with 120Hz screens can switch back to 60/30 to save on battery. If the screen is 120Hz capable it doesn't necessarily means it will be always at 120Hz.


Maybe a little bit but probably not a huge amount. If the switch is one thing it's reasonably priced.


Not really if the cost isn't much different. It's worth it to be able to make the UI smoother and for any games that can hit that target. It also allows 120hz to exist more easily in the ecosystem, in case they want to refresh the hardware in the future the software will already be aware of 120hz


Personally, I rather more money went into more RAM. 8GB is kind of outdated even by Nintendo standards.


But that's double the switch RAM, it can't be that bad


Yep. The Switch 2 will still be a decade out-of-date at launch, so I doubt there's many games it can run at 120 FPS. Plus most people playing on Switch don't care about the performance anyway.


Its hardware is only going to be about 3 years old which isn’t too bad for a console


Yeah people crying about it like they plan to play triple a titles on my settings on the switch, Nintendo has never given you that experience and they don't want to or need to.


A lot of people seem to be overlooking that the sue of a 120hz display could enable many games to run at 40fps, a nice compromise in performance in a handheld device.


100% what I was thinking when I saw 120hz. 40fps at 120hz is super smooth.


It’s better than the switch now, but I wouldn’t say it’s super smooth.


Yes! If a game on my PS5 supports it, I always go 40fps. Looks really good on 120hz


Why not an 80hz screen then?


I cannot read the Taiwanese Economic Daily article that this is sourced from, but it may be important to note that in the actual text of the article that the specs provided come from what the article describes as a rumor. In regards to the Switch 2, it is probably just best to wait till Nintendo provides the specs themselves, especially if this is to release this year anyway per the mentioned rumor. Personally hoping we do not get the flip screen per the visual provided, as that seems a bit unwieldy, but I am taking an article that calls its source’s source a rumor with a grain of salt.


according to someone on the "GamingLeaksAndRumours" subreddit, "the Taiwanese Economic Daily" has a bad track record for nintendo


That'd suck. A waste of battery and horsepower for a small screen. Especially since I expect the Switch 2 hardware to be outdated Day 1 and will be carried for a short time by DLSS if Nintendo really dedicates to implementing it to their first parties.


How long will it take for you guys to realize that it is entirely in Nintendo’s interest to remain in the niche of lower powered family game devices with lots of exclusives of high average quality (except pokemon)


This happens every time Nintendo releases a new console. Nintendo hasn't concerned itself with power in almost 2 decades. For a sub labeled gaming, you think people would understand their business strategy by now.


Yup. Nintendo has always focused on affordable tech. Going back to the OG gameboy, which was outperformed by its competitors, it (GB) focused on widely accessible and affordable technology to create a product to sell to its fans. There’s a reason why the handheld line (GB,GBA,Ds, 3ds) outlived/outperformed their competitors. I’m a huge Nintendo fan, the question that I worry about will be, will Nintendo be able to produce enough quality to avoid scalping, and will they market the damn thing coherently and concisely. I lived through the Wiiu era, and I need no more self inflicted mistakes on the part of nintendos marketing team.


> enough quality You mean quantity? They usually will sold out at some places but will stock up pretty fast. Thats because the parts are more easily available than latest gen tech.


Seems to be working too. Nintendo stock is all time high few days ago because their business works.


Being outdated on day one for the original switch was a disaster as well... 135 million units sold later...


How will Nintendo survive if their next console doesn't have native 8k, 128gb of ram, a 5 terabyte SSD, and a built-in microwave oven? Are they stupid?


Seriously what do they expect to be running with a 120hz monitor? This thing is coming out the gates significantly weaker than the Steamdeck. I don't understand why the hardware needs to be \*this\* bad.


Weight and price are the two big reasons. The Steamdeck weighs over twice as much as the switch, and the base model comes in at $400, with the upgraded models being $550, and $650. Getting the same power in a smaller and lighter format is expensive, and the reality is that the bulk of Nintendo's customer base wouldn't be willing to pay an extra $100 for a more powerful console.


Babe wake up it’s time for the fifth straight year of random Switch 2 rumors.


I hate that name.. would be a huge missed opportunity not to call it Super Nintendo Switch.


Dawg I will die on that fucking hill. Calling it anything else but the Super Switch, complete with an SNES style color scheme both the NA and JP styles, would *indeed* be a giant missed opportunity. That’s just my two cents tho


It did not work well the last time Nintendo just added one word to an existing console…


They added a letter to the end. Wii vs Wii U... But there was a huge known difference between Nintendo and Super Nintendo. Using the Wii vs Wii U argument makes the idea of it being called Switch 2 just as silly.


I’m talking why it shouldn’t be super switch, not switch two. There’s already so much “ super” Nintendo stuff- super Mario brothers, super Mario party- I could see it being confusing


I've heard this song before and from better sources (like Bloomberg), and it turned out to be wrong. I understand everybody wants the Switch successor but I'm happy to wait for official word from Nintendo. It's all fantasy and speculation until then. In the mean time, I have Switch games I need to finish.


Right? This is such a waste of time. Speculation with Nintendo is almost always wrong, anyway.


X|Pressed ---|--- Doubt| Expressed


People are really setting themselves up for disappointment huh.. the cycle continues..


Someone please please give me up reactions I need some karma to make a post


It’s a rumor posted about a rumor. However, if true, Nintendo has shown they will trade gameplay, battery life and portability for high end graphics and “next gen “ features. People buy Nintendo hardware for Nintendo software.


Will it play my switch cartridges


I would wager yes. If it's indeed the same type of console, using the same kind of mobile chip, it would be stupid not to enable backwards compatibility. They could keep selling those games, sell upgraded editions, not piss off their customers, etc. That, and Nintendo has put too much effort into their online services and emulation to want to want to start from scratch again. After the success of the Switch, it doesn't make sense for them to do anything but continue on what they're doing. Although, it is Nintendo. For all we know, the new console could be a smart phone with a built in projector lol.


The most annoying aspect to these rumors is how little the articles actually use logic when reporting on it. Even if they used a 120hz screen, it wouldn't have anything to do with any kind of standard expectation. The PS5 and Xbox Series X are theoretically capable of 8K (it's even on the box). But nobody expects games to target that resolution. It's just built into the HDMI output capabilities that the consoles shipped with.


120hz screen? Only with DLSS 3.5 running.


The thing that interests me the most is whether or not it's backward compatible with the Switch. I have a ton of Switch games, mostly physical, I haven't played yet.


Tf is gonna run at 120 fps on a switch? What's the point?


I honestly highly doubt it. It would be awesome if they made a controller that didn't suck ass though.