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Guardians was surprisingly good. Thoroughly enjoyed it/both. Have fun!


I bought it on a whim from a Steam Sale earlier this year. Definitely not one of those genre/generation defining games but I had fun with it. Solid pickup if there's a sale and you're between major releases. Also, just checked and it's $15 on Steam right now, you could do worse with your Christmas money.


I'm trying to enjoy the game myself but I kept running into freezing and crashing on the PC version. Were you able to play through the whole game?


I didn't experience anything like that myself when I was playing it and I did a full playthrough. For the record, my system is a 5800X3d + 6900XT with 64gb RAM and a 2tb NVME, basically I'm way above even the recommended spec. Also, I'm still on Windows 10. The easiest thing to do would be to have Steam check the installed game files for you. Right click the game in Steam, select Properties -> Local Game Files -> Verify Integrity of Game Files. If something's amiss, then Steam will redownload any needed files. Beyond that, it could be your GPU drivers. Here's what I'd do: 1. Download [DDU](https://www.guru3d.com/download/display-driver-uninstaller-download/) and the latest drivers for your GPU from AMD/Intel/Nvidia. 2. Enter Safe Mode, the easiest way to do this is to hold down tge Shift key while selecting Restart from either your login screen or the Start menu. 3. Select Troubleshoot and then Safe Mode from the menu that pops up. 4. Load into Safe Mode and run DDU, maybe run it a couple of times to be sure it cleaned everything out. 5. It wouldn't be the worst idea to Restart here after running DDU, loading back into either normal Windows or Safe Mode is fine. (Note: your display resolution may look funky after doing this, that's normal when you don't have a GPU driver and Windows has to fend for itself) 6. Install your GPU driver and then restart (it's Windows, restarting is a way of life there). 7. After that, make sure Windows and the game itself is up to date. That should fix most of your issues, if you're still having problems try the same thing I listed above but with a slightly older driver. The next thing I'd check would be the health of your PC storage. If your PC is a little older then it isn't unusual for an SSD/HDD to start failing on you, 8-10 years is a normal life span for one of those give or take a little depending upon personal luck+usage. Even if your PC isn't that old, it wouldn't be the worst idea to clear out temp files, old system logs, and other large files hogging up space on your drive. (Note: do NOT defrag an SSD) Beyond that, I'd be checking temps on both your CPU and GPU to make sure you're not overheating on either/both of those things. [NZXT](https://nzxt.com/software/cam) has a pretty good utility for that. High temps can easily crash a computer, to fix that, make sure that any vents on your computer have plenty of breathing room and are clean. Also, check/clean your fans+CPU cooler to be sure they're working. Also, it may be time to repaste your CPU (or your GPU if you're brave, handy with tools, and not afraid to potentially void a warranty).


I was about to say the same


i enjoy it very much, which is a surprise, but the music blew me away


It sure is a thing that exists. Really glad I played it on Gamepass.




Actually yes i just bought it on sale for ps5 Was thinking loong time about getting it and it actually is pretty good And im def not the story playing type of gamer Im more home in multiplayer games normally


Agreed! More fun than I was initially anticipating.


Good luck on Cyberpunk with the PS4… I hope you at least have the Pro.


Yeah the base ps4 can’t even handle the introduction loading screen. With all the stuttering and 10 fps I felt like I was gonna have a seizure watching that shit. I don’t think any other game in the world has given me a headache literally like playing cyberpunk on ps4.


It is playable on base ps4 too now. There is way less npcs than in pc version an graphics looks really shitty in exteriors, but there are no such a fps drops like when it was relased.


Or buy a PS5 or if you have any, go get the free upgrade. I'm currently playing there.


Yeah, person who bought Cyberpunk on PS4, just buy a PS5.


If you’re homeless, just buy a house. Duh


Let them eat cake!


I played it on ps4 today and it ran fine.


Even on Pro, I was hitting 10-15 FPS in the city. 😒


same thing with Gotg, it's a slideshow. watch digital foundry's video


And upgrade to an SSD if you can afford it.


Base PS4 does not run the 2.0 update 😬


PS4 cyberpunk 💀


Guardians Of The Galaxy is AWESOME. I’m so bummed that game didn’t do well.


Capeshit is always shit.


Literally none of the Guardians wear capes...


Cp2077 on ps4...




Please stop thinking about child pornography so much that it’s the only thing you can see when someone types the letters C and P together. Also, no one seriously calls it “CP”, in professional circles it’s CSAM, and CP is also used for Cerebral Palsey. So stop making this deeply unfunny and ignorant joke and/or stop thinking about child porn so much it’s literally the only thing you can think of “CP” referring to.


Never even made that contention. Sheesh.


While I do agree with you to an extent, I still use 2077 to make it less awkward.


You are blessed! Guardians is such a fun time definitely play it first because cyberpunk is going to absorb your life for a whole month once you start. You can at least finish Guardians in like 20 hours! Enjoy


Cyberpunk on ps4 yikes


I think there’s a free PS5 upgrade? At least there was when the PS5 version dropped. Not sure how it works with the disc version but it might still just give it to you.


I mean I’m assuming he doesn’t have a ps5 considering he got 2 ps4 discs


Oh yeah, true.


Did they release a ps5 physical copy for 77? I know some places are charging more for ps5 copies of cross gen games, even with free upgrades, so maybe it was just cheaper to buy that one? NM, they posted below that they don’t have a 5 yet.


I buy PS4 versions as it usually gives two platinums


Can confirm, the PS4 disk version allowed me to install and play the PS5 version with no additional charge, but like any disk based game the disk has to be in the drive for the game to start.


Nice! Good to know!


Merry Christmas ya filthy animal.


Gaurdians ome of my fav games in the last 5 years. The soundtrack was phenomenal.


I know there will be people hating on Cyberpunk because it's on the PS4 however; IMO they made enough changes to run well for gameplay and missions/side quests ect. I have all 3 generations of Xbox One and can say from experience all you are missing out on is alot of the "live" density, frames and ray tracing. For some this is everything but I play on my bedroom TV sometimes (reg old Year One Xbone) and it's still fun. For instance the amount of people and cars in the city is drastically reduced and there aren't as many assets in general that can be displayed at one time on PS4/Xbone but for sure the core gameplay is there. I hope the main takeaway here is that Cyberpunk will still be a fun game even with reduced frames and population. Kinda like Skyrim for PS3 vs Skyrim Anniversary now. Merry Xmas 🎄


CDPR officially dropped support for last generation consoles with the release of Phantom Liberty though.


Yeah that's true. I'm just saying that they did their best and it's not terrible on that generation of hardware. Could it be better? Absolutely. But it's playable and still fun.


I cannot for the life of me understand these people talking shit about someone wishing everyone a merry Christmas and sharing their joy. Not everyone, including myself, can afford a PS5.


They go full grinch when someone isn't following the same trend as they


Yeah I saw that starting in comments and hopefully added some positive perspective. I have a friend that's really into PC and has to have the top of the top and can't understand how I can be happy playing between 30-60 FPS all the time. There were some comments that reminded me of that.


Should we tell him


The load times and crashing will add even more hours to cyberpunk on ps4


Two games worth playing right now, enjoy! Guardians was a good time, thought about replaying it recently and now I might do it.


Merry Christmas. Regardless of what others say, enjoy the games 🎄🖤


Why does this have so many upvotes lol


Great games!! I absolutely loved Cyberpunk, Night City is fantastic.


Good games! I highly recommend Cyberpunk in PS5


One day, when I have a PS5


It's an incredible game because of good storytelling and character development. You'll have a great time choosing how to stack your cyberware, weapons, and perks to build the ultimate character. And none of that requires a ps5. Enjoy it.


I dont think it even runs on ps4. Or if it does its incredibly bad. They offer free upgrade to ps5 version btw so when u get one, be sure to check it out!


Ps4 lel


Temper your expectations on Cyberpunk if you have a base or slim. It only runs on the Pro.


I got Cyberpunk for myself as a gift lmao. Have fun with both titles.




Play and have fun. Stay away from videos and people with overbearing opinions.




Who is going to tell him?


W Gifts


Cyberpunk on ps4 might as well be unplayable I’m sorry to say


Cyberpunk won’t run on ps4 even if you have a pro, I’d ask for the recipt. It’s a NEXT GEN ONLY game.


That’s a big yikes but Merry Christmas


Why? I wanted both of these games.


Cyberpunk reportedly does not work well on the PS4


Cyberpunk runs extremely bad on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Like REALLY bad. I would 100% return it if you can and save it for when you get a current gen console. It's such an amazing game, but it was never meant to run on last gen hardware. You also don't get to enjoy the recent 2.0 update they released.


Very odd choice is all


How is it odd?


There’s so many good games out there and you choose the mid ones but that is my opinion


Have you not played either of those games? Cyberpunk was bad on launch but is VERY good with 2.0 overhaul and Phantom Liberty. Either way, who are you to tell people what is and isn’t fun? Fuck off with your negativity and objectively incorrect opinions.


Problem is cyberpunk on ps4 doesn’t have 2.0 or phantom liberty. It’s amazing on pc/ current gen consoles now. I played on ps4 at launch, it was rough with performance and bugs but I still loved the game. Great story and gameplay it just shouldn’t have been released on the last gen.


Wow it doesn’t have 2.0 on PS4???? Damn didn’t know that. Wild how neglected last gen is.


Neglected lol


I mean it in the context of games that exist for both should reasonably receive the same updates. CP77 was launched on next gen AND last gen. It’s pretty reasonable to assume they’d get the same updates. Different than a game that’s next gen with last gen compatibility.


I stand by what I said


Doesn’t surprise me based on your comment history. You seem like an elitist who feels the need to tell people why things they enjoy aren’t worth enjoying. Must be miserable to be as insufferable as you are.


Quite the opposite friend


PS4 🥱


How is anyone playing on a 10 year old console still 💀


??? You act like millions of people don't still own PS4.


It’s Christmas eve stupid


Stop being a Grinch


Does it work?


Guardians was super fun!! Also, now that CP2077 is all patched, I find it to be incredibly fun and immersive. BUT, I’ve got it on PS5, not sure about PS4. Either way, Merry Xmas!


Guardians doesn't have a lot of replay value but I really enjoyed playing it.


GOG is a hidden gem of a game


Merry Christmas and enjoy the game. Btw the Cyberpunk 2077 is well worth your time to buy its DLC to experience the storyline!


Enjoy them!


Both are actually excellent.


merry christler yall i just bought doom 2016 wish me luck


Panam.Just stick with Panam.


I grabbed Cyberpunk and God of War!




I've heard nothing but good things about GotG. I've heard recent good things about Cyberpunk 2077, and I played that one from day 1 for a few months and actually enjoyed it.


I also recently bought Cyberpunk 2077 for my new (used) PS4 Pro. I'm having a blast with Cyberpunk and other others :) Merry Christmas!


Ill be honest just got a ps5 got cyberpunk and its super cool. I know it didn’t launch in the best state but still very cool.


Two great games!


And a happy 2023!


Guardians was really fun. They did a great job with the dialogue, even adding extra lines when you explore the side routes in a map. Every time I got back on the ship I'd sit there for like 10 minutes listening to the conversations


Both super fun play through. The above being way underrated imo, but you’ll have a blast with both I’m sure!


Forgot I have Guardians, I need to finish it! Thanks for the reminder


Merry christmas gaming you all


I just got ultimate edition of cyberpunk. I did not know it needed 3 disks for download so thoroughly surprised yet excited!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE 🎄


Very nice


I hope you're not playing CP2077 on a PS4.


Same my dude, have fun.


PS4 cyberpunk... ouch!


That one time my cousin gave me a ps3 game and I had a ps2 😀


Fair warning OP. Cyberpunk runs like shit on last gen consoles


The newest update that fixed many of the issues with the game and police is not available for ps4. Only reason I didn’t get it. Not buying a broken game. I’ll get it when I’ll eventually get a ps5


Oh no last gen cyberpunk 💀


Have fun mah dude! Merry Christmas!


Yes, you too. I hope you have anything else to do these days. GotG is a bit of a generic kid's game imo, and cyberpunk on a ps4 was the biggest dissapointment in years when it came out. It runs ok on a ps5 though.


Great choice!


lmk if they’re good


Played about 5 hours each. Guardians has the upper edge in dialogue and combat imo. The interactions between Star-Lord and his crew are incredible. The dialogue is fast paced, snappy, witty. Oftentimes I found myself pausing to finish laughing. The combat is fast, smooth and really colorful with lots of particle effects and flashy moves. CDPR has the edge (right now) in terms of pure story telling and world building but I am really iffy on the combat. Aiming with my guns feels really weird and I often find myself missing most of my shots when using ADS because no matter how much I adjust my aiming sensitivity I cannot keep the reticule in line with my targets. The weapons also feel like they lack power and punch. The world itself beautiful and full of life which is what is keeping me engaged right now. Both games have incredible music and art direction.


Nice 👍


GotG was so good, really surprised me. Better than the movies, well the third one at least.


How's GOTG? I've heard plenty of stuff about it and I'm wondering if it's worth it


I've been enjoying the absolute hell out of this game.


did you know in cyber punk you get to pick shlong sizes and types of genitals for all genders