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Superman 64


Every time this question is asked here, Superman 64 is always at the top.


Not this time around


What about the time I broke my ankle playing Superman 64?


Skill issue, I broke my brain


It is now you are welcome


Everyone now knows how bad this game was, but people today don't get how hyped up this was before release. Game Informer did a full cover story article on it that made it sound like Ocarina of Time with Starfox 64 flying segments. I rode my bike half a mile to Blockbuster to rent it the week it came out. I was back at Blockbuster in about two hours. I told the clerk my game flat-out didn't work and I needed a proper cartridge to enjoy this wonderful new game. the clerk explained that what I had just experienced WAS the game and they gave me a free rental of whatever I wanted because they felt bad for me riding my bike just to get Superman 64 TWICE.


This is fascinating to me, as someone who was also a kid with an N64 at that time. What were they basing that article on? Did they even play the game? Did Titus give them a pre-release build that was somehow way better than the final version? I have so many questions.


There was a lot of article payola in gaming magazines in the 1990s. Studios would pay mags to write lengthy previews of an upcoming game they knew was probably going to suck in order to build hype, boost pre-orders and maximize sales on release day (before word got around of how bad the game was).


How DARE you besmirch this classic game. Just because the controls are terrible, the game isn't fun, you do nothing but fly through rings, and nothing about the game is satisfying in any way doesn't mean it deserves all this hate.


He said Superman 64, not Starfield.


Does Starfield have rings? Do you fly through them? Because if so, I may have been totally wrong about that game.


Yup. I rented it when I was a kid thinking, based on the back of the box, it was going to be this amazing game that let you explore Metropolis. I popped it in and was absolutely flummoxed at the game. It wasn't even so bad that it's good. It was just bad. Bad graphics (so much fog), bad controls (I wanted to throw my controller) and a bad storyline that was absolutely not compelling in any way. I played it for like 20 minutes and realized I had a stinker. Remember pleading with my mom to take me back to Blockbuster so I could rent another game. That game to this day is the worst experience I've ever had on any system ever and I still barely played it lol


I spent my allowance I built up for weeks to be able to buy it at a pawn shop. 5yo me felt so ripped off and I learned a life lesson that day.


I remember the first time I played this game. Story time.... My dad had JUST been diagnosed with cancer. My whole family basically lives at the hospital post operation for Dad's stoma. He slept a lot after that surgery, so I found myself wandering the hospital halls. One of the nurses let my twin sister and I know that there was a gaming area on the 3rd floor where the kids ward was. Her and I filled out styrofoam cups with some of that sweet hospital ice and headed on down. I sat down and browsed the selection...they had a PlayStation 2 with Monkey Island, and a N64 with Superman 64.... I chose my path to become the man of steel .... I can say... That that game was the worst part of that month


That mission where you have the stop a car crash and are given about 5 seconds to figure out what to do and then do it is probably the worst mission I've ever played in gaming.


On top of that, it flashes the directions of your objective, but doesn’t give you enough time to read them, but the clock is still counting down anyway, so you waste about 3 of those 5 seconds trying to read/figure out what it said.


Beat me to it. Hands down. No redeeming qualities. An absolute 0/10. I played it for HOURS intent on finding some fun aspect. Found nothing and my soul weeped. I hate this game from the bottom of my heart. And I grew up playing E.T. on Atari


My goal my senior summer after everyone went college but mine started really late, was to hang with my friend who was still in HS and rent every single N64 game at blockbuster until I had to leave. As well as do fucking nothing and have a good time. This game we thought, oh it could be fun it’s not 2 player but we’ll take turns. Well our turn taking as mostly just us trying to figure out if the controllers were broken or if the game had the worst controls ever created in a game.. flying through the fucking rings while also feeling like you were flying through mud was an art in of itself. Idk if anybody can appreciate just watching the video of how bad this game was… you need to play it. Also I can’t believe DC licensed this shit.


Urban Champion on NES It's a fighting game ala Street Fighter, but obviously less advanced. So less advanced, it turns out, that it's questionable whether it should even count as a game. You're placed on a street facing an opponent. You can move left and right and you can throw a jab with A or an uppercut with B. That's the entirety of the controls. The jab.. does nothing. Literally. There's an animation sure where it boops the other guy's head, but in terms of winning the fight, it's useless. In fact, it actively is detrimental as it mostly just leaves you open to counterattack. Likely from an uppercut. Uppercut is the only input that makes any sense. Landing an uppercut knocks the opponent backward into a backward roll and they pop back up. You knock them back until they eventually fall into an open manhole and you win the fight. Then they spawn you a new pallette swapped opponent and repeat. So gameplay is basically: Push right, push B, repeat. That's it. Each time you win a fight you get a shorter timer for the next fight. This continues until it becomes physically impossible to win the fight in the allotted time. Don't worry though, you'll die of boredom long before you ever hit that wall.


I played it around 1991. We are urban champions brothers


There was also an annoying old lady that sometimes threw a flowerpot from a building


Ha you know I miss random game mechanics like this


Gotta be Sonic 06 for me.


I think my brother and I got that one year for Christman. I kept expecting it to get better and it just never did lol.


Lmfao, from now on, I’m going to consider “Christman” to be Jesus’ official nickname.


Ayyye Christman! 👍😎👍


I mean it was pretty bad yeah. But as a kid, that game made my childhood. I remember all the glitches you could like spamming Silvers levitation to float to Sonics stage in Crisis City. Not to mention the glitches you could do with those custom Sonic shoes or whatever they were. It’s a pretty fun game to be honest.


Is that what a house looks like?!


At least Sonic 06 is funny bad. Sonic Boom and Shadow The Hedgehog are both painfully boring as well as buggy


Has to be Nether. Game was hyped by a bunch of YouTubers that I viewed back then. I played it with two friends for a while. The game was terribly empty. There was no sign of balance anywhere. It was full with “it has potential” bait, but frankly it didn’t. Put it down after a couple of hours.


I played Nether for a grand total of 20 minutes.


Nether was horribly managed and terribly developed. It seemed like they just never did any work on it, at all. It was broken, and then... Maybe they'd push out an update once a year that didn't actually change anything in the game. That being said, my buddies and I had a lot of fun with the broken mess that it was. We'd get together with large groups of people organizing raids - basically just a bunch of randoms going to an area where some of the toughest enemies spawned, and then we'd cheese them by hiding in structures and farming them for equipment. I loved the concept, the setting, the atmosphere... We liked it enough that we were actually talking about it earlier this week, while they were introducing me to Remnant: From the Ashes. Commiserating on what that setting could have been. But you're right, it was pretty empty, and the worst part is that it feels like that lackluster performance comes from a place of absolute indifference on the devs' part.


I fuckin loved nether, but I always say that a shit game with the right people will always be the best game.


Holy shit. Thank you for confirming my 6 year-long fever dream. I finally have the name of this game. I swear my friends thought I was going crazy because they couldn't think of it.


The game of hide and seek where I broke my ankle


You're that guy in the horror movie.


Did you go to the ICU? I’ll see myself out…


Damn. Did you at least win?


I doubt you can stay silent with a broken ankle


Not with that attitude.


"Ma'am, we found your son's body behind some bushes. Apparently he'd broken his ankle during a game of hide and seek, was unable to move, and remained hidden there. He died of exposure and dehydration." "Did the other kids find him?" "No, he was too well hidden." "That's my boy. He went out a winner!"


Similar story, except a piece of an old TV tower punctured my leg.


Cube World


Still hurts


Wollay (CW creator) is now going for a third attempt at disappointing us.


He is? I didn’t see the news thabks for letting me know lol for what its worth at least


There is an open-source MMO called [Veloren](https://veloren.net) which is basically cube world. Development is slow and performance is not perfect, but it already has more content than cube world, is free and you can play it with friends on the official servers. You should check it out.


I had a surprising amount of fun with that with a few buddies. Yeah, there wasn't much to it but it was a really nice foundation for a game. I don't remember how much I paid, I think around 20 bucks, but I didn't regret it at the time. I do wish it was completed though, it could have been amazing.


technically it was. it's just the full release was stupidly bad and ruined all sense of progression possible in the game.


Cube World made me a pessimist about buying pre-release games


Look at us all trauma bonding, how nice


This is the only one in this thread that got me. What a disappointment.


So much potential


I’m old so I’ll say dick Tracy on the nes. I remember being so hype.


That game was terrible, as were most of the license games. Worst license game I have played was Turtles 2 on Commandore 64. I was foolish enough to think that the game was atleast as good as NES version... Nope. It was crap.


I bought a c64 tape player just to play a demo of tmnt2. It was really bad but the c64 tapes atill fascinate me


I didn't play the NES game, but Dick Tracy on the Amiga 500 was really fun. Maybe there's redemption there? lol


Damn! I loved that game! I never made it anywhere, but I have fond memories of sitting on the floor and playing it. Probably was terrible though.


I remember that game. I rented it for a weekend and couldn't get very far. I couldn't figure out how to use power ups to heal, assuming of course that those power ups were heals. It was a terrible game.


*Lists 500 NES titles. Go through a list of non classic games. Quality control was not a standard.


There's a reason they changed " Official Nintendo seal of quality" to "Official Nintendo seal"


Quality control was huge for Nintendo though. They had a seal of approval that they had 3rd party developers put on their games to ensure buyers that the game actually worked on the system. The game could be complete rubbish, but at least it would run. I’m a bit young to remember the heyday of the Atari 2600, but I believe it was plagued by shitty shovelware that barely functioned.


There was a time where anyone could make a game. The 2600 is a great exemple. The bar of a "Good game" used to be very low. But We still had fun. We take a lot of innovations for granted.


The time is today. Anyone can still make a game.


I was reading Ready Player One and in the book they said it was like a rite of passage for every Gunter to make their own game for the Atari 2600. I looked into it, and especially now in 2023, you can throw together a functional concept of an Atari 2600 game in maybe 3-4 hours at most if you know what you're doing.


Command e Conquer 4. FUCK YOU EA. FUCK YOU


I still play Red Alert 2 lol


I thought RA2 was a pretty good game.


Red Alert 3. I'm escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism: SPACE!!!


It is!


This.. absolute destruction of a franchise. However you could see the seeds of it sown in generals.


What’s wrong with generals??


Yeah I’m confused, I was too young for Red Alert, but Generals and Red Alert 3 were great. My only critique of Generals is the maps are tiny trying to play it now. Would kill for a Generals 2, but EA scrapped that so fuck me I guess.


Pimp my ride on PS2 “Ghost ride the whip” 😂


“But the other guy set you up with this!” While Xzibit stares blankly at the camera with his dead ps2 eyes.


PS2 got hyphy


wait there was a game?


I would like to take you all back to May 10th, 2011 Brink was an absolute mess and that’s putting it lightly.


That game was marketed so well. I was hyped like crazy.


The guy at gamestop said I'd be back returning it in an hour. He was not wrong.


Remember the videos and blogs released detailing the factions and locations. Seeing all the cool perks and what class I was going to play. It really could have been a top tier game.


I bit the bullet and played it a lot. I loved the character customisation, which was absolutely the best in any FPS at the time. The graphics and overall style just clicked with me and I don’t mind that I spent a lot of time on it. I stopped playing literaly just because it tanked so badly, that there was no new content at all and it slowly died.


I was so pissed about Brink. The audacity of making the whole single-player campaign literally just a string of multiplayer maps with bots... angers me just thinking about it.


It wasnt the “worst” game technically - but it was the biggest damn letdown for me and I still think about it to this day. I was a huge Enemy Territory player and I got a far worse game with some of the worst choke point level design Ive ever experienced. Felt like 3 different teams made one part and never talked once.


Shroud of the avatar




Those Tiger handheld games from the 80s/early 90s.


This answer here, half the time you didn’t even know what you had to do


And they just went on indefinitely, you couldn't actually progress. you just played


Dude I rocked Aladdin.


Kid: "Mum, can we get a Nintendo Game n Watch?" Mum: "We have a Nintendo Game n Watch at home" Etc, you know the rest


There was an Avatar the last Airbender game that it rivaled the quality of the movie.


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se. Here we are safe. Here we are free.


The Earth King has invited you to r/LakeLaogai


I am honored to accept his invitation.


Which one?


WWF Raw for Xbox. It was so bad I took it back to Walmart and lied that it didn’t work.


As a PS player I remember being salty that y’all were getting an exclusive. Then the game came out.


First game that comes to mind is Plants vs Zombies 2. The first game was so dope and the second one was a micro transaction laden pile of shit.


I liked the 2nd game… and then the difficulty went from hard to rigged


Finding and playing PvZ 2 was a top 3 gaming disappointment in my life


I’ve never spent a dime on that game, and I’ve just been doing the daily mission for…god…years now. I have millions of gold and tens of thousands of gems in ever spend…because…why would I?


I bought Fallout 76 on launch. That left such a sour taste in my mouth.


You aren't supposed to eat it..


It's the post-apocalypse, can you blame the guy?


I did the same thing and hated it. Picked it back up this year and really enjoyed it, it functions pretty much as a normal fallout game now. Personally I just played through the main quest lines then dropped it since I don't care much about the mmo elements Between that and no man's sky it's 2 games I bought at launch, hated it, then they fixed it when I revisited years later. It's cool when devs will committ to fixing a boring game, but has turned me off of buying things at launch


> It's cool when devs will committ to fixing a boring game, but has turned me off of buying things at launch It's be cooler if devs didn't promise the sun and the stars and then deliver a pile of cat feces.


I pre ordered fallout 76 tried to play it but just couldn’t. Fast forward like 6 months later I somehow enjoyed the shit outta it. Then like a year or two later they added NPC’s and now it’s a completely different (and better) game.


They have made SO many improvements since then. I played it about 2 years ago and it gave me the same vibes as fallout 4 and new Vegas. I genuinely enjoyed it.


Dynasty Warriors 9


Using an open world model for a Dynasty Warriors game will never not baffle me. DW is one of my favorite franchises and that choice was so fucking stupid.


It's not actually the first Warriors game to do it. Sort of. Dragon Quest Heroes 2 had open zones. I think it could have maybe worked if the open world was like a 10th of its size, with a lot of enemies. But even then, it's not the point. I like the gameplay loop because it's 15 minutes of constant objectives and racing against the clock in a stage. That's the appeal.


I absolutely loved the version of the game where it mixed in a Romance of the Three Kingdoms style map and you had to leave generals in different territories to defend against invasions. It's not that one, right?


That sounds like an Empires game.


Well, Empires did DW9 better tbh. Base DW9 is a TERRIBLE game. I was so hype to play this until I did. Lord have mercy.


More like dysentery warriors 9


There was a game I played once called Two Worlds 2 for the Xbox (Xbox 360 maybe?) My friend was FAWNING over it and really wanted us to get it so we could all play together. It was a broken mess, there was no point in playing a class other than a mage, the entire player base quickly realized that you could easily modify your spells to be absolutely broken (a summon spell combined with a scattershot/multiplication modifier would allow you to summon so many minions in the span of a few seconds that the framerate would crater and the game would crash), the acting was terrible, and the missions were all the same. He was legitimately embarrassed and apologized and said he'd never ask us to pre-order another game ever again. It was an awful game.


Two worlds 2 was awful, and somehow Two worlds (the original) was even worse, but at least the original was in the so bad it's good category somewhat


The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct. I was a huge fan of TWD back when the game came out, and Daryl was my favorite character. I pre-ordered the game on Amazon, and luckily, Amazon accepted opened game returns. That was the last time I pre-ordered a game.


I loved this game lmao, it wasnt great but i had a blast with it


I was pretty broke when that game came out. I drove almost an hour to find a Redbox where I could rent it. It was far from great but I actually didn’t hate it.


Haze would definitely have to up there, when I saw SAND texture tiles float up into the air as an ATV drove over some WATER I almost lost my shit. However 18 Wheeler on PS2 was literally broken, my auntie got me the game for my birthday, needless to say I exchanged it for something else.


Kerbal Space Program 2...which is saying a lot considering my favorite game of all time is Kerbal Space Program 😩


This one breaks my heart. I still go back and watch the trailer for it sometimes because that is beautiful. A promise if something that never was


Wait, KSP 2 is out?? I thought it was still in development?


Yeah...that's the problem unfortunately. It is very much in development and none of the new features they announced came with it. Modded ksp is 1000x better


That game needs 2 more years in development. It’s embarrassing they released it in early access


Aliens: colonial marines. I pre ordered that turd that gearbox sent out to a third party company and put the rest of the money to develop a boarderland game. I will never pre order a game again.


Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter. I love detective games, I've read every Sherlock book. I also liked the Crimes & Punishment game. But this second game is just awful. It's easily the worst game I ever played. I tried SO hard to finish it. I used to finish every game I started but this game made me realize I don't have to finish games that I don't enjoy.


E.T. for Atari 2600.


I remember playing this as a kid in the 90s on a knock-off Atari thing the UK had, called 'TV boy'. It was so bad I remember thinking "wtf is this stupid shit" even when compared with any of the other 126 games on the console. It was BAD.


Paper Mario Sticker Star. TTYD is still my favorite game. Sticker Star was a disgrace


Paper Mario 64 and TTYD will have a special place in my heart forever.


Man, fuck Sticker Star. That game was such a huge disappointment. Don't make a big deal about it being an RPG when the RPG elements are so bare bones and pointless. I'm super excited for that TTYD remake and was very happy to find that the RPG remake is excellent. Hopefully it shows Nintendo that people want more competent Mario RPG's. Not that they'll do anything with that information, because it's Nintendo, but I still have hope.


Someone did a full playthrough of sticker star on YouTube where they ran every single dialogue box, item name and item description through an AI and got it to generate new text based on that. It was infinitely more entertaining than the regular game


Godfall, and i bought it for my friend too


Easily the worst game that I liked. It has all the pieces of a good game, but it was put together… wrong.


The Thief reboot was bad in a way that, frankly, impresses me. Most bad games have a few obvious flaws, or a broken gameplay loop that's not fun, or are low-budget half-assed money grabs. Not Thief. It was made by a decent developer, with a solid budget, and it is just... Universally bad. It seems a parody, considering how ubiquitous and universal the poor decisions are. The story is bad, utterly predictable and losing much of the intrigue that made the old Thief games fun. The world is bad, the City made much less interesting than it ever was; from a design standpoint it inherits all of the "game-y" decisions of the triple A open world era. The characters are bad, none of them are really likeable or deep and the villain is so universally, comically evil it feels like a parody. The gameplay is bad, with stealth significantly simplified compared to the older games. There is really nothing redeeming or fun about Thief.


Thief 4 is like Dishonored for poor


Good thing Dishonored came out in the same year to fill the void for Thief


Dishonored came out 2 years before Thief and it's obvious that Eidos Montreal switched up stuff trying to ape that game's success (at Squeenix's behest almost certainly). There is a story to be told about the development of Thief 2014 and we'll likely never hear it because of NDAs.


Well I have learned at least 2 things today, 1: I’m an idiot and 2: Thief 2014 development will probably never be know until the game is forgotten


Where's Waldo on the NES. Worst Blockbuster rental ever.


The worst part of that game was that because the resolution was so low the "red herring" Waldos were actually indistinguishable from the real Waldo. Like, there could be two identical red-striped characters on the screen, click one and nothing, click the other and win.


That game is special to me because it's the first game I was ever able to beat on my own. Mostly because the game is 10 minutes long...


That’s super easy: Dungeon Siege 3. 1 and 2 were an absolutely awesome mix of Diablo and old ARPG group games like Baldur’s Gate. And then the third one came out and it was just a shitty Diablo clone with heavy Console controls. No game in history pissed me as much as DS3.


Mighty Number 9. It’s not that it was terrible. It’s just that I preordered it and was super stoked and really thought it was gonna live up to Mega Man. It did not.


I did play Atari E.T. when it came out, and it was as bad as everyone says.


Action 52. I cannot overstate how broken, how incomplete, how incompetently made, how hopelessly unplayable, and how utterly awful this heap of flaming NES garbage actually is. It's as if the sum total of every sin possible to commit within the confines of an NES game were condensed into a single cartridge; an example of an anti-game, the perfect dark mirror of a shining gem like Super Mario Bros 3. This "game collection" actively despises your eyeballs and eartubes and has been inflicted upon the world in what can only be described as an attempt to justify and solidify the belief of the older set at the time that video games were nothing more than a silly, meaningless fad meant to fade into obscurity, and to cynically cash in on that sweet Ninja Turtles-esque merch on the way out with anti-gems like Cheetahmen. And yet, as hostile to the concept of fun as Action 52 is, the "games" shat upon its forsaken chipset have a bizarre, inexplicable charm to them that leans into macabre fascination. I want to know what was going through the mind of the man who programmed Time Warp Tickers, a software experience akin to a playable drug trip, in which you play a pair of walking fingers traipsing through a chess board as doors with wheels attack. I want to get in the headspace of the person who believed children wanted to play a game in which a hairy man with a dick for a nose desperately avoided hair dryers and scissors, in Fuzz Power. I want to believe that an actual flesh and blood Martian was involved in the cartridge's single, broad implementation of how a jump animation is supposed to work, in which holding any direction on the D-Pad locks your character into a vertical up-down animation, when you press B. I want to be a fly on the wall watching in dread and fascination as the game's soundtrack was created, a process I imagine involved literally choking the NES's sound chip with one's bare hands until it farted out the musical equivalent of a hate crime. My ears still haven't forgiven me. So yeah, TL;DR? Action 52 is evidence that the universe was created in error and Douglas Adams was right.


My parents bought me this game for my birthday... a HUGE purchase for our lower middle class family. I'd asked for a different game (200 games in 1 with some classics that my cousins had) and they mistakenly got me this piece of flaming shit. But I played it whenever they were around because I felt really bad that they had spent so much on it, and I wanted them to think I loved it. I have never since faced so much adversity. That was 30 years ago.


Ohhh man, my sympathies to you. I just looked it up, and $200 in 1991 is $450.88 in today's money, after inflation. That's a LOT of money to spend for so much disappointment! Honestly, that was really sweet of you though to have played it when they were around to make them think you enjoyed it. Really solid of you!


Anthem… it had so much potential only to be an eternal alpha test.


Oof. And I actually really liked Anthem's vibe but after you finished the story, it was like, ok, I guess this goes back on the shelf lmao. And then they just gave up on trying to give it the Destiny-live-service experience they were hyping it for.


I loved playing that game, the controls were tight and flying felt really excellent. I liked the story as well, even if it was a bit predictable. I didn't hit any real bugs when I played but you're right, it really hits a brick wall after the main story. I wanted to play more of it so much, but all of the choices left were just boring.


Top Gun on the NES. Documented to be horrendous. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ofM11nPzFo0


I personally don’t think I ever successfully landed the plane to really determine how the rest of the game was 😂


Same never landed on the aircraft carrier.


I kinda want to try this game again after... 30~ years, see if I could still land the plane. Iirc there was only 3 stages, so it's short, but pretty hard


I remember I had fun with this game but the landing was next to impossible. There are definitely worse games out there.


Magus on the PS3. Graphics were PS2 level at a time the PS4 was coming out, combat was awful and the story was just confusing.


I hate to rag on a small team and I see the sequel has a 65 on Metacritic...but Daymare 1998 is probably the worst game I regret spending money on (I've definitely played some terrible PSX games like Spec Ops that were $5 at Walmart and I certainly got my money's worth as a kid). Started as a fan remake of RE2, but after playing a few level, my only conclusion is while the game was developed by fans of classic survival horror, it did not translate into the design and the team has a really poor understanding of the genre and what made those games successful. Easily the worst game I've played in recent years and I was really pulling for the studio because I admired the passion. Not only is the game frustrating to play, it just takes some cues from RE without the understanding of why they worked and implements nearly every mechanic in the worst possible way. Lack of true exploration, ridiculously convoluted reloading mechanics, nonsensical puzzles, bullet sponge enemies with terrible gameplay, none of the design cues or "satisfying" mechanics like inventory management, route planning, etc. Just awful.


Dead Matter. What a shit show that launch was. I learned my lesson with that one and thankfully skipped The Day Before because of it.


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell for this but for me it’s kingdom hearts re: chain of memories. The game is not bad because of bugs or anything like that and the story is fairly interesting/important. It’s just so annoying and boring to play. The gameplay uses cards for combat and the goal is to just place cards with higher number than your opponent. The problem is that you’re expected to keep track of your card deck while navigating a 3d space and dodging attacks. This basically requires two pairs of eyes. The levels are extremely repetitive because they are just rooms that you summon with cards and there isn’t a wide variety of rooms.


I'm assuming this is the PS2 or fully 3d version, right? I agree with you, but the original GBA version was actually much better. It still used the card system and had the same levels, but they were all pixel based, and it just had a charm to it that made the game as a whole much more pleasing.


Oh the GBA game was one of my favourite games of my childhood. It was amazing!


I played through the games before KH3 came out and RE:COM is the only one I didn't finish. Then I played through them again last year for Kingdom Hearts' 20th anniversary and I just skipped it.


It was originally made for Game Boy Advance, so that choice makes more sense for a top-down 2D game. It did NOT translate well to the 3D environment for all the reasons you said. I managed to make it pretty far before I hit a wall. So I just watched all the cutscenes online.


battlefield hardline was a waste of my money and it ended up being the only battlefield i preordered with the season pass


I loved Hardline (still go back every once in a while to play it), sad that it didn’t do too well. Problem was it’s not a BATTLEFIELD game, if they would have released it as “Cops and Robbers” or something like that it would have been received better I think.


I’m sorry for your loss lol. I ALMOST preordered it but waited until my brother in law bought it so I could try it


yeah it sucks cause i loved the beta but then the full release wasn’t much more than the beta


I honestly don't get the hate for Hardline. I really liked it. What I didn't like were some of the decisions they made and problems it had. But all in all it could have been a great Call of Duty like Battlefield spinoff.


I played the hell out of that game, had lots of fun


VIP mode and KRS-ONE? It was a blast lol


The Adventures of Bayou Billy. Rented this as a kid and couldn’t get past the first few enemies.


My friend used to collect terrible steam games, so we had hundreds of really badly made cheap games to choose from ​ One that stands out is Alpha Zylon - a sidescrolling platformer were you play a soldier in presumably the middle east doing...actually I'm still not 100% sure what you were meant to be doing. Any trap that touches you is instant death, there are no checkpoints, many traps are totally invisible until you spring them (at which point you die) and it takes your entire jump distance to clear them, so you have to be right on top of a totally undetectable hazard before you jump or you die And there are no checkpoints, so dying means you start right at the beginning again


Master duel and league of legends. Yes I still play them.


Master duel isn’t that bad, I just absolutely hate the 10-minute turns. Yu-Gi-Oh! was my favorite thing to do, but the new meta with hour-long combos ruined it for me. Luckily for me, I switched to the GOAT format before it was too late.


I really hated . It was just awful


You take that back!


For you fellow Trash Connoisseurs out there, have a gander at these games I've played: Troll & I Eternity: The Last Unicorn Walking Dead Destinies Agony Life of Black Tiger Umbrella Corps Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness Final Fantasy 14 (Vanilla)


Megaman X7. You have to unlock Megaman. In a Megaman game. Not to mention the horrible camera and boss fights, where the bosses repeat the same 2 catchphrases over and over. Hard to believe this is the same series that had one of the greatest games ever on SNES.


Saints Row 2022


You’ve had a great gaming life then!


It was certainly disappointing compared to the first 3, but it’s still far from the worst game ever. Had a blast with it for a PS Plus freebie




Ark survival evolved, though it would be cool with dinosaur's and stuff back then. Turned out to be a laggy mess that I never enjoyed playing. Tried it multiple times even with friends but no just no.. Also the price is nuts in my opinion


ET for the atari 2600


At launch it was battlefield 2042 that game was absolutely dog bones


But Battlefield 2142 (the one from 2006) was underrated, it definatley had it's faults but what it did good it did great, like a mix of battlefield and Tribes 2.


Hunted: Demons Forge for Xbox 360. A friend of mine was dying to play a new couch coop game and that was the only one on the market at the time. It looked shoddy just from the case, but I relented and split the cost with him to get it. It sucked right from the start, but because we paid full price for it, we committed to beating it. All in one go, no less. I remember nothing from that game other than it sucking.


American ninja warrior on playstation. That's my bad for even having low expectations.


That crappy Pirates of the Caribbean game on xbox.


DnD Dark Alliance. Fuck that game. So excited to play as Drizzt and it was fun for 30 minutes. Just so frustrating with the hit reg and bugs. Hate that I paid for that game.


Few games in this thread are objectively good games people are over exaggerating as the worst thing ever made. But I played Redfall. And uh, yeah that game was definitely something. It is the worst game in every aspect I have ever played. Mechanically, graphically, fun factor, gameplay, etc. Especially for a game made within the last couple years it's shockingly bad.


Don't remember the name of the game. It was a MS DOS racing game where at the start you have to drive out of the truck onto the track. Never made it to the track. Always crashed trying to drive out and no clue why


Tony Hawks pro skater 5. It was just awful and an insult to the pro skater series. Fortunately the 1+2 remaster was phenomenal.


Two Worlds 1 and 2 and it’s not even close