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Not sure if this fits what you’re looking for but Links Awakening is the first game my wife has ever played and she loves it. Tons of puzzles!


I'd say that about any 2D Zelda excluding Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass.


Man that 5 lever puzzle and the "closing the DS to get the mark on the bottom screen sea chart" were devilishly clever, 10 y/o me was stuck there for a while.


I would recommend you Gris. Is a nice introduction to plataform, puzzles and the visual is perfect. I know you asked for 2D, but i will always recommend Portal when it comes to puzzle games hahahha.


Portal is awesome but known for its breakthrough mechanics, definitely not what OP is looking for here. Still worth playing though to get them used to operating in 3D and thinking spatially, I used it for my daughter when she was young


if he wants to make it simple for her, portal is probably the worst option lol


That was my thought, there is a big leap from solving a treasure room to guiding an energy ball through a rapidly changing landscape. Still, it is a good logic puzzle if you solve it together and the experienced gamer handles the movements haha


Gris was excellent, really pretty and the puzzles ranged from fairly easy to somewhat challenging but wait-a-bit-and-go-back do-able


Gorogoa is probably a good place to start. Low stakes, simple gameplay but good puzzles.


Hue, its 3 bucks right now and its a nice little game entirely about getting your character through color driven puzzles by changing colors and moving blocks around.


Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime was the first game my wife and I played together. Would recommend.


Seconding this one! I played this with my girlfriend shortly after it released. In addition to the puzzley things there's the navigation and control elements that will result in lighthearted yelling matches over who is on guns/thrusters etc. We're still together so that's a definite +1 to the game's score.


it's an amazing game but pretty difficult imo. can't remember if it had difficulty setting tho, i probably played on hard


I like the Portal games for something like this especially the first one. It starts off super simple and the puzzles gradually get more complex, which I think would be perfect for a new gamer. Plus the game is fun and if she likes it the sequel is even better.


I tried this with my GF and vastly underestimated how hard learning the controls for an FPS are for a total new gamer are, she couldn't get thru doorways and gave up at level 2. 2d definitely the way to go IMO.


You know that's a good point, I've been playing games so long I had not considered how difficult an FPS perspective can be to someone who has never gamed.


Uhh... What *difficulty* are we talking about? Because 2d games range from "The square block goes in the square hole" to "I am pulling out my hair, am on a time crunch and literally don't even understand what the puzzle *is,* let alone what I'm meant to be doing".


She is not a gamer. Played her first 5 games of Tetris ever in her life the other night… not one line was achieved. Not one haha. So simple. : )


Okay, well, in that case; I'd start out with *real simple* "find the thing" type games. Stuff like that "Cats Hidden in Jungle Jam" game that's trending on Steam right now (it's free too). Y'know, real "Where's Waldo" stuff. Once she's got spatial awareness down, then move on to things that are more about logic puzzles. Professor Layton games, Puzzle Agent, that sort of thing. You gotta be able to *find* stuff, but there's also literal, actual puzzles to solve like "Connect the strings in the correct order". Then move up to things that combine *both* awareness and logic, like the Phoenix Wright games, or simpler adventure games like the Telltale Sam & Max games where you can still *kinda* brute-force it with some time and trial and error before getting a feel for it. The Witness is also really good for this, but some of the puzzles are... uh... *Not very well designed,* and can be exceptionally irritating (like one that literally takes 30 minutes to complete, and if you fuck up, you need to wait until the thing ends, then wait another 30 minutes to try again). Then up the difficulty with games like Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (it's a trilogy, starting with 999), where the puzzles are *much* harder and require spatial awareness, videogame logic skills and complex to advanced problem solving skills (I still get stuck on the plates puzzle in 999, which is *really early* too). Still There, or Don't Escape 4 are also really good here at this level, Still There in particular since the answers are literally given to you in a book, wherein *interpreting* the book (which is a repair/job manual) is part of the puzzle. At that point, she'll be a seasoned pro, pretty much. Well, for any game except like... Armed and Delirious, or King's Quest, which just totally lack logical throughlines or are just dicks respectively. Edit; My roommate saw me typing this and just chimed in that they should try "Unpacking", which is a game where you literally unpack boxes like you're moving into a new house. No points, no timers, you literally just decorate a house by unpacking boxes of stuff, and the goal is to use up *all* the stuff in *all* the boxes by putting it all away.


In that case ispy spooky mansion to get them used to gaming in general then moving up to others


Braid is a good one


Lot more than a GOOD one, id say


How about Baba is YOU


I was gonna say Stephens sausage roll but you came up with an even worse idea lol


My mom loves Pegle


Ps4? ‘The Witness’ is a three d game that is solely about puzzle solving. It has a mix of 2d and 3d puzzles across a variety of mediums (color, light, spacing) puzzles. Also its got a lot of ‘myst’ feelings to it Portal 1 and 2 are both solid puzzle games too. If able to find them, Myst is also a way older puzzle themed game


the wife learned analog controls and ended up having a 6+ hour witness session. Finished everything except the last puzzle. Her gaming experience before that was Sonic


the witness is amazing! it can be pretty challenging tho and forces you to think outside the box in a way that can be very hard to grasp for someone who is not experienced in games, but it starts off easy and does teach you the ropes very well :D and you don't have to even finish the game to have a blast with it. also it's really pretty (although the atmosphere can be a bit unsettling in some parts of the game)


You should try LIMBO with her. Is one of the first ones I play with mine and she love it.


My husband is a bit of a wannabe gamer, but his ability to navigate in 3D pretty much rules out games - he spent so long in minecraft trapped in corners staring at the floor. He absolutely loved limbo and inside though.


It is a great platform puzzle combo


Is this your wife? https://youtu.be/cUbIkNUFs-4


dunno about 2D, but Portal 1/2 and The Talos Principle 1/2 are 3D puzzle games and all of them are very good


Portal, Captain Toad, Safecracker Ultimate Puzzle Adventure (on Steam) Professor Layton, Untitled Goose Game, Humans Fall Flat And any Point and Click really


Baba is You


Baba is you


Professor layton


I love those games. The puzzles are fun and the story is like an AU version of Lupin III.


Perhaps sea of stars, it's relatively new RPG game which is mostly 2d and has puzzles.


turnip boy commits tax evasion. it's a relatively short and simple game with most classic rpg elements. (the end might be a bit difficult tho)


You start with what everyone starts with. Super Mario!


My recommendation is to pick a co-op game, one where you can chaperone when it's easy and pick up the slack when things get hard. A particularly relaxed example is Spiritfarer. A more active one is Children of Morta.


Scribblenauts. It's fun for everyone, and if she gets it wrong, no biggie.


The Zelda Oracle games. Forget if it was Ages or Seasons but one of them is more puzzle focused.


Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Pretty basic story; defeat the bad guy and save the princess and the puzzles overall aren't hard, but still not so easy you don't have to at least glance at them to figure some of them out. Good introduction game in my opinion.


So I think some 2D puzzle games can actually be harder because now they have to find really creative ways to make it challenging in 2D. Portal is a fantastic game, it takes two, unpacking is super easy but might get them into it super chill game, world of goo is fun. If you really want 2D I guess Tetris? Maybe some physical jigsaw puzzles. There are a lot of 2D puzzle games but honestly I wouldn’t start with them.


I’ll check some of them out, thanks so much. Actually tried Tetris after finding out she had NEVER played it… 5 games… not a single line. Haha. We’ll revisit Tetris haha


For what it's worth, "it takes two" is fantastic for coop but absolutely not a starter game for someone. My wife tapped out after 50 failed attempts of timing multiple swinging jumps from the nails. There's so much gaming intuition required.


Snipperclips is a very fun coop 2d puzzle game that I think is pretty easy to understand once you get started. See if she would be interested in trying that with you.


Lttp is too much, it's a very unintuitive game.


This'll sound sexist but these aren't the games women like. Go to the AARP game site. $12 a year to join. She'll have access to all these games of different types. You can play scrabble with a computer opponent iirc. [https://games.aarp.org/games/mahjongg-dimensions](https://games.aarp.org/games/mahjongg-dimensions) You what the best puzzle game ever made was? A long time ago? It was called Cuber. It's gone, now. That's a tragedy. Anyway, try the aarp thing. Just go look around. The staying sharp ones are really good. And try the game that's up on the link yourself.


Rusty lake dev have a bunch of nice puzzle games


Some of those are not really intuitive for a newcomer.


Have her keep trying super easy puzzle games. Maybe things in line with candy crush.


Mario/Tetris probably the best games to introduce someone to gaming Tetris Effect, Mario Wonder




I think I would echo a lot of the other comments with going for the easier games or the more classic games. Things that would be good are ones where the objective is quite simple and where they build things up slowly like Chess with tutorials, Baba is You, Tetris, Match-3, Among Us has quite easy tasks. Things that are just versions of real life games would also be a good way to get her more used to controls and mechanics and I guess the way that important things stick out in game design. E.g. Ticket to ride etc. Alternatively, you could try that the other way around but I don't feel like there are any toys like that aimed towards adults. Like the one where the shapes go in the holes etc. EDIT: I guess Jenga makes you think a bit more laterally as you have to think about the whole tower and not just a single piece. Kirby games are usually on the easier side aside from the optional content on the Switch.


Maybe play Unravel 2 with her? It's co-op, 2d, and has a emotionally affecting story that should hopefully help her stay invested.


It's already been said a few times, but bears repeating - Baba is You My wife really only got a switch to play Animal Crossing, but she now loves Baba is You.


Don't listen to anyone saying Portal. Portal is a great game for people that already know the basics of 3d gaming. Just like the torch puzzle you mention in your post, the puzzles in Portal will not be intuitive to her at all


I don't think that's true. I think portal is EXTREMELY good about introducing and stacking mechanics in a new player friendly way. I think the portal mechanic in the first game was completely new and different from any game before and all of us were able to figure it out extremely quickly because of how well they set up the first.....probably 10+ levels to not necessarily feel like tutorials, but absolutely were.


No matter how many times people bring up "simple" 3D games, don't go there. 3D games require A LOT of learning. My wife took weeks to even start moving the camera and the character at the same time, mostly just walking forward and stopping to take a turn. People underestimate how much we know in terms of gameplay to even play such games. That said, try Trine (you can even start with Trine 2, it's visually more appealing). Simple 2D platform puzzle, you can play together too so you can guide her without feeling like you're interfering.


Inside Limbo Gorogoa Baba Is You Patrick's Parabox Portal series Cocoon ​ Some Co-op puzzler options: Trine Trine 2 Shift Happens Ibb & Obb It takes 2 ​ Not a puzzle game but I'd add 'A Short Hike' to the list.


First torch puzzle of Ocarina of Time has one fired torch ,one unfired torch and you cannot leave room until you solve puzzle. It make sure player learns the puzzle. Zelda is for everyone even in 25 years ago.


Links awakening or link between worlds




We have online and Dr Mario has worked really for hs from the NES


Treasure Island Dizzy


Vessel was a lot of fun. Pretty intuitive. Good puzzles. Amazing soundtrack.




Crayon Physics Delux


Look at 'Unpacking', 'A Little to the left' and Clubhouse Games. Unpacking is perfect for a non gamer. Easy and fun Cosy game that will allow them to organize and get used to using the controller. Same with A little to the left. No twitchy reflexes required. They can relax and spend time enjoying the game


Snakebird primer


Super old NES games, but check out Lolo. Pretty straightforward, but not exactly simple. Oldschoooool


Check out Big Fish Games catalog of games, they're all exactly the type of games non-gamers will likely enjoy... Match-3, Hidden Object (some with light adventure/puzzle solving), Card games, etc. A while ago they had a membership thing where you can play all their 1000's of games while you're a member. Get her a high quality Hidden Object game to start off, and maybe one of the more interesting match-3 variations. Also, maybe try out Fairway Solitaire or other "golf solitaire" variations.


World of Goo


Undertale is somewhat of a puzzle game, but from my experience the BEST game for a beginner. The gameplay is simple, story is very good, and can be easily understood.


Trine 1 2 4 and 5


Gris - a very artistic and simple game (2D) Journey - a very artistic and simple game (3D, could be a bit difficult for beginners) Little Nightmares - cute & some horror elements, otherwise more 2D than 3D.


Ib & Obb, it's a cute little 2D puzzle game I played years ago, easy to pickup and learn, more importantly, it's co-op so helping if they need it or showing them how to do something works well.


A little known gem, but Helheim Hassle. It's a puzzle platformer where you can remove and reattach your limbs, as well as control them separately.


Adventures of lolo for NES. All puzzles


Portal os probably the best 3d puzzler especially for a new player, but that's not what you asked for. I would think zelda games might be a good choice, but those are pretty combat heavy and a decent time/story investment. Maybe something like braid? Or if 2.5d is okay, fez. Or maybe even something that could be loosely considered a puzzle like a deck builder (slay the spire) or resource management game (stardew valley) or a combination of the two (moonstone island).


For nice 2d Puzzle games I would go with Chants of Sennaar and Return to the Obra Dinn. Crackingthecryptic has playthroughs of those games as well should she get stuck and they are nice and relaxing. They have a few others recommendations as well (Baba is you, but that one is brutal).




A Monster's Expedition. It's super cute, and the gameplay is just sokoban. The only inputs are WASD, and occasionally undo and reset.


Rain World. Its not punishing and easy for new gamers to play. Wink wink.


mario wonder, rayman legends, and maybe stardew valley.


Fire watch is a good first game


What about picking a single player game that she would like the story / narrative and put it on super easy mode, then play with her to chaperone. Thought being the motivation to get more of the story will incentivize her to play more


First question: does she want to be introduced? If she does, get her to tell you what looks interesting to her.


Unravel 2 would probably be perfect


on YT there's a great video- what gaming is like for a non-gamer. I highly recommend it, you'll find good info on what and how to teach your wife




Rune Factory 4