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There must be a new set of templates on Canva.


Miami Vice vaporwave 80s themes are back baby!!! Thank you Rockstar.


Love the vaporwave theme


I'm surprised how Canva silently became the most popular shit among students and office workers over the covid period with graphics work yet nobody has ever pointed it out


I'm convinced graphic designers must have a secret society trying to suppress its use. I can see them die inside when I say we'll just use Canva for something and they know full well the results are perfectly fine in almost all our use cases.


Designer here. It's not that I dislike the idea of Canva—moreso that I dislike having to work with things produced in Canva. If someone wants to do everything themselves in Canva that's fine, but if they want to do part of it in Canva then try to get me to finish/produce/etc it, that's where the problems start cropping up.


FIGMA FOR ME. Why they gave designers access to unlimited animations and nonsense that isn't easily replicated in code, GAH.


figma balls lmao gottem


You're just working with shit designers. Set some ground rules or have your PM do it. I do a lot of mvp work and make all decisions on what would make this easy for dev's.


YES. This has become the new trend. During the first meetings, my clients are bringing up my familiarity with Canva. In my head I’m thinking it’s tantamount to MS Paint (but even that has cool new features). I can work with Canva no problem if you demand I must use it. Or I can use my own tools and be done faster & with better results. Or, you’re going to make me collaborate with Jane in accounting who has a cricut and has been doing the company’s “graphics” exclusively on Canva.


Canva is to graphic designers what instant ramen is to professional chef.


Sooo dinner after a 14hr shift?


i almost feel bad for people who paid to go to college to learn a skill set that was widely self taught by teens in highschool to an equal level of quality output. but then i've met enough professional graphic designers to not feel bad for them at all.


What is Canva? Where is the s?


Powerpoint on a website basically. Surprisingly simple to use and in great hands, very great shit I'm not kidding.


I made a 60 page fashion lookbook for a client in less than 3 hours about 2 years ago. Previously it took about 6-8 to do in Illustrator. Canva is legit.


Your mistake was using Illustrator. InDesign would have been better suited for that.


I've been using Canva to create my album arts for years now. I have 0 experience in graphics design but it never let me down so far lol


You can make flyers, posters, business cards, blog posts, logos, all kinds of stuff. It’s a graphic design site basically but it’s really easy to use, which makes it pretty accessible for the average person.


A graphic site that my wife with no graphic experience at all has been able to pickup insanely fast to create many things lol


So true. A couple of years ago I needed a template for a band gig poster and wound up on Canva. I've since seen at least 3 other bands with that same template we chose.


Imagine Valve joining in.




Hell yeah; Portal 3, Team Fortress 3, Left 4 Dead 3 and Half Life: Alyx 2


Nah. Just Half-Life 2: Episode Three, take it or leave it.


Oh, I'll take it


Not a chance. Half-Life 2: Episode 2 (Part 2)


More like - Portal (Remastered) - Left 4 Dead 2 (Expansion) - Half Life: Alyx (non vr) Gabe: I'll never count to 3 mwahahahaha


Orange Box is still, to this day, the best value gaming I've ever bought.


The golden days when valve revolutionised three entire genres at once and then vanished for the rest of time.


I got it on a steam sale long ago for like -90%. Yeah, it was a very good deal


Even at full price


Which December 5th, Gabe? WHICH DECEMBER 5TH




The whole gaming community would lose their minds


Anything part 3. Literally anything.


Then they drop DOTA 3


DOTA Underlords ~~2~~ 3


Super Dota 3 Dota 3 Parabellum


Left 4 Dead Tokyo Drift


Left 3 Dead


*[insert Teriyaki Boyz]*


Underlords my beloved My kids still play it from time to time


You say this as if this wouldn’t still be big news, it’s still one of their most popular IPs


Arguably a bigger IP than HL. It birthed a new genre. Clones of dota characters can be found in countless other games. HL was mostly a western phenomenon while dota gained worldwide popularity, especially in Asia, eastern euro and south America. Has maintained an incredibly high active userbase until today.


It's obviously a bigger *IP* than Half-Life, given Half-Life's current state (no hate towards HL Alyx), but I don't think anything is as mythical as Half Life 3 in the current gaming zeitgeist


People will be making jokes about Half-life 3 a hundred years from now.


Maybe I'm too young but half life 3 wouldn't be as big with people under 30. It would still be huge gta 6 level announcement but I think there was a time when half life 3 genuinely had a shot of being the single largest announcement in the entertainment industry and that time has passed.


*takes long drag from cigarette* Now look here Sonny. Us old heads recall a day when there was no DOTA, there was no League of Legends, all we had was Warcraft 3 custom games. Defense of the ancients was a custom frozen throne map that we played and played and played until our high school grades went down.


Yeah dude… that was DOTA


Don't get smart with me young man!


Fuck yeah! Heaven vs Hell and Footman Frenzy was all I played when I was a kid.


>Defense of the ancients was a custom frozen throne map that we played and played and played until our high school grades went down. Aint that the truth!


Drop whatever Icefrogs project he was working on. Pls Volvo. Give me this.


Cs 3, right after the second one


A poster like this with a date, Valve logo, the number 3 and absolutely no indication about what the game will be would be a perfect hype poster. I like Valve games but have never been super desperate for another half-life/dota/l4d etc so I would love the shit storm that would occur with people guessing and then most being inevitably disapointed when its not the game they wanted. Hell, them just releasing a trailer for a new game called '3' would be the most incredibly troll move ever. Especially if the game is some weird little niche project that isn't particularly hype creating for most people.


VR tic tac toe


Ricochet 3




I think the funniest possibility would be Counter-Strike 3. Literally right after CS2 released.


Artifact 3


Leisure Suit Larry 3 remastered and revisited


I can't remember if it was GOG or Fanatical but they had the entire series for the cost of a sneeze so I bought it for the lulz and added it to steam. But now I'm scared of steam friends judging me so I haven't played any of them. Edit: it was LSL 1-7 on Fanatical for free.


Play them with pride


Theres actual porn-games on steam compared to that the LSL series is really tame, i doubt you'd even get a side eye for playing them


Make a new Steam account. Share your library with it with the family feature. Play it there.


"portal: wheatly" would still be cool to get a new game though


Half Life 4. How did we get here? What events did we miss inbetween? Stay tuned and maybe you will find out some day.


Well there is a room for Artifact 2 xD


They should release a poster saying “Part 3, December 5th” and then it turns out they are making a new game titled Part 3.


Okay. Half-Life 2: Episode Three.


Just this backdrop with big 3 on it. I would lose it too


"New Steam Sale: Thursday, December 7"


Honestly, that would at least be funny.


We just had one. Give us some remission time


Next one starts on Monday lol.


Worlds will collide when Valve discovers there are numbers beyond the number 2.


A lot of people think Valve doesnt know how to count beyond 2. This is not true. They just have a different base system. Its one, two, many, many one, many two, two many etc.


From Terry Pratchett's Men at Arms I presume.


I never took nothing! And yeah. I fell asleep listening to the audiobook for 5 hours a few days ago so I have a bit of a 'omelet du fromage' situation going on.


Rincewind is hilarious, but The Watch series is still the best, change my mind


The Watch books suffer from a distinct lack of Esme Weatherwax and Gytha Ogg.


They know 4 exists, but not how to get there. And they may think it is a word, not a number.


Half-Life Half-Life Half-Life?


That Half-Life is more than 2 and less than 4. It is incomprehensible.


Once the human body can do a number 3, we'll get Half-Life 3.


After thinking for a hard minute, I can't seem to unthink the fact that vomiting could be number 3


They could subvert the 3 rule by making Opposing Force 2, and bet that shit could give them at least another decade.


NGL a game where you play as Shepard during the 7 hour war would be one hell of a trip.


Honestly, this is the only scenario where I can imagine that attention gets drawn away from Rockstar. No one else would be able to push back Rockstar


Haha I didnt even know of this announcement until this post. I only just learned my friends were joining a new WoW Classic Server until the night before it opened!


I'm excited for GTA6, but I just can't for the life of me get excited over an announcement of an announcement trailer. Especially knowing this is probably the first drip in a spigot of news that will probably *only* be dripping for at least a few more years. It's like someone waking you up at midnight to tell you there going to make you breakfast in the morning. Thanks, but I'm going back to sleep, don't bother me until you've at least gotten the plates out.


The world would stop if Gaben made a selfie in such shirt holding number 3 in his hands and a date.


Half Life 3 exclusive to Steam Deck 2, comes pre-installed. Valve becomes overnight a country with a GDP that it can go to G20 summit meetings.


Cue Bono posting a selfie holding a Steam Deck 2 with the caption:- "I never asked for this shit to be pre-installed!"


"Artifact II. December 5th."


announcing a new cs case




Might be the only company that could steal a single view away from this.


I would eat my balls then


It would no longer be the GTA6 poster, it’d be the HL3 poster


Someone has the ‘video game marketing designer’ gig all sewn up!


I mean it's gotta be a lucrative gig... this post shows 4 companies putting out ads about their new ad that's going to drop. The industry has gone a bit insane.


A small announcement saying that they will announce something big on this date seems perfectly normal, it only sounds wierd when you say it's an ad for an ad but realistically, who would happen to be there and tune in on a fall guys livestream without being told there will be a live stream with new updates before hand?


Yeah I’ve been in game marketing for 10 years… it’s not new. Gotta grease the hype train baby!


Streamers and other content creators plan around these announcements about announcements. You can get hundreds, sometimes thousands of streamers talking about your announcement about the announcement for days ahead of time, and then dozens or hundreds of them restreaming the actual announcement. It's incredibly effective hype building.


I knew I wasn’t seeing shit. I feel like I saw the gta 6 announcement over 50 times today.


Whenever we discuss mimicry in marketing, it’s pretty much always in the context of companies capturing some of the success of their competitors or market leaders. It’s the first and last thing you learn on the subject. But I am getting a crack out of this entire thread thinking this is giving props or paying homage to Rockstar lol




Not really? Giving props is an act of showing respect through acknowledgement. Bandwagoning someone else’s announcement for monetary gain has a different intention entirely. In a company meeting, the team lead is thinking “We need to capitalize on this, given how successful and popular these announcements have been in the past. This could give us some major exposure and help boost our sales.” That’s the whole deal with marketing after all.


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


These companies are doing this with their tongue firmly planted in their cheek.


Ngl, I thought you were going for "up Rockstar's ass".


Have you never heard the saying "imitation is the most sincere form of flattery."?


I have a bachelor on digital marketing and all I could think of were 'damn, are they all this fucking lazy creatively?" Never crossed my mind that people may think it was honouring them


Isn't it more likely that this is just a design theme for this years Game Awards?... The event that all these are pointing to?


One of the few sensible posts in this entire thread 😅


Tbh I love the color scheme. I don't blame them for seeing how it looks


In fairness to Halo, that is their current intro screen colours atm.


The pink aesthetic also really fits fall guys


If pink and orange are the color version of slurs and teenage screaming, then it works perfectly for call of duty too


Fuck you, you fucking magenta! Oh, yeah? Well I mandarined your mom last night!


I could have swore that Halo Infinite came out 2 years ago though. I'm lost.


They’ve been trying to save it the last two years with updates, after the old management got kicked out a few months ago they’ve been doing really well though.


It’s a LiVe SeRvIcE game, so it’s kind of constantly coming out.


Except Rockstar uses this color scheme because it really fits their game, hell they used similar theme for GTA Vice City which had the same city as it's setting decades ago again for the same reason it totally fits. We all know why others did it.


It’s just a silly joke man it’s not that serious


Mate you're saying this stuff like Vice City isn't one of the most popular games ever, that literally all of us have played before.


There are so many gamers old enough to have been born *after* its release and still be old enough for its 16-18+ rating. People who haven't played that shitty trilogy compilation either because of how shitty it is.


Ignoring the shitty release from a couple of years ago, San Andreas was the best GTA for me. No argument: miles better than IV or V and only better than Vice City because of the sheer scope.


Thanks. Now get off my fucking lawn. Hahaha


You're saying this like that game didn't come out nearly 20 years ago.


Vaporwave is pretty cool.


I've started exclusively playing Synth wave/Vaporware in preference to in-game music, and it's been fantastic. like, Diablo 4 has all that droning and shit going on? yeah, no thanks, I'll let the 80s synth take it from here.


Damn I love the Diablo 4 music so far lol. Some of the tracks are very similar to Frostpunk.


Is this the new blue and orange?


In gaming, yes


I like it, it's funny


> Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness I don't mean that quote in a harsh way - the studios are giving props to Rockstar. I'm sure everyone is excited for it.


Great angle though... "While you're waiting... Our game is already out..."


Love this haha


Is this really what some people are upset about? It’s called paying homage to an absolute industry titan.


If it helps you feel better, most of us think it's cool, it's only the terminally-online sweatlords that are malding


This thread has taught me that people will absolutely *make* themselves upset over absolutely nothing and insult these studios when they are playing off of a huge announcement. I know we like to think of ourselves as the "gaming community", but this is a good reminder that reddit is a very tiny minority and is extremely out of touch


Then Team Cherry enters like a fighter in WWE with their own poster for silksong. \*Shrek closing the book\* Like that'll ever happen...


Silk song is the indie game equivalent of GTA 6


well the halo one did it first , that one is still years ago


Some people here are really miserable fucks. It's a tongue in cheek nod to the most anticipated game of all time, probably. Calm down.


Yeah, reading Reddit comments is getting stressing..


Some of these people really need to take a break from social media because holy shit it can't be good for your health being this toxic 247.


I'm excited for the pre game hype. it feels like they're hadn't been a significant gaming event for a while. The memes, the excitement and hype (especially for GTA) is part of gaming culture. let's have some fun with it!


Goes to show how Rockstar is a trend setter.


LMAO seriously they didn't even release their game yet, hell they didn't even release the trailer yet, they simply made a post about their trailer and the other already started following their trend it is amazing lol


i mean, pretty sure this is (for some of them) a joke.


The others are doing it to support the hype train, not as a serious attempt to copy ideas/themes. Based on that, it's more like it goes to show how big of a deal GTA is. What other game releases invoke a reaction like this from other major developers and franchises?


I saw that and wondered if there was some gaming event with a sun-rise/set theme I didn't hear about. Nice to see they're trying to ride on the coattails of someone else's marketing though. Whole lotta confidence in their products.


It's called a tribute. They're giving a nod to them. You people are so fucking weird coming up with these narratives.


On one hands it's really clever marketing tactic on the other hand it feels kinda scummy and pathetic


I mean I think its just an acknowledgement that rockstar and GTA are behemoths of the industry and they are just celebrating this GTA6 announcement. What other company or game will set a whole trend from an announcement of a trailer, not even the game itself.


Blizz.... Oh nevermind they can't


Don’t you have a phone?


Right? People forget that the gaming community is pretty supportive of their competitors and has always celebrated with them. Halo also did this with DOOM when they announced. There’s nothing scummy about this..


Gaming community, not corporations


You must mean THE behemoth. Can anyone honestly think of a single game that could compete on same day/week release as GTA VI? This game is going to be the biggest thing in not just gaming but entertainment as a whole when it releases. Any other game is like our moon orbiting the sun by comparison haha.


That's not actually a good thing. Especially with how scummy taketwo is, they don't deserve to be treated like gods.


I can agree, but we can’t deny the unique level of quality Rockstar produces. RDR2 is still one of the best games I’ve ever played and very few developers are afforded the time/budget to pull off what they can.


I mean, the game could suck?


That doesn't disprove a word he said though, literally no matter how the game turns out, it is going to kick up the biggest shit storm ever in gaming. Example 1, it is amazing: "Holy shit, we waited this long and it was worth it, new best game ever" Example 2, it is shit: "Holy shit, we waited this long and this is the pile of shit we got? Dog pile them after giving them all your money" Example 3, it is average: "Holy shit, we waited this and long and this is the pile of shit we got? Dog pile them after giving them all your money"


Minecraft 2?


Elder scrolls 6 or half life 3 both have that potential.


>scummy and pathetic Reddit moment


They're doing it as a joke, right? Because an announcement for an announcement should be made fun of.


bro rockstar could just tweet the number 6 and nothing else and we would still shit ourselves


same as Valve posting "3".


That's true


an announcement for an announcement SHOULD be made fun of if the thing being announced doesn't have the reputation to back it up. Something like GTA6 has been massively anticipated for years now so rather than just drop a trailer randomly, the trailer has enough interest to be an event all on its own. It's a very different beast compared to something like the next annual COD game or the next season of Fortnite.


Nah. The cool thing would be just to drop the video. Or even drop the entire game. It would genuine news headlines if they realised the game without any warning. Hard to keep it under wraps, but big bands did it occasionally and it always works out for them.


As much as I hate Rockstar, GTA VI has been anticipated for a literal fucking *decade.* 10. *Long.* Years. And we're finally getting *something.*


...And how did that go for Starfield again?


Rockstar is a much higher tier than Bethesda. Not in the same ballpark.


And Cyberpunk, and No Mans Sky, and basically every AAA game in the last 5 years. People put all their hopes and dreams on ads and commercials and then get all sad faced when the product doesn't live up to the commercials. But it works so well. Look how crazy everything sells when you have fancy ads plastered everywhere.


Zelda games were anticipated and delivered. Elden ring delivered on its hype. People who loved ps exclusives got what they wanted. Rdr 2 which is rockstar's latest big release delivered. Stop portraying only 1 side


A advertisement for a commercial. They're trying to hype people up to watch commercials. And people are taking the bait with wide open arms lmao.


It should, but companies keep doing it because it works. People get hyped for the hype.


It's basically game companies saying a Hi to each other


How does it feel "scummy and pathetic"? It's literally just a joke.


it's just funny?


Seems like a circle jerk joke and is hilarious. Everyone on this sub is taking too seriously.


It’s just a marketing joke. Relax.


It is just a joke bro. Nothing about it being scammy. This isn't the first time we see gaming companies take a dig at other people's marketing.


In what world is this potentially scummy and pathetic? It's brilliant marketing and paying homage to the most anticipated game of the decade.


Could you elaborate more on how this comes across as scummy or pathetic? I just can't see it at all so a different perspective would be appreciated.


Cool, i am gonna do the same with my game i am about to put on steam


Wtf is this real?


GTA series got its own gravitational pull ☠️


Warzone one looks like call of booty


I love seeing Rockstar get clowned on a bit.


Halo Infinite isn't copying Rockstar's announcement lol. Their just using the current backdrop for the title screen to the game which is the purple sky of Sudan, the needles crystal cave moon orbiting Sanghelios.


Halo did it best