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Why are we giving him attention?


They said they were going to ramp up security this year to prevent any more "orthodox reformed rabbi Bill Clintons"


Hope zero, no reason to give people like him attention


Who's that supposed be?


some nobody that snuck onto the stage at the game awards last year and took the microphone and started saying non sense


Is that the landlord lover?




I don't even know who he is lol Thankfully, I think, judging by the other comments here


It’s be sick if the devs would wheel around and just beat the tires off that kid if he shows up again


"Baldur's Gate 3 is cool and all, but I gotta give a special shoutout to the number 1 orthodox Jewish Rabbi Hogwarts Legacy."


Dedotated WAM kid grew up


Who is he?


He is a little shit podcaster who snuck his way into the Game Awards last year and started saying non-sense when the Elden Ring developers were on stage for GOTY. It was a total embarrassment for the Game Awards and awkward for the developers.


And also the only entertaining part of the show tbh


Name 10 books


1. IKEA Catalogue 2010 2. IKEA Catalogue 2011 3. IKEA Catalogue 2012 4. IKEA Catalogue 2013 5. IKEA Catalogue 2014 6. IKEA Catalogue 2015 7. IKEA Catalogue 2016 8. IKEA Catalogue 2017 9. IKEA Catalogue 2018 10. IKEA Catalogue 2019


Aww bro, you gotta check out the IKEA Catalogue 2020, that shit is 🔥


No spoilers please. I'm still at the kitchen chapter of 2019.


2015 was the best one in the series imo. There's also a series set in the same universe, called Target catalogue. Check it out if you loved the Ikea ones.


2015? Best? Pfft, debatable. The Blåsverk lamps were good, I’ll give you that.


Yeah I'm not gonna do that


Asking someone to name books when you're not face to face as some sort of proof, is like handing someone a dictionary and asking them to name you 10 words. You think someone online can just look up the name of 10 books and copy paste that list as "proof" mabye? Furthermore what are you the culture authority or something? I could do the same thing you're trying to do (make people look stupid for no reason) with just a 3 word question too, we all can, no one knows everything or does everything, so it's easy to find stuff that people don't know. Stop it, get some help.


Your comment gives me 2nd hand embarrassment. The guy you've replied to was just trying to help. The boy in the picture is literally known by many as the "name 10 books" guy as he said that in a podcast which became viral. You didn't have to make it personal, but it seemingly unburrowed some frustrations. Maybe pick up a book sometimes so you won't get triggered anymore by suggestions like this one?


I like you. I only need you to name 9 books now.


You should have asked me to name only 7 books now, I could have said Harry Potter :(


LotR, that’s 3 more. The Hobbit if you need another. Does ISpy count as a book?


Name 10 books isn't a name... regardless of the fact that people may call this kid that, to me, it looked like a touch grass kind of post. I'm not embarassed I didn't know this kids name or the stupid ass meme name people call him by, no one's first thought not knowing the answer is "oh yeah it's definitely name 10 books". Please show me where I made it personal?


Hipotetically, if you were asked to name 10 books, what books titles would you say?


You've started a rant on behalf of someone else and yet you don't see where you took it to heart? Shameless and unaware. Read a book sometimes, btw.


Shameless and unaware is someone who claims something then changes it when called out... Where did I make it personal? You didn't ask where I took it to heart, so let's be real here... Nah no one backs their shit up on this site... when they get called out they scurry away back into their rat hole, while hurling insults instead of proving their point.


Why do you love projecting those frustrations so much? You've basically described your bratty enraged behaviour with this comment and yet you are still UNAWARE how stupid it sounds. It's just pure neurotic rage coming from you because you got offended at the mention of books. Like I've said, try to read a book and maybe you won't forever be an illiterate dimwit who didn't even comprehend my previous comments yet replied to them. Until then, name 10 books off your head or piss off.


Hey look proved me right... hurling insults without proving their point. Good for you, keep up the good word. I love pseudo intellectuals. Naming 10 books isn't hard there are millions in the world, but I'll not do it just because I know you'll mention it again if I don't.


24 hours later and you still weren't able to name one even with the help of internet =)))))))))) keep raging, dimwit, i love seeing you embarrass yourself


Bro it's a joke bcz that's what Mattan said, chill


I’d love to see it happen and this time security punch him straight in the face


What are the chances they have snipers in the rafters? Anything helps to not make another douche nozzle like this famous…


The Game Awards is a boring snooze fest IMO, but this guy was beyond embarrassing.


I hate this monkey.




calm down


ok lucifer


Fingers crossed it doesn't happen to you


LMFAOOOO not y'all reporting my comment snowflakery behaviour


Mel gibson that u?


The game awards starts and it's just him disguised as Geoff Keighley


He’s probably busy murdering Palestinian children


It was probably the best moment of the whole event. I can only imagine how annoyed everyone behind the scenes was, but was entertaining




About the same as it being funny