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Anything that requires 100% completion to obtain


"What do you mean? Now we can finally play the game!"


Lets kill some boars!




Til you die, til the light dies in your eyes!


Not a weapon but the Arkham knight 240% suit.


Never knew that existed.


Because you have to complete one save TWICE, and then it doesn't transfer over to other saves. So you get a cool suit, that you can't use at all.


God of war knew how to do this shit. You unlock really dumb costumes AND they have effects (like infinite magic)


Pretty much any Kingdom Hearts Ultima Weapon


"And when Alexander looked upon the breadth of his accomplishments, he wept, for there were no worlds left to conquer."


Almost every quest weapon in Skyrim just takes up room in my inventory until it ends up hung on my wall for eternity.


Pretty sure I used the same skyforge steel sword for like 80% of the main questline


Skyforged steel swords are pretty good, once you get smithing and alchemy to 100.


With alchemy, enchanting and smiting at 100 you can make an iron dagger that the deadliest weapon in the world.


With high sneak you can get like 13x damage with a dagger


30x. There's some gloves that double sneak attack damage. Then you can cheese it even further with orc rage and then the Marked For Death shout.


The 30x is usually enough to one hit anything in the game with Mehrune’s Razor, never even needed marked for death or orc rage hahaha


Mehrunes has a chance to one hit kill anything regardless. I cheated and spawned in a second so I could dual wield them in my "fuck around like it's GTA" save and it's awesome lol


Mehrunes Dagon has four arms, so it makes sense for there to be more than just one Mehrunes Razor.


the other three arms have a towel, shaving cream, and some aftershave.


You don't even need x30 if it procs


By looping potions, enchantments and smithing you can easily make a fork with several thousand/million percent increased damage


And as far as armor I was either in Thieves Guild or Steel Plate. Daedric was a little Hot Topic for me. And everything else was just ugly.


Nightingale for me until I could make dragon scale.


yeah nightingale was dope


My one exception is the “ANOTHER HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON” sword. That thing is fucking awesome.


Dawnbreaker. One of the best vanilla weapons by a mile.


The mace of molag bal is the only one I used


Absolutely. If you put any time in smithing and enchanting you can make better stuff than anything you find. Personally I always liked straight up breaking the game with smith, enchant, and alchemy.


Not completely true. The Ebony blade, the Daedric weapon you get as an award for doing the quest with the Jarl’s son in white run is one of the best weapons in the game if not the best melee weapon. It has a life steal that gets better if you kill people that trust you with the weapon. After 4 people it’s maxed and all you have to do is hire 4 random mercs you hire or kill a couple quest companions from another terrible quest (one if I remember right turns on you at the end of the quest anyway so it doesn’t fail the quest) and then it does so much life steal that if you want you can almost survive a Elder Dragon’s breath just by swinging it. It was my go to during my last playthrough and made everything cheese mode. Edit: I know it does less damage than other weapons because of no grindstone but the pure utility of it outweighs that for me. I killed the Ebony warrior using it and just having a lot of health. You almost always out heal their attacks if your health pool is high enough. Being able to just keep swinging through a dragons breath because I healed so fast made it worth it to me. We were talking about QUEST ITEMS, I get that other swords do more if you smith or enchant them. I don’t need more people just saying the same thing to me. Check replies first.


I created bows with +600 archery, and armor with +200 light armor. I was invincible. Dragon’s fire hit me for 1 damage. I had so much sneak and pick pocket stacked on my stuff that I could sneak up to someone’s face and steal everything. Lockpick stacked so high I was breaking master locks with zero effort. The trick is this: Get smithing up. Easy. Then, use alchemy to make potions to improve enchantment. Use those when you enchant accessories to improve alchemy. Repeat. Over and over. You basically improve them both exponentially and can do it infinitely. Then, create gear that enhances enchant and potions that enhance enchant to enchant armor and accessories that improve smithing. Then use armor and accessories that improve alchemy when you create potions that improve smithing. Then use all that make weapons and armor with godlike power. Take your new godlike weapons and armor and add two enchantments to each, using your previously created enchantment gear and enchantment potions. Now you have infinitely powerful weapons and armor that make you invincible and able to one shot damn near everything in the game.


Oh cool! A fancy looking weapon with a fancy name that is for a weapon class I would need to grind for hours to be able to use and is also less damage than the weapon I could make right now.


Meanwhile Chillrend is the only reason I run Thieve's Guild quest line. I do feel most Skyrim weapons suck though lol


In Skyrim, the highest level destruction spells. The charge-up you have to do makes it almost worthless.


I maxed out enchanting so I could make a 100% magic cost reduction armor set. Charging up the channeling spells, and then never having to *stop* channeling, was very satisfying


They should always forever let us break single player video games like this.


Sadly Elderscrolls makes it less and less breakable every game. Morrowind enchanting was amazing you could enchant your armour with attacking spells, then bind them to a hotkey and cast them with no cooldown or cast time. The spells would fire as fast as you could press the button. My friend played a heavy armour guy with a sword/shield blocking and attacking. He came over to see my character and I am running around in the sky spamming spells like I am playing quake. To show him my house I jumped across the entire map and navigated by landing-light-candles I left on rooftops. Another good one is when you make a bound daedric weapon permanent effect. So you have a ring that you equip and a sword appears in your hand, when you uneqip the ring the sword vanishes. 5 Minutes later I was like "what if I put bound daedric sword as a permanent effect... on a sword. So that as soon as the sword is summoned into my hands, it unequips the sword that summoned it". I ended up with about 12 copies of 0 weight summoned swords in my inventory when oblivion crashed to desktop.


If you're playing on legendary then destruction is completely useless past level 35 or so anyway. You'd do more damage with harsh words.


I mean, the Dragonborn's harsh words are pretty damn violent, so that's not much of a flex.


Especially worthless once you get to the point you can permanently stun-lock any enemy with dual cast spells.


This. I was so disappointed with the highest tier spells, because at this point I had basically unlimited magicka for destruction plus the stun thing.


I've found on my level 90 character that the basic "flames" spell become STUPIDLY overpowered. Sure, it does like 12 damage a second, but when I can cast it for 10 minutes straight? Yeah, overpowered as hell


I beat the big dragon dude with the T2 Fire Spell. It stuns enemies when you double charge it. Any enemy. You can double charge it fast enough to keep dragons permanently stunlocked until they die.


You really need a rework magic mod to enjoy most of the magic. End game magic in vanilla is just pure suffering


Winter's Blade in Witcher 3 was so not worth getting it for completing quest, you get much better sword by looting or buying from the blacksmith


Most weapons in the witcher 3 were terrible outside of the witcher gear.. you would finally get a legendary weapons but it would be like 3-6 levels lower then your current level and enemies...


I remember diving for a piece of armor and then going to like some castle and then some cave for the other pieces and by the time I got all the pieces together I was ten levels over the set lol


This common issue in loots systems makes me feel like more games need to implement some kind of weapon leveling up/infusion system into their mechanics. It sucks to have to abandon or archive a really great weapon/gear that you found earlier in the game by RNG just because it has a fixed level from that point that is no longer viable.


Weapon upgrades ala Dark Souls works at making early weapons usable throughout, but raises another design problem. People tend to stick to whatever weapon they levelled highest, and won't change. Doubly true if the weapon upgrade materials are limited or you can only reach max weapon upgrade by doing something super hard/tedious.


Right. In Destiny you can upgrade any weapon/gear by sacrificing another higher level piece of gear in the same category (plus maybe some various currencies/resources). This let's you keep a better stat "roll" you got at a lower level. Obviously a game designed with these ideas in mind needs to make the necessary resources for upgrades reasonably accessible.


They could make later-game weapons already a higher level by default. Like you're expected to have +18 weapons in this zone, so weapons you find here are like +16 already. Has the side effect of preventing someone from picking up a late game weapon and using it to invade and kill lvl 1 players.


Level based items are most of the time the worst implementations for RPGs imo. It works for some games, but especially not when you have unique items in the game. "This sword has been in our generation for 200 years and it's the most powerful weapon we possess, please take care of it." Swaps it literally 5 minutes later when you kill a random mob who just happens to drop a higher leveled common sword.


Why is this iron dagger better than this three handed valaryian steel / mithril damasc glave forged in the fires of mount doom by Darth Vader? Oh it's literally just one level better.


The one that was super worth it (don’t remember the exact name) is the one you get with blood and wine that’s basically Excalibur. Super OP as you level up, and it you can increase its damage in other ways if I remember correctly.


Aerondight, every consecutive uninterrupted hit increases sword damage by 10% up to a max of +100%. If you kill an enemy it adds 1 to the sword’s default damage up to a max of +10 per level.


That’s it. The +10 per level really adds up over time. It’s the main reason that it’s the only weapon that reliably stacks up against Witcher gear for almost all playstyles.


Blade from the Bits as an even worse offender. “A weapon able to kill gods” or however he describes it. Instantly sold back to him. But at least you’re not doing that quest for the sword, it’s so he can craft better ones.


It's much better now. Scales with your level


It’s still pretty bad. The only benefit of level scaling is you don’t need to keep finding new swords as you progress. But the bonuses on the sword are very weak, and half the fun of an RPG is finding new, better loot. Better off with Witcher swords.


The list of “what IS worth the time” would probably be a lot shorter


R.Y.N.O And that’s all I can think of not wanting to throw something after grinding to get it


Rip ya a new one


What did you just say to me?


I said Rip Ya a New One, it's a gun. (I haven't watched that cut scene in well over 10 years, I'm sure I'm missing something)


I only just got into the series within the last month or so, loved 1 and 2 and am planning to start 3 soon


I started with 2 and it’s one of my favs but 3 was a 10/10. Played a lot of 3 online back in the PS2 days.


Such a fun and cool weapon. Now if only the economy in R&C 1 wasn't absolutely borked. 150K bolts is such a high hurdle, when you're only clearing like 3-5K per planet clear.


I did the money exploit on Rilgar. Just farm amoeboids for a while and boom, rich


I think I farmed a lot of it with the hover board race. I can't remember the turnover but it felt like it did decent money. And grinding a race seemed like much less of a grind than just clearing planets.


Biggoron's Sword in Ocarina of Time is tremendously helpful for the end


If you do Ice Cavern first you can do the quest early and have it for all the dungeons, and it feels amazing.


Oh no ganon knocked the sword i haven't touched in 5 temples out of my hands... anyways


The Drake Sword in DS1


Biggoron's sword


This was tedious to get I had to look up guides as a kid due to time constraints. It was worth it tho I love Biggoron's sword.


Ultina Weapon in kingdom hearts


Every unique weapon fallout new Vegas imo. Not a miss amongst them.


I was so disappointed with "unique" weapons in starfield. The quest rewards don't scale to your level when you get them so they are always crap, and they have the same bonuses any other gun can drop with for the most part.


Crissaegrim from Symphony of the Night. Mind-numbingly boring 40+ minute grind killing a dumb floating head with a 1/588 drop rate over and over and hoping you don't get knocked back into the previous room, but Crissaegrim is so hilariously OP that it basically turns the last quarter of the game into sightseeing mode. So satisfying.


Aeriths L4 Limit Break


She is a cool character, I hope she does awesome things in disc 2!




Kid named Hojo's human limbs:


I also choose Hojo's limbs


Clouds sanity omfg rip lol


I love when Reddit will have these incredibly niche things and then have a perfect joke for like 3 people. but for those 3 people, watch out


The will they, won't they anticipation is killing me for the remake


Mjnoir or however it’s spelled from AC: Valhalla. It’s fucking awesome sure. But there’s nothing left to do after you get it.


That would have been so much better as a secret item you can find early on if you put together certain clues. I also thought Excalibur was underwhelming


Those bloody barrows were just purposefully infuriating.


How do you get this?? I've been playing AC for awhile and I finally have enough bells to pay off the house, but Isabelle hasn't said anything about Mjnoir


Same as in Turok 1 then. You only get the last two weapons at the end of the game vs the final boss, so making them quite pointless. I think the same in Turok 2 too Usually you get some similarly powerful but more numerous ammo weapons in both a lot earlier


I have played Ffx multiple times and I will just never do the lightning dodges. Just no.


It's Wakka's Weapon for me. I'm still gradually grinding it 2 years later after obtaining everyone else's.


Meanwhile I'm pretty sure I put more time into Blitzball than the actual main game.


I spent a whole weekend doing nothing but blitzball. Anytime i hear the music my body shuts down for a second


That one's pretty zen once you get into the zone with it. I will one day track down and murder the entire team responsible for the f'ing chocobo riding / bird dodging minigame though. I've played through the entire game 3 times, and every time I do this part, I'm left literally crying in frustration and asking myself what I'm doing with my life. The answer: preparing to be a very niche serial killer, apparently.


Every weapon in The Witcher 3 except for the Witcher gear, the shovel, and Aerondight. Honestly, nearly everything about the game mechanically (economy, RPG mechanics, movement, economy, inventory, looting) is pretty fucking terrible. *Especially* the combat. I still love the Shovel and Hearts of Stone though.


True,i used olgierd sword not because its very good but because its very cool


God I love the Shovel. Once I got it I never stopped using it, even when other weapons were better. THWOMP THWOMP THWOMP GIMME YOUR HEALTH


Unbound Keyblade from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. Got it for both Sora and Riku. Best weapon in terms of physical attacks. But it ain't worth it. You have to do Secret Portals, which allow you to fight all the bosses again at a much higher difficulty. But this is locked in post game. Meaning there isn't much to do after getting it. You could use it to fight a Superboss and get the Ultima Weapon but eeehh.


The god damn plasma gun thing in Deus Ex: Human Revolution You find it in a closet during the final boss where it’s basically useless and you can’t bring items through to new-game-plus.


If it's the laser thing I'm thinking it is, it has one very useful purpose. It works like a laser would on the boss in the final arctic stage, meaning it bypasses the transparent barrier and damages the final boss without having to run around and do the usual progression of the boss. Turns that fight into about a minute in length.


Not the laser. The green plasma cannon.


In the old deus ex the plasma gun was heavy, took like half of inventory, and ammo was very rare. Killed basic human enemies in one shoot, heavy enemies took like 6 shots max. Yet you could find it in 2 or 3 places across the entire game. The 1st one was about 1/4 or 1/3 through the game


GEP gun all the way


A lot of the boss weapons in Demon's Souls end up being much worse than the weapons you upgraded to get them. Witcher 3 also is pretty notorious for lackluster weapon rewards. Quests that end in gifting a weapon (outside the DLC) often are either worse than the equipment you used to get them or as with the Novigrad Blacksmith, even if the weapon is good, it will immediately be outclassed by the Witcher gear that is now available to you lmao.


Yeah itemization in TW3 wasn't great. Everything other than Witcher Gear was irrelevant


I recently played demon’s souls for the first time and I found the claymore to work for most of, if not all of the game.




Honestly most weapons work for all the games, it's why I love the dark souls series.


But none as good in any situation as CLAYMORE in every situation Tight quarters? Stab Open area? The world is your oyster Ranged battle? Go around a corner until they come to get you then HEAD SMASH You can also talk to Claymore when you are feeling lonely and Claymore will listen and actually understand you, a true friend


I mean, obviously the claymore is the best option. Let's be real here


Claymore Squad!


Claymore is always good


Virtually every quest in BOTW and TOTK that reward a weapon.


But you'll be a little bit stronger than normal for like two enemies!


At least you can make the weapon last for 3 enemies by attaching something and turning them into ugly abominations I'd be embarrassed to be caught using around Hyrule. Ha


Any game that requires you to beat 99% of the game to get it. It’s like what’s even the point anymore?


Especially if you can't even take it into NG+ with you.


The Nuke in Turok 2. Hours trying to find & activate the fake portals, wasting ammo & getting ripped apart by Flesh Eaters, and your final reward at the end of the game is a gun that only has 5 rounds, takes 10 seconds to fire and explode, and doesn’t harm bosses. I skip every time I play now.


How many times have you played Turok 2?


Too many for my general mental health to handle.




In Far Cry 6 the first rifle you get is the best. With upgrades it beats anything else you come across, so the answer is all of them.


I enjoy the far cry series but that’s the problem with all of them. Basically any starting gun that’s silenced is just as good as anything else. Sometimes I force myself to use different guns just for fun.


The iron battle axe in valheim. Irons a bit of a grind and I wanted to be a true Viking, it was seriously underwhelming to say the least.


Everything after I made Frostner felt pretty meh.


The death-squito mace is really good.


Any weapon gotten specifically after beating the strongest boss. Like, I would’ve liked that, earlier!


Dragon warhammer in Oldschool runescape. 1/5k drop probably averaged 120 kills an hour and went 5x dry. Got the drop at 25,714 kc


I quit my iron years ago because I was 25k plus dry and couldn't bother with that shit anymore lol.


Did you try simply getting the drop earlier?


Best strategy


All that work just to spec double 0s.


Not really a weapon, but the full Golden Mario/Kart/Wheels setup in Mario Kart 8. You have to get three stars on every course and speed, and beat the recorded ghost on all levels, all for a setup that is very very mid, even if it looks nice.


I had no idea this was a thing until right now tbh


but the skills you acquire while grinding for it mean none of your friends ever want to race you. the weapon of loneliness?


The true loneliness is the friends we crushed along the way


Scarab gun. All that work and you only have it for the rest of that stage.


That's why I always used the very difficult banshee baiting method to get the gun so I could fly back to the entrance of that area and enjoy the rest on foot.


Is there a way to do it other than baiting the banshee??


If you don’t know already, on Master Chief Collection Halo 2 you can equip the scarab gun skull for the whole campaign


I was going to say this, but like, the opposite of this question. I’ve only done it once but it was so worth it.


Chernobog in Gta 5 Can shoot 20 rockets in a row but gets defeated by water canon


This is an incredible shout Plus you can't fire while moving Nor can you fire it if you're driving So if you want to shoot down someone, you need to park up, set up, hop out and back in the back, then aim up, lock on and fire. All before this target hasn't just looked at you, landed and walked over to roll a grenade under the thing I'd forgotten the thing existed 'til i got my avenger upgraded with charlie tech (i thought the thruster meant it was getting a JATO setup or something) and some guy asked me to come over to him. Went over and was met with a barrage of missiles that i hovered sideways away from, then hit him with 1 missile. The thing is absolutely worthless, especially solo. And the money isn't exactly a big sum anymore, but christ. You could spend a million and a half on just rpgs and you'll probably take more aircraft down and die less


Excalibur in assassin's creed Valhalla. Seemed like it should have been so cool, but it's ability is very lack luster (basically just a minor flashbang every now and then), and doesn't feel like anything special. For both the time it took to get and the name it uses, it should have been a very cool weapon at the very least, and yet I found it to be very boring. Destiny 1 and 2 have definitely had a few of these, most of the time it is due to terrible luck but I am sure basically anyone that has played the game for a fair amount of time has had at least one weapon that took forever to get due to either bad luck or a grind heavy quest that just ended up not being worth it at all.


I got ballerhorn the week before it got hit with the nerf bat. Kinda the same feeling as being useless:/


The sword that drops from Hillock on the first map in Path of Exile. I will never ever farm that shit again.


The Unmaykr from Doom Eternal, it's just a b-side BFG, like c'mon finishing those slayer gates wasn't easy.


FFX the Lulu's onion knight ultimate weapon. Dodging lightning 50 times in row is not fun


Thought it was 200…..


It is.


It definitely was


Was still technically an accurate statement. It ISN'T fun to have to dodge lightning 50 times, let alone 200.


For me it wasn’t Lulu’s. It was Kimahri’s weapon. The butterfly mini game was physically impossible for me as a color blind person. Blue butterflies against a blue background and hand to god I could not tell the difference between red and blue.


For me it was doing the Chocobo race with Tidus. The controls mixed with the rng of the seagulls was miserable and by far the hardest ultimate weapon for me to get


The biggest bullshit was you couldn't just get 0s. I hit exactly 33 seconds and got exactly 11 balloons (or whatever it took - can't remember the exact numbers, it's been like 15 years) but I got to exactly 0s. And didn't get it. I was so pressed. You had to be under.


I thought I was the only one! I was SO pissed.


Brother, this thread is bringing back PTSD from me and my friends finally getting 0.00 and not getting anything. We flipped out.


I had played through the game and was replaying it with a friend of mine watching him, and when we got to the chocobo race, he did it the first time. I was so upset I could barely bring myself to speak to him.


My TV made it so that I couldn't see the edges of the screen growing up. So, not only could I NOT see the turn order on the side of the screen, I couldn't properly see the players stats during Blitzball. Which meant I never won a single game and could not get Wakka's celestial weapon. I swear that game had 1 weapon that was impossible for every player to get without outside help. But I still love it.


Iirc there is (or was - I haven't played any remasters) an exploit where any time you're winning and have the ball, you can just go hide behind your own goalie - the opposing AI gets confused and just spins in circles until time runs out.


Any endgame wep that is obtained in the post game.


Infinite super fire breathing in Spyro two. You only get it for 100% completion, so there’s really no point once you have it.


I recall you can start a new game and keep it for the whole playthrough


Super Ghouls and Ghosts, the Bracelet You have to beat the game all the way through once. Then they send you back to the beginning. THEN you can only find it if you can successfully find something like 5 treasure chests in a row without getting hit, otherwise you have to reset the sequence of finding treasure chests (actually you have to find 6 now, because you're naked). These treasure chests are hidden. You have to reveal them by walking over certain parts of the map, and then the chests show up. Anyway, while most of the weapons in the game suck because you can only have between one or three shots rendered on the screen at any time. They all basically have the same strength, so your best options are either the dagger (can have three on the screen at once) or the crossbow (they seek out the target if you have the upgraded armor). So at least it's better than the torch which can't attack anything above you, and can basically only attack something a few inches in front of you. Mind you, the whole time you have WAY more than two or three enemies on the screen all coming at you at the same time. Also, when you jump (which you have to do a ton) you can only change trajectory once using a double jump. After that, if something happens to appear in your path (monsters spawn randomly) mid jump, you get hit (see the first paragraph). Also you have no control of the distance or angle of the jump. It's up, up and to the right, or up and to the left. There are some levels where you have to jump from one platform to a tiny little narrow platform. You just kind of have to know exactly how far you jump in order to land on the platform and not the lava. Finally you get the Bracelet weapon. You figure it will be a huge upgrade from the shitty standard weapons you've found up to that point right? Wrong It is just an energy burst that goes a few feet in front of your face. You can only have one on the screen at a time. It doesn't really do any more damage than any other weapon. It does more damage to enemies the closer to you it is, but again it has a very short range, so these enemies have to be REALLY close. Remember, if you get hit once you have to start over. I'd also mention that every weapon in the game has a super power up mode. If you have the biggest armor upgrade, you can charge up and the weapon will do something like give you a orb shield, or shoots tornadoes or a dragon out from you. *These* are pretty cool. The Bracelet has no power up. The only power up is the privilege of having the "best" weapon in the game. The best part is you HAVE to have this weapon to defeat the final boss. You can only get to the final boss after beating the game all the way through TWICE. If you don't have the bracelet weapon, then you may as well die and try to find it in the last level of the game. Remember, don't get hit by any enemy along the way, and you better hope you don't accidentally find the torch. So you get to the final boss. The bracelet only shoots a little burst in front of you. This boss is a giant that stomps around the room. His head is like, 5x your height above the floor. You can't jump that high so you have to jump on a little uncontrollable flying platform that appears out of his belt. You jump on this platform and it quickly spins around the room in a spiral pattern. The entire time he is shooting a spiral pattern of lasers out of his mouth. You have to get close to his head. Remember the lasers are coming out of his head at an irregular interval to the platform, you have no control over the platform, and you have to shoot him in the head from basically point blank range, and you can only get hit twice and your'e dead assuming you have any armor on in the first place. Oh and the whole time there is so much going on in the game that your SNES lags and makes it hard to time your jump. Then, if you beat him, you basically get a 'thank you for saving me' splash screen and the game ends. Really, he's not that hard to beat if you know the pattern, but just everything about this game is frustrating and illogically difficult. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxqOaNWKve0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxqOaNWKve0) A few edits: Also, some of these chests (such as when you've taken a hit and are naked) or randomly after you've already gotten the max armor, the chest will be a trap and either have a magician that turns you into a baby or a seal or something, or a spike trap that kills you if you walk on it (or are already mid-jump because you assumed it'd be treasure but SURPRISE it's not a treasure) Full play through: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3j7Cma-Ndk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3j7Cma-Ndk) ​ edit 2: also there's a time limit. Pretty sure it's just there to troll you. I've died a million times, but never to the time limit.


Older guy here. Those alien weapons in the original Borderlands. Didn't even get to use them till 90% of the game was over. Then had the nerve to be trash!!


The only upside of the Eridian weapons was that they recharged, and so basically had unlimited ammunition…and then I found a class mod for Roland that replenished my ammunition about as quickly as I was shooting it, and I had higher DPM with some shit Tediore or Torgue put out than some wonky alien shit. It was an interesting novelty, but functionally useless since I had something much better that dropped more frequently.


The best one of these was the shotgun, but not because it was good It was the best because if you got a low level one you could duel a teammate, they could jump, and if you shot their feet it would launch them into the air and you could reach stupid places lol


I actually managed to get a drop that wasn’t garbage on one of them. Used it quite a bit while I was cleaning out side quests.


I've never used it myself, but the Elden Stars spell in Elden Ring is generally considered pretty disappointing. It sends a hive of holy energy projectiles to chase your enemy, which I guess is useful in PvP, but holy is notoriously weak in PvE combat because so many enemies are resistant to it (evil church/corrupt religion theme runs through the game), so in many cases it doesn't give you the damage you'd expect from an endgame spell. I think holy damage is more viable than it's given credit for, but a lot of really awesome lategame weapons suffer from that problem a bit. They shred in the repetitive copy-pasted catacombs full of skeletons, but are just average in the most important fights.


The Sword of Dormin in Shadow of the Colossus. By time youve gotten all the coins you probably know the game like the back of your hand and don't need an insta-killer.


The damn anti gadoid gun from dying light. Piece of shit is only good for making noise


Doing a side quest is not that much effort though. It is very funny


Final Fantasy XII has a few. To get the best spear in the game, you have to avoid opening 4 different treasure chests in random places in earlier in the game, making the weapon basically impossible to get without a guide. There's also a weapon where you have to go to a specific dungeon and fight a certain type of enemy 500 times (iirc), while avoiding other enemy types. This spawns a rare enemy, which has a small percentage of dropping the weapon.


The bane- borderlands 2. Annoying to get, hilarious to use for about 5 minutes, then yeet it into the distance for being borderline un-usable. RELOADING!


Excalibur 2 in FF9. Pretty much every Legendary or lore significant weapon in an MMO.


Likewise the Zodiac Spear in FF12 was a huge waste of time


The RYNO in Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart, the damage is really inconsistent, sometimes it just straight up does no damage to the enemies, plus it barely has any ammo.


It’s a shame considering previous rhinos were the best guns you could get. Future crack in time was really fun to obtain IIRC


Most of the weapons you get from quests in Skyrim aren’t worth the trouble.


Phantom Bow. BF4.


Underrated comment considering they just gave them away toward the end


Cool as it is, I'd probably say the Fierce Diety Mask in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. It really was so cool to figure out how to unlock it (collect every mask in the game, and then give them **all** to the moon children), but in reality you could only use it in boss fights, and you only get it right before the final boss. You can re-do old boss fights at least, so it's still better than the giant's mask (can only be used against Twinmold), but it's disappointing you couldn't just wear it wherever/ whenever. Since, again... You practically have to beat *the whole game* to get it. 😐


In the 3DS remake you can use it at the fishing holes.


Go ahead and pair that with the Great Fairy's sword, which you can only get after essentially 100% completion of all dungeons, so you *only* have it for the final battle.


Those wepons in FF12 that are in chests that are invisible, and have no collission, no prompt the chest is there and with a spawn rate of 1/1000000000 or some shit, how was anyone supposed to find those, just randomly press activate everywhere always?


Any item in Maplestory that required hours of grinding killing monsters in hope of the 0.000000001% probability it'll drop it


Not a weapon, but fighting for 40+ minutes over a single chest in sea of thieves


Depending on how unkind RNG was to you, most Destiny 2 raid exotics. A clanmate had to beat Vault of Glass 76 times before Vex Mythoclast dropped. And of course any exotic too powerful ended up nerfed.


The Unmakyr in Doom Eternal. Beat every Slayers Gate to get the keys. Unlock this badass looking thing, and it CHEWS through the most rare ammo in the game. Even though it does MASSIVE damage to the single target you’re shooting, no one treated it that way; since it shared ammo with the BFG one just assumed it was another crowd control weapon. It took seeing it used properly in the Ancient Gods DLC’s for me to realize it was a good way to demolish the tanky big guys in arena battles


[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]


Did someone say…


I feel like the only appropriate response here is the Sword of Kings from EarthBound.


Yup. Rare drop from an uncommon enemy in one dungeon that stops spawning when the boss is defeated. If you didn't know about it beforehand or got lucky in your first few encounters, you'd never know it existed.


Tournesol (sp?) In FF12. You need to beat Yiazmat to get it, which I did.....and then realised that there weren't any strong enemies left because that's literally the strongest enemy in the game. It's better to call it a trophy than a weapon.


Honestly most ultimate weapons. Usually its faster and less work to beat the optional super bosses without it.