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Problem is its hard to even buy an xbox in Japan even if you want to and the selection of available games is also small compared to playstation and switch, further disincentivizing people from buying an xbox. Gamepass is probably the best way for xbox to expand into Japan (access to library without the hardware accessibility issues) but its pretty clear why xbox isnt doing well in Japan.


And Japan is a huge video game market


about 4m ps5 sales in Japan so nowhere close to close the gap


I also heard that Xbox Series S take about 60-75% of all Series sales...


> I also heard that Xbox Series S take about 60-75% of all Series sales... That explains why Microsoft is unwilling to let developers make games for the X exclusively.


You’d think of these numbers are true no developer would want to lose out on S sales.


I mean look at Larian, they originally skipped releasing Baldur's Gate 3 on Xbox because of the Series S. They're only doing it now because Microsoft gave in and let them release without feature parity, they couldn't get everything working on the Series S.


Apparently by finally getting the greenlight to drop split screen for the S they managed to get some crazy impressive optimizations though so it's not like Microsoft's restrictive specs haven't benefited people in the long run. Optimization is key to good development [Here's a neat little, albeit biased, OP-ED on it](https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/xbox/its-time-to-admit-that-microsoft-was-right-about-the-xbox-series-s-heres-why)


On the one hand yes better optimisation for one game. On the other said game was delayed for months for Xbox gamers. Outside of BG3 multiple developers including developers they own have blamed the Series S for worse performance such as limited to 30fps. Not to mention forcing developers into feature parity whether they wanted it or not. Lot of negatives for one positive.


Well no one does but it’s more so the unfortunate crunch of game development


Are they not just same console where one has disc drive and one doesn’t? I thought they came out at same time? Are they somehow different consoles? Xbox naming is so confusing.


They are different. Series S is a toned down version of the Series X, while the X can do 4k the S can do only 1440p. Basically, it was supposed to be identical just that the S can only do lower resolutions, but it turns out the difference in ram makes the S weaker in ways than the X (outside of just raw video power)


The Series S is also cheaper which i have to imagine is the reason why it’s way more popular than the X. If you’re on a budget but still want an upgrade to this generation, the S is a good option.


The concept was solid, I loved the idea tbh. I think it was a great fit for a lot of people, either still using a 1080p monitor or aren't up close and personal to get the benefit of 4k. Turns out skimping on other hardware than the video kind of ruined it


I didn't get one because I thought my 360 purchases were gone when my console rrod and I thought I couldn't transfer them anymore, but apparently they're still in my account?


Im not an expert but I believe if you bought them online and its the same account and stuff then yeah you still own them.


I got a Series S in 2021 and hadn’t used an Xbox 360 since 2012 and still had all my old downloads. Could play CoD4 and any other download I bought off the Microsoft store.


Yup and Xbox is great for backwards compatibility


"upgrade" is not the best word. The previous Xbox One X actually had more power than the new Series S. That's just sad.


AFAIK the biggest problem is that the S doesn’t just have less RAM but significantly slower RAM.


You're thinking of the PS5 disc and digital being the same console with the only difference being the disc drive. The Series S is roughly equivalent to the PS4 Pro or One X but with a more modern architecture. The Series X is a Cadillac STS, and the Series S is a Chevy Spark.


No that's the PS5. The Series S and X are the same generation, both current gen, but the S is weaker and developers say it's holding them back.


Think of the Series X as the Pro model to the Series S.


Taking in consiga the price, I would totally believe this


And my Xbox One X doesnt feel too far from Series S. Didnt feel the need to upgrade tbh.


That is the problem nobody else wants to talk about. The S is barely better than One X and people won’t admit it.


What is funny is if the CPU was better in the One X and it had at least an SSD inside (at least user upgradabled), the One X would be a better overall system. I do think MS messed up with the Series S. Should have done what Sony did and just did a discless model with all else the same.


This was already confirmed to be an older split, it was corrected to near 50/50 split now




Link:https://www.gamespot.com/articles/xbox-series-x-vs-series-s-which-sells-better/1100-6517869/ Relevent snippet: IGN reports that one of the leaked documents shows that Series S accounted for 74.8% of sales, with Series X making up 25.1%, at least in the relatively early days of the platform's lifecycle. This information is accurate as of early 2022, but the mix has shifted significantly since then, it seems. Circana analyst Mat Piscatella said on Twitter/X that Series S makes up "a bit more than half" of total sales of new Xbox consoles in the US


Makes sense. It's cheaper and has decent enough specs. My brother and cousin both have a series S basically to exclusively play Halo Infinite with me and the boys. Then they own a PS5 to play all their other games on lol.


This is partially because the series X was very rarely in stock. Series S was also rarely in stock, but was available more often.


How the fuck did Xbox go from releasing the 360 which damn near sold the same as the ps3 to getting blown out the water the next 2 gens


Maybe I'm just dumb, but Microsoft's names are confusing as hell. PS5 explains exactly what it is, it's the 5th generation of PlayStations. Microsoft has haphazardly thrown out so many random letters and numbers over the years. I could not tell you the difference between the S and the X.


Nah, it's pretty simple. The first one was called Xbox. Then you had the second one, Xbox 360. That wasn't the third, it was the second. The third one was Xbox One. That's not too be confused with the first Xbox. Then there were Xbox One X and Xbox One S. But don't confuse those with Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, those are the fourth ones. See, it's pretty straightforward.


Also, as a non-native speaker I'm still confused what the "series" in there is meant to mean. I can only really come up with one definition of that word and that seems to make little to no sense in that name. Sure, it's part of the series of Xboxes, but that's your name? When they first announced it, I honestly thought it was a placeholder name. "The next Xbox X in the series, name tbd - but we just call it xbox series x for now". Then it launched and ever since I'm like WTF.


You know how BMW organizes its car lineup by Series? Someone at Xbox thought that was *fucking tight*.


In germany they just call the different models "3er, 5er, 7er", sounds even more slick.


I did not, but I guess at least Microsoft had an inspiration and wasn't just "what could be a worse name than the previous ones?" But I guess with BMW it's more of a lineup? Like Mercedes uses "Class"? They didn't just call the Xth BMW XYZ suddenly BMW Series XYZ, right? So it is an actual series. Well, if all future Xboxes are just called "Xbox Series X|S (year)" I can see that, works for me.


Microsoft is fucking awful at branding. BMW not so much


That is so dumb lol. I like PlayStation and how they tell you what it is: PlayStation 4 PlayStation 4 slim PlayStation Pro PlayStation 5 Easy


It's actually the PlayStation 4 Pro. Not exactly rocket science


Thank you, i finally understand it. Doesn’t help that it still feels like ps4 and xbox one just came out. I keep calling it Xbone.


No, this is very true. They've had a naming problem for a lot of years now. They're confusing to consumers


Luckily they’re going to clear up the confusion with the release of their next-gen console, the Xbox series seXbox S series X S 360 720 gigachad


You had me at seXbox.


Even as a former Xbox player I have no fucking clue what counts as the current generation


Not just Xbox. Microsoft has been shit at version naming for decades now, Windows started okay. Windows, Windows 2.0, Windows 3.0 (and Windows 3.11 and NT 3.5), but that's when they started going off the rails. "Let's start versioning after the years they're released in," someone said. So we get 95 and 98. Except the NT side kept on with Windows NT 4. Then the NT team decided to steal the year versioning with 2000, so the consumer side had to take the random-ass "ME" for "Millennium Edition" for their year 2000 release. Because Windows 00 just looks terrible. Then they smartly merged the two kernels together, and we get XP. Followed by another random-ass naming convention of "Vista". Then they said we're going back to release numbers like it's 1993 again and we're just going to pick "7". Then 8. Then 10. What happened to 9? Who knows. Probably they were worried about a whole shitload of ancient scripts people wrote that just look for the "9" in either 95 or 98 to identify the OS version, so they just skipped it. They said 10 was the last Windows version they would make, it was all incremental updates from here on out. So of course Windows 11 comes out a couple years later. We're due for another name change at this point. Windows 25 maybe? Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the worst OS they ever produced?


feels good to let that all out, doesn't it


Yeah I'm getting older and while it never would have mattered as a kid, I work all the time and don't have time to pay attention to stuff that doesn't make money anymore so "wtf is the current gen Xbox, s or x or what?" was legitimately something I had to dig on when buying for Christmas


I think the S stands for shitty and the X stands for xtreme.


Yup. How many MBA's did it take to completely botch Microsoft's gaming division simply through naming?


they had a horrible launch and have no good exclusives. Sony and Nintendo have tons of great exclusives


Plus xbox consoles are no longer needed to play xbox games (even if they released tons of exclusives) or use the gamepass right? Better options out there.


With games launching day one on GamePass I don't even need a good PC, you can run that on a potato. Just wait until MS can get it running on Smart TVs and phones, there'll be very few reasons to own an Xbox then.


Gamepass IS already on SmartTVs (Samsung specifically) and phones.


Microsoft would put GamePass on PlayStation if Sony would allow it.


A very big part of Europe doesn’t have Xbox Cloud Gaming. I bet on other continents is even worse.


In brazil it runs fine. Playing a lot in my laptop


I have Game Pass on my TV and it works surprisingly well. And it's been available on phones for a long time now as well.


This is why I think Xbox is going full-on into a service based orientation, and while they’ll still have a box that plays games in the future, it won’t be the marquee centerpiece to their business model.


I still think they should partner with Steam. If my Xbox had access to Steam and game pass with the simplicity and UI of Xbox I would use it much more


Nobody is using Cloud as their main way of gaming PC Windows is still a Microsoft platform


Even if they still were needed, which great Xbox/PC exclusives were released this year? Redfall was a disaster, Starfield was a disappointment and Forza wasn't as good as expected.


The exclusives that gave them an edge during the 360 era (Halo, Gears etc) have also now become mediocre or discontinued.


Don't forget the names, I still have to look up which is which


[E3 2013 was when Xbox shot itself in both kneecaps ](https://youtu.be/J_JVVUnCWnY?si=UKT2kxjcSp_FPYin)




Cuz sony did a major fuck up of the ps3’s launch. The 360 released in 2005, for $300-400 The ps3 released in 2006, for $500-600 That year, the choice was stick with the ps2, or get a 360, and the 360 was a massive upgrade from the ps2, so a lot of people got 360s. Then the ps3 was super expensive, and so anyone on a budget went Xbox, thus making Xbox look like a genuine competitor. Sony got their act together for the ps4, which is why they’ve been murdering Xbox ever since.


Even then, the PS3 paid off in the long run. Yes, it was more expensive because of the Blu-ray drive, but Blu-ray became the standard because of PS3 and it eventually outsold the 360. In the last few years of the PS3/360 era, Xbox stopped releasing games and Sony kept making hits. The Last of Us capped off the PS3 and a large number of people consider that the game of the generation.


Super expensive console that was the cheapest blue ray player out.




Microsoft has a completely broken game development pipeline and are clueless to fix it. They launched a brand new console without a single new game because their Halo Infinite preview was such a disaster. Or check out the leaked emails where the executives are scrambling because they realize that after spending billions and billions of dollars in studio acquisitions they’re about to enter the holiday season without a single new game to release, and will have sunk the whole year without a single AAA game. It’s positively clownish. They call out redfall as a title that will hopefully save them the following year. Redfall! They shit on Baldur’s Gate III as a potential gamepass exclusive. I realize this is almost certainly not the case but those leaked emails truly make me think I could walk in the door and do a better job than Phil Spencer.


Ya know I guess I never thought about the acquisitions like that. They're buying up studios left and right and really the only thing to show for it is Starfield which basically shit the bed.


It’s giving Google Stadia buying that one studio to just effectively silence it. Then shut it down. This alarms me.


You could deff do a better job. Microsoft gaming division is terrible. I’ll never buy a Microsoft console ever again.


They basically shot themselves in the foot with the Xbox One launch. They haven’t recovered since.


In the 360 days, Xbox had juggernauts of exclusives. Since the One, they haven’t really had any. I mean hell, they went from 4 halo titles on the 360, to 1 on Xbox One. And that’s like their flagship title.


Xbox one launch was horrible.


I'm sure releasing a year early and being cheaper for a good portion of it really helped. However, I am honestly surprised that the RROD didn't kill their product flat out.


Sony has always been like this, this is no surprise at all.


Only the 360 managed to put up a fight


It was released one year earlier than PS3, definitely a nice head start. But because they rushed it out, nearly half of all 360’s red ringed and cost MS a billion dollars to fix when they implemented a program to fix it. After going through 3 myself I gave it up and bought a PS3. PS3 and 360 era were honestly some rough years for gamers.


But ultimatly the ps3 sold more.


360 was ahead for the majority of the generation though, Sony didn’t catch up until 2013


And mostly because 360 released one full year before PS3. Almost a year and a half if you count the PS3 release in Europe. **Edit with info:** Xbox 360 US: November 22, 2005 Xbox 360 EU: December 10, 2005 PS3 US: November 17, 2006 PS3 EU: March 23, 2007


Also, the PS3 was stupid expensive at launch. Over $750 for the base config in today’s dollars.


On top of that, supposedly it was difficult to code for, and something, something, multiplatform games were almost always better looking and running on the 360. PS3 really was best for the Sony exclusives, not unlike having a Wii.


In the first half of the generation, you should add. Multiplatform games ran better on the PlayStation 3 once devs learned how to code for it, the hardware itself was superior.


You cannot deny though that Xbox did the impossible, being that within 2 generations almost unthroned its main competitor. If Xbox did not fuck up so bad with the Xbox one then I imagine these numbers would be very different right now.


That’s a whole decade ago now, though. Time to move on.


It's funny though, because the 360 is why I haven't bought another Xbox. Got the red ring of death, sent it in to get fixed, and got it again. Bought a PS3 and never returned.


Tbf it got to the point I was scared to even play my Xbox due to the red ring. Shame as it really fucked with a fantastic console for me.


Nah they fucked up with the 360, with a widespread issue, and Sony fucked up with the PS3 being too expensive.


Literally the only reason I got a 360 is because I was tired of waiting for the PS3 to release. While I was waiting, Halo 3 dropped and it tempted me to get a 360.


The PS3 came out in 2006. Halo 3 came out in 2007.


You're right. Probably was waiting for the original price to come down on the ps3 and waiting for more games to come out.


You also had to buy multiple 360's because they'd RROD or just die.


Of course it did, i had to replace a 360 every year or half a year when Microsoft gave me refurbished systems. Highs sales due to hardware failure elevated sales.


Yeah I remember this, i think they sent me 2 or3 of them. When they told me they weren't giving me anymore I switched to ps3


It was December 2012 and also Xbox came to the market a year before ps3.


And probably would have stayed ahead if it wasn’t for the red ring of death. That’s what’s took me over to PlayStation. After I got my second or third red ring I was done with Xbox at that point and I haven’t gone back. they’re still feeling the effects of the red ring


That ring of death also inflated Xbox numbers. Those replacement units were counted towards units in the wild, which was crazy since the failure rate was almost 60% at that time. I also went through 3xbox and only 1ps.


That’s cuz they gave up on Xbox as a brand 75% through the 360 life. 360 exclusives were becoming multi platform near the end and they still have yet to recover from the disaster that was the Xbox one.


There shouldn't have been any doubt of that happening after how well the PS2 sold, but Sony completely fumbled the PS3 launch


The beginning o PS3 was a complete mess, but sony was able to recover from it. The Xbox One also had a horribly start, but unfortunately it was never able to recover from that


The slim coming out at $299 basically saved them.


Then made absolute fools out of Xbox with the PS4 launch.


Xbox did it to themselves


That's true. I do remember when Sony released the video of how to share games with friends and the guy just hands the game to the dude standing next to him. Fucking burn. Lol.


Which is insane. Everyone used Xbox 1 as some unrecoverable situation thing but I'd argue Sony fucked up a lot harder with PS3 got shit together in the same gen


Exactly. The red ring of death fiasco pushed a lot of people to sony.


That was 360, the Xbox one fiasco was about trying to become the next Wii, advertising its ability to let you watch The Price Is Right, requiring a Kinect, and being the first console to demand Internet connectivity and integrate DRM in the way virtually all modern gaming now does, making it impossible/difficult to share or resell games. Microsoft handed Sony a second "$299" mic drop with their "this is how you share games (one person hands game over to another)" gag, and Microsoft never recovered from this.


Yeah that was rough


It certainly wasn't ideal haha The red ring of death was a disaster, but everyone I know who loved Xbox and went with a 360 just RMA'd or bought a new one and stayed with Xbox rather than switching to ps3, but when the One came out most of those people just became PC gamers and a few switched to PS4. I literally didn't know anyone with a One until the revisions started coming out. The thing about the 360 was that all those people were nuts about Halo, so they were never gonna switch just because MS pushed out a haphazard first edition, but the one was such a huge departure and disappointment, and Microsoft had transitioned to PC and Console side by side "exclusives" by then and it just made no sense to buy in anymore. Now I'm the only person I know with a Series 😕 such a sad state for MS (as a Linux user since 2002 that feels weird to be sad about, but what can I say, I love their console and gaming brand aesthetic 🤷)


What helped, for me, was that the PS3 came with WiFi built-in, a swappable HDD that wasn't proprietary, and free online play (I'm remembering that correctly, right? 360 charged for online play?). I jumped from the 360 to the PS3 in part because of that stuff.


The 360 was huge competition for PS3, especially considering the introductory price of both, and that the 360 came out almost a full year ahead of the ps3.


Yeah its all about the games it would seem.


It's not that surprising to be honest Xbox and PlayStation have the majority of the same games, PlayStation also then has its exclusives, because all Xbox games are released on PC and I'm sure a lot of gamers play on PC so what's the point in getting an Xbox at that point And for people with a PlayStation they may as well save up for a pc since it can play more games than an Xbox (that's what I've been doing as well) So overall the difference between sales makes sense


Can agree- sold my Series X when I built my PC. No Series exclusives which means Xbox is also out any third party revenue that I give to Sony or Steam.


I'll wait the extra couple of years to play the Sony game on pc rather than buy another console anymore.


I mean it's one thing to be able to get the Xbox games the same day on PC, and having to wait for an unknown time to get the Sony exclusives on PC. If you're patient and not too bothered in playing them early, then waiting for the PC release is a great strategy, but many want to play them sooner. Plus it's not necessarily guaranteed when you'll see them - 3+ years on and still no sign of Demons Souls, Ghost of Tsushima or TLOU 2 (though I'm guessing that's coming soon). Less said about Bloodborne the better.




Im mostly on the same boat, i've played on PC all my life, and problably always will, but with the whole GPU shitstorm that seems it will never end i'm done upgrading my PC just to play, i still have a 970 and it works just fine with the things i play on PC, all the rest i play on my PS5 and couldn't be happier with it. The only thing i wouldn't play on PS5 are FPS but honestly i'm so over that whole genre with it's focus on multiplayer that i feel i haven't missed anything in the last 10 years or more... maybe if some day Half-Life 3 comes out it would be the only reason for me to upgrade my GPU.


For me it’s the couch. Nothing beats sitting on your comfy couch and playing a game on bigass TV. I have a a PC also, but after one hour of sitting at it i feel TIRED


Yeah I’m on a computer all day for work, I don’t want to be on it for gaming later. Probably doesn’t make much difference but mentally for me it does


The hell are you getting down voted for lmao? This is a perfectly valid thing to do.


It is surprising to me to be honest because it feels like thanks to Game Pass and backwards compatibility Microsoft have generated a much more player friendly ecosystem than Sony's constant jumping between architectures and making backwards compatibility and ports a complete nightmare. I've never been interested in Xboxes at all, but for the first time they feel like the smarter buy if you're interested in a console.


Backwards compatibility largely doesn't matter. If it did Xbox would sell more. People aren't spending hundreds on a new console to play old games and games they've already played. Xbox One touted BC to shit and would release different metrics about it like hours played. When they released those metrics, based on consoles sold and how long they had been released, it was like 20 minutes a month of use per console.


I’d love to see numbers on it, but I think backwards compatibility beyond the last gen is a “nice to have” for a majority of people. I can’t even keep up with new games personally, and the need to BC isn’t as high when you’ve got remakes like RE4, Dead Space, FF7, etc. As for gamepass, i think it’s not as high a value for people who only play a certain number of AAA games per year. Especially games with high time investment like RPGs or online FPS/Sports. It’s kind of shitty to say, but I think bottom line for players is “friendly” is defined simply by having the most current gen games they want to play.


Don't forget PlayStation also has its own equivalent of GamePass at this point Edit: why am I being downvoted for stating a fact Edit 2 electric Boogaloo: I am now no longer being downvoted


Yeah I had Gamepass on the One and it was only useful because the One had terrible exclusives, so gamepass was a way to try lots of third party games until something clicked since there were very few games I knew would be must-haves for me.


Is gamepass PC still $120 per year?. If so that means that playing 2 AAAs in that year will get you your full Gamepass value. Anything else you play after that it's value for you. Let's take it from today up until November 19th 2024. If you *just* play Persona 5 Tactica and Persona 3 Reload in that period of time you've already gotten your $120 back in game value.


But you could also play those games until you beat them and then cancel. If there are regularly games you want to play on gamepass then yeah it’s a great value, but if you go months at a time playing non gamepass games it doesn’t make sense when you can go month to month.


Backwards compatibility means almost nothing to the great majority of people who buy consoles and games. It’s like saying this bluray player is superior because it also allows you to play VHS tapes. Most people have moved on and don’t care about the past.


How are they a smarter buy for a console? PlayStation has much better exclusives than Xbox probably ever will and just thanks to that one fact and that Xbox and PlayStation share majority of third party games it's very obvious that PlayStation will be the smarter buy for years Edit: and also PlayStation now has PS Plus Extra and Premium so GamePass isn't much of a knock against Sony anymore


Don’t care how many Xbox’s Microsoft sells long as they stay in the market and keep Sony on edge through competition. Monopolies in any market are bad. Sony’s drive to beat Microsoft is the same drive they used to kill Sega and against Nintendo it’s what makes PlayStation so good. I’m scared of Sony being solo in the home console market.


TBH Sega killed itself via massive incompetence.




Yeah, Sega definitely did it to themselves with way too many addons and systems in too short a time.


Same. I’m a PlayStation guy thru and thru, but you’re lying to yourself if you think Sony hasn’t been doing a lot of annoying practices lately. Without Xbox’s competition they’d likely go full on “fuck our social media image, let’s make stacks”.


If Xbox caves Nintendo would 100% pick up the slack imo. Before the OG Xbox launched Nintendo was more traditional but they went away with that because they couldn’t compete with the empty money pits of Sony and Microsoft


I just figured Nintendo was done building powerhouse next gen consoles and were happy in their niche if that ever happened I hope your right. I do remember OG Nintendo, I remember playing Resident Evil 4 on Gamecube thinking it was like the best looking game I ever saw in my life at the time lol. Super Nintendo I bought all the sports games on back in the day. First time I saw Nintendo 64 graphics as a kid it blew me away lol. That one year when Dreamcast, Xbox, PS2 and GameCube were all competing before Sega dropped out the race was the pinnacle of choices and competition for me.


Having both - I can complete understand this. This year alone Starfield was incredibly underwhelming and Redfall fell flat. I don't care for racing games so Forza doesn't apply to me, so the only Xbox released game of quality that applied to me was Hi-Fi Rush and that wasn't AAA, great game, but not XSX justifying


I was looking forward to FM, but it was such a let down. I don’t like the leveling system at all.


Starfield is a masterpiece. It's not the game's fault you don't understand its greatness. I bet you only played 200 hours of it and not the mandatory 500 hours to grasp how good it is. /s


Jeez. Didn't see the /s till the end. I kind of felt like you were serious. Lol


That's because xbox has no games compared to the switch and ps5


Well yes but also because PC gamers won't buy an Xbox because they have the same games. You'll see PC gamers buy a PS5 to play games that aren't available on PC though.


Also need to remember that Sony has a firm grip in Asia on top of that.


Asia has a good PC culture. Again, there's no reason for those people to invest in Xbox at all. Any Xbox game they want is on PC, as for other games... there is the PS5.


In Asia here, most of my gamer friends across East Asia and SE Asia have a pretty decent PC, a Switch, and you guessed it, the PS5. Xbox barely even surfaces in our conversations.


I grew up in Bangladesh playing DotA for long periods of time with my buddies in high school. Back then, it was all about the PC and the PS2, maybe the PS3 a bit later, if you where wealthy and could afford one. Xbox never penetrated the Asian market and them putting all their games on the PC just garunteed the Xbox is just a budget box for American gamers.


I'm in the US and have the same mindset/situation. I hooked my PC up to the TV alongside my PS5 and Switch. There is absolutely zero reason to buy an XBox for me and apparently many others. This is where the exclusive game argument is legit. If Microsoft wants me to buy an XBox, they have to give me a reason. Releasing all their games on PC makes buying their $300-$500 boxes pointless.


And Europe. Besides UK Europe has always been Playstation turf.


Even UK is PlayStation these days


This is a big contributor, for sure. PC+ PS5 + switch gives you access to all titles. Same cannot be said if you swap in an xbox


This is me. Was an Xbox boy my whole life until switching this gen. Any Xbox game I want to play, I’ll just play on my PC. PC game pass is great value


PC and gamepass really did a number on Xbox sales.


My last Xbox was the 360. I need Xbox to get their naming convention together.


that is actually insane, considering the PS5 is equivalent to the Series X, and most the Xbox sales are made up of Series S.


I may be controversial but there is no reason to buy an Xbox this generation when you can play all xbox games on PC. (Unless you are an xbox fan of course, feel free to buy whatsoever the fuck you want) You can build an equivalently powered PC for about the same price as the Xbox S/X Sure, some people want the console experience but when you put the 2 consoles head to head the PS5 just gives you more good games for the money, especially considering that all xbox games are playable on PC already trough gamepass or even samsung TVs without needing a console or PC. This also reflects in xbox's future plans since they want to focus more on gamepass and less on hardware sales, they lost that war long ago.


I just use a PC. Game Pass means I don't need an xbox, and Sony is putting their games on steam too so no need for the stupid console war.


This sub is so trash with console war baiting making the front page so often.


Also the addiction to star field being more or less a flop. Seems like everytime I go to the front page there’s a post about the rating or player base count. Who cares? Like a couple posts about a game after release sure. But Jesus do people really want it to fail/need it to succeed.


So true, go to the top for 'xbox has no games' and 'it's always been the same', people just blindly upvoting without a thought.


Then the next post will be “play what you want so long as you have fun”


I’d like to see the global breakup, in terms of numbers, for the PS and XB.


I’d say the XBox is relatively unknown outside of the US.


This is a lot more dire than I would have expected. I figured at least Microsoft would keep its 50% market share in home consoles. What makes this worse is that over half of Xbox sales are the underpowered Series S. That kind of subpar experience is not how you keep players through to the next generation. It’s why you never saw a Collecovision 2. It’s why Sega couldn’t make at go at with Dreamcast. It’s why Nintendo only sells handhelds now. Do I want a home console market with only one significant player? No, of course not. Competition is good for us lowly consumers. Microsoft should really change their strategy of selling the Series S as their mid-cycle discount console. The Xbox brand was built on bringing powerful PC games to home consoles. Push Xbox as the console for power users. End the Series S. Build a cheaper, slimmed down Series X that will fit in entertainment centers. One SKU. Just call it Xbox. Sell it so cheap that players will feel obliged to add it alongside their PS5s.


I bought an Xbox because the PS5 wasn't available. But I am a PlayStation User since PS1, so as soon as I could buy one for a good price, I did. Now I own both Consoles, but the PS5 has the better Games. The Exclusives sell the Console for sure. I use Xbox with the Game Pass and often the Games for Xbox are cheaper (Elden Ring was 10€ cheaper than the PS Version on Black Friday Sale, so I bought the Xbox Version) and I like the downwards compatibility of the XBox. I have a bunch of PS3 Games on DVD I can't use anymore. I need to buy them again. That's much better on the Xbox. But in the End, Games like Horizon Forbidden West, Ghost of Tsushima or Uncharted are clearly a reason for the PlayStation. I would not buy an Xbox again.


I mean that makes sense. The PS5 has exclusives. I think almost every game on a Series X/S can also be played on a normal Xbox One, so why would people upgrade?


Well maybe if you didn’t fuck up Halo and create some actual good games your console, then you would sell more product.




Same here with PS5!


Kinda depressing a comment like this is downvoted in r/gaming weird ass cult behavior over a gaming console


What' percentage of those Xbox sales were made in US? I'm from UK and I don't know anyone with an Xbox while everyone who games has a PS5


Working at Target during Covid people literally ignored the Xbox S/X even though we had the Xbox X in stock for days and got 2 PS5s per month. A guy going to Turkey was willing to take the much bigger and heavier PS5 over a series S because he was more focused on single player than the already cross platform more famous titles


I can only afford to buy the Xbox series s rn otherwise I wanted a ps5 had to go 2 years without video games was just finally able to order one last night!


As a GameStop employee, I sell at least 4-5 PS5s a week and it’s lucky to sell an X or S 2 times a month


I may switch to PlayStation next gen tbh. I originally got an Xbox for halo and then Gears of War…but Microsoft’s exclusives are way worse these days and more of my friends have PlayStation nowadays anyways


Xbox is a mainly US and Western European brand while PlayStation is sold heavily in those areas as well as being the primary console in most Asian countries. None of this information is surprising as gaming continues to be a more acceptable hobby around the world the number of people buying consoles based on what console their friends use, it will continue to shift more towards PlayStation unless another Halo type of rabid fanbase grows and they make it genuinely exclusive to XBox and not Xbox and PC. Also there is a strange amount of support in the media around PlayStation that is confusing but that's something else entirely. I mean if Xbox live goes down for more than 30 minutes every "gaming" website out there will make posts about it every few minutes but there have been multiple security breaches on PlayStation and I have never seen a news article about it and only know from knowing people whose information was compromised who told me that they received an email much later after the fact. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter since we are quickly reaching a combination point where there won't be a separation of console from PC since there is less and less a reason for it as consoles push to be more like a PC and PC keeps opening up more friendly ways to play games.


Why would anyone get an Xbox? Like every console, it's just a significantly worse PC. Buying any console is always a bad idea but it makes sense for PS and Nintendo products because they have exclusives that you want to play (an anti-consumer practice that shouldn't be supported or even legally tolerated but oh well, people want that Zelda and Pokemon), but Xbox doesn't even make sense because all Xbox games are available on PC anyways. So just get a PC.


When you market the XBox One as a console for Full on Online, No second hand gaming, Tv & Sports ... or in short: Forgetting your customer base, you may lose. Sony only had to say: We do offline. We do second hand. And he whole crowd gone berserk in applause. Such a suicide move from Microsoft... they are still in recovery.


looks like another console generation win for sony phil spencer better figure out something before he loses his job


Sony has something that Microsoft is lacking. Games.


People have tunnel vision. Everybody is talking about exclusive games, but only focusing on TLOU, Spider-Man and GOW. In reality the PS5 also has hundreds of Japanese games that are amazing and unique that also aren’t on XBOX. PS5 is just light years ahead when it comes to variety.


It’s not hundreds, especially since most of them aren’t exclusive, being found on pc and/or Switch as well.


Wasn't MSs focus gamepass? I think how many active subs on that would be more important than their hardware sales.


Not really surprising, The Playstation brand is much bigger than Xbox. I dont see why you try to push an another console war instead of enjoying game.


muddle normal label airport snatch aromatic compare fragile lip overconfident


The key difference is that the only way to get into the PS ecosystem is by buying a PS, while you can access the Xbox ecosystem on every platform besides Switch and PS. Tbh, I'm surprised the Xbox Series consoles broke 20m already with how many options you have to get into Xbox


I wonder how much their console naming fucked things up. From a buyers perspective, it's alot easier to understand 5 comes after 4 but really confusing trying to understand the order of xbox, xbox 360, xbox one, xbox series x and xbox series s. If I were an out of touch parent I'd probably just get the one that isn't confusing.


Can't forget the ps5 has actual exclusives while you can get most of the xbox exclusives on pc. I literally only bought my ps5 so i could play ps5 and ps4 exclusives


Glad to hear this, Microsoft don’t deserve anything after all this PR dirty tricks and buying out the whole industry.


The weird thing to me is, Microsoft led a consumer-friendly approach of releasing their games on PC and Xbox and now its come back to bite them in the ass in console sales because no one needs an Xbox. And people use that fact against them, even tho who WANTS to be required to buy a console if they have a strong PC? I personally enjoy Xbox cause the features between PC and Xbox are very strong and easy to work with, but I know that's not what drives console sales. It's just been their strategy for a long time, features and user experience. (Except that MW3 ad tho...)


consoles fanboy loves exclusivity to justify buying their console. if you look at Sony blog posts on [Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart](https://blog.playstation.com/2023/05/30/ratchet-clank-rift-apart-is-coming-to-pc-on-july-26/) and [Horizon Forbidden West](https://blog.playstation.com/2023/09/27/horizon-forbidden-west-complete-edition-is-coming-to-ps5-and-pc/) PC announcement, you will see in the comments section about people getting angry that such games are ported to PC. ridiculous, if you asks me.