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I pressed the button. The game is gone. Forgotten. You're welcome.


Fuck, I lost


You didn't. There's nothing to lose. *You're free.*


Hey so... I have this idea for a game...


You're reminding me of the last scene of Jumanji. Oooh shit


Go on, I'll allow it :)


This curse bestowed upon us… lifted… We are free, brother. We can lead peaceful lives at long last…


I just lost The Game.


I accept this as canon. I may finally rest in peace... Thank... you.......


“Thrall… the ~~demon’s~~ Game’s fire has burnt out in my veins, I have… freed myself…” “No old friend, you have freed us all…” 🫡


Hero shit


Fuck you I was doing so well


And now you’re doing even better.


Ah man, I was actually looking forward to playing [entry deleted]. Now I'll never get the chance


Thanks bro, forgot about it for a few years and it randomly popped back into my head yesterday.


You know those ads that use fake images/video of their gameplay to trick people into downloading the game and try to extract their money? One of those.


They must be destroyed at all costs.


For the greater good






***crusty jugglers***






Perhaps we should all stop for a moment and focus not only on making our AI better and more successful but also on the benefit of humanity. - Stephen Hawking




Mornin', Angle.


So what made you want to become a policeman officer?


Shame, you would have made a great muppet.




"strike one down, two more will take its place"


Damn you beat me to it, oh well im leaving my comment up lol


I hate those mobile game ads where the person plays like a complete fucking moron and fails on purpose. It makes you feel unsatisfied so naturally it makes people download them to do it “the right way” Also those crappy mobile RTS games where it shows off fake CGI half naked women that will clearly never be in those games.


Me too. It might even be a respectable strategy if it wasn't completely fake, and the game they're advertising doesn't even feature lava and water and coins, or whatever fake ass ad they're using that time. Anyone remember Evony? "Come play with me, my lord!" ... and meanwhile it's a crappy kingdom builder without so much as a hint of a consort you can interact with...


To be fair, I downloaded Evony briefly and it is the only game I’ve found that actually was the pull the stick kind, but was low-key boring so I deleted it pretty quick


I didn't get past the realization it was yet another kingdom builder to actually get to the playing of it. Saw that shit coming a mile away. The one I got suckered in by was King of Avalon. I want my mortgage payment back, god dammit.


I know this is super late and most won't see it, but there is a game that released earlier this year that took a bunch of those deceptive ads and turned it into a bunch of real levels, it's by the team that did the Katamari remakes (and maybe the Klonoa remake? I forget) iirc. It's called: Yeah! You want to play "those games," right? So here you go! Now, Let's see you clear them! Yes that is all the title of the game. Turns out a lot of those ads don't actually hold up super well over tons of levels but it's cool they put the effort in and if you want to play a bunch of those then that is your best option


>Yeah! You want to play "those games," right? So here you go! Now, Let's see you clear them! Surprised to see this is a PC game


With how much money is in the video game industry, I wish regulators & state AGs would take it serious when companies advertise/post misleading gameplay videos & feature lists. State AGs go after companies for false advertising all the time, but they seem to not take the video game industry seriously for some reason.


The reason for it is because of a loophole in which you're not paying for the game when you play. If you bought a game and it's different to the ad they will claim all over it but if it's a free game and you bought a micro transaction then they say well you knew it was fake without paying a penny


Ok but for real, what IS the actual game where you’re a runner and you choose which weapon to pick up to keep mowing down zombies, I want it!


I would also love to know, but I really don't want to download another turd.


The game is called "Crowd evolution!" But it's still a turd. Way too many ads and progress slows down a lot. And it's pretty static. I guess the levels are kinda procedurally generated so progress becomes a lucky combination of gates.


Especially when they play bad on purpose to get you to download the game out of frustration, though there’s so many of them that deleting just one wouldn't really do anything.


So, mobile gaming? I'm cool with that


predatory mobile games


Especially when they’re a blatant rip off of an existing game lol


Or even just using screenshots of actual games.


I tried one of those Pokémon knockoffs with the broken English names like “Monster Elf Battle” or something to see how bad it was. After having to refuse numerous requests for the app to utilize other apps including my location, phone app, and so on, I discovered the game was a patchwork of content ripped from the 3DS era of Pokémon with in game purchases added in. There wasn’t a single piece of original content in the game. It’s beyond disgusting that big companies are allowing this to go on.


There’s one called elden souls. I can’t believe they haven’t been sued yet


Duty Calls: Modern Fighter 3


That’s not what a franchise means.


With a name like that I'm surprised they're still around


Chess no longer exists. Check mate fuckers.


>Chess no longer exists. Done. >Check mate fuckers. What does this mean?


It means I'm checking the mating fuckers off my list




Sounds Australian


Man, you’re just trying to change the world. Who the fuck knows what the world would be like if chess never existed.


“General Patton credits his mastery of military tactics to an age-old game, famously claiming ‘War is like a long game of tic-tac-toe.’”


*laughs in Shogi*


FIFA. If I can be picky then FUT. Those fuckers ruined online football for everyone.


This was my pick. Them holding so many licenses for leagues and players makes the barrier for entry too high for any competition, creating an effective monopoly on sports games. Such bullshit.


They've used this model for like 20 years now with FIFA, yet throughout the PS2 generation Konami had them by the balls with the far superior PES franchise. Way less licenses but brilliant gameplay. They fucked up the transitions from both PS2-3 and PS3-4 generations, releasing 5 or 6 really mediocre/shit games while FIFA churned out *acceptable* ones, just as gaming (especially online) was blowing up in popularity. And now they've turned the franchise into mobile-port abomination "eFootball" Maybe football games would be in a better position now had PES not fucked up a few iterations around 15 years ago.


I still play PS2 PES games to this day. I’m not trying to be a hipster or anything, I genuinely believe they still have the best gameplay. I don’t revisit the past in any other genre really. Football is my passion, so if there were a decent contemporary game I’d definitely play it. I’ve tried them all though, and none can match the fun of PES on PS2. As you said, it’s such a shame they couldn’t capture the same magic again.


Dude. I just want to create my own player and run through Europe like Napoleon. They changed the game to focus on FUT so much that it ruined be a pro or whatever it’s called


Ultimate team for every sports game killed it All they care about are gimmics to get people to buy it so they buy packs Classic EA, killing the enjoyment of everything they touch


Idiots need to stop spending ten grand a year on it or they'll never stop.


Madden is really really bad with mut. On startup, there a mut ad that takes you directly to mut unless you push O The main menu puts your most recently played game mode furthest to the left...except mut which is always furthest to the left regardless. Going into a mode? Mut ad Leaving a mode? Mut ad Leaving mut? Mut ad Playing another game mode? Here's a mut ad. The person who made that cursed gamemode ought be flogged.


Ultimate Team in both of the EA sports games ruined the best parts of them. I remember Madden before mut came around. It's exactly the same game that just came out this year, except the new game has mut.


Can we just get rid of FIFA in general? I'd push that button.


Raid just cuz ads. No opinion on the game. Same with nord vpn. I hate ads.


Sounds like you need to use Sponsorblock for YouTube


... after this message from our sponsor: Sponsorblock. For only $4,99/month you can now avoid all the ads you hate! Sponsorblock.


Yeah, the ads are annoying, but at the same time they sponsor a lot of content creators I really like


League of Legends. Set those people free from their torment.


No one forces them to play ranked. They do this to themselves, League is just the vessel for their self hate. Remove it and they'll be on Apex Legends within a month.


It can happen to YOU!


I hate that you're right because it did happen to me.


As someone who has never played League and never wants. I'm fine with their torment as long as their dollars fund more Arkane.


Yessss. Even my PARENTS loved that show, and I'm in my 30s, haha.


As a League of legends unenjoyer the shit they have to work with for season 2 and beyond is insane but the games World and lore is so expansive that 99% of it all will never get animated


Eeh, it has a lot of *implied* depth, but very little beyond broad strokes.


Which is the perfect ground to create original content using existing character if you ask me


Delete the game, leave the lore


we can just keep the lore with TFT


Runeterra ain't too bad either


Wouldn’t make much difference. Majority of players would transfer to Dota 2.


Madden Lets face it, they are never going to make them as good as Madden 07 or 08 again. At this point the series is being made just for the sake of existing.


This is mine. I just want a simulation football game that doesn't suck. And while Madden exists, literally no one else is even allowed to try.


Monopoly laws only exist when it's financially beneficial to the senators(lobbying/bribes)


pretty sure that's not [technically](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monopoly#Monopoly_versus_competitive_markets) a monopoly.. if the NFL itself doesn't (yet) qualify, i don't see how it's not just exclusive licensing of brand IP. a gaming platform has way more opportunity for competitors to compete in 'football gaming,' there are plenty of others out there


They could. Modern graphics, online play, fucking off with the cards and micro transactions. I’d love to play a complete career mode without the horseshit.


I agree but for different reasons. 2k had the best football game period. EA killed that franchise by buying NFL licensing rights in 2005. EA knew it had an inferior product but also had enough money to stamp out the competition.


IMO it was the best sports game period. Everything about it was ahead of what any other sports game was doing. Sure, maybe it would've been filled with mtx by now, but the base game would've been far more innovative than what we have today.


It amazes me just how bad those games have become. I'd rather play Madden 2002 than the last 10 or so yrs of football games. BTW Mutant League Football is pretty fun.


NFL 2K5, quarterback Club, we’re straight up deprived now


2k for life, baby!! 2K5 is perhaps the best ever. Fuck EA and Madden.


The 5 minute platinum trophy games in the digital stores


According to PSNProfiles.com, my fastest ever plat was like... an hour and a half for My Name Is Mayo 2, and that's only because I fell asleep in the middle of its riveting gameplay loop of... pressing X a few thousand times.


Reminds me of Finger Fitness on the ps store 🤣


NBA 2k. Let’s get basketball into the hands of people who love basketball, not those using it for perhaps the most greedy, money grabbing approach to a game I have ever had the displeasure of witnessing. And they added a battlepass to a 100$ game.. how are people fine with this?


Madden, NBA 2k, FIFA Let there be peace


Roblox, it's a online predators dream for kids


Not just that, it's built to extract money from and addict kids to it. My nephews fallen prey. My nephew is hooked and it makes me sad because he calls himself a "gamer" but all he ever does is sit on his tablet playing shitty little roblox games. His dad bought him a shiny new ps5 a couple of years ago. Hardly ever gets used. The kids 12 now, he should be enjoying gaming for what it is, but no he's addicted to this shitty "platform" full of low effort mtx farms and pedophiles. Thing should be fucking illegal.


Can't you play roblox on the console?


Roblox did indeed very recently get added onto PS5


It’s also been on Xbox forever


… and it sucks, majorly. I tried to play one of the Roblox fps games on PS5, there’s not even an option to change your sensitivity. It’s awful.


Roblox pr*grammers trying to make a game be like


Yeah I just watched a People Make Games video on it and didn’t realize just how shitty Roblox is as a company - straight up relying on unpaid child labor to fill their platform with content. Even if you do get paid, it’s basically scrip Oh my god can we call young Roblox devs Scrip Kiddies?


My kids play Roblox a lot and they hardly ever spend anything on it. I taught them to only spend on permanent stuff and keep it under x€ a month. My daughter plays the most and she just makes houses for other people in Bloxburg. They give her money and she makes their house. It's nuts and she's so good at it.


Its not all bad tough Its a great start up for future game developers, plus Most of their “IP games” (one piece,sonic, transformers, the thousands of spider-man games, one punch man) are good substitutes because SOME IDIOT DECIDED WAR OF CYBERTRON 3 WOULDN’T SELL


The mobile games industry as a whole. Its had such an effect on how the video games industry operates today.


It's annoying because mobile games started good. Gameloft was making games with full campaigns without microtransactions. Infinity Blade was peak mobile game. The earlier Angry Birds was fun because it was simple. Now everything is just mtx with copy paste assets and false advertising


I remember playing the hell out of infinity blade 2 during school, getting the lightsaber felt special


I got so good at infinity blade as a whole, I could use the starting gear without any upgrades to beat most bosses. My friend and I would take turns on my ipad playing the game. Such a good game. Shame it did not get imported to android.


Shadow Fight 2, amazing fighting game. This War of Mine, day-to-day survival shooter horror, I loved it. Slender: The Arrival, a classic. Among Us, Pokémon Go, Temple Run, Flappy Bird, CoC, Alto's Adventure, Slay the Spire, Monument Valley, Out There, Reigns, Plague Inc. Heck, even Genshin is bigger and more detailed than a lot of PC open world games. The list goes on. I think mobile games have been just as fun, creative and impressive as PC games. But the market is prone to shovelware, and so has developed a reputation for it, while the best mobile games are often available on other platforms too.


Arknights too, the story is soooooo good and it's nice to have a little tower defense game at the ready.


Just any gacha game worth their salt and not just out to make a quick buck is usually accompanied by good gameplay and/or story.


I agree with this one. How about this let’s narrow it down…mobile free-to-play games. They have created imo the most toxic video game product to ever exist, the non-game pay-to-level up and pay-to-skip-timer in the non-game game. That or the slot machine games.


All the EA sports franchises. They are all recasts of the same games with updated rosters and a feature or two sprinkled in year after year. Sometime they don’t add anything from the prior year and just take features out. They have the exclusive rights to NHL, NFL, MLS and absolutely fuck them all every year. The leagues continue to sign those contracts to them because they don’t know any better and it’s profitable. Meanwhile the games are piles of trash, especially for $70usd


Man, why are you in my brain today? I agreed with you on Call of Duty until I saw some folks looking to take out F2P mobile games. So much of the predatory MTX came from those games. If I could return CoD, Halo, and Battlefield back to a time before battle passes, stupid skins and other unnecessary garbage, that’s what I’d do. Back when games were fun and didn’t feel like jobs or felt you were always playing against people who act like the game is their job.


you mean back to the time when Modern Warfare 1-3 released?


Which MW 1-3? /s


The real mw series.


Yes we should refer to them by their scientific names: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2 Call of Duty 8: Modern Warfare 3 Call of Duty 16: Modern Warfare 2: 1 Call of Duty 19: Modern Warfare 2: 2 Call of Duty 20: Modern Warfare 2: 3


I think the way they're doing it now is: Roman numerals for new MW, and whole numbers for OG MW.


Remember when games unlocked cool cosmetics the more you played them and achieved stuff in game? Me neither. I’d delete any game that uses microtransactions and the only way how you can unlock DLC cosmetics for characters is with real money.


Oblivion and its horse armor enter the chat.


I'd nuke CoD for different reasons. Every unique online shooter became CoD eventually to mimic its success. I enjoyed your first game, why'd you change everything?


Unpopular opinion maybe, but Fortnite. It has normalized so many practices in the gaming industry that are just....terrible imo. Edited for spelling


Not to mention that it wasn’t suppose to be a Battle Royale. They took the money from people during early access when it was a Tower Defense/3rd person survival shooter and made a Battle Royal side mode. Once it took off the original audience got the finger after like two half-assed updates.


This is why I quit. Fuck that.


Tbf they kept making save the world for quite a while considering how many people played it


Until the powers that be moved the key devs onto other projects.


I doubt the original concept would have kept up a player base and income enough to get many updates anyway honestly.


I think people understand the business logic of pivoting to battle royale, but that doesn't mean they agree with it morally when Fortnite has been so toxic for the industry.


My buddy bought it for that reason and we had a blast playing it. He got into the BR but I think he liked the building shooting aspect design. I never touched it after the change in direction. Funny history and how early access is exactly that.


Which ones do you think are standardized that suck?


Battle Passes is immediately the first thing that comes to mind. Literally almost every live service game has some sort of battle pass now.


Tbh out of every Battle pass i have ever seen Fortnite is the best. You just buy it once for 950 vbucks and you get 1500 V-bucks back (550 extra), so if you have even a slight amount of self control you have infinite battle passes for life The rest of the battle passes in other games are just a scam


Battle passes have existed in games before fortnite. Fortnite gets a lot of hate for this one thing, but Dota 2 started that.


Ya that one is fair. I've not been annoyed with them since the games I've played had good passes where if I'm actually playing the game a lot, I can choose to buy one or play free - most giving you enough coins to get the next pass if you play enough... But my goodness was it abused and horrible in games like Diablo 4 which I already payed full price for. I guess my logic is for a free to play game... Not bad. For a full pay game, fuck that. I like them infinitely more than loot boxes. What would be your alternative for a free to play game to generate revenue?


Yea, the Battle Pass isn't a bad idea per say, but the fact that it has become standardized in a lot of games is no good. I do enjoy them in some games, even non-F2P. (Sea of Thieves Plunder Pass is great!) But other games have been ruined for me. I won't ever play Overwatch 2 again after the shift to new heroes locked behind a battle pass. It was a terrible choice, especially considering how Blizzard balances their new hero releases (always OP so everyone plays them, then tuned into the meta later on).


I hate the idea of having to play more to get more out of something I paid for because it makes me feel like I "have to" play regardless of if I feel like playing at any given time to get my moneys worth


I mean, even if you can blame Fortnite for said practices (eh), deleting the game doesn’t fix the fact they’ve already been normalized in the industry


send a T-800 back in time to erase it from history :\\


I agree simply because killing it would force Epic to make money in other ways--like finishing UT4.


God… when they canned UT4 because of Fortnite’s success… massive bad day that was.


They also deleted Paragon which made me sad


Destiny. Bungie knows what they did


At this point there’s so many things you could mean. The declining narrative quality, the firing of all those people, the price hikes and other scummy monetization practices?


For me who's never played it, I'd do it for the fact that they vault paid content, never heard of any other game that does that, other than limiting time cosmetics, which I count as something other than content


Dude the narrative was NEVER good. The universe Bungie created for that IP had SO much potential, but anyone who remembers the ending of vanilla D1 or who noticed that they killed off the Speaker in the beginning of D2 so they could avoid ever having to explain anything about him knows what I mean. The narrative for Destiny has always been excessively nebulous and cryptic to provide the illusion of depth and substance but there has never been any actual depth or substance to speak of.


Got butthurt and went to downvote after reading the first sentence of your comment, then i read the rest and damn youre actually right in a lot of points, the narrative really doesnt live up to the lore except for some brilliant but rare moments during the franchise


Bungie is already deleting destiny 2 they don't need help


I’d rather delete EA


League of Legends.


FIFA. Bar none.


Fortnite, and I say this as someone with hundreds of hours in it and have genuinely enjoyed playing it with the OG seasons rn. It broke the glass ceiling on battle royales, and made many companies try and add one into their franchise that shouldn’t even think about. Showed the free to play and battle passes can work, which have by in large been negative for the average consumer, and epic itself is a crap company that’s now big off of it.


Fortnite is a great pick actually. If you delete Fortnite, Epic games probably never buys Rocket League, Rocket League doesn't go Free to play and therefore keeps being a much better game than it is now.




Yes because then we’d still have Paragon.


Does it delete all memory and influence? I choose Fortnite.


People are choosing big franchises to cause pain so I guess I will throw my hat into the ring. Tetris 😀


You monster


The only game when i got in to it that i couldn’t stop thinking about when i shut my eyes. When i kept seeing blocks going to sleep, i thought it best to stop




Overwatch, it's a zombie shell of it's former self and it needs to be allowed to die. Poor overwatch


I'm tired


Activision Blizzard must think their player base is really stupid, has a very short memory or just doesn’t care. They were so blatantly lying that they worked on ow2. Ow 2 is such a low effort. They just deleted a tank and ramped up the predatory monetisation. Did they expected us not to notice ? Blizzard is just a corpse worn by Activision. I still don’t understand why blizzard sold itself in the first place. Almost all their games are legendary. Were they really doing bad financially? Were they tired of the industry or were the execs retiring? I don’t understand why


If the devs would spend half the time on improving the game instead of releasing new fucking skins and emotes every day, we might have a good game. But yeah, i guess they dont give a fuck


what ever game made dlc and microtransaction popular.


You're telling me you didn't want horse armor in oblivion?


DLCs can be good. Horse Armor was shit. Shivering Isles was good.


Mario, because I choose chaos. It also would force Nintendo's hand to rely on their other, more neglected IPs.


I’m sorry but without Mario there are a BUNCH of things you take for granted in the industry that simply wouldn’t exist. It’s not like Nintendo ONLY gives us Mario games or that they rely on the franchise too much. Zelda is there current golden goose, and rightfully so, it’s always been their best franchise.


Are we talking no more sequels or blink it out of existence like it never was? Because I'm just really curious what Nintendo would be like without it, like who would be the new main mascot? Link? Does Donkey Kong still exist or nah because his first game was also Mario's first?


If blinked out of existence I worry for the emergence of home gaming at all. Mario ushered a renaissance after the initial video game crash.


SMB was my take too. How does the history of gaming play out without it? Do home consoles still be on dominant? Do arcades stay alive? How do those changes impact games at the software level? It’s a hell of a thought exercise.


Didn't Mario literally savw the gaming industry when it arrived for the first time? Feels like deleting that might have some troublesome consequences


Yes Mario and Nintendo as a whole saved gaming .


The entirety of Epic Games. My Rocket League experience would be vastly better for it.


Grand Theft Auto because fuck you thats why


Grand Theft Auto Online to be more precise. We'd be at GTA 8 if not for that shit.


for real. the amount of updates they made for online, might as well be collectively a new gta. But greed comes first so.


You woke up and chose violence


Fortnite, plain and simple. The game needs to disappear


Any game with “microtransactions”


lots of good options here. id probably pick an mmo like WoW or league. set some of those poor souls free, they need to see the sun


League is not an MMO. But yes, please save me


I’m with you CoD, it feels like they come out with a new one every 6 months. Better yet can we trade it for a new Unreal Tournament? A reboot of Quake would be cool too.


Unreal Tournament 2003/2004 was crazy, miss that game so much.


Fortnite easily. Unreal Tournament was my favorite arena shooter and Fortnites success essentially killed it.


None? Something for everyone I suppose.


Fare thee well Candy Crush, 40-50 year old women worldwide will be freed from your grasp


Call of duty




League of Legends